THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1912. Nebraska (XTRADITIOHCASB SETTLED 3allaway Will Pay for Child's Sup port in Mother's Care. TWO NEW OMAHA CORPORATIONS Sinn Whom Supreme Court llefnaea of Cllrl Kacnnp from Scott's Another Trlnl for t'ntialiiK Ith I llluff Jail. (from a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 2S. (SpcclnU-Oovernor Aldrlc'h held court this morning on a hearing for extradition papers ror J Galloway, wanted for wife and child ntmJnst Village of rapllllon (Harpy), abandonment In Iowa. Tho evidence dis- 1? (SSiST f closed that Galloway nnd his wife did , For hearing Friday. November S: not get along exceeding well together and that she was sent to Iowa to live wltn C0 Traction company (Lancaster), Val ine understanding that ho would follow, pnralso State bank against 8chwar i ,,. i. .11,1 t Tii n-lfn wni rpnresented (Saunders). Heebo against County of but he did not. The wlfo was representee. gcoUg uluff (&clUll njurf), Dlneen against by Judge Davidson of Teoumseh and an- Lannlng (Hox Ilutte), County of Dawson other attorney, while Galloway had a ;ouple of attorneys ulso. After considerable tlmo had been spent In altercation by tho attorneys the case cam to a sudden termination by the at torneys for Gallowdy proposing that Galloway would ray for the support of the child, a 11-year-old boy, $25 a month, tho boy to remain In the custody of the mother. Governor Aldrlch said that from what he could discover the couple would never live together again, and It might , be best that they should not, but If Mr. Galloway would give bond for the pay ment of tho money stipulated each month, ho would bo In favor of dropping the case. The attorneys for Mrs. Galloway no ceptcd tho proposition and he was given tlmo to preparo his bond. Dior AVIum II l Point. niM-s. democratic candidate for lieutenant govornor, was a caller at the office of tho secretory of state this morn. Ingl to seo what had been done about placing his name on the ballot as the candidates of the people's Independent party. Diers received five votes for lieutenant governor from the populists and was therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of a populist candi date. When It was discovered that he had a right on tho ballot. Secretary of Stato Walt at once notified tho county clerks of the different counties that Diers wis entitled to tho designation "people's dependent" ufter his name on tho ballot, bv. 11 seems that some of the ballots had been printea ana uiers is iwiuui that he will not get the votes. To remedy the difficulty the secretary of Btate haa authorized the county clerks to notify nil election boards that on straight people's Independent ballots cast where Diers has not tho backing of tho people's Independent party, that Diers will be entitled to have a vote registered for him. Nciv Oinuhn Corporal Ioiim. The Omaha Kealty company Is a new corporation which will do a general real estate business In Omaha. Tho directors Df. tho company are Arthur C. Thomp son, Glen B. PctUt, W. O. Jensen, John N. Crawford, Norman H. T. 'Jury. The company Is incorporated for $300,000, di. vided into shares of $1 each, 350,000 being M.OQO shares. being common stock with. voting power. Tho Hippo theater company Is another now umana corporation wnicn win uo a general motion picturo business, main taining motion picturo houses and also buying and selling tho same. Tho com pany Is incorporated for $10,000 with F. A. Van Husen and J. I Bartel, as di rectors. KncuiifN from County Jnll. llary C. Lindsay, cleric of tho supreme court, received a letter from tho sheriff of Scott's Bluff county Btatlng that George Thrasher, tho man whom the supreme court denied a now trial recently, hnd escaped from tho county jail. Thrasher jwaa convicted of being responsible for the death of Edith Perry, a 17-year-old k'lrl, who died from the effects pf a criminal operation and w'as sentenced to mu peniienii&ry. xns auuiiiey iuur mi appeal to tho supremo court, but the court denied him another trial. The letter says that Thrasher was visited by some friends the day he escaped. Kxtrndltloii Asked. Kxtradltlon .papers havo been asked by the governor of Kansas for Jacob Now and Orover Welch, wanted for burglary In that state and supposed to bo In cus tody In Jefferson county, Nebraska. Tho men broko Into" a store and took cloth ing, suit cases, etc., amounting to about J1S3. Fire Commissioner Randall has re turned from Schuyler where ho ad dressed the school children at 'the