Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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! LOANS on farms and Improved "city
(Property, S pet. to pet; no delay. J. H.
I Dumont ft ton, im Farnam 8U. Omaha.
'6 CITT LOANS. Berals.Carlberg
: CO.. 116-212 Rrandsta Thultr Rlriir
MOKEy to loan on business or rsl
m9H.pertiea' 1-000 t0 J50-000- W-
tnuaja, aw rirai wat t Bans: siag,
LAR$Kloan our petatty. 8tull Bros
A BARGAIN tor fwn. 'w"
" jrer; 1 series of law
books of U volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. Law
Dictionary. Hule on Torta Cooley on
Torts. Clark's Criminal Law Booka;
food as new. Will ; sell or trade (or
chickens or anything you have. A- J.
Knott. 461B N. 86th 8t. Web. S8.
WOULD like to have Nebraska or Min
nesota land, or Omaha property, lit ex
change for ten good lots, worth $1,000. In
Linton, Indiana, town of 6,000, R. A.
Kelsey, 849$ Ames Ave.. Omaha. Neb.
SEND for our system of exchanges.
Shopgn & Co.. Dept. B. Omaha, Neb.
FOR EXCHANGE Choice land - and
town property for general merchandise.
Address Lock Box L, Setbert. Colo.
FOR SALE or trade, a strictly up-to
data 7-table pool and billiard halt; beat
location In the city. 623 go. Main St,
Council Bluffs, la.
Household gds. clo'hes ft shoes. Doug. MT1
Best prices for shoes, clothes. Ben W-6479,
Best prices (or fur., clothes shoes. W. 6148T
LARGE unfurnished modern room for
man and wife, In private faimly. State
location and price. Address S-814, Bea...
t .
REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater.
MODERN home; lot .50x150; fine maple
shaae trees; cherrys, plums, gooseberries
raspberries, currents, strawberries, all
bearing. Barn, shed, chicken yard and
house. On paved street, one-half block
from car.. For sale by owner only, who
is leavlng'dty. Property adjoining worth
W.ouo and !4,5W. will handle.
4315 Franklin.
W have for sale over 80,000 acre el
Cheyenne county, Nebraskaa choicest
farm land. . where, the crop yields for 11
years, Including 1110 -and 1SU average
wiui ut (test o the state. Aiiaiia, aise
a leading crop. Better eoll. water and
climate cannot be found. Write for full
information. Agents wanted everywhere
HAVE a quarter section of land in Holt
county, Nebraska, to exchange for income
JToperty. It Is worth $40 an acre with
1,60 incumbrance. What have you to
pner; Address box tbb, Sioux. Neb.
160 unimproved for per acre.
B30-aere ranch, 3 miles town, $70 per acre.
iw acres, z miles town, per acre.
80 acres. Improved, 4 miles town, 860
per acre.
, 160 acres, Improved, S miles town, $50
per acre.
160 acres, improved, $12$ per acre.
1 acres, improved. 330.000.
40 .acres, 2ft miles Grand Island, $126
per acre.
846 acres, Dawes county, $25 per acre.
10 acres, 2 : miles Cairo. $30,000.
168 acres, 4 miles Cairo. $18,000.
$40 acres, two sets buildings, $ per
960 acres, Dawes county, $10 per acre.
, 1,440 acres, Dawes county, $10,000,
FARM Lands for. Colonisation 40.000
acres of the best land in the lower Rio
Grande Valley, near Brownsville, Texas,
seven miles west of Raymondvllle. We
want a colonisation company to sell to
actual farmers; have subdivided Into 40
and 80-acre tracts; have two wells of
Hewing water at 800 feet; a demonotra
tion farm, and other Improvements; a
very attractive proposition for a strong
colonisation company. We will sell out
right 640 acres to 30,000 acres or make
contract to colonize with financially
strong company; land to net us $25 per
acre. This land is as fertile at the Nile.
A purchaser can subdivide and sell at a
profit. Address, Floyd Shock, Vandeven
ter Trust Co., at. Louis, Mo.
Great Bargain
Two lot at 40th Ave. near Ames, two
blocks from street car. line, $125 each,
One lot, 47th and Cass St, adjoining, sow. inquire at 1208 Jones Bt
I WANT you ta buy my modern home,
Has reception hall, parlor, dining room,
kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath, large
f..ioered attic Oak finish. - Built-in
bookcases. Window end hall seats. Fire
place, paneled walls, etc. Screen and
storm windows, 50-ft. lot. Located two
bloeka to Dundee oar. Price, $4,000; $300
cash, balance ninthly. Call owner, IUr.
ney 4745.
1538 N. 20TH ST.
( rooms and closets, strictly modern:
hot water heat;' hot and cold water up.
stairs; storm windows end screens; big
barn; fruit; nice large lot; beautiful
lawn and trees; permanent walks, eta.
About $1,000; balance easy, Inuuire 1539
N. 20th St
ON account of deatli In family will
Sell my 9-room pressed brick, slate roof,
.taodara home at a lo wprice.-HIgh-, sightly
location and only one block from Jos
lyn home. Ask owner. Phone Harney 2150,
, 407 No. 39th St -
WANTED f'arms; we have direct biiy
ers for farms, city property, or business,
no mmw wnare located. Ulve lowest
noe. iMon t pay commissions; we furnish
luvers Information tree. RniithwentMn
Information Bureau. Box 414. Mn.k
oki, -
- NEW COTTAGE $1,250. , .
6-rooms, and good, high 40-foot lot.
Close ' to Omaha car line and school ;
walking dlstanoe of Omaha. $109 eash,
balance like rent.
106 Pearl St Council Bluffs, la.
Best, and cheapest suburban acre prop
erty near city. Fine country home sites
and garden tract convenient to car. Sur
veyed, platted and staked In tots of
H acre to 8 acres and priced from (135
per acre up. Come early and get your
choice of a lot In' this beautiful addi
tion. Call - for plat and descriptive
literature. C. R. Combs, 80S te 81 Bran
dels Theater BJdg, Phones Poug. mi,
FOR all kinds of bargains In Florence,
Neb,, property see me. Tel. Florence 276.
:' -. . REAL .ESTATE .,,
taewrartau .' .
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crop. AH the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soil,
climate, churoh and school advantages,
W. B. LEAHT. Dept. K,
General Passenger Agent,.
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to insert a small want
ad in the Des Moines Capital. Largest
circulation in the state of Iowa, 42,000
daily. The Capital is read by and be
lieved In by the standpatters of Iowa,
who simply refuse to permit any other
paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a
word day; $1.25 per line per month;
count six ordinary words to the line.
Address Dee Moines Capital, Des
Moines, la.
Six miles f olty on, wd main rood;
4-room house, small oarn, aoc-ut twenty
flve acree In cultivation, nvisi it it up
land valley, sloping south and wail yr--tected
on north and west- Fine place for
fruit, chickens, bees or general fnrmlne.
