fch. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912. OFFERED FOR SALE. Miseellaneoaa. DESKS, sale, scales, show cases, shelv ing, tto. ; see us tlrst. Omaha Fixture and BupplyCo., 4H-ltM8 S. 12th. Doug. 2:24. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables a ad bowline alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balks-Collender Co.. 407-409 3. 10th street $23 five-burner, two-oven, quick meal gas range, been used 4hort time, $12 $05 Palace Banner base burner, largest size, almost new, $35. $30 Majestic range, good condition, $10. W S7uS. FOR SALE Four-hole side oven gas stove, one year old.- 6110 Webster St. Phone Harney 3661. PERSONAL Massage. Mis. K.u lino.. 30 Boston H I MASSEOTHERPY'rMr Allen of Chicago, 202 Wlthnell bk. D. 7665. MASSA(4K6wed'Bil movement. 1 flmooauJ:i it. mi Farnam. D. 6244 VITAL, massage, vital bath.. Miss D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 8. 16th. D. 2785. ANNA H. MARKS '"" " sage. 1803 Fa i nam. Davldge Block. Apt 8. Doug. $32. MAGNETIC healing, over 710 S. 16th. HAZEL, LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles, ruo postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Oo., Omaha THK SALVATION A kill v cf clothing; In fact, anything you do no need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St for cost of collection, to th worthy poor, 'Phone bouta 412i aiu wagon will cal MASSAGE tment. Fifteen years 7T A u t. experience. Twelve years In Omaha. $2.00 hotels and residences, 81 00 at the fflce. Call D. 863. Res. D.3427. M A R$ AGE ?xpert.. treatment Mrs. Steele, 208 S. 13th St R. 825 Drink lia bit 1 waa hevy drinker. , , , averaging over quart 'f whisky daily. Tried many ways to leform, but without success until I found l?v.certa.,n easy method and was cured In three days. Have since saved thousands f other victims of liquor habit It can be overcome with or without drinker's knowledge. Interesting book (tells how) .mailed, plain wrapper, free, if you cut tfcis out and write to Edward Woods. 634 Sixth Ave.. 153 A, New York. f AKKtAfiTf Corns, removed. 25c: 1 may ilea, ivi e. id ct. u Mrs. .44112 BATHS, Swed sh massaae. Mrs. Snvrior No. X. Tha iniuinv mtw J" Um-r... r aoca ody Massage, 222-S Neville Blk. D. 7761. YOUNO strangers are invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where tiiey will be directed u suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. W-L.l JLUUL itiiMiiui. ANYONE having any papers or Infor tnation about the late W. A. Vollmer of Omana, noufy Paul F. Vollmer. r&ra Moi t s Uothers Shop, 107 South 16th at REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALTf, Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lots at 40th Ave. near Ames, two blocks from street car line. $125 each. One lot. 47th and Cass St., adjoining uunuee, aom. inquire at 12UB Jones St EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. 1539 N. 20TH ST. , $2,760.00. . 8 rooms and closets, strictly modern; hot water heat; hot and cold water up- tfi i Ta itnrm uHt-ifiriwa anil nAiMMnate Kl barn; fruit; nice large lot; beautiful lawn and trees; permanent walks, etc. About $1,000; balance easy. Inquire 16i . .ana ot. TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE w. KOddINS. 1S03 FARNAM ST. ON account of death In family will sell my it-room pressed brick, slate roof, modern home at a lo wprlce. Hlch. sisrhtlv location and only one block from Jos- lyn Home. Ask owner. Phone Harney 2160. 407 No. 39th St. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. Screenings, l.uO per loo. Wagner, wl N. 11 S. C. BUFF AND WHITE LEGHORN b and Mottled Anconas winners tor years In leading Bhows; great layers; eggs reasonttoie, satisfaction guaranteed, a. r. jonea, noute a. Box lo, Aiaryviile, Mo S c iv nuvi vrirnu u-w.is-l.-iu ' 31.U) each. Walter Caoson, K. F. D. 4. Neo.a, la. WE WON 17 FIRSTS IN a) CLASSES at Nebraska State. Fair, 1812,, 76 prizes in all, on Brown Butf and White Leghorns, Orpingtons, ivtuo, nocks and wyan dottes. We want to sell them. Write us, L. P. Harris, College View, Neb. MAMMOTH PEK1N DUCKS, AM Dis posing of my large flock of White Beau ties at tec now: largest and finest 1 ever raised- Mrs. M. J. Casson. JR. i, Carson, la. GINSENG AND GOLDEN SEAL. Enormous profit Free circular tells how; big book, 4c; 40 breeds "Bred-to-Lay' poultry. Harry E. Ruble, Albert Lea, Minn. CLOSING OUT SALE-HIGH CLASS Buff Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons. Frank A. Agnew, South Omaha, Neb. PET STOCK. BOSTON terrier pups, screw tall; sire my champion Tom Crlbb. Call Douglas Scj6. 2020 Farnam. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith k Co., ua Farnam st WAN IKLt city loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,u0u maue promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bidg.. lbth and Farnam. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. Orln S. Merrill Co., 1213 City Nat. Bk. Bid. OMAHA homes. Kasit iNeuraska larnis. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'L Douglas 2151 LOANS on tarms and Impioved city roperty, 6 pet to tl pet; no delay. J. H. mmont & Son, li03 Farnam St., Omaha CITY LOANS. Bemis - Carlberg Co., 310-312 Branrlels Theater Bldg. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. $1,0U0 to M.uOO. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Nat l Bank Bldg. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. GARVIN BROSa MarT FOR SALE OU fLSCUANGE A BARGAIN r.T0.uu;f "KS books ol 12 oiumes, 1 of 10 volumes, Law Dictionary. Hule on Torts Cooley on Torts. Clark's Criminal Law Books; good as new. Will sell or trade for chickens or anything you have. A. J. Knott 461U N. 36th St Web. KM. WOULD like, to nave Nebraska or Min nesota land, or Omaha property, in ex change lor ten goou tots, worth $1,000, in Llmon. Indiana, town of ,0u0. R. A. Kelsey, SiVi Ames Ave., Omaha, Neb. SEND for our system of exchanges. Shopen & Co., Dept B. Omaha, Neb. .FOR EXCHANGE Choice land and town property for general merchandise. Address Lock Box L, Seiuert Colo. FOR SALE or trade, a strictly up-to-flate 7-table pool and billiard hall; best location in the city. 623 So. Main St, Council Bluffs, la. , , WAN TED TO HUT Houseuoiu gut), clothes A sn jes. Uoug. 3971 Best prices for shoes, clothes. Ben W-5479, Best prices for tur., oiothes shoea W. 614. WANT ED TO KENT LARGE unfurnished modern room for man and wire, in private latmiy. mate location and price. Address S-814, Bee... REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Desirable income, clear or mall debt $20,000 to $200,000. Convert your property into fine, big Texas farm or ranch while cheap. Owners only. Wolfe tc McNay, Central Bidg., San Antonio, Texas. , WANTED Farms; we have direct buy ers for farms, city croDertv. or business no matter where located. Give lowest Ctrlce. Don't nn v ivmmlalnrta ur fiivnlal. buyers Information free. Southwestern iiuormation Bureau, Box tig, Muskogee, NEW COTTAGE $1,250. 