THF: BKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912. 11 lie Sadder Is political committees busy ; Tilted Lid Almost Delay; i NICKEL PLATE HEN CONFER On the JoblJS! to Get ! (travelers Don't Fear Strange lihes. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Enable the Stomach to Stand Anything. . Box of Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is Tour Beat Traveling Companion. ( "Railroads tell you about the wonders of Nature along their lines; hotels de scribe their modern accommodations; 'but they never fall to ring in their joulsine unexcelled.' The wise traveler knows he is talcing 'pof luck when he leaves home, hence a box of Stuart's pyspepsla Tablets is quite as essential ks many of the other traveling re quisites." Thus commented a, philosophical trav eling man. speaking of hotel life, restau rants, grills and junction lunch counters. "The agitations in this world," he con (tlnued, "are the result of on set of men trying to compel the other set to think land act against their own inclinations. It Is the same In religion, politics, and 'eats. I have learned from experience to jeat what they serve; to forget the food 'experts, read the current news and Jokes jand leave the stomach to the best expert 'in . the world Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab-' ilets." . And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act-(-ally do the work assigned them. They relieve weak and overburdened stomachs jof a great portion of digestive action. Their component parts assist the diges tive fluids and secretions of the stomach and they simply take up the grind and icarry on the work just the same as a good, strong, healthy stomach would do 'it. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale (by all druggists, at 50 ccnta a box, and they arc the one article that the druggist jdoes not try to sell something in the place of it that's "just as good." Their lunqualified . merit and success and the universal demand for them has placed 'them within the reach of everyone. 'Advertisement. Voters Out to Eef ister. , j i TO SEND CARDS AND ITTERS! Commercial Club Opening HLi;HIHHI1llllllillinlHtiHtl tiers M ill Be Mailed to All tr. TV- Have TVot Registered Ire lag" Them to Dn So on Saturday. sViilrirM) i 1a.1T i ivi- a ti wh ' Are You FAT? I Was ONCE. I Reduced MYSELF 1 was Fit. ..comfortable. Looked Old, Kelt' Miserable, sutrere. with Rheumatism, AstHma,' JNurl(ta. Wan I worked ot walked, 1 ruited like a Porpoise. I took ever; adverUaed medicine I could Ilnd. I Starved, Swej, Ereroiaed. Doctored and changed climate, but I ruined my .digestion, telt like an Invalid, but steadily gained weight. There waa not a single plan or drug: that' 1 heard ot that I did not try. 1 failed to reduce iroy weight. I dropped aociety, aa I did not can lto be the butt ot all the Jokes. It waa .raba.--raaalng to have my trlenda tell me 1 waa (tatting IBtout, aa no one knew It better than myaelf. QMJi.--.lU -- lO tail VOJXa ' 1 bau to study the cauw.ot .'AT. When I the cauaa I toll-, the remedy, '-'he French Method gave me an Insight. ' 1 Improved on that. Removed the objectionable ,leature, added 'more pleaaant onea, and then I tried toy plan on inyaell lor . week. . It worked , Hke ma.lo. I could have '..,.- - SCBEASEED , W5CTC JOT at the end ol the lm ween when the scale. 'told me I had lost ten pounds by my simple, , easy, harmleaa, Drugleea Method. It a a,' pleaeure theu to continue until I -regained 'my normal sell ln size. I leel fllteen jyeare youofw. . i look III I con years yo .gel. My Ootld Chirr baa entirely Idlsappearod. I can' wa)it,.wwork; no- I '.can Icllmu a mountain. .I'aiji. norma,-- ,'slxe. t can weigh Juit what I want, to- weig lu I am matter at liny own body now. J. did not starve, out uat all I wanted to. I did not, take Sweat- Bathe. I. did- iiiot Drug. I used no JCieotricty, or harmful ex erclsee, but I found, the Simple, Bane, Common i.enie WAY of reducing tat weight and t'apuile lit. I have tried it on others. My Doctor says I lam a perfect plcturo ol health now. I am nc longer ailing. 1 am now a happy, healthy woman, (Now I am going to help others to be happy. , l lhave written a book on the subject.