Price. 4,00 $59 cash,, balance long time
at per cent
105 Peart St. CvMinell Bluffs. la.'
goBth Dakota.
XpfSto BIT C IM .re. -ami! fnwm Utiil
40 acres brake, balance all tillable; 7
miles from Dallas and 6 miles from
Coiom. Price, $40 per acre, payable
(1.500 cash. $2,500 March 1, 1813; $1,400
Maroh 1, m- Address pox w, Dallas,
8o. Dak.
MIeUa,Sieesus, f .
40 ACRES. SO cleared, frame house
11x40; barn; running water; three miles
trom town; naif mile scnooi; bw; easy
terms. Tom O. Mason, President Island
City State bank, Cumberland, Wis.
S&p U? tssk to SoiitU piiwutk Se
alleage M hrinkge. Your coasiga
neat rtin rompt and careful atteax
LIT (oek Cealuloa Xerekaats.
BTR$ JBROS. 4 CO, Strong, rellabla
" CIJFO Cam" ial Exehanae Bid.'
Bnyer-Malowffman"0.. IM Ex. Bldg?
LA VBTT HftOB,j TiBi xcuange BldgT
Martin Bros. Oe.. Exchange Bid1. "
Clay, ftobinsen; eV Co M Exchange Bldg
Writ tor e-iur Minnesota baokJet "Qi"
pedal rates,
108 Bankers Life Bldg, ...
- Lincoln, Neb.
, ffebsmsltev ,, . . ,
C88 ACRE x farm for sale la Ksox Ce.,
; Neb. Owner of said farm operating it
himself, but living In Iowa, Uiereioje
ti desire to sell said farm. Can b eoid
as on er can be divided in two coed
farins, one consisting of Hi acres, m acres
in cultivation, balance in pasture, all
well fenced and an abundance of water
the year round; balance ef JfiO acres, good
set . of improvements, splendid feed iota,
144 acres in cultivation, 80 acre of tame
grass, balance In pasture and hay taad,
will eL grow alfalfa: aU well fenced u
abundance of running water the year
round. Purchaser can buy 150 head ef
high grade cattle, the same amount ef
hog a, complete set of borees and imple,
ments if they so desire, or can buy the
plaoe without Will carry (20,000 on land
at tit rate of 8 per cent for five er tea
years. This plaoe ie considered to e
the best farm of Us slxe in that country.
For further information apply to owner,
Cerea Oleseo, Route i. Walnut ' '
The following proposed amendment to
ins constitution of the state of NebrasKs,
as hereinafter set forth in full, Is sub.
mltted to the electors of the State of Ne
braska, to be voted upon at the general
election to be held Tuesday, November
6th, A. D-, 1912.
"AN ACT for a Joint resolution propos
ing amendment to Section 1 and Sec
tion 10 Article 8 ef the Constitution ot
the tstate ot Nebraska, and supplement
ing Article entitled 'Amendments.' '
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Lefis
' lature of te fetate of Nebraska; . .
,, Section . 'That- 4 the genera election
for state and legislative offices to be
held on the Tuesday succeeding the first
f-Monday lit November, 19lr, the following
provisions be proposed nd rabmltted a
amendment to Beetle : and Section 10
of Article 9 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska. I 1
Section 2. That Section 1 ef Article I
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is hereby amended, to read as fol
low: Section 1. The legislative authority ef
the state shall be vested in a legislature
consisting of a senate and house of repre
sentatives, but the people reserve t
themselves power to propose laws, and
amendments to the constitution, and to
enact of reject the same at the polls In
dependent of the legislature, and also re
serve power at their own option to ap
prove or reject at tne poll any act, Item,
section, er part of any act passed by (he
Section 1A, The first power reserved
by the people is the Initiative. Ten per
cent of the legal voters of the state, so
distributed as to Inolud t per cent of
the legal voters in each of two-nuns or
the counties ef the state, may propose
any measure by petition, which shall
contain the full text of the measure so
proposed. Provided, that proposed con
stitutional amendments shall require a
petition of 15 per cent of the legal
voter of the state distributed as above
provided. Initiative petitions (except for
municipal and wholly local legislation)
shall be filed with the Secretary of State
and be by htm submitted to the voter at
the first regular state election held not
less than four months after such flHng.
The same measure,, either In form or in
essential substance, shall not be sub
mitted to the people by Initiative petition
(either affirmatively or negatively)
oftener than once, In three years. If con
flicting measures submitted to the people
at the same election shall be approved,
the one receiving the highest number of
affirmative vote shall thereby become
law as to all conflicting provisions. The
constitutional limitations as to seppe and
subject matter of statutes enacted by the
legislature shall apply to those enacted
by the Initiative.
Section IB. The second power reserved
1 the referendum. It may be ordered by
a petition of 10 per cent of the legal vot
ers of .the state, distributed a required
for Initiative petition. Referendum peti
tions against measure passed by the leg
islature shall, be filed with the secretary
ef state within ninety day after the leg.
lslature enacting the same adjourn sine
die er for a period longer than ninety
days: and elections thereon shall be had
at the first regular stats election held
pot lees than thirty day after such fil
ing. Section 1C. The referendum may be
ordered upon any acts except act making
appropriations for the expenses of the
state government, and state Institution
existing t the time eucn act is pasaeo.
When the referendum is ordered upon an
act or any part thereof it shall suspend
its operation until the same is approved
by the voters; provided, that emergency
acts, or acts for th immediate preserva
tion of th public peace, health, or Safety
shall continue In effeet until rejected by
the voter or repealed by the legislature,
one or more item, sections, or parts of
Filing of a referendum petition against
an act shall not delay the remainder of
th measure from becoming operative.
Section ID. Nothing In tnis section
shall be construed to deprive any mem
ber of the legislature ef the right, to In
troduce any measure. The whole number
of votes east for governor at the regular
election last preceding the filing of any
Initiative or referendum petition shall be
the bast en which the number of legal
voters required to sign sueh petition shall
be computed. The veto power of the gov
mar sboll not extend to measure Initi
ated by er referred to the people. AH
sucn measures shall become the law or a
part of the constitution when approved
by a majority of the vote cast thereon,
ftrovlded, the votes cast In favor of said
nitiattve measure or part ef said conrtl
tutles shaH constitute thirty-five per sent
(36 per eent) of the total vote cast at said
election, and not otherwise, and shall take
effect upon proclamation by the tover
nor, which shall be maee wtthh, ten days
of the completion of th official canvass.
