Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Ribbon Sale
Extra wide Taffeta Ribbons,
at, yard 10c
Very heavy Taffeta Ribbon,
at, yard.... 15c and 19c
New Fancy Ribbons, yd. 15c, 35
All lines priced greatly under
worth. Don't miss these snap3.
23c Veilings, yard 10c-A few
lines of fancy mesh veilings, i 1
staple colors, regular 20c and
25c values, on sale, at, yd. 10
iilUririift'Ti m ifn lit- -: - -1 1-1 ir-Tifrlr
Why Sot Have Your Suits. Coat nd
Skirts Made to Your Measure?
We guarantee the fit and workman
ship of every garment to be first class.
Prices here will mean splendid sav
ins'. Inquire at Dress Goods BeVt.
Corset Special
Broken lines of finest batiste and
coutil corsets regular $3.00 and $4.00
valuer; on sale while tliev last-
at choice
Gas Burner and Mantle
Don't Fail to See These Bargains Saturday.
$1.00 Inverted Light, complete, ready
to put up, with good mantle and
globe, special 45c
$2.00 Lindsey Arc Lamp, complete
with bypass, inner globe. . . $1.39
10c Inverted and Upright Gas Mantles
three for 25c
15c Inverted and Upright Gas Mantles
three for 35c
30c Inverted and Upright Mantles, at 23
Inverted Globes, half frosted, three for 250
Saturday Specials in
Domestic Room
Large size hemmed Bed Spreads,
good weight, assorte-1 patterns,
$1.25 values
Ready made Pillow Cases, size
42x36, good muslin, 12 ac val
ues Snow Flake made Sheets, Slx99,
good heavy weight muslin, de
values 48
Large size hemmed Huck Towels
with fancy borders, 12VsC val
ues 9i
Mercerized Pattern Table Cloths, 2
yards square, assorted patterns,"
good weights, $1.25 values 83c
Hemmed Napkins, mercerized, size
18x18, assorted patterns, $1.25 val
ues, dozen 9So
75c bilky 48c
All Silk Crepe do Chinos Plain colors
and printed, allover and bordered ef
fects, regular values "ZQf (iQr
to 7;c yd. Saturday JOC"TUl
The broadest assortment of distinctive designs ever shown. A
display emphasizing our Millinery Style Supremacy.
Unusually Attractive Special Offerings for Saturday Beau
tiful styles and values that will certainly prove enthusiasm crea
torsSee these beauties. 1
Trimmed Hats The choicest jUntrimmed Hats in fine plush
assortment of designs ever j or velvet, swell new shapes,
shown, at prices ranging
from $5.00 to $15.00
large, medium and small, to $(
values $2.50
Special Groups of Trimmed Hats Made to sell up to $10.00, on
sale $1.98, $2.95, $3.95, $5.00
Corset Special
$1.50 and $2 corsets, broken lots of
standard makes, nearly all styles and
izes included; matchless values in
Saturday's sale,
at choice
Hand Bag
$ Hand Ilags 40c A fine line
of full size bags for your selec
tion. $2.00 Hand ISags 08c All leath
er, leather lined with fine metal
frame and patent safety clasp,
exceptional bargains.
$2.00 Velvet Hand Bags . .QS6
$2.25 Walrus Hand Bags 1.25
$3.00 Seal Hand Bags ..1.50
Special Sale on Thermos Hottles.
In Book DepL
25c Box Paper 10c 1,000
boxes high grade writing
paper, 24 sheets of paper
and 24 envelopes to match,
25c value, for Saturday,
box 10c
Fountain Pens, fitted with 14-k
teed perfect, barrels of good
rubber in plain or chaRed, great
snap, Saturday 29
ISe Carpenter Pencils, 2c 100
gross of them in the lot; got In
on this snap.
Ladies' Neckwear
All the Newest Novelties Shown in
Complete Assortment.
