Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    O A
Be a
Wise Woman!
I I 'I'
Founder of . Immanuel Baptiit
. ...Church toSpeak There.
Rally Sendees of Baaday icaooU-
Rev. John A. Earl of Des
Bfolnes College to Preacm
In Omaha.
V5 H the support that many
stout figures need. .,Thii year
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greater comfort. . Two models:
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Fop STOUT Figures-
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No,319-lowbut to nn
Rally day services or one kind and an
other will be held in several Omaha
churches tomorrow. In some all depart
ments will start the church year's work
with services of this kind; In others the
Sunday schools only will have such
meetings. Out-of-town speakers will de
liver some of the addresses. In several
churches there will be special music.
An address by Rev. F. W. Foster,
founder of the church, will be the fea
ture of Rally day at Immanuel Baptist
church tomorrow. lie will lead a serv
ice of prayer and praise at 9:45. At a
service beginning- at 10:30 the, church's
beautfful new pipe organ will be dedi
cated. The organ cost . 12,350, of which
Andrew Carnegie paid 81,000. At noon
the Bible school will rally and at 7 In
the evening the young people.. The pro
grams for, the services at 10:30 and at I
follow: f ,
Organ Voluntary Intermezzo Bliet
Invocation '
- Rev.. F.-.w.' Foster.
Anthem I ' Heard a Great . Voice. .
Choir." i '.
Offertory-Second Meditation In O
Major i. .........Sudds
Sermon The Comeliness of Praise....
Anthem-I Surely Have Bunt inee
an House.. ......v v Trimnell
Organ Voluntary Barcarolle.. ..Hofmann
Anthem Come, ; Let Us WorsMp..Loreni
Solo-Abide With Me..,.;.:.; Shelly
. miss urym...
Offertory-Allegretto v. Schumann
Violin Solo Selected........
Mr. HetherinKton.
Anthem I Will )BIe the Lord.... Adam
Organ Solo Meditation... ..La Malgre
Mr. Thorn.
girmon The Story of Some Great
Hymns .........
Solo-Eye Hath Not Seen..,.., ..Gaul
r . .. Miss Grym.
Recessional Marche Pontificate.. Oounod
Tomorrow will be Ball day for the
First Congregational church, Nineteenth
and Davenport streets. In the morning
at 10:30 the pastor, Rev. , Frederick T.
Bouse, :wlll presich' on "The Things That
P.sra&in." Tha Sunday school will hold
it Tally and promotion exercises at noon.
The evening service will begin at 7:45.
Rev. C. H. Bandy of India will speak
of his seventeen years of missionary
work there In North Presbyterian
church, Twenty-fourth and Wirt streets,
tomorrow evening at S o'clock. In the
mprnlng at 10:30 he will speak at Cas
tellar Street Presbyterian church.
Calvary Baptist church, its Sunday
school and its young people will rally
tomorrow, At 10 o'clock there will be
devotional service, followed by public
worship at 10:30. .The Bible school wlU
rally at noon.. The young. people's serv
ice will be held at 7 and the evening
worship at & Programs for the morn
ing and evening worship follow.
Organ voluntary "Spring Song"......
. Mendelssohn
Hymn, 04....; , ,.
Anthem "O, Fray for the Peace of.
Jerusalem' Knox
Prayer .....'....
Response "Lord, Have Mercy 'Upon
US" Hlmnor
Offertory-'Nocturne" Spinney
untiring ana ueuicatory irayer ,
Anthem "Christian, Dost Thou See
Themr ;
iHymn, 10..
