Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1912, Page 2, Image 2
TIIE BEE: . OilAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 4912. GOVERNMENT PAYS POSTAGE Great Quantity of Bull Moose Cam paign Matter Sent Under Frank. DIXON STEAHTS HIS PRIVILEGE Alleged Pefclte DmiIi Which Arrive at Llaeela Free of Cast I Reeeerelt Caedldecy Are Speeches et XorrU. r ... LINCOLN, Oct .(SpeclaL-'Thetni Shalt not BtU" but It I all right to beat th government 'out of postage. eem to )x mixture of bull -mooe principles, as evidenced by a large on-' signment or politlcaL-speeche marked: "House of Repreehtattves,Y'lVS.'''Parl of Congressional Record. - Free," re ceived at the headquarter of ;the bull moose party In Nebraska. Saturday. The xnlgnmfiit, according to the ship ping tag; conies from Senator Joseph M. Dixon, manager, of the Roosevelt cam paign In iha nation, and Is marked, "Pub lic Documents. Free. U. 8. Senate. Jo seph M. Dixon." L ' Ths pubifc. documents" which in this Instance Happens to be a speech de livered by Cbngregsmaq Norrls soon, after the republican convention, assails the nomination nt Preeldent Taft and also Is a direct assault upon the candidacy of the president. This speech was delivered by Mr. Norrls, or at least tt rot Into the Congressional Record, soon after the Chi cago convention and was evidently a schema arranged beforehand to flood the Country with campaign literature In the interests of Theodora Roosevelt and com pel the rostoffice department to bear the sperms. The envelope -In which - the oeument ars to be sent accompany the oeeohes and are marked on one corner, Thou Shalt Net Steal." In the thar orner, .where the great common people art required to place a 2cent stamp, the bull moo rs get away with the deal by printing "Houss of Representatives. U. a Part of Congressional Record, Free. O, W, Nrrla, V. C." .... Hartlraa Expresses Oplalea. It to my opinio.. said Colonel John C. Harttgan, adjutant ginral under Gov eraor Shailenbcrger two years ago, who was la attendance at the refltrton given Oavsrnor Wilson, yesterday, ''that before election day, folly seventy-five per eent. of the bull moose fellovi will have 1 deserUd Theodore Roosivslt and most i f them will k found back in the rsptibv il'esa party supvvFuug rrendent Taft., 'This may not be th conditions hers . Is Nebraska," continued the colonel, "but I earnestly believe that that condition will exist throughout the country. The campaign of Colonel Roosevelt Is loosing ground here' la ' Nebraska, but no as much I beMeve, as In ether portions of the couatry.M , .' . O. E. Walters,' county, olerfc of Boon! county, was, a. Lincoln visitor to assist in the' welcome given to the democratic candidate for the presidency. In answer to the Question of how the Roosevelt campaign was- standing - up; In'- Boons' county, Jtfr. Walters said: 'fl talk -with ' men every day who voted for Mr. IWo- velt at tho primary who declare that they cannot follow him . Into ' th third' party but will east their vote for either Mr. Taft of Mr.; Wilson" ' ' ,." Oeeral J. H, Culvswwho tme to Llh. coin to fll the.- petition f ' tho-Taft elector. yrj, refers, to th change. In sentiment. t'iLast iummer' up at Bancroft J Chimin, ceuirty, w wera only able .yget twelve- men 'to- sign the Taft petition, iho petition L era, filing today contains th names of eighty seven nun. , We- Jiava not bad to ek men to circulate. th petitions, but in many rases have received letters asking that they might be sent petition.' . A report has been "iwcelved yr Dr. Wilson, of ths state medical board, "that three children have; died of spinal menin gitis at Ltwiston and four from the disease at Bennington. 