The vote upon Initiative and referendum,
measures shall be returned and canvassed
In the same manner as is prescribed In
the ease of presidential electors. ' The
method of submitting and adopting
amendments to the constitution provided
by this section shall be supplementary te
th method prescribed in the article of this
constitution, entitled "Amendments.' and
the latter shall in no case be construed
to conflict herewith. This amendment
shall b elf-xecutlng. but legislation
may be enacted especially to faeiitate It
operation In" submitting petitions and
orders, foe; the, Initiative and the referen
dum, the secretary of state and all other
officer. shall , be-guided by this amend
ment the general laws until addi
tional, legislation shall be 'vwMellv pro
vided therefor; all propositions submitted
In pursuance hereof shall be submitted
In a nonpartisan manner and without any
Indication or suggestion on the ballot
that they have been approve or endorsed
by any political party or organisation,
and provided further that only the title
of measures shall be printed on the bal
lot, and w hen two or more measures have
the same title they shall be numbered
consecutively In the order of filing with
the secretary of sts and Including the
name of: the first petitioner.
Section 8. That Section 10, of Article' 3,
of the Constitution ot the State of Ne
braska be amended to. read as follow:
SMtion 10. .fhetyle of all bills shall
be 'Be it enacted by the people of the
State of Nebraska and t law shall
be enacted except by bill. No bill shell
be passed by the legislature unless by
asssnt of a majority ef all e members
elected to each house oi me legislature
and the question Upon final passage ehall
be taken immediately upon Us last read
ing and the yeas and nay shall he en
tered upon the Journal.
Section 4. That at sal election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday In
November, 1912, on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat there shall be
printed or written the words: "For pro
posed amendment to the constitution re
serving to the people the right of direct
legislation through the initiative and ref
erendum," and ''Against proposed amend,
ment to the constitution reserving to the
people the right ot direct legislation
through the initiative sod referendum."
And If a majority of ail voters at said
election shall be In favor of such amend
ment the same shall be deemed to be
adopted. The returns of said election
upon the adoption of this amendment
shall be made to the state canvassing
board and said board shall canvass the
vote upon the admendment herein In the
same manner as is prescribed in the case
of presidential electors. If a majority of
the votes cast1 at the election be in favor
of the proposed amendment the governor,
within ten days after the result is ascer
tained, shall make proclamation declar
ing the amendment to be part of the con
stitution of the state, and when so de
clared the amendment herein proposed
shall be In force and seit-exeouilni,
Approved March 34, 1J1L
1, Addison Walt, Secretary of Bute, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the 3tf nt N.
braika Is true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed y the Thirty-second session of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill n file
in mis on ice, ana mat ssu proposed
amendment is submitted te t qualified
voters of the State of NeOrcfcfta for thalr
adoption or re lection at the general eiec.
tion to be held on Tuesday, th ftb day
of November. A. D. IMS
In Testimony Where;, i have bereunt
set my nana nu amxeq me ureat peal
of the State of Nebraska, bane at I. in.
coin, thl Hh day of May, la th year of
and Twelve, of the Independence ot
me uimea oiaies me une nunared nq
iniriy-oiiu ana oi mis mate tne f orty,
leeai.) secretary of state.
The following proposed amendment to
me constitution ot tne state er Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is sub
mltted to the eieotors ef the state of Ne.
braska, to be voted upon at the general
election' te be held Tuesday. Nevember
6th, A. D. 18Us . -
-A JOINT KEgQLUTIQrf e ta " propose
Rinenuinonie ip pociion rive o) or Ar
ticle ix (6) ana" Seotlen thirteen 0
of Article sixteen (10) ot tne constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska as found
In the complied statutes of Ne
braska for (Section thirteen (13)
of Article eighteen (18) 'of Cobbey'e
Annotated Statute for IM. re
latins - to time tit etMUtia- ludeee
of the supreme eeurt, fixing the time of
the general election and providing for
holding over of incumbent . until their
successors are dented and usuries.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Legis
lature or tne state or Kabraskt;
Section 1. That Section Five fS) of
Article Six (S) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section 5. That at the arener&I election
to be held In the State of Nebraska In
the year HIS. and each six year there
after there shall be eleoted tnree (3)
judge of th Supreme .Court, . Who "shii
noia weir oinee lor tne pria ot six W
years; that at th general election te be
held in the State of Nebraska in the year
1918. and each elz years thereafter there
ehall ha eleeteg three (() judge of th
Suprem Court, who shall hold their offioe
for the periofl of lx years; ana at tn
general election to be held tn the State
of Nebraska In the year ISM and each
six () year thereafter thr shall be
elected a chief Justlo ef the Supreme
Court wh shall bold bis office for the
period ef k () year. Provided, That
the member of th Suprem Court who
term ef office empire In January, 1914,
ehall be chief luetic of the Supreme
Court during that time until th expira
tion of his term ef office.
Section 1. That Section Thirteen flit
of Article Sixteen M) of the Constitution
or the state of Nebraska as found la the
Compiled Statute ef Nbrask for IM
(Section thirteen (U) ot Article eighteen
(18) of Cobbey'e Annotated Statutes for
1908) be amended to read a follows;
section is, Th general eieaiion ot this
Mate shall be held on the Tuesday suc
ceeding the first Monday in, November
In the year I'M and every twa years
thereafter. All state, district, county,
oreoinct and townshio afftnr. hv tha
constitution or laws made leos'v by th
people, except school distric. officers, and
munloipal officer in elite, village and
vuwus, piiwi nt, -wiua ei general oiu
tion to be held as aforesaid. Judge ef
the supreme, district and county court,
aU elective county and precinct officer,
and all other elective officers, th time
for the election of whom I not herein
otherwise provided for, and which are
not included in' the above execution.
shall be elected en th Tuesday uceeed
lng the first Monday In Nevember, 1118,
and thereafter at the general election
next preceding th tire of th termina
tion for their respective terms of effics.
provided, That no office shall be vacated
thereby, but the Incumbent thereof shall
hold over until bU. iueesar 1 duly
eleoted end qualified.
Section ( Th form of ballot on the
amendment proposed herein shall b a
follows: "For proposed amendment to
th constitution providing for general
election once In two year and "Against
proposed amendment te th .constitution
providing for fnr4 election ocs n
two year,"
Approved April T, U." '
I, Addison Walt, Secretary ef State, ef
the State ef Nebraska de ntreby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the Stat of Ne.
braska I a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, a
passed by th Thirty second session ef
tha Legislature of the Bute ef Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill on file
in this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
votere t the state of Nebraska fr their
adoption er rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, th Ut day
of November, A. D. 1911
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Don at Lin
coln, this 20th day of May, in tne year ef
our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and Of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth, and ot thli i f itate tte Forty,
(Seal) ueeretary or mate. -
The, following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State ef Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full, Is sub.
mltted to the electors of tha State of
Nebraska,-ttt be voted upon et the gen
eral election .to. p held ; Tuesday, No
vember 5th. A. D. 1912.