high school. At the close of his address, the fire drill was. given and the building was emptied in less than a minute without confusion. Mr. Itandall Is endeavoring to impress upon school boards through out the state the Importance of tho tiro Scorching, Fiery, Raw Eczema Zemo Cures Worst Cases and Is a Wonder for Every Form of 8 kin Afflictions, Gt th 25-Cent Trial Bottle Today. The positive oroofi that ZEMO cures i -ny nnd nil forms of skin afflictions nave aroused tho entire community Tho wondorful way In which row. fiery eczema quickly bcali by the maglo touch f ZEMO Is tnarveloni. You tlraply apply It to the afflicted parti, It doesnt smart. Is not o nasty, greasr &r,qS A11ATH fill mtn nil th 11 ri1tra Tfc does the work and does It In W6T that U astonishing. The regular prloe oi ZEMO Ii 11X0 for the large bottle, bat yon can How set a liberal trial bottle of ZEMO for Zemo Is sold and guaranteed by drug gii ins l'o gists everywhere and In Omaha by Sher man aicionneu urug to., cor. win ana 1 odge Sta.. 16th and Harney Harn.y St.. :h andFarnamJ5ts Loyal Pharmacy, Nebraska drill as well as precautions agatnst fire. Following Is a list of the casca which will be called In the supremo court at tho next session, beginning Wednesday, November 6: Mitchell agnlnst Omaha Tacking com pany (Douglas), ik'hrofder against Lodge No. lss, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, (1'halDs), McKee against Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy Railroad cotnpivny (Harlan). Wllklns against Water and Light company of Nebraska City (Otoe), St. K. Qoetz Urewtng company against Wain (Gosper), Klser n gainst Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy Railroad company (Harlan), The Appol Mercantile company against Barker (Iancaster). For hearing Thursday, November 7: Kissinger against Butler (Knox), Butler against Seerlst (Knox), Singer Sewing Machine company against Barger (Cedar), Wehnes against Uoberts (Adan), Union mock varus National Dank oi t-oum loinaha ugulnst Lamb (Douglas), Schmidt against County of Phelps (Phelps), WlcK- sirum againBi Hunger uuicaaierj More Bluff Land Owners Object to Dike WAHOO. Neb., Oct. 24 (Special.) A I petition for a restraining order was filed 'with the clerk of the district court of Saunders county Saturday afternoon by llllam J. Magher et al of Morse Bluff against the County of Saunders, the County of Dodge, Stupp Bros. Bridge St Iron Co., Tho National Roofing company, the State Board of Irrigation, Drainage and Highway and Donald D. Price, as state engineer of tho state of Nebraska asking that they be forever enjoined from tho construction of a dike from the north end of tho North Bend hi Idee, now building, across the north cha.'icl of tho Platto river to its north bank. The petitioners ullega that tho con struction of this dike will throw the waters of the Platto to tho Saunders county side of the river and cause an overflow on their land. The case will not bo heard until the December term of court. Tho companies mentioned above are now cngugod In building the bridge and tho work Is under the supervision of tho state en gineer. NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 27.-(SpecIal.)- The Plckrell Farmers Elevator company held Its annual meeting at Plckrell Sat urday afternoon and elected these officers1 M. W. Terry, president; George Zlmmer man, vice president; Ed. Baumann, trea surer; J. R. Wilson, secretary. During the last year the company has handled 227,000 bushels 'of grain, an Increase of $1,000 over the previous year. The company is now erecting a 22,000-bushel capacity elevator, and expects to occupy It by Dc cember 1. Mrs. Sarah M. Buckman, an old rest tnent of Gage county, died suddenly yes terday at tho homo oi her son, B. II. Buckman, In tills city. Beforo coming to Beatrice she resided near Fllley. She Is survived by four children. Mrs. Ell RIdgley,an old resident of Cum lng county, died at a local hospital Sat urday, aged 7 years. The remains will be taken to Cuming county for burial. BOY ON MOTORCYCLE HIT BY AN AUTOMOBILE r LATTSMOT.JT1 1, Neb., Oct. 28.-(Spe-oial.) Sunday evening while Wayno Dickenson was tuklng a spin about tho city In his automobile, Elmer Vroman. a youth of about 15 years, was riding a motorcyclo going tho earao direction as Mr. Dickenson. When the car was al most at young Vroman's sldu he lost control of his motorcycle and got In the ,way of Mr. Dickson's car and was knocked down and the big automobile passed over his body. Tho car was stopped and Mr. Dickson went to the young man's asslstanco expecting to find him a mangled bit of humanity. On the contrary he won not injured except a few minor bruises. Note from West Point. WEST POINT, Neb., Oct 28.