Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazine Pago will
Intoreat ovory woman who likes
good heart-to-heart talks with
olior lympnlhellc women
Fair; Colder
VOL. XLJI NO. 113.
Leader of Vera Cruz Revolution
Against Madero and Three Asso
dates May Be Executed.
Suspension of Penalty by 'Civil Court
is Recognized. y
Says Mercy Would Be Interpreted as
Sign of Weakness.
Thousands In Mexico Cltr Expect to
Get Stealage that Rebel Leader
Is Dead and, Situation Is
MEXICO CITY, Oct 27. General Felix
Wax, leader of the revolution recently
Inaugurated In Vera Cruz ,and threo of
his confederates have been sentenced o
death by the court-martial before which
'.hoy wore tried In that city.
The finding of the military court was
announced In Vera Cruz yesterday morn.
Ipg, but the news did not reach here
ifntll today.
t At the tamo time word of tho verdict
ngalnet Diaz was received, came the re
port that the military court had decided
to recognize the order of suspension of
pentence upon the revolutionary leader,
Kranted by tho supreme court pending
Investigation as to whether the trial of
"Diaz should be by military or civil court
Popular apprehenston regarding the fat
of Diaz has not been greatly allayed,
however, by this action of tho court
mortlai. The delay in the receipt of the.
.news regarding the outcome of the
military trial Is characteristic of all com
munication botweon the capital and Vera
People Pear Execution.
The uncertainty aa to what Is transpir
ing there has served to Increase the
tenseness of the situation. Friends of
Diaz still fear the consequences of the
conflict of authority which has arisen
between the Judiciary and military courts.
If tho military court observes the order
of the civil authority the final disposition
of the case will be long postponed.
I3ut It would be no surprise to thou
sands here to receive a message an
nounclng tho execution of tho rebel gen
eral and his assistants.
Efforts to save their lives, especially
that of Diaz, continue unabated. Promi
nent women, men high In affairs, mem
bers of .congress and even high army,
officers hava appealed to President
Madero for clemency, but to nil he has
jlven tho same negative answer.
To a group of women he Intimated that
to show clemency would be construed by
the world as an Indication of weakness.
He cited as an example that when he cap
tured Juarez ho pardoned General
Vavarro, which action the world attributed
to weakness Instead of to magnanimity.
Tho popular voice of protest has grown
so strong against the execution of Diaz
that thero has arisen between the presi
dent and senate a sharp discord, and as
Individuals the senators have seriously
discussed the Question of Impeachment
because of the administration's defiance
of that body Interpellation Friday.
Baby and Man Fall;
Child is Uninjured
Duggan Badly Hurt
' A 3-year-old child and a grown man
fell off the Q street -viaduct In South
Omaha yesterday and the baby was
picked up unhurt, bat the man sustained
er!ous Injuries to his spine which landed
htm in the hospital and may cause his
The young man who was Injured was
James Duggan, who lives at Twenty
Eoventh and Q streets. Having been re
fused passage on the viaduct because he
lacked the fare last evening, lie Is be
lieved to have fallen asleep on the guard
rail, from which he felt
Though the baby fell thirty feet, and
tho distance to the ground where Duggan
fell is only half that number, the child
escaped with a few scratches on the
The little boy, with three older com
panions, had been amusing hmself yes
, terday afternoon by running Inside the
guard roll of the viaduct The youngster
missed his step and felt Charles Alstadt,
who was passing, rushed under the via
duct expecting to find tho baby dead, but
was greeted with lusty crying.
The child's mother, arriving on the
scene, seized him lnher arms and ran
away. Their names could not b learned.
Cavaglieri Woman
a Government Spy
CHICAGO. Oct ' Z7.-Jennte CavagiTerl,
the woman murdered In Bridgeport,
Conn., was a government spy and was
Slain In revenge for her disclosures and
to prevent, mora of them, according to
statements here today by a federal of
NThe woman s real name was Rose
Rossi. It was declared. Sho had biwm n
resident of Chicago's vice district and
was furnishing the government Infor
mation concerning a society of men and
women organized to Import girls from
Europe. She was taken east with several
other Chicago women by George Craft,
assistant superintendent of the New
York office of the Bureau of Investiga
tion, to testify against a man under In
dictment for violation of the white
'.uvo act She informed against De
inetrlo Mariano, now under arrest in
i'evf York, and later was condemned to
death ut a meeting of white slavers.
