Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Xffl a li I A IIl Boy. -.ALlUSlVC OllOpS FlarUt.. UUrr ! thtttdi. House, aad Cottage.. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as
W fll A .' ' BLUE LABEL Goggenhelmer rye eight , strangers are invited to visit the Young
V : AGENTS-$4.50 to $18 a day during the years old, per full quart, $1 1)0 ' A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L MONET! MONET! MONET! NEW 6-room Home, strictly modern, tit Women's Christian association building
V.- WBt ads received at any time, faU seasont investigate. Repeat-order Weldon Springs Bourbon, 8 years old, "me-s awrnnr ins F.,.,m st' WHY BK WITHOUT MONET? No- 83d- Harney 2302. at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they
" fcut to insure proper classification getters. Samples and catalogue free. . ppr quarti ,j M - a u awuUUA' lua. tarrmm PL when you can get It for the asking. FUR- $9-Good 3-room house, city water, elec will be directed to suitable boarding
K- A hfnra 12-00 L'has. T. alak Co., 5410 3. Kobey St, Maryland rye, per quart, 75 cent. u HENDERSON, 1619 Far nam. D. 1258. N ITU RE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE RE- trie lights, near 35th St. and Grand Ave. places or otherwise assisted. Look for
Pr?na , Jliftn Chicago. III. Home made grape wine, gal., $1.00. BATH'S florist Boyd Theater Bldg CEIPT. FIXTURES. HORSES, WAG- SCOTT ft HILI our travelers, aid at the Union Station.
o'clock noon for the evening edition -d offtffC. Two quart bottles of bee" 25 cents. "f. , ltlcater , r ONS or TOUR PLAIN NOTE If em- Phone Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. .PTO.,m,
! and before 7: SO p. m., for morning tKrlialand omee. JIa,t tQnlc ejtra fine J0 cents a bQUle Brandeis cut flower dept.. new store. pi0yed wlll sufficient for security. No TFansCOM PARK residence 6 rooms' ANNA H. MABKS1111 j?"
, and Sunday eflilions. Want ads re- STENOGRAPHER, who has some ex- lUhe? ai Postofflc. Foundries SfrlTnnfMii'' -m?!0 modern: new furnace. $25. 2963 Martha St i,am. Davldge Block. Apt. 3. Doug. 654E.'
celved after euch hours wfll have porience. Salary $&0. Addrew 0-873, care Opposite Postofflce. "nc tly . confidemlal. Tour call appreci- 8 SEA RLE, Owner, 648 Omaha Nafl BoHv M.asa m a Neville Blk D 7781.
: their first insertion under the head- lee ; THE ELITE CAFE A&lt&iiS?. T&MKjffl&g- LWE8T' Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 680. Body Maseage, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761.
, ,ta "Too Laf toClas.ify.- Factory ad Trade.. jj.treH rB.ce. d ,d floorpl SSvZSU 1411. .ocC 0 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE
CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. Drug Store (,nsp job,. Kniest. Bee Bldg. eled the flne,t Chinese-American cafe repairs ln stock to fit your stove. FURNITURE SALART wshfn'g IfoTadlofninT HaUtfJ Rane A BARGAIN ?,or Bme J0"118. -
REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. fVARY AUTOMOBILE ',nJhe west Everything tha market af- furnace, steam or hot water heater; new LOANS. Bldg DouX. 74 nf is Jt Jf r:, 1 M8 of TlaI
nnlnlplnr TaTinta a word LiCi Alv A A U 1 U.A1 UU.LEj fords at popular prices. Chop sueys and furnaces, wrought iron and cast Let us Without pubUclty. Easiest payments. , 1ougla'' 7406- bk of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 rolumes. Law
une insertion cenw a worri. ENGINEERING. warmelns, eggs and noodles. AH styles, figure with you. Lowest rates. Confidential. Private. 5-ROOM brick, modern, except heat, 1807 Elctlonary- ,Hal on Torts, Cooley on
Two or more conaecnUve inser- Qrt ,nto the RUtomo0Ie business, learn finest steak and chops In the city. Our OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. No- mb reduced to J1Z50. Torts. Clark's Criminal Law Books:
tiona li cents a word. No adver- tt complete in the largest and best 25c dinner from 33 to 1 and 6 to S Is 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 2ft Established Twenty Years 4-room cottage, 2 lots, 4024 Camden Ave., food as new. Will sell or trade for
tisement taken for less than SO equipped training school in this territory, the best In the city. FARMER ft RUSHLAND. furnaces and 1003FARNAMST " J,'8 ' aS2?' ia W Knott 'iiaN "ffil? wS m '
cents. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen TOU HAVE TRIED THE REST hotel work. 1403 Jackson St. Room a Board of Trade Bldg. hm r'r iua ' Knott. 4616 N. 86th St. Web. 6596.
