T1IE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: (X7TOBEK 27, 1912. 11 A PLAN OCEAN TO OCEAN ROAD' Boutc, from New York to San Fran cisco to Be Built by Motorists. PROBABLE C0S1 TEN MILLION FnniU Which Will He Vttt Up lr Auto Drnlero Has nenohed Almomt n. Million Dollnra mid More Coralne In Unllr. Interact In the proposed highway to ex tend from -New York to San Francisco, plans for which were outlined two weeks EO by Carl G. Fisher -of Indianapolis, Is now at Its height. Pledeea for the fund of IIO.OOJ.OCK) which will be necessary . to defray tho expenses of making the road are' poiirlng In from all sides, and present indications are that the entire sum will be pledged by January 1. Steps will be taken shortly for, the appointment and organization of a national committee, which will take complete charge of the work, and just as soon as the plans of this body aro completed and the entire, amount needed Is pledged, contract will bo closed with the various counties through which tho road will pass for the actual work of building tho road. It Is fully expected that by May 1, 1915, the tcean to ocean -highway will be a reality. A Unite t'mlrrtuliliiir. This Is the biggest project ever under taken In . tho automobile world. The original plans, which nro the result of months of study on the part of Carl O. Fisher and James A. Allison, president and secretary, respectively, the prcsl-O-Ilte company and the IndlanapolU Motor Bpeedway, have been carefully ex amined by leading manufacturers "and financiers all over tho countr, and huve been endorsed by them as being safe, Bound and entirely possible of execution. ' "Within thirty minutes after the project was explained by Mr. Fisher at a banquet In Indianapolis recently, a sum of $300,000 had'becn pledged by tho automobile man ufacturers and dealers of the Hooslor capital alone. ( Those connected with tho automobile industry in other cities and states have (not been Blow In responding and the tem porary committee, composed of Carl O. Fisher and James A. Allison, which is now in charge of tho business details of the project, report that there Is no ap parent reason why the enterprise should not be carried to a successful completion. 3onded trust companies will bo appointed to receive pledge payments as they are made, and not a dollar of this money Is to be spent until tho entire fund of $10, 000,000 or more Is guaranteed. In case that for any reason whatsoever the ocean vto ocean highway should fall to bo real ized, the money already contributed will be returned to tho original donors with 3 per cent Interest added. All expenses In cidental to the promotion of the plan are to bo met by Mr. AlllBon and Mr. Fisher personally, up to tho point whero tho venture Is either a success or a failure. Packard Oars Now Invading Europe Bpcauso the American demand readily absorbed a steadily increasing output, the PackoVd company .never has pursued an aggressive policy looking toward distri bution In Kurope. Several years, ago, a. service depot was established In Paris, but this was for tho express' purpose of providing technical attention for Packard owners from America and assisting them in dU'ppslng of tho red tapo which at taches yto touring on the continent. Out of tho practice grew a demand for Packard cars in Franco with the result that a sales department was added to the Paris Service Btatlon. Now the mpvoment has extended to Germany and within the last few days a contract for tho sale of Packard cars and truck has been closed with Carl Drey mann, who has his headquarters In Dus seldo'rf. lie has arranged to open a num ber of branches. I Gossip Along the Automobile Row Manager Undsey of the John Deere Plow company's auto department has Just returned from a week's visit through the Ilowa territory, whero he visited tho greater portion of tho Velle agencies. He reports' tho dealers to bo optimlstlo and prosperous despite the uncertainties of a prpMMHMET year. In fact, as it draws toward election time, business appears to be growing better Instead of worse, more cara being sold in tho western part of Iowa during tho first fifteen days of this mouth than the same period In- September. Tho Omaha branch of the Nebraska Dulck company, according to a statement given out by Manager Huff, has thus far unloaded 110 1913 cars all of whlc.li have been delivered to buyers within a radius of sixty miles of Omaha. New machines wero distributed to the four following Omaha purchasers during the lost week: George TV. Wlckersham, Trimblo Bros., Barker Realty company and