-(Speclal.) Marriage licenses have been Issued dur ing the week to tho following: Otto Schultz and Miss Minnie Kumm, Lewis Herman and Miss Ella Merrinm, C. O. Keller and Miss Laura M. Martin, Harvey H. Fuller and Miss Anna Hammel and Hugh McLoughlln and Miss Anna Fill mer, all of Cuming county. Tho Buffalo Gun club met at tho fine farm home of Joseph Pentrowsky on Sunday and two twenty-flve-blrd-bluo-rock events were shot for. In the first event tho high scores were: J. Reich linger and F. Benner, 23; A. Peatrowsky and Fred Ruedlger, each 19, and V. Flores and Nlch Peatrowski. IS. In the second event A. Peatrowsky and John Jensen led with 21; Frank Cejda, Karl Kerl, V. Gallagher and J. Cheyne, each 19; F, Ruedlger, 18, and J. Radenker, 17. Major Gantz of the Schlnstock Bros, racing stablo again demonstrated himself to bo as fast as the fastest pacers in tho country. At Dallas, Tex., Monday, Major won second money In tho 2:01 pace, de feating BUch grand circuit stars as Ginger, Sunny Jim and Roy Wilkes. SI" II l)i.v"rv for Wymore, WYMORE, Neb., Oct. 28. Free city mall delivery will be started here November 16, under a recent act of congress which provides for mall delivery In smaller towns as an experiment. There will be two dally deliveries in the residence dls trlst and three In the business district Two carriers will be employed, to be ap pointed by Postmaster Cole. Wymore It the first town to apply for tho city de livery of mall under tho recent act. lln Chunnf Mt Wrniorr, WYMORE, Oot PS. (Special.) Jacob Halderman of Tola, Kan., succeeds Flody High as cashier of tho Farmers & Mer. chants bank. He has purchased a con. I trolling Interest. Mr. Halderman comes . 4V, ,., , . rom lhe vlclnly ' Pawnee. Neb. He wa bttnk examiner two years. Of late he has been Interested In an lea plant in Iola. Mr. Illch roes tn nm'nh- . " organized state I va.'" Tbe Yellow Jerll. Jaundice malaria biliousness, v a n )s h when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Easy, snfe, guaranteed. SSc Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Th(l Persistent and. Judlcloui. 1U- ,,r NwsnaDr Advertising U the Road Uuajnwa gucceM. I DIAZ SENTENCED TO DEATH - Leader of Revolution and Three As sociates May Be Executed. PEOPLE AROUSED IN DEFENSE Thnuunda In -Mexico City Kapect to (Jet Mmansr that Itebrl Leader Is Urnd'nnd Mtuiitlon la TfniF, VERA CRUZ. Oct. 27.-Qnerol reltx Dlai, lender of the recent revolt here and Major Zerate, Colonel Antonio Mtgon and Lieutenant Lima, officers under Diaz in his attempt to overthrow the govern ment, were today condemned to death by court-martial. Lieutenant Camacho, Cap tain Mayen of tho rural guard, and Cap tain Hormlllo Martinez were sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment and Gabriel Ramos, customs collector, and Ilcrpan Arostcgul, censor of telegrams, were sen tenced to one year's Imprisonment. Nine other officers and civilians were allowed to go free. The court-martial, which was presided over by General Davlla, sat In secret session from o'clock Saturday morning until 3.15 o'clock Sunday morning. The sentences caused a sensation. A great crowd, Including relatives and many friends of the accused' men, gathered out side the building, where the .court sat, and waited tor hours for the findings, not withstanding a heavy rainstorm. Kxecuttonn Suapi-nded. General Davlla refused to aknowlcdge the orders of tho district Judge to suspend the proceedings In the caso of General Dlax and Major Zerato. General Doltran, military commander of tho tone, however, accepted a writ of habeas corpus and suspended tho executions, leaving the prlsonors temporarily at the disposition of the district court. It Is thought probable that Colonel Mlgonl and Lieutenant Lima will be shot' without much more ado. Tho proceedings of the military court have boen criticised generally as being very deficient. Publlo opinion has been strongly against a mili tary trial for Gcnoral Diax. It Is openly asserted that the prisoners had an In adequate dofenso, and no investigations havo been made so far as to why the federal troops entered the city with white flags flying and the greeting, "Long llvo Diaz." ICxcMeiiirnt 111 Mexico City. MEXICO CITY. Oct. 2.