- If you are 'fat, I want you t0 have it. It will tell you all jabout my Harmless, Urugless Method. To all whe 'tend me their name and addreea I mail It FRBB, ,as leng aa the proaent aupply lasts. It will save you money. Save you from Harmful Drugs, Save yon from Starvation Diets, Harmful B-enlsea, possibly save YOUR LIFE. It Is yours for the lasklng without a penny. Just send your name and address. A Postal Card will do and I'll be iglad to send It bo that you can quickly learn ihow to reduce yourself and be as happy aa I am. Writ today as thla advertisement may not sp ipcar again in this paper. HATTIB BIEI e& Barclay. Denver. Colo. r Items Welcomed By Many Men This recipe tan be filled at home, so that no one need know of another's troubles, as the in gredients can be obtained sepa rately at any well stocked drug store. .They are in regular use and many different prescriptions are constantly being filled with them. This will prove a welcome bit of information for all those who are overworked, gloomy, despond ent, nervous and have trembling i um on, fieart p.ijniiiuii, urinr, cold extremetles, lnsomanja, fear without cause, timidity in ventur ing, and general mammy to act naturally and rationally as others do, because the treatment can be prepared secretly at home and taken without any one's knowledge-Overworked office nven and the jnany victims of society's lat,e hours and dissipation will, it is said, find the restorative they are in need of. i ll tne reader aecwes to try u, I get three ounces of ordinary syrup f sarsa.arilla comoound and one ounce compound fluid balmwort; mix and let stand' two hours; then get one ounce compound essence cardlol and one . ounce tincture cadomene compound (not carda mom), mix all together, shake . ncii miu iniia , icmjaahhui cm. I.I I eachj meal and one when retiring, f A certain well-known medical expert asserts that thousands of I men and many won,n are suf- Iferers all because of dormant, cir culation of the blood and a con sequential impairment of the nerv ous force, which begets the most J dreadful symptoms and untold I misery. Advertisement. If there is to tm a solitary voter left unregistered after the polls close next Saturday night at 9 o'clock It will be be cause that voter has hidden or heeded not. For the republicans, the bull moos ers and the democrats are all out looking for the unregistered. Perhapa every un registered voter in the city of Omaha except the first voter and the man who has moved in since reg-stnUkin day hist year, haa been tabulated and his name and address is now the property of one of the three committee, at work In the city if not all three of them. The republican county central commit tee has a record of between and 9.000 unregistered repabtican. tn Omaha whoi memories it hopes to Jar before Satur day. This list does not include new resi dents of Camaha and boys that hare at tained their majority since the last reg istration last year. Every one of these that can be reached will receive a card r letter before Saturday urging him to register. Register to Save Time. Two years ago the matter ot voting by certificate secured from the city clerk on election day was somewhat facilitated when City Attorney RIne gave an opinion that the matter of bringing two free holders to the city clerk's office might be dispensed with, providing the voter would take the two freeholders to the polls to vouch for trim when he presented his certificate. It is a question whether this ruling has any standing this year, and if the matter is brought up it Is a question what position Judge Ben S. Baker would take on the matter. ,At any rate getting certificates from the , city clerk on election day is always a cum bersome task, as the office is usually so crowded that many have to wait for hours for the certifate. On the other hand " registration takes but a minute when once a man steps to the polls. Unregistered Hepuhllrnn. The tabulation of the republican com mittee shows that in the First ward republicans have not yet registered; Sec ond ward, B65; Third, 1'jlOO, estimated; Fourth, 428; Fifth. 934; Sixth,. S06; Scv enth, 815; Eighth. 677; Ninth, 922; Ten).h, 765; Eleventh, 83E; Twelfth. 