Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1912, Page 13, Image 13
KKAL ESTATE ITY PROHKRTV FOR S.41.E Pretty New Bungalow Easy Terms 2103 Military Ave. S-r., full basement and floored attlo, suaranteed furnace, laundry sink In base ment. House is finished and floored in oak in vestibule, parlor and dining room ind yellow pine in other rooms; fine oak :olonnade between parlor- and dlnins -oom, built-in kitchen cabinet In kitchen, white enameled bathroom, fine plumbing fixtures and beautiful lighting fixtures; 'Pt is 40x120. cement walks ail in; street paved and raving all paid for. Right on 'ar line. Save money bj taking a little time to run out and look this house over, or call us up ana we will gladlv go out with you. This is one of the best propo sitions we have offered this year. Payne Slater Co., tits Omaha Nat. Bank BUg. rHK BEE: OMAHA, SA'LTKDAY, Oi'TOHKK Ji. UU2 id GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i& 'mC : No : ; No. ;!. 'OSnilV; No. i while. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET i ' 00 Wheat Trade is Most Perplexing One at Present, Due to the War. Why Freeze to Death This Winter in an Old House? We have a large list of new houses 'we hae juH completed 5, 6 and 7 rooms; all of them strictly modern and up-to-date; thoroughly well built, guaranteed heating plants, and we can sell them on very easy terms. If you are m the mar ket, we know wo can fit you out. as we save them in all parts of "town. Come in md talk it over. Payne & Slater Co. GW Omaha National Hank BWIg. DUNDEE BUNGALOW. Built for a home on n-h and sightly location overlooking the west and north for miles, south front, corner lot JOUxUV. plenty of air and no dirt, surrounded by new hlgn-puced homes: six rooms and t34.0X' oaui, an on one noor, iviin attic largt enough for tiiree more rooms; living room, dining room and library finished tn oak; bedrooms and kitchen in yellow pine; splendidly arranged for smaii family, owner going to . alifornla. See this to day. Phone Harney 4j'A. CORN OPERATORS EVENING UP Oatu Covering by Professional Shorts la Feat are of the Market As serted Holding Orders for Lower Triers. The wheat one. No one TO BUY. JOHN V. ShL.L OK l;wr. h'tltST KOBBlNsi. iiUJ t'ARNAAl til ACHbAl.U Ft) ft SALia HUXCREST ADDITION, best and cheapest tubuibau acre prop rty near city. Fine Country home sites anu gardea tiucts convemer.i tn car. sur veyed, platted and stal.ed tn lots of 2 acre to & acres and iniced front JUa per acre up. Coma early and gat your choice of a lot in this besutilul addi tion. Call tor plat and desorlptiv literature, C. H. Combs, sua to 815 liran tieis 1'heato.' bldf. 1'Uones Loujj. Mi, .Will ( KEAL ESTATE KAItM A 1UM II I.AMIH Klllt BALK Cuioratio- FOR SALE 329 acres of choice smooth, rich prairie land, black loam , soil, abun dance of rain, good crops, near Arriba, Lincoln county, Colo. Price S10 oer acre. (m0 cash, balance (1.00 per .acre each year with interest, t per cent. . W. D. -GIF FIN, m Brandels Bids., Omaha, Neb. WE OFFEK for quick sale 320 acreB smooth, rich soil, shallow water, farm land in the famous Cedar valley, Logan county, Colorado; similar land held at Jli to i'2D an acre; our price $12 an acre; suit able terms. Wantland & Sbelton Land Co., McCague Bldg., Omaha. Neb. TO HOME SEi2KERS AND INVEST ORS. Your choice of several very fine tracts of land. 100 to 640 acres. Only J17 to 230 per acre. Easy terms. Just east of Den. ven Cok). Best market in the west. William Archer, Burlington, la. Georgia. ' . Traversed by the GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC J RAILROAD. " :" Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, "church and school advantages, write. I IV. B. LEAHY, Dept. K. General Passenger Agent. ATI-ANTIC. OA. lewa, ... THE eastiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, 43.000 daily The Capital is read by and believed Iti by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; tl.2o per line per month; oount six ordi nary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital. Des Moines, la. IOWA FRUIT FARM AND DAIRY LAND FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. W have subdivided the Dr. MoClanahan tract known as Orchard Heights, con taining S06 acres near Council Bluffs, and are selling it at $50 to $100 per acre on easy terms. You will only have to see ! this land to appreciate its value. Let us show it. Day & Hess Co., 123 Pearl St Council Bluffs, da. OMAHA. Oct. IS. ML trade is a most perplexing knows hour mneh nr hnw little importance to attach to the Balkan war news, m fact, since flehtinsr ac tually began along the frontier the world. eems io teei less alarmed about a serious spread of the troubles than before. It is now generally conceded among foreign uthoritiea that the Dardanelles will be closed to commerce. The uneasiness over the foreign news has prevented extensive short selling and consequently there is not that active buying element in the market when It shows temporary strength. The northwest news is certainly bearish, Including the Increase in the vol ume of hedging sales. The trade is bear ish and may run into on oversold posi tion. Cash wheat unchanged to c lower. Some of the largest operators in corn were evening up yesterday. One big In terest was buying the December and sell ing the May on a large scale. The very light receipts are on the side of buyers, and the erroneous crop figures on the side of sellers. Two important considerations are noted, the one the weather map for the next thirty day and the other the Inclination of com rakers to sell freely