The Kobespiere collars at ...50c
Lace coat sets, 75c, $1.25, $2.00
and $2.75
Fancy scarfs at 98c, $1.25, $2.00
and $3.00
A Ilig Line of Linen Collars, plain and em
broidered, slightly soiled, go at, ea..5
If you want the newest and best at Sav
ing Prices, see the Saturday Specials.
Your Every Glove Need
Can be satisfactorily sup
plied from our great showing
of the world's best makers.
Your preference alone will
control selection here.
Ladles' 12 and 16-button length
kid gloves, all colors, from
$1.98 to $3.50
Ladies' Real French Kid Gloves,
either Paris or point Btltched or
heavy embroidered short, at $1,
$1.50 and $2
$1.25 French Lamb Skin Gloves
Two-clasp, tan, black or white,
special Saturday at, pr. . . -69f
Ladies' Cape Gloves for street
wear, on sale at, pr 49
Children's Gauntlet Gloves, lined
or unllned, great snap, at9
Children's Lined Mocha or Kid
Gloves at. 49
Trunks Bags
50 Trunks, Samples, made to sell
at $9.00 to $12.00, all sizes, on
sale . . . .$6.50 to $9.00
Fine leather Bags, values from
$3.00 to $10.00, all sizes, nearly
all leathree lined
at 82.25 'to $7.50
v J
Wash Goods
39c dotted silk mixtures, all lead
ing shades, at yard 25tf
59c silk mixed goods, in fancy
Jacquardu, light and dark colors,
at yard 25
28-in. Eiderdown for Bath Robes, In
flower and figure designs, yd. 28c
Beacon Robes, look and feel just like
wool, 100 different patterns, with
cord sets, complete, at $3.93
All Wool Blankets In pretty plaids
and plains, at per pair $5.00, $5.95,
$8.50 up to $12.50
Cotton Blankets, at from $ up
to $4.95
Comforters, all kinds, at $1.00, $1.50,
$1.98, $3.60 up to $10.00
A CfiiiAfi'nt f xmon Cfifoc Thni Fmhnrfiae till TtW lr vt Quality and Indi-
n uiivvv my vi viaiiiiciii wsijic.? i mui uiiivvuilj nil iiicji u vuicti
With broader assortments than ever before
we are better prepared than ever to supply your
every garment wish.
Plush coats, carlcul coats, Frelze coats,
etc., in plain colors and fancies; not one
worth less than $5 to $10 more than Bale
price; over 100 Johnnie coats Included;
$15 to $20 values, Saturday in one big lot
at choice .
In the most charming variety of styles, materials and
colors to be found in Omaha; unquestionably the
choicest values to be found at $15, $19.50, $25, $35.
Ladies' flannelette dressing
sacques, regular 75c values,
while they last, Saturday,
at each 39c
Ladies' gingham aprons, reg
ular 35c values, Saturday,
at 19c
Ladies' wool, ' eiderdown1
and blanket robes, regular
$5 values, on sale $2.95
Evening Gowns and
Wrap's The choicest
showing in Omaha; dis
tinctive designs at sav
ing prices.
viduality the Keynote
At each price variety of authentic styles are
so great that satisfaction is a certainty. Every
express brings newest fabrics.
Messallnes, taffetas, poplins, sergeB and
fancy fabrics made to sell to $25; the best
cash purchase our buyer ever sent us;
nearly 500 dresses in the lot in a great va
riety of pretty designs and all colors; one
sale price, choice '.
Exceptionally Beautiful Tailored Suits
Shown for the first time Saturday; rich corduroys and
velvets, handsome diagonals and fancy suitings;
greatly underprlced for this sale at $15, $25, $.i5, $45.
