THE BEE: OMAIIA, FRIDAY OCTOBER 25, 1912. 9 REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. West Farnam . Residence $3,960 for a good, first class. 2-story bouse with 7 rooms, located naar 36th and Howard 8ts.; lit floor finished in oak with oak floors; 2d floor has 3 good bedrooms and alcove; well built house and In a " neighborhood where, lots alone of this size, namely 50x124 feet, have ' sold at from $4,500 to $7,500. Inves titrate this at onoe, as It is cheap, immediate possession. ' George & Company Tel. D. 754. 803-11 City Nat,. Bit Bids. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wteat Yesterday Appeared in a Way to Be Overbought, COM MARKET APPEARS HEAVY Firmness in Oats Yesterday Cam with Improved Cash Inquiry, with " Rales of Seven Hnn dred Thousand Bnahrla. Dundee Bungalow Price Reduced to $5,500 .. 4518 Douglas St.. best location in Dun dee, Ideal surroundings; large living room with brick mantel; dining room and large kitchen; three bedrooms and batb: hot water heat; oak finish; owner has led city and the price is right. Phone us foi appointment to see this house. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, 1219-22 City National. Doug. 3963. LOOK UP THfflAS, BARGAINS: I will sail them way down below what they are worth, as -1 must raise some money at onoe. $860 for corner lot near 34th and How ard streets. All Improvements in street and paid lor, suitable lor double brick flat. 1L859 for lot 60x117. Hancoom Park dis trict Adjoining lot sold for $1,800 cash a few weeks ago. $8,000 for an 8-room, all modern resi dence and barn near 8th and Charles streets. Not new, but in fine repair. Lot 60x130. All Improvements in street and paid for. Have party who will loan 12,000 on this property. S4.200 for double flat, S rooms each. Part modern, including 6-room cottage, all renting for 4 monthly, walking dletanoe. Have party who will loan 13,600 on this property, 6 years 8 per cent Let me hear from you. Would be pleased to show properties at any time. Address, N 908, Bee. MODERN 7-room house at 1407 Elm met fit. Lot 50x124. . Terms reasonable. Owner leaving town. Phone Webster 232X Is it Profitable to Pay Rent? $24.00. $300 Cash; $20 7 Month 7-room, house, modern except heat On paved street Paving paid. South front Near car and school. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. ' Formerly Shlmer ft Chase Co. 809 a 17th St. Douglas 3887. PRICE REDUCED New, modern, six rooms and sleeping porch; oak and maple finish, plate rail, paneled walls and .window seat in dining room.; stairs to floored attlo; pressed brick foundation; fine location,;, close in; best in Omaha for the money; easy terms. Owner, Douglas 162. Snap in Dundee 4 Vacant Lots Located on 50th. and Burt Sts., can be bought cheap. Owner leaving city and very anxious to sell. His price is way below, prices asked for other lots in this vicinity. Will sell any one or a!!. For further Information see O'Neil's R. ,E. & Ins. Agency, v s , 1505 Farnam St. ,;''" - -- Tel Tyler 1024. .,' OMAHA. Oct 24, 1912. Grain men say it will not do to get too enthusiastic over export sales of wheat so long as nearly all the business is from the Canadian crop. Of the SOO.OOO bushels claimed as export sales yester day, lato advices gavo tSO,000 bushels as Manitoba wheat. The press reports re garding possible complications among some of the big powers abroad were a little alarming to the trader. Fine wea ther and heavy receipts act as a check on the advancing market. In a way it looked like an overboui-hc trade at mo cios yesterday. It will take a food export demand and bullish war influences to hoi;l the market: without these reaction is likely. Cash wheat, unchanged to 8c lower. If action in the now corn months de pends on the weather, it should be a heavy market without the help of a wheat advance. Traders look for good support in December corn on all sharp dips and some are advising to sell the May option on the swells. Much will depend on the amount of corn offered from the country in the next thirty or forty days. A number of the largest shorts in corn cov ered yesterday and the pit element was regarded as mostly long last night Con sumers who needed corn and did not buy on the recent break were in the cash market yesterday for moderate quanti ties. Cash, corn unchanged to lc lower. The firmness in oats yesterday came from an improved cash Inquiry, with sales reported in the neighborhood of 700,000 bushels, a good proportion of which was said to be new export -busi ness. The offerings from tne country continue to be moderate. Cash oats liSitoc lower. Clearances, wheat and flour, ios,tw bu.; corn, 20,000 bu.: oats, 389,000 bu. Liverpool olose: Wheat, WA& lower; corn, &Sd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 2,008,000 bu. and shipments 1,090,000 bu., against receipts of 1,338,000 bu. and shipments of 604,000 bu. last year, Primary corn receipts were irit.ww ou. and shipments 164.000 bu.. against receipts of 388,000 bu. and shipments of 607,000 bu. last year. Primary oats reoelDts were 1.120,000 bu. and shipments 962,000 bu., against receipts of 470,000 bu. and shipments of 3M,ouo du. last year. The following caBh sales were reportea: Wheat: No. 2 hard, winter, 9 cars, 87o. No. 8 hard, winter, 2 cars, 87c; 8 cars. 87c; 8 oars, 8oc No. 4 hard, winter, 2 cars. 84c. No. 4 spring. 4 cars, 84c. No. 2 mixed. 1 oar. 87c. No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, 8trt4c No. 4 mixed. 1 car. Mc; l car, &ac. No. 2 mixed, durum. 1 car. 83c. No. mixed, durum. 1 car. 83c. Oats: No. 2 white. 1 oar. 82o. No. 2 white, 14 cars, 81o. N6. 4 white, S cars. 80c; 1 car, 30c, Corn: No. 8 white, 1 cars. 63c; 2 cars 62Hc; 2 cars, 62c. No. 8 yellow, 1 car, 60e. No. S mixed. 1 cars, too. xso. mixea, car, 68c Barley: No. 4, 1 car, 65o; 1 oar, 64c. Rye: No. 2, 1 car. 68c. No. J, 1 car, 67c Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8768c: No. S hard, $9$r87o; No. 4 hard, 8285a CORN No. 2 white. 62WtfwV4c; sso. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. white, 6J4r8o; No. 4 white, &l411c; No. I yellow, ic: No. I yellow, 60e; No. 4 yellow, 5i68Hc; No. X 59c; No. 3, 63c; No. 4, 57(i6oc. OATS-No. 2 white. S3c; rtsdard, Sl 31c; No. 3 white. Sic; No. 4 white. 30$ B A RLEY Malting, 5867o; No. 1 feed, RYE-NO. 2. So; No. 8, 67c. Carlot Receipts, ( Wheat Corn, Otts. Chicago .......... Minneapolis . 