m The Bee's Letter Box in vite shjrt contributions on cur. rent topics from Bo rHJtrt, i etus hear from you, limit 300 word JL ' Jduu 0m Daily THE WEATHER. Fair: Cooler vol. xlh-no. m. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 1912-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. PRESIDENT TAFT OUT IN AN APPEAL TO ( PEOPLE OF COUNTRy Letter that is Seat to Governor Eber- hard of Minnesota is Now Made Public, v OF MUCH INTEREST TO FARMERS X Chief. Executive Points to What Republicans Have Accomplished. BROUGHT ABOUT PROSPERITY Shows What Happened When Demo crats Passed the Wilson Bill TILLERS OF SOIL THE SUFFERERS Chance in the Tariff System Wonld Bring; Halt to Manufacturing and Destroy th Bom Market f of the Present. , 1 : BEVEKLY, Mass., Oct 24. President Taft tonight made public a special ap peal to farmers of Minnesota and the northwest to remain true to their repub lican beilefs of past 'campaigns. The political arguments submitted for con sideration of rural voters were advanced In a letter which the president sent to grnor Eberhart of Minnesota, stating while the republican party 'had not i the sun to shine, or the crops to , it had been responsible for the prevailing rood markets. He declared that the contest was between the re publican and demoeratio parties. The letter says:. N "I am very glad to have encouraging news of the political outlook in Minne sota and wish to thank you for the ef forts you are making for republican suc cess. The people of your state are vitally Interested in the maintenance of our pres ent economic system. Their welfare is dependent upon! the oontlnuace of a pro tective tariff, and although' at times, by appeal to their prejudice, they may be diverted from) a clear perception of their interest, I am confident that in the end their common sense will enable them to see the fallacy of newly dressed nostrum which in the past they have rejected. "I am sure they must realize that this contest is between the? republican and demecratta parties. Sharing In Prosperity. , "The men and women of the northwest country have a special Interest . In repub lican success this year. They are shar ing in the general prosperity of the na tion, and the conblmiance of growth of this prosperity is In large degree depend ent upon republican success next month. ,.Th- republican party la not respon- the sun to shine, nor the grass 10 grow. but it i responslbls Cor ths enactment ot .kwa which make it possible. If tha crops are good, that there shall bo an American market for them, and that their shall be sold at good prices to those who have the means to buy them. "There has never been a time in our , history when the farm products of the northwest would purchase as much as they do today. Prosperity to Just at our door. The republican party bids it wel come, with the promise that the economic basis which has brought about our won derful industrial development, giving steady employment at high wages to our mechanics and artisans, shall be maintained. "The democratic platform promises a change In our tariff system, whose ef fect would be to halt manufacturing en terprise, throw out of employment thou sands of wage earners and destroy the home market now enjoyed by the Amer ican farmer. No reforming legislation could neTttraHze or mitigate the paralysis which would follow. "It is not necessary to Jog the mem ory of the older farmers of your state as to what happened when the. demo cratic party passed the Wilson taxirr bill. Wheat went down to 40 cents a bushel, corn to a cents, oats to 18 cent, potatoes to V cents. In forty years farm prices had never been so low. Our farmers were ? struggling under debt, mortgages were even Jdng foreclosed and the deplorable condition that -existed among those who tilled the soil (Continued on Page Two.) Osborne Tells of Sale of His Plant to the Harvester Combine FATE OF BECKER HOW RESTS WITH A JURY xrcrar vnpv tt i Thnm.. fntt Osborne of Auburn, K. T.. former head of Justice Goff Delivers His Charge and the trm of D, M. Osborne & Co., which was absorbed by the so-called trust in VXO, testified in the government suit against the International Harvester com pany today that his concern at the time ranked as the third largest manufactory of harvester machinery In the United States. The consideration amounted in all to about $6,000,000, he said. Mr. Osborne said he had never owned a share of International Harvester stock. Edwin D. Metcalf. vice president