1 District Attorney Ayers bas filed a . brief In the supreme court In support of tbs finding! of Refers liolcomb in ther South Omaha Fire and Police com mission ease." lie asks for a Judgement on the findings, which were that the defendants, John J. Ryan and Joseph Plvonka. had wilfully failed to enforce the liquor. laws and should be; forced to give; lip .their offices. He combats the assertteH of the defendant ths t they are serving a second terra Instead ft first term and therefore -cannot be ousted for acts committed , during their first term. ! FIGHT AGAINST LOAH SHARKS Iowa Charities Conference Will Start Movement for New law. Nemaha County's .Apple Crop Large '.AUBURN, ' Neb.',- Oct, .Special )--Much difficulty is being experienced by the apple shippers of prownville: In get ting cars. Already over 100 cars have bef shipped from this place and It 'Is Mti- mated-that over 200 will be pent from there, ; Peru, Nemaha, Brock and John son are also important shipping points. At Howe, over H.O0 'bushels ' will be shipped from th orchard -i, of Church Howe & Son. Bhubert,; Just; over the line in Richardson county, s holds th record as an apple shtpping point, Over SO cars were shipped from ther last yesr. The apple ar of good quality Ws.year.-. .' . ' ' :i FRONTIER COUNTY FAIR IS A GREAT SUCCESS 1 SrroCKviliLB, Nb Oct dMSpecai.)--The twenty-sixth annual Frontier County fair closed Friday, Th fair waa a suc cess In every respect , Th , exhibit of produce, and in th ladle department ind Jn, jhe . educational department were (intjsuany good. The weather Wednesday and Thursday wa perfect and the at tendance was unusually large. ' " The trotting race, free-for-all, Friday lowered the track facord her to tt. Major Buckler, owned by C. W, Benson Trenton, and Silver Leaf, owned by W, M. Plourd. each wen a heat In th half mil running race; Urn respectively, A and .Sift. Tb crowd waa thoroughly excited when the two were brought out to run off the tie. Blourd' horse, Sil ver Leaf, won In .51 tat , W. R. Mellor, secretary of ths tato board, was a visitor at-the- fair, Wed nesday. . . EX-MAYOR MILLER OF ' DORCHESTER IS DEAD DOBCHTIOR, Neb., Oct '.-Special.) A telegram was received announcing the death of ex-Mayor Franklin Miller of this place, which occurred in Lerds burg, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Miller spent the latter, pert of the summer months visit ing relatives In different parts of that tat, but Mr. Miller's health had been falling for the lait six .nonUia and not until he .reached, points In Washington did ,b. suffer from the effebts, He was at pace taken back to California, wher he had been. Ut th hospital for over a week. Mr.Ml'lief Nea ex-mayor, secretary of tji" Tarrners' j Co-Operatlv Grain and Lly"itock 'company, a member tif fthe local' Grind Army of th Republic and' a prominent oitlsen of Dorchester. He"r tired from farming about five years ago. HI body will be brought bark for burial. . .-. Free -Brllverr f Wymere. , ";WyMQREM Neb,, Oct, IHBPedaUA postofflce inspeetcf was here yestrdav liuiklnff nvRP 4hm rilv fa dAtarmlnii' the advisability of installing fre city' msff delivery tit accordance with a bill recently' passed In congress ' providing for city malt delivery In smalt towns as an J pefiment. Wymor Is'th flrt town In Nebraska to be considered, as this city is th first to hav put In a petltlbn ask In' tor' delivery service. It I expected thSI 'the' srv1c will b established In about "thirty days. v: WILL : .TEST 7 TEDDLEKS ACT J'' ' . . ' Ifoase Dolnar letrratat Bealitesa Will Appeal to United States . fisprrme Co art la Effort . 4 to Avoid Tax. ' . A Flast aerprlse ;- ' follow th first do of Pr. King' New I4fe PIDs, th ptlnles regulator that strengthen you. Guaranteed., fx. Tot !e by Beaton Drug Co.-Adverttsement DBS MOINES, Oct 6.-(Special.)The problem of tha .loan shark and how to offnet the evil he dos Is one that Is going to be forced to the attention of the Iowa legislature next winter., - T1 tate conference on charities and idrrestlons soon to be held promises to jstart a 'movement that will compel some definite action In legislation. The sub ject of tha lonn shark is given first place oif. the program. The conference is to be held in Cedar Rapids and will be attended by a large number of th people of the state Interested In all subjects pertaining to. the car of unfortunate or of evil ten dencies. Thoso who attend the confer ence are already well Informed as to the evil pf the loan shark system. In ,thls city last summer a