Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Entered at 0naha Postofflce as second
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Sunday Bex, one year
Stutiiriijiv Kaa An a Year I
Daily Bee (without Sunday) one year.M
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Daily Bee "without Sunday), per rno. -450
Address all complaints or Irregularities
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Omaha-The Bee bulidine
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Mtitnrisl matter should be addressed
Oroaha Bee, Editorial Department
' Elate ot Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss:
i.t. tirim... AiAiilatlnn manaKef
of The Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that the average dally
circulation for the month of August mA
" r-imutatlnn Manacer,
Subscribed In my presence and
to before me this zo. aay oi """-"iv '
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.'temporarily fcave Tfce
' . Bee naile4 to them. Address
j will be changed as oftea as re
) , aaeateeV ';
Politic also has Its green goods
"Everybody's Doin' It." Doing
what? Coming to Ak-Sar-Ben.
Our Lincoln friend? will find
Omaha all ready for a return visit.
That Kentucky town boasting the
largest dog population ia entitled to
' its yelp. ' . ,
Register tomorrow. Unless you
are registered you cannot vote in
If you do not feel pleased, at least
try to look so and people may not
! find it out.
"Liar," shouts Police Lieutenant
Becker's lawyer at the district attor
ney. Bull mocae.
Ak-Sar-Ben will have to "hump"
(himself to keep up with these special
' Ak-Sar-Ben editions.
. Ths ... SnefiuL-murder has
' brought out the fact that Amarlllo,
Tex., Is on the map. .
General Wood must hare been sur
prised at his narrow escape from
war' In peace-loving Omaha,
It would not be surprising to hear
soon that the president emeritus of
Harvard J likewise an "undesirable
Up to last accounts Governor Had
ley was still standing on his rights
as a MlS80urlan, . demanding to be
Where will the senate investigat
ing committee find room for storing
all the Information it gets out of Mr.
,", Morgan?
In support of the story from Cali
fornia that a cat killed a bulldog, we
-are reminded that this is a fine year
for nature, fakes. .''
A California paper reproduces a
.photograph of Mr. Bryan with his
: mouth open. It is pronounced a
splendid likeness.
: Judging from the difficulty na
i tions have in loaning money to China,
I a three-shell boy could not make a
living over there.
It ia only fair to former Secretary
Loeb to let it be known that he is
'not the Prof. Loeb who has devel
oped the leglvss frog.
Over at Chicago the colonel openly
declared that he would not trust Gov
ernor Hadley, so why should Gov
pernor Hadley trust him? .
The manager of the champion Bos
ton base hall team is a banker in
winter,' showing rare discrimination
in fitting his work to the seasons.
Many of the political pap-suckers
who joined the third term party,
, thinking it offered a way to the pie
... counter, are feeling the effect of the
recent cold snap.
. the registi
'ffese regl
in t!fcusu
Kememoer that in this state no
registration of previous years holds
good for this year. Every qualified
voter must appear In person before
the registrars of his voting district
i registrars hold forth tomorrow
kUBual polling places.
- - '
And now one E. O. Garrett, who
ran for lieutenant governor on the
democratic ticket a few years ago,
and was one of the noisy performers
In tb convention to organize the bull
moGse pariy in Kebraska, declares
ia not for Rooseevlt at all, but is hot
for Wilson. If "Mike" Harrington
R t srticular about his company
' has professed to be, he will soon
"' ueaking hack to first base. , -
Empire State Politics.
Empire state politics, always inter
csting to the country at large, prom
ise to bo even more than usually in
tereeting this year.
Every one concedes that in head
ing the third party ticket there with
Oscar S. Straus for governor, an ex
ceptionally strong personality has
been presented, although an unknown
quantity as a vote-getter.
The republicans have named a
strong ticket with Job E. Hedges as
their gubernatorial nominee, a man
of good repute and record, and an ex
perlenced campaigner, sure to stir up
enthusiasm wherever he goes. The
republican choice was made in a bar
monious convention, and the party
organization will be united behind
the ticket.
On the other side, the democrats
are still at sea as to their choice for
governor. The complete failure of
the DIx administration, and its pitiful
subserviency to Tammany influence,
make his renomination uncertain, as
well as hazardous to the party, which
is canting about for a more available
man. ,
These conditions are naturally en
couraging to republicans, who have
good ground to hope to regain the
state government which was lost to
the democrats two years ago. For
the democrats to turn down Governor
Dlx will be confession of democratic
failure, while his renomination will
Invite back-fire in his own party. All
of which means that the Empire
state is in a fair way to be listed in
the republican column.
