Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 24

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Lace Specials
A big assortment of laces go
in Monday's Balo nt specially
attractive bargain prices.
Val laces, yard, nd....5
ZIon City laces, . .5S 7'4S 10d
Venice laces,. ..v 19J, 39S 40 J
Ail-oTor laces, 40. 98 S $1.49
Black Silk Flouncinga and
scmi-flouncings at special
bargain prices for Monday.
10c Torchon Laces 5c
Wo are determined to break all selling records for the
last days of October and Monday's offerings are a strik
ing demonstration of onr ability to give rare values.
No matter how extravagant or how modest your tastes,
there is no seasonable want that cannot be satisfied and
profitably supplied from our splendid fall stocks.
$2.00 "Whipcords and Diagonals
Plain colors and two-toned ef
fects, in big assortment, also
fino English corkscrew weaves,
54 inches wide; on sale at, per
yard $158
Bannockburn Suitings, Diagonals
and Serges, 52 and 54 inches
wide, broken lines from regular
stock that sold at $1.25 and $1.50
a yard; on salo Monday at, per
yard 980
54-inch and 56-inch Novelty Suit
ings Mannish 8 tripos and
Scotch mixtures, strictly all
wool, in very choice colorings
at, yard $1.25
Serges, Panamas, P r u n o 1 1 a s,
Whipcords Bedford Cords, olo.
big special lot, 36 to 54 inches
wide, to $1.25 a yard values; on
sale at 38c and 68c
New Neckwear
A comploto lino of all tho new
est novelties in Fancy Ncckwoar,
Crochet Bows, Velvet Bows,
Robespierre Collars, Auto scarfs,
Lace Chemisettes, Laco Sailor
and Coat Collars, oto.
See the Special Bargain Offer
ings Monday in Neckwear
at 25c and 49c
mm iw4
Monday J uesday, Wednesday, Thursday
In spite of the fact that wholesale prices on Fur Garments are
rapidly advancing on account of our immense stock and tho unusu
ally warm weather, all Fur Sets, Fur Scarfs and Fur Muffs, will be sold
at 20 per cent discount from regular price. All Fur Coats at greatly below I
retail worth. Tho most opportune time to buy is right now. Come Monday.
You can feel perfectly safo in selecting Furs hero for all Fur Garments with tho ono
exception of "Coney's" aro sold with our personal guarantee. .Wo also have a most
comploto assortment for your selection.
Hand Bag Sale
Holiday lines are here and boforo
unpacking the now goods wo will
offer our Entire Present Stock of
ladles' Hand lings nt Special Clear
ance lrices.
$1.00 Hand Bags 39
$1.25 Hand Bags 49f
$2.00 Hand Bags 79
$2. BO Hand Bags 93
$2.75 Hand Bags S1.19
$3.00 Hand Bags SI. 49
$4.00 Hand Bags $1.98
$5.00 Fitted Bags $2.49
$0.00 Hand Bags $2.98
$7.00 Fitted Bags... $3.98
A splendid line of Novelty Hand
Bags Included In this wonderful
In our showing of tailored suits, coats and dresses for Mon
day, varieties are as great as values are attractive
Imported caracul cloth coats, regular $25.00 values,
satin lined throughout, at $14.90
Stylish, long, novelty cloth coats, made to sell to $20,
including a fino lino of the popular Johnnie coats,
at choice $9.90
An immense assortment of beautiful ono-pioco
dresses in a broad assortment of wool and silk
fabrics; most attractively priced at $19, $25
and $35
Long silk kimonos mado to sell at $5; a good lino of
colors, on salo at $2.95
Silk underskirts, good colors and worth fully doublo
Monday's selling price at $1.50
Girls' drossos, splendid values, $4.95, $6.95,
and $8.95
A magnificent showing of fine velvet and corduroy
suits, in a broad variety of cleverly distinctive
styles, shown at $35, $39.75, $49, $59, $69
150 handsome tailored suits in diagonals, tweeds and
fancy suitings, made to sell at $35 and $40; oh salo
at choice $25
Women's and Misses tailored suits made to sell at
$20, all sizes'and most wanted fabrics and colorings;
on sale at choice .$10
"Women's wool eiderdown and blanket robes, made to
sell at $5, good colors and patterns, on sale Mon
day, at choice $2.95
Many specials in infants' wear.
