TIIK BRK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912. 13 Out Again, in Again Drawn for The Bee by George McManus JBL! JWT THINK- O""3 IN A FEW MINUTE5 J I Mt MERY WILL. 1 ' r iJ I VVp 1) ALLOW! ; A fRMHTCNEo ( V ' ,mU5 1 rr - REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE. New South Side Home Just Completed 1411 Martha St i If you want a well built, well arranged '-room house In a good location, close to i Catholio school. It will pay you to look 'at this house; has reception hall, par ; lor, dining rooms, kitchen and one bed 1 room on the first floor; the one bed- room, parlor and dining room are fin ! Ished In oak. Including the floors; has two large sleeping rooms, with good closets and bath room on the second 1 floor; first-class plumbing and heating I throughout; . has 60 foot lot, nicely son- dad; has Cement walks. Owner says to sell this on payment down of S5U0 and balance same as rent. This is a chance to get a nice new home with small pay ment down. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. ' 111 - .. ...... . 1 1 An Ideal Six-Room Bungalow I We have a choice bungalow at the 'southwest corner of 16th and Laird Sts. Downstairs finished In oak, except kitchen; upstairs in pine; has two pan4 ; birch doors. This bungalow is entirely modern In every respect, Just recently I finished and now ready to occupy. The floor plan is excellent, and good vestibule and den, (or bedroom), large parlor, din ing room and kitchen, with pantry, and entry way downstairs; two splendid sleep ing rooms and very complete bath room upstairs; fine cement basement with coal bins, and laundry sink and A-l guaran teed furnace; beam celling, panelled walls, plate rail, built-in buffst In dining room witl china cupboard and bookcase In pedestals between dining rom and par lor. $3,500 is the price on easy terms. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE YOUR $500 Balance Monthly Will buy your choice of three brand new, completely modern homes, each hav ing six rooms, bath and sleeping porch, elegantly finished and decorated, the best of plumbing and furnace. Nice level lot. shade and permanent walks, paved street, paving paid. lMok at 39)1, 3317 and 4113 North 20th street Boulevard, half way between Sherman avenue and North Mtn Street car lines. We will take In a good lot as part of purchase price. Price this week, 3,90O each. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 1016. A Forced Sale for About 50 of Value 8-room modern house , with four.bed rooms; large shade trees; lot 60x168; barn; Immediate possession; small - payment down; balance like rent; must be sold; only $2,750; a snap. . S. P, Bostwick ' 218 a 17th St. BRAND NEW Kec hall, liivng room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, modern plumbing, combination lighting fixtures, cemented cellar, paved street, close to car line, all modern In every way except heat. Price 12,300. BEMIS-CAKLBERG CO. 310-12 Brandeis Theater. MAKE YOUR INVESTMENT IN GOOD CHEAP LAJJI SOMETHING SAFE and sure to double in value in a short time. Visit the display from "The LAND OF INDEPENDENCE" AT 107 WOAGITK BLDG., Omaha, Neb. One block east of poetofflce. Miss M. O. Seybold, Manager. Land sold by ARAH I HUNGBRFORD, CRAWFORD, DAWES CO.. NEB. SIX ROOM HOUSE ON SOUTH 11TH ST. A good six-room house In splendid re pair, modern except heat; east front. This cottage is now vacant and must be sold soon. The number is 1940 South 11th St Can be bought on easy terms. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. . 307 MoCague Bldg. RENT TALK CHA& E. WILLIAMSON CO. TO SELLERS AND BUYERS The writer of Rent Talks la south on a business trip to Gulf ooast states. No Beat Talk this week, therefore. Continue to see us if you want to buy, sell, rent; also for insurance, abstracts, etc., etc ' REMEMBER CHARLSEW HEIGHTS Remember we have full, beautiful Iota in Charlsew Heights at only $146 and up on easy payments. This is not a new ad dition without neighbors but plenty good : neighbors right next door all with new houses, because the addition is only a few years old. You don't need to go away from neighbors to get a lot there. Be us for particulars and for opportunity to show you the lota. Only three blocks from oar and right by beautiful U. S. govern ment park, wim great trees, parted drives, etc WE . WILL BUILD FOR YOU (Plans free at our office) in any of the following suburban additions: Ambler Place (southwest of Field club), Charlsew Hfiights, Ellistone Park Place, Firestone subdivision, Edgewvod Park (other side of Carter lake) Mayne's addition (near Gib son), Forbes' subdivision (norUi Omaha), Redman's addition (norih'of Central Park school). Lake James Park, east ot Country club), Mahoney & Minnlhan's addition (south part South Omaha on Q St. oar), Crelghten Heights (Benson car). B us If any other location is wanted. I Remember we give free a $100 to $800 ! accident Insuranoe policy with any prop erty sold while they last. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON CO., 101 S. 16th St., cor. Dodge. Street ntranoe. Snap in Dundee 4 Vacant Lots Located on 69th and Burt Sts., can be bought cheap. Owner leaving city and vt .