6-rooms, and xood. hitch 40-foot lot. Close to Omaha car line and school j warning distance ox omana- iw casn, paiance UKe rent. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., 106 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. REAL ESTATE AUylklllk OF 4I1X1C. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract ot' flee in Nebraska. "M Brandeis Theater. lit I'UUi i,,il run AL fa! FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Nine rooms, a.l strlctiy moaern, two lavatories, laundry in basement lovely lawn; No. 1 location, close to car line and good school. Price only $3,500; $100 down, balance $50 a' month. Call us up. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandeis Theater 7 CENTS PER LINE WILL BE THiS RATE CHARGED ON AND AFTER OC TOBER 1 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS RUN UNDER THE CLASSIFICATION, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." ACREAGE FOR SALE HILLCREST ADDITION. ; Best and cheapest suburban acre prop erty near city. Fine country home sites and garden tracts convenient to car. Sur veyed, platted and staked in lots of acre to i acres and priced from $136 per acre up. Come early and get your choice of a lot in this beautiful addi tion. Call for plat and descriptive literature. C. It Combs, U09 to 816 Bran deis Theater Bidg. Phones Doug. 3ai6. A-3711 FOR all kinds of bargains in Florence, Neb., property see me. Tel. Florence 276. C. L. NETHAWAY, FLORENCE, NEB. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH I A AOS FOR SALE UeorKla. MODERN home; lot 60x160; fine maple hade trees; cherrys, plums, gooseberries raspberries, currents, strawberries, all bearing. Barn, shed, chicken yard and house. On paved street, one-half block from car. For sale by owner only, who Is leaving city. Property adjoining worth $0,000 and $4,500, $3.O0O-$LOO0 will handle. I Franklin. J GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA, Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All the -money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soli, climate, church and school advantages, wr.ie W. B. LEAHY, Dept K. General Passenger Agent ATLANTIC, GA. Iowa. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want aa in the Des Moines Capital. Largest circulation In the state of Iowa, 4o,wo oaily. The Capital is read by and be lieved in by tiie standpatters ot Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $l.& per line per month; count six ordinary woras to the line. Address Des Moines Capital, Pes Moines. la. 40-ACItE FARM. Six miles of city on. good main road; 4-room house, small oani, aoout twenty five acres in cuuiivatiou, ovsi of it up land vailey. Sloping south and well pro tected on north and west Fine place lor iruit, chickens, bees or general tarming. Price, $4,o0o; fX cash, balance long time at 6 per cent McGEE REAL ESTATE CH IOS Pearl St Council Bluffs, la. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. - Minaesota. MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates, DAY NIGHT REALTY CO., 103 Bankers Lite Bldg., , Lincoln, Neb. JkeltraiMta. 686 ACRE farm for salt. In Knox Co., Neb. Owner of said farm operating n Himself . but living in Iowa, tneretoie desires to sell said farm. Can b soid as on or can be divided In two good Urm, one consisting oi uo acres, lou acres in cultivation, uaiauce in pasture, all well fenced and an abundance of water the year round; balance ot Mt acres, good set ui improveuieiiui, tpiemud teed iou, 14u acres in cultivation, at) acias of tarn a grass, balance in pasturs and hay land, win ai. grow aiiauai all well fenced au abuuuance of running water the year tound. Purchaser can buy 160 bead of high grade cattle, the same amount of hois, complete set of horses and Imple ments if taey so desire, or can buy the piace without Will carry $2o,uu0 on lanu at tne rate of 6 per cent for five or ten ieais. auis pla:e is considered to o the best farm of its size in that country. For further luiorinauun appiy to owner, boren Oiesen, Rome 3. Waiuut la. GRAIN AND PRODDGE MARKET Wheat Speculators Anxiously Await News from Seat of War. CASH C0EN DROPS OFF SOME Cptarn In he Price of Oata la Dae to the Rite In the Price of Other Grains Larger Receipts Are Now Expected. OMAHA. Oct. 7. 1912. unless there Is fi-esh important news from the war question today the trade In wheat Is likely to give Its attention largely to domestic conditions, and they are not very encouraging1 for wheat buy ers. There was rain over a portion of the northwest Saturday night but conditions tor the spring wheat country today are fairly good. The trade is promised an increased spring crop movement this week. Elevator people with extensive connections in the southwest do not agree with the claim that the winter wheat movement is to fail off materially. Chi cago had a liberal run last week. The small increase in stocks In the northwest Is a most encouraging feature for wheat bulls. This will be overcome quickly at the close of lake navigation. Cash waeat &lo lower. It Is but natural to expect some closing up of the difference in prices between old cash corn prices and December quota tions. The cash-prices dropped off sharply atfer the expiration of the September con tracts. Whiie the December option made some gain in Its premium over May, there should be more of this kind of action. Sellers of December corn will be timid until it is known that the country wiii supply the corn to fill sales for that month and the railroads able to move the same. Regardless ot some Injury to late corn In the west and northwest from the freezing temperatures of two weeks ago, the outcome of the crop is large enough to suggest selling pressure in tne May contracts at least Cash corn (ftlc lower. There Is nothing to warrant higher prices in oats and the little upturn from the low point last week was due to the strength In other grains. Receipts should be larger from now on if cars can be ob tained. Cash oats unchanged to c lower. Wheat at Liverpool closed liSd lower; corn unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were 2.625,000 bu. and shipments 934,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,631,000 bu. and shipments 300,- 0.0 bu. last year. , Primary corn receipts were 7Ub,oou du. and shipments 482,000 bu., against re ceipts ot 638,000 bu. and shipments of 845, 000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were i.bu.ww du. and shipments 862,000 bu., against re ceipts of 843,000 bu. and shipments of 409,- 000 bu. last year. t u ne ionowing casn saies were reii m . Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 6 cars, 85c; 1 car (poor), 84c. No. S hard winter: 2 cars, 84ttc; 2 cars, 84c. No grade hard winter: 1 car. 80c; 1 car, 7V4c; V car. ?5c. Jeeted hard winter. 1 car, 78c. No. 3 mixed durum: car, 77c No. 4 durum: 1 car, 80c. No. 2 spring: 1 car, 85c. No. S mixed: 2 cars, 8414c; 6 cars, 84c No. 4 mixed: 2V4 cars, 82c. Corn No. S white: 314 cars, 66c; No. 8 color: 1 oar, 65c No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 64c; car, 64c. No. 8 yellow: 2 cars, 64c. No. 4 yellow: car. 62c. No. 2 mixed. 1 car, 63c. No. 3 rntxnd: cars. 63Ao: 1 car. 63'4c; 2 cars, 63c. Oats Standard, 2 cars, 31c. No. 3 white: 44 cars, 3H4c. No. 4 wnite; i car. SOc; 7 cars, 30c Barley-No. 4, 1 car, 62c. Dinahs Cash Prices, . WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8486c; No. 3 hard, 83H85c; No. 4 hard, 81(&84c CORN No. 2 white, 66C; No. 8 white, 66c: No. 4 white. 6464ttc No. 3 color, 65c; No. 2 yellow, 6464V4c; No. 3 yellow. 64c; No. 4 yellow, 6262c;' No. 2, t3c; NO. 3, 63ffl63HC; WO. 4, MWftWC OATS-No. 2 white, 3l3ic; stanaara. 31c; No. 8 white, 3014c; No. 4 white, 305 304c. BARLEY Malting, 66(3)670; NO. l leea, 564i60c. ' RYE-NO. 2, 64W&XC; WO. 8, MS8"ftC. Cartot ueceipta. Wheat Corn. Oats. 1.631.00O bu. the corresponding day a year age The visible supply of wheat In the I nlted State Increased 1.025,000 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 128.000 bu. 'Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 200 cars; corn, 303 cars; oats, 265 cars; hogs, 16,000 head. v.nlcafco Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.04. 1.06; No. 3 red. SOcSjM.Ol; No. 2 hard, IV ta; No. $ hard, SSMe; No. 1 northern, 93WSM4c; No. i northern. 902? SlHc; No. 3 northern, SS?91c; No. 2 spring. &W14o; No. 3 spring, Ki'Sc; No. 4 spring. SOtsUiJc; velvet chaff, KGchWc; durum, 8288c Corn: No. 2, 6tf65Vgc; No. i white. 65ffi6c; No. 1 yellow, 64VfC Otic; No. 3, 64654c; No. 3 white, 64S: i.c; No. 3 yellow, 64frt5c; No. 4. 6Stf 64c; No. 4 white, 63664c; No. 4 yellow, 63W;Wic Oats: No. 2 white, 85(!f35c; No. 3 white, SfV; No. 4 while, 31 vi2c; standard. 33V$33c BUTTER Weak; creameries, , 24Wff28c; dairies, 22H27o. EGGS Steady; receipts. 4.670 cases; at mark, cases included, 190c; ordinary firsts, 21c: firsts, 24c CHEESE Steady; daisies. 1717HcH Twins, 16W17c; young Americas, rniu 17Vc; long horns, 17ffl7Hc POTATOES Weak; receipts, 110 cars; Michigan, 42$45c; Minnesota and Wiscon sin. 4(430. POULTRY Alive, firm; turkeys, 15c; chickens, 12c; springs, 13c VEAL-Stcady at gl4c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Trade in a Very Good, Healthy Condition. HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Sheep and Umbi of Good Quality Active Sellers Others Slow to Little Loner Than Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct 7, 1911 Receipts were: cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday 12,500 1,700 35,000 Same day last week.... ,5 3.223 47,7s& jame day 3 weeks ago. 14.140 2,214 47,443 Same day 3 weeks ago. .183 3.0S4 S6,t5 Same day 4 weeks ago. 8,354 2,276 28, K Same day last year... .10,333 2,363 48.7S7 The following tahl ihowi V. rn.na of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ioi tne year to date as compared with last year: 1911. ih in rw V,attl K0.399 150,6oJ Ho 3.372.434 1.90.3tS8 474.054 Sheep 3,000.391 1.907.656 2.635 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha lor the last few days with comparisons: Chicago 59 Z10 179 Minneapolis 989 Duluth 1.294 Omaha 70 & Kansas City 296 i KL Louis 174 84 Winnipeg t622 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 7-FLOUR-Qulet ; epring patents. $4.604.90; winter straights, (4.464.60; winter patents, $4.70 5.15; spring clears, $4.25(tf4.oO; extra No. 1 winter, $4,104 20; extra No. 3 winter, $4.0OliH.lO; Kansas straights, $4.15Jr4.25. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3.S0jj4.00; choice to fancy, $4.054.10. CORNMEAL Quiet; fine white and yellow. $1.66ijl.70; coarse. $1.60(tl.65; kiln dried. $4.16. RYE Steady; No. 3 western, 68c, c I t, asked. WHEAT Spot market weak; No. 2 red. $1.04 elevator and $1.03, f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 99c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market olosed Wo net lower; De cember closed S9c; May, $1.03V- corn spot market easy; export 690 f. o. b. afloat; December to March. OATS Spot . market easy; standard white 3SHc; No. 3, 88c; No. 4, 86c; natural white. SS38Vio; white clipped 3S41c, all on track. BRAN Easy; western spring, 100-lb. sacks, $2110(123.35; standard middling, $24,85126.35, city. 100-lb. sacks, $23.75. FEED Steady; western spring bran. 100-lb. sacks, $2135; standard middling, $25.60; city, $34.60. hay uuiet; no. i, i.iMji.au; ro. $1.06$j)1.10; No. 3. 809bc HIOES-Flrm: Bogota, ziaac; cen tral America, 27V6C. , T.RATHF.FL Firm: hemlock firsts. T27c: seconds, 25026c; thirds, 22Vfc23ttc; rejects, ltc PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $19.00 f1.8 family, $23000)2300; short clears, $21.5024.00. Beef, strong; mess. $17.00 18.00; family, $21.0022.00; beef hams, $2S.0031.50. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 12 lbs., $13.014.