THE OMAHA Sl'NDAY BEE: orroBEtt 27, 1912. 10-B Modern Home-Builders and Home-Furnishers of Omaha Loans for Home Builders The best class tnko an interest rnto of 1 5 ' with optional payments any interest days. Peters Trust Co. 1G22 Fnniam Street. Flowers Make Home Surroundings Beautiful Excellent flower arratdemett Put your money to work You get tho best results from workmen whon you can bo with them to adviso and oversco them. It's tho samo way with your monoy whon invested horo at home; you can keep in touch with tho work it is doing, and sinco this is a co-operative company, tho stockholders are all people who are anrriouB to boo it mnko monoy and thoy watch for monoy-making op portunities and help each other toko advan tage of them. Another important thing to bo considorod is that your monoy nt work improving Omaha in a substantial way moans tho creation of many now opportunities for everybody in Omaha. Erery Iivester Gtrraaleed 7. Every Investor Shares in the Company' ; PreiiU Besides. Call and 5 U or Writ' Bankers Realty Investment Company 40410 City National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Cferm J? od hnck house :TULIPS HYACINTHS OROOUS NARCISSUS PLANT AT ONCE All First Size Flowering Bulbs Only For best effects plant named varieties. BULBS THAT GROW: NEED ANY ? The Nebraska Seed Go. Phone Doug. 1261. 1613 Howard St. Miller .Stewart OeatonCo. Interior Decorators and Designers The interior furnishing of a homo desorvos more consideration than tho oxtorior surround ings, and this is more truo of tho windows than of any other part of tho room. If the windows aro decorated with tho propor styles and de signs of Laco Curtains and Ovor Drapories thoy will make a much moro ploasing effect in any room, no matter what tho surroundings may bo. Our Drapery Department, located on tho second floor, is showing a vory largo and exclu sive lino of Lnco Curtains in all styles and do signs, and in prices ranging from $1.25 Per Pair up to $50.00 Per Pair You will find curtains in this lot thut will bo suitablo and appropriate for any stylo room, no matter how plain or how protentious-tho decorations may bo. Ovor Draperies to har monize with Laco Curtains in all stylos and vari eties of the latest products of tho manufac turers. "We aro always ready to show you our stock and give you suggestions. Come in nhd see us before you buy your now curtains. Miller, Stewart ScBeaton Co. 415-17 South Sixteenth Strcot. j Attractive home aettinfp f Srickwork gjivea diafincKonto Stucco NARCI3SU3 BORDER A DEO Of TUMP3 jc?& Double To Zip Bee ARE YOU AN INVESTOR? ARE YOU A WAGE EARNER? HuildliiK Your Own Financial Future Out or Your Savings? All tho more reason why you should get a profitable Interest re turn. HOME BUILDERS PREFERRED $1.02 SHARES aro GUARANTEED to pay And They Partislpate in the Surplus Earnings. We paid our regular 7 per cent dividend January and July and carried K per cent to the surplus fund, making all shares worth 11.04. Tho Price of our Guaranteed Preferred Bliares woe advanced to 91.03 October 1, giving all present shareholders an extra profit of 2 per cent, and Indications are thut another extra dividend wm ue aeciarea Jan. mu Investigate Now Ask for Copy Homo Builders Monthly. HOME BUILD'eRS (Inc.) American Security Co., Fisoai Agents DOUGLAS 3807. - - 800 SOUTH 17XH ST., OSIAIIA -Open Saturday Evening Till 0 O'clock. The Home and Its Surroundings Fall planting of bulbs gives tho lioom surroundings a pretty atmosphere with the first warm week of spring. Thou sands of homes aro mad obeautlful through the wise choice and proper plant ing of flowers In the fall, Tho homo that Is most attractive Is the ono that has the prettiest yard, and the moot enticing beauties on the exterior. No matter how choice tho furnishings of the interior may bo, the home does not appeal to one who looks upon the exterior unless the garden and yard schein'es aro attractive. For $2.65 "" """" " - vr we will furnish enough bulbs to make an elegant bed. See us for anything in the Fall Bulb line. The Nebraska Seed Company n Delay May Mean Loss Follow the Experienced Recent serious fires In business buildings have demonstrated tho Imperative necessity of providing Firo and Floodproof Protection for Valuable Business Records, Flies, Account Books and other 'data, etc., away from the building la which your business Is transacted. It Is evidenced by tho fact that wo number among our renters somo of tho largest firms In tho city, who, aftor searching Investigation, selected tho PIONEKR FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE as the SAFEST, Best EQUIPPED and MOST CENTRAL LY LOCATED for this purpose. Wo have Specially Fitted Fire and Floodproof Rooms and Individual Rooms lh our Fireproof Ware house that will give you absolute protection against fire. Phone Douglas 4108. Let us talk it over with you. Omaha Van & Storage Go. Main Office 800 South 10th Street. Phono Dong. 4103. Branches 300 South 17th St. and 1120 North 10th St. Telephone Douglas 1261 1613 Howard Street Marvel Thermostat Something entirely new and ornamental In a heat regulator. A perpetual guarantee goea with 1L No aprlnga, no weights. Any temperature from 40 to 100 degrees. Vtult our itore an4 eoa it In operation. Marvel. Excelitor. Wonder and Douglas Fur naces. Tank Heaters and Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Iluaters at the home of the larg est Stove and Furnace supply bouse In tho world. Omaha Stove Repair Works 7 18 Bootlaa a. Bulbs For Fall Planting These bulbs will go into the ground now and bloom with the first warm days of spring. DUTCH HOLLAND rsoBucs TuWjk, MyMiiilhs, lafitdils, Crttstis, EU. Plant this fall and have a beautiful garden when nature puts on her vernal dress next year. Stewart Seed Store 119 North 16th Strt DUTCH w HOLLAND! neouesa Ihtrtksir!, Crow, SMwtfnps.Ete. Phone Douglas 303 Residence. Harney 4S83 E. J. DAVIS HEAVY HAULING 1818 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska. Building Loans Money to loan to build homes, to Improve property or to pay existing loans. Horrowera may pay from 10 to 20 per cent on loans on interest dates. Inter cat ceases on amounts when paid. loans closed promptly. Your business solicited. W. H. Thomas 001 First National Dank Dldg. ctmm b m m iii minium, mi s 1 i W 1 MM rflTf Hf ' mam mmm aaammmw Free Information to Home Builders Through the kindness of Arthur C. Clausen, the noted architect of Minneapolis, The Bee is-able to give free advice and guidanco to those who are contempla ting tho building or reihodeling of their homes. Any particular in connection with the construction of a building will bo thoroughlj' discussed, for you, by Mr. Clausen, and without charge. No matter what you wish to know about a home, you can learn important facts that will be of assist ance to you through advising with Mr. Clausen. In writing Mr. Clausen, in care of The Bee, bo sure to ex plain, in detail, just what you wish to know. If you intend to build a home, state tho amount you wish to spend, tho kind of a homo you want, the number of rooms, the material to be used, etc., etc. Be sure to make all things clear. Though you may not intend to build until next spring, it would be well to write Mr. Clausen now, and get your plans completed early. The Bee, Builders' Dept., Omaha, Neb. ill