2 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCIOBEli VA'l i )F THE BIGGEST CLOTHING HITS in YEAR C The one on left, the "Wiltshire', reflects the-best M thought of foreign and American style masters, note the graceful lines and custom air from collar to cuff. It's a "Sain peck" modal with all the "tone" and "individuality" your custom tailor can work out in a week at double our price; it will cost you but $15.00 to $30.00 to own one; costs you nothing to try them on. The one on right, the "Sandhurst" is the new est conception of a custom- made Norfolk, also a ''Sam peck" product, also has high but toned vest, sells for $18.00, $20.00 and $22.50; ask a reputable tailor his charges to "duplicate" this suit bo you can figure "your profit" on this Sampeck Norfolk. Our label is gold in your bond of guarantee. Cross Gloves $1.50 Imperial Hats ............$3.00 Columbia Shirts $1.50 ra wuko noptre own siont m :rd M "as TEMPERANCE FORCES BUSY Constitutional Amendment League . Against Shaniland Bill. MORE CASES OF DIPHTHERIA Meeting- of Men Interested In Trmm atera' Strike Expected to Result In Settlement Favorable to Worker. T Vuuau gi,"fi"".i, 1518-20 FARNAM STREET. TRIPLE MISTAKE' OF DEMOS free Trade, Free Silver, Free Ships, Trinity of Darkneu. ( ! WILSON ALWAYS OS THE FENCE AveorlaH( to Hfirrt'l Description (New Jersey Oromor Stand f icelr BUnoed on Ererr Ihu of Omipntcn. Br CHARLES D. HILLBS. Chairman Republican National Committee KEW YORK, Oct J8"rre Trad Free Silver, Fre Ship, th Democrat! Trinity vt Darkpe!'; laimd Bw eentative Humphrey o WaaMngton, In describing the damoor&Uo faith. ' What a creed for a political party to appeal with for a vote of osnfideno from th peoplel "I am In. favor of anything that will give ua American Mpa to carry Amerl. can trad," Mr. Humphrey continued, "provided it b not don at th expens of other Amerlcani interests. I am op posed to buying slap built in other countrles-to free chips. 1 am opposed to Bvaiem inai aivew iun.nor amwm field and Increase the demand for Arteri can workmen; what American can oppose these worthy and patriotic object?" But the AemocraUo r&rty haa opposed them, and now asks for a lease of power under which to deetroyi their benefit. Description of Wllaon. ' Before Wilson was nominated for the presidency, whllehe was candidate in the primaries of his party, he was thus described by William R, Hearst: "He thinks that th tariff ia an Issue,, but he is unable to formulate clearly his tariff program. , He concedes that the trust ijuestion is a leading one, but he has been unwllltnf clearly to explain bow he pro poee to deal with It lie modifies every statement. Qualifies every utterance, and stands nicely balanced on every tmue, ready to retreat or advance aa occasion requires. Ills democratic pose is assumed and therefore awkward and unnatural. As president he would be a i positive danger to the party and to the country. lias anything happened, sine Mr. Hearst drew ,that, aketoh of, "Wilson, to. cause any change in his description? Does not every word Mr, Hearst uttered, apply to the democratic candidate how, as it did thenT ,. r J'"--' " ; What of the man, who as Mr. Hearst laid furthers.; "po those:. who ask for bread. Governor Wilson distributee the They any Wauw w .i ' poUshed pebbles of his oratory. r wrmn pan . v brilliant : thov may be beautiful gives investment to foreign capital wm - ' w LAST REGISTRATION IS TODAY It Will Be Awkward for ThoBe Who Do Not Come Into the Fold. MANY WORKMEN ARE IN FIELD Republican Headquarters Telephone is Baay Yesterday as Result of . . Inquiries as to Places of 'j- Registration. ahouiit be siven to American capital. I aim not in favor of trying th delusion of tree trade either on land or sea. I am eternally and verla0Un1y opposed to any scheme-in any shape, In any form that will not give the Investment to American capital and the employment to American labor." j Were that patriotic, sentiment under stood and upheld by th pecpl of the United States-and they are a patriotic people-there would be no question of th result of th election