Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thirty 1 wenty -Tan Ymts Ago
5o Editorial Page of ob Is sua
Fair; Warmer
vol. mi no... no.
Large Force of Bulgarians Continues
Attack on Turkish Forts in Vi
cinity of Adrianople.
Brisk Fighting Still in Progress Near
large Army Routed by Greeks Com
manded by Crown Prince.
Oae Division U Bombarding Prtreu
mid Another la Landing Vroopn
nt Katerlna on Galf of
SOFIA, Oot. 23,-Terrino fighting- waa In
jrogres today along the whole Bulgarian
front, according to official dispatches.
The Bulgarian force operating against
Adrianople reaohed Arda, After a. sharp
engagement the Turk fled in disorder,
leaving 104 dead.
LONDON, Oct. 23. The Important
Turkish town of Novi Pasar. In the dis
trict of the same name, was captured by
tiie Servians today after severe fighting,
according to a news agenoy dispatch
from Nlsh, Servia. The troops suffered
heavy losses.
LONDON, Oct. 23.-Bloody, portentous
battles are being fought on every side of
the Balkan peninsula today, military ex
perts believe..
While the allied armies of . Bulgaria,
Servia, Montenegro and Greece have
doubtless had the best of the preliminary
skirmishes, It remains to be seen which
ide will be more successful in the main
theater of war.
Both Turks and Bulgarians claim to be
advancing- in the vicinity of Adrianople.
Everything seems to indicate that the
Bulgarians have deployed the bulk of
their main army from the Mustapha
Paslia-Adrianople line of the Djumbala-Klrk-Killseh
line and are attacking the
Turkish front between the last named
place and Adrianople, while attacking the
extreme Turkish right to the east of Kirk.
Kilisseh. From this latter point reports
have reached here of serious conflicts.
Servians Take PrUhttna.
The Servians continue their advance.
One of their armies haa taken Priahtlna
nd another ia at the gates of ICumanova.
An official report by the Servian com
wander says that tha Turkish troops after
offer. rw? a desperate resistance, are fall
ing baclc along the whole, front,
Around the town of NVvlpazar brisk
fighting has been in progress for several
days and the Servians are said to have
Buffered severe losses. They, have cap
tured some of the surrounding towns, al
though Novipazar itself is holding out.
Most of the Servian suocesses have been
won over mixed . forces of Albanian
tribesmen and Turkish Irregulars., They
will not come into contact with the
trained Turkish troops until they reach
Greek official reports disagree as to
the situation on the Greek frontier. One
of them reports heavy fighting on the
road between the town of Elassona and
the Turkish base at the town of Servia,
while another declared that the Turks
are In full retreat.
Armies Hampered by Wounded.
All the armies in the field are hampered
ly their wounded. In most cases they
have to bring the to the rear in
rlowly moving ox carts.
A message from Constantinople by In
direct route and dated October 22, says
the Turkish fleet had left a torptdo boat
ilotflla to rarry out the blockade of the
Bulgarian coast. The Turkish battleships,
It says, are lying at the entrance to the
Boaphorus, and it is expected they are
about to return to Constantinople and
refit, after which tbey will go out Into
the Mediterranean and engage the Greek
fleet. .
The Grvk naval forces are divided into
(.Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair tonight and Thurs
day; warmer tonight.
For lowa-Fair tonight and Thursday;
rsing temperature.
' Temprrntare at Omaha Yesterday.
, Hours. Peg.
(A 5a,m
(g I ?tS::::::::::::S
7(Jfh'v a- m
A'ylM. rsn 10 a. m 48
rC ) (0 11a.m..'. 52
:IASJ A lp. m J. ..56
J 2 P. m '....67
JijC T7 s p- m 58
im" , ii p-m 58
W 1 IpTnte:::::.:!?
UV T p. m 53
8 p. m 51
. Comparative Locnl Record.
1912. 1911. 1910. 1909.
