Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1912, Page 9, Image 9
T1JE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 191:!. RE.1L ESTATE C1TV PROPERTY FOR SALE. New Six Room House Strictly modern. Fine oak finish. Fire Place, large living room, kitchen, pantry and entry on first floor, and three fine corner bedrooms on second floor; one of the bedrooms Is 12x19 feet, with large closet, and two other bedrooms with clos ets and bath room. All walls nicely deco rated; double floors and oak floors up stairs and down. This house 1s abso lutely complete and ready to occupy even to the window shades. Located at 2121 Pratt St. Price $3,950. Will make easy terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 427a Why Freeze to Death This Winter in an Old House? We have a large list of new houses we nave just completed-. 6 and 7 rooms; all of them strictly modern and up-to-date; thoroughly well built, guaranteed heating plants, aDd we can sell them on very easy terms. If you are in the mar- Kei, we Know we can fit you out, as we have them In all parts of town. Come In ana taut it over. Payne & Slater Co. 61 Omaha National Bank Bldg. RE AIj KSTATR FARM A RAXCH LASTD FOB SALB Minnesota. MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates. DAT 4 NIGHT REALTY CO.. 103 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. I HAVE! two quarter sections of timber land in northern Minnesota, well located, close to the river and neighboring towns. Timber alone will pay price asked. For particulars communicate with TODD W. LEWIS, Chamber of Commerce, Minneap olis. Minn 500. Per Cent Profit in Three Years. 16.000 acres rich farming and fruit land, frost proof belt, near Duluth's NcW StAel Plant ,t.m4 ...i(L- V, tracts, 2,000 acres up, at $11. Very easy farm TV. I, , i , ..,.. shipping points on land. Tremendous de- Yciupmciii jjenums. ror maps anu par ticulars, write owner, II. H. Nesbitt, Du luth, Minn. Model Home Low Price. $3,750 On 22d St., just north of Kountae Place, we nave a $4,500 house for sale at $3,760. Haa full basement, cemented. Good furnace, best plumbing, all oak floors, beamed ceilings, real brick fire place, book casee, large living room. laTge dining room, good kitchen and pan try, fine lighting fixtures, three large bedrooms, large lot. Don't fail to see this house if you are looKttig lor something good. Charles W. Martin & Co., , 1 1018 Omaha National Bank. 'Phone Douglas 3832. Closing An Estate We want offers for the remaining lots In Marsh Addition, near 24th and Leav enworth. These are all good lota, 150x124, on paved streets, permanent walks, sewer and water. No reasonable offer will be declined, and If you don't pay all cash, "terms can be arranged. This is your op portunity to invest In a safe real estate proposition and you will make money if you do. See CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. SOS Bee Bldg. EXCELLENT - BUY v 1 $5,800. . Seven rooms and bath. Hot water heat, thermostat connection. Quarter sawed oak finish. Bath Todm, tiled floor and walls. Porch with cement floor, Iron rail, etc. . East front lot in Crelghton's 1st Add. Owner leaving city. Must be sold. W. H. THOMAS 503 First National Bank Bldg. Brick Flats Close In Sacrifice sale; owner leaving city at once; rent $90 per month. Price, $8,000. Best investment "buy" we know of. Investigate-- at once. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, . 1218-20 City National. Douglas 3963. M1AP OP OMAHA 8TRJBETS. indexed, mailed free on application. Charles E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, Care of Property, Omaha. ; TWO-STORY BUNGALOW HOME. Brand new, strictly up-to-date and mod. In every way; 6 large rooms and sleeping porch; selected oak and birch finish; high grade- plumbing": fine-combination-lighting tlxtures; guaranteed furnace: choice lot; location Is all one could ask for; on 31st, south of Farnam St. Price reduced to $4,500. Terms or. will consider vacant lot. RASP BROS.. 106 McCagu Bldg., Doug. 1853. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN Leaving city, must sell by November 1; home of seven rooms, modern except heat;" big basement; rooms newly deco rated; fine lot, fruit and shade trees, mall barn; good location, within walking distance; price $2,750; reasonable terms. Apply owner, ISOO So. 27th St. Phone T). 4180. , " $2 000 FOR CITY ACREAGE How many acres can you oifer within or near city limits for $1,250 cash and 1911 Overland ($750). 25 H. P., run 2,500 miles; any. dem , onstratlon. Address Y 195, Bee. Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lota at 40th Ave. near Ames, two block from street car line, $12 each. On lot, 47th and Cass St.. adjoining Dundee, $600. Inquire at l3o Jones Bt DUNDiE BUNGALOW. , Built for a home on hign and sightly location overlooking tna west and north for miles, sguth iront, corner lot 100x120, plenty of air and no dirt, surrounded by inew hign-prlcea homes; six rooms and bath, .ail on one Hoot, with atuo large enough lor tnree more rooms; living room, dining room and library tioisned in oak; bedrooms and kitchen in yellow pine; splendidly - arranged for smail fainiiy. owner going to California, See tins to oay. Pnoue Harney 46W. ACHBAGH FOH SALfi. HILLCREST ADDITION. Best and cheapest suburban acre prop any near city. Via country home aite and garden tracts convenient to car. eur veytU, platted and staked in lots ol j acre to $ acres and priced from iUi per acre up. Com early and get your choice of a lot in this beautitul addl lion. Call tor plat and descriptive ' literature. C. It Combs, w to US bran- oia TtuatOt' Bldg. .l'nona Doug, mi, A-871J.- . - REAL ETATE If ARM RANCH I.AA1)! Von BALE Arkansas. ' 1,000,000 ACRES In Arkansas for home sleadlng. Where located and how se cured shown in our 1811 bocklet, sent post paid, 25 cents. H. D. Glass, Dept. 4, xiar- . risdn. Ark; ' Missouri. OPENING 1.000 freo. healthful rrmliir. tive homestead in th nrka anrf i non . 000 in western states. Maps, particulars and description, 25c. Riverside Colony, Monett, Mo. Nebraska. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND. $2a TO $3$ PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where tho crop yields for 13 years, Including 1910 and 1911. average with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soli, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents wanted everywhere. KUNDLNUSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. MK. INVESTOR, Mr. Man with small means: For sale, 12 quarters of choice farm land close to Sidney Neb., one tenth cash, bal. ten years' in ten equal payments. Ernest Kaasch, Sidney, Neb. New York. WHAT did the Hon. Sherman Moreland, associate Justice of the supreme court of the Philippine Islands, tell Seabrlng, the real estate man? "Seabrlng, you are doing a great work for the community. You are bringing a thrifty, home-making class of people to this part of the country. You are selling them farms at fair prices. They are satisfied. I know it, for I have talked with many of them. One of ypur purchasers from Ohio told me that he paid $3,500 tor his farm, took possession of it this spring and would not sell it for $5,000." Moral: Why not Join Seabring's band of New York state homeseekera? Send for catalogue of central New York state farms. Seabrlng Farm Agency, Post Block, Spencer N. Y. M or tit Unkota. FOR SALE 398-acre farm near Inkster, Grand Forks county, North Dakota. Good house; also large brook and several tine springs of water on It. Will make ideal stock farm. Price $32.00 per acre; terms $1,000 cash down; ten years to pay bal ance. Write PETER Jn'QOV'ERN LAND CO.. Florence, Wis. South Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land; 40 acres broke, balance all . tillable; 7 miles from Dallas and 5 miles from Colome. Price, $40 per acre, payable $1,600 cash, $2,500 March 1, WIS; $2,400 March 1, 1917. Address Box It),. Dallas, ho. Dak. Wisconsin. Fine Farm Lands Northern Wisconsin, timber ot clear; nice lakes and river; best land in Wis consin; beat market In America; $1 per acre cash; large or small tracts. Ernest A. Arnold Co. SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN. . '. Miscellaneous. i LOW PRICED, good land, easy terms; 40 to 38,010 acres at $3 to $25 per acre. Wisconsin, Minnesota. JPakotas, Mon tana., Canada; big .bargains; railway fare repaid; say what you want and where; we have It. Standard Farm Agency, Min neapolis, Minn. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Further Depression in Wheat Prices Looked For This Week. LOOKING FOE LOWER COM PRICE Oats Price Keep In in Spite ot the Recent Crop and Large Receipts -Oats Trade to Make Room for Corn. INVESTIGATE the fertile .Northwest United States; excellent land in Minne sota, North Dakota, Montana. Idaho, Washington,' Oregon, adjacent to North ern Pacifto railway, obtainable at low prices. These lands under the "Stars and Stripes," are ltl the best developed sections, of the northwest and are as productive as any on the continent. See What YOUR OWN HOME COUNTRY has to offer stay near home markets; quick transportation; close to - good neighbors and good schools; no Isolated pioneering;' free U. S. government home stead land, requiring only three years to prove up; state land on easy terms; deeded land at low prices and on crop payment plan; climate fine for man, beast and crops; big money In vegeta bles, grains, alfalfa, rruiet, cattle, dairy ing, poultry and hogs; write quick for free illustrated literature, saying what state ,nvst interests you and list of re-t liable land dealers; ask about low rate homeseekers' excursions. L. J. Brlcker, General Immigration Agent, 126 North ern Pacifto Bldg., 6t. Paul, Minn. LIVE STOCK MARKET UK WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Stock Commission Merchants. BYERS BROS. A CO., Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., $22 Exchange Bldg, Snyder-Maione-Coffman Co., 16!) Ex. Bldg. LAVERTY BROS., 133 Exchange Bldg. Martin Bros. St Co., Exchange Bldg. Cluy, Robinson 4k Co., auo Exchange Bldg. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING OFFICE of Depot Quartermaster, at. Louis. Mo.. September, 23, 191$. Staled proposals will be received here until 12 o clock, noon. Central time, October 18, 1312, for furnish ing and delivering at either the Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, New York or St. Louis depots of 140,000 pairs drawers, sum mer; luO.000 pairs gloves, white cotton; 120,000 undershirts, cotton. Information furnished upon application. V. 8. STANLEY, Deputy Quartermaster Gen eral, U. 8. A. 30-01-2-8-16-17. CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET . Georgia. . Traversed by the GREAT SOUTH GE0BGIA ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ' Lamia adapted to the widest range of crop. All the money crops ot the south l plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write, , . t W. a LEAHY, Dept. K. -.''' General Passenger Agent. ' ATLANTIC. GA. Iowa. ' THE eaatlest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Inuert a small want ad In tna les uoinea capital, largest or- eulatlon In the state of Iowa, 43.000 daily. The Capital Is read by and believed in by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; !$.$s per line per month; count six orcil ' nary words to the line. Address Oes N Moines Capital. Des Moines, la. . t : IOWA FRUIT FARM AND DAIRY LAND FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. We have subdivided the Dr. McClanahan tract known an Orchard Heights, eon- taining $06 acres near Council Bluffs, and are selling it at $50 to $100 per acre on . easy terms. You will only have to see this land to appreciate its value. Let us .show it. Day A Hess Co., 12t Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. Cattle and Hogs Are Lower ' .Sheep n the Upgrade. 20,000 head; 'market 10c off. Beeves, $5.60 (&10.95: Texas steers. $4.6033.85: Western steers, $5.759.00; stock erg and feeders, $4.S&V.46; cows and ' heifers, $2.903'7.); calves, $7.00419.76. HOGS Receipts, 25,000 head; market 10c off. Light, $S.06.a; mixed. $8.609.; heavy, $8.259.26; rough, $8.668.75; pigs, $4.767.76; bulk of sales, I3.fcxif9.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS-RCcelpts, 35,000 head; market 10c to 25c up. Native, $3.90 (MM; western, $3.754.80; yearlings, $4.5 &4.00; lambs, native, $6.007.50; western, $5.2&gJ7.50. . Kaunas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct l$.-? ATTLE Re ceipts, 13,000 head, Including 11,000 south erns; market steady to strong. Dressed beef and export steers, $8. 30(010. 