&0; pickled hams, $K0u. Lard, strong; middle west, $12.1012.20: refined, firmer; continent $12.55: South America, $1196; compound, $S.O08.25. TALLOW Firm: city, $5.35; country, $5.87HS.2tt; special, $7.12. a v CHLESiv-Firm; rece.pi. 870 boxes; state whole milk, colored, specials, 17$ 17c; state whole milk, white, specials, 17Vc; aklms, 814ttc EGGS-Irregular; receipts, 9.303 cases; freBh gathered, extras, 3134c; extra firsts, m9'Mc; refrigerator firsts, 23V4(5 24Vic; western gathered, white, 3036c POULTRY Dressed, Irregular; fresh killed western chickens, 13iS19o; fowls, lD'lSc; turkeys, 1617c. St. Loots Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct 7. WHEAT Firm; track, No. 2 red, 81.0601.08; No. 2 hard, 914if(24c. CORN-Lower; track, No. J, 8465c; No 2 white, 67c. . OATS-Steady; track, No. 2, $SViS3c; No. i white, 3434o. nvKRieadv. at 75c , FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, ;u $4.654.95; extra fancy and straight $4.16 103 i &c. harri winter clfiari. t3.4Ml3.75. . : I ' SEED-Tlmothy, 10c CORNMEAL $3.60. , BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track; 98c ILAY-Steady;' timothy, 8110O18.0O; prai rie, $12.0014.OO. . PROVISIONtS Pork, unchanged; Job bing. $16.75. Lard; unchanged; prime team, $11.22U.82H. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $11.75; 91 Features of the Trading and Closia Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. 7. Big export clear ances todav offset In the wheat market i, ,.h iu.7S: short clears. tne errect ot neavy receipts i"uii- Bacon, uncnangea: Doxea extra bhuhs, At th close, which was steady, prices ti tr-.iar riba. 312.76: short clears. $13.00. ranged from Vi decline to a shade ad- POULTRY Firm; chickens, 12ftc; vance. In addition to' large clearance j springs, lasc; turners, roc; uuuno, w, the seaboard telegraphed tnai twenty boatloads of wheat had been sold for ex port Rallying power In the wheat mar t.t rUvolnnnrt after nrices had shown heaviness on account of huge arrivals at. FVur, bbls.... primary terminals, especially northwest Wheat, bu.... The total was neariy i.uw.uuu ou. mum .......an RAtl7, BUTTER Firm; creamery, 27(g)31o. ir.rwft tft.dv. at 22c. Receipu. Shipments. .. 17,000 13.UW ..209,000 17,000 101,000 1 17,000 ..164,000 38,000 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $2e TO $3 PER ACRXi. We have for sai over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska choicest lai m land, where the crop yields tor U yeais, including Ulu and mi average itn the best in the state. Alfalfa, aise a leaulng crop. Better solL water and climate cannot be found. Write lor (uu intoi niation. Agents wanted everywbera FLiNDliHUSLAiMl IN ViCaiMnr .u., SIDNEY. NEB. HAVE a quarter section of land in Holt county, Nebraska, to exchange lor income property. It is worth $40 an acre with $1,000 incumbrance. What have you to otter? Address box 256, Sioux. Neb. HALL COUNTY. ' 160 unimproved for $o0 per acre. -' 320-acre ranch, 8 miles town, $70 per acre. 160 acres, 2 miles town, $56 per acre. 80 acres, improved, 4 miles town, 360 per acre. - 160 acres, Improved, 3 miles town, $50 r.er acre. 160 acres. Improved, $135 per acre. 109 acres, improved, $20,000. 40 acres, 2 miles Grand Island, 3125 per acre. 646 acres, Dawes county, $25 per acre.' 160 acres, 3 miles Cairo, $20,000. 160 acres, 4 miles Cairo, $18,000. 240 acres, two sets buildings, $35 Per aura... 960 acres, Dawes county, $10 per acre. 1,440 acres, Dawes county, $10,000. THE LAND MAN, 1 ' HENRY THOMPSON - CAIRO. NEB. Texaa. ,. FARM Lands 'for Colonization 30.000 acres of the best land in the lower Rio Grande Valley, near Brownsville, Texas, seven mtles west of Raymondvllle. We want a colonization company to sell to actual farmers; have subdivided Into 40 and 80-acre tracts; have two wells of flowing water at 80o feet; a demonstra tion farm and other improvements; a very attractive proposition for a strong colonization company. We will sell out right 640 acres to 30,000 acres or mako contract to colonize with financially Strong company; uiqu 10 net us o' per acre. This land is as fertile at the Nile A purchaser can subdivide and sell at a profit. Address, Floyd Shock,. Vandeven ter Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Sooth Dakota. FOR BAldfc w acres gooo. larm land! 40 acres broke, balance alt tillable; 1 miles froni Dallas and S miles from vulvitis. - -v r . . J 1,500 cash, 32,600 March 1, 1813; $2,409 11 k 1 .101? A AArum Da. tfirt n.u.. Po. Dak. . MlacellaaeoBS. 40 ACRES. 20 cleared, frame house 16x40; bam; running water; three miles from town; half mile school; $600; easy terms. Tom O. Mason. President Island City State bank, Cumberland, Wis, than last year. A cut In flour quotations Oats, bu.. here added to troumes 01 tne duu siue, out - the effect wore off, December clOBing at 1 Kansas City Grata and Prorlstons. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 7. WHEAT Cash, unclianged to He lower; No. 3 hard, fntaww; No- nara, wsww; tto, 1 91Vc, the same figures as torty-eignr. hours before. Fine weather took the snap out of the com market December closed steady c red. $1.01(21.04: No. 3 red, 94c$1.02. net lower at 634c Cash grades were ; CORN Unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 67c; weak. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 64&( ; jj0. j mixed, ecblc; No. 2 white, 71c; No. 66C ,3 "White, 70c. Good prospect of export sales had a: OATS-Vio lower; No. 2 white, 334g34c; sustaining Influence on oaU. .December No. 2 mixed, 32H(&33?4S. closed at 32c, a net loss of a shade. j RYE-71!4fe72c. Provisions bulged owing to the strength 1 HAY-60c lewer; choice timothy, $1100 of hoes. Pork closed up lKX42c, lara 1 (513.MC choice prairie, iz.oowi2.w, l&ffll7&c to 22,4o and ribs 12V'alao to 20c. Rece.pts. ehlpments, ii.c itaui.io - .UilO A t Artlclel Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. t 1. eat Oct.. I Dec. May. July. Coin Oct.. Dec. May. July. Oaib July. Poik Oct.. Jan.. May. Lard Oct. Dec. Jan.. May. Rios Oct.. Jan.. May. 96KV4' 93 651 52"a 3232 16 90 19 35 18 95 11 50 11 25 10 97H' W47H 10 20 89 89 89 I 91H 90fti -90V4 95 WA 95 92 93Vi 82 93 96 65 64 64 66 63 52 , 63 63 62 62 62 63 62 62 . 62 63 32 3132 32 32 34 34 ' 34 84 34i34 17 00 16 90 17 00 ;.. 19 70 19 27 19 67 19 37 19 20 18 92 19 12 19 02 II 67-70 11 50 11 67 U 47 11 40 11 26 11 40 11 22 U16 10 96 U 12-16 10 97 uoo 10 2 10 45 10 60-62 10 60 10 92 10 45 10 60-6210 75-77 10 87 10 72 10 85-37 10 25 1012-16 10 07 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. ... 290,000 19,000 62,000 13.500 3,000 12,000 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Weak; winter patents, $4.30 5.00; straights,' $4.1O4.60; spring patents, 4.064.30; straights, $4.004.15; bakers, $3.76S4.00. RYE No. 2, 6869c BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4752c; fair to choice malting. 