Highest vesterday 59 62 77 42
Lowest sterday 40 32 46 37
Mee.n temperature 60 47 62 40
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 51
Deficiency for the day 1
Total deficiency sinca March 1 156
Normal precipitation .06 Inch
Deficient for the day (16 inch
Tctal rs'nfall since March 1. .24.25 Inches
Deficiency since March 1.....'. 2.47 inches
Deficencv for cor. period. 1911.13.98 indie?
Dtf ct-iicy f-jr cor. period, 1910.13.00 inches
---rt from Station at 7 P. M.
Station r nd State Temp. High- Rjtin
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Che.enu-. i- "t cloudy ....60 58 .00
Davtnport, clear 46 52 ' .00
.Denver, clear 52 60 .00
Les Moines, clear 50 H .00
Dcdce City, clear 58 66 .00
Lanotr. clear 48 60 ; .00
North Plans, part cloudy. 60 68 .00
uutiia, Cioudy 53 59 M
I n bio. ckudy 62 70 .
Hapld tit;.-, coudy S 72 ' .0 '
ly ke Cty, dear ....... Gi .00
i-:rta Kc. i art c oudy .;..s1 .0?
r" eidi-n. chuidv 3 W .01
ft 11 C i: 'Iter 5 8 .00
Va..'rt'.in. t'"l c'ovd .. .13 .0J
-'. .:iz:i. Uc:t 7.irc, ;i
Morgan Gets Big Fee
for Organizing the
Harvester Combine
NEW YORK, Oct 23.-J. P. Morgan &
Co. reoeived 165,000 shares of stock for
services in connection with the forma
tion of the International Harvester com
pany. This stock on August 14, 1912. was
valued at $13,600,000.
So testified William Hamilton of J. P.
Morgan & Co. on the stand today at a
continuation of the hearing against the
International Harvester company. The
witness produced a contract agreement
dated August 13, 1902, providing for the
deposit of certificates with the Morgan
firm by Charles Deering, Cyrus H. Mc
Cormick, Harold F. McCormtck, James
Deering, Richard P. Howe, W. H. Jones
and John J. Glessner. He was requested
also to produce lists of the names of
certificate holders who entered into an
agreement with the firm not to sell the
stock before glvlngJ. P. Morgan & Co.
a chance to purchase before September,
Abraham M. Hyatt, vice president of
the Lincoln Trust company, who In UttJ,
was vice president of the New York
Trust and Securities company, testified
that at the request of George W. Per
kins he beoame one of the Incorporators
of the International Harvester company.
Counsel for the government sought to
show that Mr. Hyatt and other incorpor
ators had never been engaged In the
harvester machinery business previous
to this time. The witness replied that it
was his understanding that the first
directors elected were only temporary. He
resigned the day after 'the organization
was perfected.
Oh, Well, We All Have Bui dens
Superintendent of Deposit
Union Trust Company, otf "
delphia Makes a Haul
Country, but Writes
Letters Back Home.
Property that of a Customer of the
Financial Concern.
(JoTfrnor of Pennsylvania ot In
clined to I,et Matter Hp, and
Says that Stale Must
Take Action.
GirlResumes Her
Testimony in Jack
Johnson Inquiry
CHICAGO, Oct. 23. Nervous and weak ened
after her collapse on the witness
stand yesterday, Lucile Cameron, the
girl whose Infatuation for "Jack"; John
son led to a federal investigation, again
appeared before the grand Jury today. It
is reported that reconciliation between the
girl and her mother, Mrs. F-. C'amerou
Falconnet, has been .effected and after
the court proceeding will go away with
her mother.
The girl is said to have assured her
mother and the authorities that she is
now willing to aid the Investigation in
every way.
After some delay the federal grand Jury
resumed Its investigation after charges
preferred against Johnson that violated
the Mann white slave law with Joseph
Levy, the negro's secretary on the stand
Levy, who is an Englishman, is expected
to tell of happenings in Johnson's cafe on
the south side. He Is believed to be in
posscss.on o rf trmation 'of invpdrtanct
o the government
A suit for fck.w.'waa begun In the cir
cuit L 'court- her today y WUlard Davja
against 'Jack'' " Johnson for the alleged
alienation f "the affections of Davis'
wife. Davis and his wife are mulattoes.
