Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1912, Page 8, Image 8
TITE BEE: .OMAHA,. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1912. i x t WANT ADS HELP WANTED FEMALE -ut Want ads recelred at any time, ., but to insure proper classification ' most be presented before 12:00 . o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. ro., for morning . nd Sunday editions. Want ads re ceired after such hours will have their first Insertion under the bead ' ag "Too Late to Classify." CASH RTESFOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One Insertion 2 cents a word. Two or more consecutive inser tions l$ cents a word. No adver r tisement taken for less than SO cents.. CHARGE RATES. " Six words to the line. iU. One insertion 13 cents per line. , '," Two or more consecutiTe laser u lions 9 cents per line. vi One line per month 1.80. v r Twe-ty cent a minimum charge. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 'COBBGeorge - K.. at residence, 6117 . ..North Twenty-third street, Monday ' morning:. . Funeral from Cole-McKay company '.chapel, 1708 Douglas street. Tuesday at 2 i 4 ' .si , CARD OF THAWKI, V We wish to express our heartfelt thanks - to our many friend and relative for . their kindness extended and beautiful floral offering! during the sickness and ieath of our beloved son and h unhand. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haines and Family, airs. A. M. Haines and Family. , 'WE wlh to express our heartfelt thank to onr many friends and nelgh- .. bors for their kindness and floral offer ings during the illness and death of our : beloved wife and mother. J. Sandan, Mr. MARRIAGE LICKSSES. license to wed have been granted to the following couples: Name and residence. Age. Michael buummy, south Omaha. 2 iellie O'Conner, South Omaha.. 29 Clarence Rubendall, Omaha. Aiisaoeta ojiortluf, onuiha 29 Joseph Brandee, South Omaha........;. GO Mary Bukoaky, South Omana 46 Hugh T. McManus. Omaha .". 28 Uorotby E.,Petberam, Omaha 26 Loiri Bilyen, South Omaha. a Clara Swanlwrg, Omaha...'. , Joseph Kvrdy. South Omaha $0 Annie Holanda, Omaha 25 Jense M. Harding, Omaha Agnes Burkley, Omaha Fred 14. Johnson, San Francisco.. -, uniana Horace Etaaly, Omaha J'hoeb Wlnnl, Omaha fforrls JT. Gordon, Omaha.... Maybelle Mandelson. Omaha. Joseph Wilton, Fremont, Neb,..'.. 26 Naoina Storsand, Fremont, Neb 18 Roy L. Flanagan, Omaha. 21 Slay Burkamp, Omaha , 20 Peter J. Pipal, South Omaha............ 24 Anna Dienstbler, South Omaha... 21 Charles A. Kaufhold, South Omaha.... 28 Josephine Egger, South Omaha 27 Lawrence Jensen, Omaha 26 Krteby Anderson, Cleveland, 0 28 .3 .. 23 .. 20 M 40 ......... 40 ......... 27 1 ' BIRTHS AND DEATH!. S1!?" wwiHeln Barkenhagen. 4337 Seward, girl; E. and Josephine Ever an. hospital, boy; Henry and Leura w'tT'b hTlUl' fMi E- nA Ke ley. 226 Manderson. girl; John and Mary Nordward 2211 Nicholas, glrU Jens and llary Nellsen, hospital, boy; Clyde and Lottie Powell, 401 William, boy, H. E. and Mae Wheeler, hospital, girl; Patrick and Rose Yates, North Twenty- fourth, girl. Leaths-Emma Hascall, M years, hoi- pltal; a Finkensteen, ia years, 2023 North Twenty-fourth; Fred F, Reynolds, 56 years. 2S1 North Twenty-sixth; - Laur ence Brown, 33 yeara 2S09 Ohio; John llardiman, 87 years. Thirteenth and Cass; M. J. Shutt, 4 months, 2416 North Fif teenth. . . Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. end 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeta, salesmen and Solicitor. AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you are a live wire and looking for something good, Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co., 607 Brandeis Theater Bldg. "Nuff ced." THE Western Life Indemnity Co. has openings for several first-class solicitors, quick advancement to proficient men. Apply at 1619-22 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED - In every county. Prefer ambitious youngs men from the farm. A reasonable education and a little nerve necessary. Our goods sold to farmers and our agents make from 130 to $64 weekly. - No experience necessary, free course in salesmanship. THE HALLER' PROPRIETARY CO., BLAIR, NEB. FOUR neat appearing solicitors; noth ing to sell; good money; work with re tallera 877 Brandeis Bldg. WANTEDExperlenced general hard ware road salesman: state experience had: age and salary expected. Address Y m. Be. SEND for free sample fall leader; something now and good; quick sales; big profits; easy, pleaant employment. Scott Specialty Co., 762 N. Prairie St. Oaleeburg, 111. ORGANIZERS for every town in Ne- braska and Iowa; best proposition In United fltates. E, F. Wegener, a. utn St., Omaha. YOUNG men solicitors to solicit maga zine proposition. Good pay. 678 Brandeis Bldg. Boys. WANTED Five good reliable boy. Good wagea W. TJ. Tel. Co., 232 B. 13 St Clerical and Office. TODAY we want badly, stenographer, R. R.. $60; as't. bookkeeper, lumber, $45; collector, $-r0; bkpr. and steno., $50; book keeper, Insurance, $66; stenographer, auto mobiles. $50. ' , - - CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nat l. Bank Bldg. a vtp n a mimf man m honk- keeper who has some experience. Must be trustworthy, energetic, accurate nd able to glvs bond. Good opportunity for th. ri.kt man rilv ira. Tnerinc and salary expected. Address M 841, Omaha Bee. "WANTED Male bookkeeper and Bte- place; give Ml particulars and references. Aaaress (, ee- . Factory eund Trades. Dtjs Stnra (snap) Jofca. Ttnlest. Pe Wdg. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get into the automobile business, learn it complete in the largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators ana salesmen are in demand. Write or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1415-17 Dodge St, qmaha. Neb. WANTED Immediately, experienced coatmakers, Hartell, 1909 Capitol Ave. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Increase, your earnings. Will give you , start In line that will make you Independent. Few weeks completes. Light, clean, insme wors. investigate today. Moler Barber College, .110 S. 14th Street. WiVTF.n - Rxnerlnnced chauffeur. Write or call. Ernest E. Hart. 625 3d St., Council Bluffs. FIRST class cement finishers. D, J. Creedon, 283 California. 1 BULBING PERMITS, Lid a L. Lut 202 South Thirty-fifth ave nue, frame dwelling. $2,500, and 3669 Jones, . frame dwelling, $2,600; R. J. Woleott. 1321 South Eighth, frame dwelling, $3,800; Wll liara Kennedy, 3032 Larlmore, addition, JisOO. Miscellaneoa. In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are. In big de mand and command Urge salaries; pre- liar, r.-11wme P In nup t.rr. trftilllnff flllODS. where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. NATIONAL AUTO TRAIN ING ASS'N. !RH N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE I Agent Kaleswomea, BRIGHT, Intelligent ladles; ' those ca llable of handling a high-class educational Work; can easily earn JU.oO to $60.00 a Week. Answer, L Su6, Bee. Milt. fl!EIC.BS nmtnfflca Clerks wanted. Omaha examinations during November. Free coaching, Frs,naun Institute, Dept. 213 T, Rochester, N. Y. Clerical and Of flee, STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, In- Surance, experleiipod, $w. Assistant book eeper, lumber, $40. . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., """ v-y iat 1. cans mag. :! IlOBiekcener and Domestic. J&&rVA$&KL PROBLEM ROLVED-The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the oesired results. This applies to resident of Omaha, South Omulia and Council liluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler Muo. WANTEO-Competent cook and second wm . a-, msmuwih, JVO a, win. COMPETENT eir .r0,"i u'.'T , : buhoiju inrtuff ,1 ?!. housowork; 01 ii.v ! wono gin; gooa ref&r ncee required. 832 S. 37th 81 - WANTED-Expertenced second girT tra. C. M. Wllhelm, q Jackson H. uf;. 1 Mrs. COMPETENT olrl fn ...1 t' work. 37 Harney. ' ' TWO iriKXl Blrla fn ' i N. 88th St "ur- -UCXJD girl for general housework; small 'J - otia a v e . hartley M3. -GOOD slrl for irnril hnn.' Z "V;-.: .y1"-1 nin av. vru0ier tiitf, COMPETENT my V5. WANTED-Contpttent girl for general i,8wo;. lo ia references re- A ACM 1st? 7 UJA. i COMPETENT girFfor general bousa-' orkjjno waiting. 8316 Burt St WANTED--A woman for generai housed u.ZZXtoAK, wagea a2 WANT i ( 1 1 t-i -i-a ; 1339 S. 35U1 Ave. VANTED-Olrl for generaFhouseworkl !a 'f S'S? tt"ri W once, (rood wage. Mrs. O. stora, 8708 . i'arnsm .St . . V, ANTi.rK,lri.. for general housework. Apply Mrs. S. A. Pleroe, 721 First Ave. Council Bluffs, It. . 1 WANTED At .once, young girl to as aUt wlUi houwwork, good home, small family. Web. 6882., 182u No. sih .1EAJABL? 8lrl tor s-enerai housework I4( Dewey Ave. . , . OIRL to help with, housework and cafe yi. w liiuiuien; yeoq wafes. H. 182. WANT E1L tlaoA Vflnlt ' a J ... - - w. ia Kt J,. AKuU. ,.iHihNCoKi .ur8 reference" j1." 1 . . ' w CH- J,in wt. Harney 2192, (inn '' - -.v. i.. " ..7.. -"-"". OOW Jlar"ey zwz. airs. w. J. Coad (TDI , . ' .,wi i ur ijrnerai housework; 2 in for eAnerAi imiisiAias.xL. sirr is Kept, small family, gwxJ . ' " ' y 'H-- ar Ave. (j KLj islrl for ffnAPfii i'" narnry fcta WANTED Bushelmen. Dresher Bros, 2211 Farnam. THREE exDerlenced collectors on com mission. 877 Brands! Bldg. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Address for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. WAN TED For U. S. army, ablebodled, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 33; cltisens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak.' read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing otfloer. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 60S Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth St,, Lincoln, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE AM) FEMALE. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED for government positions; $20.00 week. Write for list of positions open. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 216T, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Stenographer, one of Mosher & Lampman or Boyles' graduates. State qualifications and salary expected to be gin. D. 848. Bee. WANTED HITUATIOXS. -- Will call for bundles and family wash ing, work guaranteed. Tel. Harney 6374. YOUNG lady with about 3 years' cler ical experience In office, has also worked on comptometer, would like a position. Write A 777, Be. HELP! Call the Omaha Employment Bureau, Douglas 1112. CHILDREN to board. Webster 2970. WANTED Position as chauffeur for private family, one capable of repairing own machine ana nave xirst-ciass refer ences. M 85s, Bee. Exclusive Shops BLUE LABEL Guggenhelmer rye, eight years old, per full quart, $1.00. Weldon Springs Bourbon, 8 years old, per quart, $L00. . Maryland rye, per quart, 76 cents. Home made grape wine, gal., $1.00. Two quart bottles of beer, 25 cents. Malt tonic, extra fine, 10 cents a bottle. CACKLEY BROS., 121-123 N. 16th St Opposite Postoffice. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST. NOW TRY THE BEST. Until November J, 1W2, we furnish good grade of lining, clean, press and reline overcoats for $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING COMPANY. 14TH AND DODGE. TEL. DOUG. 2966. THE ELITE CAFE 207-209-211 South 14th street. Reopened under new management. Newly remod eledthe finest Chinese-American cafe in the west. Everything the market af fords at popular prices. Chop sueys and warmelns, eggs and noodles. All styles, finest steak and chops In the city. Our 26c dinner from 12 to 1 and 6 to 3 Js the, best in the city. , ATTRACTIONS .. , . I ,. t t ,on r i . . i Tuni.n,ins. ufa vMJiim Ave. COLORED lady wants to wash dishes In private boarding house. Web. 2420. SITUATION wanted by competent lady as a stenographer, who has recently com pleted course in school; will rurnlsh refer ences aa to character and competency. Mrs. Mae Robinson. Address 214 6th Ave,, council Hiutis, ia. YOUNG man desires night work . of any kind. Address A 876, Be. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 882. Alfred a Kennedy p. ance. 208 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 721 S. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 8768. 1316 Farnam St Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. 8.. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenser Blk. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food puis, si per dox, postpaid. Sherman it McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising. "Tailor Beck." Plume renovated. 426 Paxton Blk. D. 83M FOR rennvatihe feather and mutrruas call Om. Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. D. 2467. N. P. 8WANSON, Funeral director. Parlor and Hand some Chapel In new bulldlns. 17th and Cuming Sta Phone Douglas 1060. AH kinds machinery bought, sold and ex- changed, n. uross, mach. Kx. 1001 Doug. ALL will be forgiven. Mary, if you will meet me ai me sign or tne crown and in i?.nuri Diur, on loun ana Jvouglas Sts. That Is where BRODEGAARD sella those lueitf wedding rings. OMAIUIlLMEXr,!'",.. nd Motion pictures machine and film bargain AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS One-ton, 2-ton, 2-ton and 6-ton, any style body; service and satisfaction guar anteed. Best service station in Omaha. DRUMMOND New Oarage, 26th and Farnam. AUTO livery. 2d hand cars bought and sold, expert repairing. 4004 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 3016. ' M .1 FV J TaSep.urino, CYLINDER Jackson roadster in first class running order; will accept first good offer. Tel. So. 17651. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES F. F. FINK IWl 525 7iiT. re.?rir , "IMI 1"VI a" HI 110,111, I TjtXl , S'iODDARD-DAXTON 7-oassenaer Li-" mouslne. Rebuilt and repaired. All in fine condition. J. J. DERIGHT AUTO CO. J. J.DERIGHT, BARGAINS. STODDARD DAYTON 7-ro,iir..r lim. ouslne. Stoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. Stoddard-Dayton 6-passenger touring oar. Locomobile 7-tHuifienirAr limrtuafn with touring body. Locomobile 6-passenger Hmoualne. Locomobile S-passenger touring car. Locomobile 6-passenger roadster. Overland 4-passenger roadster. 1818 Farnam St. MY Pierce-Arrow six-cylinder seven- passenger car," Xully equipped, for $1,500. a. u. uranoeis, Brands! stores, Omaha. E. M. F. in good condition. Believe me It IS a snao. Call for demonstration. OMAHA AUBURN AUTO CO., 2658 FAR. BUSINESS CHANCES . DRUG STORE, good paying for right party; must sell; investigate; 'good rea sons for selling. L. 762 Bee. TO get in or out of business call on GANGKSTAD, 404 Bee Bldg., Tel. D. 3477. WANT to remove electric light plant to good, small town or will sell machin ery , cheap. Department B, Electrical utilities mxenange, umana. RESTAURANT for sale: cheap with good business. Scott & Vance, Republic, Kan. MANAGER wanted to handle office for large Milwaukee concern; 31,000 required, fully secured: . $60 weekly ud to start Address B 831, Bee. " WANTED Business partner to invest some money and services; good oppor tunity for reliable man. O 813, Bee. RESTAURANT for sale. Inquire of owner, 320 8. 19th. EXCHANGES C, a and O. Realty Co., 1328 Dodge St. Phone jtouglffs 29S8. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architect. Plans Bldg. estimates. Cottrelt, W. 881. C. W. Wlglngton, 220 8. 13th. Doug. 427. Bowling. Association Bowling Alleys. W. f. Per. kins St Co., a Hull, Mgr. 1313-15-17 Harney, Chiropodist. Dr. Monhelt, 403 S. 16th St. Doug. 2333. DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam. Douglas 497. Civil Engineer. ' E. E. Moore, 620 Paxton Blk. Doug. 8068. Creameries, Datrlea and S applies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. tola. Olrl f!niTi tnps bought, sold. r liUUUUia changed. Omaha Com and Stemp Co., 619 N. 16th. - Dressmaking;, Anna Slstek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 216-6 City Nat. Bk. D. 6969. BRYAN A O'BRIEN, dressmaking and tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg. Red 42ld Mis Napinsky, gown 608 Paxton. D. 6973. Dressmaking 1707 Dodge. Douglas 7330. Terry's Dressmaking college. &Hh Far. FlUpatrlck, tailor, dress'g. 2504 Davenport Drasglata, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. 