TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST Dean Halsey of Omaha University at Third Presbyterian Church. MRS. SHEPABJ3S0N ON ORIENT -iea traveler and Lecturer to Give Interetii,K Lecture Sunday Evening at Calvary Bap. tlst Church. .iitr .x. iialsey, dean of the raana university, will preach Sunday niuiiung- at tne Third Fresyterlan church, ntl Leavenworth streets. Mis. Hazel Evans will ting. At the evening service R. M. Crossman will deliver an aaaresa. A Call to Service. soio win be rendered by C. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: OCfOBKK 20. l!12 U-A TRAVELER TO TALK ON LITE IN THE ORIENT. Prayer meeting Wednes- A tenor l'V Dlckason. Mrs. Laniel Shenardson. ih and' lecturer on. Oriental life, will speak in the Calvary- Baptist church. Twenty, fifth;, and Hamilton streets -on Sunday evening. Mrs. Shepardson's theme will be, 'Meditations in Pyre,;'. . Mis. Shp ardson is a very intecestins speaker. She J9 interesting great audiences fhrouBhoilt the country, in Oriental. life, and mis sionary endeavor. i The f St. Mary's A'nue . Pwnnl,.' off ices will be resumed tomorrow evening. The quartet will render the following program: Prelude-Evening Star from Tannhauser Wainer Quartet-Savior When Night Invblvei the Sky !h,rii.v S0,plT2h RpSt in the to-rd'-"from eV EllJah ;, Mendelssohn ' . x Mrs. Miller. Quartet-The Sun .Shall. Be No. More r.ffJ1- By Day -Woodward Offertory Berceuse shallev o"," Gladsome "tfit. Dud'tev Buck Quartet (unaccompanied) Golden ixsgend Dudiev Buck Duet-Jesus Thou Jov of T.niin . Hearts Gotze, " Miss Schwartr and Mr. JamioVon ?Uaetl' God Wh- 18 Like S ' Thee? ... Vnc. ude in d .vThe Ladies' Aid society of Diets Me niorlal Methodist church elected the' fol lowing officers last Thursday: Mrs. R. E. Mason, president: Mrs. R. G. Crossley. vice president; Mrs. 11. E. Burnite, secre tary, and Mrs. C. B. Jeter, treasurer. ft VVIU ' vA f lis - ' r 4' -.m 15 -s I ; '. j I - III ft MRS. DANIEL SHEPARDSON. E. Flo Hawkins wiH sneak t th. Seventh Day Adventist church. Twenty , fifth street and Indiana avenue. Sunday vening, October 20. Subject, "Whafi in a Name?" The October meeting of the Brother hood of the First Methodist church will he held in the parlors of the church Mon day evening, October 21, at 8 o'clock. The feature of the evening will be an address by Dr. Alfred E. Craig, president of Morningside college and recording secre tary of the brotherhood. He ts a man of wide experience and exceptional ability, and all men of the church are earnestly requested to be present. . The old folks of the ity -who attend services at Diets Memorial church, Tenth lend Pierce streets, tomorrow morning will (be entertained by a program prepared especially for them by the pastor, Rev. C. N. Dawson. The program for ."old folks Iday.X' to whlcK, the.,.old ..people .of .all denominations are Invited; is aS foliows: Organ prelude R, g, Crossletf Portuguese hymn No. 461...., . ...... .Choir and Congregation Prayer,. j l:..s.Dr. D. o. John I Vocal solo (selected) Mrs. Sturk Jiemlnlseencs.w....(-...Samuel Bum Vocal solo..,i,....,.t,.i..;...V.t..John Dale toff ertory . . .... Orchestra Bermon ......;. . .Pastor . An offering for aged ministers. Bong) "The Home Over There" Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty Baptist. - Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and Seward Sunday at 3:30. Bible school W ;H. Owells, superintendent. ' First, Corner Harney Street and Park 'Avenue Preaching morning and evening. by Dr. John Karl, president of Dei i Moines college. Morning service at 10:80 Sunday school at 12. Eveninr service at 7:30. Young people's meeting at 6:80. Wednesday evening, prayer meeting at ,:. Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton. Rev. E. R. ' Curry. D. D Pastor-Serv-lces at 10:30 and 7:30; sub.1ect.of morning .sermon, "The Ark in the House of Obed Ldom: ' eveninar nildrpKo "MnH. i lyre," by Mrs. Daniel Shepardson. Mrs. hepardson is a very interesting speaker Bible school at 12. Young people's meet ing at 6:30. Wednesriav mirimuV votional service at 8, Christian. ; First, Twenty-sixth and Harnev. A n Harmon, Pastor Seriron, subject. "Un seen Forces Greater Than the Sun." at ;J1. Sermon, subject, "Short in Legs and Long on Brains," at 7:30. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Church Edifice, fit. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth 8treet-Sunday school at 9:45 and 11. Sun- Don't Be Fussy About Eating You Stomach Will Digest Any Kind of Food When Given the Proper Assistance. We are prone to fall into the error of singling out some article of food and soundly berating the fiend who first in vented the dish. The habit grows with some people till almost all food is put on the blacklist This is all wrong. What is required Is a little assistance with those agencies upon which scientific students for many years, have set-their seal of approval because they have' become abso lute facts. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets for all stomach disorders are recognized: they have a fine record; they are rated reliable, dependable and worthy of con fidence Just as the president of a big bank puts his O. K. on a depositor's check. And so you can eat what you want, . whatever you like, knowing well that should indigestion, sour risings, gas formations, . fermentations or any otjier stomach distress arise, Stuart's- Dyspep sia Tablets In a few moments will put you right - Coated tongue, bad breath,' heartburn, belching, flatulency, bloat-all the symp. toms of digestive troubles disappear quickly when these tablets are used. Thsy are not a cure for anything but dyspepsia and kindred complaints. But they have brought relief to more sufferers from digestive diseases than all the patent medicines and doctors' prescriptions put together. The stomach does the heaviest work of any of the bodily organs, yet it s the one we treat with the least regard. We At too much of the wrong kind, of food at any time. The patient stomach stands such treatment as long as it can and then It rebels. You get notice of the re bellion In the shape of the gases and pains caused by undigested, fermenting food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold and recommended by all druggists at 50c a bos. Advertisement day services at 11 and 8; subject of lesson services, "Doctrine of Atonement.' North Side. Twenty-second and Loth- rop,- H. J. Kirschstein. Minister Hihi school, 9:S0 a. m,; regular church services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; morning mruir, L'aiiKer or censoriousness; even ing theme, "An Ambassador In Bonds;" Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; mid-week meeting Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Congregational. Saratoga, Twenty-fifth St. and Ames Ave. Sunday school at 1. Evening service at S, with (itereopticon address bv Rev. F. W. Leavltt. ' Plymouth. Twentieth and Spencer St , Frederick W.- Leavltt. Minister Morning service at 10:30, with semon on "Religion for Men." Sunday school at 12. Young people's meeting at 6:30. First German Free Evangelical, Cor ner Twelfth and Dorcas Preaching service ai w:.iu. comessionai, subject, "Baptism and Preparatory Preliminary." Sabbath school at 9. St. Mary's, James Alexander Jenkins, D. D., Minister Morning worship, sec ond sermon in series on "Ten Command ments," subject, "The Divine Name," at 10:30. Evening service of sacred sons, by quartet and organist, at S. First, Corner Nineteenth and Daven port, Frederick T. Rouse. Pastor-Morning worship at 10:30, sermon by the pas tor, "Is There Power in Praver?" At the evening service the dlstinsutshed lec turer, Stanley L. Krebs, f6r three years Wanamaker's specialist on salesmanship, will give the address. Episcopal, All Saints', Twenty-sixth St. and Dewey Ave., T. J. Mackay, Rector Take Far- nam cars. Holy communion at 7:30. Serv- j iv.c ami bci moil ai ix. ouiiuuy scnuui m iu. I St. Matthias', Corner Tenth and Worth ington, George Shepnrd Southworth, Rector Sunday services: Morning prayer and sermon at 11. Sunday school at 10. Holy communion at 8. Church of the Good Shepherd. Twen tieth and Ohio, Rev. T. J. Collar, Rector Moiy communion at;s. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning prayer' with" sermon at "11. Evening prayer with sermon at 7:30. St. Martin's, South Omaha, Rev. Harold Linwood Bower, Priest Twentieth Sun day after .Trinity. . Holy communion at 8. Sunday Hsehools. at . 10. Holyj.conjmunlon and Bermon at' 11. .Evening prayer and address at 8. Church of St. Philip the Deason) Twenty-first and Paul, Rev- John Albert Wil liams, PriestWHoly . eomtnunion at 7:30 a. m., Sunday' school at 5:30 a. m., morn ing prayer 'ajid iseWoitJjt n ja, to, evening prayer and jsernion'at 5, o'clock t , .'''; ltheai; ,"yv,i-'ii Zlop'a" English, 2404 "Ames Avenue" Rev. G. W. Snyder, Pastor Services at 330. Subject, . "A Prepared Dinner." Sunday school. at 2:30.: .'-.' y St. Paul's,. Twenty-eighth ' and' Parker, Rev. Ty Otto, Pastor Services aMO and 7:45. Sunday school of the English de partment ''at-11:30. Confirmation .class meets on Motiday at 7;30. t- St. Mark's j.Engllsh, Twentieth and Buruette, Dr.- L. Groth. Pastor Services Sunday. "Doing Practical Good to All" at 11. "Race, for Leadership" at 7:30. Sun day school; a 9:45. Young People's Chris tian 7., ' ' St. Matthew's,: Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. G.' W. Snyder. Pastor Services at 11. Subjeet. "Evil Times." ; Sunday-school at 10. The Ladies' Pastor's "Aid society and the Woman's Missionary society will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. R, A. Cone, 3717 South Thirteenth street. - - -. . : KouiHzft Memorial. Farnam Street and Twenty-sixth Avenue, 'Rev. tr; Oliver D. Baltziy, Pastor Services for the twentieth Sunday after Trinity. ' Morning worship at 11, subject, "People Who Neglect Their Salvation." Evening worship at 8, sub lect, "The Irrecoverable Sins of Youth Bathed Unavalllngly !n Tears." Sunday school at 10; 404 present last Sunday. Luther league at 7. Confirmation classes every Friday afternoon at 4:45 and Friday evening at 7:45. Methodist. Gofd Street Chapel, Thirty-ninth and Gold Sunday, school at 3. Preaching at 4 There will also be preaching service Wednesday evening at 8. Trinity, Twenty-first and Binney, Rev. Thomas Bithell, Pastor Sabbath school at 9:30. Morning service at 10:45. Epworth league at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30. Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles, Rev. William Boyers, Pastor Public wor ship and sermon by the pastor at 10:30 and 7:30, music by the ehotr, Miss Stlg berg, director. Sunday school at noon, George T. JJndley, superintendent. Ep worth league at 6:30. Dletz, Tenth" and Pierce. C. N". Daw son, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30. "Old People's Day" service at 10:45. Epworth league at 0:30. Sermon at 7:30, topic, "Mutual Protection." Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30, followed by a meet ing of the Sunday school board. First, Twentieth and Davenport, Rev. Milton , B. Williams, ' J'aBtor Morning service at 11, subject, "A ..Miracle, of Light-bringing. Kvening service at 7:30, subject "My Young Man." Sabbath school at 9:40. Epworth league at 6:30. Norwegian-Danish, Twenty-fifth and Decatur Services at 11 and 8. In the evening the new district superintendent. Rev. J. P. Andersen from Minneapolis, will preach and there will be holy com munion. Sunday school at 9:45. Young people's meeting at 7. . "McCabe, Episcopal,1 4007. Farnam, Rev. W. H.. Underwood, Pastor Morning serv ice at 11. . Evening service at .7:30 Sunday school at 11. Charles Chase superintend ent Epworth league at 6:30 ThlB meet ing will 