"An ACT..fpr. Joint Resolution--to pro
pose an amendment to the eohntjtu
' tion of the Stato.of Nebraska, . -Be
it Resolved and Enacted by she Leg
islature of the State ot Nebraska t
Section J. That at the general election
for state and legislative officers to be
held In the State of Nebraska on the first
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
In November, l&B, the following previ
sion be proposed and submitted to the
electors of the State of Nebraska:
Section t Any city having a popula
tion of more than five thousand (6,000)
inhabitant may frame a charter for its
own government, consistent wttb aad
subject to the constitution aim lawn m
this state, by causing a convention of
fifteen freeholders, who shall bave been
for at least five years qualified electors
thereof, to be elected by the Qualified
votere .of said city at any general or
epecfal election, whose duty it .shall be
within 'four months after such election.
to -prepare -and propose a cnarter for
itK jatftv wttl-k aUmvt tt.H ....... rt!
-.i.i VMl . , w ,,- ,, viH.."a.
with a prefatory synopsis, shall be signed
oy tne ornoeis ana members or tne con
vention, or piajorlty thereof, and de
livered to the clerk of said city, who
shall publish the eame In full, with his
official certification, in thu official paper
of said city,' If there be one, and if there
be no official paper, then In at least
one newspaper published and '.n genera)
circulation In said city, three times, and
a week apart, anO within not leas than
thirty days after sue publication it shall
be submitted to the qualified electors
or said city at a general or special elec
tion, and it a majority ot sucn qualified
voters, voting thereon, ehall ratify the
earns. It shall It the end ot sixty day
tnerearter, become tne charter of eald
city, and supersede any existing charter
and all amendments thereof. A duplicate
certificate shall be made, setting forth
tne cnarter proposed and its ratlflce
tion (together with the vote for and
against) and duly cer titled by the City
Clerk, and authenticated by the cor-
f orate seal of said city and one copy
hereof shall be (lied with the secretary
of state and the other deposited among
tne aremves 01 tne olty, end shall there
upon become and be the charter of said
city, and all amendments to such charter
shall be authenticated In the same man.
per, and filed with the secretary of
state, end deposited In the archives of
tne city.
Section I. But If eald charter be re.
jcoted, then within six months thereafter,
me mayor ana council or governing au
thorities ot ald city may call a special
election at which fifteen member ot a
new charter convention shall be elected
to be called and held as above In such
oiiy. ana tney snail proceed as above to
frame a charter wmcn hU in like man
ner and to the like end be published and
Submitted to a vote of said voters for
their approval or rejection. If again re
jected, the procedure herein designated
may be repeated until a charter Is finally
approved by a majority of those voting
thereon, and certinea (togetner with the
vote for and against) to the secretary Of
tat a aforesaid, and a copy thereof
deposited tn the archives ot the city.
whereupon it shall become the charter ot
aid city. Members or each of said char
ter conventions shall be elected at large;
and they shsll complete their labor
within lxty days alter their respective
election. ,
The charter shall mske nronsr provi
sion for continuing, amending or repeal
ing the ordinances of the olty.
Section 4. Such charter so ratified and
adopted may. be amended, or a charter
convention called, by a proposal therefor
made by the law-making body of such
city or py tne quaimea electors in num
ber not less than fi per cent of the next
preceding gubernatoral vote in such city,
by petition filed with th council or gov
erning authorities. The council or gov
erning authorities shall submit th same
to a vote of th qualified . electors at the
nest general or special election not held
within thirty day after such petition Is
filed. In submitting any sueh charter or
charter amendments, any - alternative
article or section may be presented fer
the choice . of the votere and may be
voted on separately without prejudice to
ethers. Whenever the question of a
charter convention Is carried by a ma
jority of those voting thereon, a charter
convention shall be called through a spe
cial election ordinance, and the same
shall be constituted and held and the
proposed ohsrtsr submitted ui a vote of
the qualified electors, approved or rejected,
as provided In section two hereof. The
city clerk of said city shall publish with
hi official certification,- for three times,
a week apart in tha official paper of said
city, if there be one, and If there be no
Official paper, then, in at least one news
paper published and In general circulation
in aatd city, the full titts,t ry,nartr
or charter amendment to be voted on at
any general or special election. ; v
Nd charter or charter amendment
adopted upder the provisions of this
amendment shall be amended or. repealed
except by electoral vote. And no such'.
cnarter or charter amendment shall di
minish the t rate for state purposes
fixed by act of the legislature, or inter
fere In any wise with, tho onlleptlon ot
tate taxes.
Section 4. That at eald election In the
year 1813,. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there ehall be printed or
written the words "For proposed amend
ment to the Constitution allowing cities
of mere than five thousand, Inhabitants
In this state to frame their own elty char
ter," and "Against proposed amendment
to constitution allowing eitlea -Vo,.jnor
than five thousand Inhabitants tn this
state to frame their" own charterr." And
if g majority of all voter at said le-tion-
ehall be for such amendment til
same ehall be deemed to be adopted.
Approved March 20, lil, - -
I, Addison Wait, (Wetanr t state of
the tat of Nebraska, da hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to th Constitution ef th Stat ef Ne
braska I a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and ngro4 bill, a
passed by th ThIrty.eeond session of
th Legislature of th Stat of Nebraska,
as appear from said original bill on file
In this office, and that said proposed
amendment I submitted to th qualified
voter of th state of Nebraska for their
adoption er rejection at the general else,
tie to be held on Tuesday, th 1th day
Of November, A. D., 1811,
la testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
et my hand and affixed th Great Seal
Of the State of Nebraska. Imms at Lin
coin, thl loth dy of May, in the year of
our Lord, On Thousand Nln Hundred
and Twelve, and ef th Independence of
the United State th One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State the Forty-
(Seal.) - Secretory of fltsto.
Tboal"" tobnttmoiTTimw
Auction. The following unclaimed bag
gage will be sold at Auction at No. i
111 er (if South lth St, Omaha, Nebraska,
commencing at 7 p, m. Tuesday, October
I, 1813, and continuing the same hour
each day until all ha been sold: Painted
canvas trunk marked. Gust Keyerlaber,
Jas. Mftrrts, B. F. Puokham, D. V, Becker,
Mr. Bertha Mclntyrs, Che. L, Lowe,
Bertrand Caswell, Miss Robbie Wood, O.
R, Jones, John Tlschouser; sine trunks
marked Carl Peterson; Mis Add! Hand,
). J, Reese, Tee Evans, Mr, A. A.
Glenn. Viola Warnet; steamer trunk
marked Cy Smith; sample trunk marked
W, B. Fordi tool chest marked Peter T.
Clements) dress suit caee marked Fran
eessa Alcarltbundlea marked, Jose Sand
bal. J. A. Elliot; tripod marked Robert
Hastings- Also 780 piece of miscellan
eous article consisting of guns, bundles,
blankets, valises, trunks, boxe. chest,
wstnhes and musical Instruments, not
marked. , a. U ALLKy,
SiMS-JO. 07. General Baggage Agent.