Five men were named to kill her and
tha deed was done in Bridgeport, where
, shu went after she had testified.
Investigation of
the Money Trust is
to Be Undertaken
WASHINGTON. Oot 27. With a large
clerical forco working out an enormous
scheme of financial statistics, the houso
committee on banking and currency
plans to plungo into an exhaustive In
vestigation of the so-called money trust
November 15. Subpoenas already have
been Issued for tho witnesses to bo called
early in the hearings and ore now in tho
hands of tho sorgcant-at-arms of the
house to bo served.
J. Plerpont Morgan. George W. Ter
klns, George F. Baker, Cleveland H.
Dodge, John D. nockefoller and prac
tically all other financiers prominent In
New York banking circles aro expected
to be questioned by tho committee In Its
efforts to discover whether a small
group of rich men has a controlling grip
on the finances of the country.
Representative Pujo of Louisiana,
chairman of the committee, and Samuel
Untermcyer of New York, spectal coun
sel for the committee, have been work
ing with tho committee's clerks and ex
perts at the sergeant-at-arms' office
planning the Investigation.
Under the direction of Untermeycr, the
experts are preparing an elaborate com
pilation of statistics, embracing prac
tically every financial and industrial in
stitution In tha country and tracing the
relation of each Individual concern to
other concerns. This compflatlon wilt be
used as a basis 'for the examination of
witnesses, with a view to determining
the exact Influence exerted by New York
banks and bankers on other banks and
bankers ythroughout the ' country.
Chairman Pujo expects to call the
committee together about a week after
election and to begin tho examination
of witnesses.
Oil Magnate Arrested
in Los Angeles and is
Hurried Out of State
LOS ANGELES. Cat, Oct 27. James C.
Yancy, promoter of oil concerns, cap
italized at $15,000,000, Is speeding toward
Pittsburgh, a prisoner charged with the
embezzlement from J. W. Bell of $1,600.
Nothing Is known here of the alleged
Yanooy was arrested yesterday on a
governor's warrant and two hours later
he was on an eastbound train protesting
that he was being kidnaped.
Detective George II. Waggoner of
Pittsburgh had requisition papers signed
by the governor of Pennsylvania and
Acting Governor Wallace of California.
Tho proceedings were kept secret until
Yancey Is head of several oil concerns.
He acquired much publicity a year ago
with the announcement that ho had for
salo a species of hogs with mule hoofs
which were Immune from cholera.
Russia's Crown Prince
Gets a Nasty Fall
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Oct. 27.
Tho latest reports rocelved In court cir
cles from Spala give assurances of the
recovery of Crown Prince Alex. Apart
from the meager details of the doctors'
bulletins not a single fact has been al
lowed to appear In the Russian news
papers regarding the Illness of the heir
to tho throne, and tho whole nation Is
deeply Incensed by the rigid censorship.
Eleven days ago tho little prince
climbed a high cupboard In the hunting
lodgo at Spain, where the imperial fam
ily was sojourning. He slipped and fell,
striking a sharp corner of a chair
sustaining numerous bruises. The two
physicians who are always In attendance
on the prlnoo reported that he hod sus
tained severe injuries In tho region of
the liver.
A panto prevailed, but no hint of the
truth was permitted to leak out until
his condition became critical, when the
country was startled by the physicians'
Murdered Woman
Wealthy Servant
ST. LOUIS, Oct 27. The woman who
was found Saturday morning naked and
murdered In the basement In -n unten
anted house, was Identified today as
Bridget Colnahan, 65 years old. She was
supposed by friends to have hod consider
able money and it Is believed that she was
murdered In an effort to get possession of
the large sum she was reputed to have
carried on her person.-
The woman was born in Kerry county,
Ireland, but had lived for years in St.
Louis, fine had no home, but had worked
at various places as housekeeper And care
taker. The body was found Saturday through
a mysterious noto sent to the police.
Fourteen clerks will begin work on the
registration books thlB morning in an ef
fort to compute the total registration for
three days .'.cording to party affiliation,
so that tha cy central committees may
be notified.
