Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Always something new in the jjj
Balcony Shoe Section. Modish styles
which delight women who are dittriminating in footwear.
Here is an aristocratic boot in.
Heylea patent calf with white calf four
teen button top, receding toe, military
heel, at .............. ........$6.00
Another is a real black Buck button boot, tip
toe, Cuban heel, welt sole, at .$5.50
Others In Tan Calf, Black Suede, Patent with
cloth or mat kid tops and Mezzo calf In 12, 14
and 16-button heights, at $4.00 and $5.00
Satin party slippers in white or black; French,
Cuban and low heels, at". .$4.00 &nd $5.00
Satin Slippers dyed to match your gown.
Ballet Slippers, children's, misses' and women's sizes, at... $2.00
Write for winter catalogue ready today.
Application Will Be Made for Fran
cMm by Capitalists.
Tare Deaths In School ( low
Capital City from Diphtheria and
Ha a y Caaea Reported la
toe YD-JH& nana
, Glee Club Will Give Informal Ban
quet Thanksgiving Night.
jOatdoor Baaket Ball Eathoalaat
1 Have Formed aa Orsraalaatloa
j aad Will Fit l"p Two Coarta ,
Eaat of Gridiron.
' The CreUfhton University Glee club has
'organized for the coming year and will
jglve an Informal concert on Thanksgiving
i night probably at the Orclghton unlver
jelly auflltoriiim. Tha club arlll be assisted
!ln several mixed choruses in thie con
jcert by some twenty-Ova young ladles,
'friends Of the club. ,
j Th club will give a formal concei t
Inter in the year at one of the theaters
land will make a two weeks' trip.
' The governing board of the glee club
jfor the coming year is: President.
Thomas J. McShane; vice presidents, E.
j. McVann, C. D. Beaton and Thomas F.
'swift. Charles W. Hamilton, manager
!of last year's club, has bctn elected man
tager for the coming year and Richard T,
'Kersey will again ba the leader of the
-ClUb. y.S ; v '.'-'.
The enrollment of Creignton, university
has now reached 980 students and Is ex
pected, to go above the thousand mark
within a short time. This shows an In
crease of about eight names over that of
two weeks ago and is 100 more than the
,total enrollment of the university a year
ago. i)
i Thft enrollment at the cloalng of school
last June was 964. t y - .
' Tli tqtals In the various departments
are! ' ' . v. , ".?-'V"
lArts department. I.i.i.,.
dlcal collesre. .................... 128
ll aw college..... 12
I'hnrmncv eolIeKO 130
.Dental collate 103
Outdoor basket ball enthusiasts have
! formed a basket ball organization at
Crelghton university and two courts will
ibe fitted up Just eaat of the foot ball
field, Flay will begin this week. In
icrder to make the games more Interest'
Ing it has been decided to have two
lleagues, a senior composed of six teams
.of the older boys, and a Junior composed
of six teams of younger players. "Earl
,Torrey has been elected president of tha
organisation. Jerry Murphy secretary,
ind Athur Dalley, treasurer. Prises will
be awarded the victors In each division,
The Senior and freshmen classes of the
Crelghton Pharmacy college have elected
the following officers for the ' year:
penlors, president, Clyde Smith; vice
president, Frank Skomol; secretary and
treasurer, James Foley; freshmen, presl
dent, W. Wngner; vice president, William
pllllcr; secretary and treasurer, J. Me
, The senior class Kill give a dance during
ine wees lonowing the close of the car
infval .; ...... ,
Killed On Office Bnlldinau
; SIOUX CITT. Sept. .-(Special Tele
. grom.)-John Donovan, aged 42, was killed
at th new division office building this
afternoon by a plank falling on him.
Five Well Dressed
Women Are Charged
With Gambling
NEW WoRK, Sept 2&.-F1V well-
dressed women, arrested in a hair dress
ers' establishment, were held today In
11,000 ball each for examination October
I on a charge of gambling. Detectives
who raided the place testified that the
women had been playing- poker with Al
bert Trebltse, th alleged proprietor, for
forty minutes. Two other men who looked
on were arrested, but they wr released
On of th women had 1537, another $101,
while a third had lost ail her money ex
cent n cents. Scores of their friends
volunteered to furnish (hair ball, '
. CHICAGO, Sept a Seven men, ar
rested in a raid on a poker gam, today,
when arraigned in th municipal court
pleaded to be let off without a fine be
cause they had .been arrested so often
for the same offense that they had no
Judge Wells recognised them as old
of fonder.