oi November 8, no dobt of the re-election of Pres ident Taft and the continued supremacy of the republican party. . ' , Bald President McKlnley, evidently with the democratic party In mind: " , "To increase production Aer,' diversify our productive enterprises, enlarge the est ii fmsmsmsmasmmmsmmsmtmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmm Just Say "219" I'll then how - you' the classiest English derby in I town. Number 219 is just . tne nat ior yonng men un der 35. Yes the Crt Aft price is the. Bame . . v V f a stjlisb4tlerby with less swag'ger whisper ",602. ' ' More than merely show-j ing styles T fit heads. Yon 11 ficd sizes as small as , 6 4-S and as large as 7 6-8. Don't worry if you t happen to have a few I v 1 J TM1 uuxups uu yuur uenu x 11 conform the hat to fit per fectly! v-; .. . TFAlsPQ 32 HATS LLUil d THAT TALK 318 So. 15th St. but they are not bread; they are but stone. He formerly, ridiculed ' and re viled the initiative and referendum, the recall, direct nominations, and educated his students to oppose these measures, but now he says h believes in th initiative in a way, In th referendum In part, in the recall on certain occa sions, and In direct nominations under certain conditions." 4 Against the dangerous, vacillating rec ord stands the stanch, constructive, pa triotic record of achievement made by President Taft in the 'last three and a half years. ' , Any who fall to register will not be eligible to vote at the presidential elec tion, November 6, unless they go through the awkward process of securing certlfl cates on election day There will be plenty of men at work today for the several parties to call the attention of the .voters to the fact that this Is the last day of registration this fall. The, telephone at republican county headquarters was busy yestereday. In quiries were constantly coming in as to the location of polling places for certain precincts. Th Inquiries were the result of a letter the county committee seat to over 8,000 unregistered republicans. " Beginning at . 8 o'clock this morning, when the polls open, the county com mittee expects to have a few hundred men Who Will ariva their neraonal ittnn. I tlon to getting these voters out to regis ter. . , The bull mooeers have been working for the last week checking u? a list Of the registered voters secured from the county clerk with a view to making a complete tabulation of those not regis tered , The bull moos chairman has in. structad his sixty-seven committeemen to j do active and personal work,, and to keep In touch with him at . headquarters dur ing the day in order that the, most effec tive work . may be accomplished. , (From a Staff Correspondent) DES MOIXES, Ia. Oct 25.-(Spcial Telegram.) The Iowa Constltuilonal Ammendment league today etaited a campaign to prevent the adoption by the legislature of the Shankland bill to sub stitute voting for petitions in securing consent to sell liquors, and Is advising all voters to oppose candidate not pledged against the measure. The Iowa Antl-$atoon league today gave endorsement to G W. Clarke, re publican candidate for governor, and de clared against W. L. Harding, republican candidate for lieutenant 'governor. In the main the democratic candidates for state offices are opposed. Diphtheria Increase. City health authorities today took ex treme measures to put a stop to the diphtheria epidemic in the schools of the city. Irving uphool has been closed and fumigated and the other school build ings are being cleaned up. Despite all efforts new cases continue almost every day and doctors admit they are help less. It was announced here today that Fred Eargent of Sioux City1 ha been appointed assistant counsel for the Northwestern railroad to succeed A. A. McLaughlin, recently promoted. Teamster Likely to Win. A meeting of the Interested in the strike of teamsters was held late today which continued Into the night and while no information came out In definite form It is believed that the strike will be settled Very soon. It is also declared that the union men have won a substantial