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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1912)
All Together, All the Time, for Every thing Electrical People's Special Ele&rical Department Brilliant Illumination Makes a City Safer, Cleaner and Better. I W O LF E ELECTRIC CO. 1S10 Farnam St. is Si V i oi : A v 0 Redsced Prices in Shelby Mazia Lamps "'. Three times the flight for the same , cost . Fixtures, Supplies -T.and Repairing v "VVircor us, and we will . wire for Call Tyler 1414 Tire Your House ::. NOW r and have the work safely "and thoronghly done. Our work is absolutely guaran- tpprL , . , ,. i Wiring for light and fower. , . 17. W; SHERWOOD ELECTRICAL WIRING 1611 Howard St. Doug. 1733 jYour ad should j bo on this page ' next Sunday, "tfs a page that is going to r grow. :;J fiEBBT v 1 ' T lllUIIII H I WW I'MM1BM hi (A llJlt DUNTLEY PneamatxXIeaner Select your vacuum cleaner for thoroughness and economy. ... With the Duntley you will get all the dust, grime and grit that is in the fab ric the kind, of dirt that wears and discolors rugs, draperies, curtains, etc., more than any amount of hard usage. v The Duntley , has long been established ' as the ideal cleaner. The elec tric machine insures clean liness' in every home in which it is used. It is made in convenient sizes and sells at v a r i o u s prices which you can afford to pay. This store rents ' these cleaners and now, has a ' large line of them in oper ation in many homes in Omaha and neighboring cities. ' '" Qall or telephone this store at once for a demon stration in your home. Miller, Stewart & Beaton : 415-17 South 16th Street. t A Weefe Does WasMltfl! "Je Prbve II a! Oar Expense Forget all you know about waahert for there never wa ona like this. Ifa tka "lOOO"' Jiotop Washer. Absolutely alf-workln;! It doet it alLIt doea it rifht- It does It for, ;2c per week. And it doea it bo quick that it : 'shortena the time to minutea instead of hours. : . .''-Vx, v ' P0Z3 EOTII THE WASHIHO AND WRINGINQ. rnLF-wbsnnTQ weinoee fur. NISIICD FEEE. , Oaa conn e t d with n jr ordloary laotelo Uglt t Utui. No crank to turn; no handle. Cog wheels encased in eteel to , . -prevent danger of soiUns clothes or mashing fingers. Motor entire fly closed no danger from water. ABSOLUTELY FREE TRIAL OF 15 DATS. V dF. A A C03 Zo. 18th. (Washer Specialists.) Tyler 1011. Omaha Extensive User of Electricity Omaha la rapidly gaining the name of being on of the best lighted cities In the west Iti itfeetv tfnee the installation of the pendant lights, have been brilliant thoroughfare! by night The photographic reproduction! appearing above ahow views on three of the main streets. In each of them numerous electric signs are noticeable, proving that Omaha is one of the leaders In the use of electricity for advertisements. The largest picture of the trinity shows the excellent scheme of Illumination used on the new Woodmen of the World building. Omaha not only Is one of the greatest users of electricity for atreet lighting, but It alsq is becoming one of the foremost in the use of this power for home conveniences. The elec trio cooker, the electric washer, the elec tric toaster, etc., are coming Into general use in many homes. As fast as the housewives learn of the advantages of these appliances they are taking them Into their homes. v Modern Electrical Conveniences Are Demanded by the Best Homes INSPECT the Electric Toaster, the Electric Iron, etc., They cut down the' high cost' ot living and make housekeeping a true pleasure. , '.. v. "Bo You Sealizc the Value' o Electricity in Your Home?" i ! Omaha Electric Light Light & Power Co. Bo you strive at cleanliness, liealthfulness, safety, convenience and economy! These are the qualities that make up every well appointed home. : : Electricity by reason of its cleanliness and safety is necessary to every home. Every day, every hour, new uses for electricity are found and its extended use has made it the cheapest and most satisfactory of household necessities. v , No dirt, nosmell, no trouble-a turn of the button gives, you light, heat and power; all from the same source. Get your wiring done now and allow electricity to "Brighten" your home and "Lighten" your labors. ' , ' OmaSia Electric Li ower Co i 1 Light y our house well by having fixtures thslt not only harmon ize with surroundings, but that give the. right propor tion of, light to each part of the room. . SDecial showinir of high-grade gas and electric fixtures beauti fully designed and durably made all at prices agreeable to your purse. Burgess -Grandcn Co. 1311 Howard Street On Cleaning Day Work 's Quickly Don And Cleared Away. By Bell Telephone. NEBRASKA THUEFHONE CO. Sava Your Tims Your Wonj-Tetepte yiM Aft