Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 18
i 2-B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29. 1912. WOMEN TO DRIVE OWN AUTOS Society Standing Back of Big Flower Parade Tuesday. CROWDS AT THE OUTDOOR CLUBS Tvro Biff Weddings Brie-to-Be Se- locts Stater Dbtajstee the ' Brtdenmalda at . Her Wedding. Members of Whiting-Sweet Bridal Party 51 Social Calendar. MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sweet, dinner Tor Whtting-Sweet wed ding party; Miss Elizabeth Hamllng, tea, for Miss Doris Keeney of Warsaw, N. y,; MIm Ruth eiabeufih. bride party at Happy Hollow club; MIm Katharine Krug, theater party at the Boyd for Miss Katherlne Torrance of Los An geles. TUESDAY Automobile flower parade; wedding of Miss Elisabeth fiweet and Lieutenant G. W. Whiting at Trinity cathedra); closing dinner and dance at Happy Hollow club; Miss June Greevy, tea for Miss Elisabeth Hamllng; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Dvrlcee, dinner at Happy Hollow; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Oil more, dinner at Happy Hollow; Mrs. C. Vincent, dinner and Orpheum party for Mrs. Connor of Den! son. la., and Mrs. T. S. Gist of Falls City. WEBNESDAT Ak-8ar-Ben electrical parade; Miss Lucile Patterson, window party for parade; window party for Keeney-Haniling wedding party. THUKSDAY-Weddlng.of Miss Frances Oould and Mr. Thomas Alleni Mrs. Kd ward phelan. afternoon bridge for Mrs. Connor of Denlson. Ia. FRIDAY Ak-Sar-Ben coronation ball; Mrs. F. M. Hamllng, dinner for Keeney . Hamllng wedding party. SATURDAY Wedding or Miss Elisabeth Hamllng and Mr. Robert Keeney of Warsaw, N. Y., at North Presbyterian church. s x ' ' A number of women have made definite plans to ride In the automobile flower parade next Tuesday. Miss Beatrice Coad . w ill drive bar electrlo machine and have ; Mrs. Ellen Coad Jensen with her. Mine Katherlne Krug. with her guest. Miss Katherlne Torrance of Los Angeles, will ride in her electric, which will be deco rated with pink roses. Mlae Grace Allison will ride alone In her eleotrio machine. Another eleotrio runabout will be driven I by Mrs. D. J. O'Brien, with whom will j ride Mrs, Edward O'Brien, Mr. J. M. j Metoalf has entered her seven-passenger limousine and will be accompanied: by i Mm JTedrlc Thomas. She will have a driver and page and the car will be I decorated with Pink rosea and green folia. The suffrage societies are plan' nlng to deoorat a float for the occasion. ' Miss Margaret McSUane will enter with her five-passenger touring car. With Miss . Kugiiiuie wiii be Sties Neil Sheridan of . St Joseph and Miss Margaret Dedarich : of Chicago. : WhKlag-Sweet Wedding at Trinity. ! One of the Urge fall church wedding ; will be that of Mies Elizabeth. Sweet, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlea A. I Sweet, and Lieutenant a W. Whiting of ! the .Fourth Inf&flUv at Ftort qrook, which will ake