Indians in Council.
American Indians are to gather at
Columbus, O., during the week in
their second annual conference of the
kind. It is expected that 1,000 will
represent the 291,014 Indians In the
United States and Alaska at this nota
ble council of peace. Among them
will be men from many leading walks
in private and public life. No par
ticular problem calls together such
an assemblage; it is simply intended
as a forum where "the rights and
destiny" of the race may be dis
Such gatherings help us to appre
ciate the progress achieved by this
government In discharging one ot its
most delicate responsibilities. They
help the world to see how far we
have kept, and how far we have
failed to keep faith with these wards,
some of whom are standing with
the white men upon high plains of
public service. So far as the "rights
and destiny" of the American Indian
are concerned, they are within his
own hands, to be enjoyed and worked
out by his taking hold of the oppor
tunities granted him.
Geographer of the United States Forestry Service.
, That Defective Ten Per Cent.
A touch of humor is given to the
otherwise dignified congress of hy
giene by the professor who, assert
ing that 10 per cent of our popula
tion is permanently defective, pro
poses its elimination from society.
Included in this 10 per cent, are
paupers, feeble-minded, the crimi
nally-Inclined, Insane, epileptics and
acutely-diseased. They form, the
professor asserts, a burden upon the
other 90 per cent of people that
should not be borne.
What proportion of this efficient
90 per cent are social service and
charity workers, penologists, physi
cians and philanthropists we are un
able to Btate, but they and their
field of usefulness must be involved
in any proposal to eliminate from so
ciety those for whom they labor.
What would these reformers find to
do If their subjects and patients were
all done away with?
Of course, it would be splendid to
have a race unblemished mentally,
morally and physically. And to think
that we might have such a race by
resorting to the easy expedient of
eliminating the defectives is just too
tempting for anything. Strange that
we have not long ago adopted this
simple plan or should hesitate now a
moment to do so.
Indians and Marriage.
Leaders among Winnebago In
dians have claimed a respectful pub
lic attention In their efforts to disen
tangle their people from the intri
cacies of the old loosely-woven mar
riage customs prevalent among all
tribes and bring them to an observ
ance of legal methods. In the un
folding processes of racial advance
ment one of the sure signs of prog
ress is a rightful recognition ot the
estate of matrimony. These In
dians, therefore, have reached the
time when they, themselves, are no
longer content to abide by the sim
ple customs ' which suited them , in
their 'nomadic state.,, Not in the
manner of dross or love of external
show is the evidence of the Indian's
awakening to be found, but in his
appreciation of his relation to or
derly society, such as this circum
stance aptly illustrates.
The socialists accuse the colonel of
trying to break into their camp. They
might not object perhaps except for
the conviction that if he breaks into
their camp he will also break it up
if he is not permitted to run it all by
Woodrow Wilson declares that he
feels greatly encouraged by his re
ception in New England. - William
Jennings Bryan once made an expedl
tlon into "the enemy's country," and
expressed himself equally encour
aged. . i . .
Effects of Lightning.
Regarding the effects of lightning,
Seneca wrote:
"The stronger bodies are shattered
with greater voilence on acconnt of their
resistance. It sometimes passing through
the yielding one without doing any dam
age. In a tree it scorches any
portion that Is very dry; what Is firm
and hard It bores through and gnashes;
the outer bark It scatters, the Inner lay
ers nearer the center It burets and cuts
up, the leaves it lashes and strips off."
Any lightning flash may be destructive
or fatal. The phenomena attending such
flashes may differ widely, and It has
been assumed that this difference is due
to the direction of the flash. In other
words. It makes a difference whether
the object was electrified positively or
negatively; whether the flash was
toward or away from it. The electric
flaah is so sudden that the eye cannot
catch the direction. In the case of
forked lightning, however, the direction
may be Inferred from the apearance of
the phenomenon.
The same flash may strike and blant
a number of trees, and the results may
be quite as curious and erratic as the
lightning itself. A tree may be scorched,
it may be stripped of its leaves, it may
be cleft longitudinally, or more rarely,
severed horizontally. Pieces of bark or
wood may be torn off in strips. One
half of a tree's crown may be withered,
the other half remaining unharmed.