- "I'll bo easy tills time," be said, "th
fine is 1 cent each, but. don't show up
ber again." " -
11 ATLANTIC Oa.. Sept. 2S.-F. C. Butler,
th lawyer who was sentenced to two
years in federal prison her In th case
witi Christopher ''Corumbus Wilson, has
beeti on parole Sine June 1, It was learned
her today. Butler has served mora
than a third of his term. Officials at
th prison would not talk for publica
tion. Wilson died in prison her several
weeks ago.
WASHINGTON, 28.-F. C. Butler
has been on parole several months and
now has applied for a full pardon. No
action has been taken. According to
the provisions of the parole law, he
was released after having served one
third of his sentence. , His parol did
not become known at tho time ot his
release, as the federal parole board ob
serves strict prlvaoy as to its pro
ceedings. , '
UV. CROSSE, Wis., Sept. aMrs.
Charles Weldeman. an aged Independence
(Wis.) woman, accused ot th murder
of her 71-year-old husband, was acquitted
by a jury In th Trempealau. county
circuit court at Whitehall today. Mrs.
Weldeman was overcome with Joy when
th verdict was handed down and she and
her children who had stood by her burst
Into tears. Weldeman was found dead in
the cellar of his home and it was charged
that his wife, struok him down with a
heavy Instrument. The theory of tha do
fens was that death was due to a fall.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept 28.-(8pecial Tele
gram.) Application will be made to the
city council next week for a franchise
for a 11,000,000 telephone company in Des
Moines. ,
I W. Stanton and O. C. Shultz, who
have been Interested In establishing an
automatic system In Davenport, Rock
Island and Mollne, are among the prime
movers of the proposed company and
claim to be backed by eastern capitalists,
whos names for the present are not
Messrs. Btanton and Shultz have con
sulted with local attorneys, who are draw
ing up the proposed franchise. The new
company will tak advantage ot much
dissatisfaction with local telephone condition
FlSTBtlar Diphtheria.
With three deaths from diphtheria
among the pupils of on of th city
schools and many cases in quarantine, the
city health officers ar bending every
energy to prevent th spread of th epi
Six new cases wer reported today.
Over fifty of th pupils of on school bav
been absent from school th last week and
th school may b closed.
Sixty-Six Club in
Initial Dance at the
Happy Hollow Club
The Sixty-Six club, a newly organized
dancing club of sixty-six couples, gave
its first entertainment at the. Happy.
Hollow club Friday evening, to be fol
lowed during the season by ten other
dances, which will be given at Chambers'
academy. The club house was decorated
with goldenrod and autumn flowers and
foliage, v
The president of the club, is R. V. Col,
secretary C. H. Marley and treasurer J.
E. Pulver. At each meeting of th club
tha members Will be permitted to bring
one couple as guests, but the sara guests
cannot be Invited twice during the winter.
The members and, guests Friday even
ing were: ,. - ' '
Tm Ktm Kmtrm.
MiaHT.!.TOWN-Unknown to th
member of th crew, a pair or. wneaia
nnri.,- car In a heavy extra Minneapo
lis as 8t Louis freight train Jumped the
track south ot SUdora last night and tore
up th tracK tor a oisiance o, uv "
hrira tha aAAiaftflt WU aiBCOVBrau.
mnrv ram when the derailed wheels
pulled four car off th track. Traflto
was aeiayea in now airvuuuua.
storm LAKH Two Storm Lake busi
ness houses have changed hands during
the laat week. El F. Farnsworth, who
haa baen aneaeed in tn restaurant Dull
ness in this city tor twenty years, this
week sold out to Le marr oi wneroaee,
who la already In Doasesslon. N. U.
Peterson has sold his hardwar business
to MUKe Bros or Newell,
MASON CITY Mrs. Grant Richardson.
mixing a spoonful of arsenlo with other
liquids, showed It to her husband and
then drank It before he could prevent hef.
A physician was rushed to th scene, get
ting there quickly Mr tne means or tele
phone and automobile. Herolo treatment
was resorted to and it is thought that
she will live.