4S9 Duluth 486 Omaha 119 Kansas City 150 ft. Louis ltt Winnipeg , 760 127 17 HEW YORK jTOCK MARKET Raid of Bears is Resisted and the Attack Counts for But Little. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS . . a t Feat area of the Trad Ins; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct 84. Heavy selling of wheat resulting from lower cables, was the effect of less tension concerning the influence of the Turkish war. Closing Prices were easy, c to lc under last night Weakness in the wheat market pre vailed from the start Export demand had ceased and the foreign financial tone was reported to be improved. Reports of Turkish victories counted somewhat In favor of the bears. In addition there were advices of a flattering outlook for the Argentine crop. Chances of a rally in wheat received a check through signs that much of the Duluth stock would be brought to Chi cago by boat. Several cargoes were re ported to have been already sold with that end in view. Prospects pointed to no let up in the big primary receipts. December closed lo down at 93o flat inns weather brought about an easy I Time money was firmer on the increased MUD FLUERY IN CALL LOANS German Ranks Follow read af These of England and Pnsh Vp tie Discount Rats One-Half Per Cent. NEW YORK. Oct 24. -Almost the only noteworthy feature of today's stook market was its stubborn resistance of a series of bear attacks. From the very outset the short interest adopted an ag gressive attitude, finding slight encour agement In the state of the foreign mar- ksis, out moderate support invariably re sulted In general recoveries. The selling movement concentrated against United States Steel, the Hill is sues, Union Pacific Canadian . Pacific and Lehigh Valley, later embracing some of the minor specialties and American Can.- Reading was easily the strongest of the railway group, with some demand for Nsw York Central. Prices wavered uncertainly in the last sesakm, but a mild iiurry in call loans, whioh roes to per cent, caused another setback and abrupt halt to the activity then la progress, but support was again effective in restoring the level to a fraction over the preceding day's close: The sudden rise in money occasioned no surprise, in view of the condition of the local banks. Their cash loss to the Interior, chiefly through the sub-treasury, totals about $8,000,008 thus far. with inaioauona oi a runner decline tomorrow, feeling in corn. December closed Via net lower at 63c. Cash grades were heavy; is, a. j yellow was quoted at 64a Disappointing cables took the edge off the oats market December closed at 8232o. a loss of fco from last night demand, but rates warn unchanged. The rise In the Gorman banks' dis count rats from 44 to 6 per cent was in Keeping wuta last week s advance by the English and French Institutions. Tne Bank of England slightly Increased its Unloading on the Dart of lonrs carried . liability reserves and bullion hakiinaa. down provisions. The only exception was no Hank oi France also showed a nom- ror October ribs, which Cloned 5c up. "M" nain oi goto. .The leading futures range. as follows: Article! Open-1 High. Low. Close. Yesy. FOR SALE Five-room cottage: large ,. nrrtn: na.vafl tnur' tnt Htrian r , s m. .old: best of condition: rea.anna.hlA tnr ..... U . 1 M EWl fVT.ft CI . . I n nr aiMraaa TV J TTilarhoa O. 1M A ... 'Phone Harney 4625. ; New Dundee Residence This is a very attractive frame and stucco house, up-to-date in every jjeapect and ready to move into at once. The first floor has a large living room with handsome fireplace, and sun .room adjoining, and dining room; well arranged pantry and kitchen. Three bedrooms on second floor, finished in white enamel. also finished sleeping porch; stairway to noorea attio. Tne very best of workman ship and material has been used in this house and anyone securing it will have a well built, attractive home. High, sightly location, fronwng south on paved itreet. jrrlce $8,500. Reasonable terms. George & Company r-none l. 7o6. 902-12 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Iowa. IOWA FRUIT FARM AND DAIRY LAND FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. We have subdivided the Dr. McClanahan tract knows as Orchard Heights, con taining 808 acres near Council Bluffs, and are selling it at $50 to 8100 per acre on easy terms. You will only nave to see this land to appreciate its value. Let us show it Day A Hess Co.. 123 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. Georgia. Traversed by the GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All the money oreps of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with tais oomiBg country, lis soil, climate, ohurch and school advantages, write, W. B. LEAHY. Dept K. . General Passenger Agent ATLANTIC. OA. Whcati TV r l- say. 977 corn. Oct Deo. 53l4fc May. &2Vi! uats. Deo. m May. 34 Pork. Oct. Dec. May. Lard. Oct. Dec. May. Ribs. Oct. Dec. May. 19 25 18 80 10 95-92 10 45 10 30-26 10 023,4 9t 63 92G' 93 S7VsWs3 68V4 62, 6254 22HWMW4S3HeH, 1 1 I tij ii 84H S4fc,84fcV4 34ft 17 00 1700 19 25 19 07 19 17 17 25 18 82 18 75 18 S2M IS 87Vi 1122 U 80 10 96 10 82Vs 10 57J 10 92Vi 10 a 10 35 10 42 10 92 10 75 10 70 10 30 10 20 10 22 1017 10 02 10 00 10 00 10 06 981094 ttH m 32 Minnesota. MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet ' special rates. DAT 4 NIGHT REALTY CO.. 103 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. C;' YOUR $500 Balance Monthly Will buy your choice of three brand new, completely modern homes, each hav ing six rooms, bath and sleenlnr noreh elegantly finished and decorated, the best of plumbing and furnace. Nice level lot shade and permanent walks, paved street, paving paid. Look at 3911, 8817 and 4113 North 20th street Boulevard, half way oatween onerman avenue and North 24th Street car lines. We will take in a good lot as part of purchase price. Price this week, niw each. Payne & Slater Co. (16 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 1016. Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lots at 4Qth Ave. near Ames, two blocks from street car line. $125 each. Cne lot 47th and Cass St, adjoining Dundee. (09. Inquire at 130 Jones St A ' GENUINE SACRIFICE Nice corner lot near three car lines. Improved with 6 and 4-room houses. Al ways rented. Forced to sell to meet pay ment on my new home in - California Give terms if necessary. Mrs. Grace Fred ericks. 