1,200, esti mated. The democratic county committee, to gether With the candidates, has decided that a campaign must be waged to get the voters out. The bull moose committee has called a meeting for Thursday evening, at which time registration will be the theme of discussion. Cards have been prepared by the bull moose local committee calling attention to the last day of registration Saturday. These are being circulated. Car shortage causing a delay in the ar rival of dining room furniture, nor de lay in the arrival of carpets, were not all the real troubles which confronted the men who were striving with might and main to get the new home of the Com mercial club ready for the reception Mon day evening. Tlie police of Omaha had a share in de laying arrangements, llayden Bros, had the contract for providing the furniture) and carpets. A special train had been ordered by Joseph Hayden to bring ths delayed dining room furniture from Des Moines Sunday. ThiB was expected early .In the evening, having been promised by the railroad company. Thomas Qulnlan, general manager for Hayden Bros., was on hand with a force of men and several auto trucks to hustle the furniture to the new rooms. When 10 p. in. Sunday night arrived and no special was in sight some of the crew of laboring men whom Quintan had ou band suggested they might take one of the trucks and run up town for a drink. They evidently knew where the lid was being lifted. When the special arrived at midnight QuirUan began to look for his men, but they were nowhere to be found. He took un automobile up town, and after a most diligent search found the crew in Jail They had been caught getting their drink in one of the place which were raided Sunday night and all landed In jail. Quintan balled them out and the Com mercial club furniture for the dining room was all in place before daylight Monday morning. Railway Mail Men Get Raise in Salary Six' hundred men have been promoted In the railway mail service of the. Four teenth division with headquarters at Omaha. -The word has Just been received from Washington at the local office and Assistant . Superintendent Johnston is busy making the new adjustments Jn the salary records-. Six hundred men receive a raise of from $100 to $200 per year. The chief clerks are to receive a raise ' of $200 per1 year. Their salary, will be raised from $1,800 to $2,000 per year, taking ef fect October 1. ' The-promotion in sal art as .of this body of employes comes through the reclassi fication that was provided for last sum mer by the department. It means that In all 1,300 clerks are to get a raise in pay. All Dogs to Be Safe After October 23 Fido will be perfectly safe to roam about the Btreets, chase cats or howl at the moon after October 23. The city dog 'catcher has been ordered by the com mission- to quit catching dogs after that date. The majority of the. canines have gone south for -the winter and those re maining are of a quiet, home-loving dis position, says the official executioner of stray dogs. In the summer time dogs are great dis turbers of the peace, but the approacn of winter, the high price of coal and the soaring cost of groceries, frightens them into a quiescent state, only occasional .whines giving notice to the citizens that ;they ''still exist. ) Kyeft the telephone in the dog catcher's office will be 'discontinued after Novem ber T" In the meantime, however, the dog catcher Is expected to carry on his campaign, as his salary ceases when the new order; goes into effect. St. Joseph Man is Killed at Valley . John F. Ivern, a St. Joseph, Mo., apple merchant, was run over and instantly killed by Union Pacific train No. 11, one mile eat.t of Valley yesterday morning at 7 o'clock.' Kern was walking from Valley to Waterloo, having missed the mornlnif train. A short way out from Valley he met the train going west. Stepping over to the other track he waa walking on one of the rails when he lost his balance, slipped and fell under the train and was decapitated. Coroner Crosby went to Valley and took charge of the body. Relatives tn St. Joseph were notified of his death. Woman Gets Heavy Damages for Injury , Alice Fitzgerald, who was thrown from a street car while attempting to alight a year ago, was given a verdict for $6,000 by a jury before Judge Sears in the law division of district court. She had sued for $10,000. SCALP LACERATED WHEN HE FALLS FROM STREET CAR Martin