$3.00 to $4.00 values.
Floor stock of Sponcor &
Donlvan Bhoo tf f QO
Co. On salo... 4 -'O
Q Blankets Wool, Cotton, Wool- g
knap, wool Felted, Blankets of all Klnd5 lrom
a prominent manufacturer at special low prices in
Domestic Room.
Suez size Cotton Blankets, 75o values. . . .48c
Balsin largo size, good weight, Cotton Blankot,
with fancy bordor, $1.25 values 95c
Beacon Gray Blankets, extra heavy weight, largo
size, neatly bound with fancy borders, $2.50 val
ues, at $1.95
Norman, very heavy, oxtra largo sizo Blankot, in
gray and brown, neat border, $3.25 value, $2.50
Baby Crib Blankets, fanoy borders, 20o values, at,
each 14c
Fanoy Plaid Blankets pinks, blues and grays, good
weight, largo sizo, $2.25 valuos .$1.50
Assortod lot of all wool Blankets, extra largo size, heavy wolghtH,
good patterns, values up to $8.00 $5.00
Largo size Comforters, good wolghta and patterns, $1.25 valuos 95
Underpricing Sale of Rugs Monday
An immenso delayed shipment of high class rugs was received by us at a big prico dis
count. Qn account, of an already heavy stock we do not wish to carry them and
Monday we will give our customers tho full benefit of tho extraordinary price discount. If
you have rugs to buy you cannot afford to miss tho exceptional saving opportunities.
$27.50 Axminstor Rugs 28
different pnttorns, 9 x 12
size, choice $15.98
$22.50 Wilton Rugs Seam
loss, big line of patterns,
9x12 sizo $13.98
$42.50 Wilton Rugs All
1912 patterns, 9x12 size,
choice $29.98
$18.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs
10 wiro quality, 9x12 size, just (38 in this
lot, ixj choico . . . . .$12.9S
$16.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs
8 wire quality, 9x12 size, just 59 in tho
lot, to close, choice $9.98
One Lot of American Orientals, All Wool Smyrna and Mitre Velvot Rugs, actual retail
worth to $30, 9x12 sko; just 28 in the lot; you'll havo to hurry as they can't last long
at eaoh $10.98
10 Wire Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs
6x9 sizo and worth to $10, just 61 in tho
lot, go at, choico $5.98
9x12, Kashmere Rugs Oriental patterns,
reversible, color guaranteed, regular $8.50
values, 21 for selection S6.9S
Extra Specials for Monday in
the High-Grade Wash Goods
Blankets of tho highest quality may bo found hero in tho
mofct comploto assortmoat ever shown; in wool, part wool
and cotton blankots nt prices ranging from, tho pair,
95c to $12.50
neacon Bath Robes, fino heavy, fleoco blanketB In rich two-tono effects;
beautifully figured, doublo faced, 72x90-ln. size, wlthcord and frog
fastener comploto $2.95
Beacon Hobo Flannels, double faced, 28 Inches wide, boautlftU new
patterns, at the yard i 28
Also Cords to match, at per sot 39J
Extra heavy Snowland Fleece, a beautiful lino of patterns for selec
tion, at tho yard 12V4
30 Inch Flannelettes, lu all tho nowost designs and colora, at yd., 15
Muslins, Sheetings, Pillow Cases, Toweling, Bed Spreads,
Table Linens and Wash Goods at Bargain PricesDomestic Room
All theso rugs aro guaranteed porfect no seconds or mismatched goods in the entire lot
shown. Go whero you will when you will, you'll never find these values surpassed.
Many other specials Monday from our regiilar stock.
On sale nt nearly half
less than regular retail
Silks and Velvets
were never so much in vogue as
they are this season fashion's
preference for the soft clinging
fabrics has brought a popularity
to silk weaves second to no other
class of fabrics, and our great
stock is in shape to meet your
every demand.
