Tllh Hi.... OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER ) 191:1. 5l BRIEF CITY NEWS i oiaca-.rajoonsr uo., uioiruiui. Have Soot Print It Now Beacon Press. Bailey, the Dentist, City Nat. D. 2566. Omaha Platisff Oo. Estab. 1898. B.2535. . , Kuysl Oet Naw Pin .v. C. Kusel, rommissloner of street cleaning anil maintenance, was presented with a beau tiful gold Elk pin set with a diamond, the gift of the employes of his depart ment. Richard Grotte, city purchasing agent, made the presentation speech. , Mrs. Smith Sue for Divorce Mrs. JFays R Smith has started suit for divorce aga'nst Alva F. Smith. She wants (the oouit to give her bark her maiden nmo of Buyer. Pool Ball Proprietor Fined William A. Johnson, proprietor of a pool hall at $20 North Sixteenth street, arrested in a raid upon his houg- last Saturday night, was fined $'.'7.S0 by Judge Foster on the tliargc of conducting a gambling house. ! letter Carriers Trade Job" Leon P. .Johnson, letter carrier No. 71, has, at !h's own request, been transferred to a jsimilar position at 'Waterbury, Conn. 'Mr. Johnson asked for the transfer at the request of his wife, whose home Is in 'Waterbury. Alexander J. Lanouette of jWaterbury will come to Omaha In Johri Bon's place. Hike Salts Their Sue Omaha lodge No. .19, Benevolent. Pnotectlve Order of "Elks has notified all members that hence forth the initiation feo into this lodge will be $50 instead of $35 If an amend ment proposed by Frank A. Furay is 1 assed. This plan was considered some time ago and an agreement reached that when the membership of the lodge passed 1,600 the initiation fee would be increased. The membership Is now In excess of 1,500. The proposition will be considered Friday. Arrested for Theft of Cow and Horse 1 Huh HnmP ai"eweeeassseasssssssssssssBeMeassBssseea 11 i M ; ! ia wm.x: . Hoy Gillette, 1821 North Twenty-fourth street, was arrested yesterday for the alleged theft of a cow from Council Bluffs, and a horse and carriage. Gillette was accompanied by another in the theft Vut refuses to divulge his name. The two were accosted on the Douglas street bridge yesterday at 4 o'clock. They were riding in the carriage and leading the cow by the rope. While talking with the officers, one of the men cut the rope, leaving the cow standing there, whipped up the horse, making their escapet The horse was found yesterday at Sixteenth and Webster streets, and had been sold to George Ames, a driver for the People's Ice and Cold Storage company for $10. 'Lie police are looking for the other boy. V AS rifera if ailflswalfflHFr-. m Hi I on!tA res. tarn- IHM 22X222 Dining UtoGXtX PUBLICITY FDNDS INCREASE Business Interests Imbued with Civic Pride Subscribe to Bureau. SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN IS ON Committee Start Out la Karaest to Raise Money for Porpoaea of Advertising Omaha and the State. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Space la the Best Road Into the "Big Business" Class. One Dose Relieves ACold-NoQuinine Tape's Gold Compound Cures Colds and Grippe In Few Hours Tastes Nice Acts Gently. 1 You can surely end Grippe and break up the most severe cold either In head. chest.Dack, stomach or limbs by taking a dose of Pape's Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. It promptly relieves the most miserable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverishness, sneezing, sore throat. mucous catarrhal discharges, running of the nose, soreness, stiffness and rheuma tic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as di rected, without Interference with your usual duties and with the knowledge that there is nothing else Iiv the world, wWch will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply accept no sub stitute contains no quinine belongs In every home. Tastes nice. Advertisement Don't go thronrt Ufa suffering from ea-Jfc Urrb. llm'alniUnt.plmwntmwf. Kdudonl i thnriir(iii and Mnulns UkUrrbkl Jelly. raducM th tl.lrkflned membr&DM. stool abnormal dlt- chanrsa. elaan tbe raial ponacw, loothM thai Inflamed surface' ana neais wo raw pwcea. Vaket natural breathing easy. Get It from any 1 druggist-tta and 60c-or aampia rttEK. KONDON Mm. COv Mlnmanona, Mlmb Another meeting of the committee which has started out to solicit funds for the maintenance of the Commercial club publicity bureau yesterday revealed the fact that a great deal of Interest in the work of the bureau has permeated the business Interests of the city. The bureau has existed since the be ginning three years ago on subscriptions made by various business concerns. Now that many of these subscriptions have expired the publicity committee has started a campaign to renew the old ones and collect as many new ones as pos sible. The Klng-Swanson