'be-a-missionary rally. Mrs. T. E. Calvert will be the leader. First Swedish, Corner, Nineteenth and Burt, Gustav Erickson, Minister Sunday school," Jed by F. E. Sandwall; at 10. Preaching service at 11. Subject "The Letters of Christ." Epworth league serv ice at 6:30. Preaching at 7:30. Subject, "The" Convenient Season." Oak Street, Twentieth and Oak. Rev. T. C. Webster, Pastor Morning sermon at 10. Subject. "Justification, Regenera tion, Sanctlficatlon." Bible school with adult and. other classes for all at 3. Young People 8 meeting at 7 o'clock and preach ing at 8. Midweek meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Hearty welcome to all. . Presbyterian. First, Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, I). D., Pastor Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Endeavor society at 6:15 p. m. Castellar Street, Rev. C. C. Meek. Minis ter Morning worship at 10:30. Evening , service at 7:45. Sabbath school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 8:45. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:45. Fairview, Fortieth and Pratt. Charles H. Fleming. Pastor Bible school at l:4fi. Afternoon worship at 8. Rev. Mr. Hughes ' takes the pastor s place in his absence at synod. Thursday evening the fourth les son in Luke. North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, M. V. Higbee, Pastor Preaching by pastor at 10:30 and 7:30. Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of ChrteUaa En deavor ut 6:30. day evening at Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant, Thomas U. Greenlee, Pastor Public wor ship at lu:30 and 7:30. .Morning subject. "Walking With Christ;" evening. "Spirit ual Knowledge." Bible school at noon. L'hiistian Enueavor at t'cJSO. Meeting lor prayer and fellowship Wednesday even ing at 8. Third, Twentieth and iAsaven worth Sunday school at 9:30. Publ.c worship ind sermon by Rev. Walter N. Halsoy. Ph. l., at 10:45. Prayer meeting of tile Christian Endeavor society at 6:3u. Even ing worship and address. "A Cull to Serv ice," by it. ii. Orossman at 7:&i. Special music at all son ices. Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason, Rev. Thomas H. McConnell, Pastor Service of worship and sermon by Harry reigier or the city mission at 10:30. Sab bath school and Bible classes at noon. Westminster chapel Sunday school at 3:Su. Westminster Young People s society meet ing at 7. Sacred concert by the choir at 8. ljowe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas Rev. Nathaniel McGlffln, D. D.. Pastor Kev. Emanuel J. Kallina will preach at w.sii. i fiutiject. ' Our opportunity for Christian Service at Home." At 7:45 Rev. Newton Metier will preach. Sunday school at noon. Junior Endeavor at 8:30. Senior Endeavor at 7. Bible study Wednesday evening at 8. Church of the. Covenant. Twenty seventh and Pratt. Charles H. Fleming, Pastor Morning worship at 10:45. Bible school at noon. Kndeavor at 7:15. Even ing worship at 8. Rev. Mr. Hughes will preach at both morning and evening serv ices In the absence of the pastor nt synod at Hastings. Wednesday evening the rourth lesson In Luke. Central, Twenty-fjourth and Dodge, Rev. Hugh B. Speer, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30 o'clock, ' sermon by the pastor, topic, "Christ's Message to Those Who Fail." Sabbath school at noon. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m No evening worship. Will worship with the First United Presbyterian church at Twenty first and Emmet, In recognition of Dr. T. H. Hanna's fifty years in tho ministry. First United, Twenty-first and Em-I met, A. C Douglass. Pastor Rev. A. M. ! Hanna, Jr., of Klooniington. lnd., will oreach at 10:30. Sermon by Rev. Dr. T. H. Hanna. sr.. on "The Vantaew Ground of a Christian Home." at 7:30 Dr. Hanna was for some, time pastor of this church and today's services nre in special recog nition of the golden wedding of Dr. and Mrs. Hanna, recently