75; fair to good. $6.50l&8.25; western steers, $5.21X0 8.S5; stockers and feeders. $4.507.40; southern steers, $4.1066-90; southern cows, $3.25iiS.OO; native cows, $3.40Q6.KO; native heifers, $5.OO8.10; bulls, $4.005.25; calves, $5.00.X. HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head; market 10c lower: bulk of sales, $8.006.90. Heavy, $8.769.00; packers and butchers, $8.70 9.00: Hghta, $8.50ig9.0: pigs, $6.507.7S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, HjOOO head; market 10c higher. Lambs, $8.00(3 7.46; yearlings. $4.604i5.50; wethers $4.0X& 4.(10; ewes, $3.7&$4. 25; stackers and feeders, $2.504.00. , . ... , . , .. Stock in Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prln- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha, , 7.600 , 6,300 23,6ix St Joseph 2.000 . 4,200 3,000 Kansas City 13.000 10,000 11,000 St. Louis 1500 7,000 6.0)0 Chicago 20.000 26,000 35,000 Totals. 44,100 62,500 77.50J OMAHA. Oct. IS, 1912. inere will be further depression In wheat prices this week beyond doubt, as the market of late has depended much on cable news and the Liverpool market Is decidedly weak. Foreign advices state that there Is less apprehension regard ing the Balkan outlook. Grain men have suggested each day that tne domestic situation Is bearish, considered Independ ent of the forelen political news. If there is no fresh disturbance abroad, it is reasonable to expect that there will be a renewal of bear operations In the wheat trade. The very heavy northwest move ment Is the chief factor. Cash wheat ftc lower. Weather conditions all over the corn belt are very fine. This will be on th side of sellers of the new crop months. 8ome traders advise selling pressure In the December be limited on breaks, while the enormous crop figures suggeBt heavi ness and lower prices In the end. Th action of the market will depend largely on the character of the offerings by corn raisers and prospect of the railroads abil ity to move the corn to market. Cash corn, He to Wc lower. . The stubbornness in the oats trad Is surprising in view of the record breaking crop and large receipts. Receivers say shipping points must move oata to mak room for corn. Cash oats, unchanged. Clearances were 9.000 bushels of corn. 2,0uo bushels of oats and wheat and flour euual to 328,000 bushels. Liverpool closed l4(frH4d lower on wheat and (6ld lower on corn. Primary wheat receipts were 2,144,000 bushels and shipments were 1,283,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 1,073,000 bushels and shipments of 733,000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 419,000 bush els and shipments were 365.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 716,000 bushel and shipments of 308.000 bushels. Primary oats receipts were 1,230,000 bush els and shipments were 1078,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 631,000 bush els and shipments of 309,000 bushels. The following cash sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter, 1 car. STUc; 9 cars, 874c. No. 3 hard winter. 1 car. 88c; Z cars. 87c: 2 cars, 8(ic; 2 cars, tttc. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car. 86Vic; 1 car, 8Ho. No grade hard winter, two fifths car, 85c. Rejected hard winter, I 86Hc. No. mixed, 2 cars, SSc; i car, 8r,v;.l car. soc ; l car, 83c. OatsNo. I white, 6 cars, 214c: 6 cars, tic. No. 4 white, 4 cars, 31c; 6 cars, 80c. Corn No. 1 white, 1 car, 3c; no, 9 white, 1 car, 3c; ft car. SSHc No. 4 white, 1 cars, 61Hc. No. $ color, 1 cur. 624c No. 3 yellow, 1 ear, local. 6c; 1 car, wttc; i! cars, Gc. 'no. i mixed, l car, 68ftc. No. t mixed, lVi car, 48ftc; i car, 58c; 2 cars, S7c. , Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 87f!SHci No. hard, 8688c; No. 4 hard, 4S86c. CORN-No. 2 white. 63ttc; No. 8 white, 62HC3c; No. 4 whit. 81(3lttc; No. i color, 62Hc; No. 2 yellow, &9K6ttc; No. $ yellow, wmw, no. yellow, NKgwiQi No. 2, 5Sftc; No. 3, 673S8c; No. 4, 67 67Vtc. , . OATS No. 2 white. 81c; Standard, SIHc; No. S white, 313U4c; No. 4 whit, 4i3ic. - BARLEY Malting, 6865c; No. 1 feed, 5065c. RYE No. 2. BBV406BC; NO. S ry. 67WJP SSc. . . ; Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicaro 18 197 350 Minneapolis 649 Duluth 631 ... Omaha 83 14 35 Kansas uity. is t iv St. LOUIS 84 ZZ 49 Winnipeg 1 ... S4Ho; No. 2 mixed, 32Vsl-33c. KYE Unchanged. HAY Unchanged. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ..142.000 146.000 Corn, bu 4.000 3,000- oats, bu 10,000 24,000 KRW YORK GEN KRAI, MARKET Quotations of the Day on Varlon Commodities. . NEW YORK. Oct. K-FIXHrR-Unset-tled; spring patents, $4.604.80; winter straights. 4.4i.ii4.60; winter patents. $i.7 65.16; spring clears, $4.254.50; extra No, 1 Inter, $4.10ir4.8O; extra No. 2 winter, i Kansas straights, $4.11.. 4. 25. Ry flour, steady: fair to good, $3.804.00; o.oi:e to fancy, $4.064.10. CORNMEAL Stariv fln white and yellow $1.694111.70; course, $1.60frl.65; kiln dried, $4.15. , RYE-Steady; No. 2 western. 8c; c. I. f.. asked. i . WHEAT-Spot market, Irregular j No. 2 red. $l.06g;i.0S. elevator, and $l.05H, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 99cr f. o. b. afloat Futures market closed 1 ?lc net lower; December, $1.00H101U; closed at $1,00 5-16; May closed at $1.04'i. COUNSpot market steady, export, 5Hc, f. o. b., afloat; December to March. OATS-Spot market easy; Nd S. S8c: No. 4, 37c. , HAY-teady; prime, $1.20; No. 1, $1,100 1.15: No. 2, $1.0081.05; No. 3. &c FEED Steady; western spring bran, Mo-lb. jjks, 23.S5; standard middling. $26.00; city, $24.60. ' . HIDES Firm; Bogota, 27$j36c; Cen tral American, 27c. LEATHER Firm ; hemlock firsts. 27 28c; seconds, 2626c; thirds, 22423c; rejects, 15c. PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; mess, $19.00 19.60: family, fc&QOM.OO; short dears, fc'l. 50824. 00. Beef, firm; mess, $17.00 els.u; family, 21.0Oa:22.00; beef hams, $28.0031.50. Cut meats, quiet; plokld bellies, 10 to 13 lbs.. $12 0014.50; pickled hams. $14.00. Lard, weak; middle west, $11.7512.25; refined,- firmer; continent,; outh Anicitca, io.ou; cotnpouiiu, $8.00a8.25. HOPS-Steady; state, medium to choice, 1912. 273Sc; Pacific coast, 1912, 18-230. TALLOW Steady; city, .; country, $5.87V6lt.62H: special, $7.12. BUTTER Steady; factory.' 1 current i make, seconds, 23H24c; packing- .stock, I current make. No. 2, 23284c. - I CHEESE-Steady; daisies, best. Uc. EOJS Firm; fresh gathered dirties No, 1. 20eic; checks, good to fine. 18j9Hc; nearby hennry whites, fancy, large,' new laid. 46148; selected whites, good to I prime, 4046c. POULTRY-Dressed. lrroaular: fresh ! killed western chickens, 12417c; fowls, 15 18c; turkeys, spring, 25c; old, 1617o. , St. Lent General Market. ST. IXUIS. Oct. 16.