crusade against loan shark revealed that a great many wag earners had been grievously oppressed by them and that -some of them have been gaining riches by ques tionable means. . A number of lawyers volunteered their services to fight th battles of those who had been victims of the loan sharks and for a time a stop waa put to some of th worst of the practice. But th reform wave disap peared and conditions are declared to be Just as they, were before. More reoently similar fight hss been started In Cedar Rapids and other cities. Now th stste conference will discuss the subject and undertake to work out som definite plan for effective reform, ' Will Te Peddlers Law.. A test Of the Stat law under which peddler ar required to pay a county license for taking order and delivering good out In rural district I to be mad in -Guthrie county. Tb law gives to coun ties the right . to Impose a license tax and make no distinction a to whether the good to be sold are In Interstate traffic or not, and upon this ground a fight Is to be mad to hav th law de clared unconstitutional The agent for a Chicago firm waa arrested and fined and the company intend to carry the ce to th federal court for a final test. ' leveetlgat Keekek Condition.. -The stat legal department will assist la th investigation of municipal affairs at Keokuk, where It I alleged the city officials have been derelict in their duty In the matter of enforcement of the laws. Some time' ago the citizens discovered that gambling . w as going.: cm openly the city and as a result of the activities of som of the 'societies the chief of police was forced to retire from office abruptly, Now It 1 the desire to baye a full Investigation t)f th matte .andM to dlsctose; who 1 responsible for toe lax enforcement of the law In' the clty.lThe attorney general has been appealed to find will act v ' .:''.-'.; , Courts 'Are 'Too The stt yarns warden In his report filed with th governor for the biennial period take the court of the state to task for being too' lax In the matter of Inflicting tines and penalties on violators iof tbe game Jaws,, thus making it doubly kdlffietUtMto.isMuca. enforcement of those mknil IT deelferea that there are so many t(ewlmml grants to th stat that they are making-Wo ds on the game And fish of the stat" "'. .".' -- 'v 3 Case to Be Appealed. f Pes Moines may be denied cheaper gas for thirty day longer' than Judge Smith McPherohr decree first provided If he consent to a modification of hi ixty day limit from August a, as petitioned by W. L. Read, T. Guernsey and George II. Carr, attorney for the gas company. . The company's counsel will appeal from Mcpherson's decision to the United States o w -,; ;; V. .... '. v- : V ' i 1 iL'! H . ' " 1 !! f 5l ril J PEE1'DIL tho Solf-Acting Oxygen Vashing Compound Enters Your City Today It comes to offer the women of Omaha liberty from the Labor of Washday ll'Persii' Salesmen . begin their work , in Omaha today. ; Persil is the great Qgen Washing Compound. It will clean your clpthes, ".whiten and sweeten them. : : . Porsll hocomo to wash your clothes for you llq Rubblng-rNo Soap Ho Washboard Pcrsi! releases cleansing oxygen. This purifying, harmless oxygen bubbles up through the clothes and forces out the dirt without harming cither the fabrics or their colors. Can vou think of a wav to wash tW could be easier on your clothes? -JS Persil will save your clothes. You can wash , them again and again. You can wear them out in time,, but . Persil will never harm them. Use Persil according to directions on the package. . Ask Your Grocdr how coon 11 E vill-have Persil 10c Ono Prico-fOo , Persil reduces washday drudgery to three simple, easy tasks. You have only to soak your clothes in a tub of Persil solution, bring them to a boil In a solution of Persil, then rinse them well. Can you think of an easier way to wash your clothes P . rThs ,10.cent" box will hire you a dollar in time, Work - n4 clotbciv i Persil will clean clothes without nil. delicate Ucei end gretsy overallt tre til the $zt?i to PcrsX rRemoves alii stains, and will not can not rjure ny labric, " ..l 1 