8501 Firth Ave.. Los Angeles, Cat. ; MUST BE SOLD Nonresident owner will sell at bargain for: cash, fi-room cnttn.e-A mnA fir, nt 60x127 ft. No. 2617 Charles St.;- pavsd street cement street walk, tw .blocks from N. 24th St carline. Price, $1,750. Believe $1,00 cash will buy it Submit GARVIN BROS., 354 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. . FINE corner lot en Dodge St., room for t flats; nothing better;, worth 13,600; must tell at once; will sell for S2.800. phone D. 3607. . TO BUY. BKLL OR RENT. FIRST 8KB JOHN W HOBBINB. VOS FARNAM ST REAL ETATE f ARM n.CH I-A1VDS FOR SALB Iowa. THE eastlest way to find a buyer tor your farm is to Insert a small want ad in the Ds Moines Capital. Largest dr filiation imthe state of Iowa, 43.000 daily. The Capital is resd by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any other paper in their home.. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; 81.23 per line per month; count six ordi nary words to the Una Address Des Moines Capital. Des Moines. I. i FOR farm, 2 miles from town, good house, barn, machine sheds, etc.. a bargain if taken this month. Also some other well Improved farms. 7 and 9 miles from town. These farms are all located in Sherburne county, less than 40 miles from Minneapolis, good rich soil, fine water and good pasture and timber land. For full particulars apply to Dr. 11. T. Sherman, Big Lake, Minn. if ebraakn. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, 825 TO S.1S PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest larm land, where the crop yields for 12 years, including 1910 and 1911, average with the best in the stste. Alfaita. also a leading crop. ' Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents wanted everywhere? FUND1NGSLAND INVESTMENT CO, SIDNEY. NEB. MR. INVESTOR, Mr. Man with small means: For sale, 12 quarters of choice farm land close to Sidney, Neb., one tenth cash, bal. ten years' in ten equal payments. Ernest Raaaefa. Sidney, Neb. South Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land; 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7 miles from Dallas and 6 miles from Colome. Price, 840 Per acre, payable 81,600 cash. March l. mi; 88.4W March 1, 1917. Address Box ISO, Dallas, So. Dak. CHEAP patented state school lands, south Texas, 21 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write F. A. Connable, trustee, 484 Commercial Bank Bldg., Houston. Tex. Texas. CHEAP patented stats school lands. south Texas, 31 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write f. a. Connable, ' trustee, 484 Commercial Bank Bldg.. Houston, Tex. Pecos .Valley Irrigable lands. Finest climate. Fruit, alfalfa lands. South awarded first premiums World's Fair, St ixtuis. SoeciaJ low round trip rrom Fort Worth. November 7 and 21. Writs P. H. Goodloe, Fort worth, Tex. LIVK BTOt K Si.iiHKKr UK WKST ShiD live stouk to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. - 'Your consign ments receive prompt Jid careful attention. Lire Stook Commission Merchants. BYER8 BB OS. ft CO.. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Cof f man Co.. 159 Ex. Bldg. LAVERTY BROS., 13s Exchange Bldg. Martin Bros. A. Co.. Exchange Bldg. Clay. Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchangv Bldg GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Ui. A. Russell, Wyoming, October 25th, 1912. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until II A. M., Monday, Novem ber 25th, 1912. and then opened In pres ence of bidders for Constructing Railroad Spur, Sidings, Scale Track, Scale and Scale House. Information will bo fur nished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals should be Indorsed Proposals for Railroad Spur, Etc.," -and addre.sed: F. S. Armstrong, Captain. Quartermaster Corps, V. S. A. Con structing Quartermaster. 025-26-28-23N22-23 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Winter patents, 84.254.76; winter straights, 4.084.66; spring pat ents, 84.266.30; Bprlng straights, 84.00 125; bakers, S3.60ig3.80. , RYE No. 1, 68jS9c. 1 I BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4863o; fair to choice malting, 5972o. SEEIDS-Tlmothy, 83.004.00; clover. 813.00g!18.00. - , PROVISIONS-Mess , pork, ' HU3 97.26; lard (in tlej-oes), $1L22(3(11S2; short ribs (loose), $10.50(8711.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 108,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were 2,008,000 bu., compared, with 14338,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for to morrow! Wheat 62 cars; corn, 135 oars; oats, 332 cars; hogs, 15,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat; No. 2 red, $1.0S1.08; No. 3 red, 98o$l.; No. t fcard, 9397c; No. 3 hard, 9294c; No. 1 north ern, 9494c: No. 2 northern, 9199c; No. a nonnern, (vic; wo. 2 spang, wxawzc io. spring, s(qwc; ino. spring, 86c; velvet chaff. 86Slc: durum. 92c. Corn: No. 2, 6464c: No. 2 white. uiTlUw-su; io. i yeiiow, tftvtc; nio. s, B8 63Ho; No. 8 white, 63fl3o; No. S yei low, 63tt(Si63fcc: No. 4. l4i)62lio: Nn. , white, 63u62c: No. 4 yellow. 82V4ia62c. Oats: No. 2 white. 3434: No. 2. tan- io. a wnite, iE'vs'33'c; No. white, 81Q Rye: No. 2. 686Bc Barlev- 4smii nmotny seea KLU0m.U0. ("Invnr bmmI BUTTER Steady; creameries, 2429o; dairies, 22,Si27c. EGGS-Steady; receipts. 2.182 oases; at mark, cases Included, Wp20o; ordinary iirais, zic; nrsts, ac UHEESE-Steady; daisies, 1717tto twins, 16ii17c; Young Americas, 17 iinc; iong norns, lifuc, Michigan. 4042c; Minnesota, S840c; Wis- conmn, iiwoc. POULTRY Alive steady; turkeys, 17c cnicKens, lie; springs, uc VEAL-Steady at 914c. - St. I.onls General Market. ST. LOUIS, Oot. 24,-WHEAT-Cash, lower; tracK. ino. 3 red, il.W!3ix.ll; No. z nara, oshwic. CORN Higher; track, No. 2, S4ttc sso. z white. 65c. OATS-Weak; track, No. 2, 33t84c; No. a wnite, sic Cloving prices of futures: WH KAT Lower ; December, 94c; May, 'Jb(!itc. - CORN Lower; December, '6014o; May, wftyriic. OATS Weak; December, tlc; May, RYE Unchanged at 69c. ' POULTRY Firm: chickens, Mc; springs. 14c; - turkeys, 16c; ducks, 32c; geese, inc. BUTTER Steady : creamery, 27SOc FOOS-Flrm. at 23c. FIXUR Steady; red winter, patents 4.iyg?&.u; extra fancy and straight, J4. 