Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1912, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Hi. 1912. REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. Have You $200? as first payment on a brand new 4-room bungalow. This bungalow has double rioora with paper between the floors, tar felt paper between the boxing and siding, and Is well built in every way; Interior rwbod work Is nicely varnished. There are two nice bedrooms with goad sixed closet, and good sized parlor and a good combination kitchen and dining room; has city water and electric lights; dandy floored attic and first-class cemented basement, also cement walks. This prop erty has a good sited chicken house with shingle roof and enclosed chicken yard. . Just the place to raise chickens in the erly sprint;. Only a half block from the wand Ave. car line, close to the new $80,000 sehol building and handy to stores, etc. The price is $1.TO)-J300 down; balance reasonable monthly payments. We also have a fine 3-noom bungalow on the adjoingig lot for $1,500, finished Just as complete and as well built. This property also has a good chicken house and enclosed chicken yard. Both prop erties located on 41st, just south of Grand Ave. SCOTT & HILL, Phone Pouglas intio. 307 McCagtie Bldg. REAL ESTATE KARM RANCH l,AM)S FOR BALIS West Farnam j District At N. 31st St., you will find a bar fain In a strictly modern I-room residence. This house is beautifully finished in oak, with four large sleeping rooms and bath on second floor. Large living room with beam ceiling; paneled walls In dining room, pantry and entry; full basement Located In one of the most beautiful dis tricts of the city. First time offered. See us at once, as this will sell quickly. Price, 4,850. Terms. 1 Norris & Norris Georgia. Traversed by the GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature Heat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write, w. B. LEAHY, Dept. K. General Passenger Agent, ATLANTIC, GA. Iowa. THE eastiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want ad in the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital is reed by and believed In by the standpatter's of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; fl.2o per line per month; count six ordi nary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital, Des Moines, la. IOWA FRUIT FARM AND DAIRT LAND FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Wo have subdivided the Dr. McClanahan tract known as Orchard Heights, con taining 806 acres near Council bluffs, and are selling it at $30 to $100 per acre on easy terms. You will only have to soe this land to appreciate its value. Let us show It. Day & Hess Co.. 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. la. Minnesota. MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet ' special rates. DAT & NIGHT REALTY CO.. 103 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. C;" 400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4210. j WALKING DISTANCE I Just what you are looking for; hall, par lor, dining room, kitchen, bath and three bedrooms, modern except heat, paved street, lot 33x132, olose to car' line, near High School and 'CTelghton University; located near 26th and Chicago Sts. Price only $2,200; $300 cash, balance monthly. BKMIS-CAliLBEBG CO. 310-313 Brandeis Theater Bldg. i STRICTLY MODERN I COTTAGE ON TERMS ! "Well located, on paved street. Nice B room cottage, with hot water heat, gas, bath, etc., at the low price ot $3,100. Owner might take in a vacasft lot as part payment and balance monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., : Doug. 1781. . 3d Floor Ware Block. For Sale or Exchange 2-story modern brick block, six houses, 7 rooms each. Price $14,000: income $1,440. Owner will take one-half ot price in clear Omaha property or Nebraska land and carry the other one-half four years at 6 per cent. This property is located on a paved street in a good neighborhood, one block from car line, and Is In good condition. Give full description oi prop erty offered in your first letter. J. H. Dumont & Son Tel. Douglas 60. 1603 Karnam tit Business Investment Property on a business street, earning ! $2,73$ per year gross. Price $22,000. For t years has paid 8 per cent net on $25,000. Quite a good deal better than Interest as the investment does not have to be changed as is the case in mortage loans. Harrison & Morton UUober i&. 1912. V: 6-Rooiu House ? Near 35th and Franklin Streets Just recently thoroughly overhauled, Tainted and papered and is now In first class condition. All modern except fur nace; new plumbing. Located on an east front lot; fine maple trees, uooa neign borhood. Handy .to oar, schools, etc. Price Is $2,800, on leasy terms. SCOTT & HILL, Phone Douglas 1009. . 307 McCague Bldg. West Far nam Lot One Left ! New homes all sides, all specials paid, 15,500. ' i ANOTHER 45 FT. Davenport, near 37th, paved. $1,800. Win loan money to build. . You pay $1,000 cash, balance monthly. . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101$ Omaha Nat'l. , Doug. 2715. BEAUTIFUL f NEW BUNGALOW The owner of this beautiful 6-roijm mod ern bungalow has left Omaha perma nently and must sell at once. You win therefore find it very much to your in terest to look, the property over. The lo . cation is $717 N. 18th and the price is cheap at $3,610. Can you use It? J. 17M. Third Floor Ware Block. Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lota at 40th Ave. near Ames, two .felocks from street car line. $125 each. One lot, 47th and Cass St., adjoining Dundee, $500. Inquire at 1208 Jones St DUNDEE BUNGALOW. Built for a home on high and sightly location overlooking the west and north for miles, south front, corner lot 100x130, 'plenty of air and no dirt, surrounded by new high-priced homes; six rooms and bath, all on one floor, with aula large enough for three more rooms; living room, dining room and library fitusned in oak; bedrooms, and kitchen In yellow pine; splendidly arranged for small family. Owner going to California. See this to day. Phone Harney 4508. 