-FLOUR Firm; red winter natnnts. i4.85tHfi.10: xtra fanev and straight, $4.2i.75; hard winter clears, $3.5tMj3.0. SEED-Tlmothy. $10. . CORNMEALt Unchanged. BRAN Dull: sacked, east tr.-k $1.08. . .--( . ' . , T " HAY-Kteady; timothy, $13 BOfiUJ.W; prairie, $14 0frl6.00. PROVIflflONa-Pork, unchanged; job bing. $16.75. iArd, unchanged; prim team, $n.22ttfi.U-82H. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxer extra short. mu- clear ribs, $12.12; short clears, $lU7lJ. pscon, uncnangea; boxea extra shorts, $i3.mi clear ribs. $U.12i; short clear, . . " ' Receipt". Shipment. Flour? bbla ,m , MlotA Corn, bu W.0OU M.OfO Oats, bu .............. 10,000 ; 23,O0f Minneapolis Grain Market. 'MTNNICAPflT.nJ tx,. unM yellow; jm-"' ' ' UA-ra-Nov 8 white. SOHiffSlc. RYEJ No. 2, 626oHc. x - iiiuun-iini patents. H.&4,&; sec ond nntetita. 14.!nM i- fii-. tt n t ivAiN i. I ixa'i FLAX-41.5W.65M. . , BARLBY44(gc7 . MUwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct 18-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, 98(&4c; No. 2 northern, 89 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large and Trade Slow to Lower. HOGS ARE WEAK TO FIVE LOWER sheep In Light Receipt, with Prices Fifteen o i)aarur Higher and !' Lamb 4)aarter to Thirty-Five Hlsker. Receipts were: urriciai Moliuav Official Tuesday 10,767 Estimate Wednesday.. 7,600 OMAHA. Oct If 1912. Catt:. Hog. Bheop T.470 $.3100 29.309 23.50M Thre day this week $3,137 10.241 1S,6I Sam day last wek..:u .t 116.8K1 earn days 2 w ks ago.. 24.275 18,043 141280 Sam days I w ks ago. .32,166 11.682 l2,0i earn days 4 w'k aco. 2a,3 14.498 tf.Tfl Same days last year... 30. 020 12.373 13&,?(7 Th following table snow the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to dat as compared witn 3t year 1SI2 mil. , Inc. ' Dec. CattI 780.742 925.645 . 144.80 Hog 2.412.245 1,937.321 4712 Sheep 2.197,890 2.210,373 12,453 Th following table ahu t'ae rang ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for th last few days with comparisons) 1 (27 heifors... 73S 5 00 28 feeders.. SM 5 75 24 feeders. .1060 6 35 17 cows..... 826 4 85 57 steer.... 913 COO 12 cows 106 4 $, 1 16 steers.... 716 5 40 11 cs. & ha. 857 4 25 9 steers.... s 1 w HOGS With a very fair run of hogs here and early messages Indicating weak and lower prices on other markets, mom ot the local supply sold weak to 5c lower than yesterday's general market. As usual, speculators oiened the market and got a few hog during the early tnide at price pretty close - to steady , with the way they made their purchases on Tuesday. Tho packer, buyers were again by far th heaviest buyer and Btacted out filling their orders at a nickel decline, but, as on yesterday, trade Improved as the morning advanced, clos ing sales being strong at the decline and In some cases about steady with the opening. Tnade on the whole was only fairly active, nevertheless, a very fair clearance was made In good easnn. Re ceipts footed up about nineiy-cne cars,, or 6.S00 head, as compared witn 6,515 head Inst Wednesday, 5,411 two week ago and J,(iS3 head on the corresponding day last yenr. Bulk of today's sales were made around $8 7:,f..8u, with the best hog bringing $8.85. just a nickel below yester day's hlsh orice. Representative sales pte. 1 inn, i9n.4alo.;l.iuw. 1190741906. Oct. pet Oct. Oct Oct. utt. 11. Oct. ' 12. Oct. . 14. Oct. 14 Oct 15. Oct 1. 7.. S 7H! . -. S 769i! 77"4l 10.! a tm 85V I...:... 6 I2 $ 4lj 43i $ 47 tn 47J 1 34j 8 22 2l 8 XS t 24 8 411 27 $ li 0 3l $ H.l 1149 l$0 b7 - U T 241 1 16 5 92 ' T 67 ( 15) 5 981 8! 7 611 t 301 C 071 ( 30 I lii Uj t t 67 1 loi KO 7 70 5 9 6 U 6 01 2 5lt(76 6 2 7 4u 6 i'i 6 Oi 1 48 t 581 1 6 33 7 4 t 60) I Ss 6 27 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIOX8 Feature of the Trad in; and Cloaina; i Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. 16.-Wheat prices tum bled todav In consequence of Italy and Turkey having made peace and because receipts in the northwest had resulted in a railway blockade. There was a nervous close at lo to H4c under last night. Huge receipts at primary centers pre vented th bulls from bringing about more than a slight rally in wheat The belt line at Minneapolis was reported to be so choked with loaded oar that traf fic was at a standstill, but some buyers here clung to a persistent hope of an up turn on the chance that a series of anti Turkish victories In the Balkans might yet Involve the great powers. December closed at 92c, a loss of lc net. In corn the fine weather and the wheat Weakness had as an offset the predic tion or a falling away soon In arrivals. December closed firm, MiGMic up at 63Hc Cash grades were easy. No. 2 yellow was quoted at t3(3Wic. - Absence of any new exnort business counted In oats. December closed a shade net .lower at S29iS2Hc Provisions dragged downward after hoKS. Pork led, suffering an all round decline of 20c. The leading futures ranged a follows: Articles. , v Close. Yes'y. Wheat December 924A! 94 May S7B98W4B July 937AI 96 Corn December 53A esa May 62B 62feA JulyS 62A 52 Oats December 321 32.A May 3464 A! SiKB July , 34 34H fork - . October 17 45B :i 50 May 19 05 3 12H January 19 42B 19 52i Lard ' October 11 70B 11 82H May 10 62 10 60-62 January , U 10A 11 10 Short Ribs s October .....,.,.1100 1 U 00 May , 1OI0 12 00 January 10 80 1 10 82"4 Cash quotations were as follows: . FLOUR Steady; winter patent. $4.20 6.00; straights, $4.104.60; spring patents, M-uoju.w; straights, J4.W84.ij; bakers, $3. 754.00. RYE No. 2, 69SW4c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 48t&53c; fair to choice malting, 6072o. SEEDS-Tlmothy, $3.004.00; Clover, $13.00 18.00. PROVISIONS-Mess pork. $17.6017.2H. Lard (in tierces), $11.85. Short ribs (loose), 10.75U.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 228,000 bu. Primary receipts were 2,144,000 bu., compared with 1,073,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 56 cars: corn, 118 cars; oats, '223 car; hogs, 20.000 head. Chleaao Cah Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. W.06(.1.0; No. 8 red, 96c$1.08; No. 2 hard, iw'Mie: wo. nam, mgsf-c: No. 1 northern. $Mi94'S4e: No. 2 northern. iff Hflej No, $ northern, 85&8o; No, 2 spring, stf2ej No, I Iprtng, 85R8c; No. 4 spring, 7fii84c; velvet chaff. 