Over' 700 infants' and childrens' coats just received
from our New York buyer. Plushes, carlcules, chln
'chillas, fancy velvets, etc.; all sizes 1 to 14 years;
values to $10; in two big lots Monday, at your
choice $2.95 and $4.95
Childrens' rompers, made to sell up to 75c, in one
big lot while they last Saturday at choice. . . .19J
Infants' knit leggings,
sacques and bonnets,
regular 50c values, at
Childrens' wool serge
dresses, all sizes, to $4
values, at $1.95
choice 25 1
Over 200 Sample Tailored
Including corduroy suits
worth up to $35 Velvet
suits worth up to $35
suits in diagonal serges and
fancy suitings, worth up to
$35 all at the one price
of $19.50
Fur Coats Fur Sets
Fur Muffs Qualities
right styles right
priced right. You can't
go wrong selecting here.
o i f : r : i i
dcu Linen opeuais
Fringed Bed Spreads, cut corners
or straight, worth $2.50 each,
at $1.50
Scalloped or fringed, with cut
corners, Bed Spreads worth ' $4,
each $2.50
Imitation Mexican drawn,., work
Bed Spreads, worth $6.00 each,
at $3.95
Imported Dimity Marseilles Bed
Spreads, heavy knotted fringe,
cut corners, worth $6.00 each,
at $3.75
Heavy weight Bed Sheets, 81x90, spe
cially for apartment rooms, worth
$1.00, each .....85o
Excelsior quilted mattress protectors,
sanitary and washable, worth $3.00,
sale price, each $2.85
rr. ; . .. . .
ttayaen s mane we rrces on
Drugs and Toilet Goods
Special Sals Saturday. Hot Prloes.
Ws Bv Ton $5 to 50 per cant.
I5o bar of Cutloura medicated soap
for no
25c Packer's Tar or Woodbury's soap,
at per bar 150
10c Jap Rose or Palm' Olive soap, at
2 bars for .180
15c pkg. of 20 Mule Team Borax, Do
f 1 extra quality Hair brushes, at 690
$3 white faoe porcelain Hair Brushes
go at $1.49
$2 genuine Ebony, solid back Hair
brushes for $1.00
$2 genuine Ideal Hair brushes, double
bristles for . .$1.28
$1 full bristle, extra heavy Cloth
brushes for soo
$1 genuine Ideal Hair brushes at 49o
25c and 85c Tooth brushes, each lOo
$2 Hund Mirrors go at $1.00
10c ShlnoJa Shoe Polish for 6o
25c Sanitol or Graves' Tooth Powder
or Paste for 1..- lBVio
26c Ponds' Extract, Peroxide or San
itol Fs.ce Cream for l$Ho
$1.50 bottle of Oriental Cream for 98o
Large sise Pompelan Massage Cream
for 49o
25c Williams' Violet or Carnation
Talcum Powder at, 3 for 85o
fl box La Trefle or Axurea Face
Powder for 75o
60o os. Perfumes, all odors, go at,
the ounce 85o
$1 size pure Hydrogen Peroxide, ex
tra size, for 33o
50c Java Rice or Pozxonl's Face Pow
der for 85o
fiOo Pure Effervescent Sodium Phos
phate for 5o
It's Hayden's That Make the Grocery Prices for the People
By trading at Haydens it
means a saving of 25 to 60
per cent on your housekeep
ing expenses.
19 lbs. best granulated sugar,
at ...81.00
48-lb. sack best high grade
Diamond H flour, made from
the finest selected wheat, per
sack $1.30
10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond
C or Lenox soap 85c
Haskin Bros.' Omaha family
soap, bar So
10 lbs. best white or yellow
cornmeal for ....17V4o
8 lbs. best bulk laundry starch
at 35c
8 cans oil or mustarf) sardines
at ........ j 35.0
Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg. 70
Best bulk peanut butter, lb.,
at 18V4o
New comb honey, per rack 16c
E. C. or Oriole Corn Flakes,
pkg. 6Vio
The best bulk olives, at ..35o
1 cans fancy sweet sugar corn,
at 7Ho
2 cans fancy wax, string,
green or lima beans (. .7V4
Pint bottles Burnham's Clam
Bouillon for 15o
1-lb. can assorted soups 7Ho
6 cakes Silico scouring soap
for '. 85o
The best soda or oyster crack
ers, at. lb '. . .7Vo
5-lb. pail fruit Jelly 85o
Grape Nuts, pkg lOo
The best tea siftings, lb. ..lOo
Golden Santos coffee, lb. 35o
Bead the Butter, Cheese and
Butterlne Prices A Saving of
85 to so per oent.