7-ROOM new cottage, modern; terms. Web. 7069. easy TO BUY, UkAAj UK lUiMT. VIH8T 8KB JOHN W. BOBBINS. ltlUt FARNAM T. I AM HARD TIP. I MUST SACRIFICE my new tt-r. all modern home in one of the best residence districts; oak finish, sleeping porch, large living room and many other attractive features. Easy terms. Address O 858; Bee. ' $3,000 FOR CITY ACREAQH-How many acres can you oifer witmn or near city limits for $1,230 cash and 1311 Overland ($750), 26 H. P.. run 2.600 miles; any dem onstration. Address Y 196, Bee. I HAVE two quarter sections of timber land in northern Minnesota, well located, close to the river and neighboring towns. Timber alone will pay price asked. For particulars communicate with 1'uuu w. LEWIS, Chamber of Commerce, Minneap olis. Minn. Nebraska. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $2 TO $35 PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yleldj for 12 years, Including 1910 and 1911, average with the best, in the state. Alftuta, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for tull information. Agents wanted everywhere. rUWDIJNUSLAND INVESTMENT CU, aluNSix, NEB. i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Morning Cable on Wheat Was Much Easier and Market Steady. CORN MARKET IS SOME BULLISH Cash Ilonsea and Elevator Concerns Sold Oata Hatter Freely This Will Indicate Heavy Sell ing Market. MR. INVESTOR, Mr. Man with small means: Fur sale, 12 quarters of choice farm land close to Sidney, Neb., one tenth cash, bal. ten years' in ten equal payments. Ernest Raasch, Sidney, Neb. Kerta Mnketa, FOR SALE 398-acre farm near Inkster. Grand Forks county, North Dakota. Good bouse; also large brook and several fine springs of water on it. Will make ideal stock farm. Price $32.00 per acre; terms $1,000 cash down; ten years to pay bal ance. Write PETER M'GOVERN LAND CO., Florence, Wis. Boath Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land; 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 1 miles from Dallas and . mile from Colome. Price. $40 per acre, payable $1,500 cash, $2,500 March 1, 19U; $2,400 March 1, 1917. Address Box 1H0, Dallas, So. Dak TWO homestead relinquishments ad joining; i miles from county seat town; a good proposition for two friends or relatives, for prices and particulars, see Shuler & Cary, 1119 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. 40 ACRES, nicely Improved, loins county seat, near good college. J. P. Harshbarger, McPherson, Kan. LOW PRICED, good land, easy terms; 40 to 33.500 acres at $3 to $25 per acre. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakotas, Mon tana. Canada; big bargains; railway fare repaid; say what you want and where; we have it. Standard Farm Agency, Min neapolis, Minn. : LIVE STOCK MAKKKT OF WKST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage And shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. BYERS BROS. CO., Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co., 159 Ex. Bldg. LAVERTY BROS., 138 Exchange Bldg. Martin' Bros. A Co., Exchange Bldg. Clay, Robinson & Co., 300 Exchange Bldg. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING OFFICE of Depot Quartermaster, St. Louis, Mo.. September, a, 1912. Sealed proposals will be received here until 12 o'clock, noon, Central time, October 18, 1912, for furnish ing and delivering at either the Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston. New York or St Louis depots of 140,000 pairs drawers, sum mer; 150,000 pairs gloves, white cotton; 120,000 undershirts, cotton. Information furnished upon application. D. S. STANLEY, Deputy Quartermaster Gen eral. U. 8. A. MO-01-2-3-16-17. Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. lo.-WOOL-Renewed ac tivity is reported by domestic wool sellers with the demand running through nearly all grades. , Interest centers In nearby fleeces, especially In cheaper grades of Ohio and Michigan. Quotations: Missouri, three-eighths blood, 29c; quarter blood, 2930c. Scoured bases: Texas fine, six to eight months, 64o6c; fine , twelve months, 062c; fine fall, 447c. - Cali fornia northern, 6l52c; middle county, 4850c; southern, 47 48c; fail free, 4S50c. Oregon eastern, No. 1 staple, 635c; east ern clothing, 60c; valley. No. 1, 65c. Ter ritory, fine staple, 66W7c; fine medium staple, 646c; fine clothing, 6062c.; fine medium clothing, 6859c; half blood comb ing, 6&g4c; three-eighths blood combing, 6758c. Pulled wool, fine A, 60c; A supers, 6668c. - ST. louis, sept. n. wooLeteady; medium grades, combing and clothing. 23Vi26c; light fine, 19421c; heavy fine, 1318c; tub washed, 2735c. Metal Market. ' NEW YORK. Oct. 15. METALS Cop per, quiet; standard, spot, $17.20 bid: October, November and December, $17.201 17.30; electrolytic. $17.62017.77; lake. $17.62 17.87; casting, $17.2517.S7. Tin, firm; spot. $49.354L.$0; October, $t.374.75; Novem ber, $4.2iH9.75. Lead,, steady; $5.02 bid. Spelter, steady; $7.60 bid. Antimony, quiet: Cookson s, $10.1010.12. Iron, firm end unchanged. Copper arrivals at New York today, 1,280 tons; exports this month, 12,301 tons. London copper, firm; spot, 75 7s 6(1: futures, f76 5a. London tin, firm; pot, 225 6s; futures 224. London lead, 21 2s 6d. London spelter, 27 12s 6d. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 66s l'id In London. OMAHA. Oct. 14. 1912. The morning cable on wheat was easier and the political news less alarming. The lead the trade to the selling side at the opening. There was some talk of the clos ing of the Dardanelles, but a late cable did not confirm this. Domestic conditions alone independent of any foreign war scare, are bearish. The trade acted on the theory yesterday that the market had all the display of strength it was entitled to as a result of the wet weather and a little help from the foreign news, selling yesterday and today was In the way of profit taking. Taking the enormous yield into consider ation, the conditions suggest the selling side of May corn on any reasonable swell, as the feeding rapacity of the country Is lighter than usual this season. Cash houses and elevator concerns sold oats rather freely. This In Itself would Indicate heavy country selling and would sell oats on all hard spots. Primary receipts of wheat were 2,641.000 lm., against l,067,0i)u a year ago; corn. 300,000 bu., against 599,000 bu. last year; oats, SMl.wW du., against 718,000 bu. last year. Chicago cash wheat was unchanged. Chicago cash oats were Mo lower. Chicago cash corn was lower. Shipments were: Wheat, 1,788 000 bu.. compared with 501,000 bu. a year ago. Corn. 419,000 bu , compared with 296,000 bu. a year ago. Oats, l.OlK.OOO bu., compared with 401,000 bu. a year ago. Clearance wre: Wheat and flour equal to 1,000,000 bu.; corn, 4,000 bu.; oats, 443,000 bu. ' Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 874K,c; No 8 hard, (xH487c; No. 4 hard, 83Si3f86c. CORN No. 3 white. 