ft ( THE UEE: OMAHA, TIIUUSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912. On! MA Ola ft y icte .. : . . i . . . . .. if ii $22.50 At the Nebraska Cycle Co. Iliii f stltfl $22.50 at the Nebraska Cycle Co. will purchase the identical SJal Victrola outfit pic tured here. A positive marvel at the price. WilKani Howard Taft Woddro w Wilson (My Victor Victrola V A genuine Victor-Victrola of the same high quality that characterizes all products of the.. Victor company and equipped with all the exclusive Victrola Patented Features. This' Victrola it the late model "NO. IV," selling at $15, and the cabinet is a beauty in quarter sawed oak, built expressly for this style machine and selling during this sale at $1.50. Cabinets hold 100 records, needle receptacle, etc. ", ! ' ..' - f :'. Theodore Roosevelt disclhequestipnsofU.emomentfrom the world's greatest forum the Victor. e w records for this o N '4 ' ' out Go today to any Victor dealer's and hear these new Victor Records by these three great men. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N.J. Every style Victrola made, and all the new Victrola Records as fast as issued will be featured in our magriif cently appointed demonstration booths peian Room BRANDEIS STORES, Omaha I., t,..SmJM.mrhm.. -l HEAR AT If Hear the .Department and . . , ' v 'iw. hri nMNriiiMitlal tanrtidatcn hear them one after the other, direct from "the "Victor -compare one with the other while you sit in perfect comfort. We cordially invite yon to visit ur New Victor most up-to-date, and one of the finest appointed department for handling of ylc trola. Records and Victor talking Machine in the West. Lai THIS NEW DEPARTMENT IS ON THIRD FIXX)H THIS NEW DEPARTMENT LS ON THIRD. FLOOH AOIOHOBILE ON A MAD TEAR Back Down Hill and Three Men Have , : Narrow Escapo from Injury i-.- MEN ARE PINIONED TJUDEB CAB Machine Doahra Dow a nttep II Hi, ' Darka t'Gr Wire an Taraa j " ' Trtlo Xoe ii". Seri- ' "" I ul)r Hart, i Tow . men. . narrowly ' escaped eerloug injury yesterday when an automobile Yn which thf y er riding backed Into a guyjslre on a telephone pole at Forty econd and Dodge streets while rolnc at the raia ot thirty miles an hour turned turtle and pinioned them underneath the beavy body ot the oaa The automobile Is the property of John ,Pelan, a saloun keeper at Bee, Neb. 'Cyril Tomsndl, who ran down two tntn With the same machine at Fifteenth and Harney street Sunday evening, J. J. Amoe and Pelan were the occupants of the car. The latter was driving. .He started -up the 40 per cent grade en Forty-second street leading up to Capitol avenue from Douglas street. As he ap proached the top ot the steep Incline he fittempted to throw the motor Into In termediate speed. Instead of doing this he reversed the ' engine. Beooming ex cited he put on more speed and the car shot down the hill at the rate of thirty miles an hour.- ' , . ' i"-.;v';"SarrantIr Kiw Car. -, tn crossing Dodge street he narrowly missed striking aji east-bound Dodge street car end several pedestrians whj , were crossing the street. Half , way be jtren Bodge and. Douglas- streets ;tfe car ! swert-ed into the curb- on the east side of the treet The rear Wheel caught on" Itfi guide wire of a telephone post and the car ran Its length up the stout cable. It then turned turtle and pinioned Pelan underneath the steering wheel. The top of the rear seats caught Amos and Tomandt across the legl The machine had to be raised before the victims could be taken from underneath. t relaa Badly Braised Pelan was the most seriously Injured. He sustained a badly sprained right knee and possible 'internal injuries. The other two men suffered only minor bruises. They all reside at Bee, Neb., and were returning home from a hunting trip in the Dakotas. The ear is practically new and valued at tU0. The damage will amount te over 500, The steering wheel was broken, the windshield ' and lamps smashed, the engine thrown out of place and the body ef the, machine scratched and broken. Last Sunday evening Tomandl ran over William Beverldge and J. V. Homer at Fifteenth and Harney streets. Neither