4.75; hard winter clears, S3.40i3fl.86. SKKD-Tlmothy, 810.00. CORNMEAL 13. SO. BRAN Weak; sacked east track, 98c VTI.V2. HAY-Steady: timothy, $14.0018.()0; prairie, iis.uorriiiB.w. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: lob bing, $16.75. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. sn.zzymi.ZZ1. Dry salt meats, hlcrher; boxed extra shorts. IH.00&18.00. clear ribs, 311.87; short clears, 813.25. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, liz.siM,: snort dears, iiz.2e. Bacon. higher; boxed extra shorts, $12.87; clear nns, xiz.tfift: snort clears, Reoeipts-Shipments. Flour,, bbls 9,600 19,000 Wheat, bu 169,000 68,000 Corn, bu 20,000 26.000 uats, du 1V.VW z,goo Minneapolis Grain Market. . MINNEAPOLIS. Oct 24. WHEAT December, 8-SHc: May. 93-94 c. Cash: No. 1 hard, Ho: No. 1 northers. 88v0 w..-: so, i nortnem, tMi7m7o.c. corn-No. 3 yellow. 6fWC OATS-No. 3 white, 30alc. RYE No. 2. 60JjK3c BRAN In 100-lb. sacks. tl8.HVS)19.. FLOTrR-First natents. $4.860flrfi: second patents. W.ZWo(4.4ii: flrnt dears, $3.203.50; second clenrs. !2.4V52.70. RKED-Flax. $1.50. BARLEY Closing range, '437c. , MIIMnt,e Grain IWnrket. MILWAUKT5E. Oct. 24.-WHT3AT No. t northern. 93!Mc; N'j. 2 northern.' 91 92c; No. 2 hard winter, 9293c; Decem ber. fKHc bid; May. 9494V! bid. CORN-No. 3 yellow. 6fi67o; No. 3 white. (SfilSBfiWo: No. 3. 6fic; December, 53o bid: May. 522c bid. OATS-Ptandard, SSmmic ' BARLEY Malting, 6774c; feed, 45SC2C. Mrcrpool Grain Market. ' LIVERPOOL, Oct. Jt-WHEAT-Spot steady: No. 3 Manitoba. 8s 4d; futures easy; Octoher. 7s 10d; December, 7s 9d; March. 7s 8d. . , CORN-Spot eay; new American, kiln dried. 7s 2d; futures easy; October, 6s 3?;d; December. 5s 3d. ' Peoria Market. PEORIA. Oct. 24.-CORN-8tady No 8 white, 6214c; No. 2 yellow; 62oj No i yellow, !2Kc; No. 3 mixed. 82c; No. 8 mixed, 6214c. OATS Market c lower; standard, Riffl 3314c; No. 3 whits, 32c: No. white. Slc. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, 81.786,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number ot sales and leading quotations en stocks were as follows: Sals. Hilt. tew. Closs. AunJtamsted Coppsr .... 3i,m ft KV4 Hft Amsricsn Afrloultural Amsrloao Best Bufsr.... t,100 TO Auieriosn a ....v 2m Aniarlcta Can p(d H0O 12S Amsrlosa a A F too N Amsrtasji Cotton OtL.. 8,100 U Am. Ios Bnintts....,. JM 90 AnMrtssa Llnssed Boo lh Amsrtasa uocoinotiTe ... suv w ,...1 61 t4t D4t 41 42 UI m 6H &H and deficits exdude pubilo lsuiaiua caiial transactions. : debt and noslon Stork Market. , BOSTON, Oct 24.-ClosIntr quotations on stoi-s were as follow: Allouea 4c) Motwvk 1 AmtL CoDpar Jii-kNeTia Oo !1H A Z. L it S Jiv aiwssliif Mlims ... M Art tons Com 1 North but to ... R. A C C. 8. M. i North UsAs W Cal. A Ariioet Te Old Dominion 64 Oil. A Hocls 660 0ola vkntenntal li4Qulncjr .. l ftp, Rsn C Bhsaaon 1V sVut Hutu & M.... 14Suprlor H Franklin 19 Superior A B. M... iSk Olroux ftoo, ...... 4HTamsnrk 41 Orsnby Coo. tl V, 8. 8. R. M... 4M4 Om Oosnes .... do pfii W lals Ronls Conner. JS I'tuh lAw. U Kerr Lske uuh Ooppsr Oo 4H Lske Ooipr 2H Winona . 1a fell Copper.... 4 Wolverine Miami Oopper Asksa. 71 NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Q notations of the Day on Vartsns Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct-. 24.-FUXIt-Julet; spring patents, $4.ftiit4.0; winter straights, $4,401.50: winter putents, $4.70615; spring clears. WB'H-4.50: winter extras io. . $4.I0fp4.20; winter extras No. i. $4004.10; Kansas stmleht i4.15A'4.25. WHEAT-Spot market Irregular; No. X red, $1.07 in elevator and 3106. f. a. D-, afloat; No. 1 northdrn Duluth, 9o. t. o h., afloat Future closed Vic net lower: December, 99 15-lte;' May, $1.04 CORN-Spot market barely steady; ex port. 69c, f. o. b., afloat. December to March. OATS-Spot market easy; No. 8, Wt 89c; No. i 8738c; natuxl whits, 88 tHlc FEED Steady: western spring bran, 100-lb. sacks, $22.85; standard middling, 100-lb. sacks. 804.36: city. 100-lb. sacks, $23 60. HAY Quiet: prims nominal; No. 1. H10 1.16; No. 2. $1.0091.05; No. 8, $8.55. HIDES Firm; Central American, 28e; Bogota, 27?i8c LEATHER Mrm; hemlock firsts, 27jl 28c; seconds. 8Mifc: thirds, 23sj24o; re jects, ISo. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; mess, $19.25 2.0O- family. $28.00tB2400; ahort clears. $22 Beef, firm; mess. $18 00 19.00; family, Iia.ooa 23.00: beet name, suv c 31.60. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, UtfHVte; pickled hams. i4c. jra, Tirm; nuaoie west pnnu $11.60U.7q; refined, steady; conUnent $12.35; fiouth America, $18.00; compound, OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Fair, with Trade Slow, but Steady. HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER Sheep and Lambs tn Moderate Re ceipt, with 4)nallty Iks-wing Im provement Demand Fair, Prices Steady te Lower. Oils and Roaln. SAVANNAH, Oct 24. "TURPENTINE Stead v: 39WC. ROSIN-Firm; type F, $6.40;.G, $6.40. 1 Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct 24. WOOL Rteady; territory said western mediums. 212Sc; fine mediums, 1309ct fine, 1317c Amsrloao R. 4s R. Am. 8. R. pfil. ... Am. agar Rsnnlng , AmsrloAa T. A T American Tobacoo Anaoonda Mlalog Co.... Atchison Atchison pfd Atlautlo Cosst Una BsJUmora A Ohio......... iBsthlshsm Stsel .. Brooklya Rapid TT. Oanadl-n Pacido ........ Csntrsi Lsather Otmutpeaas A Ohio Chto o. W Chioaie, M. a 8t P.... Cfcloaisw A N1. W Oblonvto r. A I ansoltdxsd Gas Corn Product I.8U0 Delaws A Hodaon DsnTsr A Bio Orands Denrsr A R. u. pfd.... Distillers' ssourlttw ... Brie Erls lt pM. Krte id pfd General Bleetrto Great Northern pfd... Great Nartliern Ore otfik Illinois Central Interboraush Met 1,100 inter, net. pi a International H arrester . Intar-Marlne pfd International Paper ..... International Pomp .... Kin nee City Sotahara... L-tclede Gas Lehigh Volley Louisville A Kaxhvllls. M., St P. & 8. 8. it. .. Missouri, K. a T KU(lI,S4kC. ut.AK Raw, easy; jauscavano, w taut SKA., nontrtfiivul OA tn 4 flfT mO- flS SI lasses, 89 test, 8.80c; refined, steady, jjjj BUTTER-Steady; receipts, 4.300 tuba; HiT creamery extras. SVi&Sic: creamery held . taa. nL mJ extras, S0K.He: state dairy finest. 29-T0c; ' .? ..Ir.. 97U.WSU.n. Imitating wticsi v v iw, n - 'A- uiaMVl creamery, first. 26127o factory, June make, firsts, 24Hc; ourrent make, firsts, 87Hc; packing stock, current make, No. 8, ,22J3c. CHEESE Quiet; receipts, 3,600 boxes; state whole, milk, colored specials, HftQ 18c; white specials, 17117c; skims, 8 tiluc. EGGVS Firm; receipts. 