63;; No. $ white, 63W6314C: No. 4 white. SO'Aiwiic; No. 8 color, 62Hc; No. 2 yellow, Hc; No. $ yellow, We; No. 4 yellow. BwSoWic; No. 2, No. 3, C9c; No. 4, $8$ti(SKc. OATS-No. 3 white. Site: standard. JiHc; No. 3 white, SKgc; No. 4 white, JOVtc. BARLEY Malting, 6Sfic: No. 1 feed. RYE No. 2, 8H80c; No. 3 rye, 7H 6Sc. ' , Carlot Receipts. Wbeat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 2S6 311 &S9 Kansas City 152 (2 14 St. Louis , 108 15 4 Omaha 7 12 22 Northwest receipts compared with year ago: 1912. 1911. Minneapolis 468 320 Duluth ?2 IMS Winnipeg ........1101 8U7 white. 64c; No. 3, 6oc: December. 63c; I May. iC-pae. OATS Standard, 34c. BARLEY Malting, 58S72c. ! OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET -NEW YORK GEXKHAL MARKET CHICAGO GRAIN" AND PROVISION! Featarea of the Trading and Clpslay Prices en Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Oct 15. Falling off in ex port demand today cut down the price of wheat. The close was nervous at a de cline of c to 1V.C net Decided weak ness in all European markets discouraged wheat owners here and caused rather free unloading at the start. Short sellers also took a hand and there was no rally until reports came that Sorvla And Bul garia would probably declare war before night December ranged 'from 93o to 944c with latest transactions at 94c a decrease oil Tto under last night. Fine weather and the weakness of wheat tended to ease off the corn market December closed steady, a shade net lower at 6353ttc. Cash grades wr slow. -No. 2 yellow was quoted at 64 fe4c. Oata sagged with other grain and be cause of export call most of the day was poor. December closed at 32&c. firmness in tne hog market exerted great influence on provisions. The best advance was for December lard. 18Vc. rne leading luiures ranged as follows i Article! Open-I Hlgh.rLown'cloaeTYes'y. Wheatl Dec.. 94'4ei May. i mm July. 94i Corn. I . I Dec..63tytH! May.62W July. I ftftfcl Oats. I Oats. I Dec..32ifi 9841 95ij 53V4I 62 May, July. Pork. Oct.. May. Jan.. Lard. Oct.. May. Jan.. Ribs. Oct.. May. Jan.. 17 SO 19 20 19 57 11 77 10 60 1112 S2i 84 17 70 19 30 19 70 U 82 10 62 1120 a asked; b 1102 i 11 Oi 10 10-121 U 30 10 37 A W 40 Did. 93j 94a 97HI W 94 J 08b E2T4I 6SHb 624 62b 32H 3244a 34H 17 62 19 05 19 40 11 76 10 82 11 1100 11 07 10 27 34a S4ftD 17 66a 19 26a 192a 94 63Ha Pa 52 '4 32Ta M4 17 W 19 12 19 62 U 80 11 82tt 19C2a 11 17 1105 10 17b 1040a 10 60-51 U 10 u 12 00 10 3214 ACREAGE FOR SALES HILLCREST ADDITION. Best and cheapest suburban acre prop arty near city. Fins country home sites and garden tracts convenient to car. sur veyed, platted and staked in Iota of V4 acre to 1 acres and priced from tUi per acre up. Coma early and get your choice of a lot ia this beautiful addi tion. Call for plat and descriptive literature. C. R. Combs, 909 to 814 Bran dels Theato.- Bldg. Phones Doug. 8918, A-1711. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising U the Road to Business 8uccess. . ' Coffee Market.. NEW YORK. Oct. 15.-COFFE-Futures market opened irregular at an advance of five points on October which was Influenced by the firm spot situation, but. generally i to 9 pom lower in response to lower European cabies. The close was steady. 3 to 9 points net lower. Sales. 112,000 bags;-October and November, 14.08c- December, and January, nioc; February, 14.08c; March, 14.20j. April 14.26c; May, June, July and August, 14f2c; September. 14.33c. Spot o'.ffeo rteb.-y; Rio No. 7, 15c; Santoa No. 4, 1 lS-16c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, lOV'iUSo. Terpentine and Rosin SAVANNAH. r,:i., C":t. 53. TURPEN TINE Firm, 363i)'c; sales. '! bbls.; re ceipts, 004 bbls.; h'piuentx, 99 obis.; stock 34.559 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 2,229 bbls: receipts 3.432 bbls.; Stoox. 10;, 403 bbla. Quote. B. $6.36; D. . -$.; E. $6. to; F. G, $0.526.55: H. $6.55; I. $6.57H; K, $UOfi!.75: M, $7.C6 7.20; N, 7.70; WG, $8.15; WW. $8.40. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 15.-COTTON-Fu-tures opened steady; October, 10.80c; No vember. 10.35c; December, 10.52c; January, 10.52c; March, 10.7oc; May, 10.80c; July. 10.83c; August, 10.78c; September, 10.80c, utfercd. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $4,809 5.00; straights, $4.10$4.60; spring patents, $4.0504.80; straights,; bakers, $3.754.00. ' RYE NO. 2. 70c. : BARLEY-Feed of mixing, 4&B5Jc; fair to choice malting, 6073c. SEEDS-Timotny, 83.W8M.oo. - clover. $13.0018.00. t PROVISIONS Mesa pork. in.ozttfffl 17.76. Lard (in tierces), $11.96. Short ribs (loose). $10.7BU,26. Total clearances or wheat and itour were equal to 1,030,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were 2.641,000 bu., compared with 1,067,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world s visible supply, as snowa by Bradstreet's, increased 8,672.000 bu. Estimated receipts ror tomorrow: Wheat, 188 cars; corn, 192 cars; oats, 367 cars; hogs, 26,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices w heat: ino. rea. $1 .0891.10; No. 3 red. 98c$l.06; No. 2 hard, 94tt$:9&c; No. hard, 93bWc; No. I northern, WWWMio; no. 2 nortnern, iw S3o; No. I spring, 91 93c; No. 8 spring. 84Jfllc; No. 4 spring, 82BW6c; no. a velvet chaff, 879o; No. 1 durum, 90904,o. Corn: No. 2. 3fcffi4c: No. 3 white. 640 64Hc; No. 2 yellow, 464V4c; No. 8, 62(g 63ftc; No. 3 white, 63H(3Sc; No. 8 yel low, 6464e; No. 4, 60&2Hc; No. 4 white, 62'463c; No. 4 yellow, fiOftfiSc. Oats: No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white, 3435c; No. 3, 32c; No. 3 white, 384334c; No. 4 white, 32(rtM)Wc: standard, 8434c. BUTTER-tsteady; creameries, 25Z9c; dairies. 2227c. EGGS Steady ; receipts 6.393 cases; at mark, cases included, 192oc; ordinary firsts, 21o ; firsts, 24c. CHEESE Steady ; daisies. 