THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER i, 1912. The Nearlyweds-Jist Like Jerry Drawn for The Bee by George McManus CM?) MY COAT CArtXHTtN THC ftAFE - NOW VHAT m I TO DO wHT YOU ilLLY BOX " JU4ST TAKR tOUK COAT OFF! Copyright, 1912, National News Assn. - ' -r- : 1 : i 1 X I r BTJovcrLu I I - I- , ahdcomcoovhto. iW ' . HAVE TO STAY ) WiStS6-"11"-- " T ' I V HCRC ALL NIGHT I A PRCOlCTAMENTf T f YOURE A , tJnt e4Q?4c "Cl' J WANT ADS Want d9 received at any time, but to insure proper classification - tnast be presented before 12:00 '"o'clock noon for the evening edition ' and before 7:80 p. m,, for morning and Sunday edition). Want ad re cclvexl after such hour will have " their first insertion under the head " ing "Too Late to Clawtif jr." , . CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One Insertion 2 cents a word. Two or more consecutive inser tions 1H cent a word. No adver fisement taken for less titan 20 cents. j " ' i f - CHARGE- RATES. Sli words to the line. One insertion 12 rent per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 9 cents per line. . One line per month $1.80. Twenty cent 'a minimum charge. BIRTHS A.TD DBATHS. Brths Andrew end Bess! Qraff, 104.1 iJomlnloh. girl; A. C. and Ida Krell. SiB7 Jleredlth avenue, boy; Ralph and, Ethel McLaughlin, hospital, girl; E. G. and L. C. flmith. 2812 Hickory, boy. Deaths-OUe Hobbs, 30 years, hos pital: Oustav Pegau, 7 years, 2420 Tem lieton; Swan - Anderson, 27 years, hos pital; Ray Allen Zlnn, 27 years, hospital. HELP WANTED MALE. A areata, gulesmea and tef altore. WE want thres naat appearing young men to travel with our manager. Call tor Mr. Etllot, 607 Brsndels theater. Jaeger iilOi. Mfg. (70 SALESMEN WA NTED H Igh grade legitimate line en commission bsais. Man with experience In electrical suppllea pre ferred, atate age. experience and refer ences for attention. Address T 1ST, Bee, WANTED SITUATIONS HELP! Call the Omaha Employment Bureau. Douglaa 1112. - Will call for bundles and family wash ing, work guaranteed. Tel. Harney 6874. -EXCLUSIVE SHOPS- BrSlXESS PERSONALS WANTED Bookkeeping or stenographic work desired Saturdays -or evenings by young lady. Address D 788, Bee. WANTED-Balee manager: we have an attractive proportion to offer compe tent men who can handle general selling agency for new automatic wrapping pa per printer, needed by all merchants. See G. C. Varnum, Room R!, Henshaw hotel. SALESMEN Wanted-Llve men; a good proportion to right party. Call M. L. Marker, Plasa Hotel. ' ' j AGENTS Don't be greedy for work; easily make 14 to $10 a day; aell every where, without talk; sample and cata logue free. WAVBRLY SPEC. CO.. Box 104. Waverly Kan. BUILDING PERMITS. " American Security company, 4120 North Nineteenth, frame dwelling, $3,000, and 4134 North Nineteenth, frame dwelling, l."000; John . Pearaon, Thirty-sixth ave nue and Fowler, frame dwelling, $3,400; i- H. Bennett, DOS North Twenty-slxth, frams dwelling, 22,600, WANTED Real salesman to aell our noted and unique line of map and other specialty calendars; our line Is different, exclusive; It lands the big buyer tired of pictures; we also make a strong line of leather novelties, fans and outdoor signs: strongest combined outfit- ever offered; big money for live man; we make all our goods; that means low prices; isia territory now being placed. Write fully, give experience In first let ter. Kenyon Company, ls Moines, la. (3Gth yea). ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aa Saleswomen. WAXTED at once, rlvs bHght. capable ladles for fall months to travel, demon strate and tell dealers, IK to lie nr week; it. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug vvwfwj, irnejr 01.- - ' factery and Trades. WAM'ED-W girls. Iten Biscuit Ce. yiRLH to learn halrdresalW PHoes reasonable. Apply H. J. McCarthy, Hair Goods Dept.. brandeU Stores.. Hoasekeraera and Oaatestte. ,"BRVANT- GIR1' PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Bervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until v tfjsired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Oma.ha and Council Jjluffe. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. W ANTE D-Cornpetent cook and second wald., Mrs. J. N. Baldwin, m H. 40th. TWO honest, active men to canvass farmers, threshers and garages In Ne braska, with full line of oil, grease, belt ing, hose and paints, on most liberal trmi nnftalhlar evnerlence not neeeesarv. The best season Is now at hand to make lots of money. It ro t you nothing to write for particulars. The Noble Re fining Co., Cleveland. o;.lo. 170 MONTHLY for man to manage branch office, eastern .Nebraska;' small investment for rixtureK. Address capital Collection Co., Des Moines, la. , WANTED Five good reliable boys, flood wages. W. IT. Tel. Co,, 212 R. 13 Bt. Clerical aael Office. We can always place HIGH GItA.DE office help. Our terms are tiie most rea- sonable and methods the mdst practical in the city. Call and mveatigate. CO-OPERATIVE RIOKERENCB C. 1015-14 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. YOUNG men, atudy law. Omaha School of Law. liw Dupt.AUnlverslty cf Omaha. Evening sesHions. For further Information ' address secretary, 61 Mo- Cague Bldg. Tel. Doug. Wl. Factory aad Trades, Drug Store (snap) jobs: Knlest, Bee Bldg, POSITION as colored chauffeur: rood references: will do other .work. 2S23 Lake St. Oscar Hlckox. YOUNG ladv with about years' cler ical experience In office, has also worked on comptometer, would like a position. Write A 777. care Bee. POSITION as cook. Call Webster 4010. POSITION as engineer; steam, elec tricity, ice and refrigeration. Address, J 80s, Bee. ' REGISTERED druggist desires position as manager or clerk. Country preferred. Address G 806. care of Bee. . BOHEMIAN widow with 7-months'-old babe wants place to do housework where no laundry work Is required. Harney z" ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglaa 882, Piano Values While visiting the atc-rar-rktw m f.r? t0 vtalt our P'a-io store. We are the Tf mna waest plauo house west of L-nicago. You have our 28 years of piano xperlence Li your disposal. we guarantee every piano to be Just as represented. TCa nf.r vnn t tkn....nri. of satisfied customers. We rarrv c , ,oU .iann. . u . n, . Hamlin, Kranlch & Bach, Krakauer and viuor wen Known makes. uur prices are the lowest In the city, OeOAUSe We Ulirr.hana in r.plnari Inta only. We can give you more for your "If"'? than any other piano house In the city. Pay a visit to our store, look at our pianos and let us explain our terms. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas St., Omaha. Xeo. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3373. Alfred C. Kennedy, "dInL0r: anoe. 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.' D. 721 Twenty per cent less then Omaha prices HUHB f L n.MTUKB CO.. ' Twenty-fourth and L ta, South Omaha Plumes renovated. iX, Faxton Blk. D. 8394. S. 11. Cole Sign- Co. D. 1W. 1316 Farnam Bt YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST. NOW TRY THE BEST. Until Oct. L 1912. w A furnish ennA rmJi of lining, clean, press and reline oven coats for $5.00 . WB CALL AND DELIVER, SUCCESS CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING COMPANY. 14TH AND DODGE. TEL. DOUG. 28. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 50, postpaid, 22.75; try half doaen; If not satisfactory money refunded; BEA TON DRi:G CO.. 1KB Farnam, Omaha. . Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. PAPEK hangera, use Snowflake Pasta Omaha Paste Co., 718 South 18th St. ANCHOR FENCE 00., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red IU4. D. a Griffith, wig mfr 12 Frenzer Blk. ALL will be forgiven, Mary,' If you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and Ihe Golden Stairs on ltith and Douglas Sts. That la where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rings. ECONOMY THE ROAD TO WEALTH. If in the market for a nlann th tlma tn buy is now; tb place, here: the way. be your own agent. Make your own aeleo tion; by so doing save sales expense which adds to cost of every piano sold by ordi nary neater, we carry in stock the lam OUS HENRY F. A11L.IJ0U STORY CLARK, LA FF ARGUE & CO. and other standard makes of pianos and player pianos. Bargains In new and slightly used high grade pianos. Must be sold: $350 up right mahogany piano; ' one mahogany Piano player; elegant 22f Reglna music uox, 2i aisas; Kimball organ. O. H. HARR PIANO CO., Third Floor Boston Store. N. P. Swanson, Undertaker. We are now In our new building and haveVone of the, most up-to-date under taking establlsbmenta In city. Iii2a Cum ing. 1). 1000. Large chapel 'n connection. BEST braoer for men. Gray's Nerve Food pills, II per box, postpaid, snerman ft Mcconneii Drug Co., Omaoa, Neb, SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Our celebrated Chinese Herb Medicine cuiea rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart trouble, female trouble and dropsy, regu lates deformities caused from sickness or Inflammation. In fact It is an Immediate relief and an eventual Cure for all chronlo diseases of the system. If you are a But ferer, cal) 0r write today. 202 N. 18th. ; PLATE dinners, sandwiches, Stars and Stripes beer, jetes Saloon, l A Douglaa WANTED A middle-aged lady as housekeeper in family of four. Apply at a Fatrmount Ave.. Council Bluffs, Ja. . WANTED-A girl about 1 years. Phone fiHrney 741. 1304 Bo. 86th St. LEARN AOT0M0BILE I ENGINEERING. Get into the automobile business, learn It complete In the largest and best equipped training school in this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are in demand. . Write or call for our latest catalogue. i NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 141-17 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. Why don't YOU buy YOUR PAINT where the Best Painters buy. They buy from u. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. WW,!, Farnam St. Douglas 47SO. ; ' GIRL for general housework to assist with cooking; no washing, 4012 Harney, Thono H. 640. " " WANTED An experienced oook; refer ence required. 43 S. 8th. Phone Harney t. Mrs. L. L. Kountse. MRfl. RUGG wants competent girl for tieral housework; two n family: good .wages. 4 Normandy apartmenu. Park Ave, and Paclflo St. GOOD sjirl for gnneral housework;. Jsit iSarnam St. H. 404. - WANTED Tailor who can make nanta and vesta. Fred M. Kuwiuky, Nebraska, City, Neb. GOOD girl for wood were, can ao fcary. Tel. Harney 2110. general housework; home nights If use. GOOD girl for housework, r. T.l w.-. ty S&2S. 219 So. 8Sth Ava EXPERIENCED airl for senarai hnU pork for family of 8; no laundry. Mrs. ftValte H. Sqoler. 124 W. 88th Ave. GIRL for general housework. 381? Var- am. it. 4288. GIRL for general housework; family of i. ippijr mo . mo. u. not. . - YOUNG girl to assist with homework hfelp to take care of two little girls, ages s ana a Appijr nt iaxe. W. mi. WANTED Dining room girl. Apply at larxson noepitai, aisi ana Howard. GIRL for general housework; 2 in fam ily; good wages. aJ uoage. WANTED An experienced housemaid. 10H & slut Ave. Tel Harney C4. WANTED A competent girl for general housework In family of three; references required. Mrs. Victor White, sm Call fomla St Telephone Harney 127. WANTED Elderly woman as house keeper for widower and son. Apply 1402 wo. 7th St. council Biurrs, is. GIRL for general housework. l?th St Harney 25. - . 1322 So COMPETENT cook, references, 607 So. . 11. SUM, - . GOOD girl for general bouse work, small family, 118 go. 26th St. Harney 884. 14 laellaae9M. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding pieces or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. LADIES Earn 112 week at home; sam ples of work and particulars, lOo. Fed eral Co,. 2658 N. 48d Ave,, Chicago, III. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising. "TalJg-r Beck." WANTED For permanent positions. men between the ages of 21 and Hi; rough carpenters to do car repair work in Chi cago; rate 25 cents per hour; tools to be furnished by applicant; call on Illinois Central Freight Agent, Uth and Chicago bis., umana, ior tree transportation. WANTED Two experienced stove men. A. Gilllnsky, 307 W. Hdway. Co. Bluffs, la. The Mandarin Cafe. 1400 Douglas, 2d floor.- Steaks, chops, chop suey, Chinese dishes. Also quick lunches. Best service. GOOD coat maker wanted at onca: nuui be sober man and first-class tailor; good wmm, auurm nensan reterson, f Te- mont. Neb. ' Rubber Goods All kinds; fsoe creams nad powders; hair, tootn ana nan brushes. . THE BELL DRUG CO., 1218 Farnam. WANTED A general i-coalr foreman. for all around packing house work; please give references; state age, experience and salary required. Address Y 1W. Bee. Charles Loftman, wines, liquors and ci gars, merchants luncn. Mtn Howara, WANTED Pipe titter bosa for senaral packing house work; please give refer ences; state age, experienoe and salary required. Address Y 186, Bee. TAILOR WANTED For mxlrinr pants and vest making; steady work and sa Herman raiereen, JTremont, Neb. ', i. . , WANTED Assistant window lrtmm.r 1 to I years' experience, by larfe Omaha oeartnieni store; state run qua; float tons in urn leuer; ten me wny you will be tne man ior ins Place. Addraaa Rot 800. Bee. , wjuu urn around blacksmith. t.iv work for good man. Apply Brown Truck 4a. v., ataiuii, rtww WANTED a or 2 good coat makers at (One. Good prices and steady work. r purgner, Atlantic, la. wantki Ten or fifteen-team grad ing outfit for good wheeler work on umana oeii. Apply, j,. j. smith- Const. vo., wapia Bt. ana umana Belt . Miscellanea ns. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile -busbies: chauffaura. repairmen, demonstrators, are tn big de mand ana cuirmana large salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn., su w. zutti wt. omaha. Neb. US WEEKLY paid lady of neat ap i :earance: work can be done from home. -AJcade Mfg. Co.. Como Bldg., Chicago. THIRTY girls at once to work In Bemts .Omaha Bag Co. plant, Uth and Jones v 1 ..reet. ' ' WANTED Young lady to work lo , i'u Seville act. . See Mr. Thatcher, Boston " i tfi, room t. .. t. HELP WANTEDMALE. Aurut; Salesnea avael folirltara. AGENTS, "SOLICITORS If you arc a lire wire and looking for WANTED For U. 8. army, ablehodlari. unmarried men between agea of 18 and 83; citizens of United ' Statea, of good char- avivr ana lauuwuan naoits, WnO can speak, read and write the English lan guage, ror iniormatton apply to Recruit ing orricer, jsth . and Douglas Sta, umana, xveo.; v rourtn St., Sioux City, is.; iju xenin oi., i,incoin. Neb. ' TELEGRAPH positions guarsnteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in our bc-iioui. rmuuci on n. rw Wlr. Address for particulars,. H. B. Boy lea, rres. ooyiea course, umana, eo. - MAIL carriers, poatotrice clerks wanted: - per monin. Omaha, exam Inatlons November 6. Free coachln. Franklin Institute, Dept. 214 8, Rochester, HELP WANTED : Male sad Female Help. MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions. 2S0 per month. Write lor seething go.xL Jaetrer Bros. Mfg. Co., ! list of positions open. Franklin Institute. arandeis Theater B:da. "Nuff cad." Dept. 217 8. Rochester, N. Y. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKIN8, Sl S, 16TH, UPSTAIRS. CINDERS FREE Omaha Gas Co., 20th and Center. AK-SAR-BKN SPECIALTIES HOME PLATE CAFE The Right Place to Eat." 220 g. ISth 8t We Offer TO THE PUBLIC" The very best whisky on ths market for the small sum of 13.00 per gallon. The very best port wine ' we offer for 11.00 per gal. C. SCHLANK & CO., 1307 Douglas St AK-SAR-BEN guests, visit the New Home Restaurant, li!4 Capitol Ave. Best meals, 16c. The best for your money. ATTRACTIONS 18 th and Douglas. Motion pictures machine and film bargains OMAHA FILM EX; AUTOMOBILES. v ALBERT H. BIHLEBv Auto repairer. 