84ft2e; durum, 85 91VtC, Com! No. 2, M4c: No. 2 white. tttte; No. whit, B'ic: No. yel- lVt2V4jo; No. 4 yellow, tidpBtto. Oats: No. 1. Ma: no. 1 white. S4ftS6ai No. 8 whit. mMHo; No. 4 whit, 82433c; stand. aru, Kamc. B UTT X. R 8 tend r ' Ct-sjnrtes, 24i429cj flairlos, tzmmt, - EGOS Staody; receipts, 6,215 cases; at mark, ccse Inciudsd, 19-20c; ordinary first, 21c: first. 24c, ... CHEESE Steady; daisies. 17V17tte; twin, ie817c; youns, Americas, ivc& 17Hc; long horn, 174igr7c. POTATOES Steady; receipts, 55 cars; Michigan. 4245c; Wisconsin. 40346c. POULTRY Alive, unsettled; turkey. 15c; chicken. 12c; springs, 14c VEAL Steady at 9d4c Kansas City Grain and Provision, KANSAS CITY, Oct - W. WHBAT Cash. Wae lower; No. 1 hard, SJtfttClc; No. 3, S8'(i-92c; No. 3 red, Sl.O401.Ofl; N, 8, 97'541.04. CORN Unchanged; No. S mixed, Cla 62c; No. 3, eoVic; No. 1 white, 680; No. 4, 6567c. 1 OATS Unchanged; No. t whit, $49 !. iiH.nj winier, gwo: vsceqibar. 9CVi?90c; May, 94c. , CORN-No. 8 yehow, 86c; No. R white, ": No. 3. 65S65Vic: December. tHe: Mv me. BARLEY Malting, &76c,' - - i - -t.. . ; j." Liverpool drain Market. . LIVERPOOL, Oot. 16.-WHKAT-8pot. steady; No. $ Manitoba, 8 3d; future, weak; October, 7s 10T4d; December, 7s 9d; March, 7s 7d. CORN Spot, steady; nw Amorlcan, kiln dried, 7s 4d; future, weak; October, 5 $d; December. 6 2'd. . 1 11 ' ," 11 . Peoria Market. PEORIA, Oct. l.-CORN-Unchangd, s up; No. 4 white, 2oj No. S yellow, 3c; No. S yellow, 63'c; No. 4 yellow, 62c; No. 1 mixed, 830; No. 8 mixed, 63Vic. OATS-Unchened: No. 2 white, S4o; standard, 33c; No. 8 wlill, 33ic. London Stock Market. LONDON. Oct. 16.-The conclusion ot peace betwen Italy and Turkey Increased the bullish feeling of the Stock exchange today and Induced mora local and conti nental buying and a further general ad vance In prices. In which Rio TIntos, Canadian Pacific and American rail were prominent leaders. Th t&etnand slackened later and . value eased oft slightly, but the undertone remained firm. Greek bond! were weaker. Ameri can securities opened steady, and a frac tion higher. Good buying advanced price during the forenoon and Canadian Pacific led the list, with a gain of about four points. New York supported th market In the afternoon when value made fur. ther gain. . The closing waa steady. Money was In better demand and dis count rate were eay. . Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. l$.-MXTALfiCop. per. steady; standard spot and. October $17.20 bid; Novamber.imd December, $17.20 $17.60; electrolytic, . $17.6217.87; laka, 17.6217.87; cartings. $17.2617.Jt Tin, firm; October, $19.62igfi0.0O; spot, $49.76r(f 50.00; November, $49.42i49.72. Lead, quiet; $S.O706.17to- 8pHr, steady, $7.507.0. Antimony, quiet; Cookson $10.loi0.12 Iron, firm and unchanged. Copper arrival at New York today were 1,210 tons. Ex ports this month, 12.301 tons. London cop. per, firm; spot 76, 13 9d; future 77, 13 9d. London tin easy; spot 226; futures. 225, 6s. Local exchange sale lead 160,090 pound. London lead, 21. Local exchange sale, spelter, 60,009 pound. London spelr ter, 27, 12 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrant 06s td in London. v Terpentine and Rosin. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Oct. J6.-TimPEN-TINE Firm; SS&c; sales, 690 bbl.; receipts, 412 bbls.; shipments, 647 bbl.; Stock. 34.324 bbl. ROBIN-FIrm: sale. 2.073 bbls,: re ceipts, 1.865 bbls.; shipments, 302 bbls.; t"ck, 104,066 bbls. Quote: B. $6.40; D, ; k, WArnM; r, a, $6.52Hfifi.55: H, $8.65: I. U.SVtm.W, K, H.70f6.75; M. $7(37.20; N. $7.657.75; WO. $8.18.25; WW. $8.40. ., t . i m 1 in . Supply of Cotton. WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-Th total up ply of cotton in the United States Sep-, tember 20 waa 2,110.678 running bale, oountlng round as half bales, according th census bureau's first regular sun- ply and distribution report made today In rnmnllance with th recently enacted law requiring a monthly statement of th quantity of cotton consumed, on hand, imported and exported, and the number of active cotton spindles. ; , Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlt NEW YORK. Oct. 15. EVAPORATED APPLES Dull. ' DRIED FRUITS Prunes, unsettled InriKnii firm' tiMfihe. ateadv: choice 6H6c; extra choice. 67Vic; fancy, itygHc; raisins, unsettiea. iMone mus catels, 4Sfl14c; choice to fancy eedd. C6o; seedless, 6lic; London layer, $L401.45. 'Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. li-COTTON-Fu. ture opened teady; October, I0.02e; No vember, 10 08c; December, 10.28c; Janu-, ary. 10.35c; February, 10.42c; March, 10.64c; May, 10.64c; June, 10.66c; July, 10.72c. Dry Good Market. ' NEW' YORK, Oct. 16.-DRT GOOD8 Th cotton good markets are steady with trade light Jobber report a fair trade in domestics, wash fabrics, dreaa good and knit fabrics. A larger Inquiry I also reported for holiday good, f Sundayt t ' Ktwn and disposition of live stock at the , Union Stock ' yards for twenty- iour nour ending yesterday at 3 o'clock: . ,. RECEIPTS CARS. ' - - -Cattte.HoBS.SheeD.Hor'a C. M. St P. Rv.. 1 ' S Wabaah R. R ,. ;t t. f ... .' Missouri Pacific Ry. 7 $ . ..' r .. i nion raoino k. K.10J ; 84 C. N. W., eatl.. 4''.jt . ... .. C. & N. W.,,war.. $'.'! . W C, 8t P., M. V O.. 1 6 .. C, B. A Q-. east... 5 6 C, B. Q., west... 86 . 18 12 1 C, tL I. A p., ., 4 I, .. ' .. C. R. I. A P.. . i Illinois Central Ry,. $ Tout receipt ..310 91 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morrl A Co. bwlft ft Co...;.., Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour 4t Co.... Schwarts A Co. J. W. Kurphy ...... Moraell ...,,...... 'W.,B. Vansant Co...... Benton, Vansant A L.. Hlii A Son... V. B. Lewis............,', Huston A Co............. J. B. Root A po... 3. U. Bulla... ...... ...... U F. Hua..".........;.s Roaenstook Bros, .:.,.,. McCreary A Kellogg... Wrthlmer A Degen.. M. r. Hamilton.,...,,. Sullivan Bros. Rothschild A Kreb.,.. Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.,.. Ulln A Chrlsue.i, ...... Cattle. Hog. Bheep. Other buyers 614 7:14 7 14 in 240 ,.' S31 ISO m 75 .136. 