and general manager of D. M. Osborne & Co., testified that upon reading in the papers of the formation of the Interna tional Harvester company he came to this city and at a meeting attended by George W. Perkins, Cyrus H. McCormlck, Charles iDeering, Thomas M. Osborne and J. J. Starrow terms for the sale were reached. Mr. Metcalf said that the sale was not due to any fear that the concern would be crushed by the International, nor was It due to any oppression. He added that the transaction was kept secret for two years "because we insisted upon it. Mr. Perkins objected," he continued, "but we made the sale on this condition, and kept the fact from even our own em ployes until we had realized on our bills receivable. " Pohlman Produces Letters of McNamara About Explosions INDIANAPOLIS, Oct 24.-H. Wl Pohl man, the Seattle labor leader citea ror contempt in the. United States court at Los Angeles for having refused to pro duce union records before a federal grand Jury, testified at the dynamite conspir acy trial today. He produced and identi fied bundles of letters as having been re ceived by him from J. J. McNamara. Pohlman testified that Eugene A. Clancy of San Francisco was. In Seattte In August, 1910, before the Los Angeles Times building was blown up. J. B. Mo Namara was in Seattle at the same time experimenting to find a way to make an electrlo spark for bombs without the use of a fulminating .cap. On August 1 a Seattle office building under construc tion by " an open shop" firm was dyna mited. Attaohed 'to letters between J .J. Mc Namara and Pohlman were newspaper clippings giving an account of the Se attle explosion. In one letter to McNa mara after the Los Angeles explosion Pohnman asked that men be "put on to watch Clancy," who waff visiting In Bos ton. Other witnesses had testified that Clancy had been greatly concerned over the loss of' life at JLos Angeles. , . Twelve Men Go Oat to Delib erate on a Verdict PRISONER IS BACK IN HIS CELL Claims that the Statement by the Court Was Unfair. ATTORNEY WILL. NOT COMMENT Finding Must Be First or Second , Degree Murder. NO MIDDLE GROUND IS LEFT Go lit or Innocence Rests on Whether or Not Sam Schepps Was an Accomplice to the Killing; of Rosenthal. The Weather Temnerntnre For Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Friday; cooler ionight. For Iowa Generally fair tonight and Friday; not much change In temperature. Omaha Yesterday Hours. : Deg. 5 a. m.. 46 a, m 45 7 a. rn. ...-. 45 S a. m-..,.... 4fi a. m. ........... 46 19 a. m El 11 a. bu,...,. S3 IS m. .ww.i 86 1 p. m. $7 S p. m4...-S8 So. m.... 67 4 p m. -... 57 5 PW IQ.M.HM4... 67 p. m. . . . 66 7 p. m... .-.. 65 S p. m.. 63 Com yarn tire Lo'(I'ord. 1812. 1911. 1310. ISO. Highest yesterday 68 . 71 68 69 Lowest yesterday.. 44 43 43 36 Mean temperature , 81 17 64 47 Precipitation o . .to .09 Temperature ' and predpttatJon depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature...... ...... ......... 60 Cxoess for the day.......... 1 Total excess since March 1 153 I Normal precipitation 07 inch I Deficiency for the day .07 inch Total rainfall since March 1..24.3S inches I Deficiency since March 1. 3.64 inches V Deficiency for cor. period, lflU. 14.06 inches V Deficiency for cor. period, im 14.07 Inches Reports from Stations at T p. M. Station and Stat Temp. High- Bain. at hrlnnaEober joints-- to Brudas as the Slayer of Waitkus CHICAGO, Oct 24. It was supposed that Joseph Waitkus bad committed suicide when his body was found In his room in a - south side rooming' house today. A revolver, said by his land' lady to have been belonged to Waitkus, was found beside the body. An Inquest was being held this after noon when a woman rushed into the room and halted the proceedings by shout ing: "Stop, stop! He did not kill himself. He was murdered. There stands the man who killed him." The' man indicated was Joseph Brudas, husband of the woman from whom Wait kus -rented his room. The Jury was about to return a verdict of suicide when the interruption came. The woman was Mrs. Anna Rober, who declared the . revolver found beside the dead man had been purohwd by Brudas. Brudas was held by order of the court and an - Investigation ordered into the story of Mrs. Rober. 1 r; of Weather. 7 P m. est. Cheyenne, elear 43 .48 IDavenport, cloudy M.M.....64 i 00 'Denver, dear.. .......... -..52 , 54 Des Moines, cloudy 52 64 Dodge City, clear ...62 Lander, clear ...44 W North Platte, clear..... ...52 t to Omaha, cloudy. ........ ....65 ' 58 Puefclo, Clear...,. S3 Rapid City, clear 4 , 64 Salt Lake City, clear 53 68 Santa. Fe. ot cloudy..... ,64 62 Sheridan, clear ..44 '-. 63 Sioux City, cloudy.. 64 68 Valentine. clir 50 66 fall. . .00 . .00 , .18 .00 . .09 .00 Twelve Men on Trial for Murder of Ed Callahan, feudist WINCHESTER, Ky., Oct 21-Twelve of the fourteen rnen Indicted for the murder last march of former 8herlff Ed Callahan of Breathitt county, were to go on trial In Winchester today. Mrs. Lillian Gross, Callahan's daughter, to whose work in gathering evidence among the mountains of Breathitt county the indictment ere due, arrived here last night with a num. ber of witnesses whom she persuaded to come despite their protests that their lives would be endangered. Ed Callahan, one of the most pictur esque of Breathitt clan leaders, wasshot from ambush as he stood in front, of his store at Jackson. . The lndlctmenfcbarges a conspiracy against the life of Callahan ,pn the part of the Deaton clan and others. The trial Is to take place here because the prosecution declared a . fall trial could not be had in Bseatbltt county. NEW CLASS RATES FROM IOWA POINTS SUSPENDED WASHINGTON, Oct 24. Increases in class freight rates averaging about 1 per cent, proposed by the Chicago and North-' western, Chicago Great Western, Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Illinois Central and Minneapolis and St Louis railroads be tween points in Iowa and Minneapolis Minn., and other shipping centers today were suspended by the Interstate Com merce commission until April 29. .- NEW YORK, Oct 24.-Pollce Lieutenant Charles Becker Bat In his cell in the Tombs tonight while across the Bridge of Sighs in the darkened criminal courts building twelve men struggled to de cide whether he was guilty of the murder of Herman Rosenthal. The prisoner's "destiny was delivered into the Jury's hands this afternoon after a three-hour charge by Justice Goff. which Becker characterised as distinctly unfair and a thin veiled summing up for the state," and upon which his counsel John F. Mclntyre, declined to comment. To do so, he said, would place him in contempt of court Stripped of its legal verbiage, the charge in effect was a ruling hat the guilt or Innocence of the prisoner rested almost solely upon the debatal e point as to whether Sam Schepps was an accomplice to the. crime. Dapper little Schepps, when arrested at Hot Springs, styled himself the keystone of the arch. As events transpired he Bpoke truer than he knew. The court was doubtful as to Schepps' status and declined to guide the. Jurors in a decision. What the Judge did instruct them to do was to return a verdict of first degree murder, or second degree murder or to acquit the defendant Man- i slaughter was eliminated and a no compromise verdict was directed upon the motion of Becker's lawyer. By far the greater part of the court's Instructions dealt - with murder in the first degree, the penalty for which la the electric chair. Keeps on Chewing Gnna, Flanked by counsel, face expressionless, Becker sat chewing gum while the court delivered the charge. Back of the railing gat his wife, head bowed, eyes downcast The white-haired Justioe spoke in a mon otone, but with Inojslve dellberateness. "It Is, hot claimed by the prosecution that Becker's hand did actually kill Bcs enJJhaLJLhe wjd at ..crurfal point "It Is claimed that he requested and di rected that the killing should be done, and as I have already instructed the Jury, Becker, in law, must be held responsible for the acts of every on who acted In pursuance of his . request or instruction. "It is important here that I should di rect you as to the law governing the case now presented. Where a person is claimed not to have done the actual kill ing, but to have inspired It and Instructed it. Under the law Becker stands charged principally with the commission of the crime of murder on the ground that he counselled and -advised it.". The court added that the main witnesses against the defendant were without doubt accomplices, and he so branded Rose, Val- lon and Webber. Schepps' relation 'be would not define. His Country's Call From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. DIAZ DECEITDHIS TROOPS Tells Them Attacking: Party Were . Men Cominy to Enlist. RECEIVED THEM AS FRIENDS This Aoeoants for the Bloodless Fall of the City of Vera Crms Dtas Will Probably Be Ext. NMd for Treason. VERA CRUZ. Mexico., Oot S4.