or hold back for tetter prices!. Both fea tures will bear close watching. In the meantime the May option is likely to feel considerable selling pressure. Cash corn unchanged to Hio higher. Clearances of wheat and flour were 517.Hi bu.; corn, none; oats. 300 bu. Wheat at Liverpool was lower; corn, d lowes. Primary wheat receipts were l,9i,G0O bu. and shipments 1.331.000 bu.. anal nst I receipts of 1,253.000 bu. and shipments of bu. last vear. Primary corn receipts were 339,000 bu. and shipments ifli.OOO bu., against re ceipts of 617,000 bu. and shipments of 712.009 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were M3.000 bu. and shipments 889,000 bu., against re ceipts of 537,000 bu. and shipment of 418, 000 bu, last year. the follow; jig cash sales were reported todayWheat: No. 2 hard winter, 4 cars, """to; 13 ears, K4c. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car. 87Vc; T cars, Stic; U cars, WVc; 2 cars, Stic. No grade hard winter, 1 car, S3c. No. 2 durum, 1 car, SHfce. No. 2 mixed, I car. 8"i4c. No. S mixed. 1 car, lf?c; 1 car. H6c: 2 cars, stl&c. No. 4 mixed, 1 oar, 85tfo; 1 car, 85c. Corn: No. 3 white. 1 car, 01c. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, ttJe. No. 3 yellow, 3 cars, 60'ic No. 8 mixed, 1 car, five; 1 car, Ssfcc: 1 car, 6W4c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 57c, Oats: Standard, 1 car, :Uc. No. 3 white, 1 car (local), 31sc; 11 cars, 31!4c; 3 3-3 ears. Sic. No 4 white. 1 car. SMie. Barley:' No. 4, 1 car. 62c. Rye: No. 2. 1 car, Site Omaha lash. I rlces, wheat-No. 2 hard. w,c: hard, SfirgWfe; No. 4 hard, MjiSttc. CORN No. ' 2 White. 64lHMe- white, ti4e: No. 4 white. 6262ttc; yellow, WfttWVe: No. 3 vel ow. HOUc: Ka 4 yellow, 68&5Uc; No. 2, 5Si39'4c; No. 3, 58(SfiSc; No. 4, 5Hli(37c. OATSNo. 2 white, 32c: standard, 31Vc; No. 3 white, 816'314c; n0. 4 white, 30'i 30c. BARLEY Malting, 5Sti5c; No. 1 feed. COiSftoc. RYE No. 2, 68t49c; No. 3, 7mSc. Carlo t ltecelpta. Wheat. Corn Chicago 102 Minneapolis 545 Duluth 533 Omaha 78 Kansas City 17 St. Louis 100 Winnipeg 1,070 Wheat. Corn, tin.. Outs. Im.. bu. Receipts. Shipments ..u;;.i ion'! :: m lj.lw; Receipts of Cattle Very Light and 60 CHICAGO C.HA1 M I'll ti I S IO S Krnlnrcj of the Trading- and tonliiK I'rleea oh Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. is. Wheat traders fought shy of the selling side toduy. de terred by the readiness with which of ferings were absorbed and by t lie chance of Russia becoming entangled with Tur key. An advance resulted and the mar ket closed steadv , v;i'e over last night. Higher prices for wheat came about, notwithstanding that receipts in the northwest continued heavy and thai shipments from there could only be made at a rapidly shrinking difference. Interests that own most of the terminal stocks of wheat southwest were credited with having been persistent buyers here today. December closed U'ic net higher, at 2S!24e. Better call from the west and limited sulcst from the country led to an upturn In corn. December closed firm kc above lust ninlit. at n3S$f53e. Cash grades uete strong. No. 1 yellow was limited at (ioVdt'Kle. Expected increase of arrivals prevented oats from showing more than moderate sympathy for the advance made by other grains. December closed 'MlnC up, at 32 V. Corn strength was largely responsible for higher provisions. In the end prices stood at about last night's figures, ex cept! for a 10c decline In October pork. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article! Open.! High.i Low. ClosaTTYes'j" Prices Steady. HOGS SELL FIVE CENTS LOWER ltecelpta of Sheep aad l.uinlo Large 'r So I. ate In Week. While the ' Demand 1 Moderate ami Trices Steady. . rut . : id m . 7 if sheep and Friday, being week ai:i, but No. No. NO. 116 13 e 16 , Oats. , 2W .'33 ( 4T Minnesota. MINNESOTA. ' Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates. DAY & NIGHT REALTY CO., 103 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. Ncbrmki. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 TO $31 PER ACRE. We have fof sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yield? for U years, including 1910 and 1911, average with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO.. SIDNEY. NEB. MR. INVESTOR, Mr. Man with small means: For sale, 12 quarters of choice farm land close to Sidney, Neb., one tenth cash, bal. ten years' in ten equal payments. Ernest Haascli, Sidney, Neb. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NE- BRASKA HOME FARM BARGAIN? If so, here are two good farms that must be sqld. Both extra good bargains that are worth much more money. 314 acres, Platte valley, extra good land, 2' miles to good town, good Improve ments, 85 acres alfalfa, 120 acres corn '.hat will make 60 bushels to the acre Price, $11,500; part terms. 400 acres in the famous Wood River valley, no better land In the state 1'4 miles to good town, 40 rods to country school, 240 acres in crops. 30 acres al falfa, fenced and cross-fenced; very good set improvements, black loam soil with clay sub-soil; $50 an acre. Will carry I1O.W0 on the farm at 6 per, cent Interest V. W. Mitchell, 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha! Neb. Farms Farms Farms KKW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notations of the Dny on Varions Commodities. NEW; YORK, Oct. 18. - FLOUR -Steady; spring patents, $4.60g6.90;-winter straights. $4.454.50; . winter patents, $4.76 &.15; spring clears, $4.25(4.50; extra No. X Winter, $4.1014.20; extra No. 2 winter, fi.mH.Ul; Kansas straights. $4.1&ft)4,25. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $3.804.0O; cnoice to fancy. ' $4.05fil4.10. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow,'tfUd; coarse, 1.601.C5; kiln dried, $4.15. . RYB-Steady; No. i western, 6Sc; c. 1. f., asked. WHEAT Soot market firm: No. 2 red. $1.08 elevator and $1.0Stt f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, ytbc. t. o. b. afloat. Futures market closed c net higher; De cember, 08 9-lBc; May, $1.03. coKN spot market firm; export, 59'c f. 0. b. afloat, December to March. OATS Spot market steady; No. 3, 39c; November, 37c; natural white, 36S39c: white clipped, 3741c. HAY-Steady; prime, $1.20; No. 1, $,10g 1.15; No. 2, $1.001.05; No. 3, 85c. FEED Steady; western spring bran, ilil- !ai;ksl z3'36; standard middling. $2o.00; city, $24.60. HIDES Firm;- : Bogota, 2728c; Cen tral American, 27',&c LEATHKR-FIrm: hemlock firsts, 27 28c; seconds, 2526c; thirds, 2223c: rejects. I5c. PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; mess, $19.00 1R50; family. $22.00fi 23.00: ahnrt rlxurs $21.50SJ4.00. Beef, firm; mess, $17.XWI 18.00; family, $21.fl022.00: heef ham. $38.0031.60. cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, 10 to 12 lbs., $12.00fdl4.50; pickled hams, $14.00. Lard, easv: middle west $12.00012.10; refined firmer; continent. $12.80; bouth America, $13.35; compound. $8.008.25. HOPS Steady; state, medium to choice, 1912. 2733c; Pacific coast. 1912, 1823c. TALLOW (Steady; city, $6.25; country, $5.8"HM-63V4; special, $7.12. BUTTER-Steady and unchanged: re ceipts. 6,709 tubs, CHEESE 'SteJfdy and unchanged; re ceipts, 1,062 boxes. EGGS Firm; receipts, 8,600 cases' nearby hennery, whites, fancy large, new laid, 4860c. POULTRY - Alive, steady: western chickens, 1495c; fowls, 1314c; tur keys, 16c. Dressed, irregular; fresh killed western chickens, ffil7c; fowls, 15&i8c turkeys, springs, 23'gi25c; old, 16l"c. ' Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. I8.-WHEAT-Spot steady; No. 3 Manitoba. 8s 4d; futures' steady; octooer, s va; December, Ti S'ja; Marcn, 1 ihh. COK-spot, quiet; new American kiln aneo, i oT4; luiures, steady; October 5a 2d; December, 5s Zfl. Kansas City Grala anal Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. n-WHEAT-Casb unchanged to He higher; No. 2 hard, 880 ic; ro. 3, oiwbuc; xo. 1 rea, Il.04Sil.06' No. 3, 98c$1.03i4. OATS ,4c higher; ,No. 2 white. 34rt344c; No. I mixed, 32g:c. RYE Unchanged. HAY Unchanged. CORJ Unchanged to he lilgher; No. 2 Wheat; I Dec. I 91?; Coin. ! ; Oct.. I : Dec.i 53' May.l52Vi(y?8: Oats, i i Dec..1 32'; May.jStVflV Pork. 1 1 Oct.. ; Jan..;l 22-2!i! May. I IS 9241 Lard. Oct.. Jan.. I May. I Ribs. I Oct.' Jan. May 6iHi! ssi I 32H; 3434 I I 914! 53 j 624I ! !K4i 921 974; I 65 I rR4 91 96S i;i 534 I S24iI3a4fJ4 344 SOl'TIt OMAHA, Oct. IV Receipts were: Cuttie. Hogs Ofltcui .Mumi.u I.7W 2.471 Official Tue.'iday 10,767 7.170 Official Wedneeriav .... 6,539 Ofticla! Thursday M"74 iXi Estimate Friday ".0 4,5u0 9,1 Jn . 7 on :'n .. IK . .. : ti H KKI' A libera! inn Iambs show i't iii fur a coiislileiahlv larger than ; n iime simmer tnun two weeks hk. and sllttluly less tln on the corresponding du last ear. As usual at the en,l of the week the packer lneis had alreidy enough killers Iminlit for (lie week, and as ;i i.siili were lo and Indifferent about takliiK on 11 fresh supply. The fact that the Ink bull; of the 'receipts this morning consisted of sheep and lambs on the kllKiiK ordrr did not Improve pros poets for prices. I'lisincss whs u tiiflc lute In R.-ttln: utidi r way e-itlv In the nioriiliiR. being in marked Contrast to the brisk trade conducted 011 cveiy other d.iy of the week After some dlekerhig buy ers and sellers HKi'eed on prices and pra'c IichIIv fi l li di; (as sent to the scales II full siHSoti. allies o; both sheen arid ittle or no clrinurt from 'NEW YORK STOCK MARKET 1 li'iJ. j Sheep j 211.3'U1 2:01:;! li.A-'i 1 lambs underwent Dullness and Irregularity Dominat ing Features of Trading. STRENGTH SHOWN AT MIDDAY Moteuient 1 111 110 Ik Short Covering I (.enernl l.lsl. After Whleli (he Mni'Ket I. H linen Into Ki trenir DulliirKM. j7i"i 4.I17 .:n,!vi .:iH.0:M .39('i. .::t;.'.n,; 2.1.3o2i LJ.ii;!''' 2,,,417 l,il 21.17S 215U1 shows the rc 157.1 li Ml, Sol 170. 7KS eeipt 19 45 19 05 10 974'1l 05-07 10 124; ll 50 I I 17 35 I IS 42"4- 19 224 W 274119 25-27 18 924i 18 2',i 18 924 Five days this, weet Same days lust week. Same days 2 wks kro Samejl.iys .1 wits aso Same days 4 wks ago Same da s l:st year. The following table of cattle. Iiom and sheep at South Oman for thti year to date, as compared with last year IHIJ. Ml. Inc. Dec. Cattle 7S7.IIH) 9.12,74") 145,5'u Hogs 2,421.1156 1.94.S'1 475.155 Hheep 2,224,4l5 2,301,404 T6.1W The following table Hhows the ritnvre of I'tlces for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days with comparisons: Da te. Tw fi i9ioTT!K.luiSUliiO( . UM. Oct. .T 8 "764: " T K 271 J BiiTisT's S 6 3S Oct. ..UJ7Vil I 7 i 6 20 6 07 6 SO Oct. 10.! S ?94i b $li S 22j 1 U 6 U 6 25 Wt. 11. 1 S &.114. t, 21 i 23 1 7 67i 156 20 Oct. 13 i j SV .ji 6 24 8 41! 7 7"! 5 i C 11 j 5 07 Oct. 13.; I 8 J7 8 3S 7 Ml 5 751 6 26 Oct. 14. 1 S 6 .t7 s 371 7 40! 5 .VN, II Oil Oct. li.:s;9Hii I S 49j 7 4Si 6 5S 6 01 6 83 Oct. 16. i S 77(1,: 6 ;W 1 7 1U B 50 5 R 6 27 Oct. 17.1 8 734 6 S7I S fift; I ft 42 6 We 6 W Oct. IS. I 6 ll S Wi 7 S7i I 6 001 6 19 10 224 10 00 10 274 lOOfi 10 974 10 4241 30 2(1 10 00 11 6741 10 974' 10 424l !' I 11 S74I 10 20 10 00 I 11 GO n to 10 424 10 H24 10 224 10 01 Sunday. Reccij tjj and disposition of live tork at the I'nlon titook yards for iwenty toi:r hours ending yesterday v 3 o'clock. RECEIPTS R3. Cii 1 1 le. 1 1 og s. t hoe 1 1. Hor s . Cash quotations were as follows: FIOUR Steady: winter patents. H.30 5.00; straights, .lij4 60; spring patent., 4.05$r4.3O; straights, ' ,00f.4.15; bilkers, 3.754t'4.flO. ( ItYE-No. 2, 6S(fl.SViiC. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 48(Ji3c; fall to choice malting, 60!fj72o. SEEDS-Tlmothy, $3DO(q4.rtO; clover, J13.0O4t1S.00. 1' pork. 17.5017.624. Lard (In tierces), $11.74?11.724. Short libs (loose), ili).30ill.2o. lofal clearances of wheat and flour I C. M. & St. 1 Wabash TTnlon Pacific C. & N. V. east.. C. & N. W., west.. C, St. F.. A1. O.. C, ii. Q east... C, B. .t 0., west.. C, n. 1. & P., east C U. I. & P., west Total receipts. I.'ls 3 1 1". 3 Hi 4 3 15 1 62 3D 45 OjHTIUN-HfcAb. Cattle. Hugs. heei) Morris & co Swift and Co Cudaliy Packing Co. were equal to 517,000 bu. Exports for week, as shown by Brads! reel s, h 1 Armour t o v u, a.nsttiii o L. I Si. I.oqls General JfiirLet. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 18-WHEAT-Cttsh. steady; track No. 2 red. $l.O9&1.011Vs; No. 2 hard. 92Q4c. CORN Lower; track No. 2, 624c; No, 2 whits, 654c. OATS Lower; track No. 2, 33c; No. 2 White, 34435c. RYE Steady. 69c. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents, i.60 5.10; extra fancy and straight, $4.40?j; 4.90; hard winter clears. 3.208.(i0. SKED-Tlmothy. $10.00. CORNMEAL-13.60. RRAN Weak; sacked, east track, $1.00 1.03. HAY Firm; timothy, J13.501S.60; prai rie, 14.00ltf.)0. PROVISIONS Pork, lard, dry salt meats and bacon unchanged. POULTRY-Steady; chickens, 104c; springs, 13c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 12c; geese. 10c. BUTTER Steady, creamery, 30c. EGGS Unchanged, 22(4.0. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.... 13,000 16,000 Wheat, bu 120,000 91,oo; Corn, bu 1,0M 24.000 Oats, bu 79,000 65,000 F. B. Lwls Huston A Co J. li. Root & Co .1. H. Bulla IVisenstock Bros Werthelmer & Degcn. H. F. Hamilton Mo. & Kan. Calf Co... Cllho & Christie Other buyers euual to 5.7S6.0D0 bu. Primary reoeian enwn, Vanuatu were l,96ii,000 bu.. compared with 1.2i3.ul0 nut a won bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 110 cars; com, 142 cars; oats, 18 cars, hogs, 10,000 head. Chicago C'Hsn frices Wheat: No. 2 red. J1.061.Om4: No. 3 red, 9le(&1.04; No. i hard. 3Q6c; No, 3 hard, lsjii.c; No. 1 northern, &34ig94'!iC; No. 2 northern, 908 zw; jno. 3 nortnern, siftvoi':. no. z spring, 8lc: No. 3 spring, 86?r8Sc; No. 4 spring, 80ft85c; velvet chaff. 85991 Un; durum, 83 92c. Corn: No. 2, 6oVM!.06c; No. 2 white, 6546c; No. 2 yellow, tio'iUhMc; No. 3, 6466c; No. i whito, 644i54o; No. 3 yel low, 6446G4c; No. 4, '3i(6i44c: No. 4 white, 4464$ic; No. 4 yellow. S4tt4!C. Oats: No. 2, 83c: No. 2 white. ffifc364c; No. 3 white. 33(JS4c; No. 4 white. 31 334c; standard, 344d314c. Rye: No. i, 6S(t(684c. Barley: 48H74c. Seed: Timothy $3,003-4.00; clover, 13.fiufcil8.09. BUTTER Steady ; creameries, 24H29c: daries, 224i'27c. EGOS Steady; receipts. 8,619 cases; at mark, cases included, 19if20c; ordinary firsts, 2lc; firsts, 24c. CHEESE Steady ; daisies, 17i1T4c; twins, Uffil'c; Young Americas, 174 174c; long horns, 174(54c POTATOES Weak ; receipts, 65 cars; Michigan, 4045c; Minnesota, 4043c; Wis consin, 3843c. POULTRY-Allve.. turkeys, 15c; chick ens, 12c; springs, 13c. VEAL-Steady, 914c. 47 !lN4 72 t.M IK'i 1.119 73 1.34H 64 ::::: 27 15 2 27 J2 IS 67 9.4 50 33 554 u.'tv ye.-.teuiav l.iitlit loads of fairly good ""IruiKf lambs soUl m $7.2i). and anothir Wf'6 J slrlns not quite as t passed into sec- !47,M: ond humls at $7.15. tM'i.21 ,s noted above, a meaner feeders wi:s on sale. . there istoeu on iiami tor the demand Few tf limy countrv Ihi.m is put In apjiearant e. and 11s a i-oiiseqiieiiiv the bulk of tha of feiiims was slow to soil Veiy little trade was iione early m the morning. For the week the genet a I market on fat lambs and ew.s is fu'ly 75c higher than a week auo. and in some eases there is as utui h as a dollar advance. Killing wethers ami yearlings show an improve- nient (it at least Wi The pru killing stuff during the current wp higher tlian they appear on paper, as packer buyer ere contented with very kttiKll cults, and in litnlnmex 1.0 sort at all. Feeding lambs are around VA&a higher, while feeding eWis ure now sell ing 50c above prices at the end of last wtiek. Quotations on sheep and lambs: l.amol. Rood to choice. $7.0O4j7.S5; lambs, fair to good. $6.b7.0d; lambs, feeders, $." 651n!.r.O; yearlings, light, $5.0lXii5.5i; yearling!, heavy, $4.65(i5.00; yearlings, feeders, $l 7.iij' 6.85; welhers. aood to choice, $4.!t:ii4.ti5; I wethers, fair to good. l.tWii!4.0; wethers. titedors, $3.M(; ewes, good to choice, $3.904.40; ewes, feeders, $2.7kii3.S0; ewes, voailtng breeder. $4.60)15.00; ewea, agi'd, $3.nKf;! 1; etill sheep and bucks. $l.70ij'2. '" A big Hiring nr 1 tali lambs thai cavnr. In late In the forenoon met wUh stile at $7.30 and $7. 35. Representative sales. No. 359 Utah lunibs 277 I'tali lumbs, feeders. ... . 718 Utah lumbs. feeders 31 Wyoming yearling 215 Wyoming ewes, feeders. 203 Wyoming ewes 401 Utah ewes 3S0 Utah ewes 231 Wyoming ewes, 247 Wyoming ewes. 331 Utah ewes, feeders 614 Wyoming lambs liw Wyoming lambs 143 Utah lambs 318 Utah lamhg 581 Utnh lambs 552 Utah lambs 812 Wyoming Iambi 244 Wyoming lambs 366 Wyoming lambs, fenders.. 662 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 657, Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 631 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. JM Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 341 Utah lambs, feeders 532 Utah lambs, feeders I uh Topper ... Va ( aroltna Chemical .. Wabash Walja 1 pfit , Wesnrn .YUrytatl'l Weutrn Viilou ,. ,. WetitlnjthcUM Kltrlf . Wliraliug it. E Total ! fr tlw !y S.ilO W son ifti mi) 6u . 