0:2c - SEEDS-Tlmotby. $2.&0100. Clover, $13.0041)18.00. PROVISIONS-Pork, mess, $17.0O17.12. Lard (In tierces), $1175. Short ribs (loose), $10.50311.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1,217,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were, 2,626,000 bu., compared with LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live tock to South Omaha. Save Bileage and shrinkage- lour consign. Menu receive prompt and eareful atieo ion. Live Stock Cent ml salon Merchants. BTERS BROS. A CO. fitronc. reliable. CLIFTON Com. v., -OS I xulianice H d bnyler-Ma nny tiffmnn ... ,: ' . Hllg. I.AVI Hl V 4HOS.. i: Si'.ian- Hldg. Martin Bros & Co.. Exchange Bldg. Clay. Robinson ft Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE C. Q. M., CHRONICLE BLDG., San Francisco, Cal., Oct 1, 1912 Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 a. m. Nov. 1, 1912, for furnishing foraee and straw required at Fort Huachuca and Douglas, Ariz., during fiscal, year ending June 30, 1911 Information furnished on application here or Quartermasters in Seattle, Wash.; Portland, Ore.: Fort Huachuca and Douglas, Ariz. F. VON SCHRADEK, C Q. M. 03-4-6-7-8-30-31 Philadelphia Produce Market. ' PHILADELPHIA, Oct 7.-BUTTEK-Market quiet, but steady; western cream ery, extra, 31c; nearby prints, extra, tic; fancv. 34c EGGS Firm; good demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts, free cases, lit Dr case: current receipts, free cases, 38.1O&8.70; western firsts, free cases, $9 per case; current receipts, tree cases, $8.108.70 per case. CHEESE Firm and o higher; New York full creams, choice, 17-lSc; fair to good, 17&17c; part skims, liaise. Visible Supply of Grata. NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-The visible supply of erain in the United States Saturday. October 5, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange was as follows: wheat. 32,Ww,Ouo bushels; Increase, 1,027,000. Wheat In bond, 273,000 bushels; increase, 10, wo. Corn, 2,496,000 bushels; Increase, 156.0U) Oats, 9,066,000 bushels; increase, 296,000. Oats In bond, 47,000 bushels; decrease, 12,000. Rye, lloS.OCO bushels, Increase, 41,000. Barley, 2,708,0000 bushels; increase, 491,100. Barley In bond, (26,000 bushels; increase, 4,000. , - ' Peoria Market. ;' PEORIA. I1L. Oct T.-CORN-Market l'c lower; wo. z yellow and No. 8 yel low, 65c; No. 4, yellow, 6Jc; No. 3 mixed, 64&66c;. No. 3 mixed, 65c; No. 4 mixed, 63c; sample, 60c. OATS-Uncbanged; No. 3 white. 14n: standard, 23c; No. 3 white, 32c; No. 4 wnite, juc; sample, zoc Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Oct 7.-DRY OOODS- The cotton goods market held steady de spite a pronounoed easing in cotton. Mat) orders were of good volume. The silk trades report a much better business. Yarns rule steady with the demand scattered. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 7.-WHEAT-Spot steady; No. 3 Manitoba. 8s 2d. Futures. BUady; October, 7atd; December, 7s6a; jia.rcn. is a, CORN-Spot, steady: new American kiln dried, 7s 3d. Futures, steady; Oc tober, &t ld; December, 6s L Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct 7.-COTTON-Futures closed barely steady. Closing bids. Oc tober, 10.48c; November, 10.64c; December, w-74c; January, w.fc&c; February, 10.60c; March, 10.59c; Mi, 10.90c; July, 1096c; August, 10.90c Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct 7. COFFEE Fu tures market closed steady, 310 points net higher; sales, 131,000 bags. Spot mar ket, steady; Rio. No. 7. 14c; Santos, No 4, 16c Mild, quiet; Cordova, UQVta. . Date. I 1912. IliUl.jmiO. 1908. 11907. 11906. Sept 26. ent 36, Sept 27 bfcPt 28 Sept 29. Sept 30 Oct 1.. Oct. 2.. Oct 8., Oct 4.. Oct Oct Oct. 7.. $ 49 46 63 866 8S2 8 43 8 44-j 8 571 6 14 6 15 4 33 6 25 8 29 8 461 8 151 8 321 8 US 8 291 7 96, 8 41 T t 8 63 7 87 7 86 8 451 8 ul 6 3i 8 2a 7 : 8 62, 231 82 6 43 167 $65, 160 6 601 3 621 7 8tfj 45, 7 7 81 6 654U 6 96 I 11 6 87 $30 6 86 18 8 21 6 03 6 01 6 25 6 92 35 3 81 8 27 a m 6 JD ( 84 6 29 831 5 92 "Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tne union stock yards for twenty four hours ending yesterday at 8 o'clock: RECEIPTS CAR8 C. M. & St. P. Ry.. I S.' 1 Missouri Paclflo Ry. 12 enroll Paouio R. ku.lM C. & N, W east.... 8 C. & N. W., west... 78 C, St P., M. & O.. 4 C. B. & Q., east.... 2 C. B. & Q., west.... 200 C, R. I. & p., east. 6 t... it, 1. a f., west. 13 l'.'.(,u,a Cbllllal ., Chicago O. W ,. 1 Total receipts ..430 DISPOSITION HEA D. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1 3 84 6 1 .. 3 1 24 15 3 1 8 2 1 e 26 140 28 Morris &, Co.... Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co .Schwartz & Co Morrel! ,...,., campoell w. a. Vansant & Co.. Benton Vansant & L.. Hill & Son F. B. Lewis , Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. II. Bulla...... L. F. Hum Rosenstock Bros Mcureary & Kellogtr.. Wjertheimer & Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Rothschild & Krebs..;. Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... Cline It Christie Other buyers 4u0 674 1.260 601 262 412 704 623 679 807 450 71 303 828 741 403 267 96 100 4S0 224 694 U3 64 4,4u 8,634 1.753 3,615 .. 1,919 30,094 Totals 10,663 1.910 83,405 CATTLE Reculpts of cattle were the largest ot any aay since the beginning ot me range season with the single ex ception ot Monday, two weens ago. Th run was also larger tnan a year ago by over 2,uoO head, bo mucn time waa taken up in yarding and sorting that the lore noon was weii advanced oeiors tne stuff was reaay to be shown and betore buyers and seuers could get down to business. In spite of the large receipts the de mand tor beef steers of good quality was active and the market in a good, healthy condition from start to finish. The prices paid were generally steaay on the better kinds and weak to possibly lOo lower on the less desirable stutf. Cows and heifers were in good demand and generally commanded prices steady with last week's dose. Stock cattle and feeders of good quality were free sellers at steady prices, owing to the large receipts of medium to com mon kinds they were less active and weak to possibly loo lower on the loss desirable kinds. Tne big bulk of all the cattle in the yards bad changed hands by mid day. wuotatlons on Native Cattle Good to choice beet steers, $.2o10.w; lair to good beef steers, i:limx:tk; common to fair beef steers, t.voyi.2o; good to choice heuers, t-'"4t.ov; good to choice cows, $i.bu((6.2i; fair to good grades, 4.40itfa.oO; common to talr grades, 3.