(Continued from First Page.)
demonstration is withheld pending further
Mavor J. C. Dahlman.
Commissioners Dan B. Butler, Thomas
McUovera, Charles Wltnneli, jonn J.
Ryder. Albert KuseU Joseph B. Hummel.
Members , State Central Committee-
Charles EL Fanning, George Bpgers, J.
P. Butier, Edward McArdle, J. J. Gillian.
County Central Committee Lee Bridges,
chairman: -Barney McArdle, secretary;
Meyer Klein, treasurer; and entire county
central committee. " " '
County Commissioner Peter EL Elsas
ser. , ' - i .
Democrat! o County Ticket George Mag
uey, county attorney; Tom Harrington,
county assessor.
Onnaretmrnan C O. Lobeck.
Senatora-ia B. Howell, John M. Tan
ner. Richard llorton, John Grossman, J
E. Ileaaan.
Representative John F. Morearty,
Harry B. Flaherty, Robert Holmes, Peter
Moiana, ratricK fora, wnuani uuit,
George Holmes, Joseph Bulla, W. 8,
Mnoernaxer, j ere ml an nowara
Persistent Advertising is th Road to
Big Returns.
r Im1 ' ' ' ' '
Fred Anheuser.
0. A. Alter,
J. H. Bennett,
W. P. Byrna,
F. J. Burkley,
Truman Buck,
Otto Bauman,
W. Broderlck,
Fred Brodegaard,
Frank Bodura,
F. Broadweil,
Fred Corey,
U J. Corliss.
C. C. Cannaro, .
M. Gronln, -
iSdward Crelghton,
Dr. L. Crummer,
P. J. Creedon,
William Canada,
J. D. Crelghton,
Dr. R. Connell,
T. H. Conradea,
Isaac Connor,
Patrick Duffy,
Thomas Parley,
a Dugdale,
1. J. Dunn.'
John Drexel,
A. P. Mullen,
Andrew Murphy,
Edward Malone,
Dr. T. Mullen,
Rev. Fr. Morearity,
Dr. W. J. McCrann,
T. McClennahan,
F. McShane, Jr.,
O. A. McCune.
V. MoDonough,
Frank McOreary,
Jim MoShane,
Joseph MoGuire,
Rev. Mackey,
F. C. Morgan,
T. J. Nolan, - i
John Neble,
Harvey Newbranch,
James O'Hara,
T. J. a Connor,
J. J. O'Connor,
Dave O'Brien,
T. J. O'Brien,
Tom O'connor,
Peter O'Malley,
Harry O'Halloran,
Oscar Plckard,
Judge G. W. Doane.Val J. Peters,
Dr. T. lwyer,
A. O. Eilick.
Peter Klsasser,
Mike Endres,
J. P. English.
Joseph C. Ford,
T. J. Flynn,
J. Fenton,
John Flynn.
ohn Franek,
R, W. Patrick,
U 3. Flattl,
D. Parkhurst,
John Power,
Willtan Queenan,
T. J. Quintan. -W.
A. Rourke,
Edson Rich,
p. J. Rooney,
Frank Ransom.
Mr. and Mrs.
II. L Adama,
W. B,Adair,
D. A. Baxter,
E. W. Bradford,
J. F. Blrss,
W. G. Brandt.
J. W. Batton,
J. A. Bryans,
W. J. Bradbary,
W. B. T. Belt,
Charles E. Black,
Henry O. Blagen,
W. S. Blackwell.
James T. Beetwell,
J. P. Gooke,
H. S. Culver,
T. I Combs,
J. B. Conlngnam,
C. Q. Crowley,
W. J. Culley,
P. M. Conkling.
A. W. Carpenter,
J. C. Cunningham,
W. J. Cattln,
A. K. Curts,
R. L. Carter,
F. W. Clarke, .
J. H. Conrad,
John T. Cooper,
George B. Darr,
George M. Durke.
T. G. Dakin,
B. L. Danrord,
H. W. Dunn.
R. A. Dodge,
F. I. EUlck,
C. M. Edwards,
Frank W. Engler,
B. 8. Freeman,
J. B. Fradenburgh,
A. D. Falconer,
J. 6. Falconer,
M. F. Funkhouser,
Thomas H. Fell,
A. D. Fetterman,
Parker Fewry,
O. P. Goodman, '
C. H. Gratton,
W. M. Glller,
George H. Greene,
Mr. and Mrs..