3 it" mSSlm'- '4M: 'mF Hi U'iis supreme court. They want thirty days more time to prepare their appeal. They also ask to be permitted to retain the excess collected above the $-cent rat ince January J, 1911, now estimated to be more than 100.000, until the. ease ha finally been decided by the higher-court For RraahllM. MYi.', Th following dates for repuhUcan peaking meetings have Just leen, an nounced by the committee: C t. Hill, brother of John Wesley Hill Of .OhiO. Will nn.n th ramnadrn In th. Ninth district at Adair next Monday even- If. tie m . I " ""i spena ten aays speaking in the district. M. It. Tnmnla nt rtanla vlll .n,i. . Fairfield, October 18. and the remainder v a " m tn KWh district. Senator H. L Adams at Onawa next Monday evAnfnir Hf.nlaAn Tn..v log, Manchester Thursday afternoon and Miuynnia inurou)f evening. . ..;'' Sx-8enator Thnmtnn City, October 18, and Tom Watson of inuiana, aiuacaiine, same evening.' Ex-Congressman Duncan E. McKlnlay of California, spent all last week' in th State and has hMn p.miDituI in oH ..a r.. iiuiucr weea. later. BODY OF UNIDENTIFIED MAN IS FOUND NEAR GLENW00D OLENWOOD, la., Oct .-(f?peclal)- Whlle squirrel hunting In the pasture of J. M. Buffingtorwr four and a half miles east of Glen wood, at 11-JO this afternooa Clyd Bufflngton found th decomposed body of a man lying In som bushes on a hillside, near som large trees. Acting Coroner Edward viewed th body and deemed an inquest unnecessary. The body Is of an elderly man, about five feet five Inches tall and weighing prob ably 125 rounds Only three tth on upper and fou- on. lower Jaw. Under his head wa folded coat of dark checked cassimere. Th vest of tha. same mate rial and description, dark striped trous ers, black hos end heavy Crossett hoes and gray flannel shirt, completed his attire; $1.83 In money In a decom posed leather purse, two handkerchief and two empty strychnia sulphate hot tls were lying about eighteen feet from th body. Nothing to establish his Iden tity waa found. HI coat bore the mak ers nam, "Arthur S. Hall, Fredonla, N. T" and hi handkerchief had an Initial "R." - MINISTERS GIVE MONEY TO M0RNINGSIDE COLLEGE STORM LAKE, la., Oct .-Speclal.)- At the morning session cf. ths North west Iowa conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, the ministers sub scribed $17,609 to Mornlngslde college. Not a layman was permitted to assist in raising the amount. The work of the conference has moved along with rapidity. Nine men. were ad mitted into ful membership in. th con ference this morning and eleven were admitted on trial. It is estimated that ther will b a shortage of twenty min ister In this conference to properly man the work fpr the coming year. (Continued from. First iafe,) ,l " ' partially, charging tiwm with being the tool of th "twelve bJlllen-doJlar trust" and the corporation, , "No matter which of those parties win' he said, "you will lose, and the corporation w!H ,wln."j rr- j He; objected, te.icaUInc .th bull moos pBJrtyhhlrd party-,. VIt,yoii rhava thr children and a, fpurth, and . fifth ar ,born you wtl. not call the .fifth, born a third child, will you, no matter how , much rackt it makes T" . The first, half of Mr, Beldel's talk was a dsfense. of hi,,, record while mayor of Milwaukee from 91d te-llf He said hi ftdmstran. ifiritf aimwr-; r. form, cut oulj 's twwy grat and of. fended "capital ' and';, vice ., so, thoroughly that the first thing he. knew. th. whle outfit was after him and got him, at. though th socialist vot wa 1,(00 falggr than the vot that put him in the may. or' office. , Retracing; CtrtUse Hen's Ptfc. We are racing fast along the bark trail toward feudalism, according to the socialist vice presidential candidate, as instanced by the fact that but' ten of every hundred students In the publl schools go to High school. "It cost fSS per pupil per year to educate our children until they are ready to enter High school. When they are ready to go to High school but ten out of every hundred go and the other ninety go Hito th factories, the sweat shops, or other Industrie and then we educate the ten at ISO year