George L Peterson. "Not so many seasons ago nickel trim mings wero confined chiefly to "special finish" cars and were regarded as some what of a novelty or a departure from standard practice," said J. J, Doright, in a little chat Thursday. "Indications for 1913, howevpr point to nickel as a stan dard for n.i largo proportion of the new models. It is a finish that is worthy of tho motor car. Its beauty. Its durability and tho easo with which it Is kopt pol ished all commend It Furthermore, it Is a tasteful compromise between tho bril liance of burnished brass and tho dull ef fects of gunmetal or other finishes repre senting tho extreme of ulttarlanlsm." Charles W. White of Detroit has been assigned western Nebraska territory aa road salesman for the local Studebaker branch. Mr. "White will tako up his duties immediately. George Rogers, tho cigar mon, received his new model T Ford delivery car last Thursday afternoon, and immediately In stalled the machine on its round of duties. It is handsomely finished and presents an appearance of whloh any firm may well bo proud. F. U Palm, formerly of the Studebaker Des Moines branch, has been transferred to Omaha, whore he will havo supervision of tho southeastern part of Nebraska and the southwestern part of Iowa for tho local Studebaker house. Auto Dealers Are Talking Auto Show A meeting of tho Omaha Automobile as sociation was held. Thursday In the of flees of C. G. Powell', applications for membership being presented by the Orr Sales company, tho Western Auto Sales , and Manufacturing company, the Apper eon Jaokrabblt company, Michigan Auto , company, tho Colo Motor company and the Van Brunt 'Auto company. Thcso applications will bo passed upon at the annual medtlng of tho stockholders which i takes place October 29. A new board of 1 directors Will bo chosen and plans dis cussed for the 1913 show which is sched uled for the week commencing February U "ARTHUR KEELINE PURCHASES NEW CADILLAC COUPE Alaska radiator fluid is a new auto mobile supply Hem for which there Is ex pected to be a big demand. It Is on anti freeze solution which is guaranteed not to freeze, to last all season and not to Injure the radiator or connections In any way. Clarke G. Powell Is elated over his trip to Lincoln during tho last week. He suc ceeded In making arrangements with the Capitol City garage to handle Republic tires and other lines for which tho Powell Supply company aro distributers. B. E. Butler of tho Colo Motor com pany has been spending the last week closing up agency contracts throuc-limit the state. He has closed 'with Comnnntpi to handlo the 1913 Colo cur at Schuyler, Blue Springs, Grand Island, Hastings and David City. W. P. Preetorius has recently been ap pointed city salesman for the Colo Motor company. Mr. Preetorius has had con siderable experience In the automobile world. The Rambler Auto company delivered a cross country to St. Paul, Neb., Thurs day and sent a carload of tho samo models to dealers throughout tho Btato Saturday. A contract with tho Shenney & Watson Lumber company of North Bend for the 1913 line was also closed. In the Chicago reliability run being held in Chicago Ian, week tho Mollne Motor company entered two of its prod uct in the' roadster division. At the close of the event only three of the roadsters finished, the two Mollnes each with a perfect score and one other car which was penalized thirty points. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrle, who started for Chicago about two wocUb ago in their new Mollno touring car returned Monday after covering JUBt on even 1,003 miles. The trit wan made without a slnglo unsatisfactory Incident, tho Bamo air with which tho tires wero filled at tho beginning of the Journey being ut present still contained In them. A modol 42 flvo-passenger Oakland was delivered to Chris Hanson of Emerson, Neb., lost Friday. Mr. Hanson has driven an Oakland for tho last three years and Is very enthusiastic over the 1913 machine. .. driving this demonstrator and Is accom panied by the secretary, Mr, Rust They report that the car Is showing remark able hill climbing ability, which they at tribute not only V the powerful long stroke motor, but also to the fact that tho car Is equipped throughout with New Departure ball bearings, a bearing with tho least known friction. These features in connection with the tour speed trans mission of tho Michigan makes an ideal combination and enables the driver to get the utmost out of his power at all tlmea without straining his car or resort ing to a low gear speed that