victory. Iowa Eastern Star Elects Officers CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Oct 25. Sessions of the Iowa chapter, Order of the East ern Star, ended here last night with the election and installation of officers. Mrs. Alsa Sullivan of Fairfield was named as worthy grand matron. The other officers chosen are: Worthy grand patron, W. H. Kllpack, Council Bluffs; associate grand matron, : Mrs. Luella Crooks, Boone; associate . grand patron, W. F. Berry, Uoulton; grand sec retary, Mrs. Maria Jackson, Council Bluffs; grand treasurer, Mrs. Ida Web ster, Wauooma; grand conductress.. Mrs. Cecilia Small, Des Moines; - associate grand conductress, Mrs. Maud Keyer, Marlon. Council Bluffs was selected as the next meeting place. DES MOINES POLICE HUNT FOR MISSING BOONE GIRLS DES MOINES, la., Oct 25. Members of the Des Moines police and detective force searched the city last night for Miss Elsie Drlscoll and Miss Ruth McBlrney of Boone. Both girls are under 16 years old. The young women are supposed to have left Boone some time yesterday. The Drlscoll girl had access to money and Jewels and is suspected of having ap propriated both. Mrs. Grace Drlscoll, mother of Elsie, made complaint to the local police and helped In the search of the city. . :-A NATIONAL INSTITUTION": BANKER SERIOUSLY. SICK AS RESULT OF JATING OYSTERS BOONE. , la., Oct. 25.-Speclal Tele gram. S. I Moore, president of the First National bank, and the Security Savings bank, president of the Eastern Star Ma sonic state home board and known as a Ida GroT Hermit Dead. IDA GROVT la., Oct 25.-Special.)- Slevers Sieverson, a hermit 80 years of age, was found dead In a little hut five miles northwest of Holsteln, where he has lived for years. Sieverson lived on 'a little triangular plot of ground of an acre and a half formed by the cutting off of the railroad on an angle. The dead man had a son In Sioux City and daughter in Minnesota. The old gentleman was vi denty sitting on the edge of his bed mend ing his clothes when he was stricken with heart failure and fell over back wards on the bed and died. His life's history Is a mystery. Six Thousand-Mile Anto Tear. IDA GROVE, la.. Oct 2&-Speclal.-Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Simons and son, George, returned from the longest auto mobile trip ever taken by anyone In this every state between here and the Atlantic seaboard and then toured New England. They made a mileage of 5,990 and wore out six tires, but had no trouble with their machine They say Iowa roads will com pare with any, except in New England. Iowa News Notes. By a recent order of court th federal grand jury has been restored to the Cres ton division and will hold Its first session in Creston November with Judge Me Pherson presiding. Thirty-seven Greeks employed on the Creston division of th Burlington road will quit November 1 to go back to aid In th war against Turkey. John R. Edwards of Cumberland, la, is In jail there waiting arraignment on a a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. During a family quarrel Wednes day night Edwards slashed the face and MEXICANS SHOOT OFFICERS ; (Continued from Page One.) Dunn, an American newspaper corres- pondent, and C. S. F. Carlsrlstl. said to be an agent of Felix Was, arrived here today under charge of fonr 'Mexican se- Oret service men, having beeif expelled from Mexico by operation of "Article 33" which affect so-called foreigners. Both men said they wer' arrested In Mexico City without warrants. Dunn asserts he was taken from home on the pretext that the inspector general of potto wished to impart Information to him. He declares he was placed in jail without knowledge of his ' family ' and permission to see his wife was denied; that she came to the jail and-asked for him and was told he was not there; that he heard her vole and hhouted. On hearing him sh reported his arrest to th American embassy, Deepit representation of th mbassy, he said, at first It was denied h bad ben apprehended. Although ' his wife sent food only a small part of It reached him and he was compelled to bribe the guards for drinkfhg water at $1 pr cup, he declared. Carlsrlstl is said to be an Italian subject Democrats Will Try to Carry Illinois CHICAGO, Oct 2B.