Bermon 'xaoorers , Together with
God" ,-,
Postlude March .... , Clarke
Organ voluntary-1 Twilight" Stobblns
nymn. ojb.,.. , ,,,
Anthem "Hark, Hark, My Soul!".. Shelly
Otfettory "Berceuse" Godard
Offering and Dedicatory Prayer.,
Hymn,. 6U.,.iv..... .v...Tr...;f .
oermon-' rne supreme Mission of the
Postlude "Moderato" Rlnek
New officers of the Christian EikImwm.
society of the Third Presbyterian, church
will be Installed at the society's numi
meeting tomorrow night The society will
attend ma evening church aervti. in
body. Rev. Charles Herron will preach a
sermon directed specially to the young
Nc 321 medium J J
Auto-Massage Devicsi
No. 353 low bust
No. 354 medium
No. 355 high bust
limshaping Extensions
No. 406 low bust
No. 408 medium
New 1b-Cuito Backs
, No. 506 low bust
'- No. SOS medium
Don't expect to get Nemo
' style and comfort unless you insist
on getting a genuine NEMO. .
There are many imitations, but
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Be a Wise Woman!
-and msider : first YOUR
.,OWN;tyle.heakh and purse. ;
ID) HOPS BROS, Mi-, New Yerk
numbers were gtven during the evening.
Rev. B. B. Crawford will occupy the
pulpit of Hanscom Park Methodist Epis
copal church Sunday both morning and
evening. This will be his last Sunday
with this congregation, and will close his
two years' pastorate at this church. He
leaves the beginning ,of the week for
Chicago. .. .. .
Tomorrow will e Rally day In church
and Sunday school at Lowe avenue Pres
byterian church and Sunday school, cor
ner Fortieth and Nicholas streets, with
a fine musical program in the evening
at 7:6. Subject, 'Th Ninety and Nina"
The following special musical aAma
Will be given at Lowe Avenua Pmshv.
terlan church tomorrow evening! v
Processional No. lK.'."'.".!'.''.".'.'.'.'.'.'.r.t!
tiymn o. 1,1-joy to the World
AjiUwnril, Holy Cross... ...Scbnecker
Solo Selected
, ,t - , Mrs. Benedict
Anthem-Gloria in lxcelst......Brackett
Iet-Pfotect Us Through the Coming
Anthem Seek Ye the Lord Roberta
Uolo-Ninety and Nine.. ....Campion
Sermon Ninety and Nine
0010-xNineiy ana wine, as sung In the
south .,........
. I Mrs. Mullis.
Anthem The Lord Is Exalted... West
.. . v , . niuir. .
Rev. "John A. Earl. Dresldant of Ta
Moines college, will preach at the iriri
Baptist church. Harney street and Park
avenue, tomorrow, In the morning at 10:30
ana in tne evening at 7:30. 1
The Sunday mchortl nt v. o
- -
cnuron, xwenty-tnird street and South
Central boulevard, will rally tomorrow at
.mere win d special music and ad
Rev. C. H. RariAv
. i ...un.u.i. W
India for seventeen voara. vin
. 1 ... ..Ml
the Sunday school children of . Castellar
eA . v-
cxreei rresoyienan church at a rally day
service at noon, tomorrow.
Autumn rally of the Sunday school of
Kountse Memorial Lutheran chui-.
arnam street and Twenty-aUth avenue,
wlu be held tomorrow, morning at 10:30.
The Epworth league of the Walnut
Hill Methodist church, Forty-first and
Charles streets, will hold its annual rally
tomorrow evening at I o'clock. At the
regular evening church service the pastor,
Rev. William Boyers. will Dreach
sermon on "Visions," specially for t the
young people. .
. A farewell reception, was tendered Rr.
Mr. Underwood, pastor f the St Paul
(Neb.) Methodist church, and hi family
on the evening of their, departure for
Omaha, where Mr.. Underwood has been
assigned to the pastorate of the McCabe
Methodist church.- - Mr. Underwood had
been pastor at St Paul for seven years
and he- and IAb wife had endeared them
Lves to their people. Beautiful gifts
were presented the paator and his wife.
Ice cream aaa cake were served. Musical
Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and
Seward. W. H. Owells. Buperintendent
Blble school Sunday at 3:30.
Grace, Tenth and Arbor Rev. B. F.