CHARGE RATES. r:tara,Ioagnude " " iJSff.SJrf"' li.vtn,, Stooge, C,..,.-,. Telephone Douglas 2295. Mtgy Sh&o aOBiK,B-
' " r'S.Srtli !Si ner line S"M?SS. HL' AWr Ir55S Gordon nreprooHv-arehous. and Vaa MonCV hSnTffi
One Insertion 12 cents per line. 141o-17 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. overeoaU for Co. Furniture packing, piano moving " rate of Interest . hwd. near car line, walking distance. tourIng five.passenger and fully
Two or more consecutive inset- WANTED - Immediately, experienced $5 00 Office C6 S. 17th 8t Doug. 394. Nebraska Loail Co., - equipped and In good running order, with
,.tion 0 cents per line. comakers, Hartell. 1!W9 Capitol Ave, Furn. moving; 2 men. $1 per hr. W. 2748. Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg A-1356. tJ3' PARK AVE. My 9-room residence, four new tires. WU1 trade for horses.
1 One line per month $1.80. TND-One experienced uphr gccrSffi DBT W,r.,e. .,d .d.. HOAfF TOAN PO FrankaCa?eTnWefrO180d2Uble ?& S2 " A""
Twenty cents a minimum charge, and cabinet maker; also man thoroughly n FAKIVfl POMPAiCV HU3Lb JJJAJN UU., fr"K arey- ier iwa CC"
"!!pSrlenc''5 ln m,Jt,,n "Li""?!?, 14TH AVn fionrv tot norm MM STEWARTS SEEDMAN. 11 N. 18th. Most reasonable rate, m the city. Writ, 5-ROOM cottage at 171ii N. 33d St., 16. HIGH-GRADE 5-passenger automobile.
f - shades and Renerel drapery work. Holl- 14TH AND DODGE. TEL, DOt)G. 256S. or pno DoUglas 1235. DUNDEE-6110 Webster 6-room mod- ,n ood condition; cost $3,100 when new.
J..DBATIU AXD FUAERAL NOTICES. 1"' , Optlcu.. 1S23 Farnam. Room t Patterson Blk. ern house, Vne loSattoS ? onS Mock SSSi W1 tr5de f": ?r ectlon
'vHADFTEUW.. "ST aed 74 year.. MPVr tl? loMo' U1,r' B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 423 Brandeis MONEY loaned salaried people and Elizabeth Dunn, 1950 S. 16th St. Omaha fmpreor caraXtAd7
J died at Cheyenne. Wyo.. October 17. MS. MraJLgi I?pJp- t0- AUTOMOBILES. o.teoomtl. 0thr8 on thelr own name: eap rates. 2963 Pacific St.. 9 rooms, all mod....$35.0C dress lU care Bee
Funeral services will be held at St. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ten leather factort rosr Osteoptl.y. ey paymenU. confidantlaL D. II. Tol- 1128 S. 26th St.. 7 rooms, all mod 30.00 " p , . 7 1 .
iZ&8!&??Zt-SST WWCSSS .Sfflel-to Alice Johnson, 30S-, Branded The. Bldg. NaU,M, Bank B.dg. 531 a , .Ave. IU0 .iyaSS-?
" 'Jnvitea. Vh : inroVTf tloiiy t Bel Q , . , tUAlAU. 1514 Dodge St.. lei. Red 6619. 2m Brlstol 7 r00m8 mod; ex heat 8-w WILL trade 1,600 equity ln seven-room
t MUcellaneous. -rw ni,-l,? i.. . d? t1"!? deliver glass in aU 7u s. 19th St., 9 ran., mod. ex. heat, 26.00 house, Uncoln. Neb., for picture show.
:i CARD OP TU1SKI. r,lV?L P eU,tv ,U9 w,r Parts of the city. . nnfiv fiTPlMSHTPfl 546 S. 24th Ave.. 7 rms., md. ex. heat. 20.00 Show must stand investigation. 247 B.
yrs TOU CAN EARN MORE MONET Tmi m?i ii html i Barker BrOS. Paint CO. UU,-,, BlbAaiamra 2417 Ersklne. 6 rms.. mod, ex. heat... 20.00 Broadway. Excelsior Springs, Mo.
iss We desire to thank the friends, lodges In the automobile business: chauffeurs. 0ck Sont waTt to Twrlt TTi-ST'h.r "The Paint Men Tou Know" ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS 2020 Charles, 5 rooms, city water 15.00 FOR SALE - Or trade, three good
''and society for their many kindnesses repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de- J.' .t ,w,t'v,,? Tfl. .v. v." 1609A Farnam Douglas 4760. New York, Londonderry and Glasgow, 2S12 Webster, 5 rooms, city water.... lo.OO farms, 9 mi. N., 6 ml. E. of Monte Vista,
jnd floral offerings during the Illness and mand and command large salaries; pre- f1 VJJLttZuLtJ: arnam. uougias New York, Palermo and Naples McCAGUE 1NV. CO., Colo. A. V. Nelson, Monte Vista, Colo.
death of our beloved wife and mother, pare yourself In our large training shops, a"?.;".p as ?nfe TTSfJJS c. ?TT3lLihA Patents. Attractive rates for tickets between New 1506 Dodga St. Phone Doug. 415. .
r(S?C Wd, I . ho7r. 0Perate' rePa'r BIlTSo.. lkUrSrS6!iSSSr- Hnun A. STU W Patent Lawyer. JtM aSSS. Z "'h, 2 to 4 njTaiig REAL ESTATE I-OANS
it Ald8Udt w- NATI0LE? Tarn";1 ssr w5 sis a a a nTwd: heat- zvx
V BIRTHS AND DEATHS. INO ASS'N. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES ST71 ' t0 ,ocal aBent rf Anchor LIne or HEN- 118-4212 Cuming, 6-r., mod. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St
f ! " ,v . v. K PrUtln. DERSON BROTHERS. General Agents, 1S 2819 Decatur, 5-r., mod. WANTED City loans. Peters trust Co.