Thirty-one precincts were reported to
the city clerk yesterday, but the report
did not Include the party registration.
"From the precincts which have been
reported," said City Clerk Flynn, "It
looks like the total registration would be
about 25,000. The Saturday registration
was 12,000 anyway."
NEW YORK, Oct 27. The democratlo
i national committee announend today that
25Q speakers would be put on the stump
Jn New York state this week, for the
conclusion of the presidential fight Each
of the three leading parties are to have
a demonstration In Had! ton Square Gar
den' during thu week, the progressives
i Wednesday, the democrats Thursday and
the republicans Friday. Leading rpeakers
of all three parties will cover the c'ty
and Mate during the time Intervening be-
j fjro election.
Merchant Calls Alleged Cry for
Liberation Only Hewl for
Changes When Must Be
Threatentariff Panic Worst In
dustrial Calamity.
Stuitr, Observation and Experience
All Convince Wnnnninker that
Tariff Is Essential to Busi
ness IroBcss,
PHILADELPHIA, Oct 27.-ln a polit
ical statement to the public. Issued today
by John Wunamaker, he said In part:
"To my friends of fifty years, the
men of tho llttlo kingdom of commerce,
numbering upwards of 10,000,000 strong
within tho United States:
"I feel free to speak to you again.
"The main points at issue in the coming
election are exactly as stated In my letter
of Ootobor 4. Nothing I said therein has
been disproved. Neither the contractor
or tho. merchant would put at the head
of his own mercantile or railroad business
a mow. no matter how scholarly, who
never had an hour's experience In manag
ing for four years tho million of people
employed by the government the expendi
ture of a billion of money annually.
"Ideal grievances against the govern
ment call for Ideal treatment
"If the malady la wrong, the remedy
proposed Is surely wrong.
"So far It seems to me the cry for lib
eration is but a howl for power.
"Past administrations of the govern
ment have seldom had more than one
great question to deal with.
"For a long period it was the question
of slavery.
Latterly It has been the question of
trusts and their regulation.
Vital Questions Ahead.
"In the next four years there are front
ing us the supremely vital issues of,
"Monetary affairs.
"Transportation, including the Panama
"Commerce and labor.
"Which of the threo men running for
the office of president Is best qualified to
deal with theso questions think of It
"We are no Jonger a yourir country. '
"If changes are' to be made should .they
not bo made- with' Infinite? caution?'
"The constitution has bon well tried
and-haa not been found wanting.. y .
"Who is It that wants Tatt" dismissed r
Is it simply to open the plioer-fof bnti
who is a candidate for tho presidency?
"Is it the employors of labor, .and,. the.
bulldprs of prosperity who urge this
"Can those who pay little or no taxea
ba the best Judges of what is for tho
country's good?
"On the whole what think you. Is it
not advisable to endeavor to, put Influ
ence and property together and look
round for a sure footing for. four years
for the good of the working people as
well aB for capital already Invested?
"To sit quietly by and see peoplo mis
led by persons with new propositions, but
without propar equipment for framing n
new government, Is weak and un
"Should not all tho old republicans and
the young men who expect to help re
publicanism get into the ranks and
strengthen the present executive govern
ment Instead of weakening it?
"Not for one moment will Mr. Taft
leave things as they are In the banking,
tariff and trust laws when he can clearly
bettor them In the light of experience
and with the assistance of the best men
he can find to help him.
Poor Time to Desert.
"This Is surely not the time to desert
the republican flag.
"A tariff panto is wose than any othsr
because it is tho death blow to lnduntrlcs
and labor. A shivering life is noticeable
In monetary panics, but a tariff break.
down la practically Instant death to
"The shriveling of work Jind wages by
the. tariff reductions directed by Balti
more will bring up some new questions
In these days of unrest of labor that
will be troublbtng, such as:
"Can the working peoplo and their
families go back contentedly to the level
of working people fifty years before the
tariff created tho present wage living?
"How shall the necessities of Idle work-
(Continued on Page Three.)