Sometimes the bark Is stripped from only
one side, occasionally without a trace
of burning; at other times it may be
riddled, as by storms, with a multitude
of little holes. The lightning furrow on
a tree is usually single; but It may be
double, usually in parallel lines. Fur
rows may be oblique or spiral, the cur
rent in such cases following the grain
of the new, wood. If the tree is inflam
mable or Is rendered very dry by the
flash a fire may result. In other cases
the dry duff or humus at the base of
the tree is ignited by the flash.
The action of the flash in stripping
bark from a tree Is a subject still open
to discussion. It may be argued, on the
one hand, that the moisture contained
along the line of the flash is Instantly
converted into superheated steam, or
that the water is converted, by elec
trolysis, into its component gases, and
that the suddenly increased volume
causes a rupture On the other hand,
it is held that the flash requires an open
channel for its passage, and mechanically
spits off tihe bark. The fact that It
can follow the longitudinal fibers of a
tree would seem to support this idea,
is would also the phenomena of ful
gurites, to be mentioned later,
t'pward Flash Explosive.
A flash of lightning striking upward
through the tree from lis base acts as an
explosive. The trees may then be torn
Into small fragments, and caees have
been recorded where these appeared like
a piece of hemp. If the upward flash
Is less violent, the trees may be split
radially. The tops of trees have been
torn off, while the lower parts remained
uninjured. On the other band, the lower
portion of a tree has been demolished,
while the upper part felt to the ground
Lightning often strikes twice or more
than twice In the same place. Borne trees
favorably located for attracting the flash
bear seven or eight scars, all visible, and
determined by a stem analysis of the
trunk. The same U true regarding some
rocky ummits and buildings. But of W
cases recorded by one observer, twenty
one were repeated strokes on tree and
It haa been hetd. though not proven,
that the big trees of California are re
peatedly struck by lightning, and that
although not klllei, their leaders arc
broken and their tops stunted in con
sequence. The form of their bodies and the
shape of their crowns would seem to
favor this belief. Although giants, their
heights are much lower than would be
expected from the taper of their boles.
The effect of lightning on the ground Is
as remarkable as Its effect upon trees.
It may enter the ground without dis
turbing it or heating it, or it may tear
large holes or melt the surface. Although
lightning usually strikes the ground with
a vertical stroke. It sometimes comes
obliquely or almost horiswntally, plowing
long furrows. Sometimes It tears a circu
lar or funnel-shaped hole, and, when
striking sand, forms fulgurites. These
are hollow tubes, formed of the fused
materials, and may vary from one-half
inch to six Inches in diameter. Fulgurites
may extend twenty-five feet into the
earth, and be vitrified or glassy on the
Inside, and coarse grained or half fused
on the outside. Sometimes the fulgurite
has the form of an Inverted tree with
numerous branches and branchlets.
When lightning strikes solid rock It
may either enter the mass and form a
fulgurite tube, or it may be diffused over
Us surface, according to the conductivity
of the formation. In one case it may
split the material Into large or small
pieces, or it may fuse the surface, giving
It a vitreous coat, usually with nodules
or blisters. When these phenomena are
seen on high summits or prominent
points they may be considered evidence
of lightning strokes. The presence of
metals in the earth Increases the danger
of the stroke, and it is probable that
veins of metal favorably situated will
protect surrounding nonmetalllc areas.
It has often been stated that the major
ity of persons killed by lightning sought
refuge under trees, but this is not the
fact. More than one-half of such deaths
occur in the open, and less than one
quarter under trees.
Sammary of Conclusions.
1. Trees are the objects most often
struck by lightning because: (a) They
are the most numerous of all objects; (b)
as a part of the ground they extend
upward and shorten the distance to a
oloud; (c) their spreading branches In
the air and spreading roots In the ground
present the Ideal form for conducting an
electrical discharge to the earth.
2. Any kind of tree Is likely to be
struck by lightning.
3. The greatest number struck In any
locality will be of the dominant species.
4. The likelihood of a tree being struck
by lightning is Increased: (a) If It is
taller than surrounding trees; (b) if it
is Isolated; (c) if It Is upon high ground;
(d) if it is well (deeply) rooted; (e) If it
Is the best conductor at the moment of
the flash; that Is, if temporary condi
tions, such as being wet by rain, trans
form It for the time from a poor con
ductor to a good one.