4". 4'.i 144 M!'i, MH 83 r.j'i (., c, Ml CCi 48'i 14-' 3i W-'i 4 NEW VultK. Oct. 1-Dullness and Ir l'lmilarlty wete the dominating features of today's operations on the stock ex ehaiiKe. Revival of recent iinseltletnent on the torelgn exchanges was a con tributing factor. There was no liiiuidal ion of our stock' abroad, but laiinion's level of prices at the close showed a number of very ma terial declines, especially In Canadian , , ' Pacific uiul the copper sand American . slippy or j SmcttuiK. The feature at the opening I w is. ample i ,VHS ,1,,. i.iyv offerings of Aina'.aaniated Coiier. those outpourings probably rep-j resenting rctillxltiK for ptotilD as a re- suit of yestirday's announcenieiit of the Ineiea.scd dividend. 1 Tarly weakness was shown also by Union Pacific and a few other issues of speculative Importance, but the market turned stronit at mlddn you urgene buy ing of United Mates Steel, which scored Its best price of the week. This move rs 0" nient Impelled short covering in the gen- k sre I eral list, iifier which the market lupsed Into extreme dullness, exi ept for spas modic advances In specialties, chiefly the ' tobaccos. ; Manipulation was evident in some of , the more obscure stocks, Im Haling 1 . tlllser and Equipments. In the in' ' t. dealings were again limited to indi : 1 trals, ihe movement in railway ssues I lelng linusuallv restricted. Prices shaded atuln In ihe final dealings, with renewed , pressure iikiii Amalgnmtited Copper and some abrupt declines in specialties from 1 best quotations. I Forecasts point to moderate rush Kl I by local hanks and a further cnnlrlhu tlon of loans Is extremely probable. No , material change In call vr time loans was noted todav. but Ihe tone letmillii'd ! tlrm. canecinlly for the long maturities. 1 Oft'eilngs of loinnierelal paper are on thu increase, a fact that points to con tinued expansion of general business. Bonds also moved uncertainly, with re cessions at home, lotat sales, pm aggreguted $11,450,000. United States bonds! New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. l.-MONEYOn cal.'. firm. 44ft4"jic; ruling rate. 40; closing bid tc; offered at 44c TIME lAJAXS-FIrm; 60 days. 5Vr5o per cent; ninety days. h per cent; sl months. 54i& per cent. PRKME MERCANTILE PAPKR-6 pe tent STER1.1XO EXCHANGE Ettay. wlttj actua. business In bankers' bills at $1,817.4 for sixty cay bills, and at $4.8575 for de- maud. COM M 1CHC1 A 1. HI LI-$4.814 fill.VKK-Bar, 6S4c; Mexican dollatv I8c BONDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad,' easy. Closing quotations on bonds loJay wer, us follows: ; K. C. ft.), ret to... M .Hi! U S. dab. 1M1 . IM4 b N. unl. 4a. .. S , 104 M. K. & T. 1: 4a.. lll to gn. 4a IC ) IW Mo. faclfio i 7T' tt'!4 do cimv. la 87'1 41 N. R. R. of M. His I . 101 v. C. g. t... 87 U8V, au ,jb. a l4 1J N. Y. N. H. a U. . v. im art .. 7.V W. lt 0. 4a., T ..IM do .:v. 4a U- hMi. Tanlflo 4a WaJ . K ju it at O. g. 1.. rtOt. 4s ..! M4 li 11 . A. ... r ' P do con. 4a WIS 107 Reading in. 4a , Kit I. U 1. N ( (a 84 . W. 0. 4a.. UK V. 8 rr : rrg.. do couptitt V. a), as. rag do roupon IV S 4a. Tg go coupon Panitma it. cimpuu. A -C. In tin oth... Amar An S A. T T. tt 4a. Am. Tabai fo a. . . . Armour Co. 'a Atvhlaon tan. 4a... do rv. 4a 1M0. ... do t-T, 5a A C. L. 1st .. Hal. Ohio . d 3(t Brook Tr. c. 4 On. of Ga. 6 i'n. I.lhr 61. . Thea. Ohio 4'.s do gtl do conv. 4Ha J1 Bt. L. g. ready Av . 63 . 61 li.iWo feeders. . feeders.. 81 107 117 126 87 H7 111 611 60 77 1 1 78 711 74 70 45 51 53 ttn 61 5.'. 62 I 'I . 6 60 5 i 6 10 r s ) 4 24 4 30 4 : 3 35 3 45 3 40 6 50 6 50 7 & 7 25 7 35 ; 25 7 25 7 25 6 85 i In 6 15 6 15 6 15 5 m 6 20 CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOCK J1AUKKT 1 Urlving distance of Omaha farms, us show you the goods. All sizes trices, all terms. OR1N S. MERRILL. . Rooms, 133-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Let. all Aew York. 121 ACRES. Excellent dairy farm. Manufacturing village 7,000, half mile, on state road. Modern buildings throughout West soil, all tillable. MllK taken from laor 4c year round. Very reasonable '.erms. Hundreds of others. Goodelle, Jeneva. N. Y. North Dakota. FOR SALE 398-acre farrn near locator Grand Forks county, North Dakota. Good house: also large brook and several fine .springs of water on it. Will make ideal stock farm. Price $32.00 per acre: terms $1,000 cash down; ten years to pay bal ance. W rite PETER M GOVERN LAND CO.. Florence., Wig. The" Persistent and judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success - - REAL ESTATE FARM 4t RAICH LANDS IT Oil SAIdi Soath Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land; 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7 miles from Dallas and 6 miles from Colome. Price. $40 per acre, payable $1,500 cash, $3,500 March 1, IRIS; $2,400 March L 1817. Address Box ISO, Dallas. So. Dak. Miscellaneous. LOW PRICED, good land, easy terms; 40 to 33.500 acres at (3 to $25 per acre. Wisconsin, Minnesota. Dakotas. Mon tana. Canada; big bargains; railway fare repaid; Bay what you vant and where; we have It. Standard Farm Agency. Min neapolis, Minn. UVK STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship ilve stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. ' I. It Stork Conamlaslon Merckaats. BYERS BROS. & CO., Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co., 15 Ex. Bldg. LAVERTY BROS.. 13D Exchange Bldg. Martin Bros, ft Co.. Exchange Bidg Clay, Robinson Co., 200 Exchange Bids. AI In polls Grain Slurkrl. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. I8.-CORN-N0. 3 yellow, 65(J66c. OATS No. 3 white, 304&31c. RYR-No. 2. 62?i5c. BRAN In 10il-lb. sax'ks, $18.75ftl!l.50. FLOUR First patents. $4.35(4.65; sec ond patents. $l.20f(i4.46; first clears, $3.2031' 8.50; second clears, $2. 404.70. FLAX-$1.4b'4- BARLEY -434 Mllwni- tin Market. MILWAUKEE. Od. I8.-WIIEAT-N0. I northern, 93iiic; No. 2 northern, 884 ic; jno. 2 hard winter, 394c; oecember, 94c; May, 44c CORN No. 3 yellow, 6!;f664; No. 3 white, 67c; No. 3, 66c; December, 634c; May, o2c. OATS Standard, 34434'. BARLEY Malting, 68(i75c. I'rorla Markrl. PEORIA, Oct. 18-CORN-No. 2 wlilta 64c; No. 2 yellow, 64c; No. 3 yellow, 64c; No. 3 mixed, 64c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 334c; standard, 33c; No. 3 white. 324c. , Totals 1,441 4.556 8,759 CA'tTLE Cattle receipts were very light today, only twenty-eight cars being reported In, of which number fourteen cars were not offered for salo. This means that there were really not enough cattle of any one kind on sale to maae a market or test out values. The feel ing, however, was just about steady with yesterday. This means that the market on strictly good beef steers is about steady with u week ago, with the common to medium kinds weak to possibly as much as 10it 15c lower The best cows and heifers and also the common and thin grades have sold very close to steady, while the fair to medium 1 kinds are around I65j.t0c lower than last J week. Feeders have been good sellers through out the week and desirable kinds have commanded fully steady prices, with In ferior grades a little easier. Quotation on Native Cattle Good to choice beef steers, $8,126$ 10. Oil; fair to good beef steers, $7.258 25; common to fair beef steers, fi.(K)7.25; good to choice belters, $6.75g$t).60; good to choice cows, $5.50iS4i.2fi; fair to good grades,, common to fair grades, $3. 2594,40; good to choice . stockers and feeders, $6.00p.OO: fair to good stockers and feeders, $5.253 6.00; common to fair stockers and feed ers, $4 505.26: stock cows and heifers, $4.50$a7S; veal calves, $4750.00; bulls, stags, etc., $4.255.50. Quotations on Range Cattle Good to choice beef steers, $6.5011.30; fair to good beet steers. $6.006.60; common to fair beef steers, $5.006.00. Representative sales: COWS. Fr. No. Av. Pr, i 15 1K 4 7fi 3 W 10 1031 4 Tf. 84 I ...1010 4 7d 4 to 1 11(0 t 00 HEIFERS. 4 70 1 40 S 25 4 75 CALVE8. 380 50 1 310 I 75 100 8 00 J 10 I 75 7.. 4... Av. . 20 .1053 . 937 . 725 . I4 . 57 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 .. 691 346 6 10 i 40 NEBRASKA. IK i I Pr. 5 65 6 10 4 75 6 05 4 50 Av. 967 874 m No. 24 steers.. 7 heifers. 11 cows... 6 feeders.. 553 2 cows 1205 6 65 112 steers.... 766 5 60 19 feeders.. 1145 5 60 5 heifers... 514 4 75 10 feeders.. 967 6 06 7 feeders. .1242 Pr. 5 60 500 4 25 5 25 4 75 640 6 70 4 85 6 40 6 25 10 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 18.-M.ETALSCo-per, steady; standard spot, $17.24) bid; Oc tober, November and December, $17.20!3' 17.50; electrolytic, $17,6217.87; lake, $17.6217.S7; casting, J17,25Sd7.:r;. Tin, firm; spot, $50.1&S0.50; October, $50.rgi 50.60; November, $48.75C0.25. Lead, quiet, $5.0745-05. Spelter, $7.5057.60. Anti mony, quiet; Cuokson's, $10.00010.124. Iron, firm and unchanged. Copper ar rivals at New York today were 1,135 tons; exports this month, 13,741 tons. Lon. don copper, easy; spot, 76 10s; futures, 77 10s. Ixical exchange sales of copper were 5 tons. Ioudon tin, easy. 228 16s; futures, X227 10s. London lead, 21. London spelter, 27 12s 6d. Iron, Cleve land warrants, C6s 104d in London. 6 5 & 15 70 4 45 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 18COTTON Futures opened steady; October, lO.OOo; November, 10.00c; December, 10.32c; Jan uary, 10.38c; February, 10.48c; March. l.82c; May, I0.6c; June, 10.70c; July, 10.76c. Oils and Roslb. SAVANNAH, Oct. IS. -TURPENTINE- No. Av 17 steers.... 981 13 cows 889 43 heifers... 668 24 feeders.. W02 5 cows 1000 22 steers.... 1213 9 steers.... 538 7 heifers... 387 11 cows...:. 925 22 feeders.. 901 COLORADO. 88 feeders.. 1032 6 30 Mrs. J. C. Berry. Nebraska. 19 feeders.. 968 6 30 7 cows 1)14 L. II. Hershiser, Nebraska. 9 feeders.. 1042 6 60 14 feeders.. 812 W. G. Wilson, Nebraska. 23 feeders.. 1098 6 80 13 cows 1084 J. H. Minor, Nebraska. 38 cows 1038 6 26 10 cows 1060 HOGS A gloomy outlook surrounded the early trade in hogs', speculators tak Ink only a few hogs here and there al the opening at prices steady to a nickel lower. The packer buyers started out a little late in the morning and made their first purchases anywhere from a nickel lower to as much as bjV)c lower than the general run of sales yesterday. As the morning advanced the demand apparently became better and In consequence trade was quite active at and near the close. Hogs unsold on the late market in tho end brought prices only about a shade lower than the general market yester day. Bulk of the sales was mado t.:cund $.58.70, with several loads of the bjat offerings on sale making a top of $8.75, Just a nickel lower than the hlgheswprice on the day previous. A very fair run showed up for a Fri day, as In the neighborhood .of sixty-live oars, or 4,6'KI head, were reported In. as against 5,445 head a week ago, 3,722 head, two weeks aso and 3,682 head on the cor responding day a year ago. A clearance of the offerings was effected in fair sea son. Representative sales: Demand for Cattle Klon Hoaa hiii! (herii , Lower. CHICAGO, Oct. 18. CATTLE Re ceipt, 2.600 head: market slow and steady; beeves. $4.50i 10.95; Texas steers, $4.5(KfrA.8.V, western steers, $5.75ifi.fl.W; stockers and fenders, $4.25(07.50: cows and heifers, I2.90&7.SO; calves, '$7.00fft9.!i,". HiOOS Receipts, 17,MX head; market steady and lie off; light, $8.3tft.OB: nrlxeo, $8.450.25: heavy, $S.46W9.25; rough, $Mu 8.70: pigs, $.7&tr'7.75; bulk of sales, 18.75 ffttl.C). SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10,'OJ head; market steady anil 10c off; natives, $3.65.00; westerns, $3.8i4 85; yearlings, $4.7.Va4.o:i; native lambs, $5.25fo7.W; west erns, $5.50.50. Kansas Clly Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. lK.