&u,4.4o; good to choice stockers and feeders.' $o.mflij.6o; lair to good stockers aim feeders, o.3oui 6.00; common to lair stockers and feed ers, 84.6uuu.26; stock cows and heifers, $4.tek&6.i; veal calves, 4.?frwK.OO; Uuii, ia, etc., 4.2oB-u.uO, Quotations on Mange Cattle Good to choice beef steers, y.uua'8.2o; talr to good beef steers, .ou.oo; common to tair oeet steers, 4o.uOio4i.Oo , . Representative sales: utuu.s oiEERS. No. . At. Pr. .No. Av. ft." It... UU 7 00 COWS. I 140 I 10 I ID III I ii 4 10 1 4 K 4 110 4 (0 1....... I mo 4 71 4 m 4 h 3 784 4 M 4.. 1... ..lot I 11 -.17140 I M ITS 416 HEIFERS. V 4 Ufl 4 4 T34 I M 420 4 0 T Ill I it 8. 714 4 H ..... 700 I H BULLS. 1 1150 4 0 I. .,,.1491 4 71 1 10o0 4 0 1 IM I M 1 CALVES, L 19 I U 1 ISO I 71 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. IM I U l 104 1 10 102 I 40 21 Ill I 16 IM I W It 1007 I U NEBRASKA. 872 6 4o 7 steers.... 697 8 20 12 steers.... 839 8 60 8 cows 1025 6 40 21 steers.... 1&4 6 60 27 steers.... 1134 6 60 7 heilei S... lo4 6 2s 11 heifers... 938 4 60 23 hetters... 704 5 20 U feeders., w 80 8 feeders.. tu2 6 3d 4.. 1 ... 10 23 cows. 3 caives... 180 7 60 6 cows 908 6 00 20 steers.... 1110 8 65 84 steers... .Ili2 8 60 11 heifers... 946 6 60 10 caives..,. 383 6 00 6 cows...,. 760 4 70 4 cows 827 3 26 steers.... 742 3 86 78 steers... .1002 t 90 rioUo iueie seemed to be a little un certainty in tne eany bog trad as the re ceipts were very ngnt anu tne pacKer buyers seemed ve.y indifferent about get ting th nogs that tney wanted, ine pacaing interests were apparently wait ing to see what th snipping demand was going to be. A little later on the shipper buyers began lo 100a around lor the best hogs on sale and tmed their oraers at puces mostiy a dime nig tier. Speculators were rather timid, something uuuauat lur iiieiu on a aay 01 small re ceipts. While th shippers aid not buy heavily, their action waa suificient to stimulate tne packer buyer wno started very active and took , the big bulk of the ottering out of first nanus at figures xuuy uitfiuo nigner man Saturday s gen eral market. Then pens were pretty well cleared by 9:30 o'clock. The bulk of the hos sold around w. 0018. Yi. with the best nogs selling to a shipper at $g.ao, th top ior tne aay, ana uie Highest price since last Monday. Receipts too teu up about twenty-five cars or 1,700 head as against 3,233 bead a week ago, 2,214 head two weeks ago and 2,3t9 head on the same day last year. As often is the case on a Monuay, tne general quality was a little below the average. Representative sales: Nu. A. Sft. If. No, 0... 17... 10... II... IS... II... II... a... 11... w... u......,rt M Kit 41 214 than for the corresponding day a year ago. A marked characteristic of today's trade was the very meager supply of anything prime on the fat order, as the bulk of the holdings ran very largely to the fairly good and medium grades of both sheep and lambs. Aa recently lambs and ewes comprised the bulk of th of ferings. Despite the fact that early advices from the other markets indicated slow dealing and a lower trend to values, local busi ness in the best stuff remained fully steady and in cases was somewhat stronger when compared with prices at the close of last week. Packers seemed t be in need of something good In the killing line and were stirring about at an early hour, endeavoring to find some stock of that kind. The best offerings here found a ready sale. The less de sirable fat grades did not meet with as food a demand and prices on them (fcowed a little decline. Included In the early sales was a load of Idaho lambs that brought $6.40; about 140 head ot ewes sold as high as $110 and a shipment of wethers was disposed of at $160. Quotations on Mie e and nilw I-amt.', good to choice, $&250.50; lambs, fair to good, $5.856.35; lambs, feeders, $5.20tiS.15; yearlings, light, $4.50tr$6.00; yearlings, heavy, $4.25$r4.60; yearlings, feeders, $4.70 tiO.10; wethers, good to choice, $17a4.00; wethers, fair to good, $3.6643.76; wethers, feeders, $17O4.0O; ewes, good to choloe. 5.a(0j.w; ewes, leeoers, xz.iutr&w; wes, earling breeders, $160$5.00; ewes, aged. wvtR.w; cuii sneep ana ducxs, $1.7&4f Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 13 Wyoming ewes 94 8 00 2 id Wyoming ewes. , 94 3 00 221 Wyoming ewes , 96 3 00 9 Wyoming ewes 94 3 00 1S4 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 6 40 304 Wyoming ylgs., wethers... 72 4 95 New York Mlnlna Stocks. NEW YORK. Oct. 7.-CloBtng quotations on mining stocks were: Coin. Tunnel atock.. I Uoxtnan !40 do bonds 1& Ontario m Con. Cl. A Vs.... K Ophlr 40 Iron Bllvtr IM Standard .....100 Ltadtille Cos. ... 1 Yellow Jacket SI Llttls Chief 1 Olferwl, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady Hog 8ronr. CHICAGO, Oct 7.-CA1 TLB-Receipts, 21.000 head; market steady; beeves, $5.60 11.00; Texaa steers. $4.504.0t); western steers, $5.80(iil90; stockers and feeders, 14.2Iko7.76, cows and heifers, $2.lKHjS.0J; calves. $7.6O10.50. HOGS Receipts, 28.000 head; market strong and generally 6a hlKher: light $8.650.30; mixed. $3.6b(tf3.32; heavy, $8.4.nui 9.3u; rough, $8.45q8.70; pigs, $5.008.O0; bulk 01 saies, s&tKKav.w. . SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 68,000 head; market steady; natives, $3.2,)4.26; westerns, $140ii'4.2b; yearlings, $4. fcn 5.40; native lambs, $4.506,75; westerns, JttKtf 6.96 8 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct T.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 28,000 head, Including 2,300 head soutnerm.; maiktji, euuuy to strong; dressed beef and export steers, $8,400 10.90; fair to good, $6.00136,; western steers, $5.00i;S.35; stockers and feeders, $4.60t7.66; southern steers, $4.26.90; southern cows, $1255.00; native cows, $140(a.6O; native heifers, $fi.0Oi)8.00; bulls, $4.006.15; calves, $5.00$i9.6O. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 .head; market steady to 6c higher; bulk of sales, $8.60 8.90: heavy, $8.6u(!!8.90: packers and butch ers, $8.66ft8.9u; light $b.26too.85; pigs, $5.60 7.