Three Killed When
the Trains Collide
DECATUR, la., Oct 27. Three www
killed and five injured in a collision be
tween a freight and a work train tonight
at 7 o'clock, one mile south of Wordan,
111., on the Decatur & St Louis division
of the wabash. The dead:
J., D. DORRIS, foreman.
C. SMITH, fireman.
J. M. SCHMIDT, brakeman.
The injured:
Engineer H. P. Neal, Engineer F. Wln
teres, Brakeman Eugene Sterge of De
catur, Brakeman A. H. Taylor, Conductor
Robert Welsh.
FORT WAYNE, Ind., Oct. 27.-Arthur
Smith placed his fiancee, Mlis Almeo
Court, beside him in his blplana this
afternoon and flew to Hillsdale, Mich.,
seventy-flvo miles away where they were
The parents of tho young woman had
objected to their marriage, but tonight
when they learned of the flight and
' wedding, telegraphed Smith he would be
I welcome In their home, but for him to
shl? his machine by freight
Ye Old
From the Cleveland I
Police Lieutenant Beoker
Freely of Trial.
Attorney for Prisoner Insists that In
the Trial There "Wer Errors With
out Number nnd Upon Ques
tionable IQrldence,
NEW YORK, Oct 27.-Leoal butchery,
is how former Police Lieutenant Charles
Becker characterized his conviction for
the murder of Herman Rosenthal in a
talk' with newspaper reporters today.
From his cell in murderers' row In tho
Tombs Becker spoke bitterly of Ids fate.
declaring he had been railroaded and that
could he havo taken the witness stand
during his trial ho would have explained
away the publlo Impression that he had
acquired' a fortune through levying graft
upon gambling houses. The ex-pollceman
talked in the presence of his brolhor,
John Beoker, a police lieutenant'
"Tills case was legal butchery," ho
said! "you'ean't emphasize that too much.
Some of the accounts of my trial I notlco
nay it hat I paid out'IK,000' for my defonso.
Twenty-five thousand dollars! That la
$2,000 In 'elzoees of 'any sum I over pos
sessed or everhbpo to possess. According
to tho nowipapers tho publlo bedeves I
Km"wltk"tlOO,0 I oanriot "undtratiuid
l)e:pur9tee of this statement All or this
could have been explained if I had been
allowed to go on the stand every cent
"Neither Mrs-r-Beeker nor myself has
been given any consideration at all sine
this case begun. What's more, I do not
expect more. I would not bo disappointed
if Sheriff Har burger rushed me off from
the court room to Sing Sing ufter Justice
.doff has sentenced me next Wednesday.
That ,wtll be the final stage of the rail
roading of Becker."
The strain of waiting for tho outcome
of -his trial and the uncertainty lie still
faces pending a decision by a higher court
on tho appeal his lawyers will make are
telling on Becker's physical condition,
according to friends. Becker was visited
for three hours by his wlfo today.
Mrs. Broker Honrs Up Well.
"Mrs. Becker is bearing up as well as
one could expect under the circum
stances. Her condition troubles me much
more than my own."
John F. Mclntyre, Becker's counsel,
said he was confident of a new trial for
his client
"There can't bo anything elso but a re
versal," he declared. "That man Becker
Is Innocent He was convicted upon tho
testimony of a lot of unbelievable crea
tures and found guilty after a trial in
which legal errors beyond number were
committed, in my opinion.
"I am going to see the attorney general
of the state within a few days. I bellovo
that District Attorney Whitman had no
right to offer Immunity to witnesses who
might be, and were, In my belief, princi
pals In the murder. I will ask the at
torney general for a ruling on that ques
tion and I believe I will prove my con
tent i."
Mr. Mclntyre mentioned "Brldgle"
Webber and Harry Vollon as the two wit
nesses he had in mind. He said that Im
munity agreements which the county
prosecutor made with them wore not ap
proved by. Judge Mulqueen,- who slgnod
those made with Sam Schepps and "Itald
Jack" Rose. ,
Regarding a report that some of the
rour gunmen, -uyp me uioqa, iuy
T.niit. " "UhltAv" T.anrl anil "Ilmrn"
Louie," "Whltey" Lewis and "Dago
Frank, were prepared to turn state's evi
dence through terror at Becker's convic
tion. District Attorney Whitman, beforo
leaving town for a rest tonight said the
four prisoners were given opportunity be
fore Becker's trial to confess and that
now none of them could hope to escapo
trial by telling what he knew. Whitman
said there was no doubt pn to the validity
of the Immunity agreements with Webber
and Vallon.