The Davis woman is' a singer formerly
employed in the champion's cafe and is
said to be the woman who Was reported
to have shot the negro In a Jealous rage.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. :3.-Reports that
had been current in Philadelphia for mora
than a year that the Union Trust com
pany had been robbed of $1,000,000 in
securities and $30,000 in cash by an em
ploye, were confirmed today when Gov
ernor John K. Tener at Harrisburg de
cided that so far as the state is con
cerned Walter H. Shourds, who la ac
cused of appropriating the money and
securities, must prosecuted notwith
standing that restitution has been mads
to the trust company.
The company is now known as the
Merchants Trust company.
The decision of the governor was made
after he had conferred with State's At
torney General Bell, District Attorney
Rotan of Philadelphia, William H. Smith,
state banking commissioner; Clarence L.
Harper of the trust company, George
Burnham, jr., and Edwin O. Lewis, an
The securities, it Is said, were taken
ftsoa a safe deposit box rented by Buru
ham, who Is connected with a locomotive
works in this city. Shourds Is a fugitive
from Justice, but it Is said that in view
of restitution having been made, the
(trust company would not push .the
! prosecution. A state law, however. dt
j mum1, that the commonwealth prose
i cute all such cases and it is expected
'. that District Attorney Rotan, If Shourds
i is located, will bring him to trial, as
; he has already been indicted,
j Shourds, who was superintendent of
the safe deposit vaults of the trust
company, fled the country shortly before
his crime was discovered. It is reported
that he opened communication for the
return of the securities and the money
through personals inserted in New York,
Philadelphia and Paris newspapers.
Supreme Court Unanimously Af f inni
Decision of Lancaster County
District Court.
j Will Have Chance to Vote for Party's
. Choice for President.
Krom tiiei New York Herald.
Berlin Women Attack
Butchers Who Refuse
to Sell Imported Meat
BERLIN, Oct 23. Hundreds of Berlin
housewives joined in a wild riot today
herausn tha hutchers in the municipal
markets refused to handle, meat imported
so as to reduce he cost of living.
The principal trouble occured In the
Wedding district, which is entirely inhab
ited by worklpg people. Hundreds of
women, who went to the municipal mar
ket found that the butcners had agreed
not to deal In meats imported by the
municipality. Then they stormed the
butcher's stalls, seized all the native
raised meat, trampled It on the ground
and fought with the butchers.N The po
lice were forced to close the market to
stop the riot.
The prices of meats are so high In
Berlin that the government recently gave
permission to the city authorities to bring
In and sell meats from abroad at the city
markets and to control the prices. The
butchers at first agreed to handle these
meats, but late last evening announced
they had decided on a general boycott
of them in the twelve municipal markets
ot Berlin.
The municipality declares its intention
of punishing the butchers by cancelling
tneir licenses.
One Wilson is Dead
.and One Wilson Not,
" Hence the Mixup
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 23.-Two
men named Charles K ' Wilson were
seriously ill at the same time at the
county hospital here and when one of
them died several days ago, theirMdentl
ties became mixed. The body of the
dead Charles E. Wilson was on its way
to Philadelphia to fill the grave in
tended for the other Charles E. Wilson,
who was halted today and turned back
from Yuma, Ariz.
Discovery of the error was made by
the supposedly dead Charles E. Wilson.
Ha walked into a hotel where he had
formerly lived and surprised the land
lady. It was explained to Wilson that
Missouri's Governor Says it Must Ac
cord to Government's Principles.
Saya (lie Laws of the Country Were
Designed When llnnlncnn Wan
Small and Do Not Apply
to The nt- Times.