races his engine. County Board Will Not Take Its Orders from Commissioner County Commissioner Frank C. Best took a slap at City Commissioner .John J. Ryder in a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners because Ryder had stopped thp wrecking of the old court house. Best declared the county could run its business without any assistance from the city. The board ordered F. O. Johnson, who la working on the wrecking contract, to disregard orders from Kydor. Johnson reported to the board that a policeman had ordered the wrecking stopped because it produced too much dust and dtrt. Tho policeman told him this was the order from Ryder, who said something first must be done to guard against the dust Johnson said his men quit work at the officer's order, but he ordered them back to work. "He had no right to stop the work." said Best. "He might file a complaint If there Is anything wrong, but he cannot arbitrarily stop tho work. We can run the county's business and I think we'd better let the city know it." Other Commissioners agreed with Best Tho contractor was removing tha dome from tho court house. Ho ran a spout from the dome to about the fourth floor of the court bouse and was shooting mor- tor and dust down this spout from the end of which the wind scattered tho dust In every direction, filling the city hall and covering pedestrians on Farnam, street Dunn Would Stop Cars on Near Side Chief of Police Dunn will petition the street railway company to order all street cars stopped on the near side of the street hereafter, especially in the con gested districts where the traffic police men havo great difficulty, In enforcing the regulations of the last ordlnanco passed to control street traffic. "In most cities the street cars in con gested districts stop on the near side of the street," said Chief Dunn, "and we be lieve we could handle the trafflo much more satisfactory if they would do It here." Carelessness of Crew Causes Owens' Death Carelessness of tho street car crew was tho cause; of the death of John Owens, the veteran telegraph operator, who was run down and killed by a street car at Fortieth and Hamilton street Thursday night, according to the verdict Of tho coroner's Jury. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Alpha Camp, Woodmen of the World, to Hold Vaudeville Program. SEVERAL CARD PARTIES ON Knights and l.mllrn of Security Will Hold n lllir Open Mrctlnir In llarlsht HhII DotiiBn of tho I.otlurs. The entertainment committee of Alpha camp No. 1, Woodmen of tho World, has provided a vaudeville program for its open mooting to bo held on Wednesday evening in Baxight hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. In addition to this pro gram a moving lecture of tho Woodmen of the World parade and dedication cere mony wilt bo given. This entertainment Is not limited to tho members bf tho order, but the publlo in general aro In-vated. Independent Order of Odd Kcllowa. Omaha lodge No.. S 'will havo work In tho initiatory degree next Friday evolving. Ivy Rebekah todco No. S3 gavo n dance and card party last Thursday evening, which was unusually well attended. President DeBow and Secretary Talbot of the Rebekah stato 'assembly woro in attendance. This was president Dollow's first lodgo visit slnco hor election. Beacon lodge No. SO will havo work In the third degree 'next Tuesday night. Ivy Rebekah lodge No. 83 will trlvo a basket lunch and Hallowe'en party at Its hall next Thursday evening. Mem bora and friends aro cordially Invited, Danncbrog lodge No. 216 will havo work in tha Initiatory degrco noxt 'Friday even ing. The Boosters' commlttoe will give a danco at Benson on Saturday evening, November 16. It is planned by the com mltteo to work up sentiment for tho in stitution of a Rebekah lodgo in Benson. Ladles of flra'ml Army of Republic. A benefit ball will bo given In Colo's hall at Floronce Friday, November 1, for Garfield circle. Ladles of tho Grand Army of tho Republic. Friends Invited. Mrs. Uaulah Davis, president of U. B. Grant 'Woman's Relief corps,' has called a special meeting of all tho officers' ami members to meet in tho new memorial hall in tho county court houso Monday, Oqtober 23, at 2 o'clock, when Mrs. Kllon Ackermau of Ainsworth, department president, will preside at the annual In spection. Iloyal Neighbor of Anterior. A card party and danco will bo .riven by Pansy camp No. ,10, Royal Neighbors of America, at Modern Woodmen hall. Fifteenth and Douglas streets, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Members and friends cordially