1717Hc; twins, lti17c; young Americas, 17 lc; long horns, 17174c. , POTATOES Steady; receipts, 60 cars; Minnesota, 424?c; Michigan and Wiscon sin. 40$46c. POULTRY Alive, steady; turkeys, 15c; chickens, llV4c; springs, 13c. , VEAL Steady, fr&Uc. Minneapolis Grata. Marks!. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct 15.-CORN-No. 3 yellow. 65'66c. OATS No. 3 white. 30HPl4c. RYE No. 2, 62&c FEED Mill stuff shows 3,024 tons; de mand fair, prices unchanged. BRAN In lOO-lb. sacks, $18.7519.50. FLOUR First patents, $4.45&4.75; sec ond patents, $4. 30ft 4. 65; first clears, $3.30 ig3.65: second clears, $2.(0&e.80. FLAX-41.69H&1.60. BARLEY-43i66c. Kansas City Grain aad Provision. KANSAS CITY, Oct 16. WHEAT Cash, unchanged to le lower; No. I hard, 90tf94c; No. 8. 8893c; No. 2 red, $1.04$ 1.07; No. 8. 9631.05. CORN-No. 2 mixed, 613c; No. 3. 60$ 62c; No. 2 white, 68G8ic; No. 3. 658c. OATS Unchanged, Vfca higher; No. t white, 8634c; No. 2 mixed, 3333ttc. HAY Unchanged. , RYE Unchanged, ((notations of the Itay on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 15.-FLOt'R-rset- uea; spi-ins natents. 14.fini4.90: winter straights, n.4an.uu; winter patents, 4.i ti spring clears, I4.s$i4.50; extra xc. 1 winter. $4.104.20; extra No. 3 winter,; Kansas straights, $4.1.m-4.2&. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $3.4.00; su.utt-e tu taui'y, 14.64.10. CORN M EA L Steady ; fine whits and yeuow l.StxjU.Tv; coarse. i.6Wl.6; ki.n dried, $4.15. RYR-Mteady; No. I western, 8c; c. I t. asked. WUEAT-Spot market easy; No. 3 red, $1.06. elevator, and $1.05V4. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, luluth. $1.01, f. o. b.. atloat; futures market closed He net lower; December, $1.01S1.02V; closed at $1.02; May closed at $1.06. CORN Spot market steady; export, 5o, f. o. b afloat; December to March. OATS Spot market, quiet; No. 3, 39c; No. 4, 36c; white clipped. 39fc42c. HAY Steady; prime, sl.w; ao. 1, $1.10(8 1.15; No. 2. 31.004W.06: No. 3 S5c. FEED Steady ; western spring bran. lU-lb. sacks. 33.S5; siamlaiu middling. $26.00; city. $24.60. HIDES Firm: Bogota, 272Sc; Cen tral American, 27'c. LEATH ER Firm : hemlock firsts, 27 f28o; seconds, 252te; thirds. 22j$23iic; rejects, l&c. PROVISIONS-Pork. firm; mess. $19.80 n9.50; family. $22.0023.00; short clear. $21.5024.00. Beef, strong; mew, $17.00 U.tiu; family, $21.0022.00; beef hams, $28.003l.6ft Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 12 lbs., $12.0014.50; pickled hams, $14.00. Lard, steady; middle west. $12.30i!U40; refined, firmer; continent, $12.80; South America, $13.35; compound, $8,600 8. 25. HOPS-Steady; state, medium to choice. 1913. 2733c; Pacific coast. 1912. 1823c. TALLOW steady; city, $0.20; country, $T).87i!c.624; special, $7.12W. BUTTE R Steady ; June make firsts, ZPAc; current make, firsts, 24c. CHEESE-Unchanged; steady. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 15,-FLOUR-Strong; red winter patents, $4.85g,5.10; extra fancy and straight, $4.J64.75.:. hard winter clears, $3.608.90. SEBD-Timothy. $18.00. CORNMEAL-Unchanged, $3.60. BRAN Weak; sacked east track, 98c $1.04. HAY Firm; timothy, 813.50Cl8.50; prai rie, 314.0O91V00. BAGGING 10 S-I6c. HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged ; .lob bing. $16.75. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. . $11.3211.82. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, $12. 12; clear rlba 812.12V4; sliuft clears. I12.37V4. Baron, lower, boxed extra shorts, $13.124; clear ribs, $13.12H; short clears, 313. 37H. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12,000 29,000 Wheat, bu 108,cX) 157,000 Com, bu 15,000 47,000 Oats, bu. , 4,000 131,000 Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 15.-WHEAT-Spot steady; No, 3 Manitoba, 8s 5Hd. Futures, weak; October, 7sll4d; December, 7s lid; March. 7sd. CORN Spot, firm; pew American kiln dried, 7s 4d. Futures, weak; October,! 6sSHd: October, 6s 3d; December, 6s 3vd. - Sew York Money Market, NEW, YORK, Oct. 15.-Closlng quota tions on bonds today were as follows: V. 8. nr. U, nc...ll K. C. Be. nr. to... : do coupes 101 U 8. too. 4s 1J1., MH V. 8. W. rt a V. unl. 4i..., H 0 esupoa vl'n. K. a T. 1st 4i. n V. B. 41. reg W do (en. 4H. 14 e eouooa Ut Mo. Picltlo u Tt Pna to. coupon.. leifc Mnv. u t7k A.-C. 1st to etts.... n N R R ot K 4H N Amr. Af. lot oN. T- c. g. IHs... M A. T. a T. . 4S..1HH do 4b. 4s M "Am. Tobtooo to.;.UHN. Y. K". H. H. 'Armour Co. 4ns. 1 ct. t4 K Atchlaon tea. ..., SiliN. a W. lit . it. ? 4o v. 4a IMS 10544 do or. 4..........U54 &o 1 No. Psclflo 4a., t... tt A. C. U 1st 4.. S4 do to Bl. a Ohio 4S..... STIiO. 8. 1 rfdf. 4... 12 Mo t Pons. e. lm jwj.. 7 Broot. Tr. ?. 4t... M do 000. 4s.... .,..1014 Oen. ot 0. to 107 Reading (on. 4s.... M Don. liosthor to....-? MB. U a . F. ff, 4 77 Choi, a Ohio Vk.. t do (tn. U.. 14 do oonv. 44 ...'. W8l. U 8. W. t. 4s. M Chics- a A. 10.. 44 8. A. h. sdi. to.... T4 C. B. Q. 1. 4..... Klo. Put. col. 4s IK do goo. M do c, 4o ms O M a 8 r cv 4m.. 95 do 1st rot 4s..... 13 C. It. I. a P. c. 4s. tio. Raiivir ( imh do iff. to 17 do foa. 4o , 7 , C. ft 8. r 4k e 4m M Union Pwific D. a H. er. 4.... T4 do . to lot I D. ft R. a. rof. 6s U do 1st ft rtf. 4... 15 Dtittllors' I 71 V. 8. Rubber to.... 10 Erie s, I. to MV. 8. Steel M IS...102U do gen. 4 17Va,-Cr. Cheiii. tt. w do T. 4, tor. B n Was, 1st ft si. 4. 17 III. Cen. let ref. to M Wottera Md. 4 mi Inter. Met. 4Vto..., 11 West. Rleo. er. 6,.. M Inter. M. M. 4.. sWla Ceatntl 4 tlx Japan 4 Hi 14 Bid. Ottered. London Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 15.Closing quotations on stocks today were: Consols, moner .... 11 Loulevtlle ft V......163 , 7 M K. T... ta . &074, N. Y. Central,... ...I17H IIS steers. !.ll3 6 8 8 StlTIS Feeding" Cattle Active and Steady, with Killers Slow. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN LOWER Sheep and lam ha la Very Moderate oppl, While All Kinds Are Very Active Sellers and Tea to Fifteen Ulster. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 15, 1912. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoss. Slieep Official Monday 14.7t4 2.4T1 2V Estimate Tuesday ....9,30 7. WO :s,5u. Two days this week..24.W4 9.571 4S.72.' Same last week 54.SW (1.33(1 SO.W Same 2 weeks ago IS.SH'4 13.