-Th real signi ficance of th visit of Chairman McCombs of th democratlo national committee to Chicago became apparent today when it was announced that many prominent democratlo speakers would be brought into Illinois in an effort to carry the state. Th first will be Senator O'Gorman of Nw York, who will speak her thi evening. He probably will mak at least en other speech' in the stata ' William Jk Bryan, who will b her to morrow, will make a one-day tour of the state. " ' m TURN HOSE'ON MAN WHOSE , ' CL0THCS CATCH FIRE SHENANBOAH. Ia..- Oct 25.-Special.) An amusing accident happened at th lectrlo power plant Wednesday tnom tng. Henry Gallup went Into th fttrnae room.' to warm. He asked perrmssion to open th furnace door a few mmtrtes, and backed up to it as people used to do at the open ' fire placu. The fire was about as hot as It Is possible to make one. In just three .seconds the seat of his trousers was burned off and the victim was dancing around madly and calling for help. . The hoe was turned on him and the fire extinguished before h was seriously burned. . Editor Jordan Not ' Guilty of Misuse of , United States Mails , PEORIA. 111., Oct S.-The jury in the case of Myron Jordan of Rock Island, HI.. Indicted by the federal Jury on the charge of, sending obscene literature through the malls, returned a verdict of not guilty this morning in the federal court Jordan, who Is employed as a staff edi torial writer on th Rock Island News was indicted together with John Looney, editor and publisher of the paper, follow ing an attack on Mayor Schriever of that city, depicting an alleged debauoh of the mayor while on a visit to Peoria with a party of frlenda ' - , ' , with a pocket knife. Inflicting a severe wound. ; Rev. R. A. Cameron, who for the last four years has held th Presbyterian pas torate at Clarlnda, has resigned to ac cept a call to .the Presbyterian church at Victor, Mont ' IOWA CITY "Because he was too homely to liv," as he expressed K In a note left for his brother, Ciyde Fltx patrlck. a prominent young farmer of Kalona shot himself with a thirty-two- caliber revolver at his brother's house last night Despondency over a love af fair was another cause for the shooting, say his family. He was 26 years of age. The Persistent and Judicious TTs of Newspaper Advertising Space is th Best Road Into the "Big Business" Class. RE1 Early, Painting by ; Bonheur is Found SAN FRANCISCO, Cel., Oct 25,-One of Rosa Bonheur's earliest paintings. has been located here after having been llated aa missing for many years. The painting depicts a peasant driving sheap and cat tle down a sunken road and bears the initiala VR- B.'s 38." It has been iden tified positively by Miss Anna Klumpke of this city, long a personal friend , of the painter and Is now the property of J, U Cahill, a painter ' and decorator, who fought It twenty-three years ago for . ' The" painting was brought her front Europe in the Ws by a wealthy eccentric man named Sanders who had accumulated a . fortune and gone abroad to spend It on old masters. MAJOR WILUS0N, CIVIL ? i ' WAR VETERAN, IS DEAD - CRE8TON. Ia., Oct K.-Maor A. WU Usin, th first man to enlist In the civil war from Illinois, died her today. Ha was Si years old. He was wounded at Shlloh and Resaeca. H was on of th commissioners to lay out th national park at ' Chloamauga and at one . tiro was postmaster of Creston. llotef n Coney Island Bnraed. ' NEW YORK, Oct. 26. Coney Island was saved from a serious conflagration today by the prompt work of the Island firemen assisted by apparatus from Brooklyn. On hotel and several bath bouse on the ocean froa were deetroyd. Th lo Is estimated at $50,000. , - Bryan Speaktaa to Mi eh I a. ' DETROIT, Oct 2i-W. J.' Bryan ar-' rived her today for a on day's tour In Michigan. Ills schedule called for brief pches ln leVen towns,' finishing- at Bay City this afternoon. Ht expected then to return to Detroit to address a demooratto bm meting toaha philanthropist, is critically 111 here of pto- I section. They left here last spring, visited malne poisoning from eating oysters. Attorney W. R. Dyer is recovering from a similar attack. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Montgomery also are recovering from ptomaine poisoning. LIEUTENANT BECKER GUILTY OF MURDER IHFIRST DEGREE (Continued from Page One.) murder In the first degree as charged," each juror answered, "I da." Remanded for Sentence. Becker was remanded for sentenoe to the Tombs by Justice Goff until Wednes day, October 90. Mrs. Becker, : sitting outside the court room fell in a swoon neck of his brother-in-law, Jess Eblin, when the verdict was announced. ' Becker did not flinch when he heard the verdict read. He had ' been called up and stood at the bar with squared' Shoulders, head erect Not a muscle moved In bis face, but he ' swallowed hard. That was all. When the last juror had answered, Jus tice Goff instructed the clerk to take the defendant's pedigree. Beck answered the questions in a low, firm voice. A court officer brought the questions writ ten on a slip of paper and as the pris oner read them to himself he replied: - "Forjty-two years old, American citi zen, born In Germany; address, 3239 Au dubon avenue; lieutenant of police; mar ried, Protestant, mother living, habits temperate, never convicted before." When Decker's" vole died away, Mc Intvre. who had covered his face with his hands as the verdict was given, rose J and asked that all further proceedings! be deferred for one week, "until I can prepare the proper motions for appeal. Sentence la Deferred. ' VI will defer sentence," announced Jus tice Goff, ''until October 30. Remand th prisoner until that date.'' Justice Goff spoke in the same low ton of voice, almost a whisper, that had characterised his utterances during the trial Becker gave a glance at the judge and rested his eyes for a moment on the jury. Then he turned and, followed by a jail warden, walked with unfaltering, rapid step up the aisle of the court room and disappeared through the door leading over the Bridge of Sigh to the Tombs. The jury had deliberated nearly eight hours before reaching the verdict al though the case had been In Its hands sinoe 2:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon Actual deliberation, began at 4:07 o'clock, when th doors of the room swung be hind the Jurors on their return from luncheon. What happened behind those doors, how the debate ebbed and flowed, who stood out eight hours against the final verdict' how many ballots were cast these were matters whos secrecy eacb juror was pledged to keep. After the verdict was given no one was allowed to leave th room until the jury had filed out Justice Goff had given orders that anyone disturbing the proceedings in the slightest degree should be brought before him. for. pun ishment Mr, Becker Faints. Two hundred persons or more gath ered at th court room door. With her ear almost at- the keyhole sat the pris oner's wife. As the. last juror left the room ' by another exit the door flew open and a man rueheu excitedly into the corridor. Th crowd gav way. He was half way down the step to the tele phone booth when a policeman shouted: "What's the verdlctr The fleeing man looked over his shoul der and shouted, "Guilty!". For a moment there was silence keen, intense, gripping. It was broken by a woman's muffled scream and the sound of a falling body. The prisoner's wife had fainted. ! - Just before th verdict waa given Mo Intyr mad his last plea He asked th court to grant an earlier request of the jury to inspect the testimony of the persons (Who talked to 9am Schepps in Hot Springs, Ark. The court refused The committee after an expiration that. lasted two hours reported tliat in their opinion Davidson was sane.' He ia how ever, suffering with hysteria. BIG SALE OF Blankets Monday at BRANDEIS STORES Wacth the 'Sunday papers Having Been Established A littl less than thr years. The Belmont Restanrant baa an established and envied reputation for serving choice food to people that