Roosevelt Selfish,
Says Rev, W. E. Clark
"Thousands of people who have felt the
venomous sting of Roosevelt's tongue
have naturally turned upon him and given
him the blistering that he deserves," de
clared Rev. W. E. Clark In a speech
yesterday at the Lyrio theater.
"Although he has gotten hundreds of
thousands worth of advertising because
a fonatio tried to kill htm, the fact re
mains that for years he has been as
asslnatlpg the character of some of the
best men In this country. Roosevelt har
shown that he looks upon the office of
president as a school boy would a prize
at college Just a personal thing to bp forts wholly toward trying to show that
fought for according to the rules of the the mill men and not the defendant tlm
game." J bo,- workers, started the shooting.
Fashioned and Ye Modern Store
PIERRE, Neb., Oct. 25. The
Bee's Special Nebraska Develop
ment edition is one of the best
. pieces of work ever published in
Nebraska. It contains informa
tion which every food booster for
Nebraska will be glad to receive
and tho information will be a
good advertisement for the state.
It is worthy of a place in every
library. A. H. BAOKHAUS.
Patrolman is Suspended by Chief
Dunn Pending Investigation.
Charges Will lie Filed Today
Women Complain nitil Say Il
Has Hern Furnishing l'ro
teutlou to Them.
Patrolman Harry Ulmer han been sus
pended from tho pollco department by
Chief II. V.punn for giving protection
td 'women orPhlS beat'. (Purges' will be
fllod uiruliiBt hlm'tbday by tli.chlafum
According to tho chief, Uimer'hns boen
extorting money from the women on his
beat, between Koventoenth and Twentieth
and Dodge and Webster streets. Ho be
cumo so persistent In his demands for
money that tho women sought protection
from Chief Dunn.
"There Is not a doubt tlmt Ulmer has
been doing this right along," the chief
sold last night. "I huvo received numer
ous reports of thin of late, but did not
think It truo until I mado a thorough In
vestlgatlon. Kxtorting money from
women doing nn Illicit business will not
bo tolerated. Tho officers havo their In
structions to arrest these women. Ulmer
has fulled to do IiIh duty und I will file
charges against him."
One Killed in Riot
During a Political
Meeting in Havana
HAVANA, Oct. 27. A riot broke out at
a comiorvatlw meeting In a densely
populated district tonight The combatants
used knives and pistols. One man was
killed and several wounded. The fight
apparently was started by Kaylstas, The
pollco finally restored order after which
cuvulry patrolled tho disturbed section.
Tho only ohaugo In tho political situation
was tho revocation by' President Gomez
of his upilntinent of Colonel Pujol to
supreme command of the national police,
under tho title of supervisor, nnd the
substitution of Qeneral Pablo Mendleta,
commander of tho Infantry of tho regular
army. '
Colonel Pujol Is simply a soldier and
has no political affiliations. General
Mendleta Is reputed to be a pronounced
fMMiu Tho conservatives Interpret the
uppolntment of Generul Mendleta to moan
(hat President Gomez Is determined to
throw all the strength of tho admlnlstra-
jtnn mrfittmf Genem! Pnrlo Mrtnoeal for
j Ulo prcmency.
.. . .
Tho Zayista say President Qornez In
so keenly approcfatife of tho importance
of an absolutely fair election and 'the
preservation of order that he considers
that this demands tho services of a mili
tary officer of tho highest runk. The
change is expected to bo productive of
Increased bitterness.
State Finishes in
the Grahow Oase
LAKfl CHARLK6, La., Oot 27.-The de
fense In the Grsbow riot cose today be
gan to tell its story of the clash. D. W.
Kills, the first witness, said he attended
tho labor meeting In Qrabow, saw the
j riot begin and that John Galloway, one
of the company owning the Galloway
mill, in front of which the meeting was
held, fired the first shot
"When Kmerson began speaking," the
witness said, "Galloway hurried Into the
office. When he camo out he had a gun
In his hands. A moment later he raised
the gun and fired."