(31 947 cSaino 3 weeks ago 23.815 !,:t S4.1VS Same 4 weeks ago 17,7 .a7 3,4j Same days last year... 31,718 S.HM Wl,xl The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaita for the year to date as compared wit" ast year 1912. 191 1. Inc. Dec. Cattle 771. iM 812,725 14l,Oii Hogs 3.404.575 1.934.42S 4T0.147 "hep 3.173.6S1 3. ltti.ti.tT 7.W4 The following table shutvs me range ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for th It st tew days with comparisons: Date. I 1513. 1811.1910,!1SK, 11908. 11907. Il90t). a Oct. ... Oct. 7.. Oct. .. Oct ..l i 77Kil 8 471 1 7 831 SOi 6 071 6 30 Oct. 10. 1 t 7lHI 6 34 S 22j j S 15 111 6 3j I 321 8 401 V 7I Sll 8 70-SI 43j S 471 T 4t 16 5 82 S 76 I S 27 7 57 15 5 98 6 32 uct. 11. Ot-t. 12. Oct. 13. Oct. 14. Oct. 15. 8 i 0 21 8 Z 8 87 t 24 I 27, 8 85-V 37 8 41 8 35 8 37 8 49 7 7 I 1.-1 20 7 70 i 9B 6 111 07 7 5t 6 7 !; 7 40 5 &8 fl 7 4S 5 5S f01 33 Sunday. lteceiis and disposition of live stock at the I'nlon Stock yards for twenty tour hours ending yesterday at 3 o'clock; RECEIPTS OA R8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.Hor' 8. 1 C. M. St. P. Ry. Wabash R. R .. Missouri Pacific Ry. 5 t'nion Pacific R. R. M C. A N. V.. east.... 5 C. N. W.. west... fii C. B, O.. east... 3 C, St. P., M. & O C, R Q, . west... 211 C, R I, p.. east.. 5 C, R. I., A P., west. 5 Illinois Central Rv. 1 Chicago U. W. Ry.. .. Total receipts ..391 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. tv43 , l.i: 1.14.I 3 23 73 !! S 14 S3 1 :; :: 21 3 2 4 2 10!t 110 1 Morris. & Co..... Swift CO 1.109 Oudahy Packing Co.... 1,342 Armour ',, 1,278 fehwarti & Co, Morrell 37 VV. B. Vansant Co.... 172 Wenton, Vansant A L. " 54 Hill a Son 4(4 r . B. Lewis ooi Huston Co 164 J. B. Root & Co 414 J. M. Bulla 27 L. P. Hum Rosenstock Bros 4M MoCreary A. , Kellogg.. 4M wermeimer & DeicaiA. l.iia H. F. Hamilton 240 Rothschild ft Krebs.... 277 Mo. & Kan. Calf. Co.. HJ Inline A Christie 407 Other buyers , l.tas 1.13s 2,048 2,3.:! 181 2.535 3.0S8 5,i7; 14,781 27.324 do -account Amsl. Copper .. Aneconda Atchlaon , do pfd Bal. ft Ohio.... Canadian Puttie Che, ft Ohio... ChlcjLSo O. W... C, M. ft 8. Do Been ... Denver ft R. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... do id efd.... Grand Trunk . llllnola Central Norfolk ft W. .1U do sfd .1044 Ontario ft W .10 Pennsylvania . 27 Rand Mine ...... ....... 84 Reading H Southern Railway P 114 do ptd 1 southern Pacific . O...;. tt Union Pacific .... ....... 40 do pfd 6C. 8. Steel M do pfd 44 Wahaab , ... M do pfd ...13 .11 . . M . K . M . M . 84 .1H .17ST4 . . 10 .117 1 4 14 Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipts. Shipments ...153.000 14,000 ... 10,000 li.ono ... 14,000 13,000 Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 15.-WHEATNo. 1 northern, 04?u95c: No. 2 northern, 80S2c: No. 2 hard winter, 92fi93c; December, 91 U02c bid; May, 95T,c bid. CORN-No, 3 yellow, 6gS6c; No, 3 Condition of Treasary. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1,7.-The condition of the United States treaeury at the be ginning of business today was: Working balance In treasury funds. $89,089,021. In banks and Philippine treasury, 3.',0J2.l)88. Total of general fund. 1145.622,226. Re. celpts yesterday, $1,143,730. Disbursement were $2,198,301. The deficit to dato this fiscal year $9,018,449, as against a deficit of $19,656,423 at this time last year. - V 1st hie Supply of Grata. NEW YORK, Oct 15.flpeclal cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's show th following changes tn available supplies, as compared wltb previous account: Available Supplies Wheat. United States, East Rockies, in creased 2,075,000 bu.; United States, , West Rockies, decreased 470.000 bu.; Canada, Increased 6.788.00A bu. Total United States and Canada, Increased 3,372,000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, Increased 200,000 du. Total American and Europena, In creased 8,672,000 bu. Corn. United States and Canada, Increased 693,000 bu. Oats United Hcates and Canada, decreased 929,000 bu. Tito leading Increases and de creases repotted this wweek follow: In creasesManitoba. 8,275,000 bu. : Lincoln and viclnii, 110.000 bu.: Minneapolis private eluvalorf. 100,000 bu.: Ogdensburr, W.008 bu.; Kncvllle, fSlriO bu. Decreases- Davenuort, t.S.wO 1 u ; Dallas 66,000 bu. 1 - St. t.oals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head, including 3,400 Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex porting steers, $8.00(10.75; dressed ana butcher steers, $5.60&10; stackers nnd feeders, $3.75&76; cows and heifers, $6.78 8.60; oanners, $2.7534.00; bulls, $4.00ip.60; calves, $&. OWll. 60; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4-507.00; cows and heifers, $3.25 frS.OO. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady: pigs and lights, $6.75(95.25: mixed and butchers, $5.75,9.26; good heavy, $9.00 49.20. SHEES AND ' LAM BB Receipts, 4.000 head; market 15c higher; muttons, $3.8Tyif 4.10; lambs, 5.50ft)j; culls and bucks, 11.60 3.25; stockers. $2.75ig0.60. , St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 16.-CATTLE-Receipts, $.800 head; market steady; steers, $6.7510.60; cows and heifers, $3,253 $.75; calves, $4.6Oi41.0O. HOOS-Recelpts, 6,500 headr market slow; top, $.; bulk of sales. $8.858.95. SHEEP AND IMRS-Recelpts, 9.000 head; market steady; lambs, $6.0O7.OO. Rank Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 16.-Bank clearings for today were $4,496,109.63. as compared with $2,503,230.37 the sapie day last year. - Totals is W9 CATTLE Recelnta of cattle wars v.rv liberal again today. 