THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER CO, Wl: 98c Doll Sale 24-ln. Kid Body or Jointed Dolls, with Bisque heads, good wigs, moving eyes, also a big f r line of character Dolls, "qC Greatest Values Sh.wi Anywhere Our Doll Hoepitai is thoroughly equipped to repair all your broken dolls. Prices lowest. I aHioc Qrarfc Ant0 Scarf Specials at LdU, uCdf 15 49c, 98c, $1.25 and $2.25 Auto Cap Specials at 49c, 98c and $1.75 Beautiful New Neckwear Very special values at 25c, 49c, 98c and $1.25 20c Ribbons 10c a Yard A fine line of very heavy extra wide taffeta ribbons, in till colors, regular 20c a yard value:?, at 10c n mXu Great Handbag Sale at Hayden's Holiday lines are here and before unpacking the new goods we will offer our Kntlrr Present Stock of Ladies' Hand lings at Special Clearance Prices. $1.00 Hand Bags 39 $3. norland Bags . .. .S1.19 $1.25 Hand Bags 49 $4.00 Hand Bags . ...$1.98 $2.00 Hand Bags 7)r $5.00 Felted Bags $2 4() $2.50 Hand Bags 9S $6.00 Hand Bags ....$2 93 $2.75 Hand Baga $1.19 I $7.00 Felted Bags $3.9S A splendid line of Novelty Hand Bags Included In this won derful clearance. Specials in Used Sewing Machine Singer drop head $14.33 Matchless drop head $8.50 Kldridge Automatic $35.00 Kldridge Rotary $22.00 Singsr $8.00 White $6.00 lOo bottle sewing machine oil, spe cial Saturday 5o fl Wonderful Sale of Fine Fur Gar ments Begins Saturday Continuing fill November 1st Although the wholesale prices on furs are rapidly advancing on account of our extremely large stock and the unusually warm weather we have decided to force quick clearance .by sweeping price reductions on all furs. The greatest assortment of Pur Sets, Scarfs and Muffs in Omaha for selection at 20 OFF REGULAR PRICES. Mink, Fox, Brook Minks, Marten, Coney and every wanted fiir, in a broad assortment of styles sets, muffs and scarfs; for five days, your choice, 20 Off We guarantee all our furs with the exception of coneys all new fall goods. Every Fur Coat in Our Immense Stock Deeply Cut in Price for This Sale. .One Elegant Beaver One Long Aleutian Seal Coat, Coat, worth $200.00, j bought to sell at $L'o0; great 36 inches long a beauty-at $145.00 bargain at $189.00 Long Near Seal Coats, made Long Brook Mink Coats Long Russian Pony Coats- to sell at $95.00; matchless! Matched skins, regular Just 12 in the lot, $75 val bargain in this sale at, yourj $150.00 values, in Satur- ues, beautifully marked choice $69.50 day's sale at $98.00 skins, on sale at . .$59.00 Long Brown Marmot Fur Coats Skinner Long Russian Pony Fur Coats Made to satin lined, worth $75.00, in Saturday's sell at $50.00, all Skinner satin lined, ex sale, at choice $49.00 traordinary bargains $37.50 Scores of Other Grand Bargains in Fur Coats Saturday. Tailored Suits Coats to Measure $2751 Garments well worth $40.00; special $27.50. A big line of high class "new Suitings, Diagonals, Broadcloths, Whipcords and fine Serges for your selection, with guar anteed linings, perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. You'll pay $40.00 elsewhere for suits no better. One S)7 special price for Saturday . 4 a- I Inquire at Dress Goods Department. 75c Crepe de Chines 38c and Wc A beautiful line of 23-ln. all silk Crepe de Chines in street and evening shades, alBO floral and bordered effects, to close, yard 38 and 48 If Yo u Are Looking for Real Class in Suit or Coat Style and Quality at a Saving Price, Saturday is Your Opportunity Two big shipments just received from our New York buyers offer without question the choicest assortments and values for selection shown this season. Make it a point to see them. Beautiful Dress and Tailored Hats Correct, distinctive new ideas and styles for winter wear, an exceptional assortment for se lection at . .$5.00 to $25.00 Trimmed Hats in Beavers and Swell1 Silk Velvet Shapes, beau tifully trimmed, values to $10, for Saturday at $5.00 Trimmed Hats wortli to $10, a tremendous assortment for your selection, extraordinary bar gains. $1.98, $2.50, $3.95 Silk Velvet Shapes, latest styles, to $5 values, choice $1.98 Children's Hats Regular values to $2.95, in three groups Satur day at.. 98C and $1.50 100 Elegant Imported Suits Samples made to sell at $50.00 and $55.00, most wanted fabrics and colorings, including handsome velvet suits, at. .