2239 Farnam. Douglas SSI& -TRUCKS One-ton. 2-ton. 3-ton and (-ton; any styla body: service sad satisfaction guar anteed. , Best service station In ' OraaSia, DRUMM0ND New Garage. 26th and Farnam. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING. PiilNTUXO. VTPTJPF.PATP.TNrfl.3on'.t throw tires. We make them almost as gcd ai new. Homing out nignest prKtd and new materials used. ' All work curanteed. Arthur 8 tors Auto Supply Co., WO Far nam. " F FTVTC Auto ' Tinners. general . repairing, urn Far., rear AUTO livery. 2d hand oars bought and soio. expert repairing . W4 N, th. Tel CYLINDER repairing, auto tinning, vulcanising., 1632 capltoi Ave. Mntorryclea. 1 motorcycled 24 horse power, Indian, 130. a Sharman Ave. - Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1001. 5IEDICAL BLUE LABEL Guee-enhe1mer rv. alvhr years old, per full quart, ll.oa Weldon Springs Bourbon. 8 veara old. Per quart. Sl.OO. Maryland rye, per quart, 76 cents. Home made grape wine, gal., D.OO. 2 quart bottles of beer, 26 cent a Malt Tonic, extra fine. 10 cents a bottle. CACKLEY BROS., 121-23 N. I6th St Opposite Postofflee. HESS & SWOBODA, 141P Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. D. 1258. Foundries. aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. OMAHA'S DOLL HOSPITAL AND GIFT SHOP. We do all kinds of Doll Repairing, such as new. heads, limbs, bodies snd wigs. Restringlng , and eyes reset. Exclusive novelties, suitable for wed ding, birthday, Christmas and remem brance gifts. ,. The Tekna Shop 1823 Farnam St Phone, Douglas 8210. Furnaces anal Repairs. TlffPirofl i- ...... furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast Let us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 2a Charles L. Cocke, Jr., piano, 618 McCague. John A. Rylcn THE TAILOR AK-SAR-BEN GUESTS VISIT THIS SHOP and we will fit you out with one of our fine tailor-made ladles' or Men's Suits at very reasonable prices. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED TEL. RED 27S4. 205 PAXTON BLOCK. Mr. and Mm Kalv i..Ah.n 200 a 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 2027. Cora Schwartz, voice. 401 Boyd theater. THE ELITE CAFE 207-209-211 South 14th street. Reopened under new management. Newly remod eledthe finest Chinese-American care in the west. Everything the market af fords at popular prices. - Chop sueys and warmelns, eggs and noodles. All styles, finest steaks and chops In ths city. Our 35-cent dinner from 12 to 2 and S to 8 1s the best In the city. MR. VISITOR, BE SURE to visit the SODOASIS at Sherman A MoConnall Drug Co., southwest corner of Uth and Dodge Sts.. AND the OWL'8 NEST at the OWL DRUG CO.. northwest comer of 16th and Harney Sta We serve the daintiest kinds of Lunches. Hot Drinks of all kinds at ALL hours Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Returns, ' AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS . be sure to vist our PILLOW STORE We carry the largest stock of Pillows, Down Slips and Feather Mattresses in the west. .' We can give you any size pillow you wish in either all down or feathers and down mixed. PRICES REASONABLE, We are also expert feather renovators. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Phone Douglas 2467. 1721 Cuming St LANDERYOU ' "Maker of Uood Clothea" FALL WOOLENS ON DISPLAY. 305 South Ninteenth Street. Farnam Hotel Bldg. SECOND RAND AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS. STODDARD- Dayton 7-passenger lim ousine. Stoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. Stoddard-Dayton 6-passenger touring oar. Xiooomoblle I-passenger limousine wltn touring body. Locomobile (-passenger limousine. Locomobile 6-passenger touring car. Locomobile 5-passenger roadster. Overland 4-passenger roadster. J. J. DERIGHT, 1818 Farnam St. ' Bargains in Second Hand Cars We have greatly reduced our prices on second-hand cars for quick delivery. These cars are all In first-class condition snd will give the best of satisfaction. Call and see cars before buying. IL E. FREDRICKSON AUTO. CO. BUSH-ESS PERSONALS Civil Engineers. E. E. Moore, 620 Paxton Blk. Doug. 8068. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. Coins. Old Coins Btanips, "ought, aold, viu wuia .haneea: omaha Coin Stamp Co., 619 N. lth. ex-and Dancing Academies. BARIGHT HALL, 19th and Farnara, assembly Friday. For terms 'phone So. ztfc4. uenevieve Hauflarre, Instructor. IF you don't dance see Prof. Mackie, ibis narney tit. rnone Uouglas F348. FOR 8ALbi-Forty-horseDoer roadster. 128-Inch , wheel baa thirty-five by four Urea equipped with Hartrord shock ab sorbers, trunk, mohair top, wind shield, speedometer, spark plug pump, extra Ure and tubes, eta Inquire O. J. Hip well, care Powell Supply company. BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG STORE, good paying for right party; must sell; investigate; good reas ons for selling.. L 762 Baa MR BUSINESS MAN Your presence ta ease of tire on your propery la Impera tive, We notify you at once In case ot fire. OMAHA FIRE REPORTING , AGENCY. 1812 Harney St Douglas -4387. TO get In or out ot business, call on OANGE3TAD. 404 Bee Bldg., Tel. D. 3477. GOOD opportunity tor a Uve man. For sale, : a ' moving ptoture theater tn the heart of. the city. No agents. Strictly business proposition only. For further Information apply to Philip Goldberg, Cameraphoue Theater, 1408 Douglaa St. RESTAURANT tor sale, inquire of owner. 320 S. .13th. GENERAL merchandise stock for sale, consisting-ot dry goods, ladles' and gents' furnishings and shoes. Terms, cash; 80 cents on the dollar of . the wholesale price.' Stock In splendid condition. County seat town, 1000 population. Main line of V. P. It It Fireproof building, 26x1. Rent 135 per month. Best of reasons for selling. J. I Mitchell, Lexington, Neb. SALOON for sale; good location; will sell for Invoice price; wish to retire. A 768, Bee.' - WANT to remove electric light plant to good small town, or will sell machinery cheap. Department B. Electrical Utili ties Exchange, Omaha. . BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects. Plans A Bldg. estimate. Cottrell."W. 8SL -. . Bawrllngr. , Association Bowling Alleys. W. T. Per kins & Co., B. Hull, Mgr. 1313-15-17 Harney. SECOND-HAND -tTTOMOBILES. STODDARD-DAYTON T-passenger U mousme. Rebuilt and repainted. All In fine condition. J. J. DERIGHT AUTO CO.- Chiropodists, Dr. Monheit," 403 8. 16th St. Doug. 133. UK. ROY, 1606 Farnam. Douglas (407. Dresamalrfaa. Anna Slstek. suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 215-6 City Nat Bk. D. 6969. BRYAN & O'BRIEN, dressmaktntr and tailoring, .uee mag. Hen 4293. Fitzpatrick, tailor, dress'g. 3504 Davenport Miss Naplnsky, gowns. 608 Paxton. D. 6914. Dressmaking. 1707 Dodge. Douglas 7s2l. Terry's Dressmaking college, aoth & Far. : DraKatsts. UKUUS at cut Drtces: frclirht nalri nn 110 nrriftr. ' ratalniniA f r ah.,m.n McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Detectives. JAMir.9 It.T.lVnn V 411. Hi. nu dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONUNECKER, 517 Karbaoh Blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Ago., bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. Everything; far the Home. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines.. Nebraska Cycle Co.. l&tn ana Harney sta. r none Douglas lfttf Evevrtatna-Electrical. WOT FF ELECTRIC CO. ' V-y,-'X Masda Lamps Wiring. Fixtures, washing machines, electric Irons, heating devices, vibrators. 1S16 varnan) Bt. i ALL kinds electrical apparatus, new and Zd-hand, and electrical repairs. Le Broa Electrical worm, sis a. 13th. Omaha. LOWEST PRICES on massage vlbratora BJtLiNU f un tu-rAua HOUKUfiT. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO.. 880 Brandels Bldg. 'Phone Dnugias 6293. BTerythlaa; (OP AVeaaea. Mrs. Olasn. 