Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1912, Page 8, Image 8
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1912. Sherlocko the Monk The Adventures of the Obedient Husbtnd Copyrlghi, UID National Nws Arfu, GONE i L J CDMMAPtJ WIM TO WAIT OUTSlpg OP A FOft ME-ANf WHCH I CAME Our HE HAD DISAPPEARED? TAKE US TO THC SPOT vHJE YOU tEPT HtM, .HGNPECKO. Drawn for The Bee by Giis Mager iOT (AS YOU $E,VyATiO-rt0ftHP6Qco j 1 TRIED HIS BEST TO OBcT Hl6 WiFE'j - i - ' w- - is. sMissns.iiaa ' i i ' - i - - rr TTcAve him &TR.ICT i . i i me Mimi'w'i . k wrrtt .,asn n " -- - i iw i - w i ii i i a int r i "a - w in m nj 4 ii i -r-b s i v ,. AnwnnTsnn . . : . -a i i iii i - vii m av aw-r L'. it I Hill r.i ii 'ascnnaBhw. a a jk nhD r hhhb IIIM K WlltJV I'll rnaskl L7i I -I B K U Mm. 6f Bi . mmmmmr m . W "rJW rMW.K X X.B if! 'CZTU I III II I !l 1 1 V Ass. Lir..ll I I W AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS PERSONALS. A GOOD paying pool hall, In heart of n.tfnnnthv "N city, with 6 excellent tables and fix- uaieopainy. ' SS?awSt9r mUSt Be!1" Addres,, 15(8 Alice Johnson, 308-9 Branded Tha. Blflg. j 4 WANT ADS f Wont mOa etcmlva a aoy Unt, bal to toaQM proper clMcUleatton must j be presanced before la ak6X m. tot ibm eveniiiff sdltloa nd before 7:30 h m. for moralag mi ScnJj mU Cwne. Wat l9 neetved after eocb hoam will jmve Chtr ttnt UuerOoa ander tew kectftBg Sto Lete to RXQULAA CLd&yCA1103?-OM Ixuerdca 1$ cant per word nad 1 sent per vsord for each eabeqant cottHKia&e tBeenlon. Book ls Has mad am odd dcy cent pet wesGj 9SJSO pes; bite per nwnU wUea d'4a raw wldwutckage vi llonarkcrprra and DomeHlri, COMJPETBNT girl for housework; wtAk will be eny. 1821 Oraco St. Webater 4027. yOt.'NG elrl to asit with houarwork; no v.artin. H. 71. 1804 Bo. 85th. A OiRL to attend a baby and to a- iJt K;iera!iy. m & 15th St, Harney S4S0. WANTE31-nrt-elaaa atrl for ranoral houaeworlc Mrs. Dr. A. P. Hanchtf m 8. 6th Ht, Couniill Ultiffs, la. )BATH9 AITS rarBBAL KOTKCBS. 'fCXiLJCIWilatti wlfa of QMe fuller, at bar reaidence, 8867 "am&in 1 atraot, Sunday morning, . Interment Terr Hauta, Ind. Brief -wrvtoet at Mwtde&o at 4 p. m. Monday. MARBXAQB LICES8K8. mmmmtmmmmm The f oUowtujf tnarrlaf a Jloatwaa ware lafuadi . Nam and ReeilJano. Ag. John C. A. Bookmann, Omubhik .......25 Margaret Qodhart, Omaha..X-.....8 rrank T. Colllna, Fort Dodga, Ia,...S7 Booth. Had Oak. Ia...MM....2t C. H. Donaldson, Council 81affa,Urar 21 Clara Henohko, South Omaha, -Ovw ZL John I Fuher, Pro aha., . , , Myrtle Dahl, Omaha ... ..p. ...... I'etsr Ul. Sohonhaok, Om&ha. t'lar A, Moflordan, Omaha. Utrbprt A O'Brien, Oounotl Bluffs. .24 Shirley O. Stevana, Couaoll Bluff ...! Klmer K, Jenaan, Herwyn...M...37 Mary johnioa, Omaha...,. w.w...a llomr V. Mill, Bloux Clty-....t6 Ola lUiliuunda. filoux CUy.,.....U WANTED Qlrl for snneral hnuaanrnrlt In family of two. 8.t07 Harney St. .47 11IRTUI AXO DSATHI. n.Vtlia-A. O. and Uayma Black, 2U .purcVtte. boy, J. ft. and Anna Brown, m Avnea avenue, boy; a, and M. Capaol, Vju lltsrce,, girl; Mick and Augeiena 0ol)o w 2241 Pierce, girl; A and Mary Uuomett. 321 l Leavenworth, boy; Sophua unil Mliuile Jenaen, m Houth fifteenth, eiri; UiuVrlea and Frieda Kocrofaka, S60t eiouth iVentteth, boy; Chaxlea Mac .Msnin, tirteentn and Cuming, girl; John and L4dta Fctern. M2i Ohio, alrl: frank an4 ICmma Palecky. Zili South Tnirteentn, gin; waitw ana wary Fyr- ran, iia Aortn Twenty-iouren, gin. . Deaths Catherine i-laywood. 