company, it was reported, has been so pleased with the result .the publicity bureau has brought in the advertising and develop ment of Omaha that its renewal doubles the amount of the old subscription. Sev eral other subscribers of lesser amounts also have lnoreased their subscriptions. The dally newspapers have emphasised their faith in the work by subscribing amounts which aggregate for the three $2,150 a year for a period of three years. At the meeting of the committee at the Rome yesterday a few lessons In col lecting subscriptions were given by the various committeemen. Each subscriber will be assured that he will receive i monthly statement from the publicity bu reau which will show Just what Is being done with the money he gives. The so licitors for the funds will be given some of the past statements of the bureau to be distributed to prospective subscribers to show them what has been done In this way in the past No Promises Made. The committeemen also agreed that In soliciting subscriptions for the mainte nance by the publicity bureau no prom ises will be made to the prospective sub scriber that he will be directly benefited by the work of the bureau, even though It may be very evident but that sub scriptions will be asked from the stand point of civic pride. The business men will be asked to help the work along by their money and their pride In Omaha and willingness to boost the home town will be Judged according to the amount they are able to place in the "pot" which the publicity bureau handles. That this pride in Omaha has not waned, the committee points out Is shown In the list of subscribers reported at the meeting today: David Cole Cream ery company. The Bee, the Daily News, the World-Herald, Omaha National bank, United States National bank, Adams & Kelly company, Coal Hill Coal company, Crelgh & Sons' Real Estate company, Calumet restaurant, Thompson-Belden company, Kitchen Bros. Hotel company, King-Swanson Clothing company, Byrne Hammer Dry Goods company, Nebraska Cycle company, Union Outfitting com pany, Beaton Drug company, Sherman & MoCmnell Drug companyNebraska Tel ephone company; Omaha Printing com pany, Irvin A. Medlar Printing com pany, Rees Printing company. Mangum Printing compay, Times Printing com pany, George &. Co.. Baker Bros. En graving company, A. P. Tukey & Son, Hastings & Heyden, Peoples' Ice and Cold Storage company, JlcCague Investment company. T. L. Combs Jewelry com pany, Ryan Jewelry company, Brown Jewelry company, Fred Bnodegaard Jew elry company Moyer Stationery com pany, Plaza h' . A BloAuy Affair Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It and cure weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50 cts. and fl. Sold by Beaton Drug Co.-Advertlsement 1 ' . vir.'xs '"41- r !i 'rrvY I i.i i I i 1 1k-!- - i Bowels Sluggish; Liver Torpid, Headachy, Bilious? "Cascarets One aFhf Jes( Zgooxng CJt. SUBWAY TAUO BE LEVIED City Council Recommends for Pass age Tax of Fifteen Mills. BUTLER SAYS LEVY IS TOO LOW Commissioner Contends Ordinance Oaarht to Fix Sam at Twenty Five Mills or More for Sab-Sidewalk Space. Ciirrie is Pleased With the Decision hy Lincoln Judges Police Foil , Attempt to Rob Banker's Home Promptness on the part of the police In answering a buislar alarm from the home of Milton T. Barlow, 03 Webster Btreet. president of the United states Na tlonal bank, early this nuwnlng, prevented a possible bui'glHry. Neighbors saw two men with flashlight examining the side wltidfiw at 2 o'clock this morning and telephoned to the poller Officers Herald, Kahey, Van Duusen, Ring and Ptsnowskl answered In the emergency auto and within two minutes had the place surrounded, but the men had made their getaway at the first warning sound of the speeding auto. Marks on a win dow made with a Jimmy and other evi dences of the nocturnal visitors were found, but the officers wero unable to get a clue as tS the men. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches; how miserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation. Indigestion, bilious ness and sluggish intestines you always Ket the desired results with CascaretH. Clean your stomach, liver and bowels tonight; end the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, Kick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; relieve your torpid liver and coneilpated: bowels of all the sour bile, gases and clogged-up waste which Is producing the misery. A 10-cent box of Cascarets keeps your head clear, stomach sweet,' liver and bowels regular and you feel cheerful and bully for months. Don't forget tho chil dren Chelr little Insides need a food, gentle, cleans' ngr too. CANDY CATHARTIC W 10 CENT iOaNV ORUfi STORE 00 P. M. Currlo of Broken Bow, chairman of the republican