Beef Steer Lower, Cows and Heifers
Higher for Week. '
Sheep and Lambs Generally Twenty.
Five Lower for Week, with
desirable Lambs and Kwea
Oaarter te Forty Down,
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday ua 1 MS 41.7&
Official Tuesday ,34i 8.4W 47.0OH
iMiiciNi v no 11 esn ay ... s.STl W-f'J
Official Thursday . 1 ml ItillA U 770
Official' Friday 2,522 3.72a .
Ostimat Saturday .... m S,t W7
Six days this week..32,!S0 28,i7 180,800
Same days last week..3fi,i" 22,171- 157.HS
Same day i weeks ago. 80.130 Kl.520 111.881
Same day 8 weeks aso.2S,3l2 S0.T5 105.U75
Same day 4 weeks ago.86,418 SI. 35 ,4
same oy jaat jear..40,KS 1."M iw.wi
The following table snow the receipt
of cattle, hoge and sheep at South Omaha
for rhe year to dale as compared with
last year. 191!. lsn. in. Dee.
Cattle s 707,217 St,427 lSUW
Hogs 2.3T0.6B3 1.908.8M 464.086
Sheep l.!)7fi,50t l.S96,8u6 , 11,354
The following table stows tho range et
prices tor hogs at South Omaha for the
last few days with eomperlsone;
Data I IM.!i.i!.;J!wj.ti,
77 6 S5- 1$
Bei t. 87
Sept 2Sl
Sept 28.
biept. ii
Got. 1...
Oct. $,.
Oct. .,
Oct, .6... ...
4811 44
$ 14
4 t
t m 1 w
$ 2H
8 ill
7 871
T M1
7 82
7 80
6 67 t 95 II
6 63
6 4;.
6 67
t to
6 60( 6 01
6 M
6 (14
6 84
c 9a
6 US
Receipts and disnostlon of live stock
at the Union Stock yards for twenty-
four hours ending yesterday at 3 0 CiocK,
Cattle Hor.beep.H'r'.
0., M. eV. St. P. Ry.. .. I
1 . '5 'i
'9.9 t
J? ... 1
Mo. Pacific Ry 1
Union Pacific h. a S
C. N,-VV East
C. & N-W,. West.. .,
C, St, P.. M. O., ...
C, B. ft Q., East
C. B.. Q.. West.... 10
c!'ate,:; ::
large supply of the better grades of cat
tle. As a result of the free buying, cows
and heifers have gradually firmed up,
and at the close of th week are 153c
higher than last week.
Storkers and feeders have been very
free sellers throughout the week. The
country has apparently come to realise
that If It is going to feed cattle this year
it cannot afford to delay longer in mak
ing; purchases, as the range season is
rapidly drawing toward its close. As a
result, the country has bought vry freely
of all desirable kinds of stock cattle and
feeders and prices have steadily firmed
u until, at the close of the week, they
are about 25c higher than the low close
last week. In other words, last week's
break has been just about recovered so
far as the medium and light weight eattl
of good quality are concerned. Heavy
and fleshy cattle, even of the beet
kirradea. have not shown so much ad
vance and they ere sun quite a nuie
lower than the high point.
' Quotations on ,'ative Cattle Good to
choice beet fleers. $S.25 10.00; fair to good
beef steers. $7.25.25; common to fair
beef ; eteere, .Otjj'7.25; good to choice
heifers.- $&.75.W; good to choice cows,
$i..8o3i; fair W good grades, $4.4010.50;
common to fair grades, $;t.8frt4.40; good to
Choice etocker and feeders, $6.QO$7.50;
fair to good stockers and feeders, V.'&S
(.00; common to fair stockers and feed
ers, $4.60tiV:; stock oowe and heifers,
$4.50tr5.75; veal calves, $4154f900; bulls.
Stags, etc.. $4.255.r0.
Quotations on Range Cattle Good to
choice beef steers, $i.b0$8 .86; fair to good
beef steers, $ti.0inii.50; common to fair
beef steers. $S.00.0O.
HOUH Opening trade In hogs was just
about the name as on yesterday with
the speculators making some purchases
at strong prices. Both shipper and
speculator were email factor on the
market today, and in consequence the
packer had everything pretty much their
own way. On the whole, trade was
rather draggy. The packer buyer ap
parently wanted hogs, but set out te
buy them cheaper than the way they
filled their orders yesterday. In the
end the big bulk ot the offerings changed
hands on a generally steady basis, a very
fair clearance being made by 10 o'clock.
Hulk of the sales were made around $8.60
fS.65 with a load of good light hog sell
ing at $8.70 for the day and Identical with
yesterday's best price.
At the end of the week hogs are sell
ing a shsde lower than the close ot last
week. Last Saturday the bulk sold
around $S.tjO8.70, as againxt 18.0Oa-8.61 to
day. The top price a week ago wae a
nickel higher than today prior. Re
ceipts for the week amount to about 28,64$
head as compared with 22,177 head during
the previous week and 18,883 head during
the same week last year.
Representative sale; .
Total receipts ,. 14 47 3 i
Cattl. Hog. ShsP.
Morris A Co ...
Swift Co
Cudahy Packing Co..
Annuur A Co
w. B, Vansant Co....
Other Buyers ;
Total 2S5 3,301 U1?
filWt.ff-Kn fai r.ltla nf anv rnnlf
Aiikni. mmr-A rcmnrtAil In ind&V ' and there
wars net anoush to make a market. For
tne week receipts nsva seen iieerm, Al
though showing a falling off of oyer
unci of almost 9,000 head m compered with
tne corresponainff pnoa yr
ma ba BMAt had enmni iRAtV thsl ra(Ulntfl
ssjfarav sv"l"v' we-i -w - ,
. .tiU Vilsa WSMtr hova HUi th tiMViAMt
ot any war It Bine tht opening of the
-!.,- . 1 nBAnn,fnH &nlu f
range seasun who uw muvvwm w
last weea. -
been Vry 1'sht this week and there have
oeen naraiy enougn to wr mmi.
However the feeling l that had there
vtMnir hr nf anv conseoUence
the market would have been lower In
sympathy W'th the bad break at Chicago,
The supply of grass beef steers has been
. . 1IKAM.1 n r,i th. mnrlrAf Vl R MtlIIV
worked downward, being, at the close of
th JVeeK, EDOUl zuo lower mill mv
The break Is unquestionably, duo 'to the
I. . tamtam mflrklll bv ARStem
u i u in ii a vji t... .. . .. - - -fat
cattle, which has diminished the de
mand lor western oeei.
Cows and heifer have been In very
rhaut the week, nack-
er all being nlo. apparentlyt tor a
At. 8h. fr.