10,002 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 83'36c; extra firsts. 29$i31c; first! 2Mi;28c ; refrigerator special marks, fancy. 4feo; firsts. 2324c; nearby hennery whites, fancy large, new laid. 60462c; selected whites, good to prime, 42p48c; western, gathered, whites, 3238o. POULTRY Live dull; western chickens, 14g!iac; fowls, 13l4c; turkeys, 16c Dressed, Irregular; fresh killed, western chickens, 1217c; fowls, 1518c; turkeys. springs, 16f 18c; old, 16170. 107 100 126 185 m m HH 14$ 141 400 trr m 4.ot' te ti 4,400 104 10714 101 101 loo m ijh iis 700 104 10514 TiftVt 1,600 44 V 4t i.tot m t n 00 ,J2H 12 u. 2U, j.soo o ii 1.100 18 It 11 2,200 110 109 10 4(10 139 13 ,1SS A1O0 W 17. 87k 0 149 14.4 141 W 1 1 1M II WH St SI J9 7 1!7 3 S4 84 M 61 tt 43 43 43 WW l 181 180 400 6,600 t.M 1,300 lot 6.U0 U lKti 134 100 47 47 47 100 138 12t 1M 30 lftk It 6,000 U 6i 6.1 104 121 131 131 19 700 14 14 IS mi n 600 2 SOUTH OMAHA. Oct 24, 1911 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 12.230 2.S14 45.791 Official Tuesday .17 A 886 41,100 Offlclal Wednesday... 078 6.694 88.408 Estimate Thursday.... 8,600 ,800 18,000 Four days this wek.."sToS2 22.894 148.228 Same davi Vat UTR 21.453 88,566 Same days 2 weeks ago 38.455 17.15 145.200 Same 8 nulii ,i a 21.695 168.0A0 Sams days 4 weeks ago 84.816 M, 159 151.608 Same days last year.. .33.648 81,817 144,379 The roitowin table snows tt- receip1 of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oro&na for the year to date as compared with last year. 1912. 1911. Inc. Pee. Cattle 819.063 981,181 142.068 Hogs 2.448,408 1.972.W7 478,118 Sheep 2.369,764 2.437.8S8 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha tor the last few days with comparisons: Data I Mi. (1911. 11910. U9fl.ll90.ll9fl7.'lfl. Oct 15.I8T9HII S474sC8(01t33 Oct 16.1 8 77 i 801 I 1 461 I 601 ( 961 I tl Oct 17. f S 78 871 8 86 I 421 6 6 6 16 Oct. 18.1 MR ( 11 8 681 7 87! Oct 19.1 I 7041 87 Oct 30f jlSOj LCt. H.I S 4 30, Oct a. 8 4S Oct Oot with the strong close yesterday.' As for some little time back it was largely aj packer market, speculators buying about their usual number and shippers being) practically out of the trade altogetper-l The packing interests were not nearly s bearish as on yesterday, and got most of their hogs on the same level as the specu lators. The majority of the offerings went; to the packers around $8.40(98.45, as com pared with $8.S58.40 yesterday. Business, could not be described as any better thart fairly active most of the morning, closing trade being somewhat slow with priced possibly weak. The best hogs on sale; brought $8.50 top for the day, sad iden tical with yesterday's high mark. Receipts foot up ninety-seven cars otj 6,800 head as against 4,972 head a weeM ago. 6,340 head two weeks ago and 4,90; head on the corresponding day a year ago. The quality of the offerings was very little If any different from yester-i day. A clearance was made In fair sea-1 son. , Representative sales: Sh. tr. N. Ai. 8b. IT. 10 I 30 M, tn ... 8 45 (7 371 340 I 4S St. ...... 334 40 I 4S 64 131 80 t 45 17 1M m t 46 U 334 300 ta tt 180 ... I 46 5.. 40.. s 6iJ t 39 i n I 37 t 4lf I 23. 8 48) I Srfs' 06 10 10816 20 (IS 8 8117 611 8 W 8 88i 8 44 7 Ul 5 48) 6 871 1 16 . 1HI iwm I 0 41 1 4l U E0 Ksqiiui tlty Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITT, Oct. . 24. WHEAT Cash, unchanged to lc lower; No. 8 hard. 87S91V4o; No. 3. 87(8c; No. 2 red, 81.04 1.07; No. 8, SDVtctlV.Oo. CORN l2o lower; No. 2 mixed, old, 69ta)o: new. 6St59c: No. 3 old. 5Sata new. 56(8fi7c: No. 2 white, old. KM new, 6S59c; No. 3, old, 686c; new, 5 4jiC. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, S436o, 27i s7u No. 2 mixed, B4-We. 3t sl Closing prices of futures: ios WHEAT-December. 87Vic: May. xb 11.WHJ 114 17J l, ' 920. .2? J!1? ?"! 16I! CORN-December, i&e; May, 49c :Z '2 ' i July, 494Mic. Missourt Pacitio ...j i4oo 43 4tii 4-ai ! OATS December, Wits; way, -wiic Mulonal Biscuit son m 111 . RY&-71r710. Nstlonal Lead , loo 64 4U iuJ HAY Unchanged N. R. R. of M. Id pfd 100 M 2.1 64 86 04 24 BUTTER-Creamery, 28r; firsts, 26o Nsw York Central. 2,oo iu, us n4u seconds, 24c; packing stock, 23c. u2-,.uaJLJ 100 , E(KJ8-Extras 26ii(B'26c; flrsU, 2324c ST?"t Western TOO llSH lis 115 seconds. ISc North Amerlun Kortnarn PacLfto Psolflo Mall Pennsylvania ............ People'! tias P., a, C. A 8t L..... PltUburgh Coal , Pressed 8teel Car , Pullman Palaoe Car M 3 S3 4,(4 334 13344 123 MO 33 32 32 1,300 134 133 133 i Metal Market, NEW YORK. Oct. 24.-METAL8-COP- oo n ii3u. iiiv per, steady: standard spot $17,000, bid 107 October, $17.0017.25; November, $17.00((, 4oo 34 34 17.05: December. $16.9rx17.03; electrolytic, io 38 3s sg 17.6217.87; lake, $17.6217.87; caaUngs, ,t $17.2517.87. Tin, steady; spot and Oc Aepubllo I. A 8. pfd... oc island Co Hook Island Co. pfd..... St L A 8. F. 3d pfd.. Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A. U pfd..',.., Sloss-Sheffl.ld S. A I.. Southern Paciflo Southern Railway , 80. Railway pfd.,. Tenneseee Copper; Texas Paofflo.; Union Pacific ...i union racirio pfd. Head ns ua u& mu . , eii.eoujai.ei. fi", , Reouhllo i. A a 1111 ' ' ' ' .' Aft" "IS tober. $50.Llffi0.37! November, $M.1060.S7. t.soo 93 eau i,eaa, quiet at sd.ud!U4.u. opener, quisi, in 1.700 hum. QOTi 'r7.607.60. Antimony, steady: Cookaon s 1,000 3 61 63 $10.50 Iron, firm and unchanged. Cop- 1 .ul la ... Ann-,a V. t ,,rt,Vt lfi (U7 Inn.' a 1 oo i is 19U i exohange sales coDPer. 200 tons. London o , 48 47 47 copper, dull; spot, 75 12s 6d: futures, 19 'in 6d. London tin, steaay; spot, t.sw; futures. 228 5s. London lead. 19 5s. London spelter, 27 10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, fills lv.fl In Iondon. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. M ETTA DS Lead, dull, at 84.90. spelter, steady, at.7.w. UnUed Ftatea Realty i lined Htates Kubber. . United Ktates Steel V. 9. Steal pfd Utah Capper Va. -Carolina Chemical , Wabash , Wabash pfd , Western Maryland ..... Western Union Wsstlacbotue Kleotiio . Wheeling & L. B 66 1A 1.800 110 109 110 1,600 38 28 M 0 II (0 8 60 41 41 000 24 24 24 1V,JUV UK -IBS ios iUU 83 89 88 , . . ., 80 61 51 61 ix .139,600 7t 76 76u . 