celebrated, and of his fifty years in the mlnlstrv of the United Presbyterian church. Bible school at noon. Young people's meeting at 6:c'0. Unitarian. First. Seventeenth mid Cb. R,.v Mun. fred Llillefors. Ph. D.. Minister Services at 10:4a. Subject, "Liberalism: Is It a Foredoomed Failure?" Unitv fellowshlo at 7:30. Dramatic reading by Miss Mary Wallace. -This meeting will be open to the public. Reformed. First, Twenty-third and Central Boule vard, C. M. Rohrbough, Pastor-Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11. Sermon, "A Queen's Curiosity Re warded " Christian Endeavor at 7. Preaching at 8. Sermon, "The Assassin's Bullet and Providence." Miscellaneous. People's, Rev. Charles W. Savldge, Pas-ton-Moming theme, "The Sovereignty of the Human Will." Evening, topic. "A fcermon with Pictures." Sunday school at noon, Young People's Society Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. A continuation of the International Bible Students' association lectures may be enjoyed Sunday. October 20. 3 D. in.. at Baright hall, corner Farnam and Nineteenth, when "The Wondrous Works of God" will be the subject of a dis course by W. E. Stearns of Omaha. Rev. J. T. Jones, D. D., of Council Bluffs will address the Omaha Philosoph ical society Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In Baright hall, Nineteenth and Farnam -streets, on the subject, "Emer sonHis Teaching and Influence." This Is the eighth number on the program of the present term. After the lecture the subject will be thrown open to debate and several prominent men will speak on the subject as developed by the prin cipal address. V. W. C. A. Xotes. The Sabbath afternoon vesper service, held at 4:30, will be in charge of the twenty-two young women who comprised the Omaha delegation to the Lake Geneva conference last summer. The program will be composed of short talks and spe cial music and will,' be of great Interest to those who have never been at Geneva, as well as to those who are familiar with lormer conferences. Registration in many of the educa tional classes has been stonned. hecsAsn of lack of room, but in those classes where membership is not so restricted there are still vacancies. Registrations may be made for one week longer in psychology, dramatic arts, sewing, liter ature, chorus, etc.; except In gymnasium clashes, classes closo this week. The opening number of the entertain ment course will be Tuesday evening at 8:15. Mrs. Katherlne Oliver McCoy will read "When Bunty Pulls the Strings." This Is a Scotch play, now attracting wide attention In New York; and Mrs. McCoy is a strong and experienced reader ex cellently capable of portraying the quaint village characters. The course is free to members of the association; but those who do not belong will be admitted for 26 cents. The Thursday noon musicale, October 24. from 12:15 to 1, will be a violin recital In charge of Henry Cox. The general public Is invited for part or all of the program. V. M. G A. Notes. - Stanley L. Krebs, for three years the salesmanship expert, of the great John Wanamaker stores, will deliver his fa mous lecture-sermon "Three Gods or One" at the Young Men's Christian as sociation Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He will discuss science, business and Christianity and business men and sales men are especially invited to be present. Immediately following the address by Mr. Krebs, the regular Sunday afternoon luncheon will be held In the spa. Secre tary E. F. Denlson will, make a short talk at the luncheon. The Young Men's Christian association school of salesmanship opens Monday evening at 8 o'clock with a lecture by Ben R. Vardanian. Mr. Vardaman is editor of the Merchants Trade Journal, the world's greatest business magazine, and 1b well known as one of the most forceful speakers before the public on business subjects. Admission to this lec ture ts free and tickets may be secured at the