-y anxious to sell. His price Is way below prices aaked for other lota In this vicinity. Will tell any one or alL For further Information see 0 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Famam St. Tel Tyler 1024. A GENUINE SACRIFICE Nice comer lot near three car lines. Improved with 6 and e-rootn houses. Al ways rented. Forced to sell ts meet pay ment on my new home In California. Give terms if necessary. Mix Grace Fred ericks. 3o01 Firth Ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. ""WHEN in doubt, ask "Effie." Hippo fliome now. TO BUT. BKLL OR KIT NT. FIRST 8KB JOHN V., KOLU1NS. ISO: FA EN AM iT. Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lots at 5th Ave. near Ames, two slocks from street car line. S123 each. Cne lot. 47th and Cass St., adjoining Dundee, $604 Inquire at 120S Jones SL ACRES, POULTRY FARM. Near Elm wood park. Ten . poultry houses and good dwelling house, all ready for business; big demand for product A fine site that will double In value. Ground alone worth $12,000. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. A Bargain A fine new 6-room house with open stairway, colonade openings, nice parloi and dining room, three fine corner . bed rooms on second floor. Strictly modern throughout, with beautiful oak finish. Within easy walking distance. On corner lot with paving all paid. $B00 down and balance can be paid in monthly payments rrice $3,860. Located 2225 Sherman Ave. NORRIS & NORRIS M Bee Bldg. Doug. 4370. Make an Offer A fine vacant corner at 42d and Ers kine. on paved street; 2 blocks car line, Owner says sell at once, so will accept any reasonable offer. What will you give? Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas XX). SOS Bee Bldg. MAP6fOMAHA STREETS, Indexed mailed free on application. Charles E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals; Care of Property, Omaha. $100 down, 5 run., brand new. D. 8380. TWO EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. $75 CASH, $28.50 PER MO. New, choice, 5-room, modern cottage, cemented basement, large floored attic; can finish 3 good rooms upstairs; cement walks, fine, level lot, well situated on north side i blocks from 24th tit. car. A snap at $2,750. -R. MODERN, $2,600. Fine, large residence In best condition, modern except furnace; nice, level lot, S. front, paved St) large shade trees, etc. Near 27th and Caldwell. Owner de termined to sell at once. Your own terms. Immediate possession. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., ISth and Harney. D. 857. 432 Ramge Bdg. GOOD BARGAIN. Five-room cottage, furnished complete, on street car line in North Omaha; must sell, fine place for newly weds; price, $1,850; cash, $850; balance monthly pay ments. H. A. Kelsey, 3492 Ames Ave. Tel. Webster 40. $100 Cash as the first payment and the rest like rent will buy either one of these houses, til Elm St, a good 5-room house. 1728 Lake St, a 6-room house. Creigh, Son3 & Company, Douglas 2O0L 608 Bee Bldg. FINE corner lot on Dodge St', room for $ flats; nothing better; worth Ji50o; must sell at. once; will sell for $260. Phone IX MOT. ACUBAGB ITOB SAL 40 Acres Improved on Macadam Road Close to Benson High, sightly location; 14 acres in al falfa, 14 acres In pasture. 2 acres in young fruit, which is mostly bearing, 1,000 bear ing grape vises, balance of the fruit Is apple, cherries, plums, raspberries, straw berries, gooseberries, and currant; $ acres in corn, 5 acres original sod; has a good J-story, t-room square house; barn 2420; room far I horses and i cows. It Is very seldom we cin offer as desirable a 40-acre tract n macadam road so dose to Omaha. Owner is moving west and has made the price very reasonable for quick sale. See us about this at once. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. REAL ESTATE rARM RANCH LAMPS FOK BALH ' GeeTgUu Traversed by the GREAT SOUTH GEOBGIA ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM-ATLAKTTIO RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All the money craps of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat Ing with this coming country, its soU. climate, church and school ad van tag write, W. B. LEAHT. Dept K. . General Pasnenger Agent ATLANTIC, GA. HE Ali ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM Jk R ASCII LANDS FOIl SALB FARM A RANCH LA MIS FOR SAL It THE eastlest way to find a buyer for rour farm in to insert a small want ad !n the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state f Iowa. 41000 daily. Tli ( aD'tal is read bv and belleveri In by the standpatters of Iowa who simply 1 reroae to permit any otner paper in tnttr homt. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; (.! per line per month; count six oml nary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital. 