Fellman, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m.;
sermon by Dr. J. F. Heuman. 11 a. m.;
Young People's meeting, 7.30 p. m.; ser
mon by C. F. Robel, 8 p.m.
First Harney street and Park avenue
Preaching, morning and evening by Dr.
John A. Earl, president Des Moines col
lege. Morning service, 10:30; Sunday
school, noon; Young People's meeting, 7;
evening service, 7:30; Prayer meeting,
Wednesday evening at S.
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton,
Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Services, 10:30
and S. Rally day services for all the de
partments, including Bible school and
Young People's services. Bible school at
noon; Young People's meeting, 7. Special
music and interesting programs.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney,
Rev. J. 8. Eberaole, Pastor An all-day
rally of all departments. Morning praise
service led. by Rev. F. W. Foster, the
organizer of Immanuel church, 9:46;
dedication of pipe organ, Harold HarUell
Thorn, organist sermon by the castor:
The Comeliness of Praise." 10:3. rally
of Bible school, special program, at noon;
Young People's rally, 7; special musical
program by choir, assisted by Miss Martha
Grym, soprano, and by Will Hethering
ton. violinist, at 8.
Christian. ; ' -
North Side, Twenty-eeoond and Loth
rop. H. J. Klrchsteln, Mlnlster-Blble
school at :30 a. m.; regular church ser
vice, 10:45 a. ra.; regular church ser
theme, "Know the Times"; evening
theme, "The Church and the Labor Prob
lem." Christian Endeavor. 8:46 p. m. Mid
week meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m.
' CarUttaa Science.
First Church of Christ St Mary's av
enue and Twenty-fourth Sunday school,
9:46 and 11 a. m.; sermons, 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Re
ality.". Congregational.
St Mary's Avenue, James Alexander
Jenkins, Minister Morning worship, 10:30;
subject: "Two Views of Temptation."
Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W. 8.
Hampton, Pastor Services, 10:30 and 8;
Sunday school at noon; Junior Endeavor,
t; Senior Endeavor, 7; midweek prayer
service, Wednesday at s.
First, Nineteenth and Davenport
Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor The pastor
will preach Sunday morning at 10:30,
Subject: "The Things that Remain." The
Sunday school will hold special rally
day and promotion exercises at noon;
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor rally, 8:80; evening preaching
services, 7:46; the vested choir, led by
Dr. Freemantel, will sing. The pastor
will apeak on "Some Experiences ana
Observations in the Wilderness."
Phurch of the Good Shepherd, Twen
tieth and Ohio, Rex. T. J. Collar, Rector-
Holy communion, 7:w; eunaay scuu,
8:45; morning prayer with sermon. U.
St Matthias, Tenth and Worthlngton,
Rev. George Shepard Southworth Morn
ing prayer and sermon, 11:00 a. nv; Sun
day school, 10:00 a. m.; holy communion,
8:uo a. m. .''.
Phumh of ' St. 4 Phlltn the Deacon.
Twenty-first and Paul-Kev. John Albert
William, rriest itoiy communion ai :au
a. m.; Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; mat
ins and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer
and sermon, 6 o'clock.
' j! Lntaeraau
Grace Evangelical. 1328 South Twenty-
alxth Holy communion will be celebrated
at 10:4a. Services will be conducted by
Rev. Luther P. Ludden. Sunday school
at 10.
Zion. Ensllah. Magnolia hall, 2404 Ames
avenue, Rev. G. W. Snyder, pastor Ser
vices at 8:30 p. m., subject "The Occu
pation of the Wise." Sunday school at
3:30 p. m..
St .Matthew's, English, Nineteenth and
Castellar. Rev. G. W. Snyder, Pastor
Services at U a. m suoject, -wresting
Scriptures to One's Destruction." Sun
day school at 10 a. m. '
St Mark's English, Twentieth and
at 11, "Our Boys and How to Interest
Them Religiously." Sunday school at
8:46. Christian Endeavor at 7.
St. Paul's. Twenty-eighth and Parker.