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,000 head; market steady; lambs, $5.256.60; yearlings, $4.0094.60; wethers, $3.25$175; ewes, $1 0063.60; stockers and feeders, $2.00 176. St. Loals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct 7. CATTLE Receipts, 7,200 head, including 3.000 Texans; market steady; native snipping ana export steers, $8.00610.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, fb.mcn.w; siocxers ana feeders. $3.75ii.76: cows and heifer. $5.75 68.76; canners, $2.76tf4.00; bulls, $4.0860; calves, $fl.OOr(M1.50; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4.Wh7.00; cow ana heifers, $3.26 6.W. . HOGft-ReceipU, 7.800 head; market steady; ptgs and lights, $6.7539.2S; mixed and butchers, $9.10&9.26; good heavy, $9.10 418.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ' 8,000 head; market steady: muttons, $14or3.6&i 1.. . V.. tr: cijwi or.. 1- anl Ki.rliH 11 MVvtf 125; srrCkers, $176160. St. Joseph Lire Stook Market. S. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct 7.-CATTLE-R-relmii. 4.000 head: market slow: Steers. $6.75(10.50; cows and heifers, $3.26&8.75; calves. X4.60tf.bU. HOGS-Recelpts, 4,000 head; market, 6e hlKher; top, $8.90; bulk ot sale. $8.7008.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 7,000 head'; market, steady; lambs. $6.007.00. Metal Market. 1 NEW YORK. Oct. 7.-METALS-Cop-per, steady; standard spot to December, $17.26 bid; electrolytlo and lake, $17.63(&fl7.87; casting, $17.2517.37. Tin, dull; spot $jO10Q60.26; October, $49,760(60.36; Novem ber, $49.5041)00.26, Lead, quiet; $5.10 bid. Spelter, quiet; $7.5t(:7.75. Antimony, steady; Cookson's, $10.12. Iron, firm; No. I northern, $17.0o17.50; No. 3 north ern. $16.6041 17.26: No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, $17.76 18. 25. Copper ar rivals at New xork, ta tons, exports this month, 3.710 tons. London copper, easy; spot, 77 13 d; future. 78 12s (d. London tin, easy; Spot 2S8 10s: futures, 227 5s. London lead, 21 7 6d. London spelter, 27 12s 6d. Iron, Cleveland war rants, 6 9d In London. ' j Condition of Treasury. WASHINGTON. Oct 7. At th begin ning ot business today th condition of the United States treasury was: Work ing balance, In treasury offices, $90,900,212; In banks and Philippine treasury, 811,322,- 725 r total of general funds, $!!. ,804 Receipt Saturday were $3,884,63t, dis bursements, $1,665,671 The deficit to date this fiscal year Is $3.9&9,7W, against a deficit of $18,141,643 at this time last year. These figure exclude Panama canal ana publio debt transactions. . " Turpentine and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct 7. TURPEN TINE Market firm; 8839c; sales, 807 barrels; receipts, 886 barrel?; shipments, 468 barrels; stock, 88,021 barrels. ROSIN-Market firm; sales, l,46 bar rels: receipt. 2,464 barrels; shipments, 1,178 barrel; stocks, 102,311 barrels; quota B, $6.86; D, $6.37: E. $6.40; F and O, $6.46; II, $6.47; I, $6.60; K, $6.65; M, $6.90; N, $7.60; WO, $8.10; WW, $8.86. Stok In Slarht. Receipt of live stock at the five prln clpal western markets yesterday: came. nogs, sneep .... - 400 1250 600 .... 4,000 4,a) 7,000 ....20,000 ; 7,000 11.000 .... 7,200 7.8O0 8,000 ....21,000 28,000 68,000 South Omaha.. St. Joseph Kansas City... St Louis Chicago Total 65,600 50,030 82,600 U.. 41.-. 11.. It.. ?.. U.. IT.. II.. 64.. 47... II ....221 80 I W ....Ml W I 16 ,.,.141 IM lli .,,.241 N II ....tn mi) ....! 40 1 19 ....21 1S 170 ....Ml W 1 70 ..,.114 M I TO ....Ml ... 170 ,...zn 120 170 I.. .....21 SO I TO 71.. .....2M H IN 4t 2 208 l PIGS AND STAGS. K M ... 7 00 U 102 ... I 71 41 101 ... 740 SHEEP A will be noted In the table of receipts, only a moderate supply of sheep and lambs ' was In sight, fewer shipment being received than on last Monday or two weeks ago and fewer At. Bk. Ft. ....241 140 I 14 ....241 ... 170 ....164 ... I 70 ,...23t 10 I 74 ....241 120 in ....221 40 1 72 ....1S2 120 I 71 ....241 ... 7i ....247 IM 171 ....261 M ITI 40 171 ... IN ... IM DE PALfviM nmtf ntCOVER FROM INJURY GOT IN RACE . MILWAUKEE, Oct .-Th condition of Ralph D Palma, who was injured while driving In th Grand Prix automobile road race yesterday, when hi car hit the machine being driven by Caleb S. Bragg, winner of th race, Is ald to night by physician at a local hospital to be aa good a can be expected. Pa Palma's main Injury consist of an abdominal puncture and unless Infection sets In the chances are bright for hi re covery, The patient 1 conscious, but no one 1 allowed to see him. While he sus tained , severe bruise about th body, physicians say no bones were fractured as at first reported. De Palma' mechanician. Tom Alley, left th hospital today. Hla injuries con sisted of only a alight fracture of th left ahoulder. Woman Takrs Civil Service Job, LOS ANGELES, Oct t-Mrs. David Chamber McCan, club woman and society leader, announced today that h had accepted the position ot civil service commissioner tendered her by Mayor Alexander. Mrs. McCan la said to be the first woman civil service commis sioner in the country. Key to the Situation Be Advertising'. NEW YORK STOGX MARKET Trading- Irregular and Becomes Heavy in Spots Toward Close. M0NETAHY CONDITIONS EASIER Dealing Decidedly Smaller la Vol ume Than on Any Recent Day London Sella Moderate ' Amonnt. NEW YORK, Oct. 7,-Although mone tary conditions bespoke greater ease and other developments, including the eastern European situation, seemed of a more en couraging nature, today's stock market manifested an Irregular tone for the greater part of the session, becoming heavy in spot before the close. Firmness was indicated In the opening prices, most of which were on a level with or above last week' final figures, this being especially true of coalers, St Paul and a few specialties, but pressure Indicated largely against United State Steel and Union Pacific caused a general reversal. Hill issues were the principal exception to the downward tendency, be ing .assisted by unofficial estimate of September earning. AH the tobacco Issue showed declines. Trading wa decidedly smaller In volume than on any recent day. London waa again a seller here, but In moderate amount Traffic conditions, as reported by middle-western railroad officials, point to the heaviest tonnage in that section for sev eral years. These conditions find direct reflection in th firmness of the western mony market. Local time rates were un changd from last week, but offerings were leas firm. The bond market was featureless. Total sales par