20 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, - OCTOBER 2(, 1912. Hand Em'd Corner ' Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs White and colored, sheer Irish linen; also wom en's and men's all linen . with hand embroidered initials and jai plain sheer I U f linen Ntw Fall Styles Women's Neckwear Wide spun Bilk knitted scarfs In all colors, fringed ends. 2 yards long; also Robespierre cellars In vel vet and silk, daintily lace trimmed, wide ' collar and cuff sets, and coat cellars In Venlse, crochet and mao rame, worth 60c up to $2, at 25c, 80c, 98c. Special Sale of Women's, Misses and Children's all and Winter Underwear In this sale we hare Included many special lots from an eastern jobber. The quality of these undergarments is up to Brandeis high standard of ex cellence. The bargains are ""certainly the most remarkable ; that have been offered in Omaha this year. Women's Warm, Fleecy Lined Ribbed Vests and Panto. Ecru color, regular and out sizes, aces and crochet trimmed worth 50o at .' . .... 39l Women's Fin Ribbed, Warm, Fleecy Lined Union Suits White and ecru, silk tape and crochet trimmed; worth $1, at a suit . .69 Misses', Children's and Boys' Medium and Heavyweight Fleeced Lined Union Suit Open front and drop seats; gray and white; all sizes up to 16 years, at each v -50 Women's Fine Ribbed Fleecy Lined Union Suits Regular and extra sizes; lace, crochet and ribbon trimmed; worth 50c, at a suit. . , . . 39J Women's White Fleecy lined Vests and Pants Regular and Extra Sizes; worth 39c, at a garment . '. -25 Hisses and Children's Fleecy Lined, Ribbed Vests and Pants, 1 P Whit and Cr.T 4 la 14 Ymm irrfrfh 25i at vt f aaav vuew mmj j m mw mm m v j " vt a avvvp aav ,.50c Dr. Denton's Children's Slewing Garments, with feet, ages 3 to 8 years, each. Hosiery Womti'i Pure Thread Silk Boot Hosiery Wide lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes; also mercerize! silk r;llsle hosiery, with ; double soles, heels . and toes, full fash ioned; worth up . to 76c a cn r, at pr..Vl pair. 11 Hosiery Women's Cotton a nd Mercerised Lisle Thread Hos ieryWide hem tops, double soles, high spliced heels and toes, plain and fancy embroi dered boot pat terns; worth up to DUO pair, at pair. , . , 25c Hosiery Misses', Boys' and Children's Ribbed School Hosiery Cotton and mer cerised -1 Isle finish, also fleecy lined: double knees, heels toes; black tan; worth up to 25c, at pair . . .. and and 15c Hosiery Women's Cotton and - Mercerized Lisle Finished Hosiery Wide hem tops, double soles, heels and toes; many are full fashioned, reg ular made; all , sizes will a m go on sale 1 if at pair . . ,.J,V' Special Attractions in Women's High Class Kid Gloves TFAman'a Ana m- J-l m a. v -t.. I -t n Women'a One and Two-Clasp Gloves of real' cape "uvi ivv.. uuwuou uu sua jmea ror street and evening weartan, gray, brown, white and black fitted to the hand. Perrin and Va i p Northrup makes, at pair , . . 51. 1 5 Short Gloves ln one and two-clasp effects gray 7 v ii A . . wu,l0 cape, mocha and lambskinfitted If desired, s ap lr -.$1.25 Long Gloves in fine kid and French lambskin, 12 and 16-button lengths P. K. and overseam with threo-clasD fasteners white, black and tan. Actually worth up to $3.50; on bargain square at pair. ........... Bargain Square Special Short Gloves , black, tan and gray; two-clasp fas teners; worth $1 the pair,.- , at the pair .....'. .tf.98 in white, ..69 c SATURDAY'S UNMATCHABLE VALUES IN WAVY HAIR SWITCHES k individuality is expressed in every Brandets Coiffure wavy switches, 20 inches long, $1.50 values .',.., .75 Wavy Switches, 24 inches long, $4.00 values ... .$1.85 Wary Switches, 8 inches long, Stf -oa,, $12 values, at $9 Natural Wavy Gray Switohes, 24 inches long, 2 oz., $5.00 values at .,....