300 113 11.1 liau .BOO 68 62 62 ' Si 41 4 13 18 800 100 200 300 800 600 12 82 8 47 13 65 in t Total sales (or the dar, 681,200 tbaret. r Jiew York Money Market, NEW YORK. Oct. 5ivirwt.w cllL strong: 4fifl nr r,nt- m,in. .... iA Pw cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; of. fared at per cent Time loans, firm; sixty days, 6 per cent; ninety days, 5 P c,wU Blx month8. per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-6 per cent i STERLING KXCHANFtiW .u aotual business in bankers' bills at 14.82 ior sixty-aay bills and at Usirui mand. Commercial bills, $4 81'a islc8"' m" 1 Mexlc" Ja". BONDS Government, stead v n.nMo steady. ' Closing quotations on bonds todev as follows: ' ' v- D. 8, ret. ta, reg...ltl Japan 4s tl do 9Pn I" L. fi. deb. 4s 1931.. 92 V. 8. a. reg 103 K. C. go. ref. u.' m dO OOUPOn ..10ZU ft V. Am trv C. 8. 4S. res. lis M, K. A T. 1st 4s. 85 A MMM. 4. k 1 " . ,MV ... - rsnama ..- ma. nclflo 4s 7ik A.-C. 1st 6s ctfs.... 61 do eonr. 6s. . '" Amer. A. 6s. 10leeN R K of Jff'4vie88T! A T. A T. ct. 4s.. US ev y. c . Tu! .J Am. Tobacoo .... 11 do deb. 4k....;."! i raw.i mm w. - - - . , . I . it ft H Atohieon sen. 4s.... 7 cr. 3s m do or. 4S IW iw'A'N. ft W. 1st i. e.v -, IIS Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 24COTTON-ppot closed steady; middling uplsnds, ll.Ouc; middlinir gulf. 11.30c. Sales 1.500 bales. Cotton futures closed barely steady. Closing bids: October, 10.32o; November, 10.33c; December, 10.58c; January, 10.60c; February, IO.6H0: March, 1077c; May I0.S2c; June, 10.88c; July, 10.84c; August, 10.80c : September. 10.72c. NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 24. COT TON Spot market firm at l-16c up; mid dling, 10 13-ltic; sales on the spot, 2.025 bales; to arrive, 8,100 bales; receipts, 12, 606 bales; stock, 129.862 bales. ; 1 Turpentine and Ilosln. SAVANNAH, Ua,. Oct. 21. TURPEN TINE Firm at HlWm'Mc; sales, 24 bbls.; receipt, 976 bbls.; stocks, 344.405 bbls. : KOSIN Firm: sales, l.soi bbls.; re- oelpts. 2,528 bbls.; stocks, 107.W. bbls, Quotations: B, 8B.20; D, $6.25; E, $6.30; F, O. H and I, $6.86; K, $6.40; M, $8.85; N, li.So; wu, t$.zo; w vv, &:m. Cotton Roods Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-DRYGOODS- The cotton goods markets hold barely steady, with trade of norma) proportions for this period. Yarns are steady. Raw silk holds firm. Jobbers report a season able demand for quick goods and a good trade for late shipments. , 98 it 93 M4( 101 96 So CT. BB JV'W do n 1. A. C. L. 1st 4S.... 4Ke. Psclf0 4, Bal. A Ohio 4s ? do 3 do IS , s o. 8. L rtA. j. Brook. Tr, cr. 41.. 90p,ra. , 8H, ,5 On. of Oa. ta. lot .. do con. 4. Cen. Leather 6s Ott'Readlnt; fea 4. Uhea tmio es, "S. U A 8. F. fir 4. tsk do conv. 4 3 , gm j, " rthi-.n, a A iu,.. si.o. i c . ' C. B. A Q. J. 4s... tr.8. A. U ta, c "' A Am tmATL n e- - u k-u. "' " av. ru. iwiJ if a oo.. V w. o - ' 4- V . "W Q A C. R. I. ft P. c.,4s. 68 do 1st rf. 4, m , rfg. 4s 87 so. Railway U.'.'."'mii. t..oC 4K 78 -184. do gen. is... ?lH C A 8. r A a 4a 94rjnion Pacific 4s""loo I. A H. ov. 4a 97 do ty. 4s.. in. ni-1ll4a Hm 7(tt4 T a " ," Jnl e p. I. 4S Mr. g gtM Jd 6,.. m do gen. 7Va.-Car. Chem ts 98 do CT. 4a ser. R T7 Wabash mTL..: II III. Cen. let ref. 4s. IS Western 4.' Inter. lft. 4s..... II West. Eleo. cr 'is" Zm W4f York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK. Oct. 24.-rin.iinu. ,.... tlons on mining stocks were: Com. Tunnel stock.. 10 Mexican u do bonds 16 Ontario Con. Cal. A Va 85 Opnlr " Iron gllrer ....... ..10 Sundard ids Leadrtlle Con .... I Little Chief I Offered. Yellow Jaoet 30 Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. Oe 8i Th of the United States treasury at th ginning of business today was as follows: wonting oaiance, w,t30.g30; in banks and Philippine treasury. ST1.271.146: total nt general fund 2144.561.834: reoelnr voatnr. day were $3,091,998; disbursements. 82.605.. 349. Deficit this fiscal year $6,715,031 as against a deficit of 822.S40.770 last var. jus aigures ior receipts, OlsDursements J4.15. 1 Coffee Market . NEW YORK. Oct. 24,-COFFEIJ-Fu tures market closed steady, 4 to 10 points net higher: sales. IW.oW bags. Spot cof fee quiet; Rio No. 7, 15c; Santos No. 4, 16c; mild, quiet; coraova, itwyiofcc. 'ugar Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-SUGA IV-Raw, steady; muscovado, S3 test, 3.55c: cen trifugal, 96 test, 4.0Tc; molasses, 89 test, 0.30c. Refined steady. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Fair to Heavy and Prices a Little Lower. CHICA(K), Oct. 24.-CATTLP-Recetpta, 8.000 head; market, steady to strong; beeves. S5.30C11.O6; Texa steers, $4.40i 6.70; western steers. $o.60f&SO: stoekers and feeders. xi.a(y.:iu; cows and neilera, $2.75i&7.25; calves, ,U.7ii3MU.OO. HOGS Reoelots. 20,000 head: market unsettled, most of early advance lost; lights, 8.oo.6o; mixed, is.ias.7B; heavy, $8.10&',.75; rotlgll, $8.10if.3(); pigg, $5.25817.65; bulk of sales, $8.408.7a SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 28,000; market, steady to 10c lower; native, $3.40 ir . wMlarn t'! ITVrM (VI VMLrllntrn t4.Aft 4,5.75; lambs, native, .W3'.u; western, $5.257.20. . Kanaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 24. CATTLE Receipts. 6,000 head, including 1,000 south erns; market steady; native steers, 86.&m 10.75: southern steers, 8t.2nw6.00; southern cows and heifers, S3.40t33.2S; native cows and heifers, $3.407.50; stoekers and feed ers, $4.60477.50; bulls, 33.7WIS.25; calves, $5.00 9.00; western steers, $5.009.00; western cows, $3.50Ccf6.50. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head; market strong to 5c higher; bulk of sales, $8,200 8.50; heavy. $s.40U.55; packers and butch ers, 88.25S8.50; light. $S.108.30; pigs. $6.50 7.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market 10c higher; muttons, $3.60(3 1.75; lambs, S5.80?27.10; range wethers and yearlings, $4.006.50; range ewes, $2.60$ Sunday. RecelpU and disposition of live stock at the Union Stook yards tor twenty four hours ending yesterday at t o'clock: RECEIPTS CARS. , Cattie.HoKaSheep.Hora C.. ,M. A Rt. P. Ry. 1 S Wabash Ry 11 Missouri Pao. Ry.. T Union Paciflo Ry.. 28 17 40 4 C. & N.-W.. east.., 2 5 C. & N.