8S yeara. KM North Twenty-ventli avenue; Ma Loveit, 41 yeara, hospital; Cari boeokenhaua, 71 yeara, hospital; Mary tDbel, 47 years, hospital; Mary Jane gayer, B years, 2728 ' Parker; Baby rueipa, a jnonuia, nopiiai. HELP WANTED FEMALE Araata d eaiaawwaaan. COMPKTEI?9T uluaiimin. nnwimuil fa selllcg ealldraa's shoes; permanent youon tor -rigni parry. Apply ouperin xendent, Brandeia storea i YOU Can make I2t) or over eer wak taking cbsoriptlons for "Home and Coun try," Catbollo National magasln. Address circulation - iJepartmtmt, 431 ElUoott luare, Buifaio, w. y. Clerteal and Of floe. WZ1 CAH always place oompetent tno- HiniHiera ana gvauucjKri. r COOPERATIVE Riif'BItEINCBl CO., Wt-U City Nat Bank Bklg. fTavatory a Tradea, WAJJTSP-W glrla Itan Blsoult Co. ixperlenced. Anawer ad la owi , !and wnung. js-ftxi, Jtee. . ( Uwaekvva a4 oootreUca, THE1 SERVANT OIEL PROBLEM OLVED The iite will run a Servant iCMrl WanUd Aid FREE tmdi you gsft the Retired resuita. This applies to remdenta r omana, bouui umana ana Council bluffa Bring your ad to The Bee offlos tr teiepnone 'iier ism, GOOD gtd for general booaeworlr, small x&muy, gooa wage, iun bo, mo Are. 1104. . GIRL for general hoasework, email family, win pay 4 per month. 140 N et L GOOD girl for general housework; I In family; good wages. Red 72. - EXPEaiBXCED girt for general house work. Small family; no washing. Mrs. R. E. Welsh, 414 B- 88th St Tel. Har. Z740. WANTED A girl for general house work. Two In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge. GIRL, or woman wanted for general housework. ti in. iuu WANTED At once, young girl or middle aged lady to do light housework. Two In family; prefer one that could go rr.m nlirhto 'Phnn TViue. . YOUNQ girl to work In plain family good home and piano; I2.B0 per week I minutes zrom umana. weo. sat. WANTliDA girl lor genenu houoe- wnrk; two In family; good wages. Sutt Dodge St. COMPETNT 2d girl. if. m. 101 8. S2d Ave. W AN TEiD Competent cook and second mM. Mrs. J. N. Baldwin, M S. 40th. UOOD gtil for general housework; S in family; wastes. Jj.uo per week. Mrs. H C. Miller, 1134 S. 824 St 'Phone Harney I'M. . - WANTED Girl for general housework family of two; good wages. Call Har Jiey tolZ. GOOD girl fur general housework. UM fclierman Ave. w. 41SJ. - GOOD girl for general housework, mall family; good home,' good wages, HO. tli. H. 290. COMPETENT hcuaemald. lot a 31st Ave. Harney 14. , GIRL for gearal housework, .&U St 'Phone Harney aA 132 & ' GIRL for housework or to assist with . nounewora. Phone Harney KB. 302 N GHvL for futrnl houseworfc In family of three. H. 80S. for gnral roimework ho la good cook. Laundress employed. Hi Bo. Siih St H. 2660. WANTBD--A girl for general house work. Three In family; reference. In rstee X. G. Keeson, 331s Harney. Tel. iiarney uu. QXRXi attending school or business coir lago to work for board In family of two. JKtierenoea required. Phone Harney 21187. Residence 1136 flo. S.'id St, Omaha. GIRL for acneral housework: small family. Harney 4KJQ. WANTED A girl about 16 yeara. Phone Harney 741. 1904 So. 36th St T ANTED Com Detent rook. rforencfs. Miss Millard, 601 8. 38th St. MRS. RVGO wanta competent girl for general housework: two in family; good wages. 4 Norma ndie apartments. Park Ave. and Pacific St. OOOn llrl fnr vanaral luvio Farnam. H. 404ft, -' GOOD OIRL .fnr IMKMl hniiMnrni-lr good wages, can go home nights If neces- ary. xei. narney aim GOOD sill for housework. 17 Tl Hp. ney 2525. 39 8. 88th Are. Mlauetloneoas. CASH girls. Is yeara of are or over. An. ply Superintendent Brandeia atorea YOUNQ women oomlna to Omaha aa strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoea or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. KELP WANTED -MALB Ageuts, HaleampM ana Solicitors. . AGENTS, SOMCTT0RS It V, ... . II.,. .... ... vm . m ...v nu mnu tiivmua or something sood, Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co 607 Brandeia Theater Bldg. "Nuf ced." WANTED Thornuvhlv .ni.n,..i Ciotnlng salesman; highest references re quired. Nebraska Clothing Co. TRAVEUNfl RAI,raviK wiKTFn To live, experienced men will pay 1126 AV.,.nn .nil v-VJIIIIim- clal News-Mannix NaUonal Trade Rtku- ior-w reiau mercnanis, jobbers and manufacturers In every state in the union. Unless you have made & success SB aiMAflman Ha nnl .nnlv K I uuur mill yiioiiner, cioux r ails, B. u. -EXCLUSIVE SHOPS- Piano Values While visiting the AK-SAR-EEN b4 sure to visit our piano store. We are tb largest and oldest piano house weat of Chicago. You have our 38 yeara of piano experience at your disposal. Wo guarantee every piano to be ust as represented. We refer you to thousands of satisfied customers. We carry such pianos as the Mason & Hamlin, Kranlcb & Bach, Krakauer and other well known makes. Our prloes are tlio lowest In the city, because we purohase lr. carload lots only. We cn give you more for your mbney than any other piano house In tbs city. Pay a vtait to our store, look at our pianos and let ua explain our terms. A, Hospe Co,, 1513 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb! LANDER YOU "Maker of Uood Clothea" KALL WOOLENS ON DISPLAY. 