The Omaha Sunday PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT Eft" Bee VOL. XLH-NO. 19. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1012. SINGLE COPY ELVE CHNTS. I Should Worry Drawn for The Bee by Winsor McCay 80 THIS I5 THE GRAND CANYON -AWf prct tA tuc oiD2U2r -idiaI ikj .... .Dfe u Ti- YtLL..H.L..E H, U EHHI SsksOSI 11 III I HI 1 ISTirarsiri HStct 3 te2As5aaar -euakJJ trap, jam I l 1 Way mm tWf ixe.ui- ,tmuf llUlil' WA.TI.I) MALN UULP WANT U MALK, HI,' WANTED MALIC. . .. . I . 1 1 I I I I 1 Ao-cnta. Nnt.Bmjin a .1 Hi.llntlnra. I A - U .. 1 .. .....1 ....II.. I. I ' 1 . . ' 1 ' " ....v Clerical mill Office. I I MONEY BACK. success vacuum sweeper, a - proposition (or stents. Make ISO to J2M per week. The publlo crabs this In preference to all other msks. Write us for terms and trrltorr. HUTCHISON MFO CO.. WUkinsburg, m. TfilPE-WOR Wi Exp"4 " In 60 "-' iWWIXIII minutes with head, 'or I no lee. No fasting. It page book (or 2o atlmp. DR. M. KEYSM1TH. Specialist, 110 N, lJtir St.. St Louis. Mo. Clerical DURING tho last week wo received mora calls for BtenogruphcrB and book keepers than wo could fill. If you aro I experienced do not fall to sea us Monday muiiiiiiK. us we can place you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-10 City National Dank Bids. WANT ADS Want ads received at uny tlmo, but to insure proper classification .'must bo presented beforo 12:00 .o'clock noon for tho even ng edition kjand before 7:30 p. m., for morojng uu ounuay cm. tons, want aus re eived after such hours will have ielr first insertion under tho head Jlnr? "Too Lnte to Classify." OASn IIATE8 IX) It WANT AI9. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One Insertion 2 cents n word. Two or moro consecutive inser tions m cents a word. No adver tiscmcnt taken for less than 20 cent. CHARGE RATES. Six words to the line. One Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive inser tions 0 cents per line. Orie line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by tho line, not hv tlm unni NOTE Tho Ilea will nnt hn sponsioio ror mortf than one wrong miv xauu u lasts ill .win li nil i I'll urn I r . Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the 10th of the following montii. An advertisement inserted to bo rttu until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telcphouo cancelations cannot bo accepted. I'uctory mill Trade. GIRLS to work In cracker factory; rood wages; steady work. Apply Lcose Wlles Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davenport.' LADIES and . girls enn make good money at home sparo time decorating pillow,;, experience unnecessary. Call am so. 13th. lluuht-K. r uerx iiuti Uouii'XU's. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Uee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the 4eslred results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Competent house maid In private family out of city. In Nebraska, Wages $39 a mouth and railroad fare. Apply vn s. lith St. COMPETENT girl for general house work. 3320 Burt. II. 6S4. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 113 south 34tn, ti. ezi. WANTED A fclrl for general house work. 101 South 86th. II 1739. GIRL for general housuwork; small family; good wagrr. II. ITOl. COMPETENT girl for goneral house work No washing. 3315 Burt St. WANTED Good girl for general house work, family of three, good home and waM?;. 1001 N 22d St.. South Omaha." EXPERIENCED girl for general house' work. Mrs. De Roy Austin, II. 2525, 219 So. SSth Ave. WANTED Good nufse""glfl, 426 No. 8S. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. .BRANER Mary E., aged E6, October 21. . funeral eervioea at family residence, 8618 Dodge St., Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Inter ment Prospect Hill cemetery. Deceased la survived by husband, A. Braner of Omaha; ons brother, Jess Vanderford of Omaha; two sisters. Mrs. Sarah Cole of Lemeta, Cal., and Mrs. Margaret Whipple of Curtis, Neb. tUEFFRIES Elizabeth M., October 23, 1912, aged C5 years. Funeral, Sunday, October 27, 1912. at 4 p. in. from family residence, 3333 Grand etery. Friends invited. "UHLr-Mary Lucretla, October 23. Funeral from family residence 1011 South Thirty-fifth, Monday, October 28, S:30 a. m. to St. Peter's church, a a. m. interment Holy Hepulcher cemetery. aiAUIlIAUK LICIONSKS. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples? Name and Residence. Age. iSamuel L. Zimmerman, Omaha 27 .Lna Schonberger, Omaha 24 John Hofele. Omaha 21 'Clarissa Blgelow, Omaha XI Emtl Laolna,' Omaha 27 Xldmllla Confal, Omaha 20 -Arthuri Jansen, Omaha 21 illyrtlo Prosser, Omaha 2J Elmer Armstrong, Omaha. 