Rev. B. T. Otto, Pastor Services at 10.
Kvenlnc sermon in Endish and Lord's
Suoner at 7:45. Sunday school of the
English department at 11:30, Berea Bible
class on Tuesday at 7:80.
Kountse Memorial, Farnam and Twen
ty-sixth, Rev. Dr. Oliver D. Baltsly,
pastor Morning worsnip at u. uuoject,
KVmlAd with Eves ODn." At 8 the
monthly musical servico will be given
by the largo choir usder the direction of
Joe Barton. A short sermon on "Con
vinced, out unwiuing. i ' w ute au
tumn rally day ln the Sunaay achool.
Luther league at 7.
Gold ' Street Chapel. Thirty-ninth and
Gold Sunday school, 8 p. m.; preaching,
(a m. also weonesaay evening ai a.
Dieti Memorial, C N. Dawson, Pastor
Rimdav acnooi at w. rreacnina ai
and 7:30. Kp worth league at :30. Prayer
meeting weanesaay evening ai a.
Trtnitv. .Twenty-first and Binney
Thomas Blthell, Pastor sabbath school.
9:43 a. m.; morning service, a. m.;
Kp worth league, 1 p. m.; evening service,
p. m.
First Twentieth and Davenport Rev.
Milton B. Williams, Pastor Subject at It
ihrte IK. Phiin-h and the Multitude."
Subject at 8, "Hercules, a Strong Man
Who Prevailed." Sabbatn school at :to.
Epworth league at 7..
Norwegian and Danish. North Twenty-
ftfth and Decatur, it P. Petersen. Pas
torServices 11 a. m- and 8 p. m. The
castor begins his sixth yar of servico
tor InH oongresai'ua wim, yicauitiuo
morning and evening.
walnut Hill. Forst-first and Charlee.
nv William Hovers, rastor At iv:w
the Sunday school will hold rally day
services. At 7 the Epworth league win
have a raiiy cay program ana a ma
Sastor will preach a special sermon to
le young people on "Visions." Street Twentieth and Oak-Bible
school at 3 with adult and other classeo
for all. Young people's meeting at 1.
Rev. T. C Webster has been returned for
another year ana wiu pratcn 10 uw even
ing at a. Midweek meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30. Matter of importance
win be taaen ui .
vnr&iM. Fortieth and Farnam Usual
services will be held. The former pastor,
u. inhn nrant Shlok. will spend the
.' ith th nhurch before leaving for
his new pewrie u x- w.i .vn, ..w. .
will preaciv at tne mwuin Briuo "
perhaps at night The new pastor, Rey.
W. h: Underwood, will arrive during the
coming week.
r....i tTnited. Twenty-fourth and
Dodge. Hugh B. Speer, Pastor-Morning
worship, iu:jw; HDiwin avuw, uwu,
Young People's meeting, 7.-00 p. m.", eve
ning worship at 8:00 p. m.. sermon by
Rev. W. A. Pollock of South Omaha.
t .vnun-nrner Fortieth and Ntch-
olas-Rev. N. McGlffin, Pastor-Rally tiay
for churcn ana ounaay Kraw. wi
scrvioe, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school pro-
fram at 12; Endeavor meetings at 3:30 and
,; evening service with special music,
First Serenteenth and Dodg Rev.
Edwin Hart Jenks, Pastor Public wor
ship at 10:30, theme, "The Secret of Hap
piness." Evening worship at 8, theme,
"A Spoiled Man." Christian Endeavor
at 8:46. Sunday school at U. Everyone
is invited to attend.
North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, M. V.
Hlgbee, Pastor-Morning sermon at 10:30.
Theme, "Seeking Good Things." Sunday
school at 13. Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor at T. Rev. Mr.
Bandy of India will speak on "Foreign
Missions in India" at &
Castellar Street Rev. C C. Meek. Min
ister Morning servico at 10:10. Rev. C
Established by O. K. Scofteld in 1897
I announce with pleasure to the public that the
Ready-to- Wear Shop so long established at 1510 Douglas
St. will be continued under above firm style.