Youpg , Men's Christian associa- i : Health is the foundation of all good looks. The wise woman realizes this and takes precautions to preserve her health and strength through the pe rlod of child bearing. She remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far as possible the suffering and dangers of such occasions. This every woman may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so long In use, and accomplished so much good, that it Is in no sense an experi ment, but a preparation which always produces the beat results. It is for external application and so penetrating fn its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and tendon in rolved during the period before babr comes. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues, relieves tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pre pares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thousands of mothers, and its use win prove a com fort and benefit a to any woman in (JUjC&faQlS need of such a ZZ 7L remedy. Mother'! AjPvTI(J Frind is sold at drug stores. Write for free book fof expectant mothers, which contains much valuable information. tUDHELD RttUUTWCQ,, Ada., C. tlon. All men Interested In the subject are Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs, Reard of Mount Union. Ia., are visiting their son. Secretary 1. J. Beard, of the local association. The class in Gorman begins MoikIhv evening at 7 o'clock The first session of the class In elec trics.! engineering will be held In room SO. at 7:30 on Monday evening. There will be a boys B!ble study rallv on Thursday evening. October 24. ut ' land Drug company Haydcn liros. and ( L. Vance of LOCAL SYNDICATE BUYS HOUSES ON FARNAM STREET Five nine-room brick hous- s at 31M-3-.".-7-& Farnam street h:iv, twn h.,ni hti .1 jl.. Reed of the By run tloed company for ; $15,500. The property has been owned for a real A. L. Reed represents a local syndicate o clock, fcvipper will he served and theitiisny years bv James M. Ulfford SlJ! wl" bf -I "-state Investor of New York City. ... ic iiuir. r.,ri v smccretuiii, Thursday throughout the winter these i Blhle classes will be held, preceded by j a supper at 6 p. m. ' Two Blhle classes will meet Sunday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock the class led by Dr. W. O. Henry on "Life Problems" and the course led by J. Trultt Maxwell for gym men on "The IJfe of Paul." These classes have been very popular In past years and a larger enrollment ts expected for this year. banking since curly manhood. P-orn in Berwick, Pu., In he saw some hard , service In the civil war as an officer of ! me Pennsylvania volunteers, having from other cities have as yet registered, a horse shot under him at Chancellors-I vllle and serving as n aide to General OLSON NARROWLY ESCAPES ( .lum-r I'ouoieuuy at uetiysuurg. His wife, a sister of II. A. Doud of this i city, died seven years ago. He leaves itwo married sons and an unmarried! daughter, all residing at Nebraska City. Labortng under the haludnatlnn that b V1 convention, which meets November . 7 nnd S. Tills number is exclusive, of parochial schools and no state teachers "BULLET FIRED BY ENGELS imc runerai win oe neiu tins arternoon. iu .tnnirr nt iiia iir o tto...i I which will spend $0,000 in Improving the i property for rental purposes. In the Inst IMPOSTOR GETS MONEY few years the houses have been out of 1 rRDM UHCDITAI CftCC repair, and It is planned to alter them ; rnUIVl nUorllAL oArt The class in advertising opens Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. Pcnn B. Fod rea, the Instructor, will explain the course. Short talks will also be made by members of the advisory committee O. T. Eastman of the First National bank. N. J. Baker of Baker Bros.. Samuel Roes, Jr., of Rees Printing company: L. M. Whitehead of the Burlington route, R. B. Wallace of the Payne Investment company. W. G. Cleveland of the Clevc- throughout