until they are through High school. This ratio keep up a they go through tb higher institution of learning." , Mr. geidel laid nothing but socialism will remedy this and all other evil con ditions f society. He said ther were laws against railroads rebating, but these provided fine that were paid wunin twenty, minute after they were Imposed and in ten minutes after they were paid other violation even greater than the ordinal wer on foot. " longer rebate," he explained further, "Don't jtheyt No; but hlp- per collect, for leakage apd break Goal of Socialism. "Labor, as th ourc of aj human b!eglng-thla, labor respected Instead of corned a It 1 lodey-yeu know you ar ashamed to take visitors to your city into th section wher th labor, l tig men live, and how them only th wealthy sectlnslabr rpeted as it ought to b-thl ( th goal of th so cialist party. ,, . "Th republican party stand for things a they are. It want no change. The democratic party stands for any old thingi it wants of ficea. Tb 'progres. slv party stands for 'honwty on a platform made up of stolen planks, Th prohibition party, can . only see poverty when ther is a beer ,lgn in sight, Th socialist party recognise In th present system only an epoch in tha develop, ment of society. . Slavery, , communism. feudalism each was an advance - over the preceding stage et society, and so socialism will be a step forward over all the rest." " v - ' ' '--- Mr. Setdel left at midnight for Chey enne. He came her from Lincoln, near which city he has a brother residing.' Pr. L. 13. Moreman, who wa ft can. didat for e.iy commissioner sere on the socialist party, was chairman of th meeting and kept the crowd 1 ebeek until Hr, Scidel irtv bjs tr!a being several mlnuta Oate-.Aa a4miaion ot 16 cents was. onargeaat Jh door and a collection taken, la te, brought-several dollar. ;-...."" ,. ; - , , KING'S HIGHWAY IS STRIPPED It Looki like fbt Deerte4 VUUffe Immortalized by Goldsmith. Befie?Arw - Wrecked, ;Teit" Are folded and All the Kaersry r . Of Elgkteeath King is i Dllpte4.'" Like the Peaerted Village Immortalised by Goldsmith In finished English verse, appeared the King Highway yesterday afternoon, rtripped of 1 ths glorie it enjoyed for the ten days" past. For ten days and nights this. was the heart of pleasure and revelry of Omaha. Yester day rafternoo Jt was an abandoned, vil lage of shattered booths and bleak gtreetev with great drift of whit and red confetti here and there In aheltered corners wher the brisk northwest wind had drifted it like the driven snow. At many-place long drifts of this snow-like confetti extending nearly half a block baa accumulated to depth of from four to six inches, and late in th afternoon tha wind waa til! swirling It ovr th smooth asphalt pavements. Hart en Street Cleaners. A dozen of the olty street cleaners were at work all day sweeping, raking and brushing the streets in an effort to get them dear of confetti, papers, cardboard boxea, cigar stump, orange peelings, buns, and hatf-eaten hamburgers, which littered the streets and every inch of the carnival grounds.' Wagons were kept busy hauling this -debria out of the grounds. Dosens of children, especially boys, roamed ever the grounds all day easrerly searching fjr anything of Interest that might be left a the remain of a ten day revet enjoyed by lw.wo human be ings. Everything about the booths the by searched for stray dimes that by som mishap might hav fallen through a crack in making change at any of the busiest ot the booths. LH Before the Stern. , Late In th afternoon a half dozen heavy trunk and chest belonging to the carnival people, chest that might contain anything from a wild man to an octopus, slll rested ' mysteriously on th grounds In front pf the both they had occupied. Moat of th show people took ths'r bslvnsliids ! in city early in the morning. Many went to Lin coln for a Carnival now open there. Other went to Hasting, where a traet carnival is to b held, still others have quit bulnei fpr the year,, u the car nival season Is practically ever. The Irwin ' Bros.' Frontier wld wet show gav its Jat performance in