211 W m 219 19 1$8 m 106 1.U6S l,6li2 1.594 L854 138 4V5 S.8.S5 2,381 .77 2,314 ..... ....1.7J rim Total. .:;.. ,..;.t.i,B 4n u.m CATTLE Catt I recsipt wr very lib eral again today, ther being over 300 car reported. For th three day receipt fool up 23.137 head, being about th asm a tor th corresponding period lust wea and larger than a year ago by about 2,000 had. A advices from other selling points also Indicated liberal receipt, with th tendency, of price lower, th market her was slow and backward about open ing. )uyr seemed to feel that they aught to be able to get their cattle at a little lower price today and were ac cordingly holding back at. th opening and generally bidding prices that wer weak, to 10c lower. " " ' ' Beef steers were In fglr demand and-; a desirable killers were very scarce,, they commanded about Steady prices. Other wei-o.Mlow and weak to a much a U 10c lower. Thus while the best grade of cattle chow very little changeaa com-. pared with last week, the less oenrabi kinds are lOWtio and Dosslbly In some cases as much as 25c lower than last week. , This wa tu of both cows and heifer, a well a beef cattle. . ,' The market on stock cattle end feeder having any Quality, whatever waa fairly active when trade wa one under way and th beat grades commanded steady price. Ther were a good many common to medium cattle which wer alow all day and a mupli a frtflOc lower In many cases. -4- Quotations on Native Cattle Good to choice beef steer. $8.26tfl0.O: fair to good beef steers,. $7.258.25; rommon to. fair beef steors, 6.0UW7.2u; good to choice heifers. $6.753$tt.S0; good to choice cows, ii.SiYu4.Z6: fair ti good grades, $4.406.60; common to fair grades, $3.2'a4.40; good to chotca stockers nd leeder. b,w!.ou; fir to annd stockers and feeder. $5,260 6.00: common to fair tocker and feed er, $4. 605. 25; stock cow and heifer, $4.605.76; veal calve, $4.76$9.00; bull, stag, etc., $4.255.50. . Quotation on Range Cattl-Good to choice beet steers, $5.6038.30; fair to good bef steers, $U.00Jf,W; common to fair beef stoers. $5.006.00. ' Representative sales: 1 tows. Af. Tr. 174 4 M M HEIFERS. 4M t4 CALVES. Tl IN I-,.... IKS (60 I lit I 46 STOCKERS HI IM m ita 41$ I 677 IM WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 23 steer. ...1251 75 , 84 steers 15 steers.. ..1315 20 steers..,. 1010 10 steer.... 1128 8 feeder., 40S 6 feeder.. 502 12 feeder.. 9ui 4 or-ws... .. 36t 10 feeder.. 964 7 cow 861 8 heifers... 693 2 feeders.. 65 10 heifers... 784 71 feeders.. 898 15 cows mi 10 feeder.. 865 41 feeders.auo 72 heifer.., 968 6 calves... 140 70 cows..... 716 $4 teer....1235 33 steer.... 937 21 steers.... 648 6 cow.,.. .1061 It cows 1027 30 steers.... 612 96 heifers... 741 Ko. A. 86. Pr. ao. at. 8k. tT. .21: ... IM 4..,....t IN Hi 11.,..,. .174 ... ; m ... tit 11 r:t ... 1 7 47 im its 1774 47 m t4 I t 61 SM M I 77S 11 8 40 I 70 41 nt ) ItlH II 4 140 I 71 W ill ... I T7H il !44 I 10 10 S4 ... I 7!i 0 TOT M I 70 It l ... I T7u 74 M0 200 I 70 - li 1U tRO I TT14 w mo 10 1 7 to m . m 1 ti M Ui ... ITI4. I IN ... 177 H 41. ......Ill ... lilH It. ...,.M0 140 I SO II til 10 I 75 10 141 IM IP u m ... 1 7i in is 1 to II 244 40 1 75 74.......MI IM II MS ... 171 H IM )M I SO ...UK 10 176 ' 44..,, ...Ml WO IS r 4t....M.m 110 4 71 74 Ml ... 110 44..;. I 75 II 231 WHO 41 ,:m 100 17,1 71 iot too 110 141 ... I 71 , 71 141 40 I W It Ill 40 I 71 71 M0 114 I SO II 11 It I 74 41 IM M IM .. ,..... M 171 46. M4 ... IN II JIT 14 171 4 12 440 I 71 SM 140 71 44 IM M IN. 41 170 10 I 76 71 (41 10 I 10 ! M...-....l1f 10171 - $.'-.... IN IS 11 H4 ... 175 I 130 WO IS 1 l Ml - MO 171 ' 71 .HO IN I M 4....f,.l4 14 171 41...... HI M IN U MT IN 171 71. ......IM 0 IN 4J 141 m 1 71 u m t in II M4 ... I 7 It Ml 40 I M M II. IM ltl , 7., 14 110 I M 1 71 M4, IN I 71 lit 4 I N . U tH ... I 71 T ..MT IN I N 17 tit ... ITS M.......U0 N IN 7 K MO I 71 ' M.......IM IN IM 71 326 tt III 71.. .....162 ... IN ' : 71 ,.t4 100 1 11 tt...,...Mt 20 IM . 4t..;....m. ...tin M...'...m ini m II HI IM T4 l S1 IM IS Tf..i....$N N In u., .....111 is 1' 11., 131 N I 71 77..,,., .Ml 1! NS II. .. .... m 171 1 M. ... II B.......134 M) I 11' H.. HI ' 40 IN, 71.......2M Ill U ,,10 M.ltlM PIOS, III T . II N .... t N : 00 IM ... TN M I ... 171 Ke. I..., 4.. I.. U.. I. . It.. II. . 4.. At, Nt Pr. I 18 I4l 400 4 N 190 110 I 0 I 7 AND I.. N FEEDERS." 471 I U..... Mt ' I U 2$ heifers. 7 steer.. 1 lielfem. 44 steers.. 20 feeders. i cow.... li heifers.'. 13 cows.... ,.73s ,. 852 . 614 .1046 7 ) 6 91 6 60 r. .n 600 6 66 3 (10 X $00 4 60 670 5 30 6 10 6 80 6 40 6 25 605 7 60 4 75 7 00 5 JO 6 30 6 00 4 70 6 70 6 GO t 16 6 00 5 00 630 ,.1323 .1(416 5 steers,. ..1018 16 steers., 7 30 10 6 60 I'm 11 .1020 7 05 , 910 5 00 Robert , 690 $ 10 , 662 4 65 S feeder.. 743 tows... 616 4 cows 1045 20 cows o 10 feeders, 5 cows... 12 feeders, - 3 calve., 14 cow,.. $ feeders. .11 heifers. 16 oow... 20 steer.. 2 cow... 24 calves... 140 26 heifer... 598 10 steer., .021$ 9 cows 914 22 heifers,.; S96 6 cow.,..-. 924 9 ter,.., 804 31 steer.... 640 22 steer.. ..1251 ., cow. ....1045 8 heifers..; 67 6 calve.,. i 16 cow 1012 Crohln. ' 18 feeder. .1165 19 oows... 4 cows.'., 13 cows... 35 steers. 912 4 75 920 6 05 1354 7 60 Paltette 8 heifers... 653 i 65 63 cows.... -.1002 104 heifer. 640 Pelster. 4 cow.... 2 bulls..., WYOMING. 6 20 42 steers.., 16 cows..., 36 steer... . M .1406 .1181 . 926 (85 t 10 S 10 4 7..S 5 85 4 70 6 70 75 4 85 635 6 00 6 35 6 20 S40 7 50 C 25 5 65 4 00 6 50 4 15 (00 ' $70 60 486 4 80 5K5 5 40 685 4 65 4 65 7 00 6 15 35 Ranch Co. 21 eow.....928 7 65 127 feeders. 809 5 85 10 heifer... 615 D. Jone. IS cow..... 965 4 80 80 feeders.. 1165 P. Schoonmaker. 105 feeders. 615 6 65 29 cow 804 William Seltner. 40 steers.., .1191 6 35 52 heifer-. 933 6 6o 76 feeder.. 1075 6 85 John MilUr. 26 feeder. .1105 6 35 15 cows 940 615 HOIITH DAKOTA. 31 steers.... 911 6 90 4 steers.... 1130 46 steer.... 971 4 25 -26 Hears.... 937 6 steer.... 870 6 50 21 steers.... 983 11 feeders,. 734 6 76 23 steers.. ..1143 John Phillips. 25 steers.... 1214 55 6 feeder.. 1081 8 Seeder.. 1070 6 16 COLORADO. 