-General Felix Diaz, leader of the revolution recently Inaugurated In Vera Cruz, and throe of his confederates have been sentenced o death by the court-martial before which they were tried in that city. At the samo time word of the verdict against Diaz was received, came a re port that tho military court had decided to recognize the order of suspension of sentence upon the revolutionary leader, granted by the district court pending Investigation as to whether the trial of Diaz should be by military or civil court Popular apprehension regarding the fate of Diaz has not been greatly allayed, however, by this action of tho court, martial. It would be no surprise to thou sands here to receive a message an nouncing the oxecutlon of the rebel gen eral and his assistants. Efforts to save their lives, especially that of Diaz, continue unabated. Promi nent women, men high in affairs, mem bers of congress and even high army officers have appealed to President Madero for elemoncy, but to all he has given thc-eanio negative answer. To a group of women ho Intimated that to show clemency would be construed by the world as an Indication of weakness He cited as an example that when he cap tured Juarez he pardoned General Navarro, which action the world attributed to weakness Instead of to magnanimity, The popular voice of protest has grown so strong against the execution of Diaz that there has arisen between the presl dent and senate a sharp discord, and as Individuals the senators havo seriously discussed the question of Impeachment because of tho administration's defiance of that body's Interpellation Friday. Iliivfiiiin l'lnnliiHT Mill Hnriied. RAVENNA, Neb., Oct 28.-(8peclul.) Flro Sunday morning completely de stroyed the carpenter Bhop and planing mill owned by Mrkvlcka Bros. Tho fire started on tho Inside of the building and Wan discovered at 3 o'clock tn the morn' lng. Investigation by the police and chief of the fire department does not reveal that anyone was about the bulldlr at the time the fire started. The loss was about 3,000, with some insurance. Autoists Drowned in Delaware River BBLVIDHRE, N. J Oct 28.-Four members of an automobile party bound for Shawnee, Pa., from their homes In Noble, Pa., were drowned in the Dela ware river today while being ferried across from Delaware, N. J. The dead are: MRS. LEON II. GILBERT. MISS REBECCA TYSON. MRS. H. W. TRUMP. LEON GILBERT, JR., 7 years old. There were eight momuers in the party In two automobiles. They motored up through New Jersey today, and arriving at Delaware, drove the machine onto the flat-bottomed boat used as a ferry at that point. When the middle of the stream was reached, the boat was struck and knocked from Its course by a raft. WILSON WOULD MUCH LIKE TO SEE DEMOCRATIC SENATF I'ltlNCETON, N. X. Oct 28. Governor Woodrow Wilson would like to see n a democratic majority In the United States senate as well as In the house o! representatives. To further this end ho Issued a statement tonight calling upon the voters In the several states where United States senators are to be chosen to vote for the democratic legislative ticket. The statement says: "I am particularly anxious that the democrats of those states In which sen ators are to be chosen should remember that tho contra! of the government de pends as much upon the majority In the ! senate as upon the presidency Itself. I hope that In those states, particularly. k eclal attention will be concentrated upon the necessity of obtaining a majority in ' the state legislature. I The nominee said the states he had In mind were New Jersey, Colorado, Illinois, I Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Delaware, West Virginia, Wyoming and Nevada. Movement of Oci-an Steamers. Port. Arrtfi. Sailed. NEW YORK., , .Carntanla T, dr Oroiw. . SS vn uu CiDclonall a Wuhloitan P V Wlh.lm ...CUede&U Ub K f L.YMOUT1I MOVIUJ,.n. State Candidates Gather in Omaha Omnha Is tho mecca for the state poli ticians at this tlmo nnd large number are now hero mending their political fences. Among those In Omaha yostor day were Chester It. Aldrich, republican candidate for governor; Ashton C. Shall enberger, democratic civndldnto for tho United State senate: W. A. George, re publican candidate for state treasurer; W. B. Howard and H. C. Richmond, re publican and democrntto candidates for state auditor, nnd J. W. Kelly, demo cratic candidate for secretary of state. POLICE AIRINGJHREATEHED Council Demands Explanation from Chief of Police Jenney. MAKES CHARGES AGAINST ROE Iter. Hell Will Not Accept Offer to Come to Ontnlin to Kiikhmtc In Social Settlement