-W., west.... SS 38 T I C, St. P., M. A O.. 8 8 3 C B. & Q east,, 1 I 6 C B. & Q.. west.. 58 18 16 C, R I. A P., east.. 7 8 1.. C, It. I. A P., west 1 8 C. O. W. Ry 1 mm- 4saa Total receipts. .... .151 . '98 69 8 DISPOSITtON-HEAD. Cattle, Hogs. Sheen. Morris & Co 369 1,289 2,566 Swift & Co 103 ' 1,638 X1.M4 Cudahy Packing Co.... 680 1,101 7 Armour ft Co 278 1745 $,3H4 Morrell 20 Armour, from Denver,, 278 , W. R, Vanssnt Co 58 - Benton, V. 8. ft Lu8h.. 117 Hill ft Son 91 F. B. Lewis 210 Huston ft Co 109 J. a Root ft Co 78 J. H. Bulla 78 I F. Huns 83 Rosenstock Bros ...... 81 Werthelmer ft Degen.. 578 H. F. Hamilton 42 Rothschild ft Krebs ... SIS Ma ft Kan. Calf Co.. 177 CHne ft Christie 48 Other buyers 935 Totals 6,541 $.77$ ' 84.827 CATTLE Cattle reoelpts were vsry fair for a Thursday, but the total tor the week foots up only 81,000 head, being a railing off of over 7,000 neaa as comparwi with last week and wsek before and of over 2,000 head as compared with a year ago. Among the reoelpta today were twelve cars consigned direct to packers and not offered for sals. Tha aurmlv of beef steers was small, and as there was a reasonable good de mand for that class of oattle pretty mucn everything in sight changed hands In good season in the morning at prices that were fully steady with yesterday and a little stronger than a weak ago, Cows and. heifers were a little slow, but still the general market was steady. The offerings of desirable killers were very moderate and the oiuk or tne receipts changed hands in fair season. Stook cattle and feeders continued slow, the same as they have for the last two days, but with little ohange in prices. As compared with a week ago, however, the market Is- 1036o lower. The cause for the dullness today was to be .found In the fact that speculators and yard traders already had a good many cattle on hand that had been carried over from yesterday and day before- and hence were In no great hurry about taking on additional numbers. Unless the country demand proves to be a good deal more active than It has been thus far this wsek there is a good prospect for some of the cattle be ing carried over into next week, with prices lower, as noted above. Quotations on Native rattle Good tn c holes beef steers. $8.2510.00; fair to good beef steers, S7.2nS.25; common to fair beef steers. 86.0037. ; good to oholcs heif ers, $.754.50; good to choice cows, $5.50 06.25; fair to good grades, I4.40Q6.00; com mon to fair grades, $3.00)14.00; good to choice stoekers and feeders. $6.2597.76; fair to good stookers and feeders. $6,508 1.25; common to fair stoekers and feed, eri, $4.7505.50; stock cows and heifers S4.50O6.76; veal calves, $6.0039.90; bulls, ttags, etc.. 4.6,. Representative sales: COWS. No. A. r. Wo. At. Pr. t lt 4 0 I let 4 tt I.,.. 1081 4 30 11....' 14I 4 40 1 800 4 31 1 978 III HEIFERS. 1 471 4 70 , I... 10 I 00 t Ul 4 81 1 410 8 7t T 180 i 0 1 131 I 00 BULLS. 1 ISM 4 W 1 1X10 4 70 1 1170 4 tt 1310 4 M 1 710 4 70 CALVES. 1 280 ( 00 1 13t in ., 300 I 00 1...., 130 I M 1 310 t 00 1 140 A 00 1 170 I 00 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 1 141 I 60 1 878 I M WEfTTRJfS NEBRASKA. 13 cows 903 6 15 3 cows 1058 4 85 3 calves... 303 6 75 6 heifers..': 956 6 60 6 heifers... 725 4 60 12 feeders.. 618 4 90 4 feeders.. 868 8 00 21 cs. ft ha. 758, 6 06 9 feeders.. 98 6 00 7 steers.. ..1234 26 29 cows 1022 S 10 4 cows 943 4 00 6 feeders.. 626 6 40 22 heifers... 865 S 10 6 cows 1080 6 Ou 6 heifers... 810 06 6 heifers... 652 5 10 11 he fern... 691 4 85 8 cows 995 $ 15 9 steers.. ..1170 6 Si 5 cows 1004 4 90 Ms. .. 7.. It.. 33.. 49.. 4.. 49.. T.. .. IT.., M... .. TS... 43... U.. 44... 64... ... W.., Tl.., TT... II... 44... M... 4... 10.., 30... 43... 431... 44... M... 48.., t .. ... M... Tl.! tl... 44... ... tl... St... 77... M... 19... 43... A. ....334 ....176 ... Its ... 313 80 I 34 ....338 300 t K ....ISO 40 I tt ....314 ... t 37 ....373 ... 8 40 ....32S ... I 40 ....330 ltO t 40 ....194 ... Set ,...M3 120 40 171 40 t 4t ... l 80 I 40 ,...H1 80 I 40 ....1.13 140 3 40 ....148 ... t 40 ,...371 10 M ....341 It I 4t ....313 100 I 40 ,...347 130 8 40 ....361 80 I 40 ... .8X7 40 I 40 ...348 40 I 40 ..-387 let 140 ...1(4 40 I 40 ....833 140 40 ,...381 40 I 40 ,...371 10 I 40 ...383 10 I 40 ...3t 80 t 40 -..31 40 I 40 .. 361 ISO t 40 ...191 ... 140 ...181 ltO 42 ...363 140 I 41 ...333 40 I 43 ...HI ... !4S ...944 144 I 46 ...137 130 t 48 ...3M ... 149 . 344 tW let ...363 120 8 46 r ...138 ..300 340 I 46 ..128 ... I 46 tt 331 80 iu: 16 23 It I 4S II 34S 10 t 46 tt 344 80 8 41 69 304 ID IK 4 383 120 8 45 tl 350 120 I 46 43 14t tM I 46 ' 47 363 130 I 45 44 T 140 I 46 81 313 80 I 4S- 44 J 391 tt (46. 86 300 ... I 46 76 314 Mt I 46 M 300 K IS Ot 119 ttt 8 4 , 78 173 140 Itf 7i sat ... ( a 44 36S ... 8 46 tl 31 ... 146 44 S4 ... I 44 TT .341 ... (4 ' ...368 40 I 4 ...340 480 ( 4 ...183 ... 144 ...306 81 I 44 ...116 ... ( 4ft ...331 ... 8 47 .311 40 I 47 .111 .241 13... It... a... ... 71... 71... 7... ... (3. .111 .860. Tl 130 31 91 9 n It Ul 11 tl It 80 141 PIGS. 40 T It Tt.. . 4 46 It.. .. 1 60 41.. ..7 90 6.. (K It I 40 I ( 341 IK -t 60 . 331 ... 160 183 140 I SO 14 8M --40 tt 41 ,.M7 ... 140 ...113 ... 7 00 ... 34 ... I 71 ... 83 .... ( 7 . ...104 ... (60 .131 ... T 60 1 170 I 71 1.... 180 I 71 7 heifers... 861 5 25 87 cs. ft us. 9GS 6 35 4 cows 887 4 70 9 feeders.. 642 6 60 23 cs. ft hs. 739 4 70 29 feeders.. 1196 6 80 3 cows 946 4 00 15 feeders.. 1M8 5 95 S cows 730 4 25 4 calves... 412 6 76 5 cows 868 8 85 8 cows.... 9 st ft hs, 12 feeders. 10 heifers... 823 6 85 6 cows 1000 5 25 38 steers.. ..1152 8 85 SHEBP-Sheep and umbs wore In libA erai supply again this morning, receipts! Doing larger than a week ago, less than two weeks ago, but considerably in ex cess of the reoelpts on the same day last year. Today's supply differed from that of yesterday. In that It was much smaller, and contained a much larger proportions' ot good killers. A small sprinkling of fed and native stock showed up anions; the offerings. Lambs still constitute Urn big end of the receipts, although quite at few ewet were on the market As onj yesterday there was apparently a pretty fair demand for desirable killers early; In the morning, but aside from a few sales of the best stuff, little else was do lng until later tn the forenoon. During the early trade about seven cars of Wyo mlng lambs brought 86.85, j On ths whole trade was Somewhat quiet though the bulk of the killers was disposed of in fair season at prices any--where from steady to 1016o lower.) Lamb values held up better than thotw, of sheep. . i Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, S6.80igi7.10; lambs, fair ta good. $fi..60; lambs, feeders. $5.8fQ6.25; yearlings, good to choice light $4.6055.10; yearlings, heavy , $4.2094.60; yearlings, feeders, $3.7504.00; wethers, good ti choice, $4,Kdj4.20; wethers, fair to good. 83.50ig4.00; wethers, feeders, $3.4(Xj24.00; owes, good to choice, $3.804.10; ewes, fair to good, $3.2503.60; ewes, feeders, S3.104S 3.46; ewes, yearling breeders, 84.0O4t6.O0; ewes, aged, 2.7&t8.