32 -Marl a Luthe, Omaha a CAPABLE, reliable girl for general housework, at once. Mrs. Ii. A. Benson, 4Gdl Dodgo St. NICE reliable girl to assist with house work. 240G Cass St. SOOD neat girl for general housowork; family of four; no washing. 3313 Cuming St, Phone Harney 2758. GOOD girl for general housework, with refermtv-s. 420 N, 38th St. WANTED A washwoman. II. 0175. GIRL for general housowork In family ot two. Apply 420 Paxton Blk. EXPERIENCED second girl, 2219 St. MaryV Ave. References required. A girl for general liousework."1335 So. 35th Ave. Harney 174. A girl for general housowork, 35th Ave. Harney 2004. 1339 So. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. 'Phone Harney 3091. WANTED Experienced white maids at tho Elms Hotel. Excelsolr Springs, Mo. Aitrnts, Salesmen and Solicitor. $1,200 COLD CASH-MADE. PAID. banked In 30 days by Stonemun; $15,000 to date, join our famous 11,000 class, which absolutely Insures $1,000 per man, per county. Korstad, fanner, did $2.3)0 In 14 days; Schleicher, minister, $195 first 12 hourn after appointment. Ten Inexpert ence'd men divided '$40,000 within IS months. Btrange Invention startles world. Agents amazed. Think what thin Invention does: Gives every home a bath room with hot and cold running water for $.60. Abol ishes plumbing, water works; self-heating. No wonder Hart sold 16 In 3 hours $3,000 altogether; Lodewlck 17 first day. Credit given. Come now. Investigated Pos tal will do. Exclusive sale requires quick action, but moans $1,000 and more for you. Allen Mfg. Co., 25SS Allen Bide., Toledo, Ohio. AGENTS Now business, new field, big profits, selling water power massage ma chine. Parker sells 8 first day; Marg warth says, making $19 dally; Lewis sells 4 first hour. Investigate now, today. Pos tal wtll do. Big surprise awaits you. Blackstone Co., 6SS Meredith Bldg., To ledo, Ohio. AGENTS $30 per week distributing my goods ind msiktng collections.' Carl Brown, Mfr., Dept. 12, Columbus, Ohio. AGENTS7-I6O per cent profit; foot scraper and cleaner: one good age,nt wanted In your locality. Thomas Cleaner Co., C6C0 Penn Bldg., Dayton, Ohio: SALESMEN Wo have the best, most pleasant and profitable specialty for high grade salesmen offered tn the -. United States today; suitable either side or regu lar line: samples coat pocket; $25 to $100 dally often made by our men. Box 97, AA. Iowa City, la. SALESMEN to call on itrocers confeo tlonem. general stores; $100 monthly and expenses; yearly contract. Manager, 17 S. Main St.. St.. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN wanted for 1913 to handlo our high-clans line, of catendanr, bank supplies, novelties of every description; the line that makes money for tho sales man. Apply quickly. Economy Advertls Ing Co.. Iowa City, la. RELIABLE representative to employ others In every locality; entirely new proposition that pays enormously large, steady Income. Manager 1043 Phelan Bldg.. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED Experienced newspaper so licitors to work at county and State fairs; attractive proportion; salaried men pre ferred; send references; inquiries confi dential. Write Circulation Manager Ne braska Farm Journal, 321 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Omnha. ?50.C0 TO $100.00 A MONTH. For sparo time experience unnecessary. Want uctlvo man this locality. Sickness. Injury, death benefits. Write nulpk. T.I..I! S94, Covington. Ky. CAPABLE girl for general housework: laundress employed; German preferred. Phono Harney 1602. STRONG, willing girl for general housework; no washing. 3403 Dewey Ave. GIRL for general housework. 416 S, 30th. H. 2G50. WANTED Girl or middle aged lady for goneral housework. Good family, nice house. 422 No. 19th. WANTED Young girl to take caro of baby; two In family. W. 6C27. WANTED Girl of good charactor for general housowork: good wagos: refer ences required. Harney 5046. GOOD girl for general housework. Ger man proferred. 2710 Poppleton Ave. UIRTIIS ND DEATH. Blrths-A. A. and M. Axtoll, hospital, toy; J. J. and Ona De Jarnctte, hospital, boy; R, L. and Leona Edward, 2413 Charles street, girl; H. and Mamie Ells man. Florence, boy;' Roy and Grace Howey, 6524 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; c. and Laura Johnson, 1112 South Eleventh street, girl; Abe and Hilda .Shotwell, S62J Mason street, boy; L. M. .and E. E. Savage, hospital, boy, N. and Mary Smith. 