Work. (From a Stnff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Oot. SR. (Special.) Af fairs In tho poll co department are to re ceive an airing again, tho council today adopting n resolution demanding that Chief of Pollco Jenney appear beforo that body and explain what he meant In a published Interview making reflections on certain members of the council. He was quoted as saying that a brother of Alder man Roe Is promoter of u dancing academy and Intimated that Improper per sons wcro placed as consors of tho dan cing schools. Roo has demanded n full Investigation. Rev. R. II. P. Bell, who recently resigned from the pulpit of St. Taiil's, said today he expected to remain In Dei Moines the coming winter. Ho said per sons In Omaha Interested In social settle ment work had made him an offer, but ho probably will not accept now, as he hns something else In prospect. Ex-Governor Leslie M. Hhaw passed through hero today and went to Atlantic for a conference with Judge Arthur with reference to tho extension of 'tlmo of, tho completion of purchaso of tho At lantic & Northern railroad. Governor Shaw declared to friends hero that his syndtcato will yet purchaso and rcorganlzo tho road. Political Debate Causes a Suicide IOWA CITY, la., Oct. 2S. (Special Tol- cgram.) Crazed over tho statement by John M. Parker, mayor of Now Orleans, In a bull mooso speech to university stu denta here Saturday night, that Roosevelt was second only to Lincoln as an Ameri can president Josoph TorJImu a fnrmor, committed sulcido early this morning. His body was found by telcphono work men suspended from a rafter In a born. Just preceding his sulcido ho beeiuno In volved In ii quarrel with otlicrs who at tended tho meeting over tho truth oi Parker's statement and sold ho would hang beforo ho admitted such a thing. SIOUX CITY ELECTION OFFICIALS ARE ARRESTED SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. IS. (Special Tel egram.) Warrants were Issued today for Ed H. Woodln and II. Ness, clerks, and J31 Berendt, C. Mercuro nnd C. J. Mai loy. Judges of tho special telcphono niergtr election, charging them with fraud. It Is alleged ballots wero voted In tho names of doad men. The merger won by a big majority In their precinct. Their arrest caused a big srnsatton. ROBBERS CARRY AWAY SILK FROM DEPARTMENT STORE MASON CITY, la., Oct 28. (Special TelcKram.)-Tho Union department store at Lake Mills wn entered ly robbers Inst night nnd $803 worth oS silk stolon. Tho police have no clue. Den Mfllnra l'nstor Ilralscns. DES MOINES, Oct. 28. Dr. George r. Maglll, for the last four years pontor of tho Central Presbyterian church In this city, tendered his resignation to tho con gregation yesterday. Ho will assume the position of associate president and gen eral secretary at Highland Park college Iowa Ncrrsi Notes. CRESTON George W. Needhnm of Grand Blvor, aged 75, nnd Elizabeth iJtnc of this city, oged CS, wore, married hero, if.'I'Jl.. .... ,i M, while on tho way to tho reiriHtriiUon C an uu?rtn bv iiarry1 Cook Tie sustained a broken limb. cnrcsTON Al Hughes, a veteran of tfeV'tuy SfiW tUhTUim i,aoPm; here aged 72 years. Ho was a caninei ai.odBeirbulhnrt maker and at one time HbmWoytfT-mr wiuow ana a son living nt i-ori ncou, Kan., survive him. Whether you aro an old or new cus tomer wo always give you the best serv ice possible. That Ih one reason why we do such a large amount of business In our dry cleaning and pressing depart ment. Bluff City laundry, Dry Cleaning und Dye Works. 1'hone 28H. Advertise ment. . i HIIBBHBBUHnBHl SC-T STOVE lb mm POLISH I (liquid or put;) and your itoro- per win respect your judg ment in all things. Oft model houia keeDera uh It ' because thay don't har to cut a lot of el bow greate Into E-Z. and It never smokes or 1 smells. E-Z Is BDnlled In a minute and! corora up Mnlnz Jat-uk,a shine that UiUI and lasts! and Immlml Extra Plated Urir ktarntod 1 SILVER E-Z Products GltDthUadteruaeinentandfl H 1 mall todar wlO, murtim,t!1 j andaddreMjud we wllltendll ! too. at onto jour flrtt tea.ll ! Simon and onr full nrrmlumU mi-ram : imi. r.nrioeeizc in siampe luu .... a. . - . . MARTIN ft MARTIN. Dent. C MM Carre Art., Chtesfo MHUHMMIHBHM TO BUILD 1NTERURBAN SOON C. W. Baker Announces His Company is Ready to Start Work. SAYS BONDS ARE ALL SOLD Actunl Construction tn Mtnrt In the hp rln it linker Sn Sioux Clty lltmlnra Men Are Offer Inn; n IloniiK. "Actunl construction work on a system of Intcrurbun railway lines connecting Omaha with Norfolk nnd Sioux City Is to bo