1$ COWS 9fA 6 w U court 843 8 bulls 980 4 75 10 cow 1011 6 II 7 65 4 85 5 0 4 75 t 10 8 25 6 60 8 ) 6 15 400 500 11 M ..; TN ... SHEEP Sharp advance were made on both killing sheep and lambs. Th trad was very brisk from start to finish, with prices on the best lambs Jumping fully 25 35c above tho prevailing yeaterday. About 1.700 head of Idaho lamb weigh ing around 73 pounds sold as high as $7.35, this string being th same as th riv car ahipment that brought $7.00 yesterday, A small bunch of native corn-fed lamb? from Iowa brought $7.11. .The Improve ment on fat (heep wa not quit to marked aa on lambs, values being around 15026a higher than the preceding day. A couple of loads of Wyoming ewos changed hands at $4.21 and a string or wstheri brought S4-69. v. A seen demand seemed to prevail all the morning, th packer buyer appar ently having large order to fill. Aa gen erally I the ca the but killer sold most readily and showed th moat ad vance while th less desirable grade ware picked up after the choicest stuff had been taken first thing in Oi morning. Really prim lamb or sheep were in very meager supply, th majority ot th offering being of the fair to good and emmon sort. A very modsrat supply waa all disposed of early in the forenoon. Receipt footed up about elghty-alx cars or 23.600 head, a compared with 86,- 026 head last Wednesday, 54.401 head two womi ago ana &a,u on tn correspond ing day a year ago. Th flrt three dayi ot th week shows a decided falling ofl In .th buddIv a only about 73.801 he war yarded as against 116,864 head for the same Umi last, week and 135.767 head for .the corresponding tlm a year ago. , Quotation on sheep and lamb: Lambs, good to choice, $7.002i7.25; lambs, fair to good, $6.60ifJ7.OO,' lamb, feeder, I5.6IW.50; yearlings, light, $185dj.l5; yearlings, heavy, $4.6504.80; yearlings, feeder. $4,760 6.35; wether, good to choice, $4-404.76 wether, fair to good. $4.00(84.40; wethers, feeders, $3.6034.10; ewes, good to cholc, I3.85tf4.85; ewes, feeders, $2.7043-3.80; we, yearling breeder, $4.0O$5.00; ewe, aged, $3.003.50; cult cheep and buck, I1.70&1.73. Representative islet: ; t tio. 1 i Av. 117 Wyoming awes, feeders 107 427 Wyoming ewes '.. ..125 280 Wyoming ewe .......124 403 Wyoming lamb , 61 493 Wyoming lambs 76 541 Wyoming lambs .' 76 207 Nebraska yearlings, feeders, 75 ' 290 Nebraska yearlings, feeder. 75 mi nenrasaa lamua, neaer..., to 224 Nebraska wether 105 285 Nebraska wethers 106 602 'Wyoming wethers. .......... .101 472 Wyoming wethers .....100 42 Wyoming wether 94 410 Wyoming lambs... 60 636 Wyoming lamb... 60 130 Wyoming lamb, culls...... 41 546 Wyoming lamb.. 68 391 Wyoming lamb, feeder.... 48 360 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 68 637 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 67 117 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,.. 51 219 Wyoming ewes, feeders 80 116 Wyoming ewe, feeders.,.,,. 10$ 162 Wyoming ewet, feeders..... 93 . 149 Wyoming ewes ,,. 98 191 Wyoming ewe 108 . 249 Wyoming lambs, feeder.,., 59 408 Wyoming Iambs, feeders.... 61 525 Wyoming lambs, feeders,... M 141 Utah yearlings 78 347 Utah lambs, feeders 69 141 Utah lambs, feeders 67 221 Idaho lambs, feeders 60 224 Utah lambs, feeders., 63 322 Utah lamb , ,63 1192 Idaho lambs 72 346 Utah lamb 66 49 wywilng lambs, feeders..., 60 100 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 44 $53 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64 32 wro. iambs, culls, feeders. 39 1S2 Wyoming lambs, feeder.... 61 87 Wyoming iambs, feeders... . tl 16 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 81 253 Wyoming Jambs, feeder.... 8 -260 Wyoming lambs, feeder.... 87 130 Wyoming lambs, feeders,... 64 891 Wyoming ewes 87 881 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 48 124 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 53 673 Wyoming lambs, feeders-.. 67 379 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 60 121 wyo. yigs., reetieri tl, 29 Wyoming yearlings, feeder 74 113 native ewes, feeder.., 84 18 Idaho ewe 122 ( 455 Idaho ewes, feeders 97 156 Utah ylgs. and feeders., 94 Wyoming ewe, feeders., 246 Wyoming lambs, feeders., 109 Wyoming iambs: feeders..., 592 Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 242 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 117 Nebraska yearlings , 98 Nebraska ' lambs i, 314 Wyoming lamb 402 Wyoming lambs 174 Wyoming ewes 609 Wyoming ewes . 194 Wyoming ewes . 260 Wyoming 44 Wyoming 317 Wyoming 367 Wyoming 193 Wyoming 138 Wyoming 124 Wyoming ewes ewes ewes, feeders., ewes, feeders, ewes, feeder, ewes, feeders, yearlings ..... ,. 97 .110 ,. 49 .63 . $3 68 81 ,i. 69 r.. 68 ,.. 70 ...108 ,..103 ,.:101 ...118 ...114 ,.. 96 ... 93 ,.. 88 ,..101 ,.,76 Pr. $60 4 05 406 600 . 95 6 85 .135. 105 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 60 426 I 43 146 6 30 166 I 20 6 30 815 6 15 140 $75 5 88 190 180 60 120 5 on 1 80 660 825 6 60 660 700 140 100 6 76 816 800 f 20 6 50 290 2 90 $40 160 180 690 6 30 I 30 626 6 25 6 26 835 405 860 3 60 160 580 6 26 126 6 00 6 50 8 10 60 6 75 400 8 90 8 75 4 10 8 60 3 50 3 25 8 25 860 625 St, Joseph live lltek Mtrkct. ST. JOSEPH. Oct., 16. CATTL.B Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady to strong; steers, $6. 7510.50; cows and heif ers, $.1.267i8.76: calves, l4.0oSV.00. HOQS Receipts, 4,2uo neaa; marxet 5C lower; top, $9.00; bulk of sales, $H.80ct8.90. BHEEP AND LAMBS KeoelPtS. J.00G head; market slow; lambs. $6.00ig7.l3. Coffee Market. NEW YORK," Oct. 16. COFFEE Fu tures market opened irregular with March 2 oolnts higher and other months 1 to 4 points lower, under scattering li quidation, and closed 3 to 7 points net hlglier. t-aies. dqks. uciornr ana November, 14.10c; January and February 14.15c- March, 14.27c; April, 14.30c; May, June. July and August. J4.3c; September, 14.36c. rpnt cortte, steaay. wo io. i, lSVsc; Santo. No. 4, I6'c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 04-18c. , NEW YORK JTOCK MARKEJ Cessation of Turkish-lUlian War Stimulates Bullish Sentiment. ' CANADIAN PAC1TIC MAKES WSE Trading Open Active, Broad and Strong:, Movement Rnnaintf Large ly Toward Specialties and . Pooled Issnee, . NEW YORK. Oct. 16.-Cessatlon of the ; war between Italy and Turkey stimulated bullish sentiment on all the foreign ei changea today, that feeling later spread ing to our own market, which opened active, broad and strong. The movement ran largely towards the specialties and "pooled" Issues. - , Canadian Pacific again was the chief feature, opening with a rte ot over four points, and many other Issues gained from one to three points. Coppers were especially strong, partly on reported decrease In copper supplies abroad and partly because of th belicl that Amalgamated dividend will be In creased at tomorrow's meeting of direc tor. United States Steel waa active at better prices. In the final hour dealings fell oft. The close wa active. . v London followed Its home buying of Americans with purchases here, the ei tent of Its absorption being estimated at 30.000 shares, chiefly steel and copper. ' Easier monetary conditions prevailed abroad. Local money rates indicated 1A creased firmness. Bonds were steady and 'fairly" active. Total sales, par value, aggregated $14, 605,000. United States .bonds, were un changed on call. . Numker of sales aad leading quotation on stocks were as follows: - ' StiM. Hint. I CTmxk Atatlfaaitttd Oopstr . AtMi-lcu Afrieultarat American Rt gustr. American Can' American Can pM.... American C. A F.... Americas Oattoa Oil. Am, Ice 8ttrttlM..., Americas Una ... American Locomotive America I. A R..... Am. S. A . Aa.. Sugar Reflnlnf. American T. 4s T.... American Tohaoeo 14. M 10 . I.W , 4,1M 51 7W 41 B . It 45 100 sot - KM tit 10 8.N W4 tH tl MS ?5 16 43 17 1 44 M 10 101 .10 . M0 1)16 17 1,00 1H 14J Wi lit n rv n Anaconda Mining Co..... ll.lot 44 44V Atchlacm M0 1W4. 