8908 North Thirty-sixth ave nue, boy; James and Jeanette Wood. 2409 North Twenty-ninth street, boy; Charles and Mary "Weir, hospital, girl. Deaths John 8. Owens, 60 years. For tieth and Hamilton streets; Mary E. uraner, 06 years, Jo is uoage street: Lou Field. 39 years, hospital; John Rolf us, 64 ; Tears, hospital; Joseph Karenek, 21 years, three miles north of Florence; Merle Nel- ' son, z years. 6 miles west of Omaha; Salvatore Sarlttlnl. 8 months, HUH Bouth Seventh street. Mlacclluuvoua, VOT7NG women enmlni? in nmv. strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Wnmpn's Christian AssnHntlnn hullfttntf at St. 'Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guldo at the Union atatlon. WANTED 60 girls. Iten Biscuit Co. LADIES whp aro seeking a high-class remunerative business proposition address Simplex Co., 7S7 Market 3t, San Francisco. WOMEN to do plain Bewlng at home fur a largo Philadelphia firm; good money and steady work; no canvassing; send reply envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Desk 3, Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES make shields at home. $10 per 10). Work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars for stamped addressed en velope. Eureka Co., Dept 89-B, Kala mazoo, Mich. WANTED Ambitious young men to be come traveling salesmen, and earn while thuy 4earn. AVrlle for particulars. Brad street System, Rochester, N. Y. wk want a nigti class representative In Omaha to sell Thomas A. Edison's greatest nnd latest Invention, The Home Klnetoskope. You must be prepared to finance this proposition or don't answer. Every church, club, society and homo will buy one. In roplylng give age, last employment-or. business; with reference ana financial ability. JOHN F. BYRNES CO.r 1146 First National Bank Bldg. CHICAGO, CALENDAR SALESMAN WANTED We want a rcllablo and capable sales man at once to carry our attractive lino of calendars, fans and 'advertising spe cialties In Nebraska, outsldo Omaha, be ginning January 1, 1913. We have n splendid line, carefully selected by men long In this business and who havo themselves sold this class ot goods on tho road for years. On our liberal commis sion basis plan, a salesman who will de vote his time exclusively to our Uno shjould havo no difficulty In clearing from $5u to $100 per week. If you aro a man who will work ,and can sell goods, ad dress Sales Manager, Kalamazoo, Adver tising Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Attach this advertisement to your reply and glvo full particulars regarding your post busl nosa experience. WANTED Salesman making the small towns and villages In Missouri. Kansas. Iowa and Nebraska, to carry a ready seller as side line on liberal commission; reliable salesmen with established terri tory can soli this to their ad vantage; Rdln.i nmdn' an strtctlv iruarantee basis and evory general storo Is a prospect. If Interested send references, uno carrion and territory covered; strictly confiden tial. Ii A. Hart, Box 478, Kansas City, Mo.? SOLICITORS to travel Nebraska and Iowa; .transportation and commission. O. C. Hill. Branch Manager, David C. Cook Publishing Co., 678 Brandois. REAL estate palesmanf experienced) by established' Omaha company. Address at oiico B 919 Bee. AGENTS Women make 100 per cent profit selling The Miracle Dlupor and Hose Supporter. Every mother buys. Saves time. Comfortable and secure. Send 15a for s&mnle. Exclusive territory. Greene, 1211 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago. MAGAZINE subscription agTents mak ing money will tell you we have the greatest 25 cent deal In the field. Get in on It now. Globe Circulation Agency, Mil waukee, W1h. WANTED A manufacturer of estab lished advertised specialty has vacancy In Minnesota: headquarters at Minneapolis. Also Njrth Dakota to r.tory; headq ,arerj at Fargo. Will consider men only who have had at least three years experience. Give lines sold. age. salary to start in first letter to receive reply. Address Ilox 130-12, So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. AGKNT8 For Frltch'B Vegetable Soap. Big seller. Wrlto for particulars. J. A. Fritch, St. Louis. Mo. BIG commissions with steady yearly In come on renewals. Best Insurance. $1,(00 death, $7.60 weekly sick benefit. Othm benefits. $1 yearly. Pacific Coast Com pany, ISO Nassau, New York. A LARGE well known compony about to spend $100,000 on a tromondoiiH adver tising compalgn, requires the services ot a bright man or woman in each town and city. Tho work is easy, pleasant ulul highly respectable, and no provlous ex perience Is necessary. We will pav a good salary and offer an unusual oppor tunity for advancement