started next spring to get passenger nnd frclRht electrt trolley cars In opera tion within two years." This announcement has been made by C. W. Baker, president of tho Bnk-r Construction company, promoting com pany for tho Nebraska Transportation company and a number of eastern tl nanoJors who are back of the project. According to Mr. Baker, the bonds havo all been sold nnd tho company Is now ready to begin tho nctunt construction, but owing to delay In negotiations for pnssengcr terminals and sites for storage and power houses In Omaha, which aro expected to be cleared uwny this winter, construction will not begin on tho sys tem radiating from Omnha until spriiiR subslduary company, tho Nlnbrnra- Sioux City Railway nnd Power company Is now building its lines collecting 8lou City, Hartlngton, Bloomfleld, Center an 1 Niobrara, n distance of li( miles. Tho system of main lines of tho Ne braska TrniiBportutloii comiwii? com prises SSI miles, jho right-of-ways of which havo recently been completed by the surveyors. .it n n y Branch I.lnrn. Tho main lino wll run from Onmlia through Bennington, Elk City, Fremont, Ilowells and Stanton to Norfolk. Branch lines will radiate from Howulls to Clark son, Leigh and Madison. Tho other main lino extends through Arlington, Tttta- bnsta, Craig, Bertha Junction, Wulthlll, Winnebago, Homer, Dakota City, South Sioux City to Sioux City. Thu Nlobrara-Bloux City rond will br. operated by iower from the Nlobrata rlvor, wlille the Omaha roads will bo operated by powor house made electric ity., SlouxCIt y business men, according to C. W. linker, havo agreed to pay $50, 000 ns n bonus for the enterprise. Tim Omalin project ho says, 1m backed by thrco Omnha businessmen whoso names ho will not muko public, and tho Ne braska Transportation company. Tho projected Is furthered by bonds and no stocks aro to bo sold. The entorprise Is backed by with $18,000,000 Mr. Ilnkor says, the assets of the Nebraska Transpor tation company coupled with outside capitalists. Mr. Baker says he will ask tho Omnhu Commercial club for assistance In se curing passenger terminals and ware house sltos. "Tho towns which these lines touch have greatly assisted us," says Mr. Baker, "but thus far wo havo been un able to get much encouragement n Omaha. Tho lines nro uoliur ilirriciL-'i though, for wo havo tho money to pu tho thousands of endorsements ro thom through. Tho only troubles w0 , colvod from women who havo used It havo now aro smal matters such ns tor- Bro a ruaranteo 6f tho bonoflt to be mini" facilities." T, R. Celebrates His 54th Birthday OY8TER BAY, N. Y., Oct. 2S.-Ycsterday wis Theodoro lloosovclt's fifty-fourth birthday nnd ho celobrated It tiulotly lil doors with his family. Mrs. lloosovclt, Miss Ethel, Theodore, Jr.. and his wife and Quentln sat down ul tho tablo for tho birthday dinner with tho head of tho family. ICermlt, Archlo nnd Mrs. Nicholas Longworth were unable to bo there. In the afternoon tho Emlen Iloosovclts droppod In to extend their congratulations and Oscar Straus, progressive candidate for govornor of New York, and1 Mrs, Btrnus came from New York by automobile. Colonel I'toosovelt .did not lenvo tho houso today. His walk yesterday tired him so much that It was thought best for him to havo a complete rest, This afternoon Dr. Alexander Iambcrt and Dr. George 14. Brewer came from Now York to dress his wound nnd found thdr patient was continuing to improve. Birthday telegrams came In nil day long. Porslstent Advertising is tho Itoad to legitimate "Big Business." Specific Bloodpolsan Evervone ronl lTt lint' Mi tn AiRtnn fa n 11rw1 itifwt trtti nf Mi fMAafnnnf. erful nature, the vJru9 of which so tue circulation that its symptoms are t cornea a tiny Bore or pimple, then the mouth and throat ul cerate, elands In the croin swell, the break out on the body, nnd even ITl 'VT ..u. uo iuh, u, u, 0. 10 me K'tuicoi 01 uu uioou jJunucrH, 11 OC3 ?to the circulation and by thoroughly cleansing the blood of every parti- cle of the insidious virus makes a Blond PniHnii. If rCoB S. S. S. will cure you because it will purify your blood K, and enrich its health-proinotfnir corpuscles. S. S. S. is C2! 5 so absolutely safe and, certnh u its results, that every tBWBwtw one may curc themselves at home nnd be assured the cure will be permanent and lasting. S. S. S. is a purely K.hFlk$JX vegetable remedy, being made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and it will certainly cure Specific Blood Poison in all of its forms and stages. Home Treatment Book nud medical advice free to all. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COv,ATLANTA. GA Bee Want Ads Have become known as THE BEST Renters of Rooms, Houses and Apartments Your Vacant Places can be rented quickly to satisfactory tenants through Bee want ads. Now is the time to use these result-getters. Tyler 1000 . Council Bluffs Political Affairs No Less Uncertain With the last worn of tho campaign con fronting candidates, and presenting prob. lems that no other campaign ever has de veloped uncottntnty for national, state and county tickets Is not lessened. Nor mally tho county nnd city nro republican, nnd the poll that has been mndo of nil of tho forty-four precincts In the county under direction of tho county ccntrul republican committee Indicates a repub lican majority above tho normal. In the city the returns mndo by tho men em. ployed to canvass every house and office nnd ascertain tho political prejudices of J tho voters havo shown that more thnn CO per cent of the voters hnvo boen de clared republicans. In some parts of the county nnd tn somo of tho city wards tho percentage of republicans rises to seventy-five. Many llfc-loug demncrnts havo frankly avowed their purpose of voting for Taft Inquiry Indicates that this number Is as great ns the number of republicans who may bo driven to vote for Wilson, In other respects the campaign has been tho most romnrknblo over conducted In tho county. Each candidate has been on a still hunt for votes for himself livery voter In tho county hns been loaded down with picture cards presented In per son or by a friend of tho candidate. The nblllty of tho candidate to meet tho great est number of voters nnd make tho most favorable Impression hns been tho thought that Inspired tho greatest cnerRy. This kind of a campaign hns failed to nrouso much enthusiasm. We havo the exclusive salo on Cole's Hot Blast heaters nnd ranges. P. C. Dn Vol Hani ware Co. Advertisement. ETory woman's hotirt roapondo tft the charm and awootness of n baby'a voice, uocnUBO naturo Intended hor for motherhood. But oTon tho loving nnturo of a mother shrinks from tho ordoal bocauso such a timo la usually a norlod of suffering and dangor. Womon who uso Mother's Friend aro caved much discomfort and sutforIn&. and thol'r systoraB, being thoroughly proparod by this groat remedy, are In n hoalthy condition to meet tho tlmo with the least possible suffering and dangor. Mothor'a Frleud la rocommondod only for tho rollof and comfort of expectant mothers; It Is In no Bcnso a remedy for various Ills, but Its many years of buccobs, and rl,i trnm !( iinn This romedr does not accomplish wonderB but aim ply asBlsta nature to perfect Its work, lilothor's Frlond allays nausoa, pro- vents caking of tho breasts, and 11 531 ffi SSI? S In every way Z-r T contributes to ff'llufligff M strong, hoalthy motherhood. Mothor's Friend Is jold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothors. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., AtltaU, Gs. In til esses of excessive brnln Uc, nrr- ounnmi. Indigestion, ooldi. crip, corns, nrer-lndulgencc, or hosdschet Irom any csuie- or In all conditions ol rln. gout, nrtirtlsU, scute or chronln rheumatism, etc., eta. prompt, isle relief Is found la ANTI-KAMNIA TABLETS Tlx wmdrful rl rttwrm nn nttihtr film. .uUnli, InlatitcTtU ror liaMl trmm. Try ttwml AeJt Your Drugglet Far tOe A 28c Vttt-Pocktt.Doft thoroutrhlv ooisona the cormiselea nf mauifested over almost the entire Lair becins to fall out. akin dlseasea the bones nche with rheumatic pains. y curative effect on a blood poison 8o permanent and lasting cure of "Specific vnn nrr- MiifTrrinr with flilu rllnnnan r Tired Out, Nervous And Discouraged1 Tonn Vila Will HrliiR Hack 8 reiiRth ' mill Ambition Almost nt Once. No time like the present to get well It you nro run down, with little strength or ambition, don't put off doing something about It another day, You owe It to your family, your friends knd yourself to throw off this dull, dragging, nervous condition. Tonn Vila Is what your system needs, i This great medicine Is now recognized ns' tho National Tonic and Is endorsed by1 physicians generally. Tonn Vltll will btlllil vnn tin In n ftv-' weeks' time. Don't bo nervous, depressed, I half sick a day longer. Get It today. If J you havo lost flesh weigh yourself after taking It a week. You wilt bo astonished 1 by the weight you havo gained. Twna Vila is sold by Hhorman A Me- Connell Drug Co. Advertisement DRESNERS ADD TO ALREADY GREAT