372 cars being re ported in. While this Is decidedly smaller than yesterday, It was very liberal for a Tuesday, making the total run for the two days this week 24,000 head. This is about the same or slightly smaller than for the corresponding period last week and larger than a year s go by !,QW head or more, Stork cattle and feeders were the first to sell. It would appear that the country realized that the range season Is well ad vanced and that the time to buy cattle Is when the runs are large. As a result mere were a good many country buyers In both yesterday snd today and they bought so freeely 'that in spite of tlie large run the market both- ditvs .was active, with the beet grades ot cattle fully steady. Common 'cattle were as a matter of course more or leas neglected and weak to lower. Thero were, however, a great many medium to pretty decent cattle that were also a little slow, with prices only steady or barely steady. Tak ing the market as a whole, however, the feeders sold very freely and at prices en' tlrely . satisfactory to the-selling Inter ests The fact that the heavy runs this week have not broken the market to, any appreciable extent would indicate that buyers want the cattle and are willing to pay current prices for them. Beef steers started out rather slow and dull, and that was also true of cows and heifers. The feeder trade seemed to at tract the most attention at the beginning and packers were inclined to hold back until at least a Dart of the feeders bad been moved cut of the way before trying to do very much. Thus the market on all kinds of killing cattle was slow and weak in opening, although the strictly good cattle were generally picked up in good season In the morning at sieaay lirlcen. Quotations on Native Cattle Good to choice beef steers, $.26ijl0.00; fair to good beef steers, $7.25f 8.25; common to fair beef steers, $t.0Ou7.26; good to choice heifers, $5.i&&.oo; goou 10 cnoice cows, iK.nftfitt.Za: fair to good grades, $4.405.50; common to fair grades, $3.264.40; good W choice stockers ana teeners, fair to good Blockers ana reeaers. d.z;ko enii' pmnmnn tn fair stockers and feed ere, $4.605.26; stock cows and heifers, $4.506.76; veal calves, $4 (54(9.00; bulls, tiiaau tf 14. M). Quotations on Rang Cattle Good to choice beet steers, tu.ouiB'O.w; mir s ht KMn. tti.00faS.50: common to fair beef steers, $a.00j.00. Representative sales: COWS. At. Pr. No. at. rr. 121 4 14 STOCKERS AND l'KEDERS. Ml i 70 K 74 M xvir.aTii'TJNS MKRRA8KA. VI triom . l& n ii 4 feeders. .11 45 II ,.nna 1115 4 GO 54 calves... 352 50 968 5 40 8S1 6 88 18 feeders.. HON 6 45 3 feeders.. WW W cows 910 4 SO 14 bulls 1300 4 55 34 cows !W 5 20 iZH Ro 12, steers.. ..1216 6 u E. J. Lamolne Wyo. 11 cows SS7 5 & 11 steers.... 9.7) 6 40 7 cows 897 4 10 6 covws 1100 5 25 D. R. Whtttaker Wyo. 22 cows 91! 50 t ows 893 4 70 6 cows S7I 3 60 16 cows... COLORADO, 42 steers.... Sll 6 10. 6 steers.. !J. feeders. 1047 6 12 feeder. . 90S 6 Oft cows 1000 6 00 3 heifers... 666 S 10 O. Bell & Son-Colo. 21 cows 1018 4 M 4 cows 925 4 35 4 steers.,.. fsM 6 00 ed Nelson Colo. 9 cows 933 4 90 8 cows SS3 3 75 SOUTH DAKOTA. heifers... 7tH 5 45 a feeders.. 784 6 20 heitiTs... 7!3 4 65 J. B. Kendrlck-Mont. '5 steers.. ..1172 6 50 6 steers... .1170 6 20 J ateets... .1265 6 90 19 steers... .124X1 6 30 IMHig-it was a case of sellers trying to get at least steady prices on the hog market and most of the buyers persisting in getting their hogs as cheap as pos sible. H.'llirs were forced to let go bulk of the offerings about 5810c below the gvneral market yesterday. There may have been a tittle trade at the opening at steady prices on the part of shippers and speculators, but business done on packing aocount was lndltferent and slow. As of .ate the packer buyers were the chief factors in the trade, taking almost all the holdings out of first hands. Towards the close of the supply of hogs unsold was apparently not large tnough to meet the need of the ouyers who had not at that time satlstied their requirements. Pack era filled a few orders at the close only a nickel lower tbsn the general run at prices yesterday. Most of the hogs sold around $S,758.85. with a top of $S. being paid for the host hogs on the market. The shipping demand was very light and the speculators coriHtdertng the trade extremely uncertain early In the morning were very conservative In their opera tions. A very fair run arrived. In the neigh borhood of 105 cars, or 7,100 head were yarded as compared with 4.537 head a week ago and 3.797 head on the corre sponding day last year. The general quality was much better than yesterday, although the supply of really choice hogs was very small. Representative sales: No. At. Hh. Pr. So, 64 M0 ... I TO II.. t 231 tft t 73 ti 1511 4 I Tt tC ill !44 t 74 ti4 ... i ;r, 141 80 I 7,1 it ltd 240 $ 71 74, ......112 .... 171 4 an m n it !M t I Tt M 3 W I 7& tt S07 SO 77'i 71....... M 1M IM Ml 113 IM I td K ) ... s m t: rrs ... is 75 14 SO lit' to :u tot t it tit w tai 34 3M 10 I 40 M 214 ... It 77. ......14. M IM m a.t him ft STt ll IN m t tie im 31.... ...164 0 W Av. 8h- Pr. ...m m i id 3 371 N IN K .ill W IN U 271 )(W IN 41 tft M I N 71 231 M I S , 17 S40 20V I Oil I 17 IM 1 IS i.....'..:u ... im 41 M M ID II IM ... I SO 7i 2U4 It IN IH....... 110 I 12 V I XM ... I 12V 71 244 4ft I 1214 7(1 211 71 Ill 4...,,..I?J 7.. IT,.., II.... T.... 77.... .217 I II ... I K W III til a m .K) IM IK .11 ..204 ..IM ,.nt ,.i4 I li 44) I H ... I J ... I U ... I w No. I... ... 6 feeders.. 860 6 80 S calves... 313 60 7 cows 1067 6 00 18 feeders. .863 6 60 8 cows 9W 4 64 11 feeders? 8W 6 8 heifers... 871 6 75 3 cows 866 6 30- 22 cows 716 6 20 11 cows 797 4 40 calves... 267 40 128 teeders..luu 7a 69 steers ... lia 15 4 feeders. .1010 6 7? 6 feeders.. 900 6 10 si neirers... bj d no 25 feeders.. 806 6 90 11 c. & hfs. il 4 6 .. 970 4 26 20 Cows 845 6 10 14 heifers... 878 4 86 12 feeders.. 614 JoO 15 calves... 326 "W csives... mi t vi, . HO 76 8 COWS 868 t 00 22eeders..l01O 6 25 121 feeders.. 906 6 30 60 feeders.. 1062 6 50 31 belters... 888 6 30 19 feeders..l041 6 " 1 feeders.. 812 6 25 11 steers.... 912 U w b cows iw 9 steers.,.. 846 20 heifers... 794 4 45 66 steers ... 964 6 25 67 steers.... 855 10 25 steers. .,. 946 6 10 16 steers.... oo3 o 7 atMr . . . 778 6 75 32 teeaen .lino 7 40 4S feeders.. 1048 7 15 29 feeders.. 893 7 00 24 cs. ft hs.. 882 5 s5 2 heifers... 675 w t cows iw o a 4 feeders.. 1395 40 J. Sturdevant Neb steers.. ..1138 6 20 12 cows V10 5 30 3 cows...., 800 4 00 t cows..... 8&0 ifO Tester Bros. Neb. 43 feeders. .1065 6 15 20 feeders.. 892 S 90 28 cows..... 973 5 10 4 cows 956 4 25 6 steers.... 966 4 75 R s. Van Tassell Neb. 43 steers. ...1139 6 85 Mllldale Cattle Co. Neb. 28 cows Hrt $ 05. 82 cows 823 4 60 60 cows 875 4 40 67 calves... 181 8 60 16 calves.., 233 6 25 . Z. Ooodwln Neb. 15 cows 112 8 40 21 cows 980 1 10 22 calves... 