1M 41- M 1 ' I 45SI lit', I M It'll 4S. j 19 141U WH 141 ltTH 107, t. 14 :.4' se u at 17 - 11 I.TM IIS 111 11X 0 141 U 141 1414 4t 4i 141 14 11 lSi 141 M to i.m 4.IM . 400 U , M . St is . 4 tH U let as. 1. Atenltoa Atlantlo Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio... Its IM Bethlehem Steal ........ x,ft tl Broaklya fUpId Tr.... l.tot tl Canwtlaa Pacific , It.lo )Ct 844 M3S Oentttl leather ......... !. U II U Ctieseeeake A Obit.'....., t,M K Cniots u. w 4i 17 Tilrao, K. & St. F., Chloas N. W Coleraao F. A I....... ConaolKUted du Oer rradiiett ......... Delawaro A Hudaon.... Dearer A Jtle Oranet... Den rer A h. O. (4..., DlaMller' 8ecarltlaa .., Bne v Brie 1st Hi rte N pit..... General Bleat rlc Orest Northert pf4.... Great KMrthera Ore ettt llllMla Oatral laterharongh Met 11.70 Inter. Met. 4,1t Intemational Hanrarttr .. later-Marina pin International Paper ..... International Pumt ..... Ktaaaa Cltjr Bouthara.... LteMa Oat Lehigh Valler Umilrrllle N M.. SL P. . 8. it.,,. Mlaanurl. K. A T Mlieeurl r-anlflo National Biscuit Natleaal Lead ... M K R, at M. i ptU.. New Tor Central.. fc. T., O. A W.. Norfolk- A Western...'... North American ..., Nertbara Paclflo ........ Faclfle Mali rannarlraala ............. Peoele'l Oas T C. C. 8t. h PHtatmrgli Ooal Pweao Stoat Car.. Pullmaa fal?e Oar RaauMIe I. A 8.. ,.. Kepubllo 1.. A 8. p(4..;. tm 11 Bock Uland Co...; .i-t,JO0 -'27 Back Iilaa Oa. Hi.... l.hM u St. U A S. r. M PM...- SM It aeaooara air uae 34 , 61 i 431 ,400 m -in na. 4,400 141 140 141 . K 4t 4 - 411 HI. UV JJff IJt il 11 It 4t 84 1 4 . in JO 17 r.'i. 1.1M it rl . 10 104 let tot . 10,10 111 lit ill to ltl lee lift 1.60 141 144 144 1.109 It XI lot It S(e Vj 14 1,000 44 41 19 44 10f. 44 II !7 111 115 11 14 V 3,700 M , 200 40 HI '100 17 ' IM 111 1U HI , 14 l,M0 111 114 eeee t Bta'S8 im iu Im -s M 110 120 1 i W iH i24, II . 14 117 Ml ' 1T7 .,30 14 jo "a 500 IM 41,100 X77 . Ill , si si 1 7 84 3 Seaboard A. U pfd Bloaa-abttfial S. A I,. Southern reclfte Sovjtheni Ralliuy Be. Railway pfr)....., Teaaeaaea Copper Teiaa A Paclfle.,".,.,., tltilo Pulflo .;.'. I'nloa Paclfle pie...... I'nltea Stattl RealtF.. I'nlted Sutea KuDher. , I'nlte ftutea Steel.. B. 8 tool pld. ........ ftah Copper .., V..CarjllB Cham foal Wabaah ,..v..,. Wabash pfd Weal ern Mary land .... Weetam I) ! WeatlOBbouaa Eiectrtu Whuellng L. ...... .. 10 M 40 0 II H h 8.401 UI 111 .. 1.4N 30 .. -N40 tl II ., . 40 44 44 400 !4t IH4 mo 173 173 IT! itt m . it .. 100 14 .. 40 11 .. 14,104 II .. lot 111 . 1,10 14 II tl M, St 93 ' 41 HI 3 It 44 24 Kit 100 lot r 404 - y8N 1.M0 4 41 ' 41 4 4 S 14 IS Tl. It 114 114 14 (1 , It tt 10 M 17 n ' m i - t4 4 14 ' M It 1M Total ealea (or th day, lot, 2 akam. ' Wear Terk Keaey Market, NEW TORK, Oct. 34. -Closing quota tions on bonds today were a follows: V. . ret. It, rag... 101 KC.Se. tel. Ia.: n da eeapaa 191 L. 8. Sell. 4s 111., Mk C. B. Is, .......! eu 4 nt, uat 4a...t; da coupon 10eif; K. A T. 1st 4. KS. v. a. e, iws.......m -00 ewe, .. ao eoopoa ........1W Mo. Paolfto 4a. Panama la. eoupoa.,101 Ma . w A..C. 1st 6 otfa... N. R R et M 4e " " w "w -e a 4 va SJ. i7ja,i A. T. T. . 4a.. HI to deh. Am. lasmaa ea.,...iai4, T. M, H. as H Atchlao sen. 4.... 7n. A W. lat ."ii.' uv or. ve rv.,....m Or. 4a-..... in tt, l..,........10N0. Paoifl. aa..... . 14 do 8s 70. B. b rtdg. 41. . 81 Fwani tv. 111 . H doJotn. 4a. Ce. Uaihar la..... 848. U A 8. T. fg 4s 71 vjim. m wuiu ena.. wn WO gaa. M 00 atar. 4a 13 St. L. . v. t. 4s rhttava A A. tu. . as i . - C B. A Q. i. 4..,. 84 Be. Fao. eoj.'fc.!! IS An wen 4a . UU A - . i. ... M MP.. 4a.lM to lot ret ''.''." j v. v. m r. e. ee. wti-bo. jtaiiway a.. 4o rfg. 4a n o gaa. .,...,. O. A B. r A e lUa. IMaiR.ina v. a D. A H. er. .... 81 e er, a D. A R, Q. ref. I M a lit A ret 4. Dtatlllara' la ....... -,U.V a. .,k. a. Erie a. 1. 4 Mr S Bfoi M al do gaa. 4a.. 7lva..nir. i. do ov. 4a, aer. H. tl Wabaah lat A ex, 4 tn Til . fVoa la audi A. U a-nr. ... - Z m Inter. Met. 4... ilWest. Elee. or. im. jmer, m. aa. a.. wis. utntral 41..;, Japan 4 II BI4, Ot(rd. , , A C L. lat 4a... Bal. Okie 4a., . do lt Break. Tr. ev. 4a Oea. af Oa. H.. , M4l1 . 11 " 81 . SI t . 82 ' '. tt . 81 .111 ...8 , . II . 12 ,. 81 ,1M .84 , 14 , 80 .,77 .101 .. 31 .. at ,.m .. 8 ,.toa ..10 , 18 . US . 4 . 12 Boaloa Bteek Market, B03T0K, Oct. Ift-CIoslng quotations on stocks were as follows; Alloaes ,. 4i Mohawk '..... II Amal. . Copper ' lKvda Coo. ....... 23 A. 8. U A 8 Ilp!ao1n Mines ... I ATI lone Com 4 North Butte ....., 4s a. j. at a. ai. orxn bane Cal. A Arliona. CtV A Hec-la Centennial ........ 6op. Range C. C. Beat Butt C. at. FrankMn Olroux Co, .i..., Oranbr Con Greene Cananea . Old Dominion ...... 12 , .190 Oeceola .11 - , 11 Qulncy .. ., ,81 . . tlMShaanoa n . 16 Superior 43 . 18 Superior A B. M. 1 1V1 . 4 Tamarack ........... 44 : 41 V. t. 8. R. A M... 4 4 do pfd ble Royale Copper. ttah Coo Kerr Lake .......... tt'tah Copper Co. Lake Copper ; ln,winona La Sails Copper.... I Wolverine Miami Copper 28 .. w .. 1' ..I t4 .. 4 Wew Terk Hlalatr tteeks. NEW TORK. Oct. l.-Clolng Quota tion on mining stocks wer: r Com. Tunnel ftoe..' Meitmn '. 1 da bonds u Oatario .....201 Con. Cal. A Vs..... 88 Opbtr 44 Iron Bi var ...uo unaara ,.w LeaAflll Cos. .... I Tellow Jacket 2S Uttl Chlat . , Oftered. v . . Conditloa of .Treaaery. WASHINGTON. Oct. llAt the be ginning of business today the condition of - the United - Btates treasury -was: Working balance In treasury offices, $87,818,00$. In banks and Philippine treaaury. $31,917,019. Total of the gen eral fund was $1.16.538.2S9. Keceipta yes terday were $2fift4,147. , Disbursements were $1,753,132. The deficit to date tin fiscal year Is $8,05.434, as against A de ficit of $19,655,423 at this time last year. The figures for receipts, disbursements and deficit exolude Panama canal and publlo debt transactions. " .