5. Lightning may bring about a forest
fire by igniting the( tree Itself, lor- the
humua at Its ba?e . Most forest fires
caused by llghtnlns probably start In the
humus. i .
I Nebraska Homaae Society.
OMAHA, Sept 28.-TO the Editor of
The Bee: The Nebraska Humane society
la organised for the protection of chil
dren and prevention of cruelty to animals.
This object must appeal to every man,
woman and child of our community.
The society has been reorganised
and la prepared for active work.
We need J1.000. If we can secure this,
another $1,000 Is pledged.
Does not this work appeal to your
readers to the extent of $1.
J. A. TANCOCK, President
H. 8. MANN. Secretary.
Child CItr by Mental Suggestion.
DENVER, fiept 2S.-TO the Editor of
The Bee: To many thoughtful minus
the most vital problem In the world to
day is the moral education of the child.
It ia comparatively easy to mould aright
the little mind and soul during the plas
tic, formative period, but If this Is neg
lected the result Is often a malformod
brain that may rule to ruin In after
years. Many parents and teachers. In
cluding the writer, have employed men
tal suggestion with remarkablo success
In character building. A brief outline
of the method may prove helpful to
some of the readers of Th Bee.
First win tho child's lovo and confi
dence. Explain to It that you wish to
help it develop a noblo. boautlful char
acter, and that If It will work with you,
you will surely succeed. Every morning
bave It repeat after you theeo or similar
words: "This day I will bo honest, kind,
pure and true. I will do uii I can to
make others happy. I can and will do
right." If It has any fault to overcome,
earnestly and Impresslvoly repeat to it
affirmations adapted to Its needs, and
have It alBO repeat them several times
each day and at bedtime every night,
but always when It Is in a passive, re
eeptlvev mood. For instance. If it Is sel
fish, say to it: "Deep down In your lit
tle ' heart you are kind and unselfish.
You will always do unto others as you
would have them do into you." Em
brace every opportunity to praise It for
the desired virtue. Experience proves
that If these affirmations are often and
thoroughly impressed on the child's
mind and heart, they 'will become in
tegral parts of its soul and the ruling
motives of life.
Every truo lite and every noble deed Is
Inspired by aa enlightened intellect, con
science and love. To develop these quali
ties In the child they must be constantly
appealed to and made the ruling motives
of conduct Teach It what la right and
wrong and wby, and urge It to do rlgbt
for right s sake, net from fear of punish
ment or hope of reward. Seek to have
it obey Its conscience aa the voice ot God
In its soul. Encourage It to do acts ot
kindness and helpfulness. Teach It the
laws of personal purity.- Impress upon
it that every good thought and act helps
to develop a beautiful soul the one ab
solutely essential condition of highest
happiness in this life and that to come;
that every evil thought and act deforms
Its soul and , must inevitably result in
misery and unhapplness.; Above all, ex
emplify in your own life what you would
have the child become. "Like begets
like;" an angry word excites anger: love
awakens love. By always living, think
ing and desiring the noble, the good and
the . true, you max.. hjosi. surely create
these conditions In tiw child:
When the little mind Is unfolding be
neath the mother's heart, then is her
golden opportunity to mould it as she will.
According .to the new psychology, every
absorbing thought and earnest desire she
entertains during the parental period is
telepathed to the forming brain cells of
her babe, leaving there its Impress of
good or III "a chisel that cuts to mar
or beautify the statue of a soul." There
fore anger, hatred, Worry and all unde
sirable mental states mut be carefully
shunned. She should cherish only beau
tiful, kindly; happy noughts and aspira
tions, and pray silently, earnest 1 v. ,wr
waking hour that her little one may be
wveiy, pure and good. She thus attunes
herself to all holy Influences, and the
power of the Highest will overshadow
her and fashion a beautiful soul-may
we not hope a great spiritual genius?
that will ever prove a joy to the parents
and a blessing to mankind.
Brooklyn Eagle: The poor old harvester
trust did a business of $100,000,000 and
made only I1GO,000, a profit of 15-100 of 1
per cent No art haa attained the heights
of American bookkeeping.
Indianapolis News: 'On the other hand,
putting all the fourth class postmasters
under the civil service blanket Ml U V hflva
a tendency to chill the enthusiasm of
some or the boys in the trenches.