to tho porson wlin can rurnlsh good references. In addition to this salary we offer a Maxwell auto mobile, a Ford automobile and ovor $3,000 in prizes to tho representatives doing the best work up to December 31. In your letter give ago and references. Addrefa llh S' R?,Jln'ln. Advertising Malinger 2313 Beverly St.. Boston, Mass. AGENTS Make big monny during full season with our lino. Permanent cus tomers. Regular income. Wo help you build profitable business In your tor- MAN or woman of neat appnaranco o.wi "I?, nlo lnconio selling pons. Eveiy ofrice, bank, store, etc., has to buy pons, we make the best pens on earth and sell tnem to agents so thoy can soil nt 150 per cent profit. This In not a scheme tor loarers or Idlers. Wo want good people only who Intend to work a few hours dally. Salesman's samplo curd with 21 pons and special ngents prices for lOo Mlvor. lulcon Pen Works. 1211-1213 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS, SOUCiTORS If you arc a llvo wlro nnd looking for something good, Jaegor Bros. Mfg. Co.. )7 Brandela Theater Bldg. "Nuff oed." AGENTB-Mako big money selling fall lender; oulck sales; send for free asm pie and catalogue Just out. T. F. Mc Nally. Box 302. Chicago. III. AGENTS mako 600 per cent profit sell ing "Novelty Sign Cards." Merchants buy 10 to IOO on sight. 800 varieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111. FOUR live wires to complete our sales force for 1913, with Initiative and execu tive ability to handle exclusive high grade advertising proposition guaranteed to produce results In Increased business for merchants Introduced by original and unique plan. Only , producers i need answer. Liberal commission and exclu sive territory, Sn'e- Manager, 14 N. Franklin St.. Chi cago, III. JlKlil WANTED MALE BUILDING PERMITS, W. O. Jensen, 4112 North Nineteenth street frame dwelling, $2,000; Swift and Company, Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets, alterations. J2.O00: Norris & Nor- rls. 3318 Lincoln avenue, frame dwelling, ! $3,000, and 3006 North Thirtieth street. 1 frame dwelling. $1,800. I HELP WANTED FEMALE i Agent nnd Hnleawomen. j WANTED Lady solicitors for house to I lirnnn.ltlnn r.aflv .atl.i K' ..nmrnlnal,,.. ' 'Address Agency Dept, 'box 14, Newton, In. Asent. Salcaiaen and Solicitor. AGENTS, CREW MANAGERS You never had a better selling proposition put beforu you than tne GOLDEN ROD VACUUM cleaner. It Is the simplest ma 1. tilted; light in wcl-lit. effi cient; to show gets on order; agents are making from $50 to $200 weekly; factories running day and night to abvply the de mand; do not go to bed tonight without writing for particulars; get your territory, selling plans, and gallop with the success ful ones. The Hugro Manufacturing Co., Chicago. III. k Clerical and Office. EXPERIENCED and accurate book keeper by wholesale house. Permanent position. Address. II 91S. Bee. WE make a specialty of placing EVmo- Kmpners ana nave me very Dest facil ities for securing stenographic position iwr applicants on snort notice, ir you re looking par a position or want to letter tne ant, vmi hava sp ui t nnpn 111 Y.....I.. f .1 I . . 1 ' .... UUDlllCia ILI ILIIT L'UllllUI'II , ItLl. I Partial List of Vacancies. Steno and clerk 170: stenn und Look. ' JCctDer. tSS. stS . 145: bonkknr . ISO- iriT K:ui'E & BOND ASSN 752 Omaha Natl Bauk Bldg. j 1P0 CASH and the best raincoat we have, free of cost, to hustlers; same coat for r-imtle: none better made. Write today. English Raincoat Co., New York. AGENTS 150 per cent profit: qulck eauy seller; exclusive territory to, hust lenr, start sub-ugnt8. Write quick for l-eMa' cf'rr Nltbuhr Co., 312-32 N Clark St, Chicago, WANTED An energetlo saelsman for 1913 to sell cur excellent line of exclusive, copyright calendars, fans, blotters and advertising stickers locally In Omaha and South Omaha. Applications solicited from good insurance, real estate, city salesmen or others who have spare time to show Hue to every business concern. Culd bo handled In connection with your regular lino or exclusively. Liberal com mlsslons; employment to begin January 1. when new line Will be ready. Our com pany established thirty years; capitalized $200,000. Write for proposition; enclose this advertisement in your leuer. aq dress Bales Manasrer Merchants Publish- Ing Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. AGENTS WANTED. "Wnnted well-educated, neat-appearing young and middle aged men to take up subscription work for magazine Any young man wishing to better his position by working .eight. hours a day, earning from $30.00 to $50.00 per week will find steady employment. Must come well re commended. P. F. Collier & Son, 225 Pax ton Block, between 2 and 4 p. m. SALESMEN WANTED - In every county. Prefer ambitious young men from the farm. A reasonable education and a. little nerve necessary. Our goods sold to farmers and our agents make from $30 to $'K) weekly. No experience necefcary, freu course In salesmanship. THE HALLER PROPRIETARY CO.. BLAIR. NEB. SALESMAN to carry line of laces as a side lino for Nebraska and adjacent ter ritory by Now York Importing house; state lino carried at present and refer ences. Address Lace. P. O. Box 206, Mad ison Square, New York City; SALESMAN WANTED An opixirtun lty to connect with a live concern; mnko cities of 6.W0 and over; call on banks, newspapers and mercantile houses; main or Bide line; exclusive territory; commls-J slon. M. u. AOier, oaies manager, to o. Dearborn, Chicago. SALESMEN Double your income by selling the greatest cigar trade stimulator on the market. Cawood Novelty Com pany, Danville, I1L WANTED Good territory for 191S still open for unexcelled Una of advertising calendars, ulgns and novelties; experi enced salesmen preferred. Mahon Nov elty Co., Kenton, Ohio. AMBITIOUS salesmun of nuat uppimr nnce, call on merchants In your territory, elegant sldo line, convenient to carry' good eornmisalons. prompt remllttnnco. Belmont Mfg. Co,, Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN for side-line: I0.f,n wore, department, general stores; small Brooklyn. N. Y. ' 79 Thirteenth St., WANTED-Wldeawako agents can ff2.ko..'TCyek!J'v, wri, for Particulars. Krooth, 653 60th St., Chlcaxw. WANTED Young men to lenrn tho linotype business. Biggest fluid for young men today. Ulg pay, Khnrt hours, pleas nnt work. Wo prepare you at homo In ten weeks. nsKlst you to sreuro good position. Freo Keyboard to each student. Reason able. Wrlto today for particulars. Na tional I.ltiotypn Institute, Rochester, N. Y. ""Sv ANTED Experienced house girl for gent-rnl hnusuwork; 137 8. 35th St. Tel. Ilnrnrv 3913. WANTED All all around country printer to set lids, ntralght matter, Jobs, food cylinder and Job presses, etc. State wages expected. Journal, Falls City. Nob. "mAtTRIWSS FINI8IIEHS-W0 want I'overnl first class mattress finishers at once; light, utry factory, pleasant work ing facilities; plenty of work for ail win tor ulul nmybo longer; good pay. Wlro, don t wrlto. 1 hlto Siviut Ma u Fac tory, Tom U, Burneot Co., Dallas, Tex POULTRY DRESSERS WANTED. Can use 6 or 8 good pickers'; working stonuy. v. v . mono uu,, uumnoiat, jo. Exclusive Shops YOU HAV:'TRiEDTin3KE3T. NOW TRY THE BEST. Until Novombor 1, 131S, wo furnish good 1 grsdo of lining, clean, press and rellno overcoats for $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. 8UC0ESH CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING COMPANY. 14TH AND DODGE. TEL. DOUG. 2MW. IIEIjP WANTED. MA 1,13 AM) TI3 1101,11. MATTRESS FINISHERS Wo want several first clnss mnttrcFs finishers nt once; light, airy factory, pleasant work ing facilities: plenty of work for all win ter and maybe longer; good pay. Write, don't wire. White Swan Mattress Fac tory, Tom B. Burnett Co., Dallas, Tcx WANTli3D-Fly saddle makers; flvo harness makers; big Jobs and good prices, JamoB-Mlcltle-Scliow Co., Ft. Worth. Tex. Miscellaneous. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In tho automobile business; chnutfeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are In big de mand and command largo salaries; pre pare yourself tn our largo training shops, whern you loaru how to operate, rplr a"d sell nil makes of rnrs. NATIONAL AUTO TRAIN ING ASS'N. 2311 N. -20th St.. Omnhn. Noli. TKLKGltAPH positions guarnntcud you by tho Union Paciflo and Illinois Cen tral lallrosils If you gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Address for particulars. II. 13. Hoy lee, l'rrs. Boyle f.'nlloRO. Omnhn. Neb. NOW IS TILE TI.ME WANTED Honest business producers, to soli high grade groceries to farmers and other inrge consumers, Bumper crop Insures record breaking fall trndo. No Investment: cnmmlNlnri. ,1.1. nr,li, li . "V -. wii ...u.o, unburn! jiuui. run tmlay, JOHN SI0XTON & CO.. t ,n VOLE8ALE GROCERS. IjAKK & FRANKLIN STS.. CHICAQO, evWrwifi!!1." yoU b"se". furnishing" c. . ""a'i'K oui "Maw system .Specialty Candy Factories" home, any where; no canvasalng. Opportunity lire time; booklet free. Ragsdulo Co., Drawer DLjtOrango. N. J.' ..PiYi'511'1;1810' calendar, premium and ..v.rii,. riui-nuien to sen our advertising maps and charts; splendid opportunity