4A THE OMAHA NUXDAV BE: OCTOBER 13, 1912. iEipIss ;3 ie'anty Ooiiie .I'ou Just Can't Help Having a Beau - tlful romplevion If Vaa 1st Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Pimples! Horrors! And what a won f derful change when they are. all pone. Most everyone lias noticed this." Nowa- AVIATORS ADRIFT ON BAY Two Men None the Worse for Six teen Honrs' Hardships. TIED TO STAKE IS OYSTER BED 11 " ' . t. ?ra 4 L 4 Z I H-dro-Aeroplanc's Motor Explode and Warblo Fall Hun dred aad Fifty Feet lata the Water. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 12. -Aviator Marshall B. Reld and Henry C, Duutln, a , lieutenant commander In the navy, were found today In Delaware bsy after clinging for more than fifteen hours to the wreck of the hydro-aeroplane in which they started yesterday to fly from Cape May to this city. The engine of their machine exploded while It was fly ing at the rate of 40 miles a,n hour over the bay and both men and airship I lunged like a shot Into the water. An oyster boat picked up the men. who flnu'ly had moved to a buoy, the wreck sgo and buoy having kept them afloat 'days,'wlfen you see a' real beauty, tha chances are Stuart's Calcium' 'Wafers wrought that wonderful change. It takes only a short time, even with very bad complexions that kind that Are disfig ured with rash, eczema, boils, blotches . and liver spots. " Stuart's, Calcium Wafers cause the skin fcores to breathe out impurities. The lungs burn up a great amount, but Nature Imposes upon the skin the larger burden..' Every tick of the clock means work, work, work , for these wonderful Wafers.. And every instant new skin la . forming, Impurities become less and less, the pores are reinvlgorated, and soon such a thing as a pimple, black. - head or any other eruption is lni?os- aihle, Tou marvel at the change. Ths soft, rosy tint love-taps tha cheeks; . .the . neck, shoulders and arms allow the health, of youthful akin In ' fact, you Just can't help having a beau- - ' t'ful complexion if you use Stuart's Cal " elum Wafer.-. , ,:. They are put up In convenient form to 2,"y wltt you, are very palatable, and aier-.soia by druggists everywhere, at SO cent a box. Advertisements 66 cp ft fob Short cut to Wellness Ths apprehension 'attending ' a. Cold taken In the fall 'of the year. with a long winter ahead, makes It more to be. dreaded than at any other time, .- " ,. r. . r.,v . The short; cat' to wellness. Is a dose of 'Seventy-seven" at tha first chill or shiver, to restore the check ed circulation, start the blood cours ing through the veins and break up the Cold.-...: -:: . Don't wait till you begin to cough and sneeze er It may take longer it pays to keep "Seventy-seven" handy. Ail, Druggists 25c. Book free. : . . . ...',..'. .' ., .-. , Humphreys' Homeo Medicine Co.,' Cor William and Ann Streets, New York, f Our New Phon Num ber is Tyler 3-4-S. Pressing! OH "RUSH" ORDERS . It doeln't make any dif ference where you live we will Call for your clothes quickly; press 'em quickly return 'em to you quickly. But, mind you, the work isn't 6lighted because of the SPEED. ; , ; Trousers pressed 23c. Coats (sack style) and trousers for only 50c, This maes a handy ser vice after a "big rain" when your garments have gotten the worst of it and look "baggy.'' Bresher Brothers 9311-9313 faieem ft. Wilson Feels Good Upon the Close of an Eleven-Day Trip HARRISBURO. Pa.. Oct 12.-AI Gover nor Wilson traveled to New York early today to close an eleven day trip that took him through eleven state in the west, he expressed keen satisfaction over the receptions given him. "The big meetings," "he said, "have been exceedingly gratifying. It se.ems to me the people are intensely Interested In the issues of the campaign. "I have been particularly impressed by the attitude of the crowds toward me and by the way in which the great number ot Individuals whom I have met personally bave greeted me. Running through it ail I have felt a decided friendliness toward me. In no Instance have I felt that there waa any hostility In the audiences which I have addressed." . Rich Strike Made in British Columbia PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, Oct IL-Free milling gold ore, said to assay thousands of dollars to the ton, was discovered by two prospectors, McLaren and Bel way, twenty-six miles from KJtsumkalum, at Marcon Point. .