"If you make a public offic!ol subject
to recairb .popular vote you make, him
j suoject to removal for unpopularity
j rathfcir than fiir wrong doing." aald Qov
I errorHcrbejpf 8. Hadlcy of Missouri,
wirwn ne iouco;a on me suoje t or iue
recall in his address before the Omaha
Commercial club at a luncheon given In
the new rooms. Mr. Hadley was nearing
the conclusion of Ills address when he
reached the matter of the recall. "I Join
with those who seel; the removal of of
ficials for wrongdoing," continued the
governor, "but we want to do it In ac
cordance with those principles and the
system we have Inherited as a part of
our fundamental government."
Governor Hadlcy said the agitation for
the recall was In line with the demand
for a more nearly popular government,
"and," he said, "whether th? principle
of recall Is correct or niit, the demand
for these things Indicates a larger desire
among the people for the management
of their own affairs, and a stronger de
mand that one .man's vole on a public
"Progressives" to Be Grouped at Bot
tom of the Ballot..
Anticipate Derision of Coart and
Beclna Preparation of Ballot In '
Conformity Trtta Order of
the Lower Coart. '
ithe hospital had reported his death and
his sister in Philadelphia had been no-( qU6gtl(0I1 sh3l, be as po0(, a another's.
However, you can't deprive a man of a
tified. At the same time tne wiaow oi
Ithe other Wilson sunt word to the hos
Ipital that she was coming today to at
jtend her husband, who had been re
i ported to her as convalescent.
The living Wilson telegraphed to ins
sister, Miss Clara Wilson of Philadel
phia, today that she might discard
mourning, while the hospital authorities
debated as to the gentlest means ot
breaking the news to the widowed Mrs.
Nebraskan Convicted
of Conspiring to Buy
Cattle from Indians
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Oct. 23-(Special
TelesranO A federal jury after being out
some hours returned a verdict of guilty in
he case of the government against John
C. Jordan, a prominent and wealthy busi
ness man of Gordon. Neb. Jordan Is
charged with entering Into a conspiracy
to purchase cattle from Sioux Indians on
the Pine Ridge reservation In violation or
fhe federal states governing such act.
The offense is punishable by Imprison-
ment for not to exceed two years or a
fine of $10,000 or both.
1NDIANAPOLI3. Ind.. Oct. 23.-Fran'K
Willie Smith, a negro, today confessed to
the police that he killed Frank Foxal!
and Philip Lepper, whites, near the state
fair grounds, October 2.
Smith, in his confession, says the white
irn first called him names and then hit
him with a stone before, he began shoot
ing . ; . '
Faxall and Lepper, bartenders.; were
killed after a day of drinking in a grove
with two women. One of the women left
before the murder?. The other's story of
the negro wr.s discredited by the police
at frst. The g rl , said the negr? after
'inns' tha fvp men. ssau'tr3 hr.' Tills
the negro denied !n iVs confMSton.
Fairbanks Urges
Men to Vote for Taft
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23.-Charles W. Fail-
banks, former vice president, in an ad-saiute
dress here to the city club toaay urgeu
Its members to vote for the re-election
of President Taft. He declared he held
no spirit of revenge against any who
might differ from him.
"I want to tell you that the temple ot
republicanism is laid, and still Is as
solid as when ,t was founded many
years ago," he said. "Some have wan
dered away from the temple, but all of
them have come back, and those who
may wander away this time will come
back again and will be welcomed , when
they return."
single penny; you cannot deprive him of
a particle of his property; you can't de
prive him of Mb freedom for one moment,
without due process of the court pro
cedure. This provision Is the safeguard
I of our liberty and It Is dangerous to
I do awav with It In any case."
Many Hear the Governor.
Governor Hadlcy was Introduced by
George Kelly, chairman of the executive
committee of the Commercial club. Six
hundred men crowded the spacious new
d'ntng room of t Commercial club 'on
I the eighteenth floor of the new Wood
jmen of the World building.
! When Governor Had.ey was introduce.!
' the crowd of UK) rose tj their feet and
mingled cheers, with the Chautauqua
for almost a minute. Touching
on the commercial activities of America
the governor said the American people
had ten far more successful In business
and commercal activities tuoy had
in the matter of government.