for energetic, resourconil salesmen to ,ullcjr , vunnccuon wiin pres ent lines; If you aro looking for a good, solid IiruDos ll an nnt hnmiui i... 600 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at onco fir electrlo railway motormcn and conductors; $tf) to $100 a month; no bxj tierlencu necessary: fine opportunity, no strike; write Immediately fur application blank. Address y aw. uee. MAIL CARRIERS, postofflco clorlis wanted. Omaha examinations during November. Free coaching. Franklin ltiatltuto. Dept. 213 T, Rochcstor. N. Y. $100 monthly and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. ft. Scheffar, 752 Slier man, Chlcago. , FREE to advertisers, a book to keep advertising result records; to get results use classified section Boyce's Weeklies, 1,050,000 weekly. ', using letterhead, Record Book, Dept. 137, 60S Dearborn Ave., Chicago. AGENTS Here's the best lino of fla vor, perfumes and toilet preparations ever offered: no capital needed: fine sam ple case furnished to workers; write quick lor particulars. American j-rouucu ,o., C213 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Q. WANTED Experienced salesman In es tahllih?d territory; ladles, children's dresses; kimonos, robes, gowns: Iowa, Nehrufka, Kansas, Missouri. Ileardon Hros. Mfg. Co., Waukeg&'i. PI. KALKHMKN wanted for Nebraska ter ritory. Apply residence, i907'4 Dodge et GASJET Heaters Men and women, get busy. High cost of roal creates great demand. Sample out!, supplied. Dally profit $5 upward. Let us prove It. ' Seed Co., 93 Reado. New York. AGENTS Wo will pay, an honest man or woman In every city and town a lib eral salary to do easy and plcazrnt adver tising all or part of their spare time. No experience necessary, $30 extra weekly profit selling holiday goods with Special Christmas catalogue of L10O quick sellers, Freo to agents. Wrlto Immediately. A postal will do. Best Mfg. Co., 853 Broad St., Providence. R. I. INVENTORS My patent made a for tune; If yours did not make money, my Interesting letter sent freo. tells why. Eugene Pearl, 23 Union Square, Now York. AGENTS WANTED To sell NeverweY: makes shoes impervious to snow and water; urod by all fishermen, hunters nn nnATlIn Mmn.llml n wnrlr In ..... all day; dry feet at night: everybody . WE have a llfe-long, opportunity for uuys sue pacxage wnen snown; agentsVT V.'" "r ' . "b yu. nuuuonui sample mailed. 10c. Progress Sales Co .machlne "'At P"ta water into the house 92 nnid St.. kw York ritv liKe city water worm. iw priced, easy men run as high as as $100 per wetk. We give you territory perfectly free. Moody Vogel Mfg. Co.. 3360 Easton Ave., St Louis, Mo. AGENTS Act quick. Best proposition out Nothing trashy . Large profits. Buccets arsurwl. Write Fidelity Supply I'l rijr.1 1. .ti rlrn.illA fll.l.. T 1 Mo. AfiKNTS iret busy: here's what they all wunt; sell "Zanol" concentrated ox fmatu rnr making Uuuors at home: some thing new at last: saves over 60 per cent of liquor dealers'; guaranteed strictly legitimate; small package; large profits; enormous demand; territory be ing snapped up; write or wire toaay; wt'il show you how to make money quick. Universal Import Co., Dept. 610, Cincin nati. O. HIGH-CLASS specialty salesman, no other proposition on the market today offeis such exceptional opportunities for capable kalesmen. "Champion" Complete Accountant (fire-proof) combination safe, desk, account system, money drawer and complete recorder. State full qualifica tions. The Champion Register Company, Cleveland, O. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple Une. High commlsklnns, $lu0 monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Ambitious side-line sales men to sell our popular priced line of ex clusive genuine hand-colored De Luxn calendars beginning January 1. Samples only weigh 4 pounds. Best selling line In country. Big commission paid promptly. Write for particulars Empire Art Co., Chicago. HA LBSM AN B I g commleslmiR In aolllnir our line or nand amlpower farm pumps i.TnA- Z"U ," nnd ic"lylene lighting tr.r- . - V "T. 1 ?, ""'"'1 lOWtlS. WritO ChlcaKo, iI,;.w"'l,u"- on'lio jump Co.. EARN $50 weeTkly selling col7c7uoncabT .. u.o iu iiciuimnis. write ror rreo sam Lo'uis Mo 062 L,ac,,!Ue 1,llK" s' Hoy. WANTED-Five good reliable boys Good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. 212 S. 13 St Clerical nnd Office. AN.,"Kjtp6r,encS!,.floor manager. r-i umcnocirer, jrain jirotners. f !, iuit., $260; OFFICE MGIt, (JNV.), mi; TRAVELING SALESMAN $125; TRAVELING SALESMAN $75: TIIAVELING SALESMAN. MCHY , M' CITY HALIiSMAN. GOOD PEIlHONAlll ITY. $100; BOOKKPR. AND AOCT., $125" BOOKKPR.. $00; OFFICE CLERK. GOOD PENMAN. $76; 3 OFFICE CLERKS, i " 2 LEDGER CLKHKH, $C0; STENO AND CLERK. 