1 Detectives. . . ,. ' JAMBS ALLAN, HI NevilleMk. Evi- aence secureo in ail cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONQNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. bonded. Suite 428- Paxton Blk. D. 1$1! ETcrythlasr for the Home. WE rent, repair, sell needles, part of nu eewmg maenmes. iveorasaa uycie Co., 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 1662. everything Electrical, - Mazda Lamps Reduced 20 per cent. See demonstra tion In window and be convinced of the great saving In using Masda lamps. WOLFE ELECTRIC CO., 1810 Farnam 8t All kinds of electrical apparatus, new and !d hand, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical Works, 313 S. 13th, Omaha. H. J. Lanktree Electrlo Co., wiring of old houses a specialty. 803 S. 18. Tyler 10U. BTerythtaa; far Women. WESTERN MILLINERY SCHOOL. 416 PAXTON BLOCK. BTERS Fiatlron Hat Shop. Low prices. xsncoa pieaimgs, outtons covered, all SISM inil atvla TH V mm AT. IHtft, 1NQ CO., 200 Douglas Block. Both 'phones. SWITCHES mait fmm nrunUlnara T.l"" Red 617. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathera 2326 8. 13th St Doug. 6666, DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all slses and stylea THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Both phones. Financial , Investments. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. For Sale-l.Oi) shares King Solomon T Sc D. stock for JI60. Also 6.000 Uncle Sam Oil, cheap. Box 76. Little Rock. Ark. Foundries, McDonald Brass and Bronse foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead eastings. MO? Jackson. BUSINESS PERGONALS Florist. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. Brandeis' cut flower dept. new store. Furnace and Repair. REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast Let us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-1208 Dougla St Tyler 20. FARMER & RUSHLAND, furnaces and hotel work. 1403 Jackson St Morlna;, Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving umce 2in n. iitn ol uoug. sn. Furn. moving; 3 men, 11 per hr. W. 2748. Maalc, Art and Langnnge. HENRY COX." violinist. H. 3904. Narscrle and Seed. STEWARTS SEEDMAN. U9 N. 16th. Optician. . B. F. Wum, fitting and rep'g. 423 Brandeis Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. .. Paint and Gin. We do glasing and deliver glass in all parts of the city. - .Barker Bros. Paint Co. "The Paint Men You Know." ' 1609 Farnam. , Douglas 4760. Patents. HIRAM A. STURGES. Patent "Lawyer. 46 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 3469. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7U7. Printing, DOUGLAS Printing Co.; Tel. Doug. 644, Lew W. Baber, Printer, bm BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind.A-362 SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON, Webster 3197. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co. ; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 622-24 8. 13th. Stenographers and Court Repoprter. Myrtle A. Kelley, 816. Bran. The. D. 6682. Reatna rants. HOME PLATE CAFE "The Right Place to Eat" 820 S. 19th 8t Store and Office Fixture. WE BUY and sell anything, everpthlng In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Sunnlv Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2610 N. South Omaha. Tents and Awning. . OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 822. Trunk nnd Salt Case. Frellng & Btelnle. 1803 Farnam St Wine and Liquor. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, couuYvii-iiea. Aiex. jetes, 6UJ-8 a. 13th St. VTRaiMTA T1A Bt win. 1 v. - - - - ,7 - ' " . wu mro poi- a-'ein liquor nouse, 622 N. 16th St. FRER PRKMTITIH with tr. Club Whisky; express charges prepaid, fa.uu. vroi our price usi. west side Family Liquor House, 1204 Larimer St, Denver. Colo. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Comnlpte cnnra In ttn,i.M. tj.i. - . - . vudiuciib, keeplng, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship, Th catalogue Is free for the asking. , Call,, write or paone xor 11 at once. . Address . H. R Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha, Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lampman. 1816 Farnam St., Omaha Neb. LITE STOCK FOR SALE. ' . Horae nnd Vehicle. . FOX STABLES New location, first-class iivwy ana poaroing. vui lummg, c 16J7. PHAETON and liarnPB at price. Phone Douglas 6761. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Spotted Angora cat; $6 reward. Doug. 4930. , LOST On Friday, school girl's gold watch, on Dodge street between 35th and high school. Reward. Phone Harney 3428. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the umana council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In th street oars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company Is anxious to restore mem to tne rigntiui owner, (jail Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Spotted Angora cat. $a reward. Doug. 4930. FOUND The best place to have your clothes cleaned, pressed right. Sultorium, 821 N. 16th St D. 3626. LOST Bunch of keys. Name "Chas. G. Garrett. 