Houston Post: The colonel Insists that
the people are wise enough to recall a
president from the White House. They
are certainly too wise to recall tho present
ex-presldent to the White House.
St. Louis OJobe-Dcmoorat: The colonel
favors the recall of presidents. All years
would thus bp a time of agitation on
the subject of a president corning or go
ing. The business world, which Includes
nearly everybody, begs to be excused.
Boston Transcript: Champ Clark can
not be accused of sulking In his tent. H-j
comes out of his tent and sulks in public.
His endorsement of Wilson Is of the
queerest character, for in effect he says
In every speech that Wilson ought not
to have been nominated, but now that he
Is nominated he ought to be elected.
Springfield Republican: As for the
future of the republican party. Mr. Rrvan
has an opinion worth noting in view of
his personal experience In trying to put
that organlaatlon out of business. "One
defeat will make it progressive enoueh."
ha thinks, "to draw back most of those
who now follow Mr. Roosevelt's
standard. The republican party is not
going to fall to pieces as the more
sanguine members of the new party seem
W think."
Moralists "Threaten. to Repeat."
New York Tribune
The great moral awakening i la still
going on. Kansas ts now able to rec
ognize, after several months .that it is
a fraud to run Roosevelt men as re
publican electors. There Is no telling
what the conscience of the people will
be 'equal to after &UltU more stlmulat
llibDay taOmalia
omnuD FROM DEE ribb
SEPT. 30.
Thirty Years Aro
The Scandanavlan club met at 1114
Farnam with large attendance. Promi
nent among them, Judge Anderson, Judge
Stenberg, Messrs. Nordwall, Andreen,
Sam Burgstrom, George Hanson, S. J.
Larson and John Christopherson.
Leaviee & Pastor's troupe furnished the
entertainment at Boyd's, after which the
Scotch quartette were given a reception
by Thomas; and James Falconer, A. C.
Troup and members of the Burns' club.
The fifth story of the Paxton hotel will
be finished at once, giving the house
forty additional rooms.
Invitations are out for the wedding of
Mr. T. L. BJngwalt and Miss Minnie
Hall at Trinity on October 4.
Rev. Dr. Taylor of Worcester, O.,
is here to assist In the dedication
of the new North Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hugus will cele
brate their golden wedding anniversary
a week from Monday.
Sisters of St. Francis are appealing to
the ladles to favor them with a few
hours sewing to help make quilts, com
forts, sheets and pillow slips for St.
Joseph's hospital.
The debate on the woman suffrage
question between Miss Susan B. Anthony
and E. Rosewater Is definitely fixed for
Friday, the 13th, at Boyd's opera
house in defiance of ail the laws of
Twenty Years Abo
Fire was discovered in the South Omaha
stock yards about 8 o'clock in the even
ing and but for the excellent work of
the fire fighters might have devastated
the property. As it was the loss was con
fined to $10,000 in buildlngB and pens and
about $3,000 In 'sheep. These losses were
divided between Swift and Cudahy.
The Swedish-American Republican club
held an enthusiastic meeting at the office
of the Aurora Publishing company, 1808
Cass street, and endorsed C. O. Lobeck
for state senator on the republican ticket.
The Board of Park Commissioners de
cided to discontinue music In the parks
for the year.
Announcement that Rev. Frank Crane,
the new young pastor of First Slethodlst
church, would occupy the pulpit there on
the coming Sabbath morning is accom
panied with a' special plea for a large
attendance to greet him.
Omaha's bank clearances for the week
were $5,713,461, an Increase over the corre
sponding week In 1891 of 50 per cent.
Ten Years Arc
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crandall and Ralph,
Jr., returned from a a few weeks spent
in Colorado and Wyoming.
Messrs W. R. Drummond and Robert
Drummond, jr., received news of the
death of their father, Robert Drummond,
at Amesbury, Mass., where the family
bad resided since, coming from Scotland.
Some uninvited guest took a gold watch,
gold bracelet, gold breastpin and neck
lace from the residence of B. J. Jobst,
S69 North Thirty-eighth street.
The Board of Park Commissioners de
cided to award a contract to Van Court
& Winn to pave Florence boulevard with
Prairie chickens were reported to be
rlpe, and 'a' hini3)0rtof Omaha nlmrods
tore for the prairies.