305 South Niateenth Street,; Farnam Hotel Bldg. " ' BLUE LABEL Guggenhelmer rye, eight years old, per full quart, SL00. Weldon Springs Bourbon, 8 years old, per auart. $1.00. Maryland rye, per quart, 75 cents. Home made grape wine, gal., tl.00. 2 quart bottles of beer, 25 cents. Malt Tonic, extra fine, 10 cents a bottle. CACKLEY BROS., 141-22 N. 16th St. Opposite Postoffloe. OMAHA'S DOLL HOSPITAL AND UlST Rnur. We do all kinds of Dolt Repairing, such as new heads, limbs, bodies and wigs. Bestrlnring and eyes reset. Exclusive novelties, suitable for wed ding, birthday, Christmas and remem brance gifts. - The Tckna Shop 1S23 Farnam St Phone, ' Douglas 8210. Oldsmobile Do you realize that when you purchase an OLDSMOBILE of us you are dealing directly with the faotory? ' This means factory SERVICE and fao tory PRICE. . Full line of new models on floor for Immediate delivery. Used OLDSMOBILES at your own price. Oldsmobile YOU HAVE TRIED TME REST. NOW TRY THE BEST. ' Until Oct. 1. 1SU2, wo furnish good grade of lining, clean, press and reline oven coats for $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHEMICAL DKY CLEANING COMPANY, 14TH AND DODGE. TEL. DOUO. 2966. AK-SAR-BEN 'VISITORS We serve first-class chop suey, ohili con-carne and yet-gour-meln. STEAK AND CHOP RESTAURANT. Served in American and Chinese stylet. LOUIE AHK0, 141 Douglas. Tel. D. 4591. ECONOMY THE ROAD TO WEALTH. If you are In ths market for a piano the time for you to buy Is nowl The place Is here. The way Is to be your own agent Come In and make your owu selection; by so doing you tan save for yourself the salea expense which adds greatly to the cost of every piano sold by the ordinary dealer. We carry in stock the famous HENRY F. MILLER, STORY CLARK, LAFF ARGUE & CO. and other standard makes of pianos and player-pianos. Always bargains lp new and slightly used high-grade -pianos. The following musical Inst rumen" s left with us by parties leaving city and must be told,; 1350 uprlgbt mahogany piano, one mahogany piano-player, elegant Jiffi Realna music box with 21 disc; Kimball organ. All in first-class condition. O. H. HARK FIANU JU Third Floor, Boston Store. IF you can sell anythlne. you atirxlv can tell Disability contracts to working men. Cost very small. Write for particu lars to C. H. Franklin, 123 William St., New Tory City. . WAN'TRD ftaaa mnnampa with .Ml. lty; men who can organise territory for the best selling specialty In America. Guaranteed for five years. 26,000 sold In Chicago In eight months. Every mer chant needs It Exclusive rights and territory. Small Investment required. Sea Oirard C. Vamtim, Sale Mgr, Room 626, The Henshaw Hotel. EXPERIENCED In .hU A- partment; first-class positions for right men. AuDlv at one. T f w.H Brandels stores. SALESMAN wanted. Convincing talker. A good proposition. Cal 203 Plaxa Hotel. AGENTS Start earning (6 a day; eaiy, profitable fall work; a new leader: sample free. Write today. An Interest ing proposition. Corning Specialty Co., Lock Box 276, Cowling, Oal. Buya. CASH boys, 16 years of age or over. Ap ply Superintendent, Brandels stores. ply Superintendent Brandeis stores, WANTED Five good reliable, hov Good wages. W. U. Tel Co., 213 S. 13 St. WANTED Nice, neat appearing boy for delivery department. Must be over 16 years of age. Apply superintendent Brandels storea Clerical sn4 Of flea. WE CAN always place competent men In HIGH-GRADE orriee positions. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, 1016-16 City "Nat. Bank Bldg. YOUNQ tnou, study law. Omaha School of Law. Law Dept Univmty of Omaha. Evening sessions. For further Information address secretary. Sit Mc Cague Bldg. Tel. Doug. 867. , Factor? and Tra4ea Drug store (snap) Jobs. Kntest Baa Blflg. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. ' Qt Into the automobile business, learn It complete In the largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are in demand. Write or call for our latest catalogua -NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 1415-17 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. GOOD coat maker wanted at once; mui ba sober man and first-class tailor: rood wages. Address Herman Peterson, Fre mont, hod. WANTED For permanent potltlon men between ages of 31 and fe; rouga carpentera to do tar repair work in Chi cago; rat 36 cents per hour; tools to ba turnshed by applicant; call on Illinois Central Freight Agent Uth and Chicago Bts., Omaha' for fre transportation. WANTED Two experienced stove teen, A. GlUcaky, 307 W. Bdway., Co. Bluffs, I WANTED Ten welding operators. Omaha shop and road work; must un derstand regulation of heat and welding cast iron: will teach you how to weld other metals. BerUchy Garage, 3910-16 Harney, Omaha. WANTED or 6 automobile repair men. Don't apply unless you are capable of making good: wa oo not employ appren tices and do not want any execept the best, salary accordingly. Bertschy Gar e. 2IH0-16 Harney. Omaha. John A. Rylcn THE TAILOR ' AK-SAR-BEN GUESTS VISIT THIS SHOP and we will fit you out with one of our fine tailor-made ladles' or Men's Butts at very reasonable prices. PERFECT FIT , GUARANTEED TEL. RED 2784. 206 PAXTON BLOCK. SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Our celebrated Chinese Herb Medicine cute rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart trouble, female trouble and dropsy, regu lates deformities caused from slokness or Inflammation. In fact It Is an Immediate relief and an eventual cura tor all chronic diseases of the system. If you are a suf ferer, call 0r write today. 202 N. lth. Adelight Hair Food, Positively . ' grows hair, removes dan druff, stops falling hair, prevents gray hair, restores gray hair to natural color Mips Frayer, 1421 Farnam. ' MR. VISITOR, BE SURE to visit the SODOASI3 at Shermaa ft MoConnell Drug Co., southwest corner of 16th and Dodge Bts., AND the OWL'S NEST at the OWL DRUG CO., northwest corner of 16th and Harney Sta We serve the daintiest kinds of Lunches, Hot Drinks of all kinds at ALL houra Persistent Advertising Is ths Road to Big Returns , HELP WANTEDMALE. Factory and Trades. TAILOR WANTED -For repairing, pants and vest making; steady work and good wages, nermau reieiu, nmmui, Neb. ' ANMllNCEMEJiTS. HOUSE building foreman on percent age. Address K-7M, Bee. iir k tfniii stnnA aaddlft , hands. A J. .. ' i nf wnrlf. mnt Inb: write or Wire. The James-Mlckle-Soow Co., Fort Worth, Texas. '; 1i " altsoaUanawaa, vmt im URN MOTtm MONBT T h. nlnmnhll. hllalnoaa: ehauffsUTa repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and command large salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn., 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb uf A KtfP1PTS,r TT a lmtf A hl.hnfi !M tr married man between ages of 13 and 36; oltlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information appiy to necruiuna fleer, 13th and Douglas sua, umana, kimi, . ant lAiirth at . . Hinui Cltv. Ia..: 130 N. Tenth bt, unroin, eo. ib a vTtrn rvw.rtr and dentist rie in Nebraska travel J D. Whitten. Spring field. Nab, - ' - ' TELEGRAPH positions guai scteed yov by the Union Pad tic and Illinois, Can. tral railroads it you gain your training la our school. Practice on R R. Areas for particulars, H. B. Boywa, Prea Boylea College, otnana. nea. MAIL oarriara, rostoinot oieras wanted. 