$0; cull sheep and buoks. $2.6033.00. . Representative sales; 1 . No. n " Av. Price. 147 S. D. ewes, feeders........ 90 . 8 40 100 S. D. owes, feeders 101 8 80 25 South Dakota wethers 115 4 25 332 S. 1). yearlings, feeders.... 77 820 S, D. lambs, feeders 64 29 a D. lambs, feeders 65 836 S. D. lambs, feeders 51 350 Wyoming lambs, feeders., 61 161 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,.. 58 111 Wyoming iambs, feeders.. 0 166 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 81 1809 Wyo. yearlings, feeders... 80 272 Wyo. yearlings, feeders..., 75 680 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 86 2fl Nevada ewes, feeders 97 240 Nevada ewes, feeders 98 - 241 Nevada ewes, feeders 87 239 Nevada ewes, feeders 97 249 Nevada swes, feeders T 1M Wvomlng ewes, feeders.,.. 85 950 4 90 447 6 60 649 6 25 7 steers.... 6111 6 40 C. J. AmmorvNab. 58 feeders. .1012 6 10 20 feeders.. 1003 (09 9 feeders.. 864 5 50 6 feeders.. 1088 6 26 WYOMING. 24 steers.. ..1056 C 20 10 steers... .11 84 8 35 2 steers.. ..1130 6 25 13 steers.. ..1036 6 25 6 cows 963 6 15 4 steers. ...1075 6 Vu 10 heifers... 924 i 60 2 steers., ..3250 (35 3 steers.. ..1217 6 75 4 heifers... 797 5 60 6 steers.. ..1051 6 25 4 cows 1055 6 05 8 steers.. ..1096 6 26 11 heifers... 949 6 60 6 feeders.. 986 ( 45 10 cows 987 6 05 7 cows 1042 4 25 C. C. Howe ft Bon Wvo. 83 steers. ...1000 6 50 75 steers.. ..1092 (60 36 steers.. ..1020 6 90 H. W. Verdon-Wro. 10 cows 984 6 00 11 feeders.. 810 (30 11 cowi..... 943 5 36 17 feeders.. 860 ( 10 Powers ft Co. Wyo. 23 steers.... 960 6 90 MONTANA. 17 steers.. ..1198 6 66 12 steers. 4 steers.. ..1076 6 25 4 steers. ...1205 ( 25 4 steers.. ..1222 (90 8 COWS 970 5 75 6 steers. S steers. ,.1216 (90 ,.1273 ( 90 950 6 86 6 steers.. ..lots 6 35 45 steers.. ..1123 (40 SOUTH DAKOTA 14 OOW-. 960 6 00 S helfera.. 673 4 80 COLORADO. 87 feeders.. 801 ( 80 1 cowa 650 4 75 O. A. Mullen-Colo. 74 feeder.. 1000 6 6 58 feeders.. 1015 ( SS 21 steers. ...1003 6 75 A. Morrell Colo. 69 cows 1014 6 75 7 cows 948 15 10 cows 1025 6 25 24 feeders.. 920 (76 HOGS The dull edge and downward movement ot prices in the hog trade ap parently disappeared this morn In a- mostly all buyers started In falrlv mj-Iv paying prices a nickel higher than vaster. w iw-iu iusrsH w auuut sieaoy i t 849 Wyoming ewes, feeders... . 86. 430 Nevada owes 90 606 Wyoming ewes 99 Zio Nevada ewes ...jmi 217 Nevada Iambi. feeders..... 62 838 Nevada lambs, feeders...,. (6 834 Nevada lambs, feeders (3 324 Nevada lambs, feeders 63 100 Nevada lambs, feeders.,.. 64 652 Nevada lambs, feeders..... 65 347 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 68 859 Wvomlng lambs, feeders...' 68 724 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 66 Nevada yearlings, , leeaers. ss 48 Nevada lambs 70 103 Nevada yearlings 82 110 Wyoming yearlings S3 122 Wyoming wethers .........100 76 Wyoming lambs, readers.... h 694 Wyoming ewes 92 134 Wyoming ewes io 201 Wyomln gewes ....104 189 Wyomln gewes 104 496 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 56 169 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 46 412 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,.. 67 330 Wyoming lambs, feeder!.... 60 147 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 65 571 -Wyoming' lambs, feeders.... 69 160 Wyoming lafmbs. feeders..., 48 167 Wyoming lambs, leeaers..,. 103 Wyoming lambs, feeders...: 68 US Wyo. ewes, yearlings 68 169 Wyo. ewes, yearlings.;.... 68 346 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 69 258 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 48 421 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 48 425 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 5s k Wvnmini lambs, feeders... 5 699 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 64 267 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 47 649 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 60 256 Wyoming ewes, leeuere... 847 Wyoming ewes -J!" 214 Wyoming ewes 1 252 Wyo. yearlings, feeders.... w 862 Wyoming, lambs, feeders... 62 394 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 61 4i6 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 4 477 Wyoming lambs '4 St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24 -lATTLB Receipts, (,500, Including 8.200 Texans; market, steadv; native shipping and export steers. $8.("Ngl0.fl5; dressed and butcher steers, $5.504S.85; stoekers and feeders, $3.75.60; cows and heifers. $5.65S.50; canners, $2.75 i4.00: bulls, $4.00iJ.50; carves, $6.00U.3S; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4,5047.26; cows and heifers, $3.25(86.00. ' HOOS-Recelpts, 11.000; market, lo lower; piss and lights, $6.S0&8.75; mixed and DUtcners, aw. j, ... . -a SHEEP AND IBe,8(!Jlft: ' market, steady; muttons S4.0tm4.30. lanHbs. $6.007.3O; culls and bucks, $2.00fij , 3.28; stoekers, $2.75&3.60. - , St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. ' Oct 24. CATTLE Re ..inii 1 ono head: market steady: steers. $6.7610.60; cows and heifers, S3.25&S.75; calves,'av.w. HOGS Receipts, 5,300 head: market strong; top, $8.(0; built of sales. $8,900 SHBEr aisjw jjAMrw Meceipia. i,tw - head; marxet steaay; lamoe, .1, - stogk In Sight. Receipts of live Stock at the flv trin ' Cattle. Hosts. Sheeo. - South Omaha 3.600 ( 80O 18.000: Chicago 6,000 19,000 . 28.000 Eansu CltV C.WW T.Wsl & ttkl r. . . O SM mi IMA ' w OU LU1D.., ,1 - U.VJV , . St Joseph........ 1,000 , 8,200 $00 jvotaus se.xw , w,w , euaju 4 75 (00 600 860 (00 569 660 650 4 85 4 65 190 810 3 10 810 3 10 316 SCO soo 3 60 400 STS 66 6 00 '(00 80 '680 6 90 6 00 ( 10 6 10 4 40 (65 4 86 6 00 460 (10 3 40 2 35 4 00 . 400 (06 . 560 " ( 6 (15 6 75 , (05 6 60 5 00 6 (0 3 65 3 65' 615 S26 6 26 (00 (00 (09 625 (06 S 20 8 80 8 76 4 85 (00 690 ( 10 (75