151 $50 1$ cows 800 4 to N. C Dow en, . Nebraska & steers.... $44 6 Oti 116 steers.... 843 0 00 WYOM1NU. ' 8 ateers....l218 6 25 4 steer 1082 6 2 3 cows 906 6 20 21 steers.. ..10W 6 00 36 cows 960 6 25 6 steers. ...1110 100 14 cows 798 $ 7s 12 cows 1031 6 25 32 calves... 277 7 25 21 cows 869 4 75 42 feeders.. 596 6 90 3 feeders.. 844 90 7 feeders.. 1061 6 25 11 feeders.. 1030 6 00 16 feeders.. 631 6 35 7 steers., ..1228 6 35 31 cows 911 6 30 19 feeders.. 939 6 85 20 cows..... 967 6 65 57 feeders.HW 7 25 2 feeders.. 1074 6 65 46 cows.. .,.1026 5 60 13 steers. ... 9S8 6 W) 17 cows..... 910 6 20 8 steers.. ..1091 6 65 12 cs. ft hs. 942 5 40 18 steers... .1300 6 70 4 steers.. ..1350 6 70 10 steers..,. 7f7 6 15 27 heifers... 576 6 50 17 feeders.. 1065 25 13 cows 988 t 2 18 feeders.. 798 20 8 cows 1016 6 35 26 steers.. ..1188 6 30 x cows 895 4 10 24 feeders.. 1076 6 65 63 feeders.. 1141 7 60 K3 feeders.. 96 7 15 57 feeders.. 870 6 W 7 steers,. ..1220 6 50 121 71 ... IM 7S ... I JS II M ... 7 IS m ... I TI 11 1S ... IM II. US ... T SHEEP Yesterday's comparatively small run of sheep and lambs for this time of the year was followed by a sim ilar supply this morning, as only about 100 load or 2S."J head were reported In as against 42,222 last Tuesday, 47,042 two weeks ago and 67,616 on the same day a year ago. With limited receipts and still further Improvement In the general trade on other markets, local buyers showed considerable activity In going after everything at all desirable In the killing line. As on yesterday, the major ity ot. ma ouerings was ot rattier com mon quality, there being, however, sev eral loads of very good stuff on sals. The great part ot today's supply of both sheep and Iambs sold readily at prices fully 10j'15e higher, a complete clearance being made In very good season. A three car string of . iat lambs with 20$ head out sold early at $6.86; a bunch of kill ing ewes brought $4.00 and a string of fat wethers sold as high as $4.60. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $.60J.96-, lambs, fair to good, $6.25j4.0; iambs, feeders, $3,666.40; yearlings, light, . $4.8u$4.35k yearlings, heavy, $4.5504.80; yearlings, feeders, $4,700 $.15; wethers, good to cholon, $4.04.35; wethers, fair to good, $1 76474.00; wethers, feeders, $3. 45$ 1. 10; ewes, good to choice, $3.60&3.85; ewes, feeders, $3.0003.75; ewes, yearling breeders, $4.006.00; ewes, sged, $3 004(4.50; culls, sheep and bucks, $1.7if 2.75. Representative sales: Na. A v. 95 Wyoming ewes ..104 392 Wyoming lambs ...70 274 Wyoming lambs 66 264 Wyoming lambs, feeders. ,.K 69 133 Wyoming Iambs, feeders.... 69 228 Wyoming ewes, feeders 93 24 Wyo. ewes, feeders, culls... Til m Wyoming swes 101 29 Wyoming wether 106 97 Wyoming yearlings, feeder 6 Pr. 3 75 660 660 6 20 2 3SS 385 35 4 16 476 4 60 10 06 00 1 26 6 40 336 336 6 76 36 t 16 6 80 460 2 50 3 26 l. 4 70 ( M 6 4 40 40 640 6 40 6 35 6 40 3 70 860 4 15 3 60 3 1 t 40 $ 26 $90 26 6 25 6 26 4 00 600 7 00 600 600 28 Idaho yearlings 90 301 Idaho lambs, feeders 64 242 Idaho lambs, feeders 69 634 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 60 165 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 41 690 Idaho lambs .....78 344 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 250 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 119 Wyoming lambs, feeders.., 46 3t6 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 263 Vtah lambs, feeders.. , 47 361 Utah lambs, feeders 57 87 ITtah yearlings 77 37 lUah swes 95 211 Utah ewes W S42 Utah ewes 109 100 Utah yearlings 76 271 Utah iambs 148 Montana lambs, feeders.... 46 352 Montana lambs, feeders.... 62 360 Montana lambs, feeders.... 63 677 Montana lambs, feeders.... 2 123 Montana lambs, reeaers.... 3I 8. D. lambs, feeders.. 83 141 Idaho lambs 68 223 Idaho ewes ....109 99 Idaho ewes, culls 99 37$ Neb. wethers, feeders 91 476 Wyoming ewes, feeders..., 97 380 Wyoming ewes 112 4U Wyoming lumbs 70 38 Wyoming lambs, culls...... 66 251 tfoutli Uakota, ewes......... loo 615 ti. O. lambs, feeders 62 90 ti. D. lambs, feeders 61 83 H. 1). lambs, feeder culls... 42 110 South Dakot aewes 112 lftf Houth Dakota yearlings. .. . 87 43 native lambs 93 732 Nebraska lambs, feeders.. 46 210 Nebraska lambs, feeders.. 46 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle glow Hogs !' settled -Sheep Strong. CATTLE Receipts, 6.500 bead; market slow and steady; beeves. $3.60(0)10.90; Texas . . mi EM.InA, uAa, wtAAwM S 7FJ5TI 9.0O; stockers and feeders. $4.257.3C; cows and heifer. $2.0&00; davea, $7.0(tj'9.75. HOGS R celpts, 3,00Q head; market un settled; liirht. l.6ftfKi,30; mixed, $.?0.35; heavy? $.(f.35; rough, $8.608.80; pigs, $5.00'08.r; bulk of sale $8.96t).30. BIUESP AND LAM B9 Receipts, 30,000 head: market strong: native. $3.464.7$: western, $JVMWj4.!m; yearlings, . 4.SVO'o.W; lambs, H-oWi.Jo; western, rt.wvi.s. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. li-CATTLE Re ceipts, 20.000 bead, including 600 southerns; market steady and strong, cows weak: dressed beer ana export steers, w.wxtj) 10.75; rair to good. j.oUfl.; western steers. $4.65ft8.96; stockers and feeders. $4.60r7.85; southern steers, $4.25&5.$5; cows, $3.356500; native cows, $3.36(86.40; native heifer, Jo.Wflri.W; bulls, $3.73.Z5; oalves, ki.OiiO.OO. MOOS Keceipts, 12.0W nead; markot weak: bulk of sales, $8.7(Xn&00: heavy. t8.9ofi0.o5: packers and butchers. $8.80fr 9.00; light, $8.Mj.S5; pigs, $6.&07.75. SHEliJr" AMD LAMBS KecelptS, 7,000 head: market 25c to 40c higher; lambs. 5.7itfi7.3f; yearlings. $460(3(.6a; wethers, $4.0OU4.6O: ewes, $3.5034.25;, stockers and teeders, $2.ooh.oo. Stock in Right. Receipts of live stock t the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha..... 9.300 7.100 28,600 St. Joseph 3,800 6.600 t.OOo Kansas City 20,000 12,000 7.000 St. Louis 7,000 10,000 4.000 Chicago 6,500 16.0U0 30,000 Totals.! 