V Births-Jesse and Lillian Brown. 4024 N" J lh Bt- mana' STODDA RD-DA YTON 7-pamanger U- nnTTPT s t,ln?77v, . -i n. ua Chicago, 111. $203522 N. 28th, 7-r., mod. ex. heat. ' oo to $10 000 made promptly D
iTNorth Thirtieth boy; Fred Md Lillian MAIL CARRIERS, postofflce clerks mouslne. Rebuilt and repaired. All In POUGLAS Printing Co.; Tel. Doug 6U , $23-2916 Shirley 7-r.. mod. ex heat. . yni7inL.
CtGamblin i002 Lake girl- Nels and Anna wanted. Omaha examinations during fine condition. I w W T?nnov Pnntor Teleohone nnnni-n t.t. ..Tr $232308 N. 18th, 8-r., mod. ex. heat. .
t tLarsor337 North ThlftK Free coaching. Franklin J. J- DERIQHT AUTO CO. L?W W-naPei, -Tinier, Doug )01g. OFFERED FOR RENT. $25-2803 Pratt. 5-r., new, mod. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com-
tt"sa .K ZZZZZZl. J'J , i?L5lZZZ?Z - .EEstsa, TOggtgS
Deaths Mabel McNolr, 1 month, Rescue in our .Choof Practice on R R wires of a a a . . ! Furnished Kaoma. 810 William St.. 6-r. all mod. flat, $32.60. TSirv'-trvv' r-1 1 itctito
sairs-r-" -' SSafs.: SSHS:iS5i a"sgg.K!as eom sr , P. sv-va-as- .&gaJ "aa
I-: WANTED For U 8. army ablebodled toSt bo 'y.' ener Bittlne with ,tell Cot nepoprt.. vate family; West Hanscom park dls- iB12 S, 5th.' 4-r.,' city water and gas, $10. 60 M. and up. Harrison & Morton.
BUILDING PERMITS. uimiardrnen between ages of 1$ and S5 Locomobile 6-passenger limousine. ihft:'enty.St heaVv bath' reason' 1920 N. 36th, 5-r., $9. (For colored). MONEY to loan on business or real-
v t Km ofS 8?aeior fArtari Locomobile 5-Vassenger touring; car. Myrtle A. Kelley, 816. Bran. The. D. 8682. able price. "Phone Harney 6814. 3610 Jones.. 9-r.. an mod., $28. dence properties. $1,000 to $50,000. W. H.
' Byron Reed company, 2802 Dodgs, frame A(.t.r and tmnerate habits who can Locomobile 6-passenger roadster. KeatnarmBts. LARGE room, West Farnam district; 1131 N. 17th, 4-r., city watar, $10. THOMAS, 503 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
dwelling, $2.500. speak, ar.d and write the 'English lan- glFrS&Bt'' Alm 7"- t gentleman preferred. Harney 1884. 2708 N. 34 th. 4-r., $8. Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co.. On
.- ' ' fnUreoffr,nardftPtt H M F in gU conation. Believe me H0ME PLATE CAFE 447 " tW genUemen- H" SS ft 4 S htt S Loans on farms and .mproved city prop,
, HELP WANTED FEMALE omah Neb S Founh sV Slo City It in a snap CaU for demonstration 'Th Right Placa to Eat" 320 S. 19th St -2- 3009 Decatur. 6-r., city water and gas, $15. erty. 6 to 6 pet r no delay J. Hi Du-
CH Y QMAHA ALBURN AUTO CO., ?AK Stor. ,Pd Ft,t.fe.. 423 Bee BMgD' "otuglas 4754. lSLr.
f. STENOGRAPHJER, lumber exp.ri.nce JSCVriSi good My T-pa.senger $5,060 Pierce-Arrow tour- . WE BUT and sell anything, everpthlng STRICTLY modern south room, one or NEW SIX ROOM BRICK ' C"
jpreferred. $i0. wages. Apply J. Robinson, Norfolk iron in car, fully equipped, In good condl- 'n fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply two gentlemen. Walking distance. Doug. xJiv oia xvvjvivi jhxviv APVTM TIPO Ixjans, $500 and up.
t OO-OPERATrVE REFERENCE Cft. TMrtal Co.; Norfolk. Neb tlon, for $1,608. AlsbV $1,750 7-paasenger Co.. 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first, am - RESIDENCE FOR RENT UARVliN1 BKUb 0maha Nafl Bk.
L ; -Mo-lti aty National Bank Bldg. p v'pptrt itnpKD clerk wanted at onee Packard limousine, used only 8 months, POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures NEATLY furnished front room strictly if ... a. . a. . ror ,,. ; " " " .
