Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1912, Page 5, Image 5
OMAHA SUNDAV BUK: OCTOBKK 20. VJ O A The Every day our new department store grows greater; newest styles; better methods; greater values Autumn lost Notable Wearing resentation of Women's Beautiful I Apparel Ever lade By Any estern Store ir (r New Dress Goods and Silk Section a Delightful Surprise Inspect our greater new silk and dress goods section at left of main entrance. Broader assort ments, best values, great wide roomy aisles shop here in comfort. Crepe Meteor, 0 AA 40 in. wide, yd.VU.VM Crepe de Chine, 40 in. wide, yd. Messaline, 27 in. to :JG in., per yard, r Q up from fSvVi 1.50 Charmeuse, 36 ff-l r in. wide, yard ,vl.Wv Charmeuse, 48 gft "A in. wide, yard Bordered Marquisette, $2.03 Children's Wearing Apparel at Positive Savings CHILDREN'S $7.50 NORFOLK DRESSES, $5.50- 1, $5.50 Good quality all wool serge, sailor collar effect, patent I 1 il 1 . 1i 1 '11 i 0 11 Jl J 1 i earner ocn, rea shk lie, iun piaiteu skirt. Regular $7.50 value, Monday spe cial at. ........ . .... . CHILDREN'S $2.75 BON N E T S, $1.98 Silk, crushed velvet and cor duroy, trimmed with bows of satin ribbon, silk lined, Monday special at CHILDREN'S $7.50 COATS, $5.98 Fine corduroy, brown, black and navy. Round collar, long revere, and turnback cuffs, of crushed vel vet, sateen lined. Monday special at per yard, up from $1.98 S5.98 Blankets, Bedding and Linens Introducing our remarkable new department occupying the entire south side of our ston Wonderful Monday specials to make your visit. profitable $3.00 TABLE CLOTHS $2.25 Patterns", fine quality, small designs, 72x72 inch, Monday special, &f rtr at, each V&,Ud $3.50 NAPKINS to MATCH Monday special, at, per dozen 45c HUCK TOWELS 29c All linen, red, white or blue borders. Extra fine, ftft -Monday special, each . SvC 19c TURKISH BATH TOWELS 15c Red borders, ' r neatly hemmed, Monday special, at, each IwC $3.00 BLANKETS, $2.25- Wool nap, ex. heavy weight, blue or pink borders. rtr Monday, at, pair. .. 'THE BEST style-thought of the old world and the new is centered in our magnificent new garment department. Every garment is positively the last word in style trom the world's master fashion creators. The thousands of new style ideas we feature produce a panorama of fashion that has never been equalled in this territory. Think of it. A great store of this size with an absolutely all new stock of high grade wearing apparel and our style-selections are the standard by which all others are judged by women who know correct dress. Come Monday. We ask you to study the better methods in vogue here; see the beautiful new equipment, make a note of the particular personal service that is a part of every transaction; and the most painstaking, particular attention of professional fitters is another exclusive feature here. Your satisfaction is our first consideration always. Women's and Misses' Superb Man-Tailored Suits Plain tailored and novelty cutaways, 3 to 5-button, braid-bound, fancy vest effects, high vel vet and cloth collars, new skirts. Eponge, domestic and imported 'diagonals, stripes, mix tures, serges, two tone effects, bedford cords, corduroy and plain velvet. Brown, blue, toupe, black and two toned colorings. Women's and misses' sizes. Prices range from $19.50 $25.00 $29.50 $35.00 $39.50 $45.00 $49.50 to $150.00. Gorgeous Showing of Dresses and Gowns Charmeuse, brocades, crepe meteor, chiffon, crepe de chine, messaline, etc. For street and evening wear, new draped skirts, accordion plaited effects, beaded lace and fancy velvet silk, new girdles, long and short sleeves. All shades. Wide price range from $15.00 $19.50 $22.50 $25.00 $29.50 $35 $39.50 $45 to $175 Autumn Coats of Smart Individuality Exclusive showing of distinctive three-quarter, Johnny and full length coats. High button collars, shawl collars, velvet and cloth trimmed, lined and half lined, new shawl collars, wide revers, novelty back and side effects. Domestic and imported plushes, diagonals, boucle, persianas, plaid backs, blanket cloth, velours, corduroy, chinchilla. Prices range $15 $19.50 $22.50 $25 $29.50 $35 $39.50 up to $150. ..