.134 40 8 48
.211 M III
.91. I II
.t.T ... lit
.::i :.t n
U ttu ... IN
H 114 T4 I M
311 Hi I U
; : m i tn
41 IM
It 171
J,.. ...HI
41 SM
No, At. 6h. Pr.
41 !4I 10 W
8 mi in in
11 IM 'KIU
. tt....M IM IM
M IM ... IM
7 Sl U III
M 44 t
0 tli K I
I7....M Jm I K
N HI ID I 41 '
M tM 1C IN
l7.,,,.iH4 4U
II til 148 IS
... Ill
7 t:t 1W ft).
1 17 10 I H
' til ... 19
h :? n i tu
8 IM If
08'Wtfsl C. Q. CHRONICLE BWii '
1 Vl. V-fc. A, 41.1-- 1, I Of
proposal will be received here until 11 .
m, Nov. I, 1911, for burnishing forag and
straw required at Fort Huachuca and
Ueuglei, Art., during fiscal year ending
June 80, IsJ, Information furnished on
appMcation here, or Quartsrmasters in
Seattle, Wash.; PortTand.., Or.; Kort
nueonuea ana pougias. an, jr. von
SCHRAPeR, C. Q. )i, , 08-4-$-7--8a-8I
t jri-. v U : 41
Your Want -Ad
Tyler 1000
VNIQN TATIO Tesitb a4 Jtaeoa,
8a Prta. Orerinid U4... s M a1:4m
rertUMUi ret .' .. aiii0$M f:MP'
Cs Aaals Ueilte , rm ? P
pPMr Moiei , .e(em awi -
Celenae WI ...t..,. ,...l8it aw -
Oalortie UprM IHW 4:Wpm
eesws-WMkWsa Mm.." '
Mort PlStM Uii , !6 Si a :4l
or4 uim4 .....,. tmr
treswbvirs MM ,,..,..... """
Chieage, Mllakee eb ft. rl-
Onrlss Umtts4 MI
Cbiuee W J"
Xwfmi UlM ,..e : alt;4l, ,
CMMfs twyllsM sel ..,.! '
Ci,-CsUf, iKsfrss ...... mm.ii... iilis
f hteaBe Orea Hr -
is Cltr MsiU4 , 6U m s lit am
ferry ll ,.,..t. JUaia "
Twin ur Biwnm ..!.. j --'
Cbloagroi Hoek Island ractfte .
IcVr IfcniRUI UsilM Mt SJi'N em slOsSI MB
Pkl..o Laoal PUWBKW ....kl H SSI M It t
Cslcase sms.(.ii 1:
Chie rf V" " ': '
'lase-Nbrask Unilt.J..,. ;H !:
Chls-M. Ui te Ual. il sm
riouu-Oilcnde BisrcM ..,. till m
Oklskesie Teses .Wsrreae m
Kttkt MamnsiB wmiue ,.iv.ii mm
opnee-st. Lsmi sns ,.Usei
Mll S EprM ,,,,,....... f;0
juotwrr Ul (Ire 0.
Mtasrt faeiftew
a, mui Sfiprpss.'S s'pp sm i t . i
, 4 Si. Lent Jnx'n,,H;U pm a I tips
0, St. Uvl ClKlw4..M.tai e :e
iillaeU Ceatrsil
.i.i.. Iiimi Ill K mm
Cklassi UUs4 ...,.,... I:M pa
lanesselle-st. fi f. -S f M am .....,
i.uimiu-. fpul Limit)- 7:00 pm I i.
wl CW ,MI 8:41 pm ate:
6tu W MHU ..... ...1 m mm pot ii npg
IliPHespells Pkt gis..7:Mpm alUpq
Tl Cur Units .,..,. I:U pm a 7:1 am
KiaaesH 9tm aU H m
Clfrell Isal ..T:0im a 1:1 fa
ptyltlkl Cltosss ,,.i...M,.s lit sm
Qklwss Uol liMKsu I II pa
Ckle-Cilr Mit."i".i s I II pm
Cfcltta wll ..,.. :M pm (lilts
Pulfl CeMl-Cklease ...,.. f pm a l pa
LhAiDUi UWte ,.. .. I pm aU: pm
olss UIU4 "
tarnll UH m
rut Mll " MH litem
'ar MseMi, ws Wr
Oeuaa a 1:81 pa
Csawsulei SMtt Mmlu,.,,U:4a sll:U pa
Up yes ..- 8ia ll:Wam
fi.r,lk.uiu ' ? uoom
Lflni Plae-Uncel ;U pa s : pa
kltmi WWt0' '....,v......k I II fm ,S :M pa
n.tfMi.HM' Sp'tBS ...... I l pa :20 pa
CuHf.bi4 ......,. lsa u Upa
rJiitl.t'AiPl.a ,..,.f;-..M W k .: pa
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a 4:4 pn
11:4 aa
a 1:11 ma
11:11 pm
bl0: am
a I t pm
a 6:1 am
parliogtea I tatleawreotb et Mason
Demi dittorsi.......
- . ..... xDVHft. ........
KurUk tlBl-...i.c.n
Bltok HMIs '
Unela sil i..........
KttkvM .,...
Nebf.Ht BPMM ...........
Uia Ul '
pi.UMk-lWS .'
vmufi wt'
ChlcMO Kprw
Crmto '1 Wl.t. r-r"
St. Louts giprme '.
lUuu CW-.''snt-.-1..
UMu titf i Jeew..t,.
I 1:1
4 ill
, IS
11 M
.1 M
. is
. t:tl
.a 4 04
. l:0
. 4 :Jt
a 1:4 pm
: pm
$:4i pa
Sil l pm
S T:eaa
a 1:11 pa
bl M a
ki:is aa
e l ie am
e 1:40 am
Hl.U pa
a l:ee aa
6:4 ta
6:1 pa
Webates tttl9Brolfith 4i Webetea
Chleavo, Btv faol, Minneapolis 4
Omaha ,
' ' Diptrt. tir,
iu Cltr Biirtw ...... ...b 1 11 pa hi l u
Tvta Cltr PMDfr fe b 11 pa
gioux Cltr rtHiir tm :K pa
KmcnRD UmI ' l:J a
MIsaonH Feflc
Avkars Leel .......... bI Mpa blO 48 in
f UUf, W daily ept l4, w tamj.