176: STENO.. AHS'T Tit nit IT MAN. tOO: STENO.. l.-AATjn uivv OTHERS. WEST'N UHKKHKNPU & BOND ASS'N, I ORIOINATOHH OF THE REFERENCE JirSINICSH. 752 OMAHA NATL HANK BLDG. CALI'? for stenogrnnhers for thh r.-t of the month aro more than wo can fill " want three stenriirraDhers ra'lr-l Y't fcienograpner. wholesnle ilrugH, $CV$76; Ktcnograplier. South Omaliu. IfA- n.m,. grnpher, wholesale house, $50; steno grnplier, lumber. $?; stenographer, auto, mobiles. $55; stenogranlicr. out of th oltv. $60; bookkeeper. South Onittha. Id; offjro eleik, some experience, $10; book CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Hunk Bldg. I'uctory ami Trade. Pruc store (nnji) Jobn. Kn!et. Be" Rlilt- WANTED Immediately, ox 'ii'l coatnmkers Inrtell. !' I'nn'ir SALESEMAN-A large Chicago publish Ing house wants a flrst-claes man In thU vicinity on a special proposition of in terest to carjenters. electricians, en gineers, architects, accountants and busi ness men Permunent position with lib era', contract to right parti Give refer j-ces anl experience Addrqeb American Technical Society, DrexI Ave. und Mth St., Chicago. LEARN AUTOMOBILE. ENGINEERING. Get into the automobile buslrni. h-iim It complete In the largest and lies' equipped training school In this terrltor Hepalrmnn, dernonstratois and salrsme1 aro In demand. Write or call for out latrf. catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SrHOOr 14P'-17 Dnrtre f-'t Oiii..Ii Vh. MEN wanted to lenrn i hi rb"er trade Vs featli by freo work aid rave yeor of apprei.t i-eshlp. No hotter worli Job niwa hu.ihij T'w-ds g'.tn Wefes i fnUliu... c putt r,u lit tt' c,j ufttr Uo'er Barber College, 110 ti, 11th St. WANTED-For U. 8. army, ublebodled, unmarried men between ages of 19 and 35; citizens ot United States, ot goad char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing officer, 13th and Douglas 3tB Olnnlin, Nob".; 606 Fourth St., Sioux City, In.: 1V N Tenth St.. Lincoln. Neb. STOP working for others. Work for yourself $200 monthly spare time. Start nt homo, no canvassing. Plan and particu lars free. Wrlto W. L. Marvoi Co., Apollo Bldg.. Pittsburgh. Pa AN EXTRA 4 lV 1 mtm will be needed by the United Htn Navvy this year. To run Its vast flgnilng fleet 48,000 men are required: 17,000 of these aro Potty Of ficers. Opportunities for seeing sotno of the world tiro also very good. Averagu pay of all enlisted men Is $33 monthly, with practically no living ex penses. Young men' who have It In them to win, rlso to CIUEF PETTY OF FICERS $90 to $100 per month-then to WAltRANT OFl"ICERa$l,e to $3,600. Of tho Navy men entitled to ra-enllst co per cent re-enlist which shows that Navy men are we4l fed, well paid, well treated, well promotod and like the life. NaVy employs 60 trades, maintain." trado schools for those having aptltudo Men knowing trades may enlist nt higher pay Only young men 17 to 25 yearn old can enlist, except men knowing certuln tradtts; they can enlist over 25 and at hlKher pay. Call at Navy Recruiting Sta tion. Pnsiofflce Building, Omaha, Neb. Officers will glady tell everything you wish to know. Or send for a freo lllun. (rated booklet. "The Making of a Man . o' Warsman:" tells oil about navy work, pay, play, promotion, travel, etc, Have your purents road It. Address Bureau of Navigation, Box 209, Navy Dept, Wash ington, JJ.C. BETi detective. Earn $100 to $M a month. Travel over tho world. Wrlto National Detective Service. Los Angeles, Cal, WANTEI-Phymtlan" for QffTco work tti Nebraska. C M2. Hcc, J5 TO $10 A DAY for reliable men and women agents; simple nnd complete out fit free; credit given; easiest, fastest best sellors ever offered : a sulo for overy call, Altr. of Molluo. III., uveruued near $1 an hour. Flicht of St. Paul. Minn . working only part of tho tlmo. averaged, $13.i u mouth for six months. Htlll of Ijvtexo, Tex., tnndo $12.60 In eight hours and 8.1VS. "anyonu willing to work inn make $0 to $10 a day." 400 per cent profit for you; full details free. Address Dow Snlcs Co., Dept 03, Topeka, Kan. BIO money writing songs, lluridreds'of dollars havo boon mado by successful writers. Wo pay 60 per cent of profits It successful. Send lis your original poems, songs or melodies today, or write for freo particulars. Dugdalo Co., Dopt. 1022, Wash ington, D, C WANTED (SITUATIONS. UELP1 Cull the Omnha Employment Bureau. Douglas 1112. COMPETENT young lady with about 3 years' clcrlcul experience, also some ex perience on comptometer, would llko i position In an office, good reference, A d ilrers. A SCO, enro of Omaha Bee. ""COLORED girl wants position as chaii bnrmald or light housekeeping. Address 2110 N. 271 h Avo. YOUNO lady wants office work or pri vate switch board, reference furnished. Webster 0318. SITUATION wanted by Al bookkeeper, 9 yrs. 