We're offering some charming
special bargains for Monday's
selling. 'You should see them.
$2.00 to $3.50 Satin Chormcuso 40
In. wide, in a beautiful lino of new
fall colorings, Including all the scarce
shades yd $1.68 aid 2.78
All Silk Mcssallncs 85o to $1.25 qual
ity, in 25 dlfforent shades, strong,
firm quality, at yd. 58 and 88i
Beautiful Silk Poplins in full lino
of plain colors, fino bordered ef-
fects and neatjacquard styles
the very best qualities produced ;
specially priced at, per
yard $1.25 and $1.75
All SUk Crepo do Chinos Fine, firm
quality, 40 in. wide, both plain and
brocaded, in every wanted street and
evening shade, at yd. S1.48 S1.98 ;
73c and $1.00 Dross Silks Taffetas,
ards, etc, on salo, yd. 38 and, 48i
Imported Corduroys and Dress
Velvets A full line of colors
fast, pile, regular $1.25 and $1.50
a yard values; special, yd., 980
Aurora 9-4 unbleached Sheeting, ox
tra heavy, SSo valuos SOo
Lonsdale. 36-lnch bleached Muslin,
lOo values 7Ho
Pequot 9-4 fine heavy bleached Sheeting-,
SSo value 29o
Progressive 9-4 bleached Sheeting,
SSc value . 18o
3(lnoh unbleached Muslin, 7Uc val
ue . .Bo
Arcadia Pillow Tubing, 45 In. wldo,
ISo values lOo
West Wind 36-lnch bloachod Muslin,
So value SVio
Diaper Cloth, 21 inches wide, anti
septic, bolt 10 yards 70 o
Sterling 45xl Pillow Cub on, good
muslin, llfta values lOo
81x90 linen finished Sheets, good
muslin, D9o values 4Bo
Largo site hemmed lied Spreads, as
sorted patterns, good weight, $1.25
values noo
Serpentine Crepe, good patterns. 18a
values lOo
tS-lncii Sllkollne, good patterns, ISo
values lOo
Cotton Hats, from 9So to BHo
Flannelettes, good Tattenis, lSHo
values ........ ............. ,8Ho
Cotton Ore os doods, plaids and
checks, ISo values
Indigo blue Apron Checks, 7o values
at So
Outing Flannels, good weights and
colors, lOo values 7H
The prettiest woman lacks-charm unless
sho has tho wit to be well gowned that is
not necessarily expensively gowned, but
neatly and becomingly dressed and abovo
all, trim of figure.
Women who aro most careful have long ago
discovered that the most Important principal in
achieving the end is the right corset.
Our Corset Shck Will Sup
ply the Right Corset for You
-lust Your Model.
We carry complete lines of all the best Nemo,
Dinners', R. & Q.'s, Warner' C-B.'b, W. D.'b, Thorn
sou Glove Fitting, Bon Ton, etc., a model for
every figure, every pair guaranteed, at prices
ranging from gl to g5
Special Monday, corsets worth to 12, broken lines
of standard makes, long blp, medium g t
bust modols, six hose supporters at- jrlC
tacbed, on salo to closa at , irM
Bed Linen Specials
Linen Department
Bed Shoots, 81x90, seamless, extra
heavy, fl.00 values, each....65
Pure Ltnon Bod Sheets, homstltchcd,
full slxo, $8.00 valuos, pr S5.00
Embroidered or Drawn Work Sheets
and Pillow Cases to match, worth
$0.00 per Bet S3.25
Pure linen scalloped Pillow Cases,
full slto, $5.00 values, per pair,
at S1.98
Imitation Mexican drawn work Boa
Spreads, full size, worth $6,00 each,
at S3.95
Imported Marseilles Bod Spreads, full
site, hemmed, worth 13.00. each 9108
Scalloped, fringed or hemmed crochet
lied Bproads, worth 14.00, each SO.&3,
Full size crochet Bed Spreads, hemmed
or fringed, J3.25 values, each . .91.00
Wi Save Ton from 35 to 50 on
Drugs and Toilet Qoods.