$2.75 $3.75 BED SPREADS, $2.69 Scalloped edge, fine pat terns, good weight. A Monday spec, each. V u U J $5.00 PILLOWS, $3.75-Pill- ed with new feathers, cover ed with German tick. A nr Monday, special, pr. V I v 69c BED SHEETS 50c Seamed, heavy quality, 76x90 inch. Monday special, at, each $3.00 COMFORTS, $2.25 Silkoline coverincs. fri white cotton fillings, extra size. Monday, each V 50c COATINGS Exquisite line in double faced, plain and self colored backs, chinchillas, rough and smooth surface cloths, large i variety, at from 1.00 to $100 Diagonals, w h i p c o r d s. Beautiful plain and illum inated effects, i4 . $ 1)75 per yard..... Ui0 L J Three great lots of serges, homespuns, cheviots, basket weaves net effect, boucle and Herringbone effects at y2 Price Extraordinary bale ct Diamond Rungs To introduce the new location of our Jewelry Department wo offer for Monday these extra ordinary values in diamond rings. Every diamond guaran teed a maximum value at orig inal price:; $150 DIAMOND RING, $98 $100 DIAMOND RING, $65 $50 DIAMOND RING $37.50 $10 DIAMOND RING, $5.75 Our great stock of exquisite brooches, scarfs, studs and ear screws go on sale Monday at 33Vz discount. A Greater Good Shoe Store Visit our great new daylight shoe store. World's best foot wear in all the latest lasts and leathers. WOMEN'S FALL SHOES AT $3.00-A most complete show ing of women's newest fine fall footwear at this price. Gun metals, patent colt, black suede, tan calfskin, velvets and viei kid. All styles with high or low heels, button and bluchor. Ex cellent fitting and wearing qualities. These are the $3.50 and $4.00 kinds, special, at, pair $3 $1.00 Dress Goods, M o n. rr!:48c $1.25 Dress Goods, Monday special, vard. . . 58c $1.50 Dress Goods, Mondav sneciaL 1 7 yard . . . 75c rttM' m five nii r 11 a FORMERLY THE BENNETT CO., 16TH AND HARNEY. WE HAVE EVERY STYLE AND PATTERN in our big, new, exclusive, women's shoe section. Wide range- of sizes in every style, every pair strictly new fall goods, at, pair . Exclusive agents, Dorothy Dodd Shoes for particular women $3 fo $5 ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM ,SUPE c,?E!?I5iCCA' BL&k XLL&h XJUS WJift. Supreme Commander of Knights of Maccabees Coming to Omaha. "WILL SrEAK HERE OCTOBER 22 Lunch at ,oon, When dovornor All rlch Will Be Present Big Meet- ing at Waihinton Hall in ' the Evening. Daniel P. Alarkey of Detroit. llich., supreme commander of the Knights of the Macibees of the World, one of the largest fraternal orders In the country, Laving a membership of nearly 4,Ca), will pay an official visi,t to Nebraska this week, his schedule bringing him to Omaha this week., Mr.- Markey Is ex pected to arrive early in the morning and will be met by a committee and escorted tu the Rome hotel. During the day he will meet with members of the local tent and unite, when many matters of inter est to the order in the state will be talked over. An automobile ride Is planned for the afternoon, v . A lunch has been arranged at the Rome hotel, when some of the local officers and members with a few prominent Clti Eens will participate. Governor Chester H. Aldrich and CongressmanC. O. Lobeck have promised to attend. In the evening there will be a big cele bration at Washington hall. A special program of vocal and instrumental music has been arranged for by the committee In charge, at which some of the leading talent of the city will participate. Su preme Commander Markey will deliver an address. All members of the Knights of the Slaccabees and Ladies of the Mac cabees are invited. i Order of SeottUh Claa. 'Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, met Tuesday evening and had a w f " ft- i 4 , 1 - iv Iff '-. 1 aa1aaaaaaaaa1aaaaaaaaataaaaa DANIEL P. MARKEY. pleasant time. One application was handed In and in the social hour songs were sung by John G. Gunn, James Hen derson and R. G. Watson. A Hallow e'en social will be held in the Clan rooms Tuesday mght. October 29, and the Burns festival will be held in the new Dougla.1 auditorium, 1718 Doughs street, Monday evening, January 27. Independent Order of Odd VVltovot. Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work in tiie third degree next Friday night. Thomas J. Hartwell, an old time resi dent of Omaha, died Friday afternoon, after ji Illness of over a year. He was a member of State lodge No. 10 and that lodge will have charge of the funeral, which will be. held at 2 p. in. today - from the family residence, 2123 Ohio street. Interment will be in West Lawn cemetery. , State lodge N. 10 will put on the initiatory degree work tomorrow night. K ii th Kebekah lodge No. 1 will give an entertainment next Saturday evening. Beacon lodge No. 20 will have work in the second degree next Tuesday evening. Ivy Rebekah lodge No. 33 will give a card party and dance at Odd Fellows' hall next Thursday evening. W'ana lodge No. 183 will have degree work next Wednesday evening. Dannebrog lodge No. 216 will confer the third degree upon five candidates next Friday night. IWeeea t'onrt of Ben Hnr. ' Mecca Court No. J3, Tribe of Ben Hur, had a largely attended meeting Thursday evening. It was decided to give an open meeting the first Thursday of every month for the members and their friends, with dancing and good music. Achate Robe Part)'. Omalia lodge No. 1, Royal Achates, will give a "rube" party In its hall. Nine teenth and Famam, Tuesday night, Oc tober 29, to be followed by dancing and progressive high five. Prizes and refresh ments. Cnrd Part? and Dance. St. Peter's court No. 630, Women's Cath olic Order of Foresters, will give a card party and dance Tuesday evening, Octo ber 22. at Baright hall Nineteenth and Farnam stretf. Kellef Corp to Meeti George A. Custer Women's Relief corps, will meet Tuesday afternoon, October 22, at 2 o'clock, in the new meeting place, the Memorial 'hall in the conrt house. Fraternal I nlon of America. Mondamln lodge No. til Intends giving a series of dances and entertainments for members and friends tills winter and will open the season with a Hallowe'en danceyOn Monday evening, October 21, at Frenzer hall, Twenty-fourth and Parker streets. BARACA UNION ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR The executive committee of the Tri-Clty baraca union unnounces the election of the following officers: President, James C. Johnson; first vice president, James W. Fonda, Council Bluffs; second vice president, W. C. Hodges; third vice president, Alvin E. Johnson, South Omaha; treasurer, H. H. Garst; secretary, . H. B. Bugbee; corres ponding secretary, B. F. Marti; deputy, Clarence Wendell; deputy, James Lever- ett. Council Bluffs; sergeant-at-arms, G. H, Wiggins; reporter, J. B. Murphy. ELKS TO HOLD CONTEST FOR THE OLD FIDDLERS The Elks will hold an old fiddlers' con test in their club rooms on November 1. All the old fiddlers are requested to take part in the contest, the winners of wMeh will be awarded cash prises. Anyone wishing to enter can do so by communi cating with Ike Miner, seretary ot me lodge. A Break for Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble is made when a 25c box of Dr. King's New Life Pills is bought. Why suffer? Advertisement. ft Uexpelii dition. rllEZII !P1 qii ii Rheumatism Until vou drive the excen uric acid poison from the system you csn not get rid of rheumatism. Warner's S&fe Rheumatic Remedy uric acid from the blood and restores a healthy, hearty, active con- eiublingyou to keep your mind on ytur work instead of your Mine aand aches. Mrs. B. M. Crekore, Najhvillt, Tenn. saysi "Had rheumatism so badly that I was sol. to walk only with difficulty. I took a U"p: quantity of doctor s medicine ""iffo Tery little relief. Four bocles of Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy entirely clear ed my system of rheumatism." WARNER'S SAFE COOK BOOK The ttti ktmu COOK BOOK tmr tuUiiM Mttu will tt ml ftil-tm m rutift tf If ttnial r rcmr Uwfwki mf Iff "ir', tMtptJm Uu nmtpmrtrnft KACH FOR A PURPOSE 1-KldMTMdUTW 3- DittM RomV 4 Atkm Rws 5 Hairing OLD r ALL DRUCOISTI ' Writ for fra wmpk (Ma la attaiost 4 na4r mkm to WmA tmlm a Owl. 85a Riiawsw. N. V. Lae Curtain Monday A. M. we will place on sale every pair of lace curtains in our entire stock. All perfect goods. No Seconds. $3.00 Curtains $1.89 All curtairw that sold up to $3.00 a pair, in white, ivory and eoru, Nottingham, Irish point and cluny. Some with new hem- Nef gg stitch effect; Monday, per pair , JVV I gM YAIV w $6.50 Curtains $3.98 Brussels, Arabian, Marie Antoinette, Fillet and cable nets; Monday, per pair, at at. $4.00 Curtains $2.98 All' curtains that sold up to $4.00 a pair, cable nets, madras weaves, cluny and Irish point; Monday, per pair, at 3.98 Please note that our above prices are all quoted in PAIR LOTS. All single curtains and odd pairs at half, price or less. v J jj . FORMERLY THE BENNETT COMPANY