$1.50 Transformations, P 0 m p a dours, guaranteed natural wavy hair, encircles entire head; $ 5 values, $2.08 l3- i S5c Extra Large Size Hair Nets for. , . ;VV.25c J II nil .i.n. , 'f ' Hair Dressinrr and Manicurinc. RTinrrmnnino' 1- oi racial and Scalp Treatments; Dyeing and Bleach ing. Appointments made by 'phone. YARN SEASON IS HERE ' Almost every : woman is knitting something. Never before has it been so popular. Never before has there been such an immense variety of pretty, useful ,. and stylish article's to make. Free liessons in Crocheting and Knitting. Miss Strange, direct from the Flelsher Yarn Mills is here in the 'yarn department to teach you this fascinating and . profitable pastime.' No woman can afford to miss this oppor tunity. ' Big Special Sale Bath Room Fixtures Three sample lines, all perfect but the stock is slighty discolored' on ac count of being unwrapped bo long. It will clean up and be as bright, clean and new as ever.- You can replenish your bath room fixtures at just half the prices you will pay at any other .time. r! -,' ,; ' , Fan Steel Etectrio Irons guaranteed against everything for ten fcSO years, on sale,' at, each. . . . . . .$U Haviland China Sets, three handsome patterns, beautifully decorated, 100 pieces sets, on sale, at.; i...........J China Dept-West Arcade 29.85 Drug Specials 5 TOILET GOODS 2 So Broglers' talcum, 7c 600 Dr. Graves, tooth powder 29c 25o Rosaline . .-. ...18c 2 So Peroxide cream, 17c 2 So Satin Skin cream . for ......... ....18c f 1 Pompeian MasBaga for .7c COe Java Rice powder for 25c $1 Violet Louisette face powder 59c 6O0 "X!rab Apple or Jockey extract. 02., 25c 60c Pinaud'a Lilac toilet water. ......... .8c Ivory soap, cake..3Hc 2 So Dr. Graves' tooth powder .......... ,12c 1-lb. 20-Mule Team bo rax .9c 15c Llquosone soap. .5c 25c Sanltol tooth paste tor ............. lac 10c Shlnola .6c PATENT MEDICINES. 3 So Castoria 32c 50c Milk's Emulsion.20c 50o SyTup of Figs.. 45c 50c Llsterine 45c $1 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Comp . .80c, $1 Bromo Seltzer.. 89c $1 Duffy's Pure Malt for ..89c RUBBER GOODS,' 2-quart hot water bot tle 4c 2-quart Fountain Syringe 49c $2.60 Combination Syringe $1.89 Experienced saleslady ln charge ot this de partment , ItEXALL. 60c Liver Salts ....45o Seldllts powders, per box .25c Stamped Pillow Cases, size 42 x 36. at per pair, 19c Stan.td on bout quality casing ln newest designs, with sufficient floss to compiets ths embroidery. Men's and Women's Fall Footwear 77 I-1 ill i i ! s Women's Black Velvet Shoes New styles for midwinter, in 16-button tops, extension edge soles, braid tips () AC all sizes, at, pair. .... . . . .V.,.. .... ...... .'. . ..... $sVi4u Women's Shoes Popular leathers tan, and black calfskin, black suede and patent kidbutton or straight lace styles, high toes, short vamps, Goodyear stitched soles, Cuban heels lasts, that insure absolute comfort 50 styles . in all sizes and widths, at, per pair ...... . . . . . , Men's Imported English Shoes About 300 pairs of shoes made by the John Marlow Co. of Northampton, England, in gun metal calf, buck calf, patent and' kidskln leathers, blucher lace styles. "These fine, English leathers will give the very best of service. Straight, comrorttDia last in ail sizes and widths, on Bale at per pair i ..... ............ . Children's Warm House Slippers, an absolute neces sity these cool mornings. Made of soft felt 'with leather or padded wool soles, fur trimmed or opera style; all sizes, at. AQ f ft nOf, $3.48 52.50 per- pair Boys' Shod-Rite Slioe Gun metar calfskin in but J ton and blucher lace styles well made from tough Holland oak leather that will give splendid servlc . perfect fitting lasts ln M rn sIzpb 1 to 6, at Jer pair. . . ... . . , fy&.DXJ i-izta less titan- U at, per;pa ...;...... 