The best creamery butjer, car
ton or bulk, lb 34o
The best No. 1 country butter,
at, lb 30o
The best No. 1 dairy butter.
lb. 86c
The best full cream Young
.American New York White
or Wisconsin cream cheese,
lb 83o
Neufchatel cheese, each ,...3e
The Vegetable Market of
Fresh spinach, per peck . .7 Mo
4 bunches fresh beets, carrots
or turnips So
Hubbard squash . .7V6e and 5ot
2 heads fresh leaf lettuce ..5c
6 bundles fresh radishes . .5o
3 large heada cabbage .... 10c
15 lbs. new potatoes to the
peck .15o
12 lbs. fancy Greening apples
to the Deck 30c
4 bunches fresh parsley ...150
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries,
quart 7Ho
Fancy hothouse cucumbers,
each lOo
3 bunches oyster plant ...lOo
3 large soup bunches lOo
Fancy Denver cauliflower, lb.,
at 13Ho
Fancy ripe tomatoes, 3 lbs. loo
Large head lettuce 70
2 Btalks fresh celery 5c
6 bunches green onions . . . . 5o
Large grape fruit, 10c and 7Ho
Fancy Tokay grapes, lb. . .60
Fancy Yakima Valley Jona
than or Grimes Golden ap
ples, bushel boxes, extra
special, box $1.50
fbbvs. rsmirs. rxsirs.
Another big sale Saturday, put
up in 7-lnch pots, $1.60 to
$1.75 value 69c
Butterlne, Cheaper and Better
Than Lots of Butter.
2-Ib. roll good butterine. per
roll 2Sfl
2-lb. roll good table butterine,
per roll aso
2-Ib. roll fancy table butterlne,
Per roll 450
5-lb. pall extra quality, per
Pa'1 $1.10
Men's Hats of Highest Quality
Men's Hats of Highest Quality The newest and best is here for
your selection in assortments that leave nothing to be desired.
Imported Velour Hats, $3.50, $5
and $6. They re just the thing
for this season and we're show
ing assortments and qualities
unsurpassed in any store; they're
priced right, too.
We Specialize on Medium Priced
Hats, showing a line of new
styles, priced at 2 and $2.50
Compare them, we're confident
you cannot duplicate quality.
Manufacturer's Samples and rtioken Lines Men's Hats, all this sea
son's styles, both soft and stiff, made to sell to $3.00, on sale
at $1.45 and $1.00
Liquor Department
The quality, the flavor, the
price, will please. Maryland
Rye Whiskey, 6 years old,
full quarts 75c
Per gallon $2.50
Guckenheimer, Cedar Brook,
Schenly, Jack Daw and Willow
SprtngB whiskeys, all 8 years old,
quart $1.00
Per gallon $3.50
California Port or Sherry wines,
at, per bottle -20
Sunkist California Wines, fine
quality, all varieties, rich and
mellow, quart 50
Try HAYDEN'S First
Saturday Hardware Headliners
Small tea of coffee pot, heavy copper, nickel plated
at 69
Medium tea or coffee pot, heavy copper, nickel plated
at 794
Large tea or coffee pot, heavy copper, nickel plated,
at 98
No. 7 heavy copper, nickel plated teakettles. .$1,19
No. 8 heavy copper, nickel plated teakettles. .$1.39
No. 9 heavy copper, nickel plated teakettles. .$1.50
Copper Hollers. These are the famous Llsk" boil
er. None made of heavier material; none better
made. "Hun no risk -be sure it Is Llsk."
Medium heavy all copper boiler, worth $3. BO, $2.69
Large heavy all copper boiler, worth $3.75, $2.)8
Extra large all copper boiler, worth $4.25, $3.29
Biggest sale at the most unheard of price ever
A medium size, high grade Willow Clothes
Basket, best quality, worth 85c, sale price
for this day ..39c
No telephone or C. 0. L. orders accepted.
j Coffee Advances and May Go Still
Higher and Eggs Advance.