S- iV.,r a Tr..; tonZltnZTt0 rVS VL?L N- U:nh- modern house. 1141 So. 33d St. H. 1101. gSSned' fe oEwtehen WANTED TO BUY
irn.MM, ' . v C00d itock deeper. On; who speaks r,"0' uranaeia sjtwes, Tet aad Awnlagi. 611 SO. 2STH AVE., furnished rooms, and refrigerator room; gas range and Household eds clothes ft shoes Dour 3971.
k A?BATI02 7n: mitTk?f? how eman win be preferred. Give refer- Omaha, j Phone Douglas 4530. 1. water heater furnished; three bedrooms gU8cnold Bd.clothes ft shoes. Doug. 3971.
to fit skli-ta and dresaos, 2t N. 16th. encea and state salary wanted. A booser OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 823. .. u,,pr birch, finished in mahogany; tiled bath; Best prices for shoes, clothes. Ben W.5479.
; FACTORY girls wanted to pack and n.ot tW?; Address The Madifen Co.. T.M, .... . - Tjr ,J" rv,,, fc-ood furnace, full basement with sink Best prices for fur clothes shoes W 6148.
label Skinner's macaroni products; pleca Wewela, S. D. BUSINESS CHANCES Trunk. Case.. .n'SAh'.d 2 af" ao ral"- wl decorate to suit tenant, f" prlce3 tor fwr ' c'0tne8- Bnoe'- Zt
I work. Apply 1:80, 13th and Jackson. WANTED - Chicken pickers for dry n ... . , . . . , Freltag ft Stelnle 1808 Farnam St ternoons alter ix. Apt imp, k. $30 per month. ,..
isouthantranctu picking. Richard Webber. Sioux City, la. nnV Vin m bm ffl n" ' Z , f 103 SO. 25TH AVENUE Very desirable TRAVER BROS ' - REAL ESTATE
r : ' : . , ., .. , ... . QANQKhTAD. 404 Bee Bldg., Tel. D. 3477. Wine, and Ltqnara. modern room. Phone Douglas 4285. J- XWi. V lulx XJXMJO. ; .
-1 UMiriw4 WANT to remove .lectrio light plant .r-fn,t.i.j .tm. 706 New Om. Nat Bk Bldg. Tel. a 4271 ABSTRACTS OK TITLE.
the SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM HELP WANTED tc good town or wlll sell machinery WILLOW Spring; beer, liquors, cigars, nswu-w . ' . atom (iia x - , .
..OLVEolf V J wun Hi AKO FEMALE. LBS,San ' Electrical UU.iUe, Riches. Alex Jetes, 602-3 S. 13th St, FOUR 8trict,y i rooms, excellent ,fMe" RD Abrat
Girl Wanted Ad FREE unUl you get the - t. .,, m,mr. . Lchang, Omaha. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large bot- neighborhood, walking distance. 2813 Pop- STORE ROOM or shop. 180 Farnaa; " Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Thwiter.
leslred results, This applies to residents MEN AND WOMEN WANTED for RESTAURANT for sale; cheap with tie. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St nleton Ave steam heated; fronting alley: merchaa. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALS.
, 1 of Omaha, South Omaha and Council government positions; $20.00 week. Write g0od business. Scott ft Vance. Republic. frk-f pptncnnm with ,n v, r, . . dls. entranc; full glass fronu Hall. 431
' Bluffs. Bring your ad to Th. Be. office for list of positions op.n. Franklin In- Kan. Club Whlskv- dm rhri ""n.flf Farai.acd Housekeeping Room.. Ramge. D. 7406, Ind A 4401 7 CENTS PER LINE WILL BE THB
m SfeSS JSSSmr - farnam street vacant MSJsSMBB
WANTED Girl for general housework; gin. D. 848, Be " wANTEDBuslnesa'' partner to invest tfmrnATinvAi walking distance. 2308 Dewey Ave. Red suit tenant. &. S. Curtis, 1808 Harney. tit , 1? Unm.
three In family. Call lUrn.y $744. , ,0m. mone and 1 sfrvfee. good oSJor- EDUCATIONAL 4963. References required. STORE and basement, 1907 Cuming, $30. W CSX V 21111 MOlTie
?U ,rl for, f,n,r1 houaawork- 204 wivrirn SirniTmm tunlty for rellabl. man. O .18. Baa. BOYLES COLLEGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished JOHN W. ROBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. A good home on one of the newly de-
"Bherman Ave. W.bsUr 4162. WANTED SITUATION3. RESTAURANT for sal. Inquir. of . . ;ff,T complete; nice flat, close ln; 647 S. 24th , veloped, choice residence streets of the
f wXnTED-A woman for general faou... "helPJ Call the Omaha Employment ),"f' 820 19tn- DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Av8' Q' D" BlmIson- Z OFFERED FOB SALE. west district. Sear the Farnam car line.