-CATTIJ'i-Recelpts, 3,i00 head, Including southerns; market steady; dressed beef and export steers, $1.5Ofi.l0.7B; fair to ginxl, $6.7i!fti8.25; western steers, $5.00ii 8.80; stockers and feeders, $4.0Ofji7.W); southern steers, $4.60ffid.00: southern cows, $J. 2545.00; native cows, $.'!.;W(i'd.fiO; native heifers, 55.o0rttS.00; bulls, $3.j$5.25; calves, $5.01,8.50. HOGS-Recelpti), 5,000 head; market Mr 100 lower; bulk of sales, $8.4(ICa.85; heavy, $8.80'8.y0; packers and butchers, $8.654i,'8.86; lights, $8.30(ii)8.80; pigs, $6.7b?p 7.60. SllBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; lambs, $6.rOt'7.4t'; yearlings, $4.5(X(j.6(); wethers, $3.75li1.fi0; ewes. $J,5ft&4.25; stockers and feeders, $2.50f4.ti0. Chicago A. iv,a . i t. A. U ad), ta C. H. & d- I 4s.... MS 80. Pac. col. 4s do tn 4a (. On cv. 4a M 4 S P c 4i .lffcVt, do tat rf. 11. . I , I , JUIL ac. !-!.... aft .. iv 1, K , . cu. ftimf M....4tm . do rfg. 4a tJ do gen. 4a 7s i-. a . r Vta W(l Vnlon Panltlo 4a... .Iftn, II A It. cv. 4 H74 do rv. 4a 103 t). 4- R O. raf. 5a. M1 rto tat & nt. 4a,, tfc PMlllen' 5 T4 V. . Kuhbar ....Wt Brie p. 1. 4 WVi TJ. g. Steel M Ci...t09'i do gait. 4a 77- Va...'ar. Chem. &., r?i ! do av. 4. r. B. . TSlj Wabaah 1st ft- as. 4 ' I lll. On !( raf. Wwt.rn Md 4a m lntir. Mat. i lW.t. Bloc. f. .. M"i liner, M. M. !- .. 4, wi. cntrl is..., hs Japan Hs MS nij. "OKartd. . Iil.TiHl 1. '.'im 4, ;mi 1IKI 1.8110 1MI D.WI J.llMJ 5, i" Hid IMI SIW n.oou J.IOII 10 5lK) S.IK10 J,t0 .ft00 .() 1 .11111 S.1IHI a.mio l.DOl 1 . 100 4 3. Slid IV-1). (l' 70 ' 4f.' 51 21". Hi, 4 IV, ' inn lit nv 45 l!!St, IDS hi mv, 1U74 W 274 mt IS. IIJ'4 14l 4Sa 1-KO it quotations HUH n 5H4 Tiiu ii 4C, !:! ii's 151. 'a .li 1 114 I2'ii HS'a JIB 451 (', no: ' 140Vj 50 , 53 17 tin, 141 41' 14.'.4 I Pi 30 53 ifd J.500 i:;t i:i't U'-'k iMfa.. I 700 4Ki, " im lit 1, is 12s St. Loals Live Stock Market. FT. LOUIS. Oct. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,W0 head, Including 1.700 Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, $8.00i10.80; dressed beef arid butcher steers, $5.60ri.00; stockem and feeders. $3.75(916.50; cows and heifers, $."x75 ?;8.50: canners, $2.75414.00; bulls, $4.0u.6; calves, $.00rnll.50; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4.50rf7.2i; cows and heifers, 3.16 476.00. HCXJS Receipts, .00 head; market' 10 )15c lower; nigs and lights. H.754SH.0O: mixed and butchers, $8.65(bt'9.15; good iheavy. $9.00((r0.15. BHluEP ANU LA MUM Receipts, 4.IW head; market steady; muttons, $4.00i 4.50; lambs, $6.9xy7.45; stockers, MhWM. were unchuiiHetl on can. Number ot sales ami iradliv on stocks were ns follows: s.i Amslsamatatl t"Pier ... Amorlcaii Asrh uliuial . Daut Sua;ar... Amarlcan Can Amarliaii Can pfd Amorli-an C tk V Amnlian Colloti Oil. .. Am. Ice Sxcurltlaa AmcrliBii I.lnaefd .... Anirrlian IxioomotlTa .. Amnriraii' t. a R Am. I. R. pM Am. Sugar Kflnli) ... Amorlcan T. T Amoiiisn Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co.... Alchlaon Atchison pM Atlantic CoaM Line Halllmoro Ohio Batlilrhain Rlaal .. Urookljn Hap Id Tr Canadian I'aHflc Ontral Lenthor Cheaapeake Ohio Chlrafo (1 W Clilcapi, M A St. P... I'hlcaito & N'. W Colorado V. A I.. Conaolldattd (is a Corn rroducta Delaware 6c lludaon Danver Hlo IJrando IM-nvar & It. 0. pfit Iilattllera' Bacurltlea .... l.SDO Xo'i Krle a.KiN :l5''a Kris tft titd 100 63 Krln 2d ptil (lenoral Blm-lrlr 4W) 1MI)V (lieat Northern ptd (ireat Nortlicrn Ore llllnnla ('antra Interlmmtich Wot 2.4) i Jl Inter. Met. pf.t 2,500 " t lnternHttonal Harvaater .. Intcr-Miirlno pfd Ino SO 10 lntornatlnnal Hnpor ftiaj 1:14 IT International Pump 1.W0 Jl1, V Kanaaa City Boutliern. ... W) !!)' 2 Uarlede (laa Lehigh Valley Umlavtlle A Naahvillc. . M S. P. ft S. 8. M Mlasourl, K. T MlKiuri Paelhc National Blacult National Lead N. it. R. of M. Id ptd. New York Oentral N'. Y., 0. W Norfolk 4t Wastarn North American Northern Pacific, Puiirto Mali , Pennlylvanla People' a Ota P , r C. St. L Plttpburgh Owl Prexeed Dleol Cir Pullman Palace Car..,. Reading Republic I. & 1 Republic I. B. pfd... Mock laluid Co Rock Island Co. pfd at. h. ft a. r. id pfd... Seaboard Air Una Seaboard A. L. pfd mora-Sheffield g. ft I... Southern Paclfle Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneeee Copper Toiae Pacific Union Paclfle Union Pacific pfd United Htetea Realty I'nlled Biatee Rubber.... 1100 6',i 113 l'nlted States Btet! 1,400 Ta't '8 V, s. Steel pfd MOO JI6' Its I llitatoti HUSTON. Oct. stocks were as Allouea Amal. Cawuar A. E. I.. S I Art aims Nmi. , n. a c. c. s. m : t'al. Ik Artaona ; Cat. A Heels. I Centennial ' Cup. Haii l!. I'.. ' r.t Hulte C, M... ' Fnuiklln j OIidux Con dranby Coo j Green Cananea ... 