'experience. Prnctlcally perfect at ordinary figures. Ago, 25 yrs. Address Y 213, Bco. CHEF, colored, deslro position oxcep tlonul In workmanship und management. Go any where. N. M. Tuner, Cudahys, South Omaha. JAPANESE would like position, as cooli in prlvato family. Addrois F-915, cars Bee. JAPANESE would llko position as coolc In 11 hotel. Address E-91G, cure Bee. WANTKI Position as lioAisckeapnr la refined homo by widow; accustomed to chlldren.J 912. Boo. NEAT colored girl wants work In prl vato family, can furnish references. Web. 4717. "LADY of good character would rnnt her liousttt to widower with family und she keep house; references exchanged. M 921, Btu. . GIRL wnnts work as seoond cook. Call or wrlto Margerlto Deoins, 1826 N. litli. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAIIA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 8S2. AlfredO. Kennedy fe ance. 209 First Nat' IBank Bldg. D. 722. B. II. Colo Elgn Co. D. 3768. 1313 Farnam St. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frunzer Blk. BEST bracer for mon. Gray's Nerva Food pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Shormun & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Nob. OMAHA POSTINO SERVICE. Advertising. "Porsll" Oxygen Wasliing t,ompounu. FOR renovating feathers and mattresses call Om. Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. D. 2407. "N. P. SWANBON, Funeral director. Parlors and Hand somn Chanel in new building. 17th und Cuming Sts. Phono Douglus IOCS, All kinds machinery bought, sold and exl changed. H.Gross, Mach. Ex., 1001 Doug. Plumes renovated, 425 Paxtou Blk. D. 839t MONEY by .Mall-turt U mall order business, or nuinage an agency for 1110. I'l luted matter furnished toe half the profits. Write for particulars. Huxen A. llorton. Desk hii. TeKonslia, .Mien. ORGANIZERS Wanted Extravagant Income, right men. Particulars cost nnt hint?. Hlir Frnturnnl Order. lur tiroixjsltloiis -ull dinners. Address. Grand ?ecrtarj'. Nntlonal t'nnutreurs' Associa tion. J50 Nassau St., New York. EARN big money as auto expert. Mv free book tells how. Automobile Train- ln School, 1108 E. looust St., Kajisas aty, Mo. HE a detective. Earn tlM to t tier month; travel over urn worm, wrno Mupt. rif'wlg. 1427 Scutrltt Bldg.. Kunsas City, Mo. RAILWAY mall clerks. curriers. wanted. Clood pay. Fine positions. Pay for Instruction after you receive position, t "erty Institute, Dept. 10O, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE AN II FEMALE. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED li.r ..-vcrmnent positions; tW.Ol vaek. Write .r iiri 01 positions open. Fiankllit in iU ir 1)" r. !l'r nmiiester N Y EDUCATED lady ortrentleman to'tiik permanent Pltlon. Good mnnev to one who can qualify. Call on 8. S. Dew, Rome Hotel, Tuesday afternoon. Oct 24. ANY Intelligent person may 1 .111 atialy nc'iniu corresponding fur rerttujuers 1 .cine unri'iisary Ad, t w ALL will bo forgiven, Mary, It you will meet me, at tho Sign ot tho Crown and tho Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Sts. That Is where BRODEOAARD sells those lucky wedding rings; ""lIbHEN. costumes. 1514 Howard Bt GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at al! grocers, with guarantee to please "TflDtfTfor excavating about F.000 yards ot earth for building rear of stable on Dundy property,. 29th and Ieavenwortli Sts. F. 1). Wend, 1801 Farnam. ATTRACTIONS OMAIIA ETLM EX. Dougias. nJ Motion pictures machine nnd film bargains AUTOMOBILES li 1? I7IN1C Tna outo radiator repair P . V . J. it 1. mun jjjoj farnam. rear DRUMMOND'S BTG NEW GARAGE At 26th and Furnom. Best repairing. Bet uuto shop In city. Prompt servli'o and r!iaonabU charges. Murphy Did ltAiS' .cine unri. usury Ad-r ss l'nss j Corruspondeuuo JJuieau, Washington, jj.o jnung St. Phone Harnty 115. FOR SALE A forty horsepower Pull- man deinopslrator, been run about 140 miles und U In the best condition. JUxSUT head engine. 122 In. wheel base, fullv equipped, has electrlo light with generator and storage battery and ever readj utartor. original price $2,150. but we will cut this below wholesale cost If taken within 30 days. .MICHIGAN M'TOMOBILE CO.. mi .HIT FAJINASI 8T. NEW. latest model aeven-nassenor tourln. ci r sntri i e w f