' ' 'v : r 4 lj - -"If, ' 1 - i if in i -T ; i WW- .l'V,y ill is'flifl' . SBstadV THE BEE: OMAttA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. Saturday's Sales Arc a Striking Demonstration of Our Ability to Give Rare Value With Varieties as Great as Values Are Attractive. There's Ho Seasonable Wants That Cannot Be Filled whm a mil in. ii i-inimwuinmii j J Li " " ; ncar! SjSuinsrVi m "r'-Tiimri 4- Delightful Saturday Bargains Men's Furnishings and Underwear. Auto Gloves, $3 And $4 values at $1.45 Entire stock of a well known manufacturer, come in Cape, Kid, Buckskin and Reindeer, and sell everywhere regu larly at $3.00 and $4.00 pair, our sale price, Pair $1.45 11.00 Mocha Gloves 49c All colors, all sizes TH to 10 H, H guar anteed perfect, greatest snap ever, at 49 Men's Unlined Kid and Mocha Gloves, regular $1.50 and $2valuat8, on sale at 9 Men's Work Gloves, to $2.00 values in Buck skin, Calf Skin and Kid, on sale Saturday, at ...,98 and 4J Boys' $1.00 Gauntlet Gloves, Buckskin or Kid, on sale Saturday, Pair 49 All Wool Shirts or Drawers, made to sell to $2.50 garment, brown, gray . and red, at garment, $1.25. wand 980 Men's 25c Wool, Lisle or Cotton Socks, all colors, 12V4 Fleece Lined Union So ts, all klndB and sizes, $1.50 and $2.00 values, at 9S and 890 Pine Wood Union Salts, very best makes, values up to $3, on sale Sat' urday, $2.08- R2.50 an 81.98 Outing Flannel Night Gowns, all sizes, regu lar values to $2, at, choice, 980, 690 and , ., 49 Fine Blanket Bath Robes, manufacturers' samples, made to sell to $15.00, on sale at $2.45, $2.08, $3.98 up to... $6.98 $4.00 and $5.00 Sweater Coat All wool, la the newest styles, at $2.98 and.... $2.45 Men's Fine Flannel Shirts $2.00 to $3.03 values, ...$145, 980 Men's Dress Shirts All new colors and styles, to $3.00 values, at ..$1.45 and 980 Men's 50c Cashmere - Socks, black, oxford or gray .250 Special for Saturday Domestic Room Large Sized Fringed Bed Spreads, assorted patterns, good weight, $1.50 values ..$1.19 Snow Flake, 81x90 Ready Made Sheets, good, heavy qu&my oi musnn, 65c value 480 Fine bleached mercerized Table Dan. ask; good heavy weight, assorted C&itdrii; sic values itso Parkville Pillow Cases; well made, good muslin, 42x3(i ln., 15c value 18He Imported German Linen Huck Towels, with fancy hemstitched border; 19c values .latto West Wince, fine bleached 86-in. muslin, 8V4c val ues at 6fee WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S OUTER GARMENTS A DISPLAY WHICH ESTABLISHES MORE FIRMLY THAN EVER THE PRESTIGE THIS STORE EN JOYS AS A LEADER IN SHOWING OF AUTHENTIC STYLES. Practicability of design is a feature which pleases all visitors to our busy Suit Department to select styles. neither too conspicuous or too severely modest, yet imparting all that is best and newest from the world's foremost designers and makers. At each price we've bettered the assortments and quality. Hundreds of handsome Tailored Suits all imported models; not a single duplicate in the entire line surpassing grace and beauty ff-n tf - ff,n . in every line. They will delight you at $39, $9? JO J 69 An Ideal Suit at a7 fif Surprisingly moderate be- Surprisingly Mod- iQftfWfl 1&31S 08,1136 the quality and beauty Over 200 New Ones On Display for the First Time Saturday , New Fall Tailored Suits $18, $20 and $22 values; sample line $n.5o "Weaves, Fancy Suitings, etc., in most wanted colorings and styles of a prominent New lork maker; Serges, Baskets a FA , Beautiful One-Piece Dresses Satins, charmeuses, serges, etc., at $19.50, $25, $30 and $35 Long Caracul Cloth Coats Garments made to sell at $15.00 and $18.00; satin lined and come in all sizes; Cl f) fl( on sale Saturday at 4I l.li 75 Sample Johnny Coats All the newest colors- very special vaues m Satur- t A day's sale at V Long Russian Pony Fur Coats Gar ments that sell regularly everywhere at $55 handsomely marked $JQ matcmess uuxgtuiis 100 Handsome Samnle Fur Coats must be closed in the next few days & they're marked surprisingly low. Party and Dan cing Dresses Both Ladies and Misses fine assortment of dain ty designs in the pret tiest colorings; made to sell at $25; ff 4 h QA special at PI Tsll Pretty Chiffon Waists $5.00 to $7.50 values, special CZ'OC Saturday at 4) Children's Winter Coats All sizes; new est styles; $7.50 to - np ee &Wf $12.00 values at . 