"There has really In this country been
little progress In the laft twenty-five
t years In the government," nald Governor
Hadley. "Only one great question ready
(Continued on Page Two.)
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Oct. 23. Five bank-
. . , i i. ..
ers on tnai nere ciuub
to defraud were found guilty today by a
federal Jury.
Those convicted are: E. L. Hendrey,
former president of the Memphis N ght
and Day bank: H. C. Wynne, former
president of the Little Rock (Ark.) All j at ,arKe
Bryan Campaigning
in Pennsylvania
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 2?.-Willlam J.
Bryan, campafgnlns -eastern Pennsyl
vania and Delaware, today spoke urging
voters to elect democratic congressmen
to support Governor Wilson if eleete-1
He called attention to the fact that each
voter In Pennsylvania hud an opportunity
Ito vote for live congressmen, because four
of them are to be selected by the state
OMAHA, Oct. 21, 1912. To the
Editor of The Bee : The Bee is to
be congratulated upon its Ne
braska Development supplement.
It is not only a creditable exhibit
of the printer's art, but presents
the development and possibilities
of Nebraska with striking- force,
and it is not the first time The
Bee has aimed in that direction,
not only for Nebraska, bu for
the entire Vest as well "
' 'i Z : . ZZl&WAtirtMT
General Manager Chicago &
Northwestern Railway Co. . .
i .I i ii .. '
Witness in Chicago
Vice Cases Murdered
in Bridgeport, Conn,
BRIDGEPORT, Conn.. Oct. 23.-The
young woman identified as Rose Bunnls.'
shot to death last night at Stratford, to
which place she had been, taken by five
men in nn automobile, was killed because
of her activity in the" "vice crusade" In
Chicago, declared Bridgeport. police today.5
A statement to this effect was made by
Detective Captain George Arnold after
several hours of questioning, the "three
Italians captured after the shooting last
ruder a rlld examination Joe llunano,
according to Captain .Arnold, confessed
to having shot the woman whom he
clainwd for the pHt four months had been
his common law wife.
The police tiieory connecting the murdei
with the Chicago antl-vlce crusade Is
based mainly on the rumor that the
woman furnished evidence that was used
In proceedings against the disorderly
house districts, and also on the presence
in her purse of the card of the leader In
the Chicago crusade.
CHICAGO, Oct. :3.-The police here' say
that trie woman found murdered near
Stratford, Conn., was known In the south
side segregated district as Rose Whit
and that she loft the city at the time ot
the anti-vice crusade.
Contractors oh City Job Are Unable
to Get Enough Men.
Men Are Helm Worked Mailt and
lla- In Order to Ot the
Job Done on Time,
.Iftrksnn Mdvanzln. contractors lavllllf
tthe south half . of , the forty-$1ght-lnch
'..main to Florence, reported; to' the Water
board yesterday afternoon tn"' delay
were occssloned because' they had been
unable to" secure a sufficient number of
worTufiem FJhtyrneh"Vr4"howDeIlif em
ployed and the 'contractors a"r In urgotit
need of at least forty mdra, ' '' ' "
" 'We are paying high wagea,' laid 'Mr.
Jackson. "Two dollars and fifty cents pef
day' fop c&nirhon labor1, Bhd we can't get
tubmen., Furnish us men and we' will do
the work."
Other' contractors are also complaining
that under the administration of President
Taft they are unable to secure workmen,
although wages for common labor are
higher than ever before.
Water Commissioner Howell notllled the
cohfractois that the board would toqulre
the' completion of the main by November
121., Jackson said a gang1 of men were
working nights, the excavation la being
operated day and night and the Job Is
being pushed as expeditiously aa possible.
Meet Again Friday.
The board took a recess to Friday after-
noon at 4 o'clock, when a report will be
I made by Water board engineers, and If
j the main Is progressing -in proper shape
the contractors will be allowed more
; money one the contract.'
Alfred G. Elllck, attorney for the con
tractors, said he objected to interviews
with Mr. Howell In which the contractors
were misrepresented. His clients, he said,
hava been using every effort to complete
the work.