-General Felix Dlas, captured yesterday In the Wreck of his rebellion, told his men that the federal troops advancing on Veaa Crug were coming to enlist under his flag of insurrection. Therefore, whe Madero'i soldiers hove in view the rebels gave way as they would to friends. They rhnade no resistance and the fall of the city before the loyal force was brought about so easily that it could be looked upon as a faros but tor the tragedy it Is believed awaits in the fate of the leader. That was the explanation of the lack of resistance they showed glevn by the Dlas soldiers today. i Spies are denouncing to the authorities everybody who participated in the re belllon. There is much hearty public recognition of tae services rendered by the .United States, consul and the captain of the U ttftedjstate. ccatex,fiS. Moines, in pro tecting foreigners and their' interests.' There was no other foreign warship In the port, but seyeral foreign merchants vessels were in the harbor. . During the fighting the Mexican gun boat . Morelos fired two shots, the ex plosion of which caused a body, of rebels to vacate a church they had occupied. The city Is rapidly regaining its normal aspect. The police service . was resumed today and within, two days the railroad will be operating again on a regular schedula . , Guests Driven from Three Hotels by Fire and Ammonia Fumes CHICAGO, Oct. 24.-More than 600 pat rons of the Morrison hotel and the Hotel Veley fled to the street while firemen quenched flames in the employ's annex of th Morrison. Three women and one man screaming on a fire escape were rescued by policemen. Adolph Welgast the pugilist and his wife were among those who fled from the smoke-filled upper stories. It was an hour before he tiro was un der control. The loss was about 330,000. DES MOINES, la., Oct S4.-Breaklng of an. ammonia pipe in the cold storage plant of the Savery hotel resulted in con sternation for the patrons of the hotel and a hurry up call for the police 'her early today. . f The pipe broke In the basement, and the fumes followed the elevator to the top floor. Some of the guests were awak ened and started a panic. None was In jured, the hasty arrival of the polios re storing quiet The break was quickly mended. KILLS HIS FAVORITE DOG AND COMMITS SUICDf ''FKSSE. WK. Oct 24.-Emest Hevals, a young farmer, today ., killed A. " ...'.j'und h.mself. The two bad been ; inseparable and when Revals tired of life M' he called his dog to him, fondled htm !oo ' tenderly and shot him through the body. W fft r which ha turiwul M ah L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. .Off himself. Mrs. Sickles Pays Debts of General NEW YORK,- Oct. 24.-A plea against the sale of the personal effect of General Daniel E. Sickles, the aged war veteran, was made today by his estranged wife to Sheriff Harburger, who agreed to a post ponement Mrs. Sickles promised to pay about November 10 money necessary to satisfy a new judgment against her hus band. . This is the second time within a few weeks that Mrs. Sickles has come to the veteran's aid. On the other occasion she pawned her Jewelry. This action led to a report that the couple would be recon ciled, but although Mrs. Sickles paid the judgment their social relations remained as before, each in a statement declaring their reunion was Impossible. DOING A GOOD WORK HEBRON, Neb., Oct. 20. I have just finished looking through the Nebraska Development edition of The Omaha Bee and am very much pleased at the arrangement of the articles and the depth of . the good things which are con tained therein.' The whole edi tion is. a work of art and skill and cannot fail to give to Nebraska a strong impetus toward advance, ment in all lines. A fellow has no power or mental intellecuality to discern the good that such a work can do, and it ought to be to the interest of every citizen, and resident of this great state to spread the glad tidings and help the cause along. HENRY ALLEN BRAINERD. Bribery Charges Add to Interest in Murder Trial LAKE CHARLES, 'La., Oct. 24.