Big Special sole for Monday.
Note Prices.
SOo Hinds' Honey and Almond or
Ponds' Extract Cream for ....39a
$1 size puro Hydrogen Peroxide, 26o
4 bars of Ivory soap for ISo
10a Physician's and Surgeon's Soup
for so
10a Shlnola shoe, polish for So
15a can of LUoo ur Violet Talcum
powder for So
?5a sizo Williams' Carnation or Vio
let Talcum for lOo
11.50 bottle of Oriental Cream 08o
Large size Pompelan Massage Cream
for .49o
25c Sanltol, Ponds' Extract or Per
oxide Face Cream for latto
35o Sanltol Tooth Powder, Paste or
Brushes, each 13tto
Spotless llulr Brushes, worth
for s 81.00
12.00 Imported Hand Mirrors, at SI
51.00 and J1.60 Hair Brushes, go at,
each 75a
lOo and 15o Toilet Chamois, each So
11 box Lb, Trefle or Azurea Face
Powder for 76o
Read Our Big Special Monday
Grocery Sale
We advise our customers to buy
flour now. The wheat market took
another Jump this week. Monday.
48lb. sacks of our very finest Dia
mond H flour, nothing finer for
bread, pies or cakes, per suck, 81.20
19 lbs. best Orannlatcd Sugar ,.91.00
10 bars Beat 'Kin All, Diamond C or
Lenox soap B5o
S lbs. best whlto or yellow cornmeal
at 17Ho
8 lbs. bulk laundry starch SSo
4 lbs. fancy Japan rice 35a
4 lbs. fancy Pearl or Fine Tapioca SSo
The best domestic Macaroni, Spaghetti
or Vermlccllu, pkg. 7Mo
5 cans oil or mustard sordlnees . .35c
8 cokes fancy Toilet Soap 33a
Yeast Foam, ,pkg. 3o
Lib. nkr. cornstarch 4o
New strained honey, pint Jars -.35c
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. . .13V
lied Jacket pure apple cider, per gal
lon Wo
The beat Soda or Oyster Crackors. lb.,
at -'Wo
The best crisp Pretxola or (linger
Snaps, lb. , So
ETC or Oriole corn flakes, pkg. 6Vto
Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup,
Worcester Sauce, Pickles or Horse
radish, per bottle Btto
The best tea siftlngs, lb. lOo
(1 olden Santos coffee, lb. SSo
Good family tea. uncolorod Jupati or
Bundrled, per lb. 35o
The best creamery butter, carton r
bulk, lb. 34o
The best country butter, lb. 30o
The best dairy butter, lb. SOo
Full cream brick cheese, lb. 18o
I-lb. rolls good butterlne 32o
Mb. rolls good tablo butterlne ..35a
S-lb. rolls fancy table butterlne ..45o
ae last of the Kelftr Pears for can
ning Monday, bnshtl basket ....90o
Fresh spinach, per peck 7Vio
4 bunches fresh beets, carrots or tur
nips ,. Bo,
uuuuaru squasii 7to ana oo
2 heads fresh leaf lettuca So
6 bunches fresh radishes So
3 large heads cabbage lOo
15 lbs. new potatoes to peck 15o
13 lbs. fancy Qreentng apples to the
peck ....SOo
4 bunches frosh parsley ISo
Fuiicy Capo Cod Cranberrlos, per ut,
at 7Vic
Fanoy hothouse cucumbers, eaah lOo
3 bunches oyster plant, lOo
3 large soup bunches 10c
Fancy Denver cauliflower, lb. 13Vio
Fancy ripe tomatoes, 3 lbs. ....... lOo
1! stalks fresh celery So
S bunches gren onions So
Large grape fruit lOo. and 7 Mo
Funcy Tokay grapes, lb. Bo
Fancy Yakima Valley Jonathan or
Orlmes aolden apples, bushel boxes
extra special box , 81.50
Puro Uneri, extra large size, hem
mod I luck Towels, worth 39c
each, at 25f
Cream or Bnow white heavy
twistod thread Turkish Towels,
worth G9c each, at 35(i
Plain or fancy all linen bleached
lluck Toweling, worth 7Bc yard,
at 50d
Imported mercerized pattern
Table Cloths, size 8x10, assorted