At present i.m feet of the main in laid.
There Is yet ,200 feet to lay, but the ex-
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
K'eht snd Day banK A oner ;
former president of the All Night and
Day bank of Oklahoma City; C. A.
Bonds, former president of the Kansas
City AH Night and Day bank, ( and J.
H. Brooks, former director of the Mem
phil All N ght and Day bank.
Mr. Bryan discussed the candidates for
the presidency, declaring that Mr. Taft
"constitutionality distrusts" the people;
that Mr. Roosevelt placed Mr. Taft In
the presidency, and that he failed In hi
duty to stand by Mr. Taft and help hlin,
nd that Governor Wilson would give the
country "a people's" government.
! . NORTH BAY, Ont. Oct. 23. The Ener-
jgctlu. Exp.os-ve company's factory at SKW YORK. Oct. 23. -At the 105th
lllatleybur wa' Mow ; to, ui-Mies today. : ennua fission of the' supreme session of
j Several peisor.s are known to have been fil( groU!gn TUtes of the t'nited States,
j Wiled. The property less is heavy. i which closed here today, M. W. Baylies
I The bodies of seven persons. were luen- ol Washington was elected sovereign
j titled this afternoon and It was thought grand commander; George Gibson of
j that others had' been killed and theii j Washington was chosen minister of state
' holies iettroved bv the explosion. Several -' and Walter Seumour of Newark, keeper
j others were seriously injured. ' flt aichlvea. '
Heir to Russian . '
Throne Reported in,
Critical Condition
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. KS.-The con
dition of the . Russian . crown prince is
causing the greatest anxiety at the im
perial court and among the general pub
lic. Although Information is published in
bulletins, the strictest silence- Is pre
served In regard to the nature of the ac
cident met with by the Grand Duke Al
exis. That it was a serious one Js in
dicated by the telegraphic summons sent
to Dr.' Rauohfuss, the court physician,
who attends on the Imperial children, to
proceed at once to Ppala, In Russian
Poland, where he arrived today.
Religious services, at which prayers
were offered for the recovery of the heir
to tha throne, were held at Spala yea
terday by the minister of the Imperial
household, a large number of court offi
cials, soldiers and servants attending.
A midnight service was also held at
the Iversky chapel of the Virgin at Mos
cow. The conservative and nationalist
unions are holding services at their
headquarters In St. Petersburg today.
Colonel Roosevelt -Has
Long Sleep and
Awakes Hungry
OYSTER, BAY. N, Y Oct. 23.-A long
night's sleep largely offset the weari
some effects of Colonel Roosevelt's trip
from t'lileago to Oyster Bay, and he was
greatly refreshed when he awoke thi
morning. lie at' once declared that he
was hungry and Ins breakfast Waa pre
pared an hour before the usual time. He
expected to alt up for several' hours.
Word was' given 'out that no visitors
would be permitted' to see Colonel Roose
velt today. His physicians told him yes
terday that he must see no one until
Thursday, and that upon his obedience
of their order for absolute. rest might
depend his chances of resuming -the work
of the campaign later. .
Tomorrow, If the patient contines to
improve, he probably will be permitted
to so George W. Perkins, Senator Dixon,
William II. iHotchklss, Now York state
progressive chairman, and a few other
leaders for a short conference, at which
he will. once, more take charge of the
affairs of his party.
The colonel's physicians were expected
at Sagamore Hill this afternoon to dress
his wound. t '
(From a Stafi Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Oct. a. (Special Telegram.l
The supreme court of Nebraska at noon
today announced a unanimous decision'
affirming the action of tho district court
of Lancaster county In Issuing a ' per
emptory writ of mandamus directing the
secretary of state to place the namea of
a Tait electors, chosen by-the repub
lican state committee, on tha ballot aa
republicans, Instead of the six bull moose
electors, who-were 'choaen aa republicans
at the primary and ;. afterward deserted
the party.