G. B. Lehnhoff, ,' ,
J. A. Lyons, y
Charles H. Marley,
B. F. Mof fatt,
Georg B. Mlckel,
R. W. Moore, .
E. M. Martin, ,
F. B, Moxham.
I. A. Medlar.
H. H. Manley.
Martin, ; A
A. O. Monro, ,
J. H. Mlthen.
Burd F. Miller,
E. G. McOllton,
J. a Mclntyre,- ,
C. G. McDonald, .
W. M. McKay, '
R. E. McKervey,
A. B. McConnell,
L. L. Murphy,
N. H. Nelson,
L. E. Nebergall,
V. J. Norton,
J. P. O'Keefe.
C. Peckenpaugb,
J. W. Petem,
W. A. Plel,
E. L. Potter,
Joseph Polcar,
J. B. Porter,
G. M. Platner,
Robert Plxley,
John W. Parish,
Allan Parmer,
T. F. Qulnlan,
B. R. Rush,
Georg Rasmussen,
E. T. Rector,
C. M. Richards,
Ben Robtdoux,
J. E. Rogers,
R. L. Robinson,
C. H. T. BJepen,
F. E. Rudolph.
A. W. Scrlbner,
W. G. Shrlver,
R AvBw8rtwort,
W. A. Smith,
I. Slbbernsen,
Charles A. Grlmmel, W. E. Shepard.
D. C. Glover,
B. O. Hamilton,
R. N. Howes,
C. E. Hunter,
M. D. Hussie.
John H. Hussie,
S. K. Hanford.
W. IL Head,
R. L. Huntley,
E. F. Howe,
C. D. Herring,,
B. L. Hoag, ,
B. T. Hayden,
W. J. Hynes,
L. C. Hamilton,
H. G. Hoerner,
J. G. Iwerson,
F. J. Jumper,
H. C. Judson,
Simeon Jones,
C. L. Jones,
E. Ev Klmberley.
John G. Kuhn,
Tom S. Kelly,
E. L. Kohn,
C. C. Kurnner,
K. J. C. Klnsler,
R. 8. King,
O. D. Klpllnger,
E. A. Knapp.
C. C. Kuenne,
A. V. Klnsler,
W. L. KUley.
O. H. Llkert.
J. A. LJnderholm,
Dr. and Mra
E. C. Abbott.
H. L. Arnold,
J. C. Bishop,
A. C Bunc.
E. H. Bruenlng,
Z. P. Clark,
W. N. Dorward.
W. C. Dean,
W. B. Bister,
W. K. Foot.
E. C. Henry,
a. A. Younsr.
Major and Mrs. Gilchrist
B. J. igcannell.
E. H. Stoltenberg,
C. R. Sherman,
E. D. Sturteyant,
W. E. Shafer,
B. H. Smith,
B. W. Bummers,
J. J. eulllvan, ,
F. W. Thome,
C. O. Talmage.
George K. Thompson
C. G. Thornburgn,
R. W. Talmage,
C G. Trimble,
Robert S. Trimble,
John Urian,
E. D. Van Court,
Henry K. Viner,
George Waterman,
J. S. Willowbrands,
K. H. Ward,
P. A. Wells,
O. B. Williams,
W. F. Wilson,
A. 8. Williams.
A. P. Whltmore,
H. 8. Weller r
H. U Waggener,
A. R, Wells, .
Ray Wagner, ,
W. L. Tetter,'
John O. Telser.
Charles Leslie. .
Grant Leslie, .,
' Dr. nd Mrs.
H. B. Lemere,
Milton Mach.
B. A. McDermott,
F. 8. Owen,
A. O. Peterson, -J.
E. Pulver,
Rudolph Rlx,
G. 8hepherd,
B. H. Bmrtth,
W. H. Walker,
W. P. Wherry,
VUU IH3b, ' ism. wcviowi.
Dr. H. Fltsgtbbons. T. P. Redmond,
T. J. Fitsmorrts, William Russell,
Tailor-Made Clothes
Are Real Economy
A Suit or Overcoat made-to-ordcr
by my skilled tailors cost you no more
than ordinary ready-to-wear affair
that gives nowhere near the satisfac
tion or service.
J. M. Fitzgerald,
Tom Foley,
A. D. Fetterman,
Peter Gravert.
John Gentleman,
Micnaei uibson,
William Glller,
Dr. R Gllmore.
J. J. Gillian,
A. Gallagher,
E. G. Gangeatad,
P. Havey,
H. V. Hay ward,
Leo Hoffman.
Thomas Hoctor.
William Herd man.
Charlea Hoffke,
u. Hauptman,
P. C. Heafeyr
John Jackman,
f. u. Johnson,
Frank B. Johnson,
Ralph Kitchen.
John Kewan,
a. Jvaplen.
Edward Lawler,
vv. tJ. Lambert,
m to
My Suits and Overcoats to order are the best values ever
offered. Very low rent does not force me to rob you to pay the
i .- -t ,i . . . - r
j.immora--come ana see me newest patterns for k all.
!Hnrv RvmL
John A, Kine,
Henry Sohroeder,
Tom Swift, Jr., . .
Dr. G. Blmonek,
G. W. Shields.
R. C. Strehlow, i
Phil Smith, 1
.William Stoecker,
William Stever,
William Schall,
Rev. Father Senna,
Rev. Father Stenson,
J. H. Schmidt,
E. Thompson,
I J. Te Poet, -George
IDr. U Van Camp,
Rev. John Williams,
Rev. Father Whalen,
Judge B. Wakely,
Joel W. West,
Arthur Wakely,
Ernest Worm,
Edward 'Walsh, '
William Weber,
fiaward Waters,
William P. Lynch, John Walters,
Dr. W. Leary,
at. Lortua,
Tom Lacey,
Herman Metx,
Otto Maurer,
Chris MeJaoer,
Arthur Mets,
Paul Martin,
J. J. Mahoney,
Miles Welsh,
Joe waiKer,
Joseph Wright,
John J. Wear,
Joe Wear,
A. Wahlstrora,
Ab Wagoner,
Morris Yost,
John Zeller.
(Continued from Fag One.)
In military training, from which h shall
be released after a short term. W should
hav th majority of our citizens pre
pared to fight on short notice.
'There la much talk of peace world
peaoa As but as ve quit fighting or
become indifferent to our ability to fight,
this nation win degenerate. "
General Wood becan his remarks by
glrtng statistic showing that th T United
States baa been engaged In warfar
than any othex nation In history when
the Xapoieonlc wars ar withdrawn.
W have fevght mora and harder and
hast ssora becana af nr nnpiepsgad-
aeae,- he eeekued. '
GsmsU X C Covin prealiea ml tha
SIOUX FALLS, & D., Sept 28.-(Spo-clal.)
Upon the arrival Tier of an Illi
nois Central passengef train, -Postal In
spectors V. C. Batle or this city and R.
M. C. Hosford placed under arrest John
A. Rankin of Cherokee, la,, who has
been a railway postal clerk running be
tween Cherokee and Sioux Falls for the
last twenty year. For a year or more
registered mall has been tampered with
and letters and money stolen between
Sioux Falls and Cherokee, and Rankin
was charged with having been respon
sible for th disappearance Ot the
money. When taken Into custody th
accused broke down and confessed, giv
ing as an excuse for taking the money
the fact that he was hard pressed for
money to meet his expenses. He haa a
wit and six children at Cherokee. Th
defendant was bound over to the Oc
tober term of United States court in
Sioux Falls, when it is expected his trial
will take-place,
Grand Oriental Mkg Sale
Begins Tomorrow Morning
' For many years this store has maintained one of the best rug departments in the
city. Now we have separated the Oriental rugs, increased, the stock . ten times its
former size, and placed an expert in charge. This department is on our second floor
with our decorating department, so buyers may see rugs and decorations harmoniz
ing with them.
Rich Oriental Rugs
are shown in all sizes and at all prices. No rugs in the city were ever priced lower.
There is a rug for every room at every price you can afford to pay.
Royal Sarooks and Eermanshahs,
prices range up from $45.00. , w
. Silk Table Covers, prices range up
from $15.00.
Silky Beloochistans, prices range up
from $14.50. - .
Khivah, Cashmere, Serapi and Cam
el's Hair Rugs, 8x10, prices range up
from $72.00.
Kurdistan Eugs, heavy and silky,
prices range up From $25.00.
Hall Runners, all sizes, prices range
up from $28.00.
Other large sizes in all Persian and
Turkish weaves, sizes from 9x12 to 11x18
prices range up from $150.00.
Kurdistan and Belooch Mats, prices
range up from $5.00. J
This magnificent collection of rugs also includes Baghestans, Cabistans, Kazaks,
Circassians, Anatolians, and a large number of fine antique specimens of Yamand,
Bokhara, Mellaz, Kara ji and Lavere.
er, tMewart et oeaton
415-17 South Sixteenth Street ,
Five Companies of Militia Guard
Street Railway Property.
Two B Balnea Ilea Who Croaaed Dead
Line Drawa by Troopa Are '
Killed anil a Third la
AUGUSTA, Ga, Sept 2S.-Martia! law
ruled in Augusta today as a result of last
night's disorders in which two citizens
wer killed and one wounded by state
militiamen guarding- property of the local
stmt railway company, whos employes
ar on strike. Fly companies ot guards
man ar on duty.
Th fifth company arrived ' from
Waynesboro early today and was placed
en duty around the railway power plant
It was in this territory that a "dead
line" was established by militia last night
and in which the. shooting of three per
sons occurred. . ' ' ,
Colonel W. I O'Leard of the state
guard arrived today from Savannah. Act
ing With Adjutant General William Q.
O'Bear, he assumed charge of the situa
tion, . i; , : .
Th dispatch of these officers and addi
tional , guardsmen was ordered by Gov
ernor Brown late last night after he was
notified that the situation here was crit
ical. He Issued a proclamation deolaring
the olty to be In a state of insurrection
and ordering martial law.
Alfred Dorn and Robert Christie, who
wer killed and Benjamin F. Baker, who
was wounded, are Augusta business men.
Christie was driving an automobile and
the other two wer in a carriage when
they crossed th "dead line" near are
power house. It is said they wer in
Ignorance of the order against traffic In
the territory. Baker and Dorn whipped
up their horse when a guard ordered
them to stop. It. Is not known whether
Christie heard the command to halt
Not until the early hours today was
quiet restored. Strikers and their sym
pathizers asserted their intention of try
ing to rush the guard line and dynamite
the power plant. Strike leaders pleaded
with tha men to go to their homes and
finally the crowds dispersed.
The immediate cause of the strike ts
the objection to certain rules of the
company. Strike leaders say the com
pany seeks to destroy the union.
One-Tenth of People
No Use to the World
WASHINGTON, Sept 28,-fen per cent
of the population of the United States
is permanentlydetective and is an eco
nomic and moral burden oh the other 90
pen, cent and should be eliminated from
society, asserted Bleecker Van Wagenen
of New Tork, in speaking today to the
Fifteenth International congress on
"Hygiene- and Demography." . Efforts
should be made to get rid by proper
methods of breeding the 'human trace, he
said, of the following nine classes:
Paupers, feeble minded, those of crimi
nal tendencies, epileptics, insane,, except
acute cases not hereditary, those consti
tutionally weak, those predisposed to
certain diseases and those having de
fective - sense organs. The method to be
adopted to bring, this about, he said,
was being studied scientifically.
A resolution, declaring that not only
the gratitude of this nation, but of the
world, was due to Dr. Prince A Morrow,
founder ot the American Federation for
Sen Hygiene, tor his work in the effort
to stamp out the white slave traffic, was
adopted by the congress today.
"Let the church get out of its com
fortable club-like rooms and out of its
miserable self-contentment and its an
thems, and get out into this work
againBt the great -social evil," said Dr.
Howard A. Kelly of Johns Hopkins university.
Civic Welfare Parade In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Sept. 28. Despite rain,, thou,
aands of men, women and boys marched
in Chicago's cfvlo Welfare parade today.