- , The towns of KltsumkaJum and Ter race are .deserted. .Fifty claims already liave been staked and, according to re ports received here tonight, hundreds ot prospectors, storekeepers, lawyers, doe tors and miners are on their way to ths findt' . . v ' ,.- , PROF, SEMBOWER HEAD OF BIG NINLCONFERENCE CHICAGO, Oct. 12.--Prof. Sembower ej Indiana university today was elected president of the "Big Nina" university athletic conference tb succeed the late Prof. Johnson, also of Indiana university. ' . News Notes of t'tloa. UTICA, Neb., Oct 12.-(Speclal.)-Utica's short course In agriculture closed last evening. The crowds during" the week have been large In spite of the rain. The attendance at ths domestic soience course was unusually large. , Among those who lectured during the week art Chancellor Avery ot ths state University i Prof, C. W. Pugsley, head. of the agriculture extension department of the 8tete Agricultural college; Dr. Q. L. Carlson of Norfolk, Neb., the world famous horse man; II. 3. Oramllch of the state farm; L. W .Chase and H. C. Flllej of the state farm: V. E. Shirley, presi dent of ths Nebraska State Poultry asso. elation. ' , " -,. Miss Mabel Daniels and Miss Louisa Bablri were In charge of the domestic science department. Taft Hea Orsra.alse' a Clnfe. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Oct. 33.-Spe-clat,)-The progreasive party filed a peti tion with 1H names attached thereto, all out in the county trot two, who reside In the city, showing they had held a con vention and asked that the name of W. W.. Anness, as representative; Lewis Oanset, sseessor, and Thomas Rodaway a commissioner be placed upon the of ficial ballot. Taft republicans are form ing a club In this city and have already 109 signers to their petition. They are circulating petitions throughout the county for the same purpose. Rkwll CrnaheA ky Brick. ' AUBURN. Neb.. Oct U.-(8pdal,)-8. Daniels, janitor at the high school, was seriously hurt while assisting In the erec tion of the new high school building. One ot the masons let a brick slip and It fell about twenty feet and struck Daniels on the head just back of the forehead and crushed the skulL The attending physi cian does not think there Is much hope of his recovery. He is about 60 years of age and baa resided here twenty years. . Body of Mas Fennd. f HURON, S. D., Oct ll-CSpeci&l Telegram.)-The body of a dead man found this morning near the Chicago & North western bridge over the Jim river, Is that of Chris Qreget of Phillip, a former resi dent of Willow Lake. It Is believed he was knocked from the bridge by last night's eastbound express. 'Naditte Face Powder ( ia Grant Bajmt Ont, ) , f-'aVf tha Complexion Beautiful. . Softand Velvety It Is Pure, Harmless Jlfasff Back if M EMtsrtt'y rieattd. The soft, velvety appearance re main until pow der is washca off. Purified bjr a new process, rrevems r vabarQ snd return of discoloration!. 17' e increasing; popularity is wonderful. Whht, Bah, Vini, Brunette. By toilet eowiias or mail. Price 50 cents. tOiTmNAS,- TOILCT COUrASY, ftrlt. Tmm 5it(l r fkTuuD-McCtoMU Urtig C.. Owl Drat l.ji' Hurwucy, iUrvtrit Ptimuii, liMr (hd Chssk critey Order f for M.0( to C. 51. Gordon, Call. . ;iiisia, 3lo., aiul g. a barrel of I nm Mvet ridrr at I2;gc pr ;i.tilon, you pny freight. Only !!. atjRlc nsd. -; Msrhtatac PUys Praaka. NEBRASKA CITY, Oct U.-(Speclal.)- DUrtng a storm County Commissioner Fred Market was just leaving a heavy wire fence about his hog lot when light ning struck the wires, throwing him to the ground and killing: several hogs. Specially. Irt FROM THOS. K1LPATRIGK & COMPANY : Fop Monday, OctbbcF 14tli First we announce an exhibition of particular merit in our SUIT SALON on Second Floor, which good dressers cannot afford to miss. A promi nent importer will display on Monday morning his entire sample line of embroidered, lace, net and novelty costumes, "just landed over here from the ould countree." We say old country for the samples are made up from materials woven in different lands