the afternoon a Rourke' base ball park. An audlenct bat averaged well with (he audience th how had each day of th6 week qam ut to see th wild west feat? of daring and skill, The show has pleased thousand upon thousand during Its has 'na to tay of eight days tn Omaha, and won a mutation for being the real th 'nstead of a series of trained wild west stunts. " Irwlu is Pleased. Manajrer Charles , Irwin announced the ejidience aftes the afternoon per forroano that be wa.r'l P'! his success in Omaha-and that he hoped to bring the show bsck to Omaha next year. The show wll pow disband ror tne year,', Most of th cowboys taking part in the performance are men empioyea oi th Irwin Bros, ranch in Wyoming, and I is there that the how will be taken t winter. The erouD of forty Sioux Indian carried with th show departed In the aft ernoon at 8:K over the Chicago North Western railway for ths Pine Bldge reser vation. which is ther home. Th Indian feature of the show wa staged early tha Afternooa In -order that th Indls might be able to catch this train for th reservation. i WILSON SITS WITH . : BRYAH AT FAIRVIEW TALKING POLITICS (Continued from First Pag.) Of course'we haven't talked about any. thmlng like that," he replied. When Governor Wilson was approached by the correspondents he spoke In warm admiration of his reception In IJneoin and by Bryan." One of the things which Governor Wil son enjoyed about his twenty-hour visit at Lincoln wa sthe- Interplay of wit and humor with Mr, Bryan. Once when Gov. ernor Wilson missed his hat and stood in the corrodor of the Auditorium welt ing for a. member of his party to bring it Mr. Bryan laughingly suggested that perhaps th governor had left hi ht 'In the ring." "Take mine," urged Mr. Bryan, as he placed hi flt sombrero on the governor's head, "you may tak cold." "Oh, no, your're a likely, to take cold as t," replied the governor as he noted th scarcity of Mr, Bryan's hair. Mr. Bryan earn to tb station with Governor Wilson to bid him goodbye. Th governor started at 1:15 o'clock for Denver, where, he -will speak tomorrow. v FIRE RECORD. . Furris 'Hesse Ecrcs. ," .BEATRICE, Neb., Oct .-Specll Tl. egram.)-Th farm house of J. M. Wy land, four mile west ot Betherlnes. was destroyed by fir thl afternoon with all it content, The fire wa caused from a defective f Cue, Loss J2,50O, with C.S09 Insurance. ' Record Price for Land. v ' DORCHESTEtt, Neb., Oct 6.-(8pecial.) -George Johnson of this place sold hi JfiU-acre farm, lying two miles north of town, to John gteckley pf Mllford for $115 per acre. This is a record price for land in this locality. .. , To suit eyery occasion every taste. V All full- flavored, crisp, deli cious. It Try them at our expense. X'S&X vftl i 1 As- f JK:r':sr 1 v. ';-;L '& 1 - Running up and down stairs, sweeping and bending over , making bed win net make a woman healthy er beatifuL She must get out of door, walk a mile er two every day and tak Chamberlain' Tablets- to improve - her digestion and regulate her bowels. For sal hy all dealers. Advertisement We offer you a FREE Surprise Boi" of assorted Sunshine Biscuitssix varieties to test. That's be cause we know how tempting they are and know we can prove their goodness if you will only try them, ; Takhoma Biscuits are crisp, flaky soda crackers made handy for sating, at 5 cents the air-tight package at grocer's. But try them FREE. It's "Our Treat." Mail the coupon, ! Send this Coupon' LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. , j Pleas ead m, FRJ3B, my j Susihin "Surprise Box" of s ! torted SuniHin Biicuiti. Nsm,. ..,.,.,..,, A4dr.,,..........V.......... S Grocer', Nm. ...... Sf Address.. ,.....,...,...,;V certainly cnas -Stomach Misery "Pape'i DiapcpBia ICurjCs, Heart - burn, Gas, Sourness and Indi feition in Five Minutes., Sour, gassy, upset stomach. Indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferment Jnto gases and stubborn lumps; your bead aches , and you feel sick and miserable, that's when f u realls th magic in Pape'a Plapep ln. It make such misery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach 1 .In a continuous revolt