n-'Vg? BureuDougla. 1U2. CHANGE8-C. ORealty ALL THE YEAR - F.rntt,. number iM. ftTsSna &V
SSS'rS & )S!tSS:tTff Persistent Adv.rt.sing U ,h. Koad to St? JS. tSSSSZ JSS Btoves. furn.. lett" storage. Furniture. KjWr5s
ouired- aood homW iood . situation whara same neatness and ln- B g Returns. Service or Salimanshln. Tl- cimlorua " Birmingnam range, base burners, mission Paid in full. Tou will appreciate this ad-
lvSnnort food wages. 1922 taken in own home would b. ap- P"! V ttTaWng Call Trft.r Anartmeat. aad Flat.. dining Set; sell for charges. 2520 Cuming, vantage of being In a new up-to-date dis-
Davenport. Predated. Ko objection to leaving city, FOR SALB-Steam Uundry; good bust- l"hi"e , , Itnri" AAAr,m ii b LuU , r,WT 1M HTnR.nB " trlct where your neighbors all hav. tha
GOOD girl for general housework; good can give any referanee. required. Address neas; will sell cheap If taken at once; g? prVldent B?yl OoUan ? Omah "ROOM apartment, completely mod- FoF2AJJ 5, of sm Prlde tnat yu nav! ln keePln u
, home and good wag., to right party" B w" Irlti Petersen, 5les w10" W Allege. Omaha, ern; 6carg0 ldg South 0maha( abov9 For ba'e-A "uer of all kind of the)r A contractor. built this 7-
t Apply to Mra P. Elrod, Juut Dav.nport MAID work by Mat oolor.d girl. Phone rd. Nab- ' ' - 1 N. 24th. 'Hall, 438 Ramga Bldg. Doug. eharges 1413 Dodge St Come early. room house 3 years ago and no one ex-
'I honf go0od Bw bw'.rf 5SR?Dglr,aa cook or maid Phone aMttitM Mosher-Lampman College Q Removal sale turn., stoves, etc 1919 Clark. LST-
GIRL for bouaeworlu beat of wages. THOROUGH bookkeeper or flour sales, ron. 6. D. Blaok ft Johjiaon. VVork for board. mAg?n" Ljl?h"JbamI" Johnson, 578 Brandeis Bldg. 'Tel. D. 4251. Electric pianos. Continental Nov. 119 N. 15. easy terms. We haven't been able to get
-Wan'tSIi, f . A , 553. oa,tairfW.d wialoS"; - TJSSSTU LOWER 6 rooms In St Loula flat CaU FINE uprighi high grade piano only rood a bargain in a long time.
, rrwKCwlKltt; EdV'reS.10 Fktt town wUhin S' m?les of mthX Mw LIVE STOCK FOR SALE - : HamSOn & MortOIl
,miv.i. v x wTnteD Position as P B X. oDera. GENERAL stock Invoicing $1,600. doing . RENT from the manufacturers direct
' GOOD girl to assist with housework; no t J fuml.h to wfnwr I vtiri ,6'0no Per Jrer' PJp,)0"ltlon OanafaJ pox STABLES Now location first-class -ROOM, strictly modern, heated apart- No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.00. Tt T .
. wg or cooking. Phon. Harney k SS g"' HlvhS.ei.nt.L'lo ?'d Sgj ; X rsh. Douglas l, The Oliver Typa- fiuy a Lot
aSf C.weH M.irM- N tradM' nTNDrvD gLLL .oLlVKRrebul.t. T T f 2(1 AdA
TOOOD girl wanud to do light nous.: , PERSONS having lost some art.d. d W-tJ - St.. with steam heat J A , w
; work for young man and wlf. working Call D. 4489. WOuld do weU to call up the office of the mUT ROBBIN? 1802 Farnam St TYPEWRITER INSPECTION BUREAU XH inH Macntl Stc
STn9l !tfnlK k' A9t COLORED lady wants work a. dish- BUSINESS PERSONALS. Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway --;b TtJZ ,e 18U5 Farnam St OoO. lUaSOIl OXS.
U.SPr t 3 ln " vnlpr- , washer or maid. Web. 242ft ! company to ascerUln whether they left CLObE In brick : flat, , 6 rooms 1 and re- TYPEWRITER" for rent 8 months $5 Only 8 lots left in this fine tract Prices
'SSi &&Vk'S5! A'Ct" &FJSSZ -ay ar. turned ,n SSXJ OVwa W" CENT?pW Sofe VtiXl
! " COMPETENT "trl toe .n.r.i t..,. - " ' Plans ft Bldg. estimates. J3ottr.ll, W. 881. and tha company is anxious to restore BEAUTIFUL flat, modern. $35.00. Cor- Mlacellaaeons. gas In both streeU. Three houses started.
Iww n Mhln S COMPETENT young lady with about 8 p w wi-Won m a nth Dou m them to the rightful owner. Call Doug- ner 29th and Leavenworth St. Phone D. Reasonable building restrictions msura
I worn, p wasning. una gurt Bt year.' clerical experience, also some ex- I. W. wigmgton, v . lath. Loug. 47. laa 48. 4600. . SAFES-Overstocked with second-hand K00d class dwellings. Get a plat from
, WILL Anna or Met call Harney 8468. perlenc. on comptometer, would Ilk. a Bowling. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET -- Rrir)1VT anartmrnt UHth heat- south. safeai all sizes and makes; bargains. T
' WAJiTEP-A-t onoa. roung girl to h.ln Psltl0 an lc. o reference V RAILWAY COMPANY. T-03t "&rncr h and American Supply Co.. 1102-04 Farnam Tt,p RvrOtl RpPQ LO.