180.00 per month. Omaha exam, inationa November a Fte coaching. Franklin Inatltuta. Dep't 214-1, Koohas tar, N. T. - HELP W ANTED MA LB AND KEMAUE, MEN and women want tor govern ment positions. t per month. Write tor list tit positions open. Franklin Institute, Dep t 317 8.. Roo neater, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS H&iUPI Call Ui Omaha fclmpioyment Bureau. Douglas 1111 Will call for bundles and family wash lng. work guaranteed. Phone Uatnay 637. DRE8SMAKINU, plain or fancy. Phone Webster 1743. CHAMBER MAIDwork or ajsmaral hous work, plain cooking. Web. 4m Call tor Pearl. , - , COLLECTOR wants position aa col lector. Can furnish bond. . C. 796, Be. YOUNG lady with about 3 years' cleri cal experience la office, has also had ex perience on comptomenter, would Ilk a position. Writ A 771 car Omaha Be. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. TeL Douglaa 833. Guaranta Laundry. Fin work. D. S73, TO LOAN-LOW rate, in sums to suit 310 Bee Bra. Phone Doug, sua UNION LOAN CO. MONEY WANTED Tinners, Kapp CtKalce and Roofing Company, 31 3. Mair St. Coun cil. Bluffs. . .... Alfred a Kennedy, T- ance. 393 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. IX TO. Twenty pr cent Ipsa than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sta.. South Omaha. Plumes rvnevated. 4K Paxtoo Blk. D. 83s4 & H. Col iga Co. D. 3743. 12i Faraaaa. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 60. postpaid, 32.76; try halt dosen; If not satlstactory money refunded. alWk. ton DiiUU CO., 1603 Farnam, omaba Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. H O Hallpr Rave your - plumbing xx. v. i-iauei aild neat)ng plant8 re. paired & overhauled betore cold weather rush comes. 1764 Ijeavenworth. Tyler 16V7. fun - ..I A inmaing. - 13 aner, ami mara. neo. cthss. PAPTCR h.nirar. n.A fa..irlalr I'd.,. Omaha Paste Co., '718 S. 13th St ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire f encea chaaner than wond umiim. wi is. ilia, i-none nea aia ALL will be forgiven. Mary. If you will meet me at the clgn of the Crown and the Golden Stair on 16th and Doualas tits. That la where BRODEGAARD sails tnose lucxy weaaing rings. N. P. Swanson. Undertaker Wa . r. nnv In mir naw KiitMInc ...A nave one oi me mos up-to-aate under' txaiuK esiauusniiieuu in city, j&a Lum nig. D. 1060. Large chapel In connection PLATE .dinners. a.ndwihaa HaM .ml stripes oeer, jeies aioon, is & .Douglas, D. S. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frenser Blk. Why don't YOU buy YOUR PAINT witer tn seat painters buy. They buy from US. . ' BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 160BH Farnam. . Douglas 4750. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 316 S. UTH, UPSTAIRS. iSDlXTnUHC TA V.t . T. T-t- .... Miwk.viUA o 1 AllVAiUl flAlin sola w B.wQ.B, .mi suaiiuiiin iv please OMAHA POSTINfi aRRVinii! Advertising "Pat Welch's 32 hats." AK.SABj.BEN specialties The Mandarin Cfa 14M Dnuirlna M fnar BVa chops, chop suey, Chines diahea Also quioa luncnea uest servioe. Rubber Goods AU kinds; face creams and powders; hair, tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO. I2K Farnam. Cnarlea Loftman, win, liquors and ci gar, merchant lunch. Uth Howard. We Offer TO THB PUBLIC The vary best whisky on the market for the small sura of 83.00 per gat The very best port win we offer for 31.00 per gal. GSCHLANK&CO, 1307 Douglas St Douglaa- 2839. 2200 Farnam. TRUCKS a Aaa. a.Iak lLZ.rtw nfit K-t An.' aflV Btyle body; iervtce and satiBfacUorwuar- aneea. aeet service Hrauon m wiuu DRUMMOND New Garage. 26th and Farnam, GENERAL merchandise stock for sale. consisting of dry goods, ladles' and gents' furnishings and shoes. Terms, cash; 80 cents on . the dollar of the wholesale price. Stock in splendid condition. County seat town, 3,000 population. Main ltne of U. P. R. R. Fireproof building. 2oxa. Rent 336 per month. Best of reasons for ielling. J. L. Mltchfell, Lexington, Neb. SALOON for sale; good location; will sell for invoice price; wish to retire. A 768, Bee. , BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects. Plana A Bldg. estimates. Cottrell. W. 881. Bowling. , . ' Association Bowling Alleys. W. I. Per kins & Co., B. Hull, Mgr. 1313-15-17 Harney. Chiropodists. Dr. Monhelt, 403 S. 16th St. Doug. 2333. DR. ROY, 1605 Farnam. Douglas C497. Civil Engineers. E. EX Moore, 620 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3058. t 1 r' 1 Ti REPAIrUWU, nurpny uia it g8g TIRE REPAIRING you tires. We male them almost at good at new. Nothing but highest priced and new material used. All work gur&nteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. PP TiTT VTr Auto Tinners, general CYLINDER repairing, auto tinning, vulcanizing. 