For over fifteen years ' these premises
have been used for the distribution of fash
ionable apparel for women, and the same
careful supervision will be given to the pur
chase and sale of high class ready-to-wear
apparel,1 p X'
I respectfully solicit a continuance of the cordial
support extended to this establishment.
x Julius Orkin
H. hundv will sneak. Sabbath school at
12. Rally day exercises. Mr. Bandy will
address the school, unnstian tunaeavor
at 8:46. Evening service at 7:46. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:46.
Falrview. Pratt Street and Fortieth
Avenue, Charles H. Fleming, ' 'Pastor-
Bible school at 1:46 for short service,
merging, about 2:16 into the Rally . day
service of the Bible school, which will
be a union of both Sabbath school and
church service for that day. No Luke
work Thursday evening.
Gllfton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grand,
Thomas B Greenlee, Pastor Bible school
at iv a. m. Pubiio worsmp at u ana
7:30. Morning subject "The Heart of
the Good Shepherd." Evening subject,
"In Your ' Virtue Supply Knowledge."
Christian Endeavor at 6:30. The sacra
ment, of the - Lord's Supper, October
8 at 6. '.;'.
Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth
Sunday school at 9.30. Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper, sacrament - of baptism
and reception of new members at 10:45.
Sermon by Rev. Charles Herron. Solo
by Miss Hazel Evans. Christian En
deavor prayer meeting and installation
of officers at 7. Christian Endeavor rally
with sermon by Rev. Charles Herron
at 8. . ;
Church of the Covenant. Pratt unfl
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming,
Pastor Morning worship at 10:45-"C'hris-tlan
Enterprise" is the subiect Bihin
school at noon. Endeavor at 7:15 and
evening worshiD at 8. Raliv duv hptvip
of the Sunday school with an Interest
ing uiugrum win replace tne regular
evening service. No Luke lesson this
week. Forty-seven out to the nrevtnna
Central Boulevard, C M. Rohrbaugh,
Pastor-rSunday . school at 9:46, C. W.
Thomas. mmrlStnA ant T? o 1 1 tr Jaw
gram at 11. : Evening service. Miss Mo-
uee will address the Christian Endeavor
society at 7:30. Sermon at 8. subiect.
"A Living Sacrifice," preparatory to
communion on October 6.1. ,; . ".,
First, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev.
ManfrtM TllUfnr Mini,.. t-..i -1
10:46. Subject of sermon, "The Value of
United Presbyterian.
First Twenty-first and Emmet A. C.
pouBlaa, Pastor Communion of the
Lord's Supper at 10:30. Bible school at
U. Special classes for adults. , Young
People s Christian union meeting at 6.30.
Public worship and preaching service at
t)f0Jl8' Church Charles W. Savidge,
Pastor Morning, Sunday school rally.
Evening, temperance conoert by Sunday
school. Sunday school at noon.
International Bible Students' Associa
tion, Barlght Hall, Nineteenth and Far
naw --t ft L. Homan will speak on the
subject, "Sunshine and Shadow." Seats
free. No collection.
F:, w- Heron will address the Omaha
Philosophical society Sunday afternoon
t 3 in Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Far-n?m-
H,B 8ubJct will be "The Relation
of Life Insurance to Social Progress."
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth and
Ohio Sunday school, 9:45 a. ra.; preach
ing, 9 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Zlon's Rellglo
and Literary society meets at 6:30 p. m.
Special parliamentary drill instead of
regular lesson study; short program.
Elder Paul N. Craig. 2424 Maple street,
Webster 6259, city missionary; Elder M.
A. Peterson, 1817 North Twentieth street
Webater 3414, president.
R. M. Grossman will speak at the
Young Men's Christian association on
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock on 'The
Highest Type of Man." Following this
meeting the regular Sunday afternoon
fellowship luncheon will be served,
Girlish, Wrmkle-Free
Skin Easy to Have
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