Many Varieties of Vegetables Are
i Leaving the Market Apples
Are Mnch Cheaper Than
Last Tear.
1 1'l.L .- t I nrlnaH nf t Vl i 11 lr S
durlna- the last week, kitchen com
modities have kept an even balance.
.Sugar has declined In cost to the con
sumer 10 cents and is now retailing at $1
for nineteen pounds. Coffee has advanced
higher. Flour remains strong in the mar-
lVet wUins 10n nnunds at 12.40.
, - Eggs also have advanced a cent and
are priced at most stores at 24 cents a
'dozen, while butter is the tame, 34 cents
, a pound for the best. Country creamery
butter may be had for 30 cents a pound.
With butter, cheese has gone up .2 cents.
Several varieties of vegetables are leav
ing the market and consequently are high
' In price. Beans, wax and green, are being
shipped In from Arkansas. They retail
at 10 cents a pound. Green peppers ' are
priced 26 and 40 cents a dozen. Cauli
flower sells at U cents a ound. Grape
fruit is priced at 7H and 10 cents each.
Celery roots, for soup, may be bought
three bunches for a dime and oyster
plants are prices the same.
Other vegetables are prices around six
bunches for a nickel, such as carrots,
bests, turnips, radishes and green onions.
Jonathan apples are cheaper now than
they have been In years. They are re
tailing at $1.50 a bushel while the cheap
est they were last year was $2.25, ac
cording to Al King, manager of grocery
department at Hayden Bros.
Hubbard squashes sell at G and 7Vi cents
each and pumpkins are worth 10 cents
Alumni of Nebraska
University Medics
Plan New Building
The College of Medicine of the Univer
sity of Nebraska in Omaha Is to have a
new building to be devoted to medical
and surgical reHearfch If the plans of the
alumni of the medical college are carried
out as they are outlined. The alumni in
session now at the Rome hotel for the
third annual clinic has empowered the
president to appoint a committee to de
vise ways and means to raise the neces
sary funds for, such a building. The
building is to cost not less than $30,000.
The committee is not yet appointed.
Officers of the alumni of the college
of medicine were elected for the coming
year as follows: Dr. W. P. Wherry, '03,
Omaha, president; Dr. G. E. McDonald,
'05, Superior, Wyo., vice president; Dr.
J. C. Decker, "04, Bellvllle, Kan., second
vice president; Dr. R. A. Dodge, '01,
Omaha, secretary-treasurer. It is said
to be likely"' the same date will be
chosen for the meeting next year. The
meeting will again be held in Omaha.
Ninety doctors, graduates of the college
of medicine, University of Nebraska, now
practicing medicine in a dozen states in
the union attended the clinic week here.
New Court House
Employes Not to Be
Named at Present
Members of the Board of County Com
missioners are sitting uneasily over the
necessity of appointing janitors, char
women and elevator boys for the new
court house.
A great flood of applications have come
to the commissioners' , office from more
persons than can be satisfied and there
Is going to be difficulty between the
board members In adjusting their re
spective shares of the appointments.
But this is not the most trying situa
tion that now confronts the board. Mem
bers have been promising constituents
that they would take up the appoint
ments tills week, but as near as can be
learned they do not Intend to do io. They
would rather wait until after the elec
tion. "The members of the board are afraid
to make any appointments at this tlmp,
for there are bound to be many disap
pointments, there not being Jobs enough
to go around. By making enemies at th's
I time they might have some effect on the
November election. It is therefore deemed
wise to stave off the clamoring of'thu
job seekers until after the ballots are
There has been some talk of employing
women instead of men in the new build
ing, but there will not be many of them.
Most of the Janitors and elevator oper
ators will be selected from the ranks of
the sterner sex, principally because
women cannot vote and their influence
would not go as far as that of men.