Shields, 1210 Dorcas street, was slightly injured at 8'30 Tuesday morn ing when he was thrown from a slowly moving Riverview Park car. Shields was standing on the rear platform and when the car gave a sudden lurch at Tontth and Mason streets he was thrown off. He fell on his head, receiving a scalp wound. He was taken to police headquarters, where medical attention was given him, and then taken to his home. QUICK ACTION BY FIREMEN SAVES BEARD'S GROCERY When firemen foroed entrance to the 4. H. Beard grocery atore at U4 Famara, In response to an alarm at 8;3Q yester day morning they found a tub of gaso line, an upturned candle, and the ashes of a burned newspaper in the center ol the room. The oil was burning fiercely and in another five minutes would have spread to the entire building. Assistant Chief Simpson" threw a tarpaulin over the tub and smothered the blase. Passenger Representatives of East ern Railway Meeting at Borne. WANT TO KNOW OMAHA BETTER Alt-ouch a Confrrenor I Held Kvery Tear the Idea of Uathrrlna tn Omaha to Lrarn More About tbr !, iwemy-one jvaMveiigAr representative i of the Nickel Piste railroad gathered hflre I yostorday for the annual conference. They reprost-nt every district of the err- vice between the two coasts, some coming i rrom Hoeton and others from jolnts In California and Washington. Though it is aimed to get together once a year, discuss business and exchange ideas, the prtcipal object In coming to Omaha Is to get acquainted with the re sources of the west. The party of officials is headed by B. F. Horner, general pussanger agent, with headquarters lu Cleveland. The party of officials Is mad up of the following representatives: B. R, Horner. Cleveland; L. P. Burgees, Boston; Jonathan Story, Boston; R. "E. Payne, Buffalo; c. K. Bartlett, Buffalo; J. Y. Calahan. Chicago; C. A. Melln, Penver; J. C. Melenbacker, Erie. Pa.; F. P. Parnlti, Fort Wayne. Ind.: C. C. Lowry. Holland, N. Y.; a. B. Burrows, Kansas City; C. A. Asterlln, Minneapolis; Jay W. Adams, San Francisco; H. A. Bonn, Seattle County Dads Fire Careless Janitors For dragging a leaky can of machine oU across the first floor of the county building and streaking the floor, three Janitors were discharged by the Board of County Commt.-toners. County Buildlns Buperintendent J. M. Calabria was in structed to release them on November 1. The Janitors are Hurry Dworsky, 8. Barns and A. Syrians. Whou the com missioners spied the, long brown strvsk on the floor they etui-ted an liivwtlgatUm. The grease wag absorbed ,by the cement composition floor.' It 'cannot be wusU. out and only time will l.t it disappear. Tfm f Refined Shoe Styles I for Women Refinement is one of the features of Mayer Honorbilt Shoes for ladies. Besides re finement they possess com fort and unusual wearing qualities. They arc not only stylish looking but are dependable for wear. The choicest leather is selected for the up pers; the soles fare of special tannage; material and work manship are high grade throughout. At the price, Mayer Honorjpilt Shoes cannot be equaled. i Key to- the Situation Hoe AdvwtMng, A Lady's Comment On Medicine and Religion J. VI'. Copeland of Dayton, O., pur chased a bottle of Chamberialn's Cough Remedy for his boy, who had a cold, and before the bottle was- all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five-dollar doctor's bill? For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. J ne following letter is from a lady whose name am not at liberty to use. If I should mention her name, she would be known by almost every reader. She writes in part: - , Ir. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: "Your article entitled "Medicine and Religion' has been head and re-read by me many tunes. It seems to me that the article contains the subs tarn of all that has been said about Christian Science, new thought, suggestive therapeutics and other forma of mental healing. "I am very much' pleased to observe that you are putting out into the world such useful literature. Jt will do untold good, without doubt; not only for those who take medicine, but for those who try to get along without taking medicine. Your article Is terse, to the point, and will be read by thousands. "Medicine and religion (have always been very closely