V .wMuf.Wt Small FaX.foU hom'; Address. A 860. car, of Omaha B.e. Awoclatlon Bowlini f Alley. . W . L Per- An,ora cat. $5 reward. La. street DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv- I He DyTUIl MCU VU,
IjW.brtereaa . l0 w. -u ' COMPANION o? att.ndant to eid.rly Hull, Mgr. 1313-16-17 Harney, pffg81" 0 SOUTH 26th AVE-Upper t-room k'cll Phone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th Bt
- EXPERIENCED laundresa; ref.r.nce ladT or cuPl: axperieno. In care of ln- Cb.iropodt.ta. FOUNI-The best place to bav. your fiatt Call Douglas 6451 '".. TT , Y)
'required. Mr.. Edgar Moraman. Jr 4124 valid. ; will assist In housework. Address ..... rr .v . . clothes cleaned, pressed right. Sultorlum, FOR SALE-New and second-hand KOllfltZe riaCC
iUkvenport H. 1906. 8 859. Bee. Dr. Monhelt. 408 3. 16th St Doug. 2333. $21 n 16th St D. 3628. Hoawi and Ctte.. carom and pocket billiard tables and X-UUlll - A ,avu
1 - . 1 n .. ,. . -D -.y tuic. T..,i-."irt' " ' bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix- a heautiful home, in a block of beau-
W ANTED A competent girl for gen- WOMAN wants day work. Red 7883. PR. KO. 1506 ramam. Dougiaa 64i)7. ix)ST-Bunch of keys. Name "Chas. T-room, $18, 8708 Seward St. Doug. 1698. tures of all kinds; easy payments. Th. tlful homes Every residence in this
;ral housework, three in family. Mrs. H. WANTED Position as ohauffeur or tII Engineer.. G. Garrett. 1123 Oak St.. K. C." on at- , ROOMB 'moAprn 19 tj ' 4sth " Brunswlck-Balke-CoUender Ca. 407-409 8. block ,B leM than one year old. This
A, Crelghton. U S. 34ta Bt Harney 891. meoloT nlnr yZrt exrlenc m tached tag. Call Har. 2302; reward. 5 ?00m"rt h 1m : bouse is strictly modern. Lar8a living
GIRL WANTED-Comoetent riri chauffeur and meohanlo; reference fur- E. E. Moor., 820 faxton Blk. Doug. 8058. LOST Bunch of key. between 15th and . 3 .. GARLAND cook stove and a heater, room with fireplace, fine dining room.
Zlrlt nj-hed. Box 103, David City. Neb, e.-.e., aad S.H. SJ Parnam. nder rA 1 JSem 5S KLnlely Tested!
:gtVPhn' a" M WLST. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. ST-BetweeTAudltorlum and 14th V packing ajd storing of hous. LAUNCH FOR SALE -o-" SASS
GIRL for general housework, nil Address Y 201. Be.. ; jjj-- - and Harney Sts.. case containing pair omahl Van andPSf. Ca' f"reprcS Brooks' model. 6 horse, J cycle, 22 ft. to window shades, and ready -to occupy.
Farnam. Harn.y 4298. - ' of gUsses. Leave at women's depart- Storage. 806 S. ICttVb th. viaduct 1 cylinder. Gray engine. L. 8. Grlgg. Located 2121 Pratt St. Price $3,960. Easy
vTt?r5-i-iri .mi a . a ;- ' mHmTia stamps bought. soM. .x- meht. Omaha National bank and get re- Branch office. 309 S. 17ta St T-i. Douglas Phone Dougla. 485. terms.
tZt-TlJ ANNOUNCEMENTS 11L?m! j "maha Coin t r ; tua. A-16M. ; THE ANGLE OIL LAMP, the light that M ' Or J.'0
can go horn, nights preferred! 4S "oViaWa TENT c6Tei"'DougTas'88r" 1 V ' N' 1 LOST-Oover leaf pin. diamond setting. 725 and 721 So. 37th St.. two strictly never falls; more light for lws money JNOmS Ot INOrflS
18th St. OMAHA 1KN1 U- lei, uougias sm. Dancing. between 41st and Cas and Brandeis mod, houses. Webster 2590. JOHNSON LAMP CO., 621 SO. 16TH ST. m Bee Bldg Doug. 4270.
; WAOTED-Housekeeper, mlddl. aged'- Alfred C, Kennedy BadoandlMuTl , . . vftlV "Mr". ? eaUn-Kehefe8d4aM S- " BT.-8 rooms comol.tely mod- NEW BRICK, $5 per thousand. 16th and : ' .OTT
aa and wlfolS fanX'; gotd ' w'el' ance. 309 First Nafl BanA",- D 1 tnd Phoa Ha?n W" ern. Hall. 433 Ram,.. P. W; A-4406. Sprague Sts. Phone Webster 2372. . $100 CASH
l?2? VSf renilf rriday) rtwseu. 8 H cv,,. Hhn Co D 8768 1316 Farnam Bt Farnm- AsHemblle. Fridays. narnev w HoilSPS ln " P1 ot CV- HOT water gas heater ln good condl- And $15 per month, will buy that dandy.
; aad 8. Douglas 6691. 8. H. Cole Mgn lo. P. 37b8. 1316 b arnamHt. iteteotlTC.. - U)ST-An automobile crank to Cole car. UOUSeS Cr,,gn Son, ft Co B u gM range an(, Hot Blast beater. Vroom cottage, with floored attic.