Secretary" of State Wait had antici
pated the. decision and had already be
gun the preparation and printing ot the
ballots- with the Taft elector at tha top
under the' designation of republican and
tha bull, moota electors at tha' bottom
designated "progressive."
Coart Roam Crowded. -
When the supreme court met this
morning a large crowd of - interested
people ' filled ' the ' room . in expectation
that a handed down,
but the court announced that It was
not yet ready to give a decision In tha
case, and the ' feelings of tha bull
mooaers rose a little. ; Borne of them
claimed that while the court might de
cide against them on the eleotor busi
ness, they thought they' would hold that
the Epperson committee was the proper
committee and the only slmon pure ar
ticle as far as tho state was concerned.
In the meantime, Secretary of Stats
Walt prepared the ballot according to
the decree of the lowr court and the
printer was doing. his part. The ballots
will go iOt aa a.t fjvat. prepared accord
ing tp the lower court decree ,and repub
licans, throughout Nebraska can go to
tha potla and, vpta jfor tha ,man whom
- . ' Eppemoa'a lAttllade. -
It' had bean reported that CTiHlrman
Epperson , of the bull moose state com
mittee had,- said , that If the case was
declared . in' favor, f. the (Taft men that
he was prepar-ed to start another suit
In behalf, of. the Roosevelt electora, but
when called up over the phone after
tha decision of, the court was made he
declared emphatically that there was
nothing, to the report as far as he was
concerned and that he knew nothing
concerning any such move. When asked
If he considered that the decree of the
court recognialng the rights of the com
mittee presided over by Chairman F. M.
Currle,. placed hla committee ' out of
business as a' republican state commit
tee, Mr. Epperson replied that he. did
not. "We are stilt tha republican stato
committee of Nebraska and shall con
tinue to do business as. heretofore. , In.
that regard you may say that we are
standpatters," said ha. . A
BEVERLY, Mass.. Oct. 2S.-Beverly s
glory as the summer capital grew dim
today when President Taft packed away
his golf atlcks and climbed Into a Whlto
House automoblla with Mrs. Taft, Mlw
Helen Taft and Secretary of State Knox
to end his vacation in tha north with a
three-day motor trip Into tha heart of
Maine. - '
The pres dent's lea on Parrammatta
expires thla year, and the Beverlyltes do
not look for hla return, no matter how
the November election goes.
Mr. Taft has spent four summera near
Beverly and he and h family have been
familiar figures on the roads about tha
summer capital, known to most of tha
Inhabitants of this little eastern Massa
chusetts city.
, PORTSMOUTH. N. . H., Oct. 23.-Presi-dent
Taft waa entertained here this aft
ernoon. He was met at North Hampton
by a number of leading oltiaens and es-r
corted to the city.' The president vis
ited the navy yard and, the. building
Where peace between Japan and Russia
was arranged. -
After addressing the navy yard era
ployes, President Taft talked to tha
achool children at KIttery Point and
made a speech before a large audience
at the Portsmouth playgrounds.
NEW YORK. Oct. 2a.-"Red Phil"
Davidson, the slayer of Jack Zellg, was
arraigned before Justice Goff today and
pleaded not guilty to the indictment
charging him with Zellg'a murder. .
Celebrate Wedding of
Sixty-One Years Ago;
CRBSTOX, la.. Oct :.23.-(Speclal.)-:
Today Mr. 'ar.d Mrs. Frank McMurtry
of this city "We1 observing their sixty- i
first, wedding anniversary. Owing to the '
fact that Mrs. McMurtry Is an Invalid
no formal celebration will be held. They
are ' pioneer, residents of the county. '
Since removing to Creston, Mr. McMurtry
has been identified with municipal In
terests and for some time was employed
with the Burlington railroad.
Persistence' in the reading of
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using of them is what ' brings
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Every day you'll find offered you
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tomorrow keep at it every day.
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' it's a' better' Job, a .'bargain- In
real estate or a chance to-get
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land it. .-.v.. -
Many a fortune has beeii" built
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cious use of Bee want ads.
Tyler 1000