but the styles embody the latest fancies and features as prepared in Paris (the fashion center of the world) for Spring 1913. V ; ? Charming Evening Gowns only one of a kind will be sold French modes, Anglicised and Americanized in some instances; others identical with spring fashions, now shown and to be shown in leading fashion salons in PARIS FOR SPRING 1913. Display is for. one day only.' Orders will be taken for DECEMBER DELIVERY. Positively only ONE OF A KIND. v 4 V'V'": X At 10:00 A. M., same date and place, a very SPECIAL SALE OF WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS. Blacks and colors; voiles, serges, wide wales and l . a. 9 'a. 1 - ti x ' 11 a 4 A A A e44 A A J AAA A A line iwuis. come jancy maienais. oitirxa maae 10 sen ai w.wt j.o.uu ana atn . Miiciay, Esicli Improyed Section for Infants, Chil dren and Junior Outfits and Lsj- ettes Compiete in Efery Detail Business Is particularly active Just now in Autumn and Winter Coats Chinchillas and Corduroys, are best sellers- and, by the way, these materials are very scarce In the eastern markets. The wise ones, therefore, will select now while' aseort , ments are complete. . There's not likely to' be any over abundance later here or' else-' whwc, for regardless of what the poli ticians may say, BUSINESS IS A BOOM- INO EVKRYWHERE. : v Monday we will offer two great valuea In CHILDREN'S WOOL BItESSES. ' i LOT 1 Serges, etc., Navy and other col ors. Dresses worth up to J 8, at, each e $3.50 LOT 3& Challles, . Serges and 'various other materials, a few Junior (Je Qf sizes, gold up to $10, at, each p9eU REALLY . MERITORIOUS BARGAINS THESE! TIMELINESS OF VISIT WILL '- COURT FOR MUCH. v y ' ..". - Ladles who think of haying Handkef cbiefs or Linens embroidered or initialed for ChrlEtmaa are warned that, orders should be placed immediately to Insure de liveries before Christmas day. : : , Monday will ' sell Ladles' ' Shamrock hand embroidered initial , handkerchiefs at 10s instead of iBc proper value. , Showing now an exquisite collection of the new Amber Toilet Seta decorated with 24 karat gold; also white Parisian Ivory, plain or decorated and, the New .Corona- , iion Purple. We specialize la ! Mono grams. , , $2 For 15 days commencing Monday morning we will make skirts to your measure and order from materials bought at Dress Goods Section, for, each . . , We have employed an expert to meas ure and fit. Skirts will be man tailored and perfect fitting or we won't allow you to take them. Orders filled in order of priority, the first comera will be served first. New Goods are all Jn also new Imported Cloaking, Boucles, Zibelenes and Polos, found only at this department. ' t While walking down the great White ; Way in New, York Citj the other night," the ad writer heard a newsboy call out--All About John D. Rockefeller in the '"'..T-I-",7: - Poor House" -We confess we had heard so much about the high cost of living, that for a moment we ' were -shocked and wondered whether poor. John had' been driven there as a re-' suit. Like many other alarms and sensa tions, we found the cry was . uttered sim ply to attract : attention-r-as N.' B. Fal- .coner, would say, "it is not so much the high cost of living after all, as 'the cost ot high living'." Witness the marked "savings In our LINEN DEPARTMENT, in the great special sale starting Monday morning. 15 lots laid out, plainly "ticketed for Monday. MAKE A NOTF CUT THIS OUT VERY IMPORTANT!!? ,- 18 In. by 18 in. all Linen Napkins, reg ular price 11,60, Monday, dozen 1.19 22 in. by 22 in. all Linen Napkins, reg ular price $2.00, sale price, dozen 86c all Linen Tow els Monday, each c 63x63 Linen Cloths, were $2.00, at -j$l4S 21 in. by 21. in. all Linen Napkins, reg ular price $3,60, sale price, dozen 20 in. by 22 an. all Linen Napkins, reg ular .price $2.60, Monday, dozen 45x46 Linen Cloths, always $1.25, at 2S In. by 23 in. all Linen Napkins, regular-price $4.Qtt Monday, dozen. 60c Guest Towels, sale price 35c 75 cent Damask Towels, Monday S9c Japanese Linen Pieces ranging in size from 7 inches to 72 inches at absolutely ridiculous prices. 