1st class carpet weaving. W.6WI LOHRMAN rellb,' ,adies' allor, is AA;uiwuAi)loCittd 433-6 Paxton blk. latest styles, matenaia Popular prices. WILLOW plumes made from, old and new learners, age b. an KL Doug. 55G& BATH'S. Florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. Brandels Cut Flower Dept. New Store. Mnalo, Art and Langrnages. HENRY COX, Violinist. H. 3904. FRANK MACH, violinist Red 4627. Helen Badilek, teacher of piano. W. 1346. Moving;, Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. Furn. Moving; 2 men, tl per hr. W. 274S. Nurseries and , Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. , B. F. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 448 Brandels . , Osteopathy, Alice Johnson,. 30S-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Printing; DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. WjltprH-Hoynhti V TJfcr Pn ni llf v Vlnrl . . . -..MHaw. ve,. v-w. t H"a'v aiuui quick service. Doug. 2130. 522-24 So. 13th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, gouegh?(SS8 BK1S BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. SUPERIOR fiTlAnti! CIV VPlHTivn JUHH XHUMPSON. Webster 3197 Rels-Hall Ptg. Co.. 109 g. Uth. Ind. A-3521 New Treatment Electron Sanatorium 1812 N. 26th St. Phone W. 672. Cures nervous diseases, rheuma tims, all diseases of lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, tc. Female diseases, nondevelopment of ,- chil dren, etc. Wm. F. Race, M. D. Office and residence at Sanatorium. Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Piles Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book n rectal diseases with testimoniala DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Patents. D. O. BarneK, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. H. A HTIlimiS rasl.urul ...- United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Stenographers and Court Report.. Myrtle A. Kelley, 816 Bran. The. D. 6681 Store and Office Fixtures. ELECTRIC sauanirA grinder 9 reglEtfcrs, scales, showcases, all kinds of iixiures nougnt ana sola, levys, mo N 8t., South Omaha. WE BUY and sell anything, evervthlnz In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures. bought, sold. Levy, 2ul0 N, South Omaha. Tents and Awnlass. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel Douglas 821 Trnnka and Suit Cases. Frellng & Stelnle, 1303 Farnam St . Wlnca and Lienors. WILLOW SnrinKS beer. Ilauor. clears. sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 502-3 S. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 522 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses tn Business, - Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at once. Addresa H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. MONDAY . EVENING, OCT. 7. Y. W. C. A. EDUCATIONAL RALLY. Interesting program, . conferences with teachers. , ' ; All Classes Begin October 8. Mosher-Lampman College . Unsurpassed coursea Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work, for board. Address Mosher-Lampman, 1816 Farnam St.. Omaha, Nab. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOX STABLES New location, first-class nvery ana poeming. i4 cum.ig. P. 166. cuubtu or open carriage, rubber tires, Drumrnoud make, for 16 per cent cost, an Brown Block. Tel Harney 633. FIRST-CLASS Jersey. H. 4991. ONE depot . wagon and 1 rockaway wagon ror sate at rteifter carriage works. 25th Ave. and Leavenworth St Doug. 6921 LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wnetber they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET HAU. WAY COMPANY. Flatiron Hat Shop. Corolyn E. Byers; prices very reasonable. 1726 St. Mary's DRESS pleatings, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT IKQ CO,. 200 Douglaa Block. Both phones. WESTERN MILLINERY SCHOOL, 415 PAXTON BLOCK. Financial IaTeatateata. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. ' For Sale shares King Solomon T. & D. stock for 8250. Also 5,000 Uncle San Oil. cheap. Box 75, Little Rock, Ark. FOUND Some currency In one of the cars of the company several days ago. Owner can have same by calling at the office ot the Superintendent of Transpor tation and establishing ownership. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. . salary and Chattels. CHATTEL LOANS, 13 to 2100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. MONEY! MONEY!'! MONEY!!! ' WHY BE WITHOUT MONEY? when you can get for the asking. FUR. N1TURE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE RE CEIPT. FIXTURES, HORSE'S, WAG ONS, or YOUR PLAIN NOTE, If em ployed, will be sufficient for security. No oetay or red tap. Each transaction strictly confidential. Your call appreci ated and respected. RATES LOWEST, TERMS EASIEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 8d Floor, 308 Paxton Bldg. Phone Dou. 14U FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Wlihnnt nuhlicltv. Easiest DavmsBia, Lowest rates. Confidential. Private, Established Twenty Years. -1603 FARNAM ST. Room 215 Board of Trade Building. Telephone Douglas DIAMOND LOANS at 2ft and 6 per cent. FLA i A U, 131 PQQge ai. xei. wu ooio. w on furniture, pianos and AfintlPV rea' eBtate at a very tow yaaw ,ate on mtereet. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A -1351 MONEY loaned salaried people and. others on their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tofe man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. HOME LOAN CO., MofJ reasonable rates In the city. Write or 'phone Douglas 1235. 1K3 arnam, Koom Patterson bik. - OCEAN STEAiMSHIPS ANCHOR ' LINE STEAMSHIPS New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tinental and Mediterranean Points. Su perior Accommodations, Excellent Cuisine. Efficient Service. Apply for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or HEN DERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, Chicago, III OFFERWD FOR RENT Board and ilovnia, O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Douglas 6U. REEDHURST for meals. DOUG. 835a CHILDREN to board. Webster 2970. Furnished 1-uoma. tr CLEAN sleeping room. Inquire la Vehe ment, 415 S. 19th. 201 SO. CENTRAL BLVD. Tel. H 1712. Farnlanc-d Housekeeping: Rooms. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms facing Hansoom park; no children. 2988 Woolworth. H. 2597. . TWO or three nicely furnished houss keeping rooms. 2018 Davenport St Hotels ana Apartments. DODGE hotel, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prioea Apartments Bud Flats. Large moving vans. 21.26 per hoar. D. 3K fi-ROOM flnurtmwnf rr.m nlutaw era; Scargo Bldg., South Omaha, above 516 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug las 7406. CLOSE IN FLAT STRICTLY MODERN ' Practically new, 5 rooms and hatht walking distance; good furnace. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. ao 8. 17th St HIGH-TONE 6-room apartment on West Farnam. with steam heat and Jani tor service. $65. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT Two apartments, one five rooms and bath, one nine rooms and bath; walking distance; on car line. 402 No. znn. Douglas bra. RnOAf Uona-A r k. io -- v .... - - . ".. ..miicvu i.i aia. ed Phone Harney 1565. Y. W. C. A. meal ticket at 33d and Leavenworth or. on Deaf Institute car. Will finder return to Bee office or Y. W. C A.? No value to any but owner. LOST small pocket book containing S93, in downtown district; finder return to Bee office. Reward. ' I MEDICAL SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk. Ladies' guaranteed remedies, 401 Ware blk. HEATED , APARTMENTS Very choice 6-room, strictly modern, steam-heated apartments; oak finish; nieelv decorated and In vallrlnc THE LEONE, 832 a 2tth St. MAN WILL am lntKti jtkjda kom 8 TILL 10 A. M. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN ' 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FINEST six-room apt. in the city, rent $60.00. Phone Web. 4328. ' 1 Hemsea and Cottages. "-room, 217. 27C8 Seward St Doug. lsjs. MOVINGpacklng and storing of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 80S S. 16th. by the viaduct Branch offlce, 308 S. 17th St Tel. Iouglaa