know, at prices that are right ton visit will prove that this is th best place la th city to eat 151 Bodg treat O. V. BaUi Prop. Open AU aright. Look for Large El ec trio Sign. BFOWEiMgf,Miigf&o CLOTHING. FURNISHINGS AND HATS f O B UKS, BOT8 AND OHILDKtl Whr Not Go Direct? In this day. of high cost it is necessary to elim . inate all waste. We do that by selling our Clothing, which is the best made, direct to you from our own Work-rooms. Our Unique Position enables us to present great er values than you can find anywhere else. SUITS AND OVERCOATS "THE CLARENDON" a Suit that is a splen did example of English Style and American Tailorcraft $15.00 to $40.00 "THE CLINTON" and "BELVEDERE" two Overcoats, one with a Belt and the other without -. . . $25.00 to $40.00 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A remarkable Glove The "Browning" $1.65 Largest and Best Assortment of Shirts, including extra length sleeves, usually so difficult to find. .$1.50 to $3.00 Knitted Four-in- Hands, Values $1.50 to $3.50 at.... 95c to $2.85 Headquarters for Dependable Underwear, in cluding Superior Union Suits $1.00 to $3.00 HAT DEPARTMENT This is the time to prove that the "Browning King" Special Derby is superior value and has more style than any other hat at... $3.00 Imporied Velour Hats to wear with your new Overcoat.. V ..$5.00 BROWNING KING & CO. GEO. T. WILSON, Manager. 15th at Douflas lEk 1. 1 ail k&'Mrjf M MJ jtfj ill jrr ... g ALzsiir - f' jr I aa w WM " . 1 fir-, f : , r r is the time to use a little preventive for a bad cold all winter. The moderate use of a little good whiskey at the proper time will save you much inconvenience and many doc tor bills. All Brands of Good Whis kies axe to be had at v HILLER'S at wholesale prices. laomiiwMSj: SPECIAL ; Holler's Straight Whiskey, a seven year oid, pure article at ,80c Per Quart. Four quarts ship ped prepaid. Telephone Want-Ad 1000 I Your ' Tyler AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. OitaXA'S POTT CUTTER. " tOyrnunTTit t-. ls-as-so TyA2f-' BTgrs., 15-85-50-750 TEH B SO AS WAY IJ.VOEITXS, S&S&Sf' AMERICA BEAUTIES EXTBA.TAOAJTSA AST9 TAITDEVIXiXiB May Holden; MarlBrandon and Co. of 40. "New TeT's-Ev at-th Cabart" Big Chorus of American Beauties. &41s' Sim Ktta BTr Weak Bay. On DonyU Btra.t, at 18th. HTTQaTB T&UDEVILIil Includes "Effia." tba Mental Marvel; Th Rath- n..v. . Fitzs-lbbon: How & uajnpoeu; nil UATEBTEB TOD AT TO WIGHT ; THE CONFESSION Prices ' lOo, SOo, 30o, 60o Sundays THE PAIN Oil Or TO SIGHT. Seat How. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Today 2:15. Note Early Curtain Saturday Night 8:15 Sharp. loo rcciesh rl A- (TaJTIDbell: lAafrkl I lb Vankra Leo Filler; Hippo- Pan and Ityitery cop nciuroa. Coatlauoos 8 to S; 7 and P. 2C. Sally. KRUG THEATER Xatii Today, 2:30 VUCti, 8:30 BEST SEATS, 600 The Girls From . Missouri EZTBA Priday Kiffst, THE COUHTRY STOBB. ' &adlea' Daily Dime Matinee. BRANDEIS THEATER. . Teni-nt at 8:15 - EVA LANG in "THE STIHDTHHtFT.1 at. Mat. and Hlg-M, last two prJ formancee, xn acroitmuv .wuuwuj. . ugjHJCB res ia nwiw.' Persistent Advertising I tbt Read to Legitimate "Els; Business' 20 Exceptional Snaps for 10c Saturday at Beaton's : Our lOo day haa proven a wonderful drawing card. You will find listed below drugs and sundries which are needed dally In the well-regulated household. The savings are worthy of a special visit to our busy corner drug store. 1 pt Denatured Alcohol 10 1 lb. Epsom Salts 10t 6 oz. Rochelle Salts. ..10 8 os. Witch Hazel 10 6 os. Castor Oil 10 3 os. Glycerine and Rose Water 10 25c Graves' Tooth Pow der.. .. ...........10 Lars Faoe Chamois... 1 25c Da Mar's Tooth .- Powder 10 60c Dr. Charles Face Powder 10 Large box Charcoal Tablets, aid to, digestion 10. Manicure Set File, emery board and orange stick 10 SBc and 35c Nail Brashes 10 10 io 25c and 35c Tooth . Brushes . . 25c Beaton's Velvet Cream 20c Sanitary Drinking Cups 10 Beaton's Sachet Pow.,' white, 1 rose or heliotrope, os. 10 Toilet Pumice .10 2 Be Face Brushes. .... .10 -Follow the Beaton Path" BEATON DRUG CO. F&rnam and Fifteenth Streets.