64x54 Linen Cloths, were $1.76, at Sli'4S; 19 in. by 19 in. all Linen Napkins, reg ular price : $1.75, eale price, dozen 23 in. by 23 In. all Linen Napkins, reg ular price $4,50, Monday, dozen ana 72-lnch Mercerize j Damask, was 65c, sale price The Very Latest and Best Styles in fobm Foitwear for Women v and Chfldrea, j):: Boots for Women in Suede; grey or black, Dull Calf. Battleship. Grey is perhaps the latest and most: mod ish. Grey tops and pat' 6 ent leathers ! with white ' .tops, tEBgll8h Boots , with flat heel. Morning's best for quick service, Mr. Tuttle and expert lieutenants to serve yon and fit you. mm Mm eT , - W k -i -a $4-$5-$6 Wenderfnl Array it Oar Silk Section. 'Distancing and outdoing .'all,; former ! showings. (' Velvets and. Corduroys In. all the newf colorings Including "Taupe" V which , is exceptionally scarce, Imported ' Costume Velvets, dyed by James and John Worirall who" have no peers ''tn thejr line-' Brocade . Satins,; wide,' fancy and plain Silk Velvets, ' Velours, Char meuses In the ; new colorings, Meteors having meteoric , sale, Messalines '-In '.the wide widths, Mar Qulsettea, Crepes,: etc. jnany entirely ex clusive,' pne' patterns lengths of which: Omaha can 'receive1' atf duplicates.;1;1 ; ' Monday to make things interesting, just '. as a drawing!; card; W(? will place' on sale' about j.,000 yards, pt th . f: ;, f Autumn Fancy Worth $1.00 and a few $1.25. newest Silks at 69c AT GLOVE DEPARTMENT ; Phenomenal business You'll remember the last sale. We secured another lot of 16-button imported Lambs, elbow length Gloves in, white only About, 25 dozen - pair! only All sizes to be sold Monday, worth up to $3.50 pr., at .......I..... V $2.25 Not more than 3 pairs to a customer NONE FITTED SALE DAY. . $2.25 we have about 8 dozen of tan in an other glove equally good to sell Monday at same price ... .......... We Imported a new Washable Woven Glove in Brown. White and Grey, cut on kid models, perfect fitting, in appearance like a fine Doeskin called "Reindeer" Practically impossible to ,wear out in the ordinary way selling now at,' pair , $1.00 4 Very Special $5.00 Ba Display ' and Sale Monday ' "-Different leathers, such aa Pin Seal. '-Morrocco, Dull Seal and Long Grain, la 'the newest shapes, from the long narrow Muff Bag to the large Shopping Bag,' a unique collection. ; f These cool autumn nights suggest Out- - ing Flannel Gowns. We never had a more desirable lot, wonderfully comfy, at, 5D SStf S1.00 $1.25 S1.50. Objections have sometimes been raised tq the lack of elegance in garments of this kind. The objection has been largely, overcome this year In ours at any rate. . They are tailored and come In pure white and colored stripes. y , For Outdoor Sleeping t We have the nicest thing imaginable'; with a hood and pocketa .for feet. .: Silk petticoats with Jersey top also a novelty In all Silk Jersey with a pleated flounce to give the petticoat the touch ot cbicness so necessary for those who aim to .dress well. Priced from $2.95 P to $8.50 -. Not much wonder that the newspapers ( advise us of failures among the garment makers quantities are so scant nowadays that they get but little for the making. .Out .garments are all made in the BET- TEIt factorles-T-whftre attention is given :to cleanliness and sanitation WORTH SOMETHING TO YOU TO KNOW THIS. ii'iii 1 1 ' i 1 1' 1 1 ;.. Combinatipfis ; and Leoca 3-Piece Garments :vv7;;y:; In condensing our summer stock of un-,' dermuslins we .found quite an assortment of odd garments, one or two of a kind, in , combinations; sizes 36, 38 and 42 Mon day price. They sold formerly from $1.00 up to $6.00. You half the price Monday. THAT SAYING ABOUT THE EARLY BIRD APPLIES HERE. - 4 Won't Hurt' If you re-read this ad there's some mighty interesting news, which you should get firmly fixed in youif mind. TMcSo o ooipainy Bryan Insists . No Demo Bosses NowEule Party " '" V ri MOINES, la.. Oct 12. William Jenninea Bryan tonight charged Theo dore Roosevelt with saying what be "knew to be false" when In a recent speech the latter declared that both ot tha old parties were 'boss-ridden." Neither 'the republioan party nor the progressive organisation had made even a feeble attempt to smash the machine system which waa responsible for the conditions in the republican convention ; Chicago, he said, while the democrats : Baltimore had made such a condition impossible tn the future. . lrrlUtlaa- the J ;. At a trial recently the following dia logue took place between magistrate and witness: What is your name?" "Bill, sir." "Not that; your full name." -William, sis." "I mean your surname." ."Sir." "Are you deaf? 1 said your surname." "I told you, air." , "You did not tell me. Repeat if "Sir." QM" final nr nt!anpl "I- "aid 'e peatTt.' ".." """ After some more of thl the matter was straightened out. The witness's name turned out to be William Cyr. Bos ton Transcript ' A Bachelor's Reflections. WSen a man is chasing a girl Jt Is a sum she will catch him. What makes a girl's red hair seem golden is for her to see it in her looking gles. ' . ' , When a man acts a If he were folns to the scaffold, maybe it is a pebble In his shoe. ' - . A man gets on the fence to avoid trouble with either aide, but he Kt It from both sides. When a man can't met any other chance tf waste his frtndt' time h can call them on the telephone. Now York Press, PUBLICATIONS COMPLY ' WITH HITCHCOCK ORDER WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 -More than 18. 000 publications have sent to Postmaster General Hitchcock statements showing their officers, editors and stockholders and sworn circulation, as required by a provision of this year's postofflce appro nriuiinn act. Of the total 1,10$ are from dally newspaper". onIy bc-ut 3 per cent of which have responded to the depart ment's call. There are about 27.000 pub llcations of all classes which must furnish statements. I Mr. Hitchcock announced today that tout October 15 he would send notifica tions by registered mall to publications that have not made returns, and that ten days would be then allowed. High Wind Plays Pranksm Chicago .CHICAGO, Oct 13.-A forty-mile wind made many kinds ot trouble today in Chicago. Sign boards and awnings went whirling through tha streets and there were plate glaaa windows shattered in all parts of the city, i t ; - Daniel Burns, 43 years old, was blown against a store window and sniashed the pane. He suffered severe euts about the face and hands,' and while running tor doctor's office was chased and arrested by a watchman. ' - J . WOMAN FINISHES SENTENCE FOR AIDING IN KILLING SPOUSE JOL1ET, 111., Oct. 13 -Mrs. Lucy Say lor ot Crescent City. 111., who was sentenced to three" years in prison as an acces sory to the murder of her husband, John Byron Baylor, completed her sentence and waa released from the penitentiary today. She was committed on May 7. 1910, and earned, by good behavior six months off. The Crescent City murder in July, 1909. waa one ot.the most sensational crimes Illinois has known In many years, Dr. William R. Miller, who was accused of being on friendly terma with Mrs. Say kr, was convicted aa the actual slayer and was sentenced to twelve years in prison. , , , - Battle is Fought and Oklahoma Train PARIS, Tex.; Oct" 11-Meesages from Hugo, Okl., today, says three Oklahoma train robbers have been captured between Poteau and Wlster. , One hundred shots were fired and sev eral persons we3 wounded, according to this report TYPHOID AT CEDAR RAPIDS BELIEVED UNDER CONTROL V ATLANTA RAILROAD STRIKE : SETTLED BY ARBITRATION - -t ii ,i ATLANTA. Ga., Oct 11 An agreement was reached lat4 today between the At lanta Joint Terminal company and repre sentatives of the striking employes, prac tically settling the strike on the Georgia tallroad and Atlanta, terminals. . Terms for arbitration will be decided at a meet ing tomorrow and it is announced that train service will he resumed tomorrow on the Gcoreia road. DEMONSTRATION AUTO RIDE FATAL TO TWO YOUNG WOMEN LOS ANGELKS, Oct 11 Miss Ida M. Stevens, a wealthy young woman - of Zaneaville. O., and Miss Mary Pratt of Santa Monica, CaX, were killed and R. B. Mcintosh of Olendale. Cal an auto mobile demonstrator, waa badly Injured late today' when a motor car in which they were riding skidded and then turned over on a steep hilt near Loa Angeles. WASHINGTON, Oct 11-A typhoid fever outbreak at Cedar ' Rapids, la., which the United States publla health service baa been fighting through fear that , steamers would apread It up and down the Mississippi valley, la well un der control, according to a report today' from Assistant Surgeon L. L. Lurtusden, in charge of the work of eradication. Dr. Lumsden has been ordered back to Wash ington. . f - " - ; ' CEDAR RAPIDS, Jal, Oct' 1?.