53.75-55-J.5( Children's Wool Serge Dresses All sizes, 6 to 14 years, regular ff QP $5.00 values, on sale at Ladies' Silk Underskirts JJ Q Special Bargains in the Shoe Section Saturday Special lots in Men's and Women's shoes in all leathers and late styles, sewed with the best silk thread by the Goodyear welt pro cess; values up to.$5.00 and $4.00 in two big lots ; .$3.00 and $2.50 Men's and Women's shoes, all leathers and up-to-date styles, good, serviceable ; shoes for dress or street wear. In this lot are a splen did assortment of big girls' school shoes and men's tan, two buckle, high cut shoes, values up to $3.00; two big lots. . . . . ; . .$1.98 Boys,' Youths' and little Gent's shoes suit able for dress or school wear; rorth up to ?1.0 Misses' .8x4 Children's school shoes,, the regu lar $1.60 kind, lace or button, aU sizes up to S 81.00 Stetson and Crossett hoes for Men. i O rover sad Queen Quality shoes for women who want the beet. $2.25 Men's and Women's all i felt and felt with ' leather . spies slippers for house wear; values up to 75c; In two big lots ...504 "A 394 Childs' shoes In turned soles, sites up to 8, every pair warranted to give satisfaction. .75 Wash Goods New Fall Voiles in aU the popular shades; a good assortment for selection; 60c grades at..... .25 S9o Irish Poplin, all the new tall shades and colors; at xard . ......234 69c Bordered Voile, 45 inch wide; aii good colors, at, yard. . -45 Lecon Cord for fall walstlngs, at, yd., 35 Bdon cloth, the jpopular fall walstlng cloth, in In pretty stripes and plain colors, at, yard ........ ..,15 ABSOLUTELY AUTHENTIC 1 " BBBBBBBHAv. ( . fsv MILLINERY STYLES An immense display, superior in as sortments, superior in quality, at every price. You'll find these prices T.25toS0 Dress and Tailored Hats, t$5 to $50 Classy, distinctive designs which you'll not find dupli cated in any other store at the prices. Ex' w Special Bargains Sat'day 308 Trimmed Hats which should sell to $8.76, on sale, at your choice ..$3.75 Felt Hoods in all colors, snap at D84 Plush Hoods .and Banded Velvet Sailors .51.93 & $2.50 Hatters Plush Crown Sail ors, also derby styles, special at &5.0D Untrimmed Hats, Felts, Velvets, Velours, Plush Beavers, Etc. Latest Styles n Lfii 1 at a saving of HuOUl 2 We Guarantee AU Our Millinery Men's hats $2.00 and $3.00 Values $1.03 and $1A5 New fall style, all the broken lots from the biggest week's selling In our history, and a big line of manufacturers' samples, stiff and soft felts, smooth and rough. Immense assortment of best .styles. Boys and. Children's Hats and Caps All good colors and shapes. Regular value to $1.50, choice -404 and 694 Trunks Saturday One-Third Of Regular Prices Floor samples that sold at from $7.50 to $30, all sizes and styles, at $5 to $20 100 Bags and Suit Cases Leather, matting and rat tan, $1.50 to $10 values, at......$1.25upto $7.50 Best Assortment and Val ues Shown in Omaha. Beautiful Pictures Greatb Underpriced Surprising Assortments Delightful Bargain Prices. You save Easily 25 per cent by Buying Saturday. 75c Pictures, 35c Big Assort ment of subjects; sizes 8x10 to 10x20, to 75c values, on sale, at , 35 93.00 Pictures, $1.00 A fine line of beautiful subjects, in sizes from 12x20 to 14x28, to $3.00 values, at $1.00 Picture Framing at One-Third Off Regular Prices Saturday, Ladies Underwear and Furnishings of all kinds at prices far less than you'll find equal qualities shown elsewhere. Note these specials. 1 Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns and Pajamas, extra heavy, great snap, Satur- Ladies' Fine Union Suits in wool, silk and wool' or lisle, steam shrunk, Ster ling Swan and Harvard Mills makes, special Sat urday at .$1.08. $2.08 Women's Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, to $1.60 values, all sites, on sale, 08 and ........600 Women's Lisle or Co-ton Union Suits, long , sleeve, ankle length, to $1 values, at ..v 400 Children's Wool Union Suits at greatly reduoed prices Saturday. Children's Under Vests or Pants, heavy weight, all sixes, on sale, choice 250 Children's Sateen Bloomer", in all sixes, special at 250 day 080 Women's Heavy Fleeced Vests or Pants, all sites, on tale, garment. . . .400 Ladles 'bilk Hose, made to sell at $1.60, come in black, white or tan,'-all perfect, special at. . 090 Ladles Silk Boot Hose, black and colors, worth to $1 pair, on sals In two lots . '250400 Ask for Wayne Knit Hose, they have double sole and high spliced heel, worth mors than the price. 