$35 200 Handsome Tailor ed Suits In serges, diagonals, twee d s, chiffon broadcloths and other wanted fabrics, $30.00 values, choice $19.50 Fine Imported Seal Plush Coats Skinner satin lined -made to sell at $35.00; choice $22.50 Long Chinchilla Coats Women's and misses worth $20.00; choice at $12.50 Pretty Chiffon Waists All new designs regu lar $7.50 values at $3.95 THREE GREAT SPECIAL LOTS OF CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES Children's Serge Dresses All wool, pretty Scotch plaids, etc., values to $5.00; in all sizes on sale at .$2.95 Children's Winter Coats Nobby styles in chinchillas, caracul and fancy mix tures, all sizes 6 to 14; great snap at $4.95 Children's Bearskin Coats Made to sell to $4.00-in sizes from 1 to 4 years; val ues you cannot duplicate anywhere at .$1.95 Hundreds of Other Matchless Specials in Women's and Children's Garments. Traveling Good; Specials Basswood Canvas Covered Trunks, floor stock of a Milwaukee man ufacturer, $J to ii values, all slues, lea.. Iter straps, on sale, at 96.50 to 99-60 93.O0 to 910 Traveling Bags, all leathers, leather lined, good styles and sizes, on wale at $a.$5 to 97.50 Best Styles and Values in Men's Hafs Men's Hats, worth to $3.00, samples of one of New York's bes: known makers, all colon and styles $1.45 and $1.00 Imported Vslour Hats Big new shipment Just received, all latest colors and shapes, shown- at $3.50, 95.00 and 90.00 A tins of Flat Eats Unequaled In quality In other stores, shown at ..... $3.00, 93.50 and 13.00 You can't go wrong. Hoys' and Children's Felt Hata, manufacturer's samples and floor stock, big assortment, to $1.60 values 49 and 69J Big Shoe Sale Saturday Closing out the 2 surplus stocks of the Spencer Shoe Co. and the Dono van Shoe, Co. at al most their regular prices. These two factories were among the best in New England and were made for the best city trade for MEN AND WOMEN. Patent colt gun metal, Bussia calf and vici kid, made up in fashion's last word in style. They were made to re tail at $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00; on sale while they last at $1.98 Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Shoes for dress and school wear, button and lace worth up to $2.25, at $1.50 and Misses' and Childs' Shoes, button and lace values ud to $1.75, for. . i Men's and Women's felt and leather sole House Slippers at 50c and 39c Women's and Men's $5.00 and $4.50 Shoes In all leath ers, button, lace or blucher styles; Saturday $3.00 Stetson and Crosset shoes for Men. Grover and Queen Quality shoes for Women. RUGS R UGS Now's the time to Save Money Baying Big Delayed Shipment of Bugs from a prominent Eastern concern was received by us at a big discount. As Our Stock is Already too Heavy We're Going to Dispose of These Rugs Saturday and Monday at prices lower than known before in years on goods of such high quality. $27.50 Axmmster Rugs 28 different patterns, 9x12 size, choice $15.98 $18.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs 10 wire quality, 9x12 size, just 68 m this lot, at, choice - $12.9S $22.50 Wilton Rugs Seam less, big line of patterns, 9x12 size $13.98 $42.50 Wilton Rugs All 1912 patterns, 9x12 size, choice $29.98 $16.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs 8 wire quality, 9x12 size, just 59 in the lot, to close, choice $9.98 , One Lot of American Orientals, All Wool Smyrna and Mitre Velvet Rugs, actual retail worth to $30, 9x12 size; just 28 in the lot; you'll have to hurry as they can't last' long at each , $10.98 10 wire Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs - Ci9 j size and worth to $10.00, Just 61 in the lot, go at, choice -$5.98 i No Missmatched or Seconds in These Lots. All Guaranteed Perfect and Money Refunded if Not Just as Represented. Many Other Specials from our $100,000 Stock of Fine Rugs. 0x12 Kaslunere Rurs Oriental patterns, rever sible, colorB guaranteed, regular $8.50 values, 21 for selection -86.98 It's Hayden's Mammoth Grocery Dept. That Keeps Down the High Cost of Living in Omaha. 19 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar The best high grade Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, per sack . 