of the two men was seriously Injured. Tomandl was discharged yesterday In police court for lack of prosecution by his victims. They were unwilling to ap pear against him because he had set tled with them out of court. RAILROADS CHARGED WITH VIOLATING 36-HOUR LAW Pour suits have been filed against rail road companies in the federal court charging violation of the thirty-slx-hour law In the shipment of live stock and praying Judgment In the sura of fXO In each case. One suit la against the Illi nois Central and the other three against the Milwaukee. One of the charges gainst the Milwaukee Is that a certain shipment of stock en route from Monte cello; ,1a, to South Omnha'wes kept "on the cars forty-one " hours snd twelve minutes. I DANGER WILD CLOTHING Health Commissioner Issues Warn . ing; Against School Practice. OBJECTS TO "PAPEE SHOWERS" Some Schools Have a Practice of Col lect Ins; Old Paper aad Clothes to Sell for. the Purpose of v Raising Fanda. , Warning the Board of Education against the danger of "paper showers" and the practice of accepting old clothing in the schools to sell In order to rsJse money to purchase pictures, Dr. . R. W. Connell, health commissioner, declares that In old clothing Is the danger of communi cating some deadly contagious disease: "While I have been unable to prove it," said Dr. Connell, "I am absolutely cer tain thst scarlet fever and diphtheria, and even more serious disease have been contracted from perfectly new clothing, Which was made In sweat shops or unsan itary manufactories." Dr. Connell says, in his opinion, laws will ultimately be passed compelling dry goods houses to fumigate clothes before selling them. This regulation, he believes, will arise out of the necessity of throw ing alt the health safeguards' possible about citizens and especially little chil dren. "I am Informed there is contemplated a paper shower at the Columbian school Friday." writes the health , commissioner to E. 17. Graff, superintendent of schools, "and that other schools art to have the jsame in the near future. This Is some t thing that should not be allowed, as there Is danger of bringing Into the school some contagious disease, even if the papers are not brought Into the school building. I "I ! respectfully suggest that ou lssu an order to all principals not to allow anything In the shape of a paper shower or rummage donation of clothing at or in any public school." Benefits Too Small. Dr. Connell believes the small sum of money raised by this means is inconse quential when compared with the danger of starting a contagion. . It has been the yearly pructlce in the schools to accept donations of magaaines, old books and clothing and sell them at rummage sales, and then to invest the proceeds in pictures for- the school rooms. " Even if these things were kept in a separate building," said Dr. Connell, "there is danger of a contagion unless they are thoroughly fumigated. If the principals persist In the practice we must compel them to receive the goods In a separate building by a person who will thoroughly fumigate them and not per mit children to handle or e near the old clothes or magazines." Superintendent Graff will notify prin cipals of the warning arid urge great caution. Dr. Connell says that never since he has been In Omaha has there been so few cases of contagious disease. During October, 1911, there were, up to the 23d, fifty cases of diphtheria, and this was no larger than the number reported for the same month in previous yews. This year, however, ' there have been but seven case reported, and they have been quickly isolated so that the danger of a serious contagion was minimised. GIVEN SIXTY DAYS FOR ABUSING HIS LANDLADY George Dodson, CIS North Seventeenth street, was' given sixty days in the county Jail by Police Magistrate Foster for abusing Mrs. Ktnx. landlady of a room ing house at 613 , North Seventeenth street, where he boards, ' and M. J. Der- mondy was fined $10. and costsfor abus ing his wife In the same house. Real Estate Men Nominate Officers Nominations for officers of the Omaha Real Estate exchange