1 tale liiirl rapper Kerr Take lake Copper , I A Salle Copper . .. I Miami Topper 1SJ (12 H ais US 4:iVi H W l.'tl 27m I 45', IO0H : 1411(4 j I Oil '4 I to 1 91 I 111-4, 141 4IUj 1464 'Jl timji 214 40 ,10 :iH U 424 Ikl 3 Stork MarWrt. IS CloslnsT quotations Qtia follows: , , 44S Mohawk . SOS Narad Con. . . . . nv4 Ntplaalng Ml nee . 4 North initio .... Mirth Lake 04j Old Dominion. .. .- (Mceola . II Uulncy , li'K tHiaimon , 1044 Suuerlor , 1114 superior B. M , 44t l .mara. k . 3'i V. S. . B. M . nasi to pfd 4m;tah Ton. 'JS I tab Copper Co.. S4U Winona Wolverine I7S ,,. a ... M ... .IU ... ST ... IS . 431 I, " , .4i. , 48 W. . 1$ 1 :3 6,100 ,17874, 1761i 1,100 200 1,100 2.100 loo too 400 500 I, 600 II. 300 aoo too wo too 1.84)0 1,000 66,000 4,800 too 100 oo 1110 100 i.aoo 800 1,100 a 00 1.000 200 mi 11 T lldla ini.' 44a 124V, m 10i n iriii 84 4a PHH 27H (44j 404, 671, 11H4 30 U 144i H 44 H :H llVfc 34i nn, iasii 14 124V4 190 i 10. , UH m, ii i 33 91H S7 Va 54 aoii 111 40 57 110 ! 83 43 '4 li.10t 172', 17144 1M, ) nvi m, 1C014 144 24i 44 13.1 M MV, 1164, W, IIH'l 84 Vi 137 1131, VK ' liouj W7V, 244, :ii"4, 187 14 1764, ,14 n 271, U 3PH It 48 My, 111 82, 24 1V4, 8814 t2 61 7ll Hi New York Mlnlnpr fltorlta. N'BW YORK, Oot. l$.-Closln quota f'otis on mlnlna slocks were: Com. Tunnel atork.. 18 Meilcen do bonds Con. Tel. Iran Silver ... I.cilvll! Con. UttlB Chief .. Offered. VI.. IB .. 40 . .180 .. t .. 4 Ontario ophlr tandart1 .... Yellow Jacket US .20D 48 19 Hank Clearlnga. '''' OMAHA, Oct. 18.-Tlie bank cleaiirtaa for fodav were eVt.fll2,9l4.4, as cnmiMimt with 2,B47,m4il for the same da lass laf . Tnraentine ana Hnsla. PAVANNAIT, Ga.. Oct. 11 TtTR PEN TIN K Firm, 40U41e; sales. 61 bbls.! re oetutx, MT bbls.; slilpments, 78i! bbls. stuck. S'J IIT. bbls. HOSIN-KIrm; sains. 1.810 bbls.; res eelpts, 1.7U9 bbls.; shipments. 2,474 bbls stork, IW.SO:. guote: H, $H40; Di (C.4W3 H. Sfi BO; I'", a. VI and t, l.t)0; K. M N, 17.05; WO, $8.1S; WW. M.40. ,f I hi porta at Net York, N'BW YORK, Oct. H.-Imports of tncr ciharidlse and dry goods at thu port oj New York for the week ending Octobej II were valued a 17,!W4.54u. Imports of specie for this port for the week endlnaf today were 31l),078 silver and K.rtHiUBt Kolil. Exports 1, 00,071 silver and J&.lOd Bold. , lrr Oooda Market. KV-W' YORK. Oct. lS.-DMY GOODS Cotton roods held steady in wide prink cloths, which are 'Ac easier. About 6,U0i bales of goods have been sold for Chins and India shipment this week. Jobbers report a coed rteady trade and the volume! of merchandise moving Is large. I Coffee Market. NEW YORK, - Oct. 1..-COFFBB FutiirMM murkftt rloaed nteadvt net lw points lower to 4 points higher. Sales) MM) bags. Spot coffee, steady; Rio NeJ 7, l&ttc; (Santos No. , 18',n. Mild, quiet d Cordova, MMi'lSe. ' I " i iflvaporaleil Apalea and Dried Frntts. NSW YORK. Oct. 18. EVAPORATKdI AFFl..E8-gulet. . DRIED lfRT'lTft-Prunes, quiet; Calk; fornla fruit, F,W$Sic. up to 30-44i; Oregons tvijtHAc, up 10 ,o-o:. Apricots, tlrm Peaches, steady. Rulslns, quiet Frm, 40c. RO.siN Firm; types F and O, ti.7. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 18. CATTLF Receipts, 500 head; market, stead v steers, W.7egl0.a0: cows and heifers. 13 a i.75; calves, 4.00.00. ' a HOGS Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady; top, IS.96; bulk of sales, 8.70'a8 io' SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, 3 000 head; market, steady; lambs, I6.a8tf.w! Stock In Bight. Receipts of live stock at the fiv. nrtn. cipal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha. St. Joseph Kansas City.. St. Louis Chicago 7,t00 500 3,000 6.4K 2,Ct4 4.W.0 3,(m 6,000 6.400 1.700 1I.0 3. CJT 4. K0 10.1'tt Total receipts 19,000 2O,80i u.jt So. AT. 81). Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 77 198 80 8 60 88 201 . .. ft 70 49 12 80 8 80 41 24H 40 I 70 21 S10 ... 8 0 M 2,9 32X1 1 ;0 40 MS ... 78. ISA 20 8 70 - 54 2S 8 0 14 r,Z 8V 8 70 SS9 J4" I ft". 68 271 W 8 7o 30 32 ... 85 77 183 ... 8 70 27 378 ... 8 t;t 180 1 T0 0 4) 4f, T 263 40 I 70 24 ISO 8 IS 69 2M, 4(1 TO 41 80S 180 8 85 6t 234 ajj , 70 M 237 40 I to U J64 ... 7(l 67 200 160 t 4 78 U2 240 I 70 29 Sfl 8U 8 . M 17!) 40 71) 411 i W 8 66 72 260 400 8 70 24 2Ji 0 8 IT, r.o.. 247 120 8 70 38 ; 200 8 If. Ill ;so sot 8 70 68 292 40 8 5 ; ;82 so I To 20 26 120 8 li 6 J48 fU, 7n 48 2n2 80 5 66 24 40 I 50 (1 248 ... l 78 ?4t ... IM 79 249 40 8 87s 57 26 ... I 7314 74 243 200 8 07', IK 21 lZO 7-1. 09 iil 40 I 87 St) ,.2.19 . . g Til t,8 86 120 8 6TM, 40 222 ... I 7S 6.1 246 ... 8 674 09 287 20 175 63 232 120 t 70 24 J. 40 I 76 46 S:i8 140 6 70 67 261 ... ST; K r, 241 40 8 7 7 J SO 8 f H 247 SO 8 75 80 207 200 6 70 PIG. 128 . . 7 20 It !9 ; 31 PK1X AND SKIPS 69 19! ... 6 33 15 11; . . T Zfi This announcement will appear in this paper one only. We have underwritten $10,000,000 Six Per Cent. Cumulative Preferred Stock of Utilities Improvement Company and we offer $1,000 Preferred $400 Common For $1,000 Cash Subscriptions are payable 20 per cent, in cash and balance not more than 20 per cent, per month, but deferred payments may be anticipated at any time. Dividends will be paid from date of issue at the rate of six per cent, on the Preferred stock and two per cent, on the Common stock. It is expected that the dividend rate on the Common stock will be increased one per cent, each year until six per cent, is reached. One-half of the above total amount has been sold to our European corres pondents for distribution abroad. Subscriptions will be received until noon, Saturday, October 26th, 1912. Telegrams of inquiry may be sent at our expense. Application may be made through your Banker or Broker, or direct to Henry L, Doherty & Company Banker Sixty Wall Street New York