35 Women's and Ch Wren's . Fleeced and Woolen Hose, A splendid stock of de pendable quality goods. Hand Bag Sale $L00 Hand Bags Big line for selection in Saturday's sale at 49c $2.00 Hand Bags 98c A fine line of ' metal . frame, all leather and leather hand bags, matchless values, 98c 20c Ribbons, 10c A splendid line of the No. 80 plain taffeta ribbons in all wanted colors, at, yd., 10c Ladies' Gloves The best the markets of the world offers in style and qualiio. 12 and IS-Button Length French Kid Gloves Color ings that match perfectly the new gown, best makes, at ....$1.98 and 3.50 Two-Button . Kid Gloves Paris point or embroidered backs, all colors, at. $1.00. $2.00 Cape Gloves Lined or unlined, . best assortment , in Omaha, at 81.00. $1.50 Ladles' Cape Gloves, values to $1.00, on sale Saturday, at 49 Children's Gauntlet Glares and Mlttena, values to $1.00, special .......490 at There's No Garment Quite So Handy as a Good Sweater Coat BESS'S TKBEB BIO SPSCLUS Not only newest styles, but at prices that will be of keenest interest to the economically inclined. Children's, BOsses and Boys' Bwsatsrs In fine wool garments, with or without collars, come in cardinals, oxfords and marooas, $2 to 12.60 values, 9 So to f 1.45 XadlM' 13X0 and tWO Worsted Sweat ers, most desirable weaves, styles and colors, you'll find them matchless, at. only SL.45 to 91-88 Hsndsoms Borf oik Sweaters, mannish weaves in the rough or open neck styles, greatest snap of the season 12.98 Other Splendid Sweater Values at $3 Si, SS, and up to S7.50 Boys' Blouse Waists, 50c and 7Eo val ues, all sizes ( to IS years, at 3 So SSo Bkelss Xalttisr Tarn, black only. K-lb. size, on sale, at lSVio 8a Brand Tama All kinds and colors, at less prices than you'll find equal quality elsewhere. Rugs Greatly Under 'priced Saturday Choice Bargains from Our Big Special MOl Purchase, $30.00 Seamless Wilton Bugs, 11-3x1$ slie, big 11ns of beautiful patterns $21.98 $30.00 Heavy Aiminster Rugs, 9x12 sise, oriental and floral pat terns, , choice. w. .$19.98 H-00 Teivet Bofs, J6i7l stss, extra heavy ..S8.7S 116.60 Tapestry Brussels Bugs Seamless all new patterns, 8-8 10- else, in 10-wire quality and 6x11 size. 8-wire quality . .fll.8 fLOM Tepee Sags, reversible fast colors, for halls and dens. . . .SS.S0 (3.60 laamlnsto Bugs, 2754 size, heavy quality ., f 1.69 ' lee the New Sifslow Bags, noticing letter or mora beautiful manufac tured. We show a fine assortment) of the new patterns. GAS DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Gas Lamp, complete with tubing, shade and best burner, for $1.00 Inverted Gas Burner, complete ready to put up 450 Best 30c Mantles, each... ....230 BeBt 15c Mantles, three for '. 350 Inverted Globes, half frosted, two for 150 Auto Scarfs A Splendid Showing of New Silk and Chiffon Scarfs at Bargain Prices. $1.50 Scarfs at 98c Chiffon scarfs in all most desirable colors, both plain and fancy hemstitched and fringed. $2.00 Scarfs at $1.25 A beautiful assortment of fancy figured scarfs, hem stitched and fringed. $3.00 Scarfs at $198 Beau tiful quality scarf in plain white embroidered in white with plain or fringed ends. Saturday's Bed Spread . Specials Scalloped and fringed imported Mar ellles Bed Spreads; 18 y8 Heavy knotted' fringe "Marseilles Bed Spreads, cut corners; $6.00 values, each ''i7i Fringed or scalloped, cut corners Bea epreads, full size; I values, ea., S3.M Crochet Qullta, full size, scalloped fringed or hemmed; $3 values, ea, $1.98 Fringed . Bed Spreads, full size, mar- sellles patterns; $2 values, ea., $1.38 Hemmed crochet , Quilts; full size, heavy and durable; $LS0 values each $10 Liquor Department iPEcms Satisfying Quality, Sav'ng Prices. Maryland Rye ' Whisky, 6 years old, full Quarts. ........ .754k Per gallon ...