invited. The entertainmont to bo given by Ivy camp No. 2 has been postponed from Oc tober 30 until November 20. Woodmen Circle. As a special featuro for their entertain ment at tho Besso theater in South Omaha Monday night tho Woodmen circle No. K will Introduce tho Fluhr elstors In a new singing and dancing act Aside from tliis feature will bo two vaudeville acts and a splendid run of moving pic tures. The proceeds of tho entertainmont will go to the J. C. Root home. , JC'ilKhi" f Security. Omuh 'council No. 41C will -liold an open mooting on next Vednesduy night at Baright hall. We herewith extend an Arthur R. Keellne, 111 South Thlrty nlntlr street has purchased a 1913 Cadlllao coupe. Tile car Is a four-passenger Sedan type .body. Tho driver's Boat Is hinged 1 so that the passenger can get out and In on either side. There is carrying space for packages and suit" cascso under the deck on the rear platform. The car Is handsomely upholstered in hand-buffed black leather, trimmed "with laces; and tho whole coupe above the seat Is. fin ished In American walnut SYMPATHY RESOLUTION TO ROOSEVELT ACKNOWLEDGED Chairman Meyers of the republican cen tral cojnmlttee has received acknowledge ment of the letter and resolutions of sym pathy the county committee sent to Rooeevelt at Mercy hospital, Chicago, Just after the would-be assassin had rnado the attempt upon the colonel's life. The letter of acknowledgement la'slgned El bert E. Martin, who is the man that leaped from the automobile and crushed the assllant to the ground Just after-tho shot was fired. Tho Roosev'olt club of Omaha has also received acknowledge ment of a resolution of sympathy for warded by that organization after the bhootlng. NEW SOCIAL CLUB FORMED AT OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL At the meeting held at the High school a new social and literary association was formed and by popular vote named the Allure club. The following officers were elected: John Robel. president: John Bbrenson. vice president; William Mooney, secretary and treasurer, Olen Wallace. Sttrgeant-at-orms. Mr. Milter of tho T. O, Northwall com pany In speaking of a recent automobile accident In which a car turned turtle, injuring several bf the occupant? u,utte ) severely, said; "It Is Just such accidents which the Regal underslung car Is built to avoid and which is almost an impos sibility for a machine of this typo of construction to be subject to. Tha center of gravity Is so low on an underslung that skidding is ardlded and turning tur tle, even on an incline of considerably over 0 per cent a thing unheard of." li. E. Moy.er of the Capitol Cartercar 'company In giving a demonstration ru Falrbury during tho last week, hauloU two loaded wagons, weighing together ,000 pounds, over a mils of unpavod street. Beside hauling the two wugoni the flve-passengor Cartercar which per formed tills feat was carrying a load of Its own, five Falrbury citlrens averaging about 170 pounds apiece. Tho Nebraska Cartercar company de livered machines to the following lost week; Levy Davis of Stranton. Ia.; Ous Stevens, Lincoln; 8, W, Cooper, Corning, la.; Ed Sandaus, Verdigris, Neb.; W. J, j llousaok. Grand Canyon, Wyo and signed a contract covering the state of New Mexico. General Manager IL R. Rad ford was a visitor of the local house early in the week. C. O. Powell leaves for a trip to the eastern factories next Tuiday, where he goes to make arrangements for next year's lines. Unusual interest is bolng shown In every town visited by the "Mighty Mich igan Forty," which Is making a demon stration tour of the Iowa agencies Mr Abbott, sales mamixer for the Michigan Auto company, 1117 Farnam street is If he keeps two cars the ' chances are that one. is a Ford. . And now that big production . has brought prices down to hard-pan, a much larger num ber ot Fords will go to owners of heavier and more expen sive cars. Runabout ----- $525 Touring Car - ... 