If you . can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Dlapepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Dlapepsin. There will not b any distress eat without fear. It's because Pape'a Dlapepsin "really does" regulate weak, out-of-order stomach that fives it Its mil lions of sales annually. ' Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape'a Dlapepsin from any drug store. It is the Quickest. uret stomach relief and cure known. It acta almost like magio It I R scientific, harmless and pleas ant preparation which truly belongs in every home. -Advertisement. LESS BOWEL TROUBLE IN OMAHA Omaha people have found out that A SINGLE DOSE of ln.ple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-1-ka, the German appendicitis remedy, relieves constipation, sour stom ach or gas en the stomach INSTANT LY. This impl mixture antisepticizes th digestive organ and draws off th impurities and it is aurprising how QUICKLY it help. The Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Podge, and the Owl Drug Co., 16th and Har ney. Advertisement. An Unpleasant, Disagreeable Task No Longer Ni Now you tan hp th cfeset pou?s In yoqr A as clean end whit a mw without cown'nf' tAm or touching tktm with year hand. Saw-Flush Clean WatcrClo$et Bowls Sani'fhnh,9fwdr4ehmn ittd (9mp9mi do thi work m aiekly, tp$dy. H'thmrmlea I howl pr plumbing, while end injur thom mi .r : . dangerous to kmndlo. . , J 30 cnf 0 can ; ot your grpcor'i or druggi$t'$. .r..-..T. i- - T - , , in).,- ,. The Unknown Voice That Asko ; ''Number" Those young women whose voice yen hear calling "Num ber f when yo take the receiv er down, ar important person ages In telephone affair. They apply Intelligence' to, a machine that Beyer topa. Tliey r the human , element -f that mak doubly gur the- accuracy of m mechanical device. Ne engine ha ever been mad that will run perfectly without a human force to guide it pow er something always goes wrong and a human brain - is needed to right It The tele phone operator are th en gineers of tn switchboard. With vigilant y they watch the signal on your line to see that everything I working . properly. They guide an auto matic .machine. . fiEBRASSA TELEPDONE COMPANY Gray Hair Sign of Age. Easy Way to Restore Color A harmless remedy, made from com mon garden sage, quickly restores gray hair to natural color. The care of the hair, to prevent it from losing its color and lustre, is just as Important as to care for the teeth to keep them from dis coloring. Why spend money for cos metic and cream tQ Improve t com pletion, and yet neglect your hair, when gray hair, l even mor cpnsp'ouou and uggestiv of age than wrinkle pr a poor complexion 7 Of the two it I easier. to preserve the natural color nd beauty of the hair than it is to have a good complexion. ... All that is pecesary is the occasional use of Wjsth's Sage nd Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common gar den Sage and Sulphur, combined with other valuable j-emedle for dry, harsh, faded hair, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair. After a few applications of this simple, harmless remedy, your hair will gradually be restored to its natural color. In a Bhprt time the dandruff will - , V. ( .lt T UV fT;piliveU. iwr "w iiu tuuvr com out but will start to grow a JN-.. ture intended it should, ... Don't neglect your hair, for it goe. further than anything else to make or mar your good looks. To can buy this remedy at any drug store for fifty cents a bottle, and your druggist will give' your money back If you are not satisfied after using. Purchase a bottle today, You will never regret it when you realise the difference It will make in your appear ance. ., Agents, Sherman & McConnell Drug -Co.. 108 So, Uth, 4 So. 10th. JOT N. 16th and 24th and Farnam Sts. Advertise ment. : ' ' ABASEMENT" PttOHCj 90 404. ABVAWCnrn Vlirann.r. Mat Every Pay III 5. Svery Sight 8: IS This Mh A4riane Anew, tmplr Cbmedr Four, Wn. Hirun. Viola Km O, Four j riorlmon(i, BMw DtU. Belnoot Hrl. ' Wlsstr ud Btrykw. Frke. Mtln Mk. hot mkU Be, act) aatnrdtj tai Susdaj. KlcUt, I 100, Be, Mle. Tie, 1