state central committee, j arrived In Omaha yesterday. Speaking of the decision rendered by the district 1 11 g him when he struck him. MAN SENT TO HOSPITAL AS RESULT OF A FIGHT As a result or a fight Sunday after noon E. Palmqulst was sent to St. Jo seph's hospital with a badly bruised head and In an unconscious condition. Pat Moore, the man who knocked him down, was arrested and placed In the city Jail. He said he and Palmqulst had difficulty and that Palmqulst was verbally abus- Tho. po- hears satisfaction expressed and from men of every party, simply because the unreasonableness of the bull moose stand WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Stall Dtalar. PhfiTiPS .Dou"" nr ', 'RESV AND HEALTH TO MOTHER m CHILD. Has. WlKSLOW'S SOOTHtKO BYKUr JlaS t"B iiwd fororcr SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS ot 'OTHBR8 for their CHILDREN WHUB EliTHINO, with PERFECT SUCCESS, It 1OOTHE8 the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUSTS LLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC and I the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It ia al nlutcly harmlew. Be sure and ask for "Mia. , inslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no etaef .r-.-iv.five cents a tjottU-- HOTELS AND RE.'OflTS - 4 FIREPROOF HOTEL M ' ISOTaHHTnOWtt-IWSrffllaTBl M ! ti ht in m tLtm tr ' Vl Flnestani Most Attractive - Ill Oerman Reataurant fl . . HI CIt w laekaaa mi, f The ordinance fixing a tax of 16 mills on all space beneath and above street space occupied between lot lines and the curbs was recommended for passage by the city commission, Dan B. Butler cast ing the only negative vote. Butler contended that the ordinance ought to fix the tax at 36 mills. The or dinance as recommended for passage ex cludes subways between curb lines, which Is now taxed 25 mills. Butler said the committee appointed to Investigate the situation and which reported in favor of the 26 mills ordinance believed the space on and below the sidewalk was more valuable than the substreet space. This ordinance fixes a tax on display windows extended over the sidewalk, on all subwalk space occupied or unoccupied. -and on all space above the sidewalk used for any purpose. A. C. Kugel objected to the clause levying a tax on show windows and moved an amendment, but the motion was not seconded. Thomas McGovern was In favor-pf mak ing the tax uniform and that ii space beneath sidewalks was taxed only fifteen mills be believed the fair thing to do would be to levy the same tax on sub- street space. I Butler maintained the ordinance would ' not be unfair If It fixed the tax at "f fy ' TXT 1 l f TT tS mills. He said francise corporations would j WlClOW S HOme DlimS now feel Justified in asking that their occupation tax of i per cent be reduced. He denounced the effort to distinguish between subwalk and substreet space In favor of the occupants of the subwalk space. Mayor Dahlman said he favored the principle, no matter what the tax was. The ordinance will come, up for passage at the regular meeting of the council to day. Cltr Council Notea. The commission will Investigate condi tions about the Platner Lumber com pany's yard. Mr. Platner told tne council he was being annoyed by a city employe, who kept complaining about the company occupying the streets. An ordinance regulating auto traffic and providing for a board of examiners for chauffeurs was laid over for a week. Another ordinance providing that all auto owners equip their machines with an auto matic fender wa laid over for a week. D. C. Patterson appeared to protest against the appraisers who appraised cer tain property of his too low. He will send a written protest to the commission to day. -....,.-... Judges of Lancaster county, placing the ! lice ambulance with police surgeons was Taft electors on the ballot Instead of the i rushed to the scene and Palmqulst was Roosevelt electors under the republican found bleeding from the ears. He was head, he said, "This Is one of the most i taken first to the police station where popular political decisions ever made In j the police surgeons worked over his case the state of Nebraska. On every hand one ! for a time without bringing him back to 1 consciousness. HO was men lanen 10 pi. Joseph's hospital. on the matter was so apparent Mr. Currie says the campaign in Ne braska will from now on be earned on 1 with more vigor than It has been up to this time. "It will be much easier for us to secure funds from now on for tho campaign. I have wired Chairman Hllles? of the na tional committee asking some financial assistance for the state committee from the national committee." It was announced at state headquarters that the speaking campaign lh the. state would now be carried on wih a