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox Soap .260 10 lbs. best whltaor yellow Corn- meal : "Wo E lbs. best Pearl or Fine Tapioca 85o 4 lba fancy Japan Rice 85o 1 - lb. cans assorted Soups 7o The best bulk Peanut Butter, lb., at .....130 Eight cakes fancy Toilet Soaps 3So Eight cans oil or mustard Sardines at S3o Large bottles assorted Pickles, Wor cester Sauce, pure Tomato Catsup or Horseradish, bottle 8ao 2- lb. cans Fancy Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans 7V60 3- lb. "u Golden Pumpkin, Hominy r Squash .7 Mo Grape iuis, pkg. .lOo E. C. or Oriole Corn Flakes, pkg. i4o The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 7o The best crisp Pretzels or Ginger Snaps, lb. ... 6c Pars Apple Cider, per gallon .... 25c The Best Tea Sif tings, lb lOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb ;..25c BUT TIB, FUTTERINE AND CHEESE SAXE. The best creamery butter, carton or bulk, lb 34c The best country butter, lb 30o The best dairy butter, lb .960 Full cream brick cheese, lb 18c 2-lb. rolls good butterine 25o 2-lb. rolls good table butterine . .35o 2-lb. rolls fancy tabla butterine 450 The last of tH Kelfer Pears for can ning, Eat ura ay, bushel basket ..90c Fresh spinach, per peck 7Mc 4 bunches fresh beets, carrots or turnips ' so Hubbard squash 7o and 6o 2 heads fresh leaf lettuce 5c 6 bunches fresh radishes 6c Z large heads cabbage ......... .10o 3 5 lbs. new potatoes to peck 16c 12 lbs. fancy Greening apples to the peck aoo 4 bunches fresh parsley 13o Fancy hothouse cucumbers at, ea. lOo EAYDEN'S HARDWARE PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. OUR SATURDAY OFFERIVQ'S. Bia SPECIAL SAXE STOVE BOARDS. 80x30-in. wood lined, either crystal or fancy Oriental patterns, the best boards made, worth J1.3D, Saturday, at 98o 33x33-in. stove boards, as above, worth $1.60 tl.89 36x3(l-in. stove boards, as above, worth $1.95 1.49 24x36-in. stove boards, as above, worth $1.25 89o ' COLD WATS COMIJTG It's coming, maybe tomorrow. Bay your heating supplies now and b prepared. 15c stove pipe, Saturday 7o Elbows 9o Coal hods, up from 19o ' Cast Ranges are best. Guaranteed to last twice as long as steel ranges. "Renown" black nickel ranges or cast, require no blacking anywhere. Oak stoves, up fron. $3.95 Base Burners, handsomely trimmed, up from , $25.00 Cast Ranges, with high closet, up from $35.00 Steel Ranges with high closet, up' from $30.00 Cook stoves, up from $10.00 A Few MorB Items at Money Saving Prices. A full siae, best grade Brass wash board ......39o A lull size, best grade, sine wash board , l9o A full size, medium' grade sine wash board l5o Boston Star lathing hatchets, $1.49 Home Comfort Ho Water EoltleS to Crockery Department This new Hot Water Bottle is made in England and is the most satisfactory article for the sleeping porch, automobiles and hospitals. It is made of strong clay and not easily broken and retains the heat for over 10 hours at a time. Don't fail to come Saturday and see these bottles. OAS DEPARTMENT. 10c Mantles, 8 for 35o 80c Mantles, each 35o 15c Mantles,.? for 35o Inverted half frosted globes, 3 forSSo Heavy Fleeced Shirts or Drawers, to $1.00 values, all sizes; on sale at 49c and 35c Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Un ion Suits, heavy fleeced; on sale at 98c and 75c All Wool Sweater Coats Huff neck or large roll collars, to $5.00 values at $3.98, $2.45, $1.98 Men's Blanket Rath Robes Manufacturer's Samples, worth up to $12.00, on sale Saturday $4.98 83.98 2.98 and .$2.45 Men's Furnishings and Underwear Priced at a Small Part of Retail Worth. All Garments Perfect, Clean New Stock. Men's Wool Union Suits, reg ular values up to $5.00, finest qualities, all styles, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 and $1.98 Men's California Flannel Slilrta or Drawers, In red, brown or gray, regular $2.50 quality, at , .$1,25 Men's Heavy Wool Shirts or Draw ers, regular values to $2.00; on "ale at 98 and 75 Men'a Flannel Overshlrts, to $3 values, In grey, blue or brown at $1.45 and Q8 Outing Flannel Night Gowns, to $1.00 values, all sizes at 69 and 49 Outing Flannel Gowns and Pyjamas, $1.50 and $2.00 values, on sale ....... .fySe Men's Gloves, to $2.50 values, work or dress, lined or unlln ed.'at 08 and 4H Men's Dress Shirts, with sepa rate collars, all newest styles, to $2.60 values at . . .gl.45 and 98a We carry full lines of men's gloves and Sterling wool union suits up to 52 chest in stouts, slima or regulars. Liquor Department Specials The quality, thet flavor, the price, will please. Maryland Rye Whiskey, 6 years old, full quarts 75 Per gallon $2.50 Guckenheimer, Cedar Brook, Schenly, Jack Daw and Willow Springs Whiskies, all 8 years old quart 81.0D Per gallon $3.50 California Port or Sherry Wines, at, per bottle 23 Bnnklst California Wines, fine quality, .all varieties, rich and mellow, quart ...... k .. . .50 Bed Spread Specials Full size hemmed crochet Bed Spreads assorted patterns, $1.50 values, each $1.00 Full size scalloped or fringed Bed Spreads, assorted patterns. .. .