T. W. Blackburn indites a column state
ment to Tho Bee to refute the assertion
of "some truculent prevaricator" to the
effect that he was upper-cutting the re
publican legislative slate.
People Talked About
As interpreted by a Denver court, the
law does not require a man to kiss his
ex-wife on alimony pay dayB. Taking a
written receipt is a bit safer.
The passing of chin whiskers as a
symbol of judicial repose insures a wel
come for the fashionable sideburns. The
latter are the latest expression of Judicial
balance as defined by Blackstone.
Miss Ella Soller, who has arrived from
Sweden to conduct a Philadelphia orcheS'
tra of thirty pieces. Is something of a
musical prodigy. Although only 23 years
old, she playa twenty-eight instruments.
A fairly credible report from Mauch
Chunk, Pa., announces the marriage of
Slmontchzoentsk Agonetlsklvestoskgio to
Senentrevltiaa Bverbodoenitnowskl. The
license clerk didn't let a syllable escape
his clutch.
Frederick Trevor Hill, writing In the
New York Times, wants the lawyers to
reform themselves before attempting to
reform the Judges. He prophecies fear
ful things unless this be done. Let 'em
come. The profession Is happiest when
In trouble. Trouble spells business.
Dr. Maud B. Schram will be a candl
date for representative in Denver on one
of the tickets. One of the things that
she will work for will be a pension for
the mothers whose husbands have de
serted them, and a living wage for women
with short hours of labor will also engage
her attention.
The registrar of a Chicago college, tak
ing a menial picture of the new girl
students, gave vent to his admiration by
tossing vocal bouquets at the bunch of
loveliness. As most of the charmers
hailed from western states it isn't any
wonder the Chicago man, viewing a spec
tacle so rare to him, exploded on the spot.
Miss Lucy Goode White has been
elected president of the California
League for the Protection of Motherhood,
wliich was organised with 100 charter
members. It Is not planned to make this
a permanent organization, but it is to
exist only long enough to obtain the
passage of a state law pensioning
widowed mothers with dependent chil
dren. As the Salvation army interprets It,
marksmanship is the ability to bit the
head of a drum with a silver dollar.
J. L. Sapplngton of Centralla, Mo., will
be protected from cold this winter by a
coonskln overcoat made from hides of
coons which he caught with his famous
dog, Buck. The coat was made from the
skins of thirty of the 133 coons which
he and his canine have captured In the
last three years.
When Greeks met Greeks in a church
at New Salem. Pa., last Sunday, for the
purpose of electing a pastor, there was
something doing every minute of the hour
following the announcement of the result
of the voting. More than 900 persons en
gaged in the tnlxup. The crowd was too
large for other than snortarm Jabs. After
the police cleared the auditorium and
peace brooded over the scene an in
ventory showed all sacred objects
smashed, the pulpit thrown over the rail
ing and the floor Uttered with torn coats,
shirts and hats. Whoever stuffed the
ballot didn't know it was loaded.
Daughter Father, you shouldn't have
kicked George last night. You broke the
poor fellow's heart.
Father 1 didn't come anywhere near
his heart. Boston Transcript.
"The storm caused me a great deal of
suffering by breaking all the windows
in my house."
"Why, I always understood that break
ing windows was a perfectly pane-les
operation." Baltimore American.
She Was he furious, dear, when you
told him that we had been secretly mar
ried? He Not really furious; only sulfurious.
"It must be fine to own your own
"Oh, I don't know. Every time she
suggests having the parlor redecorated
I find myself wishing for the old land
lord. Detroit Free Press.
"I have a kick coming." snorted the
Indignant citizen, as he entered the bu
reau of complaints.
"Well, keep cool." replied the clerk.
"You'll get it when your turn comes."
Boston Advertiser.
"Are you looking for work?"
"No, sir; I'm looking for money, but
I'm willing to work, because that's the
only way I can get it." Topeka Capital.
,anlo press asrents I think I have ' been
able to manufacture enouK" i" -
own immediate needs." - Washingtou
"No use locking the stable door after
the horse Is stolen."
"I should say that was the very time
to lock It. They might come back after
the automobile." Washington Herald.
"Is it true that your wife has an Im
pediment In her speech?"
"Yes; she gets sleepy about 11 o'clock
and begins to yawn." Philadelphia Record.
"You are making history," said the ad
miring friend.