600 Delivery Car - 625 Town Car 800 These new.prlcea, U o. b. Detroit, with all II cquipmont. An early order will mean an II early delivery. Oct particulars from Ford JJ II Motor Company, 1910 Harney St., Omaha, ni lift or direct from the Detroit factory. ao0"' mm invitation to nil our members and their fi lends to come and have a general good time with us. Win havo an orchestra and re fresh In en ts. Junior Order Amertcnit MiTlirttilr. All officers, members and Applicants are requested to be present at tho next regular mewtltiK Monday evening. Some verj' Important business which must bo attended to. 1 MRS. JOHNSON ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT PINK LUNCHEON Mrs. Silas Johnson on Monday Inst gave a 4 o'clock luncheon for twenty-five guests. Tho out-of-town guests woro Mrs. Colfax l'e Kg of Chicago and Mrs. 1. Banks ot Wyoming. Tho musto was a featuro of tho afternoon's entertolnnient rink carnations wero given to each guest. It being a pink luncheon. An error in last Sunday 's issue of The Bee gave the address of the Overland Sales Agency in Omaha as 2101 Farnam. This should have been 203 S. 19th St. OMAHA, NEB. Tho Twentieth Century Farmer Is the loading Agricultural Journal ot tho west. Its columns ar lilted with tho best tliouiiht ut Ute day tn matters pertaining to tho farm, tho ranch and tho orchnrd, and It is a factor la tb development of tho great westorn country. vi I Vs Omaha bee's DI R EOT O FtV Nof Automobiles and Acoesaoriea 111 - "T Hudson Closed Cars Luxury, Beauty, Comfort and Quality without Extravagance Finest Limousine and Coupe Bodies on Chc:sis Designed by 48 Master Builders. A Four the "37," mid the "54" a Six. If you ecek beauty, comfort, quality, rich ness and appointment, and do not especially care for exclutivcnoss which It obtained only by paying a high price, these cars will appeal to you. The bodies were designed by men who have done similar work for builders of the moit expensive cars. No expense has been spared In material or workmanship. Dy lamer produc tion than it poaUle with cars of much higher price.we are able to Include" all In appointment, In finish, completeness and other essentials that Is to be had in any clocd body automobile. ' Designed by 46 Leading Engineers HUDSON cars arc designed and built by 48 expert engineers, at the head of which body is Howard E. Coffin, Asicrka'i leading auto mobile designer. . These men were Rathcred from 07 leading factories of Europe and America and have had a hand in building more than 200,000 motor cars. They have contributed all their experience and skill to the production of the HUDSON "37" and the "54" HUDSON. These cars are the best they know. Juit as much ikill and experience is incor porated into the building of the bodies. The imagination of the most fastidious btiyer can suggest nothing in appointment, tone, character or completeness that these cars do not possets. Every thought has been anticipated. In choosing a HUDSON tho only detail that you do not get which Is found in some other cars, is that uncertain quality which eoit alone suggests but does not, assure. me: 5 the Triangle on tht. Radiator Electric Self-Cranking Electrically Lighted Tito Llmoutlne nd Coup bodlo uiid ar Idantloal for bath chswU. Th former tt Tn tho lttr throo pmrr Llmoutlnos ro flnlihod In Imported Dtdford Cord, OTor-ttuflod uphoIiUrlng. Tho Coupo U Mpholttorod In pobblo train loathor. Tho Llmoutlno on tho "17" eho..l U (1250, ond on tho "14" the SI chw.lt L M7M. Tho Coupo on the "37" U tZJM, ond on tho "84" I29S0. PiU. ro I. o. b. Detroit. Opn bodlot olthor Touring, TorpwJo er Roodttor typo oro furnithed at ntn ahorg. , Guy ,. Smith Distributor 2205-7 Farnam Street ....in i mi m White Trucks f are Economical Buickand Walsh Gars.,. IVantln Bronnb. 13th and 1 Itl. X. S. U2X.MN Oottt aCgr. ObuUu. rach, ma-U-U rarnsm Bt SXB UVTT, Mgr. Overland and Pope Hartford Council Bluffs Is, Omaha. Hbr. Nebraska Buick Auto. Company VanBruntAutomobileCo. JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY Salesroom Cor. Tenth and Howard Sis. Omaha, Nebraska. FRANKLIN PEEP LESS HUDSON GUY L. SMITH 2205-2207 Farnam Street Wallace AutomobileCo. motor car 2203 Farnam Street Marion Automobile Go. acarlon ana Msrraon Oos Oars, Ohio ana Standard Elotnrt. D 1 s t r 1 1 utors for wtstsrn Iowa nt'd XTobraska. o 8191-3 raruaiii St. MADE IN 4 SIZES, , 1, 3 and 5 TON. Here is the result of a test made during- the past week with a V2 ton size, working within tho city limits of Omaha. K Start 8:50 A. M. 38 stops to deliver goods and collect money, 24 miles cov ered on running- time of 14 miles per hour. Average time consumed for each stop, 3 minutes. Test mado without stopping the motor. Less than 2 gallons gasoline and y2 pint oil were used. Finished tho trip at 12:45 P. M., 5 minutes less than 4 hours. This te3t covered a regular one day's work formerly done with another truck. Full data showing each stop and running time consumed will be furnished on request, but better still havo a White truck make a similar test for you in your' own business. Call Douglas 3301. i H. PELTON, 314 So. 18th Street LINCOLN REPRESENTATIVE, E. E. MO0KETT AUTO CO. x t a. l i 1 i n i