$4.00 values, each $3.50 Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, full size, heavy knotted fringe, J8.50 values, each .....$3.75 Wash Goods Department Beacon's 28 in. Eiderdown, 100 dif ferent styles for selection, looki and feels like wool, light and dark colors, at yard 28o Genuine superfine flannels, extra fine quality, 36 inches wide, good assort ment of patterns, at yard 15o Cotton Corduroys in wide welts, all colors, at yard 35o and 60o 50c silk stripe Opera Voil with floral designs, light colors for evening wear, at yard 35o Saturday Specials in Domestic Room 60c ready made Sheets, 2x90, good muslin 33o $1.89 full size hemmed Bed Spreads, It Pays Try First it Pays i good weights, assorted patterns, 93o 60-inch bleached Table Damask, as sorted patterns, 39c values ...,88o 12 Ho Pillow Cases, good quality of muslin, 42x36 Inches 9Vio 12o Favorite 26-inch bleached mus lin 8o 18c Serpentine Crepe, good patterns, at lOo 12 Ho Percales, 36 inches wide, light and dark colors 7 Drugs, Toilet Goods and Drug Sundries SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY, 0TB OUR PRICES. $1 size of pure Hydrogen Peroxide extra size for 250 26c Packer's Tar or Woodbury's Soap for , 16J, 10c Jergen's Violet or Lana Oil and Buttermilk Soap, per bar 6o Four bars of Ivory Soap for ...iso 10c Williams' . or Colgate's Shaving Soap for 5c 16c pkg. of 20 Mule Team Dorax9o 10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive Soap, at, 2 bars for ,.15o 25c Williams' Talcum Powder, at, lOo 3 for aSo 16c tan of Lilac or Violet Talcum Powder for So 60o Hind's Honey and Almond or Ponds' Extract Cream for ,....39 $1.60 Oriental Cream for 98o Large size Pompelan Massage Cream for 49o 25o Ponds' Extract, Sanitol or Per oxide Creams for IS'ko 25o Sanitol or Graves' Tooth Powder or Paste for . . ; I....iaHo 26c size Massage Creaai, 2 to a cd- tomer, each ioe 10c and 15o Wool Powder Puffs" Ko at, each . ........ go LIFE SAVERS OF THE DEEP Thrilli in the Activities of Uncle Sam's Eevenue Cutters. ECOUTDTG FOB DANGERS ON EA mb4 Dt Cloada of Voleanle Ernvtlons Off Coast of Alaska- The hazard of life saving when a ship Is in danger of going to pieces on the rocks, when the surf is pounding, the sky overcast and rockets shoot through the gale are well known, for the dramatic story of life saving from land has often (been told. But life saving which, though generally leas dramatic white as much by war of conservation. Is the constant business of tn United States revenue cutters. And they do business in the deep seas. Two of the revenue cutters are sta tioned at Tompklnsvllle, 8. I. Frequently their work Is nothing more than putting out to set to break up a mass of logs or other debris reported by Incoming vessels, and the public hears little of the vigilant watchdogs. But the times comes now and then when the work by the cutters is ss daring as any done on shore with life line and breeches buoy. The value of ac tive patrol of the seas Is then driven home. For 120 years the federal fleets have scouted the seas safeguarding navigation. Sometimes the : service's usefulness has been questioned,, but some signal service has always justified the work on the pop ular mind. Five Hundred Saved at One Time. The most recent notable work done was the rescue of 600 persons on the volcanic Island of Katamal In Alaska. This rescue vindicated the attitude assumed by all maritime exchanges not very long ago against an economy commission's sugges tion that the service be abolished. The revenue cutters are really deep-sea life savers. They cruise over stipulated courses and keep a sharp loo'kout for ves sels In distress. In this they have proved their worth by saving the lives of pas sengers on sinking and disabled ships. They have saved thousands of dollars by towing vessels to safety, and