$2.50 Or ten label Crukeahelmer Bye Whis ky 8 years old, H-pts SBo Pints, BOo; quarts, Slf gallons, $3.50 Cdar Brook, Weldoa Springs, Stan ley and Jackdaw . Whisky All 3 years old quarts, $1; gala, $050 Suuklit California Win AU va rieties; rich, mellow flavor, qt, BOo California Grape Brandy On sale at. bottle T5o READ HAYDEN'S BIG COOSXB KPZCXJLL J-OH SATTntD&T Assorted Jumbles, Meselna Crisp, Assorted Jelly Fingers, Black Beauty Sandwich, Crystal Coffee Cake and Flaza Cookies, all regular 12 Ho and 16c cookies. Special for Saturday, per lb 8 l-3o rxrr top BExrxB fsabsj bow They are 1-8 the price of Bartletts, and Just as fine for preserves. Buy now. Saturday, bushel baskets $1.10 Large Market Basket 40o Green Peppers for pickles, basket 200 Oreen Tomatoes for pickles, basket at litto Fancy Tokay Grapes, special, lb. 6o SPECIAL GROCERY SALE FOR SATURDAY Fancy Colorado or Utah Freestone Peaches, the last of the season, per crate 80o Now is the time to put up your Green Tomatoes for pickles; large market basket Saturday for soo 4 Basket Crates ZtaUaa Blue Plums, at soo It's xayden's That Hade the Prices for the People of Omaha. ABOTBBB 8PZCIAX ttOVSk SAXB BU.TTJKDAT We want every housewife in Omaha to try a sack of our Special High Grade Diamond H Flour, nothing finer for bread, pastry or pies, per sack $L2Q 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox soap SSo Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg. THo 8 lbs. best White or Tellow Corn meal , 17V40 8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines . .350 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups ?tto 1- lb. cans Fancy Wax or Green Beans at Ilk 2- lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn at THo McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. ..ISfto 8 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch SSo The best Domestic Macaroni, Spag hetti or Vermicelli, pkg. 7tto Tall cans Alaska Salmon .100 It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST "Pays Saturday Ak Sar-Ben BIO BZBJ9 CAOB SAUB SATTTBDAT Small cage, Japanned, your choice of' three colors 790 Medium cage, Japanned, your choice of three colors 8So Large cage, Japanned, your choice of three colors SSo Extra large cage, Japanned, your choice of three colors Extra fancy Japanned cages... .$149 Brass cages, up from. I1M SPBCXAS BAXB OAXYAJTIXXO WABJB No. 1 size heavy galvanized tubs, worth 6Eo 4o No. t slas heavy galvanised tubs, worth 76o i see No. 8 size heavy galvanised tubs, worth 15c .....SSo Hardware Bargains No. 1 isk" extra heavy galvanized tubs; extra heavy rims, wringer at tachments, stationary wood handles, worth at eso No. I "Ids tubs as above, worth IUI 76o No. I ttefc tubs; largest, heaviest and best tubs mads, worth 11.38, 93o KaAM WAatS BOAJUDSV worth 45c. special Saturday at , .29 a ST0TX9 I m MOTS I The Sleek Bisks! "Benowo" u in town. Something new. Bo blacking. Don't fail to see this stove before you bay. Oak Hsatsra, up from $3.93 Bass Burners, handsomely trimmed, up from $38.00 Cast Range with huge closet, up from ,..$35.00 t i Si' NEW BANK BILLS SMALLER Proposed Cb.ansfes In Stse and Gen eral Appearance of Paper Money. In an interview with the Washington correspondent of the Springfield .(Mass.) Republican, Secretary MacVeagh, of the Treasury department, thus outlines pro posed changes in currency: I am sure it Is possible to nke cur rency which will not be confusing. It was suggested that the various denomi nations be of different color. Many ex periments were made with this idea In View, but thus far there has been de vised no scale of colors 'that will with stand the clever manipulation of ' the chemist It would be an easy matter, for instance, to raise a tl bill, which might be green to a 0 bill which would be purple or blue. The only practical method of making aU denominations, in dividual la in the design and printing. The present currency Is too diverse 1b design. I believe that each denomina tion should be characterized by but one portralt-that is, that a dollar, for ex ample, should have but one likeness printed thereon, no matter whether It be silver certificate or treasury riot. Another undesirable feature of the pres ent paper currency is the great amount of unnecessary engraving, which sus pends the numeral in the corner of the note. This is not only confusing, but gives the bill an overdone appearance. The new currency should have plain fig ures, so placed within a whits space that they may be read at a glance. The new plates which I will be able to have completed within a short time will be one-fifth less In slss than the present notes. This advantage, together with uniformity of design, win be a great saving In expense to the department I am able to guarantee that the expense of the new currency wDl be more than 81,000,008 a year less than at present. Aside from the eoaaomla reasons far the change there are others equally impor tant Facility of handling both by tellers of banks and officials in subUeasurtes Is another important gala, Not until