value, amounted to 31,865,000. United States coupon 2 advanced per cent on call. Number of tales and leading quotation on tock were aa follows: Skin. Hlch. hew CIm. AmlKmatd Copper .... American ArlcuiUiral ... Am. Beet Bugir., American Can , American Cm pfd American C. & (.. Am. Cotton Oil American Limned American Locomotive ... American g. a R Am. 8. a R. pfd......... Am. lunar Refining American T. 4k T Americas Tobacco , Anaconda Mining Co. 13.S00 to 100 tl 1,700 74 tO.tAO 45(4 to 13H 124 1,100 12 2 24 14 444 Id T2 114 12 21 14 4IH 7V , 101 137 it 200 144H 144t4 144 2,400 141 341 27 4.m 47 4Vt 4 100 too 00 1,500 11 44 24 14 4S'i 17 Atchlaoa 1,900 111H 110S 110, Atchleon ptd Atlantlo Coast Line...,. Baltimore a Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklya Rapid Tr...., Canadian Pacltlo Central Leather Chewpwu Onto..... Ctlcato a. W Chlceso, M. Rt. P.... Chltafo ft N. W Colorado F. A I Consolidated Uat Corn Product! Delaware ft Hudaon Denver ft Rio Grande.. Denver & It. O. ptd.... Dletlllera' Seourltloa ... Erie , Brie let prd Erie Id pfd General Bleotrto ........ Gnat Northern ptd..... Great Northern Ore etfa. Illinois Central Interborougn Met. Inter, alec pfd International Harvester . Inter-Marine prd International Paper .... International Pump Kanaaa City Bou-hern... Laclede (la Letilib Valley Louiavllle ft NaaltTllle. M.. at. r. 1. a. m.. Miatourl, X. ft T ., Mteeourl Fncllle National Blaouit National Lead N'. ft. H. ( M. 2d ptd 100 103 102 1024 14S4 1,101 1011 101 108 2,000 10 41 4V. 10 11 i n , ill 27714 27 'f1 700 32 21 21 11 1H - 14 200 17 I.HOO 114 400 142 1100 42 4,200 U,i 147 200 U lift 82 17 112 112 HI Ml 41 (00 1,200 700 200 17 M 41 11 16 04 41 42 147 . 16 161 22 ' 40V , 54 44 ; 1U 200 183 in 27,600 141 140 141 1.400 tl M t 300 130 180 3.600 21 21 11.700 44', 12 400 114 122 108 . 27 toe i f 300 ioa 101 ISO so 44 : .1311 20 16 27 28 10o 40.100 178 171 174 : 400 111 182 142 100 148 14Ji 148 , 104 80 10 30 8,700 44 . 46 4544, 300 137 137 134 2,600 18 14 16 ' 2.84b New York Central 1.400 11, 114 114 N. V., U. ft W. 200 26 S4 3 Norfolk ft Weetera , 400 117 111 114 Ntorth American ......,. s2 Northern Paollls 1,200 I2u 121 Paclllc Mall it Fenusylvajlla 1.2M 124 124 124 reopie a u P., C. C. ft St. L. Pllteburth Coal , lot 26 Preeaed btecl Car ; 100 33 ruiiuaa I'aiace car. , 4.0UJ 11,1k ll" 300 ltt 109 109 . 1,600 100 1,100 100 Heading hepubllo 1. ft B Republic I. ft 8, ptd.... Hock Island Co Hock laland Co. ptd 8t U ft 8. r. 2d pfd... Seaboard Alf Line Seaboard A. L pfd....... BloH-blielfleld g. ft I... Southern Pasllio Southern Railway ....... 8o. Hallway ptd Tenneaaee Copper ........ Texaa ft Pacific... Uulon Pacilio Union pacldo pfd United Slate Kealty..... United Btatea Itubber.... United Statea Steel 60,000 14. 39 187 , 17,000 174 174 174 ' 24 U 34 13 W 11 11 11 28 28 28 V t 66 16 17 17 27 21 ...... ..... ..... U i,'M lo'i U2 IU 1,300 21 31 11 3 ' 83 : 13' 4t 46 . 45 2S . 2o 26. 17,400 176 171 173 89 too 1,100 loo 4 7 M 78 14 u U. 8. Bteet pid.,... 804 111 W 114 Utaa Copper ............. l,4uo 44 4 14 v a. -Carolina Chemical ., 400 47 wabaah too I wabaaa pld Western Maryland ...... 400 weaiern Union 300 II yj Weetlughouae Elkctrla ,M 700 U Wheeling ft L. s L000 i 17 $ 17 17 11 9 47 4' U 17 1 14 1 iuiai aaiea lor the day, 444,000 bares. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-MONEY-On call, firm, at 4&6 per cent; ruling rate, & per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; ottered at 6 par cent Tim loans, stronger; aixty and ninety days, ,ur per cent; six months, o(ti per cent PKUlE MiiKCAMTiLE PAPER-6V9 per cent STtiKUNQ EXCHANGE Easy, with aatuai business in bankers' bhls at $4.83 tor sixty-day bill and t4.63e tor demand; commercial bill, 84.al BiLVfcK-bar, 4c; Mexican dollar, 4Sc. BOW us Government, lirm; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bond today were a follows: V. 8. ret. 2a, reg... 101 Japan 4s 12 do eoupon ...Wi'K. C. So. ret 8.. 7 V. B. 2. reg ...104L, S. deb. 4a 1131... 2 do coupon IOS'.jL. ft N. onl. to.... 17 O. S. 4a, rg...,...U8M. K. ft T, let 4.. K do coupon U8 do 4i s Panama la, eopon..l01Mo. Pacidc 4a. 72 Allli-Chal. let is... II do cony, la 87 Amer. A, la. 101 N. K B. ot M. 4a 19 A. T. ft T. cv. 4i..U4 M T. C. g. !.,.. IS . Am. Tobaoco la. ..,.120 do deb. 4a Armour ft Co. 4i.. 04N T. N. H. ft H. Atchlaoa gen. 4s.... 17 ev. I M Ka er. 4 lM0...i.l0N. ft W. lat a. 4s.. 17 do cr. la ,...110s do cv. 4a 117 A. C. L. let 4a.... PacUlc 4i. 18 Bal. ft Ohio 4s...... 17 do Is 49 o l 11 0. 8. L. rtdg. 4s.. 13 Brook. Tr. ev. 4a... 2 Penn, cv. e lSli.. M Cen. of Ga. la 107 do cos. 4a. 101 . Can. Leather la..... 26 Reading gen. 4a.... M Ches. ft Ohio 4l.. 8. L. ft B, F. fg. 4a 71 do oenv. 4i...... 13 do ten. I t4 Chicago ft A. 2a. 14 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s.. 10 C. B. ft Q. t. lo... HB. A. L. adj. 4a..,. 77 do gen. 4i H So. Pao. col. 4a 88 Clilifn 4S..103 do ev. 4a 14 C. R. 1. ft P. c. 4a. 6a do lat ret. 4s 13 do rfg. 4a.... 87So. Railway (a.,... .101 C. ft 8. r ft 4a. 13 do gen. 4 7 D. ft H. ev. 4s..., 17 Union Paclfts 4a.... 100 D. ft R. 0. ret ia. 13 do cv. 4a. ...... ...103 Dletlllera' la 78 do lat ft ref. 4a... Ki, Distillers' la 73 U. B. Rubber la.. ..103 Brie p. 1. 4. ....... 17 V. B. Steel Id la.;.102 do gen. 4a 77Va.-Car. Cham. Is. M do tv. 4a, aer. B. 78 Wabaah lat ft ex. 4 68 III. Cen. lat ref. 4s. 14 'Weitern Mi. 4a.... 16 Inter. Met. 4a.... Ii West. Kleo. ev. Is., 14 Inter. M. M. 4a.. 14 Wis. Central 4a.... 12 Bid. "Offered. FOSTON. Oct stocks were as Allooei Amal. Copper A. Z. L ft 8 Arlioaa Com. B. ft C. C. ft 8. M Cat. ft Arlioaa.... Cal. ft Heela Centennial Cop. Range C. C, Eait Butt C, Ml.., franklin CI rout Coo. Oranby Con. , Greene Cananea Ile Royal Copper.. Kerr Lake Lake Copper ........ La Salle Copper.... Miami Copper t Market. 7. Closing quotation on follo"s: ' , - - . 46 Mohawk ' , 11 Nevada Con 23 ' . 24Nlplaiilng Mines ... 1 ' , 4 North Butte 17 tKorth Lake 3 V , 12 Old Dominion J j. 686 Osceola .,.........-,114 - , n Oulncy 88 60 Shannon 16 16 Superior 48 'k I Superior ft B. M. 1 1-1 4 Tamarack 47 II V. B. 8. B. ft M.. 4 -10i do pfd KA -" nVtah con. ., lVtah Copper CeC 25 Winona t Wolverine .......... 2S , 12 , I ,n : Ela-la Batter Market. ELGIN. III.. ' Oct. 7.-The quotation committee of the Elgin butter board this afternoon declared butter firm at 29 cent. '