"Well, answered Senator Sorghum,
modestly, "with the assistance of a few
New York Times.
There's an idiotic fellow, whom I meet
where'er X ro i
He's the crazy kind of fellow all the little
children know.
You wouldn't think him silly from, his
manner nor his style; '
Still, it seems, he must be foolish, ror ne
always wears a smile.
When the way is long and weary and the
load is hard to bear;
When you're weighted down with trouble
and there's no one seems to care.
That's the time this foolish fellow comes
a-singing up the road,
With a word and smile to cheer you and
to help you with your load.
With Iris smiling "Buck up. partner,
'cause we're bound to pull it through;
Though your load's too big for one man,
it's a little load for two."
And you feel yourself uplifted with the
strength to play your part.
With his arm to aid your body and nis
smile to brace your heart.
No. he hasn't got ambition, but his life
work never ends;
He knows a million people, and ne got
a million friends.
He doesn't strive for fame and wealth, he
hasn't got a goal;
He's Just a simple fellow, with God s sun
shine in his soul. (
Yes. he's Just a foolish fellow, with the
........ li ., , -, n tirt t u.
. ., to , ' , . -" " -
All the misery and sadness that are plain
to you ana me,
But he knows the joy of living, aU that
makes the world worth while:
And I'd like to be as foolish as the man
behind the smile.
Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Gas
or Dyspepsia Pape's Diapepsin
This delightful stomach regulator brings relief in five minutes
Puts an end to Stomach trouble forever.
"Really does'' put bad stomachs in or
der "really does" overcome indigestion,
dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness
in five minutes that just that makes
Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling
stomach regulator in the world. If what
you eat ferments Into stubborn lumps,
you belch gas and eructate sour, undi
gested food and acid; head is dizzy and
aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your
insides filled with bile and Indigestible
waste, remember the moment Diapepsin
comes in contact with the stomach all
such distress vanishes. It's truly as
tonishingalmost marvelous, and the
joy is its harmlessness.
A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dla
pesln will give you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
hands you your money back.
It's worth its weight in gold to men
and women who can't get their ston.rachs
regulated. It belongs in your home
should always be kept handy in case of
a sick, sour, upset stomach during tha
day or at night. It's the quickest, sur
est and most harmless stomach doctor
in the world.
to the
St. Louis-Kansas City Special
You can leave Omalia at 4:35 in the afternoon and
be in Kansas City at .11:03 that evening; there is ample
margin for connection with late night trains for
Oklahoma, Texas, the Gulf country, Fort Worth, Dallas,
' Houston, Galveston, San Antonio', Memphis Birtiuog
ham, Atlanta and the Southeast.
You arrive St. Louis 7:20 A. M., making morning
connections for the South; coaches, Burlington diners,
parlor cars for Kansas City; sleepers and chair cars
for St. Louis.
Kansas City Night Express
Leaves at 10:45 P. M., with equipment ready at 10
P. M.; a high class dynamo electric lighted train of chair
cars, standard and observation sleepers.
Daylight Southern Express
Leaves at 9:15 A. M., arrives Kansas City at 4:05
P. M.; connects writh afternoon and early evening trains
for the South; chair cars, Burlington diners and stand
ard sleepers.
WINTER TOURIST: Ask about the winter tour
ist and hoiueseekers' fares to the Southjust an
nounced as effective October 15th.
If your ticket reads "Burlington" you will prob
ably arrive "on time." The punctuality of Burling
ton trains is possible only with ample power, a road
bed of integrity, and a highly developed organization.
C3ty Ticket Office, 1503 Faraara Street. Tel. D. 1238. (
Burlington Passenger Station, 10th and Mason Sts. Tel. D. 3580.
Omaha, Nebraska. .
etter Service
to California
Via Rock Island Lines
Through, up-to-date Tourist Car Servico Omaha
to Los Angeles via the true Southern Route
lowest altitude will be operated daily, Sep
tember 25th to October 10th, on the following
Lsavs OMAHA 5:00 P. M. Today
" LINCOLN 7:00 P. M. "
Arrive EL PASO 6:30 A. M. 2d Day
" LOS ANGELES 7:15 A. M. 3d Day
Through Daily Tourist sendee is also operated via Colo
rado and Salt Lake City the Scenic Route.
7 For further particulars and literature Inquire of
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.,
1322 Farnam St.