1622 Capital Ave. Motorcycles. Tale. Harley-Davldson and used motor- cycles. Victor Roos. 2703 Leavenworth. SECOND-HAND r.TJTOMOBILES. FOR SALE cheap; practically new 3- pasenger coupe, 2S H. P., with 82x4 new Fisk tires, with demountable rims and one extra tire and tube. Presto tank, electric horn and seat covers. An ideal car for a doctor having a large practice In the country. Nebraska Bulck Auto Co. STODDARD-DAYTON 7-paasenger Li mouslne. Rebuilt and repainted. All in fin condition. J. J. DERIGHT- AUTO CO. Bargains in Second Hand Cars We have areatly reduced our prices on second-hand cars for quick delivery. These cars are all in first-class condition and j will give the best of satisfaction. tail ana see cars neiore Duying. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO. CO. FOR SALE Forty-horsepower roadster, 122-inoh wheel base, thirty-five by four tires, eouloped with Hartford shock ab sorbers, trunk, mohair top, wind shield, speedometer, spark plug pump, extra tiro and tubes, etc. Inquire G. J. HlpwelU care Powell supply company, re roweu nuppiy uumiimi. j .-i 1 L. . ..l. I . . WAIN TJiU wmosnieia ana top in gouo condition for 4-passenger Overland. Ad- Ui m A apw vm. INTERSTATE fore door, 6-passenger touring car, fully equipped with new top, wind shield, speedometer, Presto tank; all In flrst-olass condition for 3800. Gorge Rogers. Phone 2861, Webster - 32691. The Cigar Man. 1 BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG STORE, good paying for right party; must sell; investigate; good reas ons for selling. L 763 Bsa. TO get in or out of business, call on GANGE9TAD, 404 Bee Bldg., Tel. D. 3477. WANTED Sales managers with ability; men who can organic territory fog the best selling specialty In America. Guaran teed for five years. 25,000 sold In Chicago in eight months. Every merchant needs it. Exclusive rights and territory. Small Investment required. See Glrard C. Varnum, Sales Manager, Room 526, Hen shaw Hotel. FOR SALE on cash basts one Of the best transfer businesses In th northwest Reason for selling,. Ill health. Can b handled with limited amount of money. Address Y 173, Bee. INVESTMENT If you want an invest ment secured by real estate that pays 10 per cent a year, is perfectly safe, where you can get your money back at th end of each year If you want it or can leave It Invested as you wish, any amount from 3100 up; has paid 6 . per cent cash dividend for th . last six years; bank reference; writ to Realty , Securities Company. People's Gas Bldg.. Chicago, III. . - MR. BUSINESS MAN Your preseno In case of fire on your propery is Impera tive, Wa notify you at once tn case of tire. OMAHA FIRE REPORTING AGENCY. 1813 Harney St. Douglaa 4237. 4X)R SALE Good law practice, library, office fixtures. County seat, 2,000. Splen did opportunity for young lawyer. Terms. Reason for sale, retiring from practice. Address Box 746, Albion, Neb. FOR SALE Two chair barber shoo. averages 3120 per month. Owner must get out floors. Mares JK. w. Mulvthlll, Steamboat Spring, Colo. Price $400. Small monthly payments are provided tor never more than to a month, one payment it made when you purchase. , FOR SALE Old established drug store, in Nebraska town of 1,000, county seat, good opportunity. Address D. S. Beynon, Burweli, Neb. HOME PLATE CAM -Th Right Plac to Eat" 33 & 19th. AK-SAR-BEN guests, visit the New Horn Restaurant. 1614 Capitol Ave. Best mftals, 16c. Th beat for your money. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. 