associated. Only In very recent years have the two been re garded as separate professions. I am glad you brought this out so clearly. The tendancy of today is strongly in the di rection of medicine and religion coming iback together again. With your Immense facilities for spreading useful information I am sure you will greatly asast the progress of the times in sending out broadcast such articles, i want you to know that your efforts are appreciated. "Aa to Peruna, 1 have nothing to say. I very H-ldom mnke use of any medicine. But I assure you that your article hae So enthused mo wilih the good advice it contains that It I have any need for medicine I shall certainly buy a bottle of Peruna. 1 shall not neglect to rec ommend It to others also." Pe-ru-na, Man-a-lin and Lu-cu-pla man ufactured by the Pe-ru-na Company, Columbus, Ohio. Hold at ail drug stores. SPrOZAZ, WOTICE Many persons In quire for The Old-time Peruna. They .ant the Peruna that their Fathers and Mothers used to lake. The old Peruna ta now called Kataroo. if your dealer doe not keep it for sale write the Kn tiirno Company, Columbus, Ohio, and they will tell you all about It Advertisement. hi J A m ''", it mm m HI - f ! t tat - & : . i. 'iflfin 11 FOR MEN, WOMKN - CHILDREN Smart Footwear for Men Mayer Honorbilt Shoes meet every demand for style. .They are snappy and up-to-date. With style goes wearing quality to a degree never equaled in any other shoes. They have the qualities that make good. There is double service in Honorbilt Shoes. Ask your dealer for Honorbilt Shoes. If not obtainable, write to us. Vsy HONORBILT WARNING Be sure and look for th Mayer nam and trade mark on the sole We make Honorbilt Shoes in ail atylet for men, women and children; Yerma Cushion shoes, "Dry-Sox," the Ideal wet weather shoe, and Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO. Milwaukee THE TWENTIETH CtHWRY FARMER 1b tbe Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. It. column are filled with the best thought of the day In matters pertaining to the farm, the ranch and the orchard, and it is a factor in the development of the great western country. Agai take Till Med o icin est V our irne POLITICAL PARTIES FILE STATEMENTS OF FUNDS Two mote treasurers of political com mittees in Douglas county have filed with the county clerk statements in com pliance with the state law requiring pub licity of campaign contributions. G. L. E. Kllngbell, treasurer of the progressive county central committee, states that he has received no contribu- tion in excess of $25. W. E. Rhoades, treasurer of the republican county cen tral committee, makes the following statement. Cash on hand August 1, 128.31: from Sidney W. Smith, $50: from Harry C. Counsman, $100; total, JJ.7S.3I. J TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 1XSTRCCTIVEL.Y CONSTRUCT EX). . .VRTISTICALI.r PRINTED. --'V;",EST,.f THE WEST " HALLOWEEN PRANKS NOT TP RF PERMITTED .The practical jokes and caprices of boys in celebration of Hallowe'en will not be tolerated by the police this year. A large force of officers in citizens clothes wfll be scattered over the city. , All persons raising a disturbance, de stroying property or guilty of any dis orderly conduct will be arrested and harshly dealt with. Chief of Police Dunn said he would have the entire first detail of , police work from 7 i'ttll U o'clock each night be ginning Thursday. A Few Days Will Be Sufficient to Prove You Are Curable A few minutes of your time for a few days and I will demonstrate to you, without expense to yourself, that I have a medicine that drives Uric Acid poison from the system and by so, doing cures kidney trouble, bladder trouble and rheumatism. I don't ask you to take my word for it But simply want you to let me send you some of this medicine so that you can use it personally. . I am trying to convince sufferers from these diseases that I have something bet ter than the usual run.of remedies, treatments and such tilings, and the only way J can demonstrate that fact is to go to the expense of compounding the medicine and sending it out free of charge. This I am glad to do for any sufferer who will take the time to write me. Understand, I will not send you a so-called "sample, proof or test treat ment," nor will I