-Th9 arrest of Edward F. Doree of Portland, Ore.; C. L. FUigno of Chicago and C. H. Edwards, a timber worker, in con nection with charges of attempted brib ery added Interest today to the Grabow trial. - Doree to said to be an agent of the Industrial Workers of the World. When the trial of several members of the Timber Workers' brotherhood, kc- cused of murder, was resumed today, John H. Galloway .part owner of the mill at Grabow, where the clash between union and nonunion men occurred, de clared the fatal shooting was begun by members of the, brotherhood. Jack Owen Killed When a Street Car ' v7BacksUpousHim . i. J. B. Owen, one of the oldest in point of service of the Wcstfern Union's Omaha force, was killed by a' street oar at For tieth and Hamilton streets last night He was crossing behind, a northbound car, when the oar suddenly backed up, struck and killed him. Mr. Owen, who was about 60 years of age, had been a resident of Omaha for a little over twenty-flvo year- He oame here originally from Missouri, as an ex pert operator to copy press report This was. In the days before the introduction of the typewriter, and the man who copied the voluminous reports snt over the wires In those days with a "stick," as the stylus was called, had to be an expert After several years at this work, Owen entered the employ of the Western Union at the Omaha office, and went un throuirh several promotions to the position of night chief. He wss mar ried and has several children. CARDIAL FARLEY IN OMAHA New York Prelate Stops Here While Enroute to Denver. Chicago Plans to a tt' ocgregaie vice CHICAGO, Oct 24.-Wllliam II. Sexton, corporation counsel of Chicago today made 'public an opinion that he had pre pared for the council vice committee in which he opens the way for a ' semi legltlmate segregated vice district. The opinion outlines a method by which the segregated district may be restored under open official sanction assuring immunity so far as the oity Is concerned for vio lator of the state laws within those dis tricts. In brief, the plan Is that the city pass ordinances providing ' penalties In addl- Itlon to the state. laws for conducting dis orderly places in all .sections of the. city except the allots selected for the segre gated sections. The. tacit understanding will be that In these districts the city having given exemption, vice will be per mitted to a certain extent The opinion also explains that tlie city Is powerless to pass ordinances sanation- TRAIN STRIKES TROLLEY CAR, SEVEN INJURED Fifty-Five Women to Go as Missionaries BALTIMORE Md., Oct 24--Flfty-flve American women will go as missionaries to foreign fields for the first time,, it wm announced: at the opening session of the annual convention of the Women's For eign. Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church here today. Total gifts for missions were re ported to be $837,221 This is independent of the general missionary board of the church. ' The northwest branch, with headquar ters at Chicago, had more new mission aries to offer than any other branch. IS GUEST OF BISHOP SCANNEL Several Ulshops and Many Omaha Priests at th' Station to Ex tend Welcome to Well Known Cardinal. A red silk skull cap upon the head of a dignified cleric as he stepped from the platform of a private car attached to the Rock Ialtghd train arriving from Chicago at 1.06 yesterday afternoon , proclaimed the presence In Omaha of his eminence, John Cardinal Farley. ' lie was met at th dspot by Blihop Scannell, Bishop Tihen, Bishop MoOovern and several local dignitaries, including the several Omaha parish priests. After an exchange of warm greetings th party rtepped Into waiting automobiles and proceeded to the residence of Bishop Scannell, where the cardinal and his party were entertained at a dinner last evening.' - Cardinal Farley Is attended by his vicar general, Mgr. Michael J. La velle; hlf secretary, ligr, James V. Lewis; Mgr. James R. McGean and Bishop Dunn, th latter of Peoria. During the afternoon th visiting dignitaries were taken about th city In "automobiles to view th beauty spots and get a breath of keen, western lr. : ; ,. , , . . .No special significance attaches to the visit-of the cardinal. He is on his, way west to attend the cathedral . dedication at Denver, and from there he will go to the coast to . continue hit visit with friends. There will be no public demon stration for the cardinal's presence, and his only appearance of Importance will be this morning at the Academy of Sacred Heart, where he will say mass. The party will continue westward this afternoon. Marks of Notability. Cardinal Farley, short In stature, bears the unmistakable marks -of notability, and he has a way of looking magnetically BULGARIANS TAKE KIRK-KILISSEH.THE KEY T0ADR1AN0PLE Important Fortress Commanding the City Falls Into Hands of Balkan Allies. BIO BATTLE COMES SHORTLY JEALOUS MAN ATTACKS