1 ' "... Motion pictures machine and aha bargains AUTOMOBILES. ALBERT H. B1HLER, Auto repairer, 3380 Farnam. Douglas 136, I WELL established newspaper and Job office, east-central Nebraska, town; rea son for soiling, going to th coast. Ad dress T 180. Bee. . RESTAURANT for sad. laqntr of owner, as & mn. FOR SALE Rexail drug store, south ern Nebraska. Sales about 312.00 a year. Clean stock. Splendid prescription bust nesf Good reasons for selling. Special price for ten days. Particulars. Lock Box 473, Lincoln, Neb. GOOD opportunity for a live man. For sale, a moving picture theater in the bean of tn city, imo agents, strictly businessi propoaitio aniy. For farther Information apply to Philip ' Goldberg, Cameraphoo Theater. 1418 Douglas at- ', ColnsC Olrl f!n?ns stamps bought, sold, ex Stamp Co.. 619 N. 16th. Dancing; Academies. , BARIGHT HALL. 19th and Farnam, assembly Friday. For terms 'phone So. 2654. Genevieve Hauflarre, Instructor. IF you don't dance see Prof. Mackte, 1816 Harney St. Phone Douglas 5348. Dressmaking. Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 215-6 City Nat. Bk. D. 6969. BRYAN ft O'BRIEN, dressmaking and tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg. Red 4293. Fltzpatrlck, tailor, dress'g. 2504 Davenport Miss Naplnsky, gowns. 608 Paxton. D. 6973. Dressmaking. 1707 Dodge. Douglas 7330. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. DRESSMAKING, ladles tailoring, alter ing; first class work; reasonable. Web. 4189. . WANTED Experienced finlsbers. 15 Park Ave. ' Detectives. . JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Omaha Secret Serv., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319 L. W. LONtiNECKER, 617 Karhach Blk. OMAHA Secret Service 'Detective Agency, bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1319. .Everything Electrical. LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrators, SEND FOR 80-PAGB BOOKLET. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO., 880 Branded Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 6293. WOT FF ELECTRIC CO. ' V-J-'-L Mazda Lamps Wiring. Fixtures, washing machines, electrlo Irons, heating devices, vibrators. , 1810 Farnam St. Electrlo lighting fix., wholesale and retail Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. ALL kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d-hand, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical Works, 313 S. 13th. Omaha. Everything tor Women. Mrs. Olsen, 1st class carpet w saving. W.60U LOHRMAN "liable ladies' tailor, it lAillJMLiUii, located 433-5 Paxton blk. Latest styles, materials. Popular prices. Western Millinery Sohool 415 Paxton Block. Doug. (821. Bring material. Make your hata On lesson, 31. 3 lessons 35. - WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2320 & 12th St Doug, 6566. Flatlron Hat Shop. Corolyn E. Byert; prices very reason oi. ins at. Alary S. riPUCa nl..Hnn ki.Hm,. .11 icaa and atvlaa TUTO mKlr. DtSlT. INQ CO., 300 Douglas Block, Both phones, tvm rant ranatr . 1 1 muIm all sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sti. Tel. Douglas 1062. Flaanelal Investments. ' FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. For Sale tOOO shares King Solomon T. ft D. stock for 3260. Asso 6,000 Undo Sam Oil, oheap. Box 75. Little Rock, Ark. Florists. A.' Ponaghue, 1007 Far. D. 1001: A-100L HESS ft SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1268. BATH'S. Florist Boyd Theater Bldg. Foundries. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings, 1407 Jackson. Famaces and Repairs. REPAIRS In stock to fit your ttov. furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought Iron and cast list us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St Tyler 20. Uul, Art ss4 Laasrasge. HENRY COX, violinist H. 3904. Charles L. Cocke, jr., piano, 618 McCagu. FRANK MACH. violinist Rd 4627. Helen Sadllek, teacher of piano. W. 1348. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, teachers of singing. 303 S. SSth Ave. TeL Harney 3027. Cora Schwartz, voice. 401 Boyd theater. Francis Potter, teacher, guitar, mandolin and banjo. 