4f 811
4) 8 14
T4 ,..,.M IH 19
it m ... Ut4
4... ...Ill 480 I i:h
w m k icttt
im.....,u ... in
11...... II ... T e . I i NIK
1.....3W 80 I 75 8 14; .,. Tn
1 W M l , 8.,..4: SM $ CI
BHBKP Ther were no sheep of any on eale this morning, but
fer tne ween receipt nave seen veiy
liberal, being the largest of any week
thus far since the beginning of the
ranaa season. Ths receipts were even
greater than for the corresponding period
last year. In other words, as many as
186.80 head were on sale, a compared
with about 167,110 head last week and
almost 168.0G0 head during the corre
sponding week a year ago. The unusu
ally large supply of sheep and lambs
served aa a bearish argument for buyers,
causing prices In general to decline at
least a below tnoae prevailing at the
end of last week. The less desirable
grades of killing lambs snd some of the
oominoner amos oi leeamg ewe may
possibly nve sold aa much as , JRfrnO
lower, .Really prime klllerf of either
lambs or "huep mad up a relatively
siiVu.ll nroDomWn of the whole supply, the
market baint' flooded with the fair ta
good and medium kinds. Iamb and owe
Wer in tne largest supply.
wnue mere nos seen a goea ermana
for anything at all auftapl for feeding
purpose country buyer have not seemed
anxious to take hold at above current
prkit. Previous to this week many com
mission men were holding orders (or feed
ing Iamb around 6c. ' but were unable to
make purchase on that basl. Tha drop
In the feeder market this week, has
brought the bulk of feeding stock within
a range of prices where a great number
of country buyer are willing to buy. A
a result of thie drop a big volume of
trade wa done In the feeder division
during the week.
Quotations on Pheep and Imbs Lambs,
good to choice, $6.fti9)6.50; lambs, fair to
good, $6.86ffl.f5; lambs, feeders, B.XS.16;
yearlings, light, $4,601J; yearlings,
heavy, l!554.&0; yearling, feeders, $4 TO
feS.lO; wether, good to choice. $$-T5i4.00i
wether, fair to good, $8.663.7$; wether,
feeder, $3.7OK4.00; ewes, good to choice,
$3.2.60; ewee, feeders. $3.708.00i wee,
yearling breeders. 3.60O5.00; ewe, aged,
3.00g!3.o0; cull sheep and buck, $M6tij
Demand for Cattle Blow J4ogs and
Sbaep gteady. .
CHICAOO. Oct. 6,-CATTI,E-Tloelntsl
500 head; market slow; beeves, tO.DQifrll.OO:
Texas steers, $4.50(lM00l western steers,
$5.90.00; stockers and feeders, $4.26Q7.T8
cows and heifers, $2,8O)S00; calves, $.00
HCM8-Rcrelpts, 8,000 head; market
steady to 10c lower; 'light. I$.60i$9.ft0;
mUed, $8.60(S 30; heavy, $S.4O0.30 rough,
$8.40Tl6S; pigs, $kM.; bulk of sal-a,
SHEEP ANP LAMBS-necelpts, '1,M0
head; market steady; native, (.3.2MH25;
western, 8a. 431, 26; yearlings, M.ffyft5.40:
lamb, native, $4.G06.36; western. $4,760
7.00. , ,
Kansas City Live itvck Market.
oelpU, 1,000 head, Including 400 head of
southerns. Market steady; native eteere,
$5.Tr4rl0.90; eouthern steers, $4.266.00;
southern cows and heifers. $3.2R4&$; na
tive oows and heifers, $3.2Ofl8.00; stockers
and feeders, $4.SO$7.ij bull. $4.0g.i0:
calves, $; western steers, $ofta
8,M; western cows, $3.BO6.1fi,
HOOS-ReceiptB. 2.000 head. Market
steady to 6c lower i bulk of sales, $8,60a
8.85; heavy, $S.60f8.80; packer and
butcher. $8.$O4j.0; Tight. $.408.8$; pigs,
SUKICP AND LAM8&-Recelpt, 4,008
head. Market steady; muttons, $3. Oca
4 00; lamb, $6 HXb.W; rang wether and
yearlings, $3.iO&-l.S0; T-ange ewe, $J.ockj
St. t.oaie Live Stock Market.
ST. LOCI8, Oct. L-CATTUC-Recelpts,
11,000 head, including (00 Texan; market
steady; native beef steers, $5.M(.l0.75i
cows and heifers, ttf.OnD.Ou; ptocker and
feeders, UTW.M; Texas and Indian
steers, 35.OyiSC7.O0; cows and belters, lit. 25m
S.gO; calve in car-load lots, $S.00&6.50.
HOOS-Hecelpts, 8,500 fiead; market 10c
higher; pigs and lights, $7.0Off.&; mixed
snd butchers, 9.1S.30; good heavy, $9.10
.!0. :.- , , ,
SHPP . AND LAMBS Receipts 1,800
head; market steady; native muttons, $3.d0
8.65; Iambs, $g.uS43,
St. Joaenh Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Oct 6.-CATTI-Re-ceipts,
1W head; market steady: steers,
$5.6O10.5O; cows and heifers, $3.258.60;
oalves. 64,00&.2S. ..
IIOGS-Recelpts, 1,609 head; market
steady; top, $8.80; bulk of sale, $8.7tKr
8.80. '
SHKBP AND LAMBS-No receipts;
market steady; lambs, 5.ft9.6i.
' ssnes hi emmjii i. bt
' , Stock in Sight.
Kecelpt of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday;'
I,, - -t ' tattle, Jloga, ..Shaop.
south Omaha 400 s.m . .. ta.
ci. josecn i:
Kansas City 1.009
Bt. I)us ,. ..., H,M
Local Wheat Traders Alarmed 0t
th Foreign Situatloa.
Conntry Offertnga of Oats Are Falrli
Uood, While the raeh Demand
le Fair, with Meek on
Hand for Sale.
OMAHA, Oct. i WW
Th local vwheat trader seem te b.
over alarmed over the foreign situation
"'v 'ie eavence yesterday, in cov
ering of short wheat was on a lrg
scale. Many seemed to Imagine that some
very important war news had been re
ceived from the other side ot the ooesn.
As a matter of fact conditions In the
Balkan states are about the same a for
two days pastj The Liverpool market is
up slightly, because ot lighter offers
from this side. The continent is bidding
ely toT : "heat. No one can estimate
tne effect of foreign news and the mar
ket is likely to be epasmodlc in action,
so far as the demeatlo situation is eon-
cerned there Is nothing to create en
thuj asm ameng buyer. Cash wheat, lc
to liic higher.
Report of froet damage to late orn
; v' mvrm iimueroue yeaieraay ana yei
tne strength In the market was more
largely due to the upturn In wheat than
to crop new. Weather conditions are
munt of corn which will be offered and ,qr ijeoemoer ana tnis leads
many to expect an Increase In the prem
ium for that month over Mey. lp b
general way. the supply of corn I so
large, with restricted feeding demands,
that the trade and the Public are Inclined
to lean to the selling side of May eon
tracts. Local shorta gave that month a,
rairly strong turn late yesterday. Cash
coln ""changed to He lower.
There le no new feature to Oats. The
country offerings are fairly good, while
the cash demand ie fair. Many commi
sion houses have oats for sale. Cash ata"V'J
Ufro higher. , ,.