'Des llolr.es. la Kb Bias. Others are taking advan- whvnotvou? MSSWS1 v i WW n V W i Mi 'V I lit i is W 'MW "dJX This photographic reproduction of an alfalfa field in Scott County, Kans., shows what fine crops this excellent land will yield. If you have never seen this alfalfa you cannot understand how excellent It is. This Scott County land raises some of the best alfalfa produced in the entire state of Kansas, and it also' produces other excellent crops. The bountiful yields, the healthful climate, the fine location all combine to make this land among the best farming property in all Kansas and you know Kansas is one of the best agricultural states in the country. This land is all subject to irrigation, and with the proper attention yields an income that soon makes any man independently rich. - It you want to get further details (and you ought to have them) write or visit L B. SCOTT & SON, 1126 City National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. We also have an office at Scott City, Kansas. We refund railroad expenses to purchasers. I own. IOWA FRUIT FARM AND DAIRT LAND FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. We have subdivided the Dr. McClanahan tract known as Orchard Heights, con taining 806 acres near Couricll Bluffs, and are selling It at 0 to $100 per acra on easy terms. You will only nave to see this land to appreciate its value. Let us show it. Day & Hess Co., 123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. la. Minnesota. MINNESOTA Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rate?. DAT A NIGHT REALTY CO 10:; Hankers Life Bldg.. Lincoln. Neb. CLAY COUNTY, MINNESOTA. The rush Is on for Clay county. 20,000 acres of first class farm land to select from. Black soil, clay subsoil. Bumper crops. 130 to $50 per acre. Bend for list and maps. FELLAND REALTY CO. 531 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALB-aoo-acre farm, 2V4 miles from town, good house, barn, machine sheds, etc., a bargain if taken this month. Also some other well improved farms, T and miles from town. These farms are all located In Sherburne county, less than 40 miles from Minneapolis, good rich soil, fine water and good pasture and timber land. For full particulars apply to Dr. U. T. Sherman, Big Lake, Minn. 600 PER CENT profit In J years! 18,000 acres rich farming and fruit land, frost proof belt, near Duluth's new steel plant, offered quick buyers, tracts 2,000 acres up, at n. very easy terms. Three railways through, seven shipping points on land. Tremendous development pend ing. For maps and particulars, write owner, H. H. Nesbitt. Dnluth, Minn. HUaoaru OPKN1NG 1,000 free, healthful, produc tive homesteads in the Ozarks and l,0r,. 009 In western states. MaP3. particulars and description, 26a Riverside Colony, Monett, Mo. If ebraaka. 40-3D3HEL WHEAT LAND, $26 TO S3 PER ACRE. We have for sale over 30,090 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yield for 12 yean, including 1919 and 1911, average with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and ollmate cannot be found. Write for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. PUNDLNUdLAND INVESTMENT CO, SIDNEY. NEE UU INVVHTl'in f r Vlan n.lt an.. II means: For sale, 12 quarters of choice farm land close to Sidney, Neb., one tenth cash, baL ten years' in tea equal payments. Ernest Haas oh. Sidney, Neb. Sew York, WHAT did the Honorable Sherman Moreland, Associate Justice of the Su preme court of the Philippine Islands. tell Beabring, the real estate man? "Sea bring, you are doing a great work for tne community. You are bringing a thrifty, home-building class of peonle to this part of the country. You are selling these farms at fair prices. They are natisfied. I know It for I have talked with many of them. One of your purchasers from Ohio told me that he paid I'J,a00 for his farm, took possession of it this spring and would not sell it for 15,000." .Moral: Why not Join Sea brings band of New York State home seekers? .Send for catalog of central New York State farms. . Seabrlng Farm Agency, Post Block, Spencer, N. Y. Mew York. 12,90017 acres, lake front, new nine room house, tenant house, barn, evapo rator, nice lot fruit, 1 miles railroad village; very easy terms; catalog free. Ooodelle, Geneva, N. Y, South Dakota. HOMESTEAD relinquishment on choice quarter section near good town; school facilities near the Nebraska line. Price, a. Shuler & Cary, 11)14 City National Bank Building. South Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land; 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7 miles from Dallas and S miles from Colotne. Price, H0 per acre, payable (1,500 cash. 2,500 March 1, IBIS; 12.409 March L 1917. Address Box 180, Dallas. So. Dak. CHEAP patented state school lands, south Texas, $1 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write F. A. Connable, trustee, 484 Commercial Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. Texaa. 840 ACRES, 7 miles from Houston, Tex.; spell road; mill from Mt. Houston; ex ceptional for subdivision; (40 acre, quick sale; adjoining property 100 per cent higher. Morgan Jolly. Cotter, Ark., owner. CHEAP patented state school lands, south Texas, $1 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write F. A. Connable, trustee. 