Only otio witness was examined by the
state today and ufter his testimony,
whlnh brought forth no new facts, the
state rested. The defense directed Its ef-
President Replies to Charges Made
Against Co-operative Plan,
system Kalnbltshrri In ICuropn, Pri
marily for llcnrtlt of f Peasants
I'rliK'Iplu Already Known
In America,
WAB1UNOTON, Oct !7.-Prosldent
Taft continued his campaign for farmors'
co-operative banks and agricultural cre
dit today by making mply to letters
that havo reached tho White Houso In
timating that tho plan would benefit
only tho big farmers. Tho president
quoted from tho report of Ambassador
Merrick statistics Allowing tho business
done by tho Raiffclson banks of Ger
many. "The alio of tho average deposit 'for
theso institutions is around WTO,' said
tho president "Tho average loan they
make amounts, to oiiy $110, and the mom
hrrshlp of the Halffetscn banks averages
nlnoly-flvo furmers. It Is plainly evident
from theso figure that this In not n
big fannom' plan. In my letter to the
governors (ha first rain which I mado Is
for the. adoption ot same such form of
co-nperatlvo credit.
"OrT-tlw-contrary the vadoptlon of w
operatlvo credit In this country will be
bp groat advuntage to tho smalt farmer,
tt wan In the Interest' of mie peasant
farmpr of ISuropn that this jilniv was'es
tabllshed. Massachusetts already lias a
Inw permitting tho establishment of co
operative Hocletles of tlili type. Under
this law the Myrlck Credit union' of
Springfield, MIbs., was organised, I think
In lpoo. and In twelve months It had
105 members, a capital of 3,noo nnd $10,000
of outstanding loans.
Value Hlioirn by Itrniills,
"The results obtained by the adoption
of this form of co-operatlvo credit In
Germany speak enough of Its usefulness.
Thero Is one bank for every 1,000 of pop
ulation In Germany. The rates of In
terest charged aro frequently a point or
two lower than in commercial circles,
yet tho banks make a fair profit, which
In tho case of the Ralffelson banks Is
all carried over as a reserve fund so
that each year these banks aro strength
ening their positions and becoming a
more important factor in tho empire.
Tho total of business done annually Is
astounding. It is in tho neighborhood of
"Tho principle upon which these banks
are conducted Is known in tho United
States. Our mutual life Insurance so
cieties, fraternal aid societies nnd build
ing und loan associations havo met with
good success. Four-fifths of the savings
of the peoplo today aro deposited In mu
tual savings banks which aro organlzud
for much the same purposes as tho
ommull co-operative societies of Kurope.
Only In tho United States tho opera
tions of these institutions aro confined
largely to the cities. The co-operative
society which I recommend would afford
a mutuitl savings institution devised 'par
ticularly to give banking facilities to
farmers for small louus on personal
credit nnd for short time. Tho farmers
themselves would control tho manage
ment of theso societies.
"Of course, more legislation cannot
bring theso societies Into being. It wilt
require time and most of tho work will
havo to bo done by tho fanners them
selves. That is as It should be, for un
less the farmers themselves maku the
effort I doubt very much whether the
Idea wilt 'aver be successfully established
in such a country as the United States.
Johnson Goes with
Fife and Drum Corps
FALL 1UVKR, Mass., Oct 27.-Masaa-chusetU
progressives brought into play
more old-time campaign methods for Gov
ernor Johnson's six meetings in tho state
yesterday than he encountered In all his
Drovtous tour. From the time a bugler,
accompanied by men with banners, went
forth in Beverly to announce the coming
of the vice presidential candidate until
tonight when a torchlight procession
escorted him from the u-aln to tho the
ater, the candidate saw a repetition of
the political meeting scenes of a decade
The fife and drum corps, which played
ante-bellum tunes, the line of marcher
who trained behind and the moo tings on
street corners, In dty bolls and In town
squares were all seen again. Only one
thing was new the automobiles in which
the governor's party traveled to five
cities between Haverhill and Boston. The
governor spoke in Haverhill, Newbury
port Gloucester, Beverly, Salem, Law
rvnea and here.
Forward March of Allied Forces on
Turkish Strongholds Something
Wholly Unexpected.