WAJJTED-Competent house maid In' Wd"'"a announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. f'"d'rto "uL HlluT 13M Frnam S HOUSEHOLD- goods packed and for- Call Harney 4836. wnere two rooms may be finished; Mo-
; private family out of city, In Nebraska. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 18 Fremer Blk. JAMES. ALLAN, 319 Neville blk. Ev. ame 10 """ er' 1M r Lr'Ktul- warded; cheap freight rates. Gordon $5,00 COAL-It s good; try a ton. Best cated on S. 13th St, a little south of Mis-
! Wages $30 a-month and railroad far.. 'oraNDMA's PANCAKE FLOURiold cene secured ln all cases. Tyl.r 1136. l. 1 .J Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tat for money. Web. 848. Harmon ft Weeth. souri Ave. This has Just been completed,
)Abp,y 809 a 19th St .fffffffaV ZttJyZ" U W. LONGNECKEK, 617 Karbach Blk. MEDICAL T "' FOR sale, very fine buffalo calf over- oSt,
-' ,MPS?NT 'M tor ??,raJ "BEST bracer for men. Gray'. N.rv. " OMAHA Secret Service Detective Ago, -n. , t 7 rSFfSSL PhHirn.TS h0USe- at beaver trimmed; about 42 waist. fft S nrtghboV.. jtmth.
TfrSi r VW1 00 w'"lln- H. MM. Food Dills. 81 per box, postpaid. Sherman o"dd- ult Faxton Blk. I. 1319. VA& Flotilla Curf(l 9al'fornia- Phone $100. 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406. linHl? a home you are looking for, on
lit Bo. 38th St ; - ft McConn.U Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Dreaamaaiag. ' 11Cvj X llUia VUICU EIGHT-ROOMS, modern. 112 No. 86th -F0R SILE-One Remington Type- easy payments. Keys at J. W. Quick.
GIRL for general housework; must be ' OMAHA POSTING SERVICE Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and ft. Doug, mi. writer, No. , Serial No. 135690, Rebuilt 156 S. 13th, South. Omaha.
f? "lwir wages. 1309 Bo. 82d Bt. Advertising. "Tailor Beck." BRYAN ft O'BRIEN, dressmaking and Other rectal diseases without surgical op. FOR RENT 8-story frame dwelling on and In perfect shape, bright and no RTT MTSLf? A "RT JIF,T? A CO
Harney 1436. . tailoring. 212 Be. Bldg. Red 4294 eratlon. Cur. guaranteed and no money Cass St. between 26th. and 27th Sts" all scratches. Price $20, worth half again UJJjMIO-AHLUJXjXWJ VjJ
' (COMPETENT cook, with reference. rUm f"ovated- 4 faxton ma. . k h . v paid until cured. Write for book on rectal modern Improvement. Th. Crelghton that much. Address Y 200. Bee. 810-312 Brandeis Theater.
Apply Mrs. Win A. Redlok, im Tan ' FOR renovating feathers and mattresses ILi' 001 " diseases with tesUmoniala University. T.l. Doug. -24. ' WANTED-Two or three reliable fire in- "
I-' call Om. Pillow Co., 17.1 Cumin,. D. 3467. Fltspatrlck. tailor, dress',. 2604 Davenport PR E. R. TARRY. Be. Bid,.. Omaha. gROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th 8t D. 8717. suVance complies to represent at once
VANTE0-Young girl to af-slst with N. P. 8WANSON, COMPETENT dressmaker could taka a SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk. rQZT cottiUt., .--,Dr on account of Increase of business. 17 M, I fryr Kard)1T1
housework. Apply 1908 6o. 85th 8f rm. Parlor. JHJ. tow Pjaeaa In families; north side, anteed remedlea 401 War, blk turl. rtSt S"th , A H Ureal Ddlgain
i Ml.. - some t. hapel in new building. S Call D 4341 FOR SALE Ten unclaimed all wool
. 5 Mlweltaaea,.. nth and Cuming Sts. Phon. Douglas 1060. Anna Slstek. suits, cloaks, dresses, alter- u. , r p- Dundee Its. $10. Alteration, fre Dun-
TOUNG women coming to Omaha a. All hind, machinery bought sold and ex- aUons, repair.. 215-6 City Nat. Bk. D. 6969. MONEY TO LOAN. mh sS-t vSuS T. C9T
strangers are Invited to visit th. Young changed. H. Gross, Mach. Ex. 1001 Doug. DraggLu. . : North 19th street. Harney St. ; iflTCjrn jyv CjnT.Tl AT OKfJE
yomen's Christian association building ""ALL wlll be forgiven. Mary. If you will - Salary aad Cant tel.. 'p.rslstent Advrtlmne I. th. ph 300 HEAVY burtep sack, hold 4 bush- MUD1 Wi DUU) Al UlU
at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. wher. meet m. at the Sign of th. Crown and DRUGS at cut pries; freight paid on Persistent Advertising is th. Road to els Rrain. Pnone Tyler 1118. 1608 Burt
tScy will be directed to .uitable boarding the Golden Stairs on lfith and Douglas $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman BS Returns. -n n ki v
places or othernlae assisted. Look for 8ts. That Is wher. BRODEGAARD .ells McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. - . 1- , -- VaCCUUDl UleaiierS, $.0U. Two lots at 40th Ave. near Ames, twa
our travelers' guide at the Union station, those lucky wedding rings- Er.rytatn, th. Hanse. , VIXV J-tOtHlS X? j mSy O" to a person. Chas. Ely. 1110 Douglas, blocks from street car line. $125 eac.