PLANT Throe More Labor Saving De vices Just Received in tho Dresher Pressing Department. THE EQUIPMENT IS IDEAL Fifty-Horse-Power Engine Re quired to Dnvo Plant to Required Efficiency. EMPLOYES ARE SCHOOLED Dresher Uros., tho Cleaners and Dyers. nt SJU-2213 l-'arnam strre have set out to heconio peers In their lino nnd It does seem as though no obstnele will ever bo allowed to Iniiicdo their progress. Ni equipment Is too Urge or costly to I" V.we. If It wilt only servo to increase the speed or grade or work turned out nt their plant, and Just now Dreshors have ndded three more huge devices to bo used In their prcstlng departments. Immense mechanical npparntus and lata patented luHchlnery Is hauled Into tho Dresher i'tutilshment so often that neighboring merchants are constantly saying; "Wonder what those people are going to liiHlnll next!" One may gain nu Idea of the magnitude of tho Dresher clennlng plant when It Is snld that a KIKTV-HOIlfliaroWlCU en gine Ih requtrod to keep wheels agoing; this Is In nddltton to numerous Individual clectrla motors scattered hero and there. Tho nctuul operative fnrco at Dresher Uros,' Clennlng establishment now num bers olghty-flvo pooplo! nt times oven a scorn or more of "extras" are engaged; think of that for a home Industry built up within tho short space of two years. Tho dollvory service of Dreshors Is also Ideal, nnd ot present theso .populur clean ers run six wngons nnd two iiutos. This merely to collect nhd deliver work and does not tnko In tho work left nnd called for nt Dresher tho Tnllor's store nt 1515 Kiiriinm St., or nt tho Dresher branch In tho l'ompelnn Iloom of The Urandels Stores. This over actlvo concern also receives work from over one hundred brunch agonctrs In surrounding towns and stntes, and tho express bundles received hero dally never average less thnn one hun dred. DreshorB' large out-of-town business hns been fostered a great doal by their express chnrgo rohato; Dreshem allow ing oxprcs charges one way where work amounts to three dollars or over. Ono must glvo Drcshers credit for turn ing out a superb grade of work, clso they would not bo receiving cleaning Jobs from Now York. Illinois, Indiana, Kanras, Wy oming, Montana, Bouth Dakota, Minne sota ?.nd other states continually. Those leaving cleaning work at the es tablishment know full wotl that they are entrusting their garments to responsible people. Dreshors have Invested In equip ment alone over $50,000, to say nothing of tho buildings owned. Then, too, It Is safer to havo Dreshors do the work; for work hero is handled In a perfectly sanitary tnuiinor, all garments being delivered In Individual paper bags Instead of boxes which may have been used before. Ootid In your winter garments to be completely cleaned, pressed, dyed, re tmlrcd or oven altered In style. Your work will go through special departments; genuine men tailors will do the tailored work and repairs; a master will super vise tho repairing of dainty frocks and dresses; an Austrian dyer looks over the coloring, while an export from Dunbury, Conn., takes care of the cleaning and blocking of hats. One has no Idea of the tireless efforts Drcshers put forth to render perfect work and service; for Instance, you would llt llo think that the wagon drivers are held In convention weekly; an efficiency meeting, where errors are shown and vhere new Ideas of Ideal service are brought forth. Ho the very next tlmo you have a gar ment, rug, lace curtain, drapery or any thing else that needs rejuvenating, reach for the phone und ask for Tyler 345. This will put you In touch with Dresners' prlvatu rtiono oxchaligo at the Immense Dresher establishment at 2211 and 22IJ Farnam street, and you may call for the head of any department to get all the In formation you need. Dreshors A1U3 tho live ones and you must admit It. Advertisement. 'BEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILB: Mna. Winslow's Sooth i no Braur has bets, ased foroicr SIXTY YUAKS by MILLIONS ol nmritlfU4 fnr thfr fMI T 1 no i'tftj TIJUTHINO. with rCRHHCT SUCCBSa. It EOOTJIK3 the CHILD, BOKTKN8 the OUM3, niiuiiaiu l Ain i wunes winuuuc and olutcly harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. ,T,U ww puu,uiu( oiup, IBB HU bo Oiaaa L '1 vrcatv-avc cents a bottle. This Coupon and good for tbe next number of AliL the 20c following; magaclneet Bunsat Magaxlna. MoOluxe's Magaiiaa. Tha Ladlti' World, national irrigation Joarmal Address, Magaz ne Coupon Df t Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb,