A i. ' " ! f7ivT60MG TD WAND VoO Tb) j- ' v4lnan5h i i . This iseTmf f ' i. I Vouft. FAtxeft.'; He a- Mf ' rtSr ' -fofULVl ' (c5cHvS5irif -i PUT A STOP-TD YOOR READ) -Ofo " I ! Mm f a 1 f'MOTi1' Voo Voumo- ' Wrfli 0F THESE. TfcftfclBCfc- f ' 5 JL- kATo I l , , OFFERED FOR KENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR KK.VT PERSONAL J I'nrnisned Houms. Apartments ana Flats. Uodwi (ml CutUifi, Houses mid rottai.es. Houses nnd Cottages. Stores and Offices n.--.i.telltii THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1912. 3-C The Dingbat Family-Now Mrs. D. Turns Literary Copyolght, '1912. National News Assn. Drawn for The Bee by Herriman t ELEGANT furnished room, all modern, in, private family. 2227 Jones St., Tel Douglas 6751. - CJ..EAN, light. Dodge. walking distance. 2601 Furnished Hoasekeenlnn- llooms. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Z018 Davenport. yi inu lumiBjneu nuuseKeejunK i facing Hanscom park; no children. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT-Furnlshed beautiful 7-room house. 5104 Dodge St. Phone Harney 1782. FIVE-ROOM modern furnished or un furnished house, to couple without chil dren; references. 2574 Spalding. Webster 34S9. FURNISHED modern house, of 8 rooms, hot water heat, Hanscom Park district: rent $45. Tel. Douglas 1893 or H. 1504. MIDDLE-AGED couple to share house; modern, with furnace; walking distance. G 794. Bee. Untarnished Rooms. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms four blocks from court house: four large rooms, mod ern except furnace, $18. 625 So.- 20th St. Douglas 7158. Hotels anu Apartment. DODGE hotel, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. OWL HOTEL, newly furnished, electric light, hot water; 25c up. 110 N. 13th. 30-ROOM brick building, formerly occu pied by hospital. Can be rented for hos pital or for hotel. Bathrooms on each floor. New steam heating plant. N. P. DODGE & COMPANY, 16th and Harney Sts. ' Apartments uid Flats. Large moving vans, 11.24 per hour. D. 3M. STRICTLY high grade 6-room modern apartment, steam heated, janitor service, fine location. J. H. Johnson. 378 Bran deis Bldg. Phone Douglas 4261. MODERN steam heated apartments of 5 rooms, 18th and Farnam Sts., $40. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. looses and Cottages. 7- room, $17. 2708 Seward St. Doug. 1533. 8- ROOM detached home In heart of West Farnam district. Have held for sale only and refused to lease, but will consider renting now, $30 per month. 7-room, new. comfortable brick house on California St.. about 4 blocks west of Creighton college: $40 to good tenant. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank. 2 rooms, 1821 N. 17th, $13.50. 6 rooms, 2815 Parker, $16.00-. 5 rooms, 1305 N. 25th, modern, $17.50. 6 rooms, 1115 N. 24th, $13.00. 5 rooms, 1110 Farnam, $20.00. 6 rooms, 311 South 36th, $15.00. 6 rooms, 1809 Corby, $17.00. 6 rooms, 1810 Miami. $15i0. 6 rooms, 2705 N. 25th, $14.00. 7 rooms, 1608 Burt, modern, $25.00. 8 rooms, 1737 Park Ave., modern. $25.00. 8 rooms, 1923 Locust, modern, $25.00. 10 rooms, 1041 Park Ave., $32.50. BENSON & MYERS CO., 124 Omaha Nat'l "Bank Bids., Doug. 746. EIGHT-ROOM house, all modorn. In good condition. On car line. $25 per month. 2913 Hickory St. VINCENT D. DHRMODY. Tel Doug. 786, 1514 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 8-ROOM, all modern home. In fine con dition, on paved street and one block from car line, $40 per month. 2774 Web ster St. VINCENT D. DERMODY, 1304 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 786. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, bath and furnace, all modern, $25. For. a warm house in winter and cool In summer call and see 1C11 No. 33d St., or telephone Frank Stirling, Web. 1583. THE LAFAYETTE, CORNER 17TH VE. AND JACKSON, 2, 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. LARGE AND CHEER FUL, EVERYTHING MODERN, NEWLY DECORATED. RENTS REDUCED. WHY NOT LIVE CLOSE IN AND SAVE CAR FARE? SEE THE JANITOR OR PHONE DOUGLAS 7020. STEAM-HEATED APARTMENT. 1103 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, modern, elegant finish; janitor; hot water; reference re quired; $35 winter, $25 summer. Office 1101 N. 18th " . THE STANDARD FLATS. Steam heated, separate homes, 6 mod ern rooms unsurpassed for sine, arrange ment, quality, low price: janitor; hot water; $36 and $36 winter; $10 less summer. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha National Bank Bldg 556 S. 26TH AVE Lower 5 rooms In St. Louis flat. Call Douglas 6451. ALSATIAN APARTMENTS One 5-room apartment; has front and '. reap porches with best of Janitor serv- j4 Ice, $45 per month. f- TRAVER BROS., ,1 ' THE MAEWOOD New high class steam-heated apartment house; fine location, In easy walking dis tance, 25th Aye. and Harney. ( First class janitor service. Amplcheat. Plenty of hot water. .-Laundry with drier. Garbage disposal plant Disappearing beds, well ventilated. Kitchens have gas ranges, bullt-ln ice boxes and cupboards. Apartments, including reception hall, living room, kitchen, bath, largo closet and trunk room, $30 and $4.50 for heat during winter month. Will have two or three vacancies only on October 1. Apply immediately. ERNEST SWEET, 236 City National Bank. Douglas 1472 $18.00-6-r., 2419 Binney St.. modern ex cept heat. $20.00-5-r., 2S06 Ruggles St.. modern ex cept heat. $27.50-6-r. flat. 3d. 1516 Howard St.. modern except heat. $30.00-s-r., 4212 Farnam St.. modern. barn. $30.00-6-1-., 2803 Burt St., modern, fine repair. 130.00-6-r., 2806 Burt St., modern, new. $35.00-7-r., 524 No. 36th St., modern. $35.00 5-r. apartment, 630 Park Ave., modern. $35.00 5-r. modern apartment, 528 Park Ave. $37.60-7-r. flat. 619 So. 16th St., modern except heat. $45.00-10-r., 518 So. 26th Ave., modern. $47.50 7-r., steam-heated apartment, 618 So. 16th St. $HO.cr-24-r., 1611-13 Howard St., modern except heat. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bank. 1 VtiYV W.Tn orvM rrTT a rir Ready to move Into. The lot is full size, 50x128, and only M block from oar line and paving; east front. Nice, large front mrrh plate glass, opening Into a cozy south caoi. living room. wiue mission opening from living room to large bright unguis luum, nun iiisn dining room win .. - . v. ... i iii. .it uiiv in ii aim 1 II try with Inside entrance to full base- inriit uuuer enure nouse, DricR rounda- O will T 1111 I. W U fJAJJUSWU walls, which gives two windows, plenty ui ubui ana ventilation, big closet mid nice bath room, high grade low down tank water closet with porcelain bowl and golden oak tank, fully guaranteed. Heavy one-piece porcelain Blnk in kitchen with back all in one piece. Electric light all through, with pretty fixtures, living room piece Is four-light electric shower with chain drops and art glass shades; dining room piece to match with amber shades. Oak, pine and maple finish, floors are of red oak, ma chine scraped and highly polished. It's S .i. "l tum nlceiy nmshed cottage, pullt from same materials and finished just as neatly as my larger and higher priced homes. All floors are double over No. 1 ship lap, with red iusin between; 8L 1, ls No- 1 clear red wood over sheathing, with tar felt between. Tr w, w"rm,anl strong; painted a rich buff and trimmed in white. It's ready to move right into-wlndows washed. flUffi waxd- nothing to do but lay rugs and place the furniture. You can own this 8eml--t"nsalow cottage ju?t as 'y as you -'an pay rent for some old Te,n?hr for,thre,e or four rooms in a oniv ti i-lice tor 'mmedlate sale is mS' '5 casn and ,w-75 Per month, sm?Rhi,?a,yments include the interest m.ntaaCUallV covers a" squired poyl ntS' ...See me at onc t0(Jay. regardless HZ'1 'f Weatner 18 bd wiU have cosed conveyance. These four-room Take Benson car, get off at Halcyon hZve ae?lni1'f?me S0Uth t0 No- "5 nave a fine five-room cottage, close tn car line and paving, for rent to good reliable party; rent, $15 per month SouTh"0" 12f and m- Come to U5 Houth Halcyon Ave., Benson. F- 8. TRULLINGER. 518 S. 20th Ave., 10 rooms, modern. $50. 2010 N. 18th St. and 1808 Grace St., 10 rooms each, modern, $25. 110 S. 25th Ave., location and arrange ment suitable for roomers, $25. 1747 S. 28th St., 7 rooms, modern except heat, $20. 602 8: 29th St., 6 rooms, modern except heat, $20. 3701 N. 21st St, 8 rooms, modern except heat, $17.50. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. 7-room apartment, steam-heated, south west corner 20th and Lake. .Key at 2008 Lake St. FLATS. 2952 Harney St., 9-r., modern $60 324 Park Ave., 8-r., modern.. 85 5202 Farnam St., 6-r., mod. ex. furnace,. 40 621 S. 29th St., 4-r., mod. ex. furnace., 15 8014 Ames Ave., 4-r., store room and living rooms i 12 1212 S. 27th St.; 6-r., city water 11 2tt4 N. 27th St., 4-r., city water... 1717 Park Ave., 8-r., modern.. 25 r GARVIN BROS.. 354 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 5-R. heated apartment. 2208 Howard St. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 6-ROOM apartment, completely mod ern; Scargo Bldg., South Omaha, above 516 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug las 7406. 1 CLOSE IN FLAT . - . STRICTLY MODERN Practically new, 5 rooms and bath; walking distance; Rood furnace. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. FOR RENT Two apartments, one five rooms and bath, one nine rooms and bath; walking distance; on car line. 402 No. 24th. Douglas B729. 8-ROOM apartment, Hanscom Park, $32. Phone Harney 1565. FLATS over 1522 and 1524 North 24th 6treet (corner Seward street) middle flat, 6 rooms and bath corner flat, 7 rooms and bath; splendid repair; rent $16- for corner flat and $15 for middle flat. In qulre Frank A. Furay. Phone Har. 821. THREE splendid apartments of a rooms and bath each, at 2237 Seward St.; electric lights throughout: gas In kitchens; each apartment Just remodeled, newly papered and painted; rent Including water rent ls $25 for each apartment; basement, $15. Inquire Frank A. Furay. Phone Har. 621. " 4 ROOMS. CLOSE IN. ' ' Look at 2047 Howard, a 4-room, strictly modern St Louis flat within easy walk ing distance; $30. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, . Omaha's Rental Man. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. hi V- HIGH-TONE 6-room apartment on Vest Farnam. with steam heat and jani tor service. $65. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 7-ROOM, new; all modern house, 613 N. 30th, $35 per month. 6-room house, all modern, 2777 Burt St $i'4 per month. Tel. Jensen, Harney 1092. FINE 7-room modern brick apartment 11- So. lth St.: liW.CO. Fine 5-room modern frame apartment 2X3 So. 16tb St, $15.00. Douglas 67S9. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Eight-room, hall, hot water heat; laun dry In basement; corner lot. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Tel. Doug. 2715, Evenings H. 2S42 or H. 5134. 2813 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, rood., $27.50. 1560 N. 20th, 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur., $20. 8128 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod., bam, $35. 622 S. 28th, 6 rooms, mod., $35. RING WALT, Bpanaeis -rneater may-- NEARLY new detached house, t rooms. $30 Georgia Ave., near Mason. Tel. Har ney 2810. DUNDEE All modern 8-room house house for rent; newly decorated. 4820 California St. Phone Douglas 6175. $27.60. HOUSES AND COTTAGES NINE ROOMS $405002 California, ail mod.: Dundee. $40-1614 Emmet St., all mod.: barn. $404002 Seward St., new; hot water. EIGHT ROOMS $30-219 S. 29th St, all modern. $22-2818 Ames Ave.; newly finished. SEVEN ROOMS $22.50-2221 St 29th St md. (ex. heat) bars. SIX ROOMS $201120 6. 9th St, cottage near car barn. $182026 Vinton St., mod. ex. heat; car line. $16-3511 Seward St., just put in fine condition. $14930 N. 27th St., mod. ex. heat , FIVE ROOMS $20-1810 N. 34th St., mod. ex. heat. $18 No. Shelby Court, mod. ex. heat $161001 N. 23d St; cottage, fine shape. $141141 N. 17th St., mod. ex. heat $122513 S, 31st St., cottage; well. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1622 Farnam St. FOR Riswr $15 PER MONTH Lottage, five rooms, and located in he very best residence district, close to shade tr n Piece. Nice thafSiSft? J,8'1 tfees. but trees - v j 0iicuie me lawn. I hnva " " ma-ity peupie are at all rLmfS.asklnsr for a home that they can u roundlngs and . yet avoid high rents Hat I have decided to rent this one SrWV?.iBooa "arty- n.o quickly! ' rental houses of this kind are very d v at"sd rlsdl" readl,v- Come tZ .iL'niS 8 Jeady t0 move rteht '"to all gleaned. You can move tomorrow Rent S !uXnJK g00d Pliable plrtyF Ave.. Benson. aouln rtaicyn 6-room modern house on Walnut Hill one block from car line, $26; possession October 1. 6-room cottage, modern except heat everything complete, including storm windows, choice location on the Harney car line, $20 per month. 7-room modern house, with hard wood finish, hard wood floors and all modern conveniences, $37.50. This hou.e has a den on the first floor which can be used as a downstairs bedroom if desired. 8-room house with barn at 3120 Chicago St., $35. 8-room, modern except electricity, one block from car lino, within walking dis tance, good neighborhood, $40. 7 rooms, with water, gas, sewer and fur nace, In brick block, north part of city, one block from car line, $20. This Is a desirable house and In a good neighbor hood and the rent is very low. 6 rooms, modern except heat, second floor of brick block, $18. 5-room modern house, in brick block, 2 blocks from three street car lines and within walking distance, $25. Very de sirable and cheap. J. II. DUMONT & SON 'Phone Douglas 690. 1C03 Farnam St. WEST FAKNAM New brick, 6 bed rooms and 2 baths. 815 N. 3Sth Ave. month. Sa27 Charles St. Also S-room cot tage, 3532 Hamilton St., $10 per month. Tel. D. 776 or D. 1017. 674 S. 28th ST. 8 rooms completely mod ern. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. ?M: A-4406. nouses CreIfhi Soni & Co Bo8 Blig FINE, modern eight room house. Splen did location. 4001 Charles. $30. 410 S. 21th St., 8-room modern flat, $50. 911 S. 36th, 10 rooms; modern, $35. 2703 N. 19tli, 7 rooms, $28. 2915 Sherman Ave., 6-room apartment, modern, barn, $25. 2522 Rees St., 5 rooms, $10. 2001 N. 50th. 4 rooms, partly modern, $10. BES1 1 S-CA RLBERG CO., 810-312 Brandeis Theater. SIX-ROOM modern house, close in, near car line. $23.50. I'hone Webster 6884. A SNAP Ten-room modern house with fine sleeping porch and large attic and basement, adapted for two small families or for subletting rooms; splendid location; West Farnam district; near car; rent re duced from $65 to $50 per month, If taken before October 1. Phone JHarney 4113. 4-R flkt?i-0 n6, 4223 Pul3 Ml heat $13.50 ' DWey Ave- mtKl' ex' Storeroom, 711 S. 27th St., $12.60. 3-R 70S N. 24th St., $10.00. uDODJGE & COMPANY, 'm namey sts. 9-room house, modern. 20H Burt 8-room flat, 3d floor. 909 No. 24th St 6-room flat, 2d floor, 937 No. 24th St 8-room house at 1559 No. 17th St S-room house at 1503 No. 17th St O. C. REIDICK, ATTORNEY, wii rarnam c?t. tt?w "J0? house, also modem cot fnlu'lrelTke11 at M1 A real home, pretty lawn, electrlo light all modern. 9-r.. $40. 725 S. 37th. W. 268a 810 William SK, 6-r., all mod. flat, $35. 812 William, 4-r., all mod. flat. $30. 2019 California, 10-r., all mod., $40. 2811 Charles, 7-r., C. W., sewer and gas, $14. . 3117 Ohio, 6-r., mod. ex. heat $17. 3340 Corby, 5-r. C. W. and gas, $10. 1608 Ctorby, 6-r. mod. ex. heat, $16. 1109 So. 27th, 8-r. mod. ex. heat, $20. 3610 Jones, 9-r., all mod., $30. 1131 No. 17th, 8-r., 2d floor, $12. 1131 No. 17th, 3-r., basement, $10. BIRKETT & TEBBBN8, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. A LARGEllst of 60 houses, situated in all parts of the city, which we are anx ious to close contracts for winter. tF. D. WEAD CO., 1801 Farnam. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, l-r. and hall, hot water heat. Laundry in basement. Corner lot. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. 2715. Evenings. H. 2842 or H. 5134. 2710 Davenport 6 rooms, modern. $22 per month. 1513 N. 20th St.. 8 rooms, all modern. $30; a dandy for boarding and rooming nouse. mouk, trnce ni n. istli. SEVEN-ROOMS. CLOSE IN 2611 Dewey Ave., a strictly modern brick dwelling, within easy walking distance. Hot water heat MI PAYNE &SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. SIX-ROOM cottage, 3910 S. 14th; $15 month. Intcrmountaln Realty Co.. 1523 Douglas St. 2812 CAPITOL Ave.. 6-room. all modern. only $20. Tel. D. 1918. FOR RENT. $30.004307 Decatur, 6-r., new. all mod. ?-10 Shirley, 6-r... Vater and g?s $22.50-862 N. 26th, 6-r., all mod. B-lllf 6-r- mod- heat. J-o.OO J53 Manderson, 6-r., mod. ex ht S)2t5?.S- 29,0 Av- a" mod. $30.C0-1613 S. 29th (Georgia Ave.) 7-r. mod 130.00-3317 Hamilton, 8-r., all mod. mV, JWl J ones, --, St. Louis flat, 2d floor, mod. $50.00-132C S. 35th., 8-r., oak finish, mod., hot water heat JCS OO-iia Dodge, 7-r., mod., hot water ntat. fjne. ,1fl D- V. SHOLBS COMPANY. 319 First Nat'l. BankJBldg. Tel. D. 1575.' 717 S. 17th., 8-r., part mod., $i0. 719 S. 17th., 7-r., part mad.. $20. 2310 Webster, -r., mod. $25. ' 2530 Charles, 8-r., mod. $35. Arthur J. McShane 319 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1575. it v uiA-iiurin j a i v. iv OCT lit IltTH.1 High school and Creighton college; few minutes' walk to town; Is now being out ln good condition. Including outside paint. Cheap at $14.50. Chas. E. William son oC. Call at 101 S. 16th St YOU can rent of me a two or three room house without money if you can do building ' and repair work. Several lots for. truck .raising eihickeni, etc. Write at once. M-789, Bee. FOR RENT iBight-ropm house, two blocks from Field club; modern. $50. References. Phone Harney 2305. DETACHED HOUSES. 514 No. 17th St., -r.. modern ex. fur nace. $40. 2701 Howard St.. 6-r., modern, $25. liiti So. 2Mh, 7-r., modern. $20, 3520 Hamilton, St, 6-r., mod. ex. fur., $20. 4KH) Lafayette Ave., 6-r., modern, $21. 1916 Ames Avo., 6-r., modorn ex. fur.. $20. 2tKi Seward St., 5-r., mod. ex. fur., $1S. 844 Park Ave., 6-r., city water, toilet. $20. 1124 No. 26th St., 6-r., mod. ex. fur., $19. 2i!17 Charles, 5-r., city water, $15. WW So. 34th St., 6-r., city water, $13. 3912 No. 28th Ave., 7-r., well, gas, $12. 820 No. 23d St., S-r., city water, $11. 4140 Burdette St., 6-r., mod. ex. fur., $17.50. 107 Stanford Ciricle, 5 rooms, mod. ex. furnace, $18. GARVIN BROS., 334 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg 549 S. 25th Ave., 4-r., close in. $11. 3006 Seward, 4-r., part mod.. $12. 1706 Burt. 5-r.. close in, $20. 1020 N. 40th, 5-r all mod., $30. 417 N. 18th., 5-r., all moil., $35. 121 Leavenworth. 6-r., cloHe in, $20. 110 S. STth Ave., 6-r all mod., $35. 647 S. 25th Ave.. 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $18. 8)07 Jackson, 7-r., all mod., $25. 1203 8. 27th, 6-r., all mod., $25. 112 8. 8Tth. 8-r.. all mod.. $40. 3931 N. 17th, 8-r., all mod., $28. 334 N. 41at, 9-r., all mod., $40." 117 S. 25th Ave., 9-r., all mod, $50. 2210 S. 32d Ave., 9-r., all mod., $35. SAW Dodge. 10-r all mod., $45. THE BYRON REKD COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 297. L12 South 17th St. dry, bath; every way modern. 2001 Cap itol Ave. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 26th and 27th Sts., all modern Improvements. The Creighton university. Tel. Doug. 2320, fi.H(inr (ttllirA ni.m V,A... V - .'I lllVLlk. ... CAfl'Lfb JIV.il. oo-;(i M. .(, )!;ik a $9. Tel. Harney 435. ABOUT October 1, house at 2426 Cald well street; six rooms, modern; within one block of street cars. House has win. luw slmdes throughout. Rent.. $25.00 . DUNDEE New modern. 6-room house. 1 block from car. Call Douglas 7030. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and for warded; cheap freight ratos. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394. Office 216 8. 17th St. WE are just getting our plans for store rooms to be built on Farnam St., Just west of 21th St. Good location for IiIhIi class shops. Will build them to suit good tenants. Harrison & Morton, 816 Onwilia National Hank llldg. STORES FOR RENT. 2130 N. 16th, largo new brick store at SI2S N, 16th, new brick store, $20. 71D S. 15th, In wholesale district, $20. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, . Tel. Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th St. Store Rooms For Kent ' L 422 S. 15th St., near Orpheum theater; room 22x60 ft: steam heat: newly dec orated and repaired; rental $85 per month. M3 m. ith lit, fine store room with modern show windows on 16th St.. and alley, just south of the Union Outfitting Co. Bldg.; 22x60 ft; rental $S5 per month. 617-619 S. 16th St.; double store room, 44x60 ft.; can be leased separately If de- sireo. ah in very best of repair, in cluding new store fronts: rental $60. tier month eaoh. In Automobile District 2021 PVrttAm fit I'mmi S-lvHy with six-room apartment on 2d floor; steam heat; Bowser tank and wash racjf go with store room. Rental $200 per mpnth. New Buildins- nt Avp nnrl Farnam St. Store i-finmK ?i"lvlll ft idvt'Vl ft ,..ui. full basement; steam heat; electric light and fine modern fronts. This building, finished in tapestry brick, will be one of the most attractive buildings on Far nam street. Call our rental department and we will give Votl full Infnftiiuilnn ru-u ,..1 1 .... leases. Georire & Company Tel. D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. BASIQMKNT lf'? Ts.'ioi,la u. . floor, 20x28 ft., good for plumber or other uiioiliunn. IIWIH. oiiice IJU1 1MH." 1415 IS. 16th. storn rnnm. S'itJO nliu mil.,. toilet, gns and good cellar, $18. ' ii . Mtn. store room, 32x6(1, C. w.. $10 BIKKBTT & TRKRRNS 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754 6-ROOM cottage, modern, 311 No. 26th. STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE. Look at 1725 Spraguo St., a beautiful B room cottage, strictly modern In every detail and in a very desirable residence district; fAi.bU. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg STORE and l.Mfmnt van Pumi,,., si. $30. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. 10-room house, modern, 2516 Davenport. Inquire T. J. Beard, 1410 Douglas. A fine 6-room bungalow finlshe! ln oak; strictly modern; on car line; $20 month. Six-room cottage, strictly modern; ln fine neighborhood; near car; $20 month. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, (Formerly Shimer & Chase Co.) Douk. 3867. 309 South 17th St. FULLY modern 8-r., oak finish, brlok dwelling, just off Farnam St., 813 S. 29th Ave.: a nne nouse, w.w. 14 rooms, 1105 N. 19th, suitable for room ing house, $50.00. 8-r. mod. house and barn, 2201 'Grant St.. ln fine repair. $30.00. 7- r. modern house, ln good repair, 123 N. 40th; $30.00. 8- r. modern house, 1308 N. 40th St., It will pay you to see me about this; $30.00. 4-r. house, city water. 1841 N. 23d; 13. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. JUST one left of the four new brick terrace houses. 3919 Farnam St Evory modern convenience, including outside sleeping porch, gas range, refrigerator, duplex shades; decorated throughout. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Farnam St. FOR RENT 1517 Madison Ave.. rooms, modern except heat, $18; water paid. In quire at 1521 Madison Ave. 8 ROOMS. WAT.WTw-n men a x7TST 223 Park Ave., strictly modern ln every detail; owner furnishes hot water; $35 PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha' Panial u-rtn 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ELEGANT 5-room St. Louis flat, col- vcmcui. iicmiiuurnouq. MIO UUmlng. $30; also 8-room house. Web. 7069. FOR OK-TUT 1609 Grace St., 6-r., mod. ex. furnace..$18 a-v "felf V Sa A km 1 ... Sin W, Q, Shriver, IQil Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg MY talirht.rrv.TY. KtaA n.111 v.- o - - . VVis nwuorj win uc i ur rent October 15; 125 So. 36th St.$40 per month. 605 So. 31St St.. 7-r mnAarr. Pj3i so. leth st, s-r., modem;."!:;;:;;; mapie, o-r. city water s2 - th f -6-r- city w-ter...:: 8333 Emmett 6-r., well 2922 Blondo, 5-r., city water....'.'.'.'.'".' Douglas 200. Be; V,.,, .$35.00 1 24.00 12.50 11.00 9.00 8.00 M A On A ft n Viivr ivn unY. . Packs, mcivns. ilnru cnj ,ki.. .Tf". hnMV"XJ ?'T"'f" ?r house. " , D . yimiir ls our 3U8intM ndiS?R C - "reproof FINE 5-room cottage, floor laid for three rooms upstairs, corner lot, coal bins ln cellar, shade, fruit and flowers. Fine bath with hot and cold water con nections; window shades and rod3; screens and storm windows. Finest street in neighborhood. 2218 N. 27th Ave. Dodge car, 27th Ave. and Lake. , One block south. $32.50 Modern eight-room brick house. 1301 So. 2Sth St Cheap but good houses: 2519 Corby, $12.60, water, electricity, 6 rooms, 833 Main St. (Benson), on car, electricity, modern except heat, $16.00. 1807 No. 20th, $16.00, 6 rooms, brick, modern. 1210 No. 24th, 9 rooms, $26.00, modern ex cept heat, electricity. G. E. TURKINGTON, 602 Bee Bldg. 3034 Cass St., & rooms $ 7.00 3047 California, modern, 6 rooms.... 20.00 3804 N. 24th Bt, modern 25.00 4031 Lafayette. 7 rooms, modern 26.00 120 N. 26th, modern, 8 rooms 35.00 2610 Dewey Ave., 9 rooms 35.00 1516 Martha, hot water heat 85.00 Dundee, 702 N. 50th. corner 42.00 JOHN N. FRENZER Douglas 554. 6-r., mod, ex. heat 4614 N. 81st Ave., $22.60. 6-r., partly mod., 3171 Grand Ave., $18. 6- r., mod,, 3828 Reward, $25. 7- r., bath, gas, 2568 Spatildlng, $20. 8- r., mod., 2011 Pierce, $25. 6-r., not mod., 2716 Burdette, $11.50. 3-r. flat with bath, 2130 N. 28th, $10.50. 2-r. flat with bath, 2130 N. 28th, $5.50. O. C. OLSEN, Phone Douglas 1053. 108 McCague Bldg. RENTAL SNAP. No objection to good colored family. 2010 N. 27th St Six-room modern home, $20. H. A. WOLF, 432 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 8068. TWO good houses. 2402 8. 15th St. TTfiin ft IXTt' l'.i.i , 1 . . .a.'i-uunu iiome m Field club district, bargain. Phone Webster , HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN? 1025 a. ath Avo a . ..i, ' . . -wiu an uioaern house, in first-class condition oni in very desirable residence district:. $30 DA WTCT 1 , . . ... ... . ' Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. three-room hoime nitv wniar electric lights. 4915 N. 35th St m beven-room house, modern except heat cistern, snlendld ramlp "n'n. m 29th St. 125 Six-room cottue. modern ovfanf furnace. 1940 S. 11th St $32.50 Seven-room modern .house, hot water heat stone garage. 1525 8. 25th St. Sf'DTT Xr WTT.T. Phone Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg 3115 MARCY Ht, 6-room cottage, all modern, $25. Phone Web. 3888 or Benson 572 W. $8.00-1411 N. 32d St., 2-r., gas and city w. 15.0O-812 N. .33d, 6-r. mod. ex bath. $30.00-921 S. 27th, 8-r., mod $30.GO-3?08 Burt, 8-r., mod. $30.00812 N. 33d. 8-r., mod. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. 119 a 25th St., 8-r., modern, with barn, $30.00. 1027 S. 26th, -r., modem except heat, $15.00. 4031 Lafayette Ave., 6-r modorn, $25.00. 3823 Seward St., 6-r modern, $25.00. S. 24th St, 6-r. strictly modern, Southwest corner of 38th and Grand Ave., 8-r. modern except heat, $17.50. S. P. BOSTWICK, 218 a 17th St. FOR RENT 7-room house, modern ex cept heat; good barn, gas stove, range and shades furnished. 2226 Ohio. Phons narney ian.w 26TH AND r-P1TftTMA dwelling: changes to suit; only $25. crelgh, Sons & Co. 6-ROOM modern cottage. Harney 5342. STRICTLY modern, 8-room house, 6016 California, Phone Harney 25. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, 721 8. 18th St., $25. Tel Harney 2359. EIGHT-ROOMS, modern. 112 No. 26th St. Doug. 2717. $121556 N. lth Bt, 3-r., mod. ex. heat. $18-2819 Decatur St., 6-r., strictly modern. $20-4212 Cuming St., 6-r., strictly modern. $20352 N. 28th St., 7rr., mod. ex. heat $23-2916 Shirley, 7-r., mod. except heat $25 2L12 Meredith, 7-r., modern ex. heat. $3-39 N. 17th St., -7 rooms, modern. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 17S1; A-1188. $5 per month, 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2107. DUNDEE, 6-roo.m, modern cottage. Harney 3317. 2818 N. 19th avenue, 8 rooms, modern, water paid, newly painted and decorated. Rent $25. McEachron R. E, Co., 20th and Lake Sts. Webster 1651, 2508 N. 1STH ST.. 8-wom house, modern, first class condition. Will rent cheap. Inquire Payne Investment Co. Stores am; Offices. $20 Store 4134 Hamilton. Doug. 1598. -.FOR RENT Offices ln Pullman Bldg., n, .-.hi Him inn gmuun. uougias 1616. FOR RENT. Entire 2d floor, 612 S. 16th St.ssultabl. Tor tailoring, millinery, dressmaking, offices or light manufacturing. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 506 S. lfith St. 'Phone D. 152 FARNAM STREET VACANT 6 tfitUt hv 1.12 iniirri mi A.. A T7- west of 2Sth street. Will lease or build to nun leiiaiu. n. a. Curtis, Harney St $.... 1614 Ilnrnev St. Mvis'j ft v.i ,, ' , ... ..11 11 M.J tor cafe, stationery store, or any one wanting a central locution. . U V SHOLES CO.. 913 City Nat'l Bunk Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. Warehouses. Trackage With Buildings Four and one-half full lots, with double trackage, fine office with scales, 5-roain dwelling house, barn and sheds. Located on Belt line, 43d and Nicholas Sts., $00 per month. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4754. Drink 1 1 a hit 1 was a heavy drinker. . of whisky daily. Tried many ways to ! lefo ni. but without success until ( found ', n ce:uin easy method and was cured In 1 three days. Have since saved thousands of other victims of liquor habit. It can be ' overcome with or without drinker's knowledge. Interesting book (tells how) mailed, plain wrapper, free, if you cut tl Is out and, write to Edward Woods, 634 Sixth Av. 15 A. New York. A RELATIVE is anxious to locate Augustus Burrlt. (Bert) Smith of Temple, Tex., and Alabama. Last hoard from htm In South Omaha. J. F. L. Address B7i5. Bee. VITAL massage, vital bath. Miss D. Fisher, 401 Ware block, 309 S. 16th. D. 278.1. HATtm SwAd'lh mamnn. Xtfm flnvi(.r No. $. The Dunsany, 10th A Pierce. P.43S0. Body Massage, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761. MASSAGE treatments. FlfteenTeaM , ex,)erlence TweIve yearJ In Omaha. $2.00 hotels and residences. It0?. ! the ofllce. Call D. 863. Res. D.3427. WANTED The address or Charles M Coy and Wheeler McClurs, who were em ployed by J. J. Hurt. 62d and L 8ts, South Omaha," Nab., in October, 1307. ii TO,'. Beu. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MASSipTiiEliPy Allen of Chicago, 1C9 g. 17th. lat tl D. 76oi YOTTN(4 wn A n rn ml no- a r...n ., -....... "-j vv viiimicfc as strangers are Invited to visit the Young, Women's Christian association building! at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they' will be directed to suitable boarding pluces or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. WILL the young lady that found agold Watch on 19th nnd tit Mor. a... T. . day morning call Miss McArdle again nuiuucr ut room, ynone Tyler 1000, ALAnAlrii-l Vm ra.i. a.. . . Haynes, ,07 S. liith St, Phone Douglas 4492. 11IM1I1 1 a ' "T " - .' " " "" " HI j , , , treatment diseases of women and children under pmfessors supervision 1 Tn 'I '111 alulla A S . 1 . .a - .(i , iVT.'"' .-'e'Bnion college of Medicine, 14lh jaDajport THE AVOCA MILIAVOCA. NEB."" Wantad every housekeeper to use Staff Of Life n.nd Hiiivhj tui , Is i manufactured by a scientific process, Biioirujr an oi me me elements are pre served, Is strictly wholesome and fully u trestlvo: thu nnlv fl,.n v,.. ,,n.. T -- . ..uh. umi iiui, UUU(- tains its natural flavor. Ask your grocer .v auu iiimai uKn getting it. Batls cl!im.. gwranteed. 11 O. Hell, Prop. K r ;i rtTr r .1 YnYik t, i - ....,. . ,j i , n cim ami iiiijim permnncnlly removed by electricity; con sultation free and confldenlial; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. TWENTY money making secrets re voaled. showing the way from wage slavery to Independence, fortune and pros. ini.jr. run iiarucuiars iree lor postal. F. iicni-y, oi wiles uiuck, undlay, O. LESSONS IN CHINA PATWTiwn CLUB ORDERS QUICKLY FILLED. RUTH LETCH FORD, 817 & 27TH ST. PHONE RED 2962. DENTAL WORtf nmliiii i4 . m . . - - U.IL.1,1 PU1ICI IIDIU11 VI . . - ra cavcmi. aui i nil i r i mi. WA R E HOI tk K up stntv, idVTrTi..Trrj (.relghton College of Dentistry. 210 H. idth St 3 stores, steam heat, freight elevator. ! .f A t2QA (1 Expert tmatmnnt SfTiT N. P. DODGE & COMPANY. i MAbfeAEsS J08 R Mtn gt R inrn ana Ktirniu uu i - . OFFERED FOR SALE Karnltnre. BASEBURNER8, steel ranges, soft heaters, sewing machine, table, chairs, ub aim otner lurniture. .( N. Z4th FOR RAT.V! Hlirh irrarla iirnlt,,, Ti your own price. Parlor suit, Morris chair, mums laoie, sme ooara, small sare, gas stove, refrigerator, rug, 8-3x10-6, bed. Chiffonier, chllrl a ).rl Call Hit? (it,.,!,.. . v " . . VU. WW, V, lllll I V. a St Phone Webster 2245. FURNITURE for sale cheap. 2220 Charles St. Phone Webster 7162. ONE flat top and 1 roll ton desk: trood condition. Barlght, 16 & Douglas. D. 6683. Type writers. TYPEWRITER, for rent months U CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. ftKNT f mm thn rna.nilf flnttlrnra Afart No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.00.' i-none uougms 23i. ine uuver Type writer company. Moslcul Instruments. Electric pianos. Continental Nov. 119 N. U FOR SAl.I'y Tromhonn nhiun f..ll Tyler 1777 or write W. F. Rocmajzl, 1827 a. inn. Allscellnneons. ' $5.00 COAL It's good; try a ton. Best for money. Web. 648. narmon ft Weeth. CORN FODDER and potatoes, farm tools and furniture, 1 carriage and harness and Bet large harness. Harney 6078. SAFES Oveistockea v;th secood-hauj tafes: nil sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1102-04 Farnam. DESKS, safes, scales, show case's, shelv ing, etc.; see us first. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2i24. FOR SALE New and second-band carom and pocket billiard tables and bowllnpr alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tht Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 8. lflth street. x I WTT.1. mif ha iannn,ial(.l. - .. - . v i.iiiii3 1 uia iur nil y debts contracted by my husband, R. W. iHinahue, sigtied Florence E. Donahue. FOCLTRi AND PET STOCK Screenings, $1.60 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. It TiOKTONT torrlsr nun. um. .( -i- my champion 'Tom Crlbb. Call Douglas f.856. 2020 Farnaoi. ROSE corob White Leghorn Cookrells. $1 each. Ellen Thornburgh, Perry, Ia REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. J 7 CENTS PER LINE WILL BE THH RATE CHARGED ON AND AFTER OO TOBBR 1 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS RUN UNDER THE CLASSIFICATION, "FOR SALE REAL ESTATE" 1 BUILT FOR HOME VnUP T.pnnm hnlla nrlfl. .I.nnt.. K- l. - ' ..vubu nil.. DICC)111 yurUd at 3014 Webster; hardwood finish through out except kitchen; full basement and 0.111U, mot ipjur iimsnea in manogany, second floor in white enamel. Call for key second door east. Tel. Harney J127. 7-rOOm ImilSe. till mlnlui-n Of; Kl . north of Dodgie on Sherman Ave.; small i'?sh, Pttyment. balance aa rent 1408 Madison Ave. Phone Web. 5110. MUST SELL-Choice located lots, 2822 and 2812 Webster St., 3819 N. 24th Bt. ,N;.?2d.8t- 1 and 2- bock 10, Albrights Annex. For particulars, buyers write direct to owner; D. Altman, 855 8d -I., inuwuuKee, wis. FOR SALE 1 base burner, hard coal stove. Inquire 1402 So. 17th. FAVORITE Base Burner, almost new 2211 Pratt St. FOR SALE Large sized base burner. cneap. jviapie, upstairs. KTOHIl'. Rnnf mL.. 1mi c steam heated; fronting alley; merchan. dise entrant: full glass front Hall, 431 Ramge. D. 7406. Ind A -4404. BAKERY FOR RENT. That Will make ftftnnllla man nlAnl n . .. . i ii. j ui inuiicy. liuun, orilcc 1101 jv, 18th. . w.. linn . irai 11 iaiKH enougn ror four a.11tnmnlillna -U7( a. m.i - ..... . n , ii v ai, xeie phone Webster 1097. 3013 Cuming, 3 living rooms $20.00. ' JOHN N. FRENZER Douglaj 654 well KRW. rentrflllv htnataA pniilnnod. IFjift-ir.lft TTamau a ' io iioor ai iwn narney t. (new) Offices at 1317 Vnrnnm o .1 - - . ....... ' I . , Ul V. 1 1 U floor. Store at 336 N. 3flth St., South Omaha. Brick srarnge. 910 N. 23d St. O. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1517 Farnam St. STORE ROOM-2114 Cuming St. All or part of a store. Rent cheap. H. A. Wolf, 432 Brandies Bldg. Douglas 8068. T.AftdTT1, Art ftarianA UaA ...... I i ' ! " . 1 " 1UIIH .1 CI i ijuai uqov ourner, years oiu, uost 165. 977 No. 27th Ave. CABBAGE for sale in carload lots, $20 per ton. Alfred Bock, R. F. D. No. 2, South Omaha, Neb ONE 16-light Abner Junior acytelene gas machine. .AVhite, 4702 Ames. TWO new cash registers at factory cost. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th ft Harney. GOOD new player piano damaged in transit, cheap for cash. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. PERSONAL Massage. Airs. Klttpnhouse 306 Boston Bid. MA?SAOF8w1'"h movement. Apt .urkOOAUAj . 1802 Farnam. T) fi?4fl ANNA H. MARKS & - nam. DavHge Block. Apt. 3. Doug. 6521. MAGNETIC healing, over 710 8. 16th. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast, off clothing; In fact, anything yon do no need. We collect repair and sell at .Ul N. 11th St. for cost of collection, to ths worthy poor. 'Phone Doula U2i auJ wagon will call. SPECIAL HfYMP'JJf.'l.-l.-l.-lDul' DArca First and third Tuesdays each month to southern states; grasp the opportunity to 4 visit the south and investigate the pos sibilities of six richest southern state traversed by Seaboard Air Line railway. Rich fruit, truck and farming , lands can be secured at low prices. Crop growing fleflsnn 0 tn rinva Torn n, (h.,. - .-.I n .1 1 mi go viuyn pear year easily grown. Excellent climate. Write today for special literature. J. A. Pride, General Industrial Agent, Seaboard Air Line Railway, Suite 358, Norfolk, Va. CHOICTOWNLOTS in rapidly grow Ing little city. Prices $17.50 to $50. Monthly payments, no interest Big advance la prices certain. Write today. John W. 1 1 ...... l. , .. T" 1. r Til .. i . . AJtiuKiiiiin.il, acbr a, jriauis, Ivan. yard, hot water heat, garage, all mod ern, for sale by owner at sacrifice if taken at once. 'Phone Harney 2769, Sun day; week days, Doug. 1823, and owner will show property. DO YOU WANT TO SELL? We have customers for city properties We want desirable listings. If you want to sell list with us. If you want to buy, consult us. CUNNINGHAM-GARMAN COMPANY. 712 Om. Nat Bk. Tel. Doug. 614 . AMOS GRANT. ONE GOOD 6-rm. BUNGALOW, mod. except heat; full cemented basement; nicely finished fixtures ln; $2,260; $100 down, $20 mo. Doug. 838a 211 Brandeis Theater Bldg. - 40TH AND GRAND AVE. Corner lot 60x125, with foundation In Big bargain. Only $550. Be cruick. 951 Omaha National Bank. Phone D. 7497. 12 PER CENT INVESTMENT Double brick bungalow, new and ln ele gant location. Rental $65. : Price. $6,500. Terms. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON. 344 Brandeis Theater. Tyler 1321 NEW. all modern five room cottasrs. one block from Hanscom park West Side ' car line. A bargain on easy terms. Phone owner. Harney 2764 and he win show you the property. i