s HELP WATKnMl v . . WE rent repair, sell needles, parts of worth'st Phone' DougSSS."512 Leaven , . . . On. lot. 47th and Cass St., adjoining
; -i MALfc . , ATTRACTIONS all sewing machines. 'Nebraska Cycla Co. TIT 1 xoug.aa w. PERSONAL Dundee. $500. Inqulr. at 1208 Jones Bt
; Agents, Salesmen aad Solicitors AWtrri muw ith 1 16th and Harney Sts. Phon. Dougla. 1662. W nrlToH , t !LAR!?.E ."i00 foti.Ti- j20x 4208 J i :
tC4T0 toa. OMAHA FILM EX. D'hla, nd vrtit,a Eleetrical YY (iilXCU Lake bt 8 Brandeis bidg. Massage. Mrs. Rittenhouse, 808 Boston Bid. Tfl Spttlp Ftatr
eiunSM V aYg8TjKA-NAM-rl-r- modern tUCC- MAAOTt Qw and f 0 ?. n , 5 h
fm tha ?Trm jmhltious young men H. J. LanWre. El.ctrto Co.. wiring of rpu rt1aoa 0VA 319 No. 88th Ave. A MAfebAU-i Mm9. Allen of Chicago. 1.000 acres 13 miles from union station,
VttToT AUTOMOBILES aa'308 a 18. Tyler 10a The best daSS tke "Blk..l5thandHameD.7 JWU Ov
:rTl pnTTL,0 ll an interest rate Of VTl' U P" ronth- T"- . APyt.MnfDDg.. only. Terms , ha arrange
necessary, free cours. In . i Klli K S Bron Electrical Works, 813 S. 13th. Omaha MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. if a 00 aVtf Swedish movement Apt XX 4cf H O TY1 m H miJr
THE HALLER PROPRIETARY CO.. 1 IV V IV O iTyf j packs, moves, store, and ship, household MASSAGE i Fara,m D 63 VV CSl T alDam 1UUC
.--r-. One-ton. 8-ton. 8V.-ton and 6-ton. any MaZCla LampS 5 'TVT'l. T'T a. VITAL maasage. vital bath.' Ml,. D. tjFtf. TnkimX
AGENTS, SOLICITORS mon- - : ' m!Rn LlnC bafftS: 401 wre Blk- 309 a "th-D" m
If you ar. a live wire and looking for t T a r tr ATI f TV Xt " aT "g7n uMnMTJa.aD ith Optional pay. Will nthous f" t.sT'cS MAGNETIC healing, ov.r y a 16th. sell for $6,600. Liberal loan can be ar
eTBran l Dougla. 8485 or Harney 1638. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best
607 Brandeis Theater Bldg. "Nuff ced." L J U lf 1 11 VIN 1 t ments any interest 1-ROOM. modern. ,2702 California, remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud- TrlMTlOC RrontlOtl
ORGANIZERS for .very town ln No- . bverythtn. far Wmta. , Douglas 8141 Ing plies, Boc postpaid; samples fre. 1 UOITiaS Dreniiai-
bianka and Iowa; brt proposition ln New Garage. gth and Farnam. .r.c.., ....TTT.. USYS. -r : 1 . - Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. tm. F.t.t. Tmta
mrsiasr sspss3 '-Bfl-gg1- . -A'-aja- gBgita-terjwg-a M-gajSr-grfg-a:
' - .. .V ; alZ Web.ter S016. BYERS Flatlron Hat Shop. Low prlcw. HptPrC I Tlict I O $250 per monti ranU a 8-room bungs- . ... "ft tT ' . 82,000 FOR CITY ACREAGf-How many
r npmn,,..,,1 "Wm '.i..ii k.... - ' ij. rT v 3 XI U I 0W 2 years old. good basement splendid THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast acre, can you offer within or near city
WANTED Five ""good boya MurohY D-d It?W k-P
Goodwagea W. V. Tel. Co.. M a 13 St. 11 Ul V11 1 1 AINTINQ. ING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Both 'phones. 1622 Famam Street. de..w7unt 2JFl?BoX Nnthl.ofJosrof eotottg oSS-tto-1 AddYJe
WANTED .Ambitious young men to be- SYU,N.DER.1r'0?alr!!1 Aauto Unnln' t!lT:HE3 n,ad " corabln?- T.l. vard Park near 17th ana Sprague Sti., worthy poor. Phon. Douglas 4125 and MAP 0F dMAHA STREETS. Indexed,
,SlirtnwHT,2.Srl f"1 yult-a"'"" 1,522 CaP'to1 616?- ; CHATTEL LOANS. $5 to $100. SALARY sounded bTgood bo"eV P ' wagon will call. - -.,, &ee oTTppUcatlon. Charles E.'
trMt iem. KchtliK 41'' Bfad" F. F. FINK The uto. rad'ator repair WILLOW plume, made from old and LOANS. You can get It today of SCOTT ft HILL. f A 5S A fJF. Corns removed. 26c; Mrs. WUliamaon Co.. Real Estate, Insurance
..jrwi ej stem, Kocnesur, , x A aa. 180 'arji, new foathera. 2K8 & 12U Bt Dou. 6W. STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Faxton Block. Phone Douglas 10U8. 807 MoCague -id. J -LaoO AUXj HyBe4( 707 5. x St D, 443J. Rentals, Can of Property, Omaha.