93.03 HilMSMSBB r. Omaha's Popular Priced Clothing Store 1 J PH JIEL-PRED CO.'S I SPBsWBiiPsw I About Your Suit and Overcoat! Ton may b as "Touchy" as you Tfist in regards to th male, fit and looks of your suit sad overooit, still yon can be satisfied here. Tee, end st a XiESS FKICE thaa you can bay same quality clothes elsewhere 1 We had particular folks In mind when we had these suits and overcoats made. The fabrics are all wool and the colorings and style are the newest that fashion dictates. OUR SUITS aid OVERCOATS at 12M, 15-, 18M - 20- Aro Remarkable Values Save $5.00 on a Blue Serge Sult( Tor a special flyer taturday we place on sale 146 ' strlcUy all wool Sine Merre Snite, 8 or 3 button model, that are actually worth fifteen Dollars, which we have prioed for rapid seUlnf at Better Trouser Values Than Ever $1.59, $1.90, $2.50, $3, $3.50, S4 The moat complete and .best saloet ed troneer stock la the city to select from.. Wo "Job Lota" or "Discarded Pat terns,"1 but briarht, new goods from America's beet trooser makers. Furnishing Specials Adler's SiU Unod Dress QQ Military Collar IQ. to Q 00 Flannel Shirts U QOt Latest at. . . , Style Sweaters, all col- . ... 48c 10 $6.50 ssssssssmti We Save You 40 Per Cent on Buy Direct From the Importers SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Beautiful Ostrich Hat Bands. 36 inches long, all colors, tJO Afl regular 14.00 values, at ...VfciUW , Extra Values in Willow Flumss. Beautiful, genuine, hand knotted Willow Plun.es, 18 inches long, 16 Inches wide; values, J3,45 7.M ' . Wlkow' "Wumas, . ' 80 f C Inches long, 18 Inches wide w1' $12.00 Willow Plumes. 23 f QC Inches long, SO Inches wide ' 115.00 Willow Flumes, 25 A A QC Inches long, 24 Inches wide We Clean, Curl, Dye and 8tepsir Flumes. - GOLDDERG'S PLUME STORE 403 South 16th St. , City National Bank Building For Bof No matter how hard he is on Shoes we recommend Shoes We guarantee them to out wear two pairs of ordinary Boys' shoes. Boys' 1 to 5 at Little Gents' 10 to 13 & ...... $2.50 $2.00 DREXE 1410 FARXAM. Attractive Drug Bargains AT OMAHA'S FOUR REXALL STORES Take advantage of these exceptional offerings and replenish your drug cabinet. Special Prices on Borden's Malted Milk 60c else for 4So $1.00 aiie for ....89o $3.75 (Hospital size) for ...83.33 $5.00 can (ten pounds) for t.4. Satordj Caoldy The 60c Candy for 20c sold on Saturdays only, always, fresh, only enough ordered for each Saturday. Every Comb at About Half Price Saturday Your chrflce ot any 25c Comb tor Saturday, only 14. ' yj-w liiiiililll 5 Your choice of any 50c Comb in the store for 29. , Proprietary Medicines Eskay'e Food SSc, 45c, eso $1.00 Wine of Cardul for . ...89o I)r. Cooper's Medicine.... 45o, 89o $1.00 Hoetetter-s Bitters ...... 89c $1.00 Squlbb's Sarsaparllla . ..76o Ozomulsion .45c, 89o Kexall Orderlies ....10c, 85c, 60c Scott's Emulsion 45c, 89c Vlnol, always 81)0 Hay's Hair Health ...... 45o, 89c Llsterine ISo, 85o, 45c, 89o Kexall Kidney Cure .....45c, 89c $1 Lydia Pinkham's Compound at 89c Glycothytt.ollne 25c, 45c, 89c Roxall 93 Hair Tonic . .60c, 11.00 Fellows' Syrup for ....89c, 81.34 Spruce Pepsin Tablets, 50c, $1.00 $1.00 Guartln's Nerve Syrup 89o K Cot-Price Specials in Toilet Goods 25c Packers' Tar Soap, cut to 14c 25c FrostiUa, cut to ., 13o 25c Sanltol Tooth Paste, now Ho 60c Mai vina Cream, cut to ...890 Harmony. Rose or Violet Toilet Waters 75e, , 50c, 85c 25d Bftbcock's Corylopsls 15o 50c Pompeian Massage Cream 89o Ivory Soap, three cakes for ..llo Rexall Cold Cream . 50o and 35c 60c Violet Cream, cut to 19c 25c Dr. Gray's Tooth Powder 130 25c Brugler's Talcum So 60c La Jeune Powder , 39c $1.00 Gray's Glycerine Tonic 89o Andrew's Tooth Plugs, bad for toothache .100 mimm a r.icconiiEiL drug co. .Proprietors of the FoUowtng BesaU Stores: SHERMAN & McCONNKLL DRUG CO.. lth and Dodge; OWL DRUG CO., 16th and Harney Sts.: LOYAL PHARMACY, Loyal Hotel; HARVARD PHARMACY, 24th and Farnam. Sts. Rock Island Lines to iincolia Leave Omaha 8:01 a. m. 15 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 10:47 p. m. Arrive Lincoln 9:40 a. m. 3:15 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 12:30 a. m.. EVERT DAT Tickets and reservations , ' 14th and Faraaai Streets Phoaee: Deeilia 423 Nebraska; A4428 laeepeadeel Saturday's Barflralns in Ladies' Misses' and Children's Ready-to- AVear Garments and Furnishings are