Clearancee of wheat were 883,000 bu.; ,
corn, 4.000 bu.; oats, 30,000 bu. r 5 :
at, Mverpooi tiosea W41
higher; corn. d higher.
t'rimary wheat reoaipts were 1,6:3,00), '
bUHhels and shlDmenta of 612.000 htmhol' x
against receipts of 1.184.000 bushel and'"'
shlpnients of fST.OOO bushel last year.
Primary corn receipts were 586,000 bush
els and shipments of 368,000 bushel
against receipts of S3J,0C bushels and
shipments of m,m bushels last year.
Primary oat receipts were 1,015,000 bush,
ele and shipments of 1,189,000 bushels
against receipts of 3f.000 bushels and
hlPments of Brt.OOO bushels last year.
lhe following cash sales were reported S
vf'L. S1 V cars, 86c., :
No. 3 hard winter. I car n -
No. i I hard winter, 8 car. 1 ear. hc'.
tlL' 3 er-.44.- mixed,
I r, Mo. No, I mixed. 1 er. 644e; 6
car. 4c. Oats: Htmnri.,A i" . T . '
carc. No. $ white, i car, Tvra
Oeaaha Caak PHeos, '
. WHI!AT--No, 1 bard, MHSTe: Ko.? :
o; No. 8 yellow, Tno'. 4 yellow '
- -..TOW. .ti
OATS Ko. 8 whlla ti U4?1fn.
80f8ie. ' wiV www.,.,
tti RI .'VU.!tl. nut.. jr . t
57fio! na j in, ....
WHffiCi Ne, 8, y;i
Carlo lUoelnt,
nu,.- Wheat, Corp, pat.
Chicago u rt la
Minneapoll 887
Omaha ,....... 28 17 Sif.m
Kan.a.City .'.......'".ftS ;
W. LpulS , ,io 14 ;f'
WWnlpeg ..778 , , Z,
FDlllMa if lb. ITaxtl- '
. w .wan vaaeinsj
Prices ah Baud Wmj r
r ' . t' iiraviar receiots
north wt 4iaA kw.k ,..;.Tr5,,ei
, : : im urny tru inm mar-
ket depressed, vary! lis- from lie t. V "
under last nlht r. ii.i. zz "
it uwn, pais oir W'A1 to Wif. aad V,
provisions trailing from Hn?hange3
flgui-e to 12Vo befow, .Hvwa
Not only were the arrival at spHnsr'-t
wheat center more liberal than of late,-
-'"i' w 'V incroaaeo, ana llieru
wae eaid to be activ nii i ..... -
A niDfinrata ssotiu -u.. Jt ' f
KSu,ii.-?' "."rS0,"L hi ssporterg bad
j'mumr. uniaoa. mere was omeu....
comfort also for ths bulls owing to pre-
i il " " ' r fnow ,n'' fagotaa-
.. 13.0&0
1,000 .. 4 Onft
1,60 1,200
9.000 1,000
18S50 llS
and because a large part of the receipts .
northwest showed poor isulty. Ne liiet-;".;
Ins influnni'. hnviuat u... .VAWi.,4 ,1..::..
market slipping down lower than before.
December ranged from M U 92 '4 o with - :
w mmimm ic, a, n IMS 01 0, -
In corn, n early bulge gave J
y W weakneee due to fine weather
A.nd to tn silnwiisbsia a lBtfe iMja -...
cember -fluctuated, clolng easy at Uc. - f
tfcwvne were 8 ye'it'w. t;i ;
Free selling by commission bous
weighed on the oat market Tip ind"
bottom limits for December were SZH andi.T
HiVkO with the close at th last namad .
level, 54(io lower than twenty-four hour -'
Plenty of realising en the pet nf J e!d-
ers brought about an easy feeling in pro- '-"
Visions. Jamiarv luirlr ImA tU 4.r.n.' - -
ISHo net. ' w- ""rni"
U he leading futures dosed a follow
Aruolej ppan. Hlgb. Low. Piose.) fJ.
I 4
18 35
11 4T
11 22W
10 75
16 224V
May.) 10 V!
11 J7W
19 80
It 85j
W 8741
1 V4
10 17 J
10 30
10 07H 10 00
10 42Mr
U 17
10 00
!3 .'
'; v3-V:
9A "
,. $2:; "
1$ 7)
u 47H r.
mi )o
1 6 :
10 77V, . ..
MS ;t
10 0714
PeorU .Market.
PEORIA. Oct.' e.-CORN-ic lower;
No. $ yellow, 86V48i7ttC No. 3 yellow, 6tiM
ffl74c; No. 4 yellow, 5e; No. 3 mixed
tHe; No. 8 mixed, 66V4c; No, 4 mixed, tic.
OATB--i;nchanged; No, 3 white. 84;
sundard, 33'ac; No. I whit", BV4c; So. 4
wwt. vi , . . ,,;';::
,msA,9.uo.a'tlon were I'lw:
r IAJI nj-fRH11 V " WinTshSB natania S 1 wtAJKH
l,?ZWWiWY sng pe'
Pftnts. U.VM.H; 'baker:;
4Bv. i ir.yT.w.
RYK-No. t, 89S3c. ' " 4
. BARLEY Weed A,. j-j:o. .
to choice malUng, mfic. ,r
PROVISIOKSJn.b m... in mcx,, .a
$1" 2fWerCe8' IU S0, rib,-foOM. '
Teu-I clearances of wheat and fleur
were equal to MM bushel Primary re.
ce Dts were l.n&.OfiO h-iuh.i.
with 1,188,009 bushels the correshdini
Monday; Wheat, 67 cars; corn, 314 cars;
pats 11 cars; hogs, 28.009 head.
Chioago Cash PricesWheat! No 3
red. $1.41.06; No. 3 red. 90c1.01; No 3
naru, ainpMc; wo, hara, 8S91e; No. -1
northern, MV496c; No. 3 northern. 806l
834c; No. 3 northern. mSc; 0
ri-i, uu.uiii, orn; wo. , ss.$ii
7o; Ne. 3 white, mifl7c; No, $ yello
U(S7UC! No. 3. lil!iatiR41n. Nn 5",iT.T'.
i67!ii,cj No. 3 yellow, 66S7Vic: No 4
65rc; No. 4 white, m; No. t v.?:
No., 8- white. KtiWWc- NoT -4 whit
seed. $t,50tf4.00. Clover seel. $13. "011 ft)
mars, reees mciuqea, iixjjajcr ordjnaiv
firsts! aici firsts. 24c. v.wnau
CHICKf K-teady; daisies, . 17l7Uc
twins, M17c; Toung Americas, Xl.4
li'c; long horns, 175igl7Hc. ..
POTATOES Weaa; receipts. 10S cars ',
Michigan. 43$48e; Minnesota, 42ifr45c
Wisconsin,' 40w47c . i '
POCLTRYAHve 'Steady: turkeyp. lie; ,
YBAL-8teady at.814, .-;
i ':
rut .