nnd install lences such as furnaces, electric liehts. mvder'n eonven bath rooms and A man posing as a fire inspector gained entrance to the lmmanuel hospital. Thirty-fourth and Meredith avenue, Friday afternoon and stole $10 from the safe In ('Via nffl... Tl.v 1.. ,, 1 .....II HOME AT NEBRASKA CITY Utter he irt the hospital. W.L WILSON DIES AT HIS nSL: SoL "Sr xh: ge NUMBER OF TEACHERS his home In Nebraska City I'tMay even- ! REGISTER FOR CONVENTION lug following n paralytic stroke the pre vious Saturday. Nebraska City Colonel Wilson came to In 1S72 and has followed Omaha teachers to the number of 57t have registered for the state teachers' North Fifteenth street, fired five shots in his bedroom last night and narrowly missed hitting Oliver Olson, a fellow roomer. Engels is suffering from alcoholism and his Imagination got tho better of his gooi" Judgment. Before the shooting Kngcls says hi heard bells ringing and this was "a s!gt that his life wna fn danger. Ileoriut Olson coming up the stairs, he graHlx" a revolver and fired five times. One bul let skimmed the top of Olson's hat. '. Engels had been drinking heavily rtht last three months and jumped aboard. th water wagon Monday. The sudden change ' to a higher altitude worked havoc on; lh system, lie was arrested and will be held until he recovers. . V ''.w:.::; You'll Profit by These Splendid Values in Women's Apparel! Our values are the talk of the city. And no wonder. It's because you'll find here the most stylish J? and serviceable apparel at lower prices than you can secure them anywhere else. Let us prove ittoyoui STUNNING CLOTH COATS Worth to $22.50 Hundreds of the most charming and serviceable, new cloth coals, specially priced, $12.50. $10 and $7.50 SPLENDID PLUSH COATS Worth to $22.50-Made of rich jet black plush, handsomely trimmed, with guaran- D0 CA teed satin linings, special ai ylsCavU Millinery Specials: -4 PRETTY TRIMMED HATS Don't buy your hat until you see our wonderful sj Niuwiug ti me iuobi cnaxmmg inminea Jiats,,, mat oilier stores sell up to QM AA a aa aa $10.(h), here at $9.30 g BEAVER HATS f Worth to $(J Splendid quality beavers QA Aft in blacks and colors, special nt y&iwv WOMEN'S SHOES Worth $3.50. All the late styles in blacks and tan gun metals, pat ents, suedes, vel- OA A P vets, satin, ctc.,af SALE of KIMONOS Worth to $2.50. Splendid long kimonos in crepes, flannelettes, fleece downs, etc.. all col- AA. mM J n ,WVV ors and sizes, at. WOOL SERGE SKIRTS Worth $3.50 to $5.00. Another lot of those splendid new moaei siarta in serges, whipcords, fancies, etc., at $1.50 Women's 10c Cotton Lisle Howe at 6 JOr Turkish and II lick Tow els at 5 IllankeiA and Comforter at Lowest Price.. 'E M&WELTY 2-h-B No 6Zjr OMAHA Women's Heavy Wool Fleeo hI Union Suits, worth J 1.25. at '70d Newest Flannel Waist., ateo -lingeries, etc., $1.50 vai-.j us. at "Nearly a Quarter-Century of Leadership " We announce our appointment distributors of - . . ' . . Stevens-Duryea Cars as new In the C-Six we offer a remarkable car which sets a standard for a long time to come in beauty, ease of riding, convenience, and all those confidence - inspiring qualities, which give new meaning to the delights of motoring. Built on the fundamentals which have maintained the Stevens-Duryea leadership for nearly a quarter - century, the C-Six is designed with a new consideration of the needs of motorists, and is so altogether original in its provisions for the enjoyment, that it may properly be called A New Kind of Fine Motor-car We are as proud to be able to offer you the Stevens Duryea C-Six as you will be to own it. The quality of this car, and the high grade of service which we render, will make the ownership of the C-Six a genuine and lasting satisfaction. Houser 8c Howes, 2102 Farnam St., Omaha Stevens-Duryea Company Chicopee Falls Mass " Pioneer Builders of American Sixes " C-SIx Seven Passengers 54759 '' ;;;;; -