46,600 51,600 73,500 NEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Trading Opens Active, Taking Cue from Foreign Exchanges. SELLING OCCURS IN FINAL SOLTl """"""" Setback Coincides with Advices from ' Chicago that Wound Suffered by Colonel Roosevelt Is Serious Oae. NEW rORK. Oct. 16,-Taking Its cue from abroad, where all exchanges were stronger as a result of the support ten dered by substantial interests, the-stook market here opened active and almost buoyant. Gains of 1 to 2 points were numerous In the first hour. In the final hour, however, a selling movement of moderate proportions wiped out the greater part of the early 'gains and th close was irregular. The setback conlclded with advices from Chicago that the wound suffered by Colonel Roosevelt was a serious one. The strength of the coppers was directly traeeoble to th sharp rebound in these metals abroad. Respecting the Balkan situation, Inter national, banking houses had optimistic cables. Money was more abundant today, , much new supply coming from ont-ofitown1 sources. Nevertheless the tone held firm, with a slight advance In ninety -dsy rates. . Bonds were firm. Total sales, par ' value. $2,050,000. United 8tates bonds. were; unchanged. - at Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks wcra ss follows: V , SaJ. !!. wr". Amalgamated Copoer .... $J,W m IT M'-4 American Asrlcultural ... in Aanertc-sn Beet Sueur..., ,. Aaierlcaa Can W.eoe Americas Can pfd .Kki American C. 4 F ' Americas Cotton Oil..... l.TM " 154 ' 174 ! -141 IS'i 4 ' 4I'4 13SW. m' It 11 !l4tf 17 t14 14 42tj 197V 17 107 1 137 12l4 KS7! H3 14lt 107H 41 I7'4' S,1U tlvl tU son I4i Ml . w WO 4?4 41 i 414 1TV ' !' 170 r,i, 40t II ' 3 ! 44 S"" 4 j, II ' i tun mti mi'! !,.tw n m ;. w 474 1.10 , M 4 in Am. lee Serurltlee. 41 American Linseed 401 American Locomntlre ... ton American 8. A R. ...... 4.400 Am. A. V R. pfd ?oa Am. Sugar Redoing Sue American T. A T Ml Americas Tnhereo 7.100 211 Anaconda Mining CV... 4.40i 4l AtcMeon , 4.0CO 1M AtchleM pfd Atlantlo Goeat Line 400 HaHlmore & Ohio .-, I l Hctlilehem Steel lie Brooklyn Rapid Tr...... . jod nedlen Pacific I. ft HI Central Leather 70O (lieaapeak Ohio.,,... t,los (lilnago W 90S (itrao. M. ft St. P Chlcaso N. W Colorado F. A I 4'.onaolldated Ua ........ I. MO i'ora Producte 17,400 Ielaware ft. Hudson sot, Henrer a R!o Grsnda... M Denver R. 0. ptd ilto niattlllers' tcuritlea .... tin) Krte ll.wo Brie tat ptd IM Brie U ptd ... , i)g (ieneral Klectrlc flreat Mirthern pM Great Northern Ore etfe. . 1,700 41 llllnola Ontral wo ISO IsterkoruHtta Met 5.S0O &4 Inter. Mel, pfd I.aoo ti International Harreeter .. - 300 i:t Ineer-Marln ttd ....... I.4et t International Paper ..... , WW 11' niernationai rump Kaaeea City Southern.,.. 400 ISl,, Lwclede Gn , Uhlsh Vallejr 37,100 177, loulevllle 4. Nahrllle.. W m M , St, P. ft 8. 8. M... 1.000 14 Mteeourl, K. ft T. ...... . 7MI MlaKurt Paclflo t,!o 4S ' National Rleralt Ntlttonel Lead 1,10(1 N. R. R.. ot M M pM.. . New y0rk Central....... l,:i' n. r., 0. 4 w.. 4M KVirfoIk ft Western...... 400 North American lus Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People'e Gaa P.. C, C. ft St. L.. Pittsburgh Coal Preeeed Steel Car .. Pullman Palace Car.. Reading Repnblto I, ft I Republle I. ft 8. prd, Rock laland C5o.., Rock Ivjend Co. pfd.... St. U ft S. P. td pfd.. seaboard Air Une Seaboard A. L. pfd SloaavShetfleld I. ft I... Southern Pacific , Southern Railway ..... So. Railway pfd Tenneaaee Cower Texaa ft Paclflo Union Paclflo Vulan Paclfle pfd I'nlted States ReaUy.. t'nlted states Rubber.'.. lulled States Steel..... V. S. Steel pfd. ......... I' tan Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical .. IM it wanaan , Wabaek pfd 10 Wertern Maryland 400 Western I'nlon 1.000 Weatlnihouae Kleetrio .. 1.000 Wheeling ft U K 1,100 Toui sales for tne day, 114. t0 shares. 'a,a-aiTiacno. UK 44141 141 l 140V4 ltrr io,i 49"a !6S 31 If 17 16 V 4i Ml. m : J4 17 ' 1M!4 ITAVs l7f.V IUI'4 10 Mli I44i' M'i W: 44V,, .. .: iH,i V lot S7 n . 1114' lilv U6 il5,. I4e 141. 4,iiM mT 1244 Ma 100 83V I.:m mm i:4, i24i toe tn , u isi 107 17 ' 147 ..10I.KKJ 174 m Wi .. t,m -4 n i w 17 w M S 10 OA a 44 7 m 17 I44 .I0 l.wrt too HI 300 M ' S i IBlgr 4- I lf1 4S U I.7WI ll7i.lMH llii i.oon n t 400 mi a nt tOO 44Vi 4X4 4,1i m 54', 14'4 u K,K 17SV4 ITIH,' 171. , wo it u u' a 14 m m, 121V1 2, ' ll.SOO ti T7 TTH 1W 1MV 11144k 1.7d I3T, (314 " 4TS - . K4 4- M 44 son 10 14 14 V e k 14 II 71 '4 . W'4 vk ' Boston Stoek Market; BOSTON. Oct. lS.-Closlng quotations on stocks were as follows: Allouet 45 Mohawk ' ., Amal. Coppee I7H Nda Con. ... A. Z. U ft g....... liii Nlplaalng Mines Arliona CM 4 North Butte .... 8. ft C. C. ft I. M. tH North Lake ... Cat. ft Arliona..... U Old Dominion Cal. ft Hecla i Osceola , , Centennial , 20 Qulncy , g(u' Cop. Ranse (;. c... il Shannon lb '. Baet Butte C. M... 16U Superior .., .'1. 4414! is Superior ft B. U;1 15-11' H Tamarack ....... v., 44 V. a. a. a ft m... 1W 4 ptd ...w.. 11 ! le Royale Copper. IS Utah Con. ......... Kerr Lake JHl'tah Oopper Co.... Lake Copper I44 Winona La Ball Copper.... IS Wolverine .". Miami Copper II Vk Frank lis Olroux Con. Oranby Con. Oreene Cananea , 44 , IS . 4 , 4 t II .113 4V''. 75 New York Mtalaar Stoeks. JiBW IORK, Oct. 15,-Closlng quota Hons on mining stocks were: Com. Tunnel stock.. 4 Mexican ............250 ' do bonds U -Ontario ......... .1, 12& Con. Caj. ft Vs.... 17 fphlr , ...43 Iron Silver 150 Standard 100 LeadTllle Con I Yellow Jacket S4 Little Chief , 4 Otrered. '. ' Persistent Advertising la the Road ta Big Beturns. ' 1 ' , Socear Market. NKW YORK. Oct. 15.-SL'GAR-Raw. steady; muscovado, SS test, S.Rlc; centrlf. ugal, 96 test, 4.11c; molasses, $9 test, 3.36c: refined, ulet, yMvfttfaeArfaaMf9Ma I Gausficilelsem Ell Inlttlirs Bet la Cosnetitors. A sa.ef 4M M.. k aa , iaadailkjeeaaMrnaigteia, . ittoe s4 ether fcesy tunwra. . ; Cyea aU rtda slaiam ss Tataaites, nrasa, Biektieria. Kemeraa sS SBaea4a)tnaSersear0attU, ; "Trr fce'1 ' Cani lam eold le per bottle. Sold by drufclate, er ant b e t press, 4wrwe paML wtla fell tree4lwe ter Its etae. UrtHmd for deeanpsle elroulara, leatlaeoalals. ate. AddraM w- Ihi Uwnsce-WIIItant CtChmlani, 0. uoitre, Bwon?a QUanda. Cysts, Varteose Veins, Vartnoskha 'lTspe,inaodtakr -vhealint.aoothlnt. antiseptic. Piece, bnttoues-qnlrklrsbaorbedintoskin. Powerfully penetrating but ni bllamr ntuii hnnriaM Bp4eaaaDtness. row drops uny requl'ed a; r a airnlioatloo. A BSORHI fiK, jk, Tft oS tert mm bottle at drnggiata or delivered. Book S U free. W.F.rOUNR.P.D.F 4 Teaisie 3t spidtia, Mm T X X M