THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 27 e Jiff BTlYrTTx Tr l OMAHA SIOUX FALLS THE "JOHN DEERE" LOW DOWN STEEL FRAME MANURE SPREADER No Clutches THE SPREADER WITH THE BEATER ON THE AXLE Roller Bearings No Chains ALL DRIVING PARTS ON THE MAIN AXLE Light Draft No Adjustments Only 36 Inches From Ground to Top of Box Easy to Load What Manure Will Do for You By Dr. W. E. Taylor, Soil Culture Department, Deere & Co. Do you know what the value of manure from live stock in the United States amounts to each year? Do you know that it amounts to more than two and one-quarter billions of dollars and that more Is wasted in value than the taxes of all the farms in the United States? Manure is just as essential to the life and growth of plants as broad, meat and pota toes are to you,, or corn, oats and hay are to live stock. Manure contains the essenee of fertility of the soil. Take it away from your land and you rob it of Its food. You disorgan ize its physical body and the crop pays the penalty. Manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. These are the essential ele ments that enter into plant food compounds and they have a greater value thaa the same elements in commercial form, for the reason that they carry with them organic matter undergoing the process of formation into humus, a substance neces sary to make available the plant food ele ments. Why use a manure spreader? Let me ask you a question: Why does a cook dis tribute seasoning into the food and then thoroughly work it evenly throughout the mass until every particle of the food is sea soned? If a cook should carelessly throw a handful of rock salt into a kettle of por ridge, would the seasoning be properly dis tributed and would the porridge be palat able? For the same reason the farmer should evenly distribute the manure over his land, a top dressing being preferable, apd then, by using a disc, work it into the seed-bed until the distribution la thorough. By this means the plant food and tie or ganic matter comes into contact with all the particles of soil, and it must be remem bered that the food-gathering roots secure their nourishment from a coating which, forms around each particle of soil contain ing moisture and plant food. If the manure Is carelessly spread by hand, it is left in lumps. One place has too much, another not enough, and often it does more harm than good. If manure is carelessly spread and plowed under in bunches, the bunches form air spaces at the bottom of the furrow, pre venting a compact contact, thereby prevent ing capillary attraction. In such cases, much of the essence of the manure leaches into the deeper subsoils and is lost, and because of the insulation preventing capillary at traction, the seed-bed dries out and the crop perishes. If the hianure is evenly spread and thor oughly disced into the seed-bed, the plant not only procures food contained in the manure, but because of the even distribu tion of the organic matter, the soil is warm, mellow, and readily receives and retains moisture. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that if manure is used as a top dressing on a plowed field, that the crop is increased 25 to 30 per cent. Repeated trials extending over a series of years has demonstrated the fact that a manure spreader used on 40 acres of land will more than pay the cost of the machine by increasing the crop, to say nothing of the great saving of labor. The experiments of Mr. Chesney Hatch, of Newton eounty, Indiana, are strictly in keeping with hundreds of other like trials. Mr. Hatch experimented by spreading ma nure on 20 acres and at the same time com pared the results with crops raised on similar land without manure. I give herewith the results of his experiments, which should cause the farmer to seriously consider the great value of the manure .spreader. MANURE SPREAD WITH A SPREADER. Kind of No. of Time Amount Value of V'ru0epof Grain Acres Planted Harvat'd per Acre Crop per Acre Corn 10 May 5 620 Bu. 6 $248 00 $24 80 OaU... 10 Apr. 6 560 Bu. 5 1 56 80 15 68 Clover. 10 Apr. 6 30 Toni 4 125 00 12 SO MANURE SPREAD BY HAND. Corn.. 10 May 4 I 500 Bu. 5 $200 00 $20 00 Oats... 10 Apr. 6 420 Bu. 5 117 60 11 67 Clover. 10 Apr. 6 21 Tons 4 105 00 10 50 CROP RAISED WITHOUT MANURE. Corn.. 5 May 6 200 Bu. Nono $80 00 $16 00 Oats... 6 Apr. 9 190 Bu. " 53 20 10 64 Clover. 6 Apr. 9 7 J Tons 37 50 7 60 The manure spreader secures a gain over the hand spreader in the corn crop of $4.80 ter acre, or $192.00 on forty acres. In oats the spreder has a credit of $4.01 per acre over the hand spreader, or $160.40 on forty acres. In clover, the gain was $2.00 per acre. The gain made in all the crops where the spreader was used over land where no manure was applied was so marked that a farmer cannot be without one. In fact, spreading manure with a hand fork is as crude and unprofitable as the old cradle would be at this age as a harvesting machine. The writer has carried on for a number of f years experiments which have demon strated tnat wnere manure is used as $a' a top dressing, evenly spread with j&p a luauuiue, gives an increase or .y' ffnm I II trt 1 K now nnnf mmw A. t' . vu w Ml X U LTG bCUi VTC1 ."ff W f after the manure was ap- AfAjy plied with a spreader, A 4 S and double the ' crease if spread with a hand J'JkJ? fork beforeVW plowing. 4 A?' &9