-City officials and physicians tonight declared that there has been no typhoid fever out break at .'Cedar Kapids. The city tiaa been remarkably free from dieeasa tot- several months. Since . July 22 the only contagious diseases reported to the board of health were two mild . cases of diph theria. . - .. . .. ' ' Steamer in Plight Off Shore of Milwaukee MILWAUKEE, Oct 12. The steamer W. P, Rend, with a cargo of soft coal, bound from Buffalo for Chicago, went ashore during last night's storm about half a mile south of Fox Point and ten miles north of Milwaukee. . ',. The Rend pounded heavily during the night, but is in better position this morn ing. A tug from Milwaukee has gone to its assistance.'' A crew of seventeen la aboard the vessel. CRUISER MARYLAND ORDERED ' TO SAIL FOR NICARAGUA SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 12.-Orders to sail immediately for Nicaragua were re ceived tonight by the armored cruiser Maryland, which arrived, yesterday from the orient The Maryland i. at the Pugt sound navy yard, coaling for the southern trip, and is expected to get away before noon tomorrow. SOUTH DAKOTA METHODISTS HOLD ANNUAL CONFERENCE .A..aiun, p. u., ucu as. tapeciai.) At the annual Dakota conference of th present Superintendent W. S. Bhepfj of ths Mitchell district reported thl seven charges and seventy-nine pr ing places. - , Superintendent O. W. Rosenbenry Sioux Falls district reported a new 17.0 church at Egan, Sioux Falls about to build a $90,000 church and Hartford a new ' 13.000 parsonage. Vermilion will put $3,000 improvements on church and parsonage. GOVERNOR MARSHALL WILL ; SPEND ONE DAY IN NEBRASKA CHICAGO, Oct ,12.r3overnor Marshall will make a tour to tha Pacific coast states, .beginning October 17, and close his campaign in Chicago October 31. His itinerary includes: , October 18, all day In Nebraska; October 29, morning. Mo bridge. S, D., afternoon and evening. South Dakota. II 'HaBBSSMSBBBBMBHBSBaMSflSJSftL.. d GAGE COUNTY PRISONERS TRY TO DIG OUT OF. JAIL Canadlana Vote- Down Reciprocity. WlNNlPEO. Oct. li-Rn'Iproclty with the United States was the issue in the election for a member of the House of Commons at McDonald, Man., today. R. L. Richardson, a well known newspaper man, who favored free trade relations with the United Slates, was defeated by William Morris by w) majority. . - . ,1 " BEATRICE. Neb., - Oct lt-Speclal Telegram.) Nine prisoners in the county jail attempted to escape this evening by digging a hole through the cement floor near the jail wall They were dlscovl ered at work by Mrs. J. L Schiek, wife of the anerlff, and she quickly gave the alairi. Sheriff Schiek locked , all the prisoners in their cells and they will be kept there until the jail is repaired., " The ringleaders of the plot were JulUis Prttchard. awaiting trial In district court on the charge of criminally assaulting an 8-year-old girt at Wymore, fend WtlU lam Davis, a boxcar robber. I Your Kidneys Vnil nnnrst riiwa treiA ViileW Xt LM.... ... I- ' iZ your kidneys trc not ptojr! performing their function , ict immediately n If YOU sniffer from kidnrv tjiieut tflk ' 3 n n-- 1 si r...v.., - ... --v. - " uncSucncei uiai yearly overcome thousands because kidney disease advances te serious jt T rs- a -1 1 a.m. ... .... nin. i. l. nrnoiu, itii w. irfl Ave writes. "My back ached. I was diay and had sick headacbej.. I tried many remedies but rot no relief until I tried Warner I Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. ' WARNER'S SAFE COOK BOOK Tin ttt Jkran COOK BOOK ntr frntUtbi 414 ptfr-mu 44 4nt f4ttpi4 n reenft f K amttt mn rert4 iUmttntin tf 44 i. ", WeMVa. NiMMkli, 4fmj tf t m4icu444, m4 IM. 4ltmf4. I Virirr-iir-iifJ! I thi im iih.iiiii.im I tuu EACH FOR A PURPmw J-Rh-BTOtis Rm4mtI7 3- DukeU. Hmnmif 4- Artluaa RaM4r ' 5- fUrriiM SOLO BT ALL DRUGGI&TS Wrue lor a Iree sample trriom the suisber ef nmtir antred to WeW. Safe Ce,. Dept.3ta flMlM.teT,N.Y. r