The commissioners may take a turn
and make appointments this week, but
that Is doubtful, judging from the careful
manner in which they are proceeding.
Veteran Shopman
Dies at Cheyenne
Joseph B. Hadfieid, 74 years old, died
Thursday morning at Cheyenne, where
he has been since May, residing with hie
daughter. Mr. Hatfield has been a resi
dent of Omaha since the early 70's and
worked for the Union Pacific until three
years ago, when he retired and moved to
Cheyenne to live.
The body will be brought to Omaha for
burial, and funeral services will be held
at St Andrews church. Forty-first and
Charles street, Saturday at 2:30 p m., with
interment In Forest Lawn cemetery. Rev.
K. S. Tyner will have charge of the
Mr. Hadfield is survived by coven
children, James B., of Deer Lodge,
Mont.; Mrs. K. C. Hool of Cheyenne, J. ,1
and Edwin B., of Omaha; George G. of
Birmingham, Ala.; Charles G. and Elsie
M., of Chpyonne.
Mr. Hatfffield wan a member of Ne
braska lodge, No. 1, of the Knights of
Pythias, find also a member of the
Pythian Veterans' association.
Two Ordinances Are
Prepared on the Sub
Sidewalk Tax Case
Two ordinances will be submitted to
the city council Monday on the subway
tax proposition, one to fix the tax at
25 mills and the other 15 mills, the first
to Include subways beneath streets, the
second to exclude them.
City Commissioner Butler will vote for
the 25-mlll ordinance, but the majority of
the council has gone on record In favor
of the lesser tax and the ordinance pro
viding the 15 mills will mint likely be
Both ordinances will be discussed In
the committee of the whole Monday,
when business men and others interes'tp'1
will be given another hearing.
O. Lobeck will make short addresses. An
auto tour of the city is planned for the
afternoon and in the evening a big cele
bration of all the local tents of the order
will be held at Washington hall.
A meeting of the Douglas county teach
ers will be held at the city hall today,
this being one of two meetings that are
held each year aside from the regular
annual Institute. It Is expected that
there will be about 175 rural teachers
present. Prominent among the speakers
will be Prof. E. L. Rouse of Peru, presi
dent of the " Nebraska Teachers'
A Pleasant Surprise
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators thai
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 25c. For sai
by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
The Ralph Hayward residence, 330J
Dewey avenue, was entered Thursday
night by thieves while the family wai
abBent and jewelry valued at $75 and $34
in dimes stolen.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Rig Returns.
Head Maccabee to
Come Here Tuesday
Daniel P. Markey, supreme commando:
of the Knljjhts of the Maccabees of the.
World, will make an official visit to Ne
braska and particularly Omaha, next
J wet k. On Tuesday morning he will arrlv
j lr. Omaha and remain in the city the en
i tire day. In the morning he will transact
fiiiterruil .business and at noon will be
the guest of honor at a luncheon at the
I Rome hotel.
j At the noon meeting prominent citizen
of Ouviha will be In attendance. Guvernoi
Chester II. Alilrlch and Congressman C
Specific Blood Poison
Specific Blood Poison usually begins with a tiny sore which Is the oulj
outward evidence of its presence, but down in the blood the treacherous
poison is at work and soon its chain of symptoms begin to crop out. Thq
mouth and throat ulcerate, sores andulcersappearonthebodyandthegland
in the jrroin swell. Mineral medicines cannot curj
Specific Blood Poison; they only shut the disease up in
the system to break out afresh later. ' S. S. S. goeq
into the circulation and -removes the last trace of th
infectious vims, tones up the stomach, bowels, kid
neys and all portions of the system, and thus make3 f
perfect and lasting cure. S. S. S. .is made of roots,
herb3 and barks and does not contain a.particleof mia
eral or other harmful drug. Thousands have curei
themselves of Specific ' Blood Poison by the use a
S. S. S. It will cure you if you will give it a trial. Special Home Treat
meat Book and any medical advice free to all who write.