gieal deal more vigor. Letters have, been sent to workers In the various counties, ask ing that names of koiuI public speakers In the various localities be furnished, so that the stale cum mat re may have a list of available timber to work from In mak ing assignments. Dr. J. Everist Cathell noted chautauqua lectured. Is still on the road for the committee and la delivering several speeches dally In the interest or the candidacy of President Taft. An Advertisement In The Bee Is worth one In all the rest. Kothing On Earth Like ZEHOfor Eczema, Try If! Just Apply It On Any Eczema Spot or Skin Blotch-Thafll Prove It Every single eczema sore you've got on your body, all pain and unreachable Itch I rift, every skin blotch will absolute ly vanish as you never before believed it possible by the use of the new reme- Your choice of The World's Best Magazines at About Half Price Kjf2-j Ta-nable you to get your choice of Magazine LOUpOnSthft wor'!d.a best magazines on a monthly payment $lan, at a greatly reduced price. :: :: :: Send tin tbe coupons in advance for next month's Issue. Do this every month, and yon will get your magatlnes & eoon ub they are publlohod. the same aa yearly subscribers. a e money on your magazines By using these Coupons, you save about one-half of the subscrip tion price and you do not have to pay one year in advance, but only a few cents each month. 11 you do not care to botner with monthly payments, you can pay two or three months at a time. Just send us the coupon price for as many months as you wish. Cut out one and send it to us NOW. Derived From Cocoauutt Remarkable Hair Shampoo Every lady will welcome the glad news of a really successful hair shanvpoo. Soaps fade the hair. and leave It stringy, besides injuring the roots and making the scalp scaly. These conditions are produced by the alkali In soaps. A successful product has finally been made from the cocoa nut and vegetable oils that gives a most wonderful shampoo. It is known as Coconlde. Tou simply dissolve a teaspoonful In a cup of hot water and shampoo in the usual way. The re sults are astonishing. The hair be comes wavy, fluffy, brtght and silken. The scalp Is delightfully refreshed and all dandruff disappears. But the best part is the after-effect. The hair roots are Invigorated, growth promot-; ed and hair loss immediately stopped. Women everywhere who have tested; this Coconlde are enthusiastic aoout It A fifty-cent package Is sufficient for ten or more, elegant shampoos.: Any druggist has Coconlde in stock J or will quickly get it from his whole-1 sale house. Any lady that really cares about her hair snouiu get some or this Coconlde without delay, but should not be talked into, taking something else Instead, as there is nothing that is even similar, a single trial proves this, it .is equally good for mens and children s hair. SOKE rsST, Coma, Callouses, Bun ions,- Frost Bites, Aching and Sweaty Keet. A spoonful of Calocide in the foot bath five Instant relief. Get a 26c box Auto Strikes Bluffs Man, Who May Die from His Injuries Thomas Mynster, living at 3012 Avenue A, Council Bluffs, was fatally Injured when struck by a taxlcab belonging to the Her Grand Taxi company and driven by Charles A. Carlisle at Fifteenth and Jack son streets yesterday mdrnlng at 19.30. He was taken to the Wise Memorial hospital in the taxlcab following the ac cident, where he Is In a very precarious condition. Mynster Is suffering from a bad fracture of the skull, a broken le and Internal injuries. (Mynster started across Jackson street at Fifteenth street and had gone about ten feet when he was run over. He saw the machine, but did not have time to get out of Its way. The police are holding Carlile at present without bonds pending the condition of Mynster. in Family's Absence While the family was away to a mov ing picture theater early last night the home of Mrs. Maggie Tatrowe, a widow living , at 5143 North Sixteenth street, was burned to the ground. The blaze was discovered by neighbors, who sent In an alarm, but by the time the department arrived the fire had too much' headway. Being outside of the water protection limit, lines of hose had to be laid for several blocks and while this was being done what remained of the property was not worth saving. As sistant Chief Dineen estimated the loss at $i,roo. Motorcycle Cops Have a Busy Day Sunday afternoon eleven autoists were court yesterday. J. Larson and H. arrested and seven were' tried In police Hirschman were fined $12.50, R. S. Fields $10, Samuel Tracey, I.eo Ardett and Doug las Bowie $7.50 and J. O. Berger $5. Uot an Awful Fright by fear of appendicitis? Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and soon see bowel trouble vanish. Guaranteed. 2Sc. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Movements of Ocean Steamers, Port. Arrlred. Balled. SOUTHAMPTON O. Wanhtngton. QUEENV3TOWN Carmanla. MONTREAL Vlrlnlan Caaaandrta. MONTREAL Megaotlc Canada. QliBBBC Hesperian QUEBEC Aacanla Everrtwdr Ueks at You When Yon Hare Skin Troublet. Uae ZEMO and Get Rid el Thm AU Right Away. dy ZEMO. There's no question about It, no doubt about It It does the work. It does It In a remarkable way. Tou never used anything like It be fore. Tou can't find anything like It, simply because there's nothing like ZEMO known or sold today. ZEMO will be a surprise to you Just as It has been a surprise to thou sands who have already tried It Tour first use of, ZEMO will bring Instant relief, pain and Itching will atop. It leaves the skin Clear as though you never hod eczema In your llfo. And you ought to see how It goes after dandruff, tool Dandruff, you know, la merely eczema of the scalp. So, away goes dandruff, all eczema, all blotches, all spots. Don't miss It for 26 cents. When you have proven with a 25 -cant battle fcow remarkable ZEMO is to your own satisfaction, then you can buy a $1 bottle, which contains six times as much as tbe 25-cent bottle. Zemo is sold and guaranteed by drug gists everywhere and In Omaha by Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts., 16th and Harney Harney Sts.. 24th and Farnam Sts., Loyal Pharmacy, 207-9 North 16th St The following 15c magazines are GLASS A McClure's Magaalne Women's Home' Companion The American Boy Cosmopolitan -Good Housekeeping Garden Magaalne Pictorial Review fciunaet Magaalne The American Hark (Z) opposite your choice The following 25c mugazines are CLASS B Review of Reviews . World's Work '. 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' 1 Class 4: 26 cents a month Coupon Wo 2 Class A. 1 Class D. f 23 cents a month Coupon Ho. 19 g Class C Magazine Ljjk Coupon Ho. 13 1 Class C. 1' Class A I 22 cents a month Coupon Ho. 14 1 Class C. 1 Class 4 27 cents a month Coupon Ho. 18 2 Class C. 1 Class 115 cents month - coupon ho. ie 9 qenta S Class D Magazines. Ja coupon ho. it ) 16 cents 2 Class D. 1 Class jQj OoupoaHo. 19 Class D. 1 Class B. 21 cents a month Coupon Ho. 19 2 Class D. 1 Class 4 12 cents a month You can , get any Combination of Magazines you wish by adding two or more Coupons together. Enclosed find cents for coupons Nob. Magazines for the month of to be sent to: Name '. Address Address Magazine Coupon Department, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. nsaaxiaBBa Send Check or Money Order for $0.00 to C. M. or !on, Cali fornia, Mo., and get a barrel of pure sweet rider at 12 He per gallon, you pay freight. Only, good craan apples used. TWO COUPLE MARRIED BY SAVIDGEAT SAME TIME Miss Melissa Davis, daughter of Ed ward Davis of Florence and Mr. Elmer J. Sullivan, also Miss Catherine Bul odK daughter of William H. Bullock of Florence, and Mr. Ralph F. Bird were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at his residence Saturday evening at S o'clock. Each party acted at Witnesses for the other WHAT S.S.SaSTANDS m The familiar letters, S. S. S., 6tand for Swift '9 Sure Specific, a name hon estly and fairly earned by a great Hood remedy. The majority of physical afflictions are caused by bad blood, because a weak, polluted circulation de prives the system of its necessary strength and disease-resisting powers. . b. . cures every disorder whica comes from weak or diseased blood, it tones op and regulates every por tion of the system, and creates an abundant supply of nourishing properties which permeate the circulation and bring health to the body. S. S. S. is made entirely of healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks, which are also possessed of great tonic properties. It does not contain a particle of mineral or other harmful drug, and 13 therefore the purest and safest blood medicine for young or eld. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism. Catarrh. Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Malaria and all other troubles of a deranged circulation. Book on the blood and any medical advice free. DAILY TRAINS TO CHICAGO I via iur CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY N Leave Omaha Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M. 8:50 P. M. 5:00 P. IW. 7:20 A. M. 6:00 P. M. 8:00 A. M. 7:50 P. M. 9:15 A. ft!. ALL TRAINS ELECTRIC LIGHTED. TICKET OFFICE: 1317 Farnam St. W. O. W. Building Telephone) Douglas 283 i DR. BRADBURY, 1506 Farnam St. Extracting Fillings . . Crowns . . Rridgework Plates . . i 25c Up . . . 50c Up . $2.50 Up . 92.50 Up 2.00 Up DENTIST Phone Dong. 1750. Missing Teeth supplied without Plates or Bridge work. Nerves removed without pain. Work guar W Tears Sams Offloe. anUsed ten years.