they destroy countless derelicts and floating menaces to navigation. In 18B2 the service was established, and consisted of ten ships with a comple ment of 300 persons, officers and crew. Thirty years ago, according to Captain B. L. Reed, temporarily in charge of the New York department of the revenue cut ter service, this number has been in creased to forty-eight vessels, manned by 1,700 men. Captain Reed wasn't espec ially willing to be reminiscent about life in the service, but he recounted an ex perience of bis 'prentice days to ltlust- trate that the life of a man in this easy looking field is not a sinecure. '1 was a cadet at New Bedford, Mass.," said the captain, "when the City of Co lumbus went on the rocks at Devil's Bride, Martha's Vineyard island, In Jan uary, 1884. She hit the reef at night, and the following morning the revenue cutter, Dexter, cruising about, sighted the ship, and went to her assistance. Twelve or thirteen persons were rescued, but about 100 had succumbed to the bitter cold and had frozen to death or been drowned. The Dexter was a small vessel of approxi mately 40 tons displacement" More Lives Saved. In March, 1308, Captain Reed in com mand of the Mohawk, took forty -one passengers from the steamship, Sylvia, which had gone on the Sow and Pigs reef near Cuttyhunk Island. As usual the captain was pretty short In talking about himself. Ms told more willingly of the splendid work done by Captain K. W. Perry, who rescued the captain and crew of the ill-starred Republic. "Captain Perry," said Captain Reed, "was In command of the Grecian when the call for help came from the Republic He immediately started for the position of the ship across the Nantucket Shoals in a fog that was so thick that you could not see your hand before your face. It took him thirty-nine hours to find the Republic, but he at last did so and took the crew aboard the Grecian. "The captain and mate of the Republlo refused to leave the vessel, and even though she was sinking Captain Perry stretched a towing line and started for port with the Republic behind. At night the pull on the towing line showed that the vessel was sinking had sunk. A small boat was sent back to the place where the ship had gone down, and th captain and mate were rescued from the water. It wad a wonderful piece of work under adverse conditions." June (. last, a cloud of peculiar color rose up to the southwest of St. Paul, and thunder was heard in the distance. The first disturbance was noticed about 4 o'clock In the afternoon, and In an hour the obliteratlve volcanic ash commenced to fall, while the thunder and lightning increased. The Inhabitants of St. Paul, terror-stricken, found their way to the Manning and were cared for on board the vessel through a hideous night. Thought End Had Come. At noon the next day volcanic ash fell in large quantities, and at 1 o'clock the rain was so great that it was impossible to distinguish objects for a distance of more than fifty feet Two hours before sundown an inky blackness settled over the district and the dust clouds and over powering vapors and gases from the vol cano swooped down on the little vessel with its cargo of 000 souls. The quarter deck of the ship was housed In with can vas and boards, which kept out most of the dust, but fine particles managed to find their way Into the unprotected spaces In such volume that all of thoso on board thought that the end of the world had come. To add to the terror of the situa tion static conditions were such that it was impossible to get into communication with the outside world. Avalanches of the volcanic ash rushing down the 'sides of the mountain puffed up great clouds, which added to the thickness of the dust! Finally, on the third day, the dust cleared away and the inhabitants were allowed to land and go back to their ash-crusted homes and gardens. Wells and streams were clogged by the ash and gardens had' to be uncovered. Stock was lost; and even if It had not been there was prac tically no pasturage left The ash still' covers everything. ' ' . ', When the first disturbance was noticed ' the refugees looked to the revenue cutter officers and panic was smoothed out Into ' concentrated work against the menaclnj conditions. Pittsburg Dispatch. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Legitimate "Big Business."