recently did I learn defi nitely that I have authority to determine what shall be the stse and design of the ourrency Issued by Individual national banks. This matter having been decided I am ready to Issue a new currency as soon as the mechanical work of engraving- and printing Is completed. It has been soggested that the national bank nota be made from a series of standard plates, on tor. each denomination, If this Is done, and it seems entirely pians Ibla, we can save the banks a great ex panse. In ease this method la adopted the name of the bank issuing a given series of notes would be printed Into the design on a different color and by much the same process as is now used in the stamping of the series and number. Anothfi feat are of the now eurrency wQl be its artlstio improvement We save been in oansulta&aa with the noted artists In the country, and their united opinion Is that there is even mors possibility of artlstio excellence In the bank note than In the new colas. The new designs will not be as muoh filled with detail as at present Is the case. Another feature of the small bill that will appeal to everyone Is Its long Hfe. The new note will go Into any ordinary purse, with but one fold. Each time a bill is folded It becomes less durable. It will be possible to lay these notes flat la any ordinary bill wallet so that fold ing and the wearing of the edges will be no longer neoessary. When yoa take Into consideration the fact that the life of a H bill Is but six months It will be readily seen that anything that tends to save the note from wear is a distinct saving of expense. Doing beats wishing, but it requires far more manual labor. A good iuMband la one who doesnt think his wife talks too much. Erery man believes be la entitled to a lot ef credit ha doesn't gat. POLITICIANS OF OTHER DAYS Is History Too Sevotro with Burr, t Too Friendly Toward Hamilton T It was IDS years ago that Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton on Weehawken Heights. Of what happened that day Americans will never cease to think with deepest sorrow and regret In the death of Ham ilton the country lost one of Its greatest men and sinoerest patriots, and in the bUsting of Burr's fame and osefulaess that followed upon the killing of Ham ilton, the people found much to regret Tot It la not to be forgotten that there ara two sides to the unfortunate affair. The old Idea that Hamilton was & saint and that Burr was a devil, who thirsted for Hamilton's Mood and deUberataly planned the duel as the means of grati fying his ghoulish hats. Is no longer tenable. Burr was . human, and being human, he was not immune to the pas sions that have ever swayed humanity; but bo was not a devil or a fiend by sny means. Far from being the best of men, he was a long way from being the worst , To understand that famous duel it Is necessary to know all about the politico of the time, especially New fork pollUas. Burr and Hamilton were political rivals and in those days to be political rivals was next door to being personal enemies. Anyone who will read, carefully Pa tron's "Life of Aaron Burr" will lesrs that of all the vile political methods that ever existed In our country those that prevailed in the stats of New Tork from 1800 to ISM were the vilest Never have politicians stooped so low or resorted to more Infamous subterfuges, and never were the personal animosities between rival politicians mors bitter and remorse less. Now, If the plain truth must be told, of all the poimctaps at that day AsMaodar Hamilton was the bitterest and most ut scrupulous in his methods. Of all hit opponents Burr was the most powerful, the worst hated, and the most feared. an it Will be no news to such as are nnatoi , In the history of the time we are talking aoout to say that his treatment o( Burr, Hamilton V-os at no means thai would accomplish his end. , la a word, if a man were Justified is hating another. Burr was Justified in hating Hamilton. It has been clearly proven that so far as the ethics of po litioal methods used by the two men were concerned, ' those of Burr were much the fairer snd cleaner. And the duet WelL the duel was popu lar at that time, and was the Rmral!n .accepted means of settling differences be tween public men. Hamilton himself be. - "second" in one or mors duels. Bun challenged him to fight, and being It earnest fired to kill his adversary. f: ft a t '.A i i " j