1920 Farnam. Doug. 3653, BUBli:JhS PEKMOXAU Mvlm 8 torn are and Cleaalnc. Gordon Fireproof Warehouw and Van Co. Furniture packing. piano moving. Office ZM & nth St Doug. 34. : . Furn. Moving; 1 men, 31 per nr. W. 21743. Nwrserte and Meeds, . STEWART'S SEED MAN. Uf N. 16th. Opttrlma. R. IV Warn, fitting and rep'X a BraideS Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. U. Waters-Barnhart Pte. Co.: quality kind, j quick servica Doug. 2190. 623-24 So. 18th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, lff h?5 BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 8197. . t Reis-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. Uth. Ind. A-3524. Patents. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS, registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 643 Brandels -Theater Bldg. Phone D. 8469. Plumbers, W. Thatcher, plumbing ft heating, 813 N. 40th St Office: H. 3107; Res., H. 1638. LF.VanValkenberg, lng repairs. W. 867 or W. 61a6. 1709 N. 24th. Stenographers and Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley, 816 Bran. The. D. 66S2L Store and Office Fixtures. ELECTRIC sausage grinder, 2 cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds of fixtures bought and sold. Levy's, 2510 N St., South Omaha. r : v WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., Uth and Howard. D. 3724. See us first POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy, 2610 N. South Omaha. Tents and Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 822. Trunks and Suit Cases. Frellng ft Stetnle, 1803 Farnam St , Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 502-8 S. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine 65o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed ' courses. Finest quarter. Graduates ar guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lampman, 1815 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. . r BOYLES COLLEGE DAE AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR ' Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boy lee. President Boyies College, Omaha, Neb. Y.W.C.A. Educational Department CLASSES BEGIN OCT. 8 Classes in languages, domestic sci ence and arts, dramatic club, chorus, orchestra, sociology, etc. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses and Vehicles. FOX STABLES New location, first-class livery and boarding. 1814 Cuir.-ig. D. 1657. CLOSED or open carriage, rubber tires, Drummond make,, for 15 per oent cost 611 Brown Block. Tel. Harney 623. wnrk nr hllainaaa hnrau from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds; top buggy, two--horse wagon with top, on laundry wagon, 3 sets harness for grocery or ex press work. 1809 Harney St FIRST-CLASS Jersey. H. 4991. '. ' LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the offloe of the Omaha ft Council-Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wnther they left It In the street oars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug, las 48. - OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. 4 MEDICAL SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrne for book on rectal diseases with testlraonlala DR. E. R. TARRT. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Lsdiea guaranteed remedies, 401 War U. ' MONEY TO LOAN. Salary and Chattels, YOU : have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here it your chanc to ob tain It In An Easy Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse recslptt . in fact anything of value or on your plain note, If steadily employed. Tannt - -to suit . Confidential Reliable Credit Go. m Third floor, 103 Paxton block, 217 8. IKa, 'Phone Douglas 1411 and A-141S. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and i per cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red t&is. if on furniture, piano and YlOneV real estate at a very low a s aav rat, of interest. . Nebraska Loan Co, . Douglas 1354. 229 Be Bldg. A-1356. CHATTEL LOANS. 35 to 3100. SALARY LOAJSa Ton can get it today of STAB LOAN CO.. 01 Paxton Block. HOME LOAN CO. Host reeUrOti&bla rates in th city. Writ dr Pbon Dougto 1236 1523 Vmain. Boom 8, Patterson. Elk. ap Nsssaatwi