send yo,u a package of medicine and say that you can use some of it and pay for the rest, but I will send you a supply free of charge and you will not be asked to pay for this gift no will you be under any obligations. All I want to know is that you have a disease for which my medicine is intended, as it is not a "cure-all," and I give herewith some of the leading symptoms of kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles. If you notice one or more of these symptoms you need this medicine, and I will be glad to .end you some of it, if you will write me the numbers of the symptoms you have, give your age, and your name and address. My address is Dr. T. Frank Lynott, 9047 Deagau Building, Chicago, 111, You promise me nothing; you pay me nothing for it. All I ask, so there shall be no mistake, is that you send me the numbers of your symptoms or a description in your own words, and that you take the medicine according to the directions I send you. It is my way of getting publicity for my medicine so that it will become widelv known. ' JFjt- tr' k Jr... -,"iX'.,'fvV'Vv .,r? !" ft A v . - VSi-.s f .W" I W " f . I ' - - ' Fly' !- ' . . ,r . J I i ,; S'rf v v-V;,'! I l -a" ' Vf-4 t f I I "A f 'f j- ' - i i'1t 'i I ii-iii'-fii-fi-:.v;; .S- ... v.. s..t.,ja. - ' ' - - f -n r x r isnir'T You will agree when you have used it that is dissolves and drives out urio acid poison. It tones the kidneys so that tly work in hanr.wiy with the bladder. It strengthens the bladder so that frequent desire to urinate and nther urinary disorders are banished. It stops rheumatic aches and pain im mediately. It dissolves uric acid crys tals so that back muscles no longer ache and crooked Joints quickly ntratghten out It reconstructs the blood and nerves ski that you soon feel healthier and more vigorous, sleep bet ter and eat better and have energy throughout the day. It does all this, and yet contains nothing injurious and fs absolutely vouched for according to law. Sufferers from these dreadful and dangerous disease can surely afford to spend a few minutes a day for a few days to demonstrate to their own satis faction if they are curable, especially when you consider no expense is in volved, end I willingly give you my time and my medicine. All anv falr- j minded afflLcted person wauls to know is if a certain thing will cure HIM or HER, and here Is an opportunity to find out without coet, obligation or lmport- These Are the Symptoms 1 Pain in the back. A Too freijaent desire to urinate. 8 Sur-lag o abstract Um of nrlne. 4 Fain ov oTeness la the bladder. 5 Prostatic trouble. 8 Oras o paia ia the stomach. 7 Owoaral oeMlltr, weakness, diiil nes. a Ttn ot sors-. ttader right rib. O Swelling la any part of the body. 10 Constipation or liver tronbla. 11 FsUpltatloa ox Mia nadet heart. la Pain in the hip joint. 13 Paia ia the sack or bead. 14 Pain or sorees In the kUtners. 15 Pain or swelling of the joints. 16 Pain or swilling f the mnacles. 17 Pain and soreMS la nerves. 18 Acute or ohronlo rheumatism. V J DR. T. FRANK LYNOTT who will send medicine to anyone free of charge ltij,.?f Ul"i', THK,Si:; 'KVV DAYS eases thoroughly. It is the largest book order to do this 1 must know that vou ail ti, tnr".1"K VoX in your life, of the kind ever written for free dis- need medicine. Write me the numbers writ r, , ah 1"tereBte2 enough to tribution, and a new edition is Just be- of symrtoms that trouble you. and your i ""''"" aiHo mg prinieu. j win also write you a lei- age, ana j win promptly carry out my i, 11 i i J '"'e '"ueiraieni it or aiagnosis anu ineaical aavice tnai promises, snow an lnclinatlrn nie-lcal book which describes these dis- should be of great help to you; but in cured and you will be. tO DO To the Publi8hr$ of The Bee, Omaha, Neb. My Dear Sir J wish to certify to you personally, that it id a fact that J am prepared to f,ive away packtget of my medicine Jree to any out who needs it and that I heme eet atids a large turn of mom y for that purpose, Any cf yur readers who believe that they have need of such medicines- are welome to send for it. f will supply each of them ivith a sufficient amount to prcve my claims tree of all cost to them. I trust all who need it will write tne. Yours sincerely, : 1 kaaa4ikaa.. " w .'- e " 1 " v 1