Important Events Transpiring in
and Around Adrianople.
Belief if Not Defeated, Turks Will
Soon Be Starved Out,
WHh Complete Victory for Iho Allies
One Great Power Instend ot Four
Weak Male U Inspected to
lie Formed.
LONDON, Oct. 27. The swiftness and
efficiency ot tho .onward movement of
the armies of the allied Balkan states is
making Kurope open her eyes. From tha
north and all nloi)g the lino from Greece
on tho south they nre crowding back tho
boundaries of thu Ottoman empire In Ku
rope. The often-predicted and long-de'
layed day when the Turk will have his
back against the wall seems at hand.
The two pivotal points of Turle's de
fenso on the north were Adrianople and
Uskub, The Bulgarian army In the east
has defeated tho Turks at Klrk-Klllsseh,
the strongest outpost of Adrianople, and
appears, to havo almost invested that
The Servian army In tho west walked
Into Uskub at 2 o'clock this Afternoon
without opposition. Tho Turkish garrison
there withdrew on tho railway towaid
Salonlkl. How far It Intends to retreat
and why are questions. Tho only answer
to the Inst question Is that the strength
and supplies of tha garrison did not Jus
tify an attempt to make a stand.
There Is no position betwoen Uskuh
and Rulonlkl better suited for a battle
than ttte ono nbandaned. The strategy
npporently Is to follow the line of tho
rollwny toward Salonlkl.
lOvents Aril ami Ailrlminnli..
. Kvents ubout Adrianoplo aro even mora
important Tho Bulgarians apparently
aro proceeding successfully with the In
vestment of tho fortress. The Turkish
army which was defeated at Klrk-KUIs-snh
did not fall back upon Adrianople,
according to today's news, but took tho
rona to tho south, .where It could con
nect with the railway to 'Constnntlnnnln.
Tha second Bulgarian army followed
tnroiigii mo mountains, carrying on the
fight all day In nn endeavor to cut off
tha retreating forces.
"The- "Military- cHllcs ' aro asking hoV
many men Turkey has in Adrlnrinnl nn.i
how long they wilt bo able to withstand
a siege. Tlicro Is a general belief that
If the Bulirnrifiii Invnxtmaiif I-
-" i V.f..,(.Ul'.J
and railway communication' with Constan
tinople cut, tho Turks will be starved
nut within n month.
In the meantime tho Montenegrins are
pushing their attack on Scutari. Tho
GreokH havo entered a few smalt towns
In the courso of their advance to the
Tho fact that Turkey apparently wa
taken by surprise and that her" most
Important outposts gavo way does not
mean that tle allies can push back in
definitely the Turkish soldiers, who
havo a long record for bravery. The
Turkish mobilization is only under way.
She claims to be nbto to mass 400,000
men outsldo of Constantinople, whoreait
tho allies havo practically their full
strength In able bodied men already in
"Hrooinl HIhk Interest Iiir.
liven It this, which 1b the first stage of
tho war, is entirely successful for the
small states, tho second stage will bo
more Interesting. The great question
then will bo not whether Turkey can de
fend Constantinople, which It Is gener
ally behoved she can unless unsuspected
conditions develop in tha army or revo
lution and bankruptcy strike from be
hind, but whether she can organise and
equip her forces for an aggressive cam
paign which will sweep back tho Balkan
armies from the territory seized in tha
first stage of the war.
Politically thero is one outstanding
fact; that Is, If tho armies of tho Bal
kan kings aro able to hold even 'what
they have gained thus far and the en
tire European press seems to take it for
granted that they can there Is a new
nation in Kurope. Instead of four feeble
kingdoms, to' which the great powers
havo given orders from time to time,
there is another coherent power.
Will Hold What They Have.
A fortnight ago tho great powers
served notice In the form of a n'n nnt
on tho belligerents that whatever the re
sult of the fighting thero could be no
change In the boundary. The Balkan
states ore saying today:
"What we have, wo will hold."
The British press at least is accepting
that as a fact. The Balkan states,
united and flushed with victory, and un
der arms, wilt be a bristling nettlo
which the great powers wilt hesitate to
tuko hold of.
Tho chief interest in tho war, purely
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