Practically every religious and reform
organisation In the city was represented
in the demonstration, whidh was arranged
as a protest against vie and th liquor
traffic. -
Alcohol In Pe-ru-na-
An Unjust Criticism
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept .-8amuel
alcRoberts, vice president ot a New Tork
bank, was elected a director of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railway
company at the annual meeting today to
succeed Frank 8. Bond, deceased. Donald
G. Geddes, Bosewell Miller, William
Rockefeller and John A. Stewart, all of
New Tork, whose terms as directors ex
pired, were re-elected. A. C. Hagsnalck,
who has been cblet clerk for the last
fourteen years, was appointed assistant
secretary. All the old officers were reelected.
CLARK'S GROVE. Minn.. Sept 28.
The Danish BaptlBt church ot the .United
States, assembled in general conference
here today, decided to move Its theokw
gleal seminary from Morgan Park, HL,
to Des Moines, la. The Institution Is
to become part ot the Dee Moines Bap
tist college. The change will take ef
fect In 1913 and will terminate a long
alliance with the divinity school of the
University ot Chicago.
' Haawntea Oeaamtttae Meets,
WEBSTER , CUT, la., Bept 2&V (Spe
cial Telegmm)-U the first meeting
since Its organization this afternoon,
nine members out of twenty-ome of the
Hamilton county republican central com
mittee voluntarily presented their resdgw
natlons far the reason they cannot sup
port lb head of tha ticket. The meet
ing: was harmonhws and tho raatgnlng
cmninll Hewren annonnce they wm re
main repiahlDcanav The ban mourn county
cenrdite a-fo met aad filled fire va-
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Having a little business in one of the
federal offices of the city, after it was
finished I fell in conversation with the
official in charge concerning Peruns, I
mention his business to show that the
conversation was conducted with a man
of more than ordinary Intelligence, be
ing a employe of the government who
had passed through several civil service
examinations. . He said to me, not know
ing who X was:
, "I think a great deal ot this patent
medicine business ought to be stopped.
Especially such remedies aa Peruna.
Peruna, as you know, is a stimulant and
contains eighteen or twenty per cent of
alcohol. People take it without knowing
what It la, and such remedies ought to be
prohibited by law. My own mother took
Peruna one. She had a cough, night
sweats, was growing emaciated and
weak, Several doctors examined her. The
opinion was expressed several times that
she was going Into consumption. One
thought it was chronic bronchitis. At any
rate, her condition was quit serious. She
was unable to get anV relief from the
doctors she consulted, although she took
their medicine faithfully tor nearly a
year. Some one told her about Peruna,
and against my wish and against the
wishes of our family, ah began taking
It At once she Improved, and in leas
than six months she apparently waa well.
We did all we oocM to discourage her in
taking Pernna, but ah persisted. It fin
ally came out In magazine that Peruna
contained alcohol. Then we knew at once
what it was that benefited my mother,
it wa simply the alcohol that Peruna
oentalned. We bad the laugh on mother.
We bare rrrt ecauaad to make ton of her
yet abest her betas; car with a dllntlan
af alcohol She seems to he
by our teasing her, but is very stubborn.
She says that if she were to be sick In
the same way again she would certainly
get Peruna and take It alcohol or no
alcohol So you see if people wilt persist
in such foolishness there ought to be a
law to prevent them."
I ventured to ' interpose a question.
"Tou say the doctors could not cure her,
and yet you say Peruna did cur her.
What .difference does It make to you
whether It was alcohol or some other
drug that effected the cure?"
"Well, I don't know' that it makes, any
difference, but it is deceiving the people
to give them alcohol even though it does
cur them," he said.
, I replied. "Why, I cannot ' exactly
understand that Alcohol is a drug, the
same aa. quinine or morphin. If alcohol
cures certain diseases where Is the de
ception T I understand that the Peruna
people print on the label of each bottle
the per cent of alcohol contained in Pe.
runs, Each patient ma, read tt, if he
pleases. I cannot see where there Is any
deception." .
Y,cU,'I would not take Peruna," he
persisted. "Now, I was sick, I bad a
stomach disease. . A violent pain, that
would corns on about an hour or two
after each meal. It grew worse and worse.
I was also constipated. I consulted sev
eral doctors in our city about my health.
I went to see a prominent specialist in
New Tork City, paid out a great deal of
money, but, no help. One time I ws
having a bad spell on the' train. Tue
gentleman who occupied the next seat
was a retired physician with whom I
had been acquainted. He said to me, 'My
friend, if you want to get well I would
ad vine you to take a glass ot lager beef
before each meal. I think that will cure
you.' Having followed the directions of
several good physicians without any as
sistance. I thought I would try the beer.
In a very short Urn I found It wse help
ing me, ands t got entirely Well. My
bowels became regular and I had no more
pain. No more distress after meals. Now,
if my mother had used some remedy like
that It would be all right But to per
sist In using some secret remedy Ilka Pe
runa, I think is outrageouaV ' .
Again I ventured to ask some ques
tions. ' I asked: "What do you suppose
It was In the lager beer that effected the
'Why. I presume it was the stimulant
It contained. Tea, no doubt It wa the
Ton know, of oeurse, that th stimu
lant in beer la alcohol, the same as In
wine or whiskey or any other aleohoUe
drlnkr ,
Tea. I have heard say that beer eon
tains about five per cent of alcohol" -
Tho is correct" I replied. "Too
took a bottle ot bear before each meaL
did yon -."Tea"
"In dotnar so yon were drinking a Ptut
at a fly per eenl aolmion af alcohol.'
Improvements at Logan.
LOGAN, la.. Sept 28.-(Special.)-Logan
has made decided improvements this year,
A large addition has been made to In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows' hall.
Postmaster Johnson has completed his
new residence, ideal in size, architecture
and convenience; Lamphere, Roberts and
others have also completed residences, and
contracts will be awarded In the near
future for additional residences; $17,000
Improvement for water works, also $5.350 :
for the erection of a pavilion for Ames
Harrtlson county short course are two
public Improvements to be completed In '
the hear future. ' .
"Tee, I suppose so."
"Five per cent would be one-twentiethi
As each pint contains sixteen ounces you
were then taking a little less than an
ounce of alcohol before each meal."
"But you. objected to your mother's
taking alcohol In the Peruna, and yet she
was taking far less alcohol than you
ware. As I understand it, the dose of .
Peruna is one tabieepoonfui. Supposing
It to be twenty per cent alcohol, there
would be In each dose one-fifth of a table
spoonful of alcohol, which would be about
half a teaspoonful, while you were tak
ing at least four teaspoonfuls of alcohol
In your bottle of beer. And yet you ob
jected to your mother's taking Peruna
on the ground that the Pernna contains '
alcohol. In my opinion it was the alco
hol that cured both of you. Tour mother
evidently was cured of a very serious ail
ment Peruna contains alcohol. ' It was
undoubtedly the alcohol that cured her,
or at least helped to. The other ingred
ients of Peruna might have assisted, no
doubt did. In your case it wa the aloo- -hoi
in th beer that cured you of the
stomach difficulty. Peruna has cured
thousands ot such cases."
"Well, I declare," he replied, "I never
thought of it in that way before. There
has been so much said about alcohol be
ing poisonous that I suppose my mind
has been prejudiced against it . But It
as you say there Is also alcohol in beer,
the same kind of alcohol as is used In
Peruna, I cannot see where the differ
ence is myself."
"Well," I replied, "you have been do
ing exactly what the average man and
woman is doing. Tou have allowed your
mind to become prejudiced against Pe
runa on account of its containing alco
hol. Without stopping to look into the
matter at all you hav assumed that
there Is something terribly disreputable
about remedies containing alcohol. .The
fact Is, however, that most all fluid med
icines, whether prescribed by a doctor
or put up a a patent medicine, contain
a certain amount of alcohol. It was
alcohol that cured your mother. It was
aloo hoi that cured you. In my opinion,
alcohol in some form or other la making
more cure than all other drug com
bined. This Is not saying, however, that
Peruna contains only alcohol, for it does
contain excellent remedies besides alco
hol. But X do contend that the alcohol
in Peruna Is not only not harmful to
those who take It but If taken in the
doses prescribed on the bottle It will do
a great deal of good and there ts not
th slightest danger of forming a drusr
Pernna Is for sal at all drug star,
fcP BfiltT. VOTlOft Many persons are "
making inquiries for the eld-time Peru
na. To snch would say, this formula la
now put out under the nam of KA-TAR-NO.
manufactured by KA-TAEUNO Com
pany, Colombo. Ohio. Write them and
they will be pleaasd to send you a free
haMkt - .- - . -