were made at the meeting at the Henshaw hotel. Men wero named for each office and three for the board of directors, while the list remains open for additional nominations, at the meeting rfcxt Wednesday at the Com mercial club. The election will be held two weeks hence. Byron R. Hastings, D. C, Patterson and H. A. Tukey were nominated for presi dent. No nomination was made for vice president and Alfred I. Cretgh. was nom inated for secretary when nominations for that office were closed. E. M. Slater was named for treasurer of the exchange. Harry Wolf, F. D. Wead. and O. O. Wallace were named for the board . of directors. ... The co-operation of , the exchange in soliciting subscriptions for the mainte nance of the publicity bureau was asked by C. C. Rosewater, - chairman . at the publicity bureau of the Commercial club., Mr. Rosewater told of Instances where the publicity bureau had helped the ex change and its individual members and outlined the present campaign for Increas ing funds for the upkeep of the bureau. Exchange members were given - cigars by Byron Hastings in honor of the birth of a son who was born Sunday. He an nounced his family consists of two boys and two girls, now. A Croel Mistake is to - neglect a eold or cough. Dr.. King's New Discovery cures them -and may. prevent comoimptlon. S0c and & J Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement i John Ryan Killed . in Wrestling Bout With Close Friend A friendly scuffle between John Ryan and Joseph Norman at their rooms, 313 North, Fifteenth street resulted In the death of Ryan yesterday morning in St. Joseph's hospital. " Norman , bet .his . room-mate , 50 cents Tuesday afternoon that he ! could , not throw him.- Ryan put up the money ana the two began wrestling. Tn the scuff 1 Nqrman shoved his opponent Into a win dow. Ryan's Jugular vein was severed by the breaking glass. He was given first aid at the Crelghton Medical college and then rushed to the..h.vspltal ; where ha died at 6 yesterday thornlng' from loss of blood. Norman ..reeelvtrt; a bad gash In the left wrist lp saving R'jan'from go ing out of the window. Coroner' Cronby will hold an inquest, oyer''. Ryan's body. Norman was arrested yesterday ; and aiso Fred -Bolton, -. rodmer who wit nessed the -scut f le.-" -- '" i Headachy, Coiistipateid, Bilious, ; ; Takfe delicious "Syrup of Figs" Removes the scum from, the tongue, sweetens a sour, gassy, bilious stomach; cleanses your liver and 30 feet of ,t , . bowels without grippe or nausea.',, " If headachy, bilious, dizzy, tongue coated, stomach sour 'and full of 'gas, you belch undigested food and feel "sick and miserable, it means that 'your'" liver Is choked with sour bile and your thirty feet of bowels are clogged with 'effete Waste matter not properly carried Off. Constipation Is' worse than moet folks believe. It means that, this waste mat ter In the thirty feet -of feowe decays into poisons,- gases and acids and that these poisons are . then sucked Into , the blood- through the very duct. which should such, only . nourishment to sustain the body. '.., - Many people dread physic. They , think of castor oil, salts and cathartic pilla. They shrink .from, the ...after, effects so they postpone the dose until they get alck; then they do this Hver and bowel cleans ing in a Heroic way they have a bowel washdayTThat,, Is all wrongv If you will take teasponfu) of delicious Syrup ot Figs .tonight, youwUl neVer realise you have , taken anything until .rooming when all the poisonous matter! sour bile and clogged-up waste will be moved on and out of your.- sstem, thprqjighiybut gently no griplng-no' nausea no weak ness. Taking Syrup of Figs Is a real pleasure. Don't thlnt'y6i are' drugging yourself; It Is oomposed enllreiy of lus cious figs, senna and aromatles, and constant use can" hot' "cause" Injury. Ask your druggist for "Syrup of Figs and lflixlr of. Senna,.", ariif look-fcr the name, California, Fig , Syrup mpanv, on the label.' This is ' the genulne-oid reliable. - Any other : Fig Syrup 'offered as good should be refused nffh tenipt.': , Don't be .lmooSed' 'tlsement ir