1123 Oak St., K. C.," on at tached tag. Call Har. 2902; reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry V:urea Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial 7 1 DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. SPECIALIST tor WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk. Ladies' guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk MONEY TO LOAN. Salary and Chattels. MONEY! " MONEY! MONET! WHY BE WITHOUT MONEY? ' when you otfn get it for the asking. FUR NITURE. PIANO, WAREHOUSE RE CEIPT, .FIXTURES, HORSES, WAG ONS or YOUR PLAIN NOTE, If em ployed, will be sufficient for security. No delay or red tape. Each transaction strictly confidential. : Your call appreci ated and respected. RATES LOWEST. TERMS EASIEST. , . RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Id floor, 308 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 1411. on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate or interest. Money Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 230 Bee Bldg. - A-1356. HOME LOAN CO., Most reasonable rate m the city. Writ or phone Douglas 1233. , ( 1623 Farnam, Room 8. Patterson Blk. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Without publicity. Easiest payments. Lowest rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., - Established Twenty Yeara - 1603 FARNAM ST. . " Room 215 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2296. MONRY loaned ulsriiwl nwni. others on their own name; cheap rates, ejr j-'ajuiriiin, cuilLlueniiai. U, 11. TOl- niap. w inaii ixationai Hank Bldg CHATTEL IjCIAKA 1, t IIHI sat adv LOANS. You can get it today of piA k umw k-v.. mi Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 6 per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St.. Tel Red 6619. Persistent Advertising - ia the . Road to Big Returna, . . v . OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS New York,. Londonderry and Glasgow, New York. Palermo and Nades. Attractive rate for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tinental and Mediterranean Points. Su perior accommodations. Excellent Cuisine, Efficient Service. Apply for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or HEN DERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, Chicago, 111. OFFERED FOR RENT. Board and Itoaia. O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Douglas CIL TWO furnished rooms. Suitable for married couple with board. West Far nam district A 846, Bee. 318 N. 19TH ST. One isnra room, suit able for four; also single room. 'Phone Tyler 1157. SOUTH room, with breakfast in pri vate family; West Hanscom park dis trict; plenty of heat;, bath, etc.; reason able price. 'Phone Harney 6814. TWO modern sleeping rooms. 1606 N. 17th St. . 201 SO. CEN. BLVD. TEL HARNEY 1712. MODERN. GENTLEMEN. LARGE room. West Farnam district; gentleman preferred. Phone Harney 1884. 2618 Capitol Ave.-Nlcely furnished with or without board; suitable for two business woman. R. 7323. FRONT room for two gentlemen. H. 4474. NICELY furnished room. West Farnam district Har. 2251, evenings. FURNISHED rooms, colored. Web. 1937. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod. em, 624 No. 20th. TWO elegant furnished rooms in the Alsatian. Inquire Traver Bros., 705 om. Nat. Bank. Bldg. Phone Red 47a. 201 S CENTRAL BLVD. TEL. HAR NEY 1712. MODERN. GENTLEMEN. FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, hot and cold water. 1818 Chicago. Furnished House. COSY furnished flat; 1303 S. 10th St F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St Furnished Apartment. t OR 4 front room apartments, furnished complete for housekeeping. 2018 Daven port.1 . Furnished Housekeeping Room. ' 2204 Webster, modern, clean, heated, fur nished room; good neighborhood. - Unfurnished Room. 4 STRICTLY modern heated rooms, ex cellent neighborhood, $25 per month. 2813 poppieton Ave.' Hotel ana Apartment. DODGE hotel, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. Apartment aud Flat. (-ROOM apartment, completely mod ern; Scargo Bldg.. South Omaha, above 616 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug las 740S. "THE St George," 31st Ave. and Dodge Elegant 6-room modern apartment, steam heated, Janitor service, etc. James Johnson, 678 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. D. 4251. LOWER 6 rooms in St Louis flat Call Doinr. 6461. STEAM heated apartment of four rooms each; every improvement, with gas ranges, electrlo lights. $12.60 to $18 plus heat, $6 per month. Tbos. W. Hazen, 207 McCague. Doug. 1300. . MODERN 6-room furnished flat. Phone Douglas 2179. References. 4-ROOM, strictly modern, heated apart ment, z&u Ma onn tst. J. is. Marsn. Large moving vans. 31.26 per hour. D. 394. THE LAFAYETTE Corner 17th. Ave nue and Jackson, 2, 3, 4-room apartments;, large and cheerful; everything modern; newly decorated: rents reduced. Why not live close-In and save car fare? See the janitor or phone Douglas 7020. STRICTLY high-class 5-roora apartment on West Farnam St, with steam heat and janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. S-RODM ftDRi tment Hanscom Park. 132. rnone narney iota. tu a T.APniO .nrtiti,' nart mnlAm! flat. 1915 Elm St. Phone Harney 436. 1612 NORTH 20TH STREET. 6-R., strictly modern "St. Louis'' apart ment; newly decorated; just reduced to $22.50. Don't fall to see this. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY, . Omaha's Rental Men. (18 Omaha National Bank Building. . Houses and Cottnsies. . T-rocm, $16, 2708 Seward St. Doug. 1598. 6 ROOMS, modern, 1509 N. 45th. . I rooms. 2202 N. 30th. H. 3953. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 3128 Cass St. Tel. Benson 85SW. 7-ROOM new cottage, $30. W. FOR RENT Four-room cottage; water, gas, electrlo light 607 South First street Inquire, L. Green, 134 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 8. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office, 301 S. 17th St "PaU Douglas 4163. A-1669. - 726 and 721 So. 37th St., ' two - strictly mod. houses. Webster 2590. 174 S. 28th 8T.-8 rooms comolately mod ern. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. "; A-4408. TTnnsoQ In all part of the city. IlOUSeS (;rel,n) Son, & Co.. Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and tor warded; cheap freight rate. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394. Office 216 S. 17th St STRICTLY modern, 8-room house. 6016 California, Phone Harney 26. EIGHT-ROOMS, modern. 112 No. 26th St. Doug. 2717. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St, between 2fith and 37th Sts., all modem improvements. The Crelghtoo university, xei. uoug. zszs. LARGE modern house, garage, east front, corner lot, both streets paved, car line No. 1KB a S2d St.. $30.00 Nine-room modern house, full lot, barn, ; east front No. 1122 So. 32d St.?.... .....$50.00 Small modern cottage, garage, south and east fronts, large lot 1 . 1609 Maple, 9r., modern;;. ...... ...$27.60 Five-room cottage, partly modern ' No. 2017 Grace St ...$15.00 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. SIX rooms; bath, full basement: newly decorated; $19. 2827 Fjranklln. Harney 2668. NEW 6-room home, strictly modern. 61S No. 33d. Harney 2363. i ROOMS and ham S41K RlnnHn IW,. $12. H Sas.- . ' ' .. -. -. EIGHT rooms, modern, 1818 N, 25th St., $30. Telephone Douglas 1236 or Florence 207. C. A. Grlgg. 6-ROOM modern cottage, good condi tion, 12S.- 3115 Marcy. Webster 3888 or Benson STOW SIX-ROOM cottage, 001 a 18th, $27.60. See janitor at Lafayette. 17th Are. and Jackson. ' ' ....... $ ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th St D. 2717. COZY 6-room cottage, modern except furnace; two blocks to Farnam . . Car, $18. Call D. 4341. - . K.RfW"kf Milan: U .. a ,iin..l.l.. AWO w. . .j . . i . w .v , ..,!. a in N. 27th Ave, near Lake. Webster 1946. 7-room, modern house, within walking distance, on 19th street boulevard. 1417 North 19th street. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. NKWl.Y Tunaraut A anil K.mnn. hn,i..a 1 strictly modern, an 24th car line. In- uuire so, zim. FOR rent, desirable . cottage. 809 Park Ave.; seven rooms, modern, perfect dr der; rent. $35. J. J. Kemp, 2512 Leaven worth St Phone Douglas 988. , T .A RflF, jtlY-rnom ci.t t a iaa anvi Lake 8t. 877 Brandeis bldg. MY MrtHFRV nlnaa-m.m wl-.. avjc - - ..... vw. a ci-iuwuuTt fJSXl. 627 Park Ave. Frank Carey, Tyler 1S02. WEST FARNAM. 7-r. modern tiivw 319 No. 38th Ave. t. -ROOM house at 2414 Caldwell St., mod ern except furnace, $21 per month. Tele Phone Harney 4593. OFFERED FOR RENT POULTRY AND SUPPLIES House and Cottage. FOR RENT Kountse Place home, new, corner 22d and Evans Sts. Large living room and dining room with beam ceiling; two bed rooms; all rooms decorated; very elaborate light fixtures. This is a very complete home. Traver Bros., 705 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Red 472L MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and planoa Douglas 1496. ITIW. mnma !U7 Rwa Sit illi- modern except heat Red 5412. FOR RENT At 3610 Jones, 9-room, modern house, including large barn, $35. Will rent house separate, $27.50. Call Douglas 2485 or Harney 1636. t 37TH ST. NORTH OF Farnam, 2 long squares; corner paved; hot water heat; 8-r., first-class; lease on right termB to proper tenant. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2715. Evenings: H. 338 or H. 6134. WANT TENANTS AT ONCE. .. MAKE OFFERS. 6-r., new, mod., 2619 Wirt. $22.50. 4-r., part mod., 838 So. 23d. 12-r., mpd., close in, 1128 Sherman, $45.00. 6-r., mod., close in, 1512 No. 31st $14 00. 6-r., mod., close in, 1938 So. 18th, $12.00. -r., mod., paved street. 2712 Caldwell, $21. 12-r., mod., close in, 1161 No. 18th. $30.00. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. 857. 15th and Harney. 7-ROOM, modern. Douglas 8142. 2702 California. Store and office. STORE ROOM or shop. 180 Farnam; steam heated: fronting alley; merchaa. dlse entrance: full glass front Hall, 431 Ramge. D. 7406. Ind A 4406. $20 Store 4134 Hamilton. Doug. 1598.. FABNAM STBEET VACANT 66 feet by 132, south side of Farnam. West of 2Sth street. Will lease or build to suit tenant. S. S. Curtis. IS08 Harney. ENTIRE second floor, 612 8. 16th St Suitable for any kind of business. Wright & Lasbury, 606 S. 16th. Doug. 162. STORE and basement, 1907 Cuming, $30. JOHN W. ROBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST STEAM-HEATED storeroom, 2560 Cum ing St. ' Steam-heated storeroom, 15th and Chi cago Sts. THOS. .W. HAZEN, 207 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1300. WILL Bublet half of my office; very modern. 607 Brandeis (Theater. Store Boom 22x66, opposite the new Woodmen of the World building, 14th and Farnam. Fine office space at reasonable prices, 14th and Farnam streets, ALBERT CAHN st. OFFERED FOR SALE. , . . Furniture, Stoves, furn., left in storage. Furniture, Birmingham range, base burners, mission dining set; sell for charges. 