ii worth $1.75 each. at. .1.00
Hemmed pattorn Table Cloth!,
pure flax, size 8x12, worth $4.00
each, at $2.50
Scalloped circular Table Cloths, full
size, purs linen, worth $5.00, each
at 83.50
Heavy double Damask, satin finish
Belfast Pattern Cloths, size 8x10,
worth J8.00, each 94.98
Heavy double Damask, satin finish
Dinner Napkins to match, size 27
inch, worth 19.00, dozen ....95.93
Hayden's tor Hardware
They are Cheapest
2Ec stoves brushes 19o
10a stove black, per pkg. .......Bo
lOo scrub brushes 6o
100 ft. heavy smooth wire 39o
25c cotton mops ,..,.19o
25c Btove pipe, enameled ........ 15c
Any size drip or bread pan ...... lOo
Any size steel frying pans ...... loo
Ash sifters , ISo
Any size enamel pie tins ........ 5o
Any size enamel pudding pans ..lbo
Coat hangers, 2 for ..So
65c cobbler seta 49o
95o large, heavy "Cold Blast Lan
terns'' .....,...,, , B90
65c Lanterns , 49o
We are exclusive nsrents In Omaha
lor the famous "Benown" Cast
Banges. Black Nickel finish. No
blacking required anywhere.
Hound Oak stoves, up from . . . .93.93
Base Burners, up from , 933.00
Cast Banges, with high closets, up
from , 934.00
Steel llanges, with high closetB. 'up
from 930.00
Cook stoves, up from 910.00
Perfection Oil heaters 33.50
Stove pipe, per joint ,.10o
Elbows, each lOo
overlook the faot that we have the
largest 11ns In town, including such
well known machines as the "Onu
Minute." "Motor." "Pullman," "Vao
num Washer," "Undtrgsar," hand and
water power machines and the fatu
ous White Xilly eltotric Qet oar
prices before you bay.
Ladies' Tailoring Department
New York and Paris say Broadcloth
Suits. Always popular now favorites.
Monday we will offer you Broadcloth Tail
ored Suits, mado to your measure, gar
ments actually worth $60.00. . .$37.50
25 Pieces of Finest Quality Imported
Broadcloths for your selection, in navy
blue, burgundy, brown, taupe, hunters'
green, gray, wine and black. Monday wo
will make suits from your choice of these
broadcloths, strictly hand tailored, Skin
ner satin lined. Perfect fit and workman
ship guaranteed; suits XHfSQ
that would ordinarily OJ
cost you $60.00, at Hr
Inquire at Wool Dress Goods counter.
Big Bargains in Wall Paper
for Monday and Tuesday
Closing out end lots of V price and less, in all grades;
white blanks, gilts, oatmeals, etc.
Good papers for that back room at, per roll 2(J
Living room paper, 10c values 5c
Independent paper, 25c values , 10c
A limited supply of ceiling, six roll lots, at 15c
30-inch plain oatmeals ? 25c
18-inch gold oatmeals 15c
30-inch ingrains 10c
Varnish wood stains, pints . . . ,30c
"Wall Paper and Paint Dept. Main Floor.
Four Good Wash Good
All 39c and 50c Voiles at, yard 25c
All fancy Jacquard Silks that sold as high as 59c yd., 25c
Dotted Silk Mixtures, a full line of colors, 25c grade; special
Monday at 19c
39c Princess Foulards, in pretty stripes and figures; Mon
day at, yard 24c
Blue and Gold Porcelain Open Stock
Try HAYDEN'S First
Tea Cups and Saucers, pair 10c
8-inch nud 7-inch Plates, eaoh 10c
G-inch Breakfast Plateaand Oatmeals, each -TYjiC
Sauce Dishes and Pie Plates, each 5c
Covered Dishes, large 15-inch Platters, eaclu 25c
.Sauce Boats Small Bowls, Vegetable Dishes, Covered But
ters, Sugar and Creamers, each , 10c