484 Commercial Bank Bldg.. Houston, Tex. WlnconMln. Fine Farm Lands Northern Wlsoonsln timber or clear; nice lakes and river; best land In Wis consin; best market In America; $1 per acre cash; large or small tracts. Ernest A. Arnold Co Sl'I'KRIOn. WISCONSIN. The Persistent and judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to liusiness Success Miscellaneous. INVESTIGATE the fertile Northwest United Status; excellent land In Min nesota. North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oretn, adjacent to North ern Pacific Railway, obtainable at low prices. These lands under the "Stars and Stripes" are in the best developed sections of the northwest and are as productive as any on the continent. See what YOITR OWN HOME COI'NTRY has to offer stay near home markets; quick transportation; close to good neighbors and good schools; no isolated pioneering; free U. 8. government home stead land, requiring only three years to prove up; , state land on easy terms; deeded land at low prices and on crop payment plan; climate fine for man. beast and crops; big money In vegeta bles, grains, alfalfa, fruits, cattle, dairy ing, poultry and hogs; write quick for free illustrated literature, saying what state most interests you and list of re liable land dealers; ask about low rate homeseekers' excursions. L J. Bricker. General Immigration Agent, 1 North ern Pacific Bldg., St Paul, Minn. UVK MT4M K MiKKKT 4)F WKST Ship live stouk to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign menu receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. BYERS BROS. & CO.. Strong, reliable. AFFAIRS ATJODTH OMAHA Soaping of Street Car Rails Ties Up Trolley Service. MANY F0RCEH TO WALK HOME I'nnaually Large mbfr of Cattle nd Sheep tiring- Stiff Prices on Live Stock MarketSlump in Hog- Prices. Mischievous boys soaped the street car rails on the steep incline from U to Z streets on Railroad avenue last night and crippled tho street oar service on the Al-biight-Bcnson line, At least ten cars were stranded at the end of the line In Albright, unable to make the hill because of the slippery rails. As a result extra cars had to be put on the line. After 8 o'cloqk no cars were run into Albright and it was impossible to get the cars congregated at the end of tho line up the hill. The tther oars on the line were switched at N street and started back to Benson. It was not known that the cars could not get up the hill until after nearly a dosen had run down to the end of the line. Sand was used profusely by the motormen, but to no avail. The assistance of the police was so licited. A squad led by Acting Captain Andy McGuIre went to the scene in the emergency bus. McGulre suggested that the patrol horses be hitched to the front end of the cars. This was tried but found impracticable, as the wheels persisted In spinning round and round, and the horses, accustomed only to pulling an occasional drunk to the station, were unable to pull the load. McGulre then had another Inspiration. He suggested that the car crews get scrub brushes and water and wash the soap off the rails. This waa met with a frigid ro oeptlon by the crews and Andy took a hasty departure after insinuating that early morning might bring a freerlng temperature and freeze tho soap, making It possible to get the cars up tho Incline. Shortly before 1 o'clock the crews suc ceeded in getting their cars up the hill. This was not until many residents In the south end of the city had boon forced to walk home. The police made several hurry calls to different parts of town where boys were creating disturbances. At no place, how ever, was there any serious damage done. Tomorrow night an additional force of officers In plain clothes will be stationed In the residence section of the city and all persons destroying property and cre ating disturbances will t.e arrested. Many Cattle nmi Sheep Sold. An exceptionally 'urge run of cattle, xlieep and lambs was on the South Omaha lle stock market yesterday. There were $.500 head of catlle, and 41,00 head ot sheep and lambs. The receipts compared with last week wero much lurger yester day and the prices higher. A large number of country buyers were In the market In search of desirable feed ing stock. They had a fairly large supply of feeding stock from which to make selections. However, the recent declining tendency in hog values was very pronounced yesterday as a slump ot at least 10015c below Monday's prices oocured. The absence of shipping demand and a liberal supply of hogs on hand for this time of the year caused bearish sentiment on the part of buyers. M agile City Gossip. Michael Melick, aged 56 years ,dled this morning at his lato residence, 805 North Twenty-eighth street. Funeral arrange ments will be made later. Call National Wine and Liquor Co., J0. It No. l!4th St., for Htors Triumph beer; alo wines and liquors, delivered. Phone Botith 871. The Ladles' Aid Society of the St. Luke's Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrs. Wogenseu, 27th and A streets Thursday afternoon. Register next Saturcaj-. This will be the last roglstration day before the November election. Unless every voter has registered hu will be