FOUR PERSONS WITH AXE CHICAGO, Oct 24. Thomas Connolly, a clerk, believed to have been actuated by Jealousy, today severely injured three persons, one of whom may die. with an axe. Connolly, who has been paying court to Mr Emma Martin, arrived at her home and found her divorced husband there seeking reconciliation. He seized an axe and attacked both, severely cut ting Martin about the bead and shoulders. Mrs. Martin's uncle and mother, Wll lng segregated districts in conflict with iiam and Elizabeth Featherstonehaug, ap the state laws and suggests that the state pearej. Connolly so severely cut Feath- leglslature may amend the statutes to give the cities suoh discretion. REQUISITION FOR GALLOWAY REQUESTED OF GOVERNOR (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Oct 24.-Speclal.)-A requi sition has been asked by Governor Carroll of Iowa for the return of E. S. Galloway, wanted in Polk county lrf that state on the charge of wife desertion.' Galloway is' now In the oustody of the sheriff of Johnson county at Teeurnseh .and will fight' the matter, the case coming up be CHICAGO, Oct. 24, Seven persons were hurt none fatally, when a Pennsylvania railroad train ' struck a street car at One Hundred and Sixth street early to day. The accident was due to a dense j i0wav deserted his wife and fog. Numerous otner accidents of minor charcter were caused by the fog which extended over the entire southern section of the city. . 7 child Feb ruary last and came to Nebraska, where he was located and notice given Che Iowa authorities, who ordered his arret,at Te cumseh. ' erstonehaug that he Is not expected to live. Mrs. Featherstonehaug was ' less severely hurt. Connolly was arrested. The police also are seeking the 2-year-old son of Mrs. Martin, who ran away during the battle. (Continued on Page Ten.) Nebraska-Woman x' Says Public Officials Need More Backbone PORTLANP, Or, Oct St-That nation wide prohibition does not exist beoaus of lack of knowledge of the evil of In temperance, and that public officials generally lack backbone in enforcing laws directed toward purity In civic affairs, were assertions made today by Mrs. Emma L. Starrett of Central City, Neb., superintendent of the Christian citizen ship department of the National Women's Christian Temperance union, which con cluded today a week's convention in Portland. Mrs. Starrett declared that every In fluence should be brought to bear by members of the union to elect officials with the necessary moral courage to up hold laws of' dvio righteousness. She advised prohibitionists to participate in every campaign and accomplish the de feat any candidate who declined to assert himself In favor of prohibition. The beneficial effects of curfew ordi nances was discussed by Mrs. Mary B. Bowen of Washington, D. C. It was ex pected the final business of the conven tion would be transacted this afternoon and adjournment taken tonight MAN WHO ABDUCTED. GIRL GIVEN LONG TERM MILWAUKEE, Oct. 24.-Albert H,' Bit ter was sentenced to fifteen years at hard labor In the state penitentiary by Judge Backus in municipal court when he pleaded guilty to ' having abducted fore Governor Aldrlch next Monday. Gal-Miss Frieda Norman, aged 16, daughter of August Norman of Milwaukee, two years ago. At the time of abduction Bitter had a wife and two children living here. He was arrested recently la As bury Park, N. J. - Working Miners and Strikers in Fight CHARLESTON. W. Vs., Oot. 24.-6tr1k-Ing and working miners clashed at -several points , in the Kanawha coal field during last night but there were no cas ualties.' The principal disturbance was at Cabin Creek Junction. Four companies of the' National Guard went home., today, leaving one company on duty. Military authorities here are keeping In close touch with the situation In the strike country' and It was stated that at the first signs of serious disorder th military would be restored. Stage is Now Set for Main Event of the War Drama. GREEKS TAKE TOWN OF SERVIA Their Army Occupies City and Takes Possession of Bridge. MONTENEGRINS . NEAR SCUTARI Indications that Troops af Kins; .Nicholas Will Occupy the Hla torio City Within Next Few Honrs. BULLETIN. LONDON, Oct. 24.-Th Montenegrin troops, says a news agency dispatch from Cettlnje, have occupied the height ot Chlrki, dominating the town of Scutari, which is expected to fait LONDON. Oct. 24.