attracting thousands of women toj this 6tore. We have prepared mott wonderful bargains for this Satur-I day that will bring a still greater crowd than ever. We do as we ad- vertise that's the reason for the wonderful growth of our business. Children's out Ing flannel Bleep ing gar ments, sizes 2 tff 6, per I garment, I U One lot of girls' coats, sizes 6 to ' 14, in caracul pony cloth and? mixtures, worth. $2.95 26 dozen large aprons, used as house dresses. In gingham; per cale light and (ark colors, lim ited 2 to a cus tomer;, 'as long as they OQm will last 8.3 b Silk petticoats; jx.50 ladles' all colors, black , ,. , Massllin petti- Mal fine Rrade doats, ( CQ of union suits, Safy vliOSI winter weight. "77; ' sleeveless, shlrtt. All wool serge 8 1 e e v e s and skirts, also a lon- sleeves lot of sample t,er ftp, skirts, whin- Bu,t yao cord and cordu- at f.' . $ 1 1 9 8 One lot of house dresses, worth 7 spools Coats' m to machine thread. 2 mostly sam- black or white, Ples and tnerf: Nca a to 100 . tore mostly 86 for8?.0.0.18 25e t.8!!!8' 48c 76c children's t5.o children's heavy wool u"n- all wool sweat- derwear, shirts ers, age 1 to 3 and drawers years; Satur- gar- OQ day at , OC. meat... VU 'only. ... fc Jl B1.50 Fettiooats 69o Black petti coats, in sateen and heather bloom, worth l0.!.1.6.0' 69c 120 ladies black hose, r pair 3 20c fleece lined host," I 91 pair. .... I 8M 20c boys' and girls' heavy and fine ribbed K-6:.:. 10c Better Cloaks and Suits For Less Money Saturday Will Be Another Big $5 Day in Our Busy Cloak and, j Suit Department. -: Ladies',' Misses' and'Jiiniors' Cara cul, Plush, Mixtures, Chinchilla and zibeline Coats many new numbers just received, worth-to $12.50 $5,00 New Silk Messaline and Taffeta Dresses, many samples of high grade dresses, new Serge Dresses, all go Saturday in one ftfj lot, worth to $12.50. . . ..u?Ui UU Just 25 Ladies' Tailored Suits left in stock that we are going &C ftfj to close out Saturday for. . v JiUU Saturday only, large sets of Furs, Collarette and Muffs to match, gray, black and brown, per Bet A new lot of pretty Novelty Coata, many swell samples that are now ln great demand. There are 150 coats ln the lot and they are worth to $22.50. They will be placed two lots . . $12.50-$9.98 Saturday only, $25 French Coney Coats, beautifully lined with guar anteed satin lining, black and brown. . . $5.00 $16.95 Ladies' Brown Marmot Fur Coat, guaranteed in every re- tfQ flfl H spect, worth $8 5, at. . . The biggest assortment of Plush Coats we have ever had will be shbwn for the first time Saturday. Every one is of the finest Jet Black Silk Plush and beautifully lined with guaranteed satin lining. Saturday they . go at $12.50, $14.85, $16.50 and .$19.00 Pretty Suits for misses and small women, also extra large sizes for stouts. Special Saturday, m-wi QC $9, $10, $12.50 and $l4i0j t i A ,f I iff ffi "i IS A " v ; it ' -I t v ... '"Sifil-': - V ' ' ' ' 4 You Can Save Money By Buying Ladies' Shoes Here $2.00 Ladies' Shoes in dongola . $3 Ladies' Shoes in gun metal and V patent leather and bluchers, all button, solid leather 01 00 the newest Fall mod- (MDC , at ijMiUD els, specially priced... i...$I.OU lasts aphal-Pr e d o. Tu-o Minutes from 16th St. 13th and Farnam Streets, w . ... -. ..... , ,..,-. III Omaha's Best Exhibit ol Men's Shoes Representations from the leading manufacture ers of the Country are here for your selection. And we sell every pair at the lowest prices honest merchandising will permit Expert fitters with the ability and willingness to serve you properly. Prices range from $3 Up g eLSB eJ3. 1X5 & DOUGLAS -TULIPS' HYACINTHS CROCUS NARCISSUS PLANT AT ONCE All First Size 'Flowering Bulbs Only For best effects plant named varieties. . BULBS THAT GROW: NEED ANY ? Tha Nebraska Sead Go. Phone Doug. 1261. 5 1613 Howard SL WM.' J. BOEKHOFF, Seail Sealer. Phones .oa lX9- ' ruuiie! laid, a-aua. You will find most interesting reading on the want ad pages. . Have you read the want ads yet today?