unable to cast his ballot at the election. The South Omaha Republican club will hold a meeting this evening at the club rooms, 443 North Twenty-fourth street at 8 o'clock. A number ot candidates will deliver speeches on the political situation. The members of the Young Men's WllBon-Wiirsliall club liave made elabor ate arrangements for a large celebration this evening at the hoadquarters In the old Young Men's Christian association building. I. J. Dunn and other candidates will deliver addrc.sMea A general invita tion has been extended to all to l) present. Notice All members of the Taft-Sher-man-Aldrlch club and other republicans are requested to be present Wednesday night ut 8 p. m October SB. 191J, at the headquarters, Red Men's hall, to arrange for appointing committees to get out the unregistered vote and hear suggestions from different candidates. John Lynn, secretary.--Advertisement. In a debate at the South Omaha High school, Garwood RichardsorL Carl Beal and Karl Lee, upholders of tne negative, on the question. "Resolved: That the CoinmlHBlon Form of Municipal Govern ment Should be Established In the Cities of the United States." lost to Cuirles itapp, Emmet Iloctor and Clark Davis, upholders of the affirmative, by the vote of 2 to 1. Women State Their Position On Many ; Real Live Issues rOJRTIANU, Ore., Ot. 23,-ResolutioriA tver adopted today by the National Wom an'! Christian Tmperanc union. Th. !.. f.. m...nri. c lm 4K A OSVI If A prohibition affords the "only means of condemns the doctrine that the social.,; evil is necessary and one-sided, approved : equal suffrage, a minimum wege and ; equal pay and gives earnest support to , the movement for universal peace. Miss Mae M. Whitman, national super- J intendent of temperance and labor work,' In an address took a firm stand in favor , of the eight-hour law for workers of both 1 sexes. She declared Investigation had shown that though labor leader and labor unions ofttlmes make mistakes, tho trend . . .. . . i A w . VI uilJWliiffiu was iu. u avui mv; uu ucit . . . f . i , . . i. . , , . lev morais. one conunmneu uie nuoon aa the worklngman'a club and declared feasi ble the friendly Inn as a substitute. interest centers in tne election er orn cers. Miss Ulllan M. N. Stevens will sue-' ceed herself as president, Washington. . Ii. C, seems to have the largest follow ing for the 1913 convention. I hi I k i n n turn hi iv- ul.i u FOR MANY DEPARTMENTS There are to be a great many civil serv ice examinations offered men and womer) In November, according to literature be ing circulated by the department A doien different lines of civil service work are offering openings to those who are quali fied to pass the examinations. Among the positions to be filled are those of lab oratory aid, bureau of plant Industry, De partment of Agriculture: law clerk, sten ographer and typewriter; draftsman, ma rine engine and machinery,; mineral tech nologist, mine sanitary engineer. Instruc tor in mine saieiy, mecnanicai aransman. engineer department-at-large; heating and ventilating draftsman, inspector of .hard ware, specialist In agronomy, scientific! as sistant In tenant farming, assistants In the Philippines, general teachers and in dustrial teachers in the Philippines. The positions of teachers and assistants in the Philippines are open to male, and fe male competitors. These examinations will be given In every state In the union on stated days in November, The ex aminations are given In from two to a naif dozen towns In eacn state. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Coftman Co., 159 Ex. Bldg. LAVERTY BROS., m Exchange Bldg. Martin Bros. & Co.. Exchange Bldg. Clay, Robinson & Co., SOO Exchange Bldg. Boost Nebraska and you will boost your own interests The Nebraska Development Number of the Sunday Bee of October 20 is attracting wide attention. It is the best advertisement of Nebraska ever published. '! This number tells a story of Nebraska that ho other paper, no other book and no single source has yet told and it is a wonderful advertisement of our state. t The Nebraska Development Number The Omaha Sunday Bee Should be sent to everyone who may be interested in this state, and it is your duty, to the state and to your own business, to send copies away. Additional numbers are now being printed, and you can get as many as you want by ordering immediately. The copies sell for 10 cents, and will be delivered by mail for 15 cents. Send a list of addresses to which you want the big maga zine to go, and The Bee will have copies forwarded at once. Be sure to order today, using this coupon please deliver 1 please send to attached list C0Pies of the NEBRASKA DEVELOPMENT NUMBER OF THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE for which find enclosed $. Name Address . . . Remit at the rate of 10 cents per copy for copies to be delivered In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, and at 15 cents per copy to be mailed to any address, postpaid in the United States or Canada and 20 cents to Kurope. Cut out the. coupon and mail to Development Department, On.aha Bee. I!