-The Turkish fort ress of Klrk-kUUsseh has fallen, accord ing to a news agency dispatch from Sofia. It Is regarded as the key to Adrlanople and Is the headquarters of the Turkish army corps commanded by Kenaa Pasha. With fall of Kirk-Klllsseh, the stag I set for the main event to date of th Balkan drama. British military officers who have mad a specialty of studying the Balkan mili tary preparations believe that the Turk. lsh army has been heading for the line between Adrlanople and Klrk-Klllsseh. with a covering force estimated at about 70,000 men and that the main Ottoman array la only just due on the scene. , Montenegrins Ait-unco Scutari. Thrilled by th words of their leaders. King Nicholas and his three sons, th soldiers of Mentenegro today continued their advance on Scutari. Reports from the front indicated that they have driven back the Turks, have reached a point eight and a half miles from th City. The bombardment ot the Turkish town of Tarakosch,' which began on Tuesday. ' was ' continued throughout yesterday by the Montenegrins. The Montenegrin con sul her says: "The statements concerning Montene grin reverses are untrue. The losses ot cannon by the Montenegrins and th number of their killed and wounded hav been greatly exaggerated." ' Nicholas Joins Troops. ' ' ' A dispatch from Riek2. Montenegro, aays that King NlohoiasifSrf'a,LlsAn Scutari yesterday and joined troops at Skala, where he met his three sons and with them held a council ot War. The . outcome of tbls was that Prince Mlrsky Was appointed commander of the Montenegrin brigade, which distinguished Itself, at Detchltch and Tuahl. On as suming command Prince Mireky ad dressed his troops, saying:' "We are almost at the walls of th ancient and famous town of Scutari, with which are bound up some of the most brilliant pages of the history of old Ssrvla, My father, our supreme war lord, has commanded me to lead you. "Follow me, my gallant men, not In the path of annihilation and death, but on toe road which will bring liberty and new life to mankind, and civilization and progress to Scutari." At th conclusion of th prince's speech. King Nicholas embraced his three sons and bade them farewell. ' The Servian troops hav captured one) part of the Turkish town of Kumanova, according to a telephone message re ceived at Belgrade today from Vranya. Desperate fighting Is still going on in the vicinity of Kumanova. ' Th taking of the Turkish town ol! ' ' Novlpaxar was achieved only after three days' severe fighting, during which there l" was- muoh slaughter on both sides. The small town of Straztn was cap- tured, yesterday by the Servians. Greeks Capture Srrvla. ATHENS, Oct. 24.-1:45 a. m-The ' Greeks hav occupied the town of Servla and have also captured the bridge over the river Allakmon (Indju Karasa). thereby cutting off the retreat of the Turks. The Greek victory was complete. , Tha Greeks captured twenty-two guns, made many prisoners and scattered the Turkish army. Crown Prince Constantine, telegraphing from headquarters last night, reports: "Our troops are pursuing the enemy all along the line from Cambunnla to the town of Servla and on, the Allakmon plain. The Turkish army has been scattered. We have taken twenty-two guns, with, their ammunition wagons and a largo quantity of ammunition, and many tran sport wagons." - - -. i Later General Dangtls sent a message saying: - ' ?The Turks "have lost heavily, W (Continued on Page Two.) MESSENGER IS ROBBED OF EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS MINNEAPOLIS. Oct 24,-Oscar Chris-I tlanson, a messenger boy for the Soo railway, today was robbed of 38,000 In pay checks of the company on one of the principal streets of the city. The robber obtained the checks oy represent ing himself as a Soo line employe who had to make changes in the paper. , Po-' lice of th Twin Cities are searching for him and warnings against cashing the , checks hav been issued. ' I Persistence Persistence in the reading of "want ads" as well as in the using of them is what brings success to many a man. Every day you'll find offered you on the " want" pages of The Bee scores of real live opportunites, which, if you take advantage of them; will net you a splendid profit - Read the ads today Do it again tomorrow Keep at it every flay. When you see something that looks good, no matter whether it's a better job, a bargain in real estate or a chance to get into business, go after - it and land it ' t ' ' I Many a fortune has been built through the persistent and Judi cious use of Bee want ads. . Tyler 1000