2520 Cuming. STOVES LEFT IN STORAGE.' ,. For Sale A numoer of all kinds of stoves, high grade makes, for storage charges. 1413 Dodge St. Come early. HIGH-GRADE furniture for sale cheap; three-piece parlor set, fine sideboard, chiffonier, bed, rug, refrigerator, gas range, kitchen chairs; must sell quick, leaving city. 3207 Charles St FURNITURE Four rooms complete, Including rugs, library table, Sleepy Hol low leather rocker; bargain; account leav ing city; no dealers apply. Apt 11, The Florentine, 25th and Marcy. LARGE, practically new hardcoal base burner, very cheap. 525 Sojth 25th Ave. Musical Instruments. Electrlo pianos. Continental Nov. 119 N. 15. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Return . GINSENG AND GOLDEN SEAL Enormous profit. Free circular tells how; big book, 4c; 40 breeds "Bred-to-Lay poultry. Harry E. Ruble, Albert Lea. Minn. A PET STOCK tD.-'vcr.t'WT nuna arrsw tflil ! fllTd my champion Tom Crlbb. Call Douglas 3856. 2020 Farnam. ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ATJ Af?l ATVr, for some young law Uiii.iUiU.iN yer. j Berles of law books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. -Law Dictionary. Hale on Torts, Cooley on Torts. Clark's Criminal Law Books; good as 'new. Will sell or trade for chickens or anything you have. A. J. Knott. 4616 N. 3iith St Web. 6596. SEND for our system of exchanges. Shopen & Co., Dept. B, Omaha. Neb. FOR sale or trade One 1911 Overland touring car, five-passenger and fully equipped and in good running order, with four new tires. Will trade for horses, colts, cattle, hogs or sheep. Address Y 193, Bee.. ! HIGH-GRADE 6-passenger automobile, In good condition; cost $3,100 when new. Will trade for quarter section western Nebraska or Dakota land or for equity In Omaha improved or clear vacant Ad dress, L 840, care Bee. - n REAL ESTATE IOAN8 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St WANTED-City loans. Peters trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. Orin S. Merrill Co., 1213 City Nat Bk. Bldg LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. OMAHA homea , East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 2152. MONEY to loan, on businoBS or resi dence properties. $1,000 to $50,000. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Loans on farms and improved city prop erty, 6 to 6 pet.; no delay. J. HI Du mont & Co., 1603 Farnam St.. Omaha. of City LOANS. Bemis - Carlberg l Co., 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. GARVIN BB.QS Sg WANTED TO BUY Household gds.clothes & shoes. Doug. 3971. Best prices for shoes, clothes. Ben W.6479. Best prices for fur., clothes, shoes. W.5146. SLIGHTLY used high grade piano. Web. 3726. REAL ESTATE r ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SAL EL 7 CENTS PER LINE WILL BE THB RATE CHARGED ON AND AFTER OC TOBER 1 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS RUN UNDER THE CLASSIFICATION, "FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." Typewriter. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter. 3 months, $4.00. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer company. ' TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months, $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous. - SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains, American Supply Co., 1102-04 Farnanr DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv ing, etc.; see us first Omaha Fixture and supply CO., 414-w-j.s . tztn. jnoug. GAT 1? Vah nnit anond-hand carom and pocket billiard tab'es and bowling alleys and accessories; I ax fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The iJrunswiCK-BaiKe-v;oiienaer o. 10th St. . LAUNCH FOR SALE Brooks' model. 6 horse, 2 cycle, 22 ft.. 1 cylinder, Gray engine. L. S. Grlgg. Phone Douglas 4So, itue AMfjT.w otT. lamp th lieht that never fails; more light for less money. JOHN SUN JUAMf JU., ttSA OV. loin mfw Tin irk" IS ner thousand. 16th and Sprague Sts. pnone wepster tun xjrT lunta, era a hatAr In flfnod condi tion, tas range and Hot Blast heater. can narney vssts. saa COAT T,' o-nnrl: trv a ton. Best for money. Web. 848.: Harmon & Weeth. FOR sale, very fine buffalo calf over coat, beaver trimmeo; idoui $100. 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7408. PERSONAL T Massage, Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 308 Boston Bid. TVf A A ntn Salt Glow and massage. JJLaaOAUL Mme. Allen of Chicago. Withnell Blk.. 15th and Harney. D. 7666. M A R.Q A flTT' Swedish movement. Apt MAOOAUrj 2, 1802 Farnam. D. 6240. VITAL massage, vital bath.' Miss D. Fisher, 401 Ware Blk., 309 8. 16th. D. 2786. MAGNETIC healing, over 710 S.-16th. MiVOCi ai? Expert treatment. Mra "ixikjKjxivjxj Steele. 208 S. 13th St R, 326 HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles, 60c postpaid; samples free Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. THE. SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 412s and wagon will call. M ASSAtTTC treatment Fifteen years ijxxxkjjxi.jAj experience. Twelve year in umana. K.w notel and residences; $1.00 at the office. Call D. 863. Res. D. 3427. f A &Q A m? Corns removed. 26c: Mrs. xu.-iotjxivjxj HayneS 707 a 16 St. D. 4492. BATHS, Swedish massage, Mrs. 8nyder, No. 3, The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. D. 4380. ANNA .H. MARKS" nam. Davldge Block. Apt. 3. Doug. 6521. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. Body Massage, 222-8 Neville Blk. D. 7761. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable, boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look-fer our travelers, aid at the Union Station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES --ROSE comb White Leghorn Cockerels, ti eacn. euen TnornDurgn, Perry, la. S. C. BUFF AND WHITE LEGHORNS and Mottled Anconas winners for years in leading shows u great layers; eggs reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. B. F. Jones, Route 3, Box 10, Maryville, Mo. S. C. W. ORPIVOTON POrifKRipr.H $1.50 each. .Walter Casson, R. F. D. 4, Neola, Ia. ' MAMMOTH PEKIN DUCKS, AM Dis posing of my large flock of White Beau ties at 85o now; largest and finest I ever raised. Mra M. J. Casson, R. 1, Carson, ia. . - CLOSING OUT SALE-HIfJH fT.A.Ju Ruff LciThorna Ruff Orninptnna Hnir A. Agnew, South Omaha, Neb. WE WON 17 FIRSTS IN 20 CLASSES at Nebraska State Fair, 1912, 76 prises in all, on Brown, Buff and White Leghorns, Orpingtons, Reds, Rocks and Wyan- uouee. ,ve want 10 Ben mem. write US. L. P. Harris, College View, Neb, BRAND. NEW SIX-ROOM . ' BUNGALOW A more complete and attractive bunga low would be hard to find than the one recently completed at the southwest corner of 18th and. Laird. Vestibule, with good sized coat closet, oak finish. , Parlor, nice size, having beamed celling, bookcase in pedestals, oak finish. DINING ROOM, large, light, airy room, paneled walls, plate, rail, beam celling, fine built-in buffet, china closet in pedes tal, oak finish. KITCHEN, good size, light and airy; one piece enamel slnk fine pantry and refrigerator entry, yellow pine finish. DEN, nice size, could be used either as bedroom, den or library; has large closet; finished in oak. BEDROOMS, two god sized bedrooms upstairs, with plenty of closet space, yel low pine finish. BATHROOM, good size and very com plete, ,best grade of plumbing,; enameled woodwork, side wallsUii imitation tile. Basement, fully, cemented,, first class, guaranteed furnace, hot water tank connected- with furnace, lauriTlry sink with ' hot and cold woter, coal bin. . Doors In this bungalow are two-panel oak and birch, fine interior finish, pre sents attractive outside appearance. It is built of the beet materials by skilled mechanics. Must be seen to be fully ap preciated. The, location is splendid, new homes being situated all around this property. Convenient to good car serv ice, school, stores, etc. Price, $3,500; easy terms'. Make up your mind to quit pay ing jnt This bungalow will afford an unusual opportunity for doing so. SCOTT & HILL, i" Douglas 1009. ; 307 McCague Bld. Choice of 4 One piece highly improved, on upper Farnam,-$15,000-earning capacity about $10,000 a year. Another 2L000 square feet on Harney and 19th, at less than $3 a square foot $50,000. ... Another, one block from P. 0., 66x132 $30,000. Another, 100 ft., on S. 16th, faces Jones -$50,000. . 7 ; j . One party owns all and when any one piece is sold all the rest are withdrawn. An exceptional opportunity to get a piece of choice property not usually offered. Harrison & Morton October 15. 1912. . , New Modern Home AT REDUCED PRICE $4,800-For 6108 Florence Blvd. This is a well constructed, attractively ar ranged, strictly modern, 2-story, 7 room modern house, having large V reception hall, living room,, dining room, kitchen, pantry and rear ves .tlbule, first floor; 4 bedrooms, bath ' room and linen closet, second floor oak finiBh first floor and white . enamel finish, mahogany doors, glass door knobs, up-to-date bath -room, -with pedestal lavatory " vltroua china flush tank, second I . floor; oak floors In every room in the house. Handsomely decorated throughout. Duplex shades and curtain rods to all windows; full cemented basement, with launiirv enn rifft i on nnd ..Amnio,, l " w . ... u vvi.ifi.i.ti (ii owl y detail, ready to move into without : , , any expense. Lawn nicely sodded, wide cement walks. East front lot, opposite parking in boulevard near , : Miller Park. 24th St. now being paved and car line to be extended to Miller Park, only one block from this place. " - .- . This place is a bargain and cannot be ' duplicated at the price. Must bo seen to h fi.nDrcia.tAd. Fjtsv tArma. Wav a, - . . . . ... J HV UU1 office. Investigate. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 756. 902-13 City Nat Bk. Blhr I IF SOT.n IV 10 r,A-voi PRICE CUT $400. i near 26th and Meredith avenue; elegantly finished in oak; best combination fix- tlirAR. full hrlalltAfi BnA 9 1 vcuicuiou vaee- ment, laundry, etc.; large, level lot, south front; paved streets; permanent walks; Evreeiio, tnunn sasn, complete In every ; detail. An Ideal home in choicest local itv. An unusual vain, a, ., -.r - .- - -,tw. tour own terma 7o CASH, $28.50 PER MO.' NAtaT Fmnm nknU. . . . . i j "-""- wiutge, raoaern. cemented cellar, large floored attic Can f a1 ro,0m8 stairs; permanent walks, fine, level lot well located on No. at $2,750 Uth 8t Car' A REAL HOME BARGAIN. ; Good -mnm raiA-. i v. . . .. . Hnn. mnWn V "J. '"i."1 COflOI- 7 r icf, level tnf south front; large shade trees? havAd strpAt. etc.; vaII i.A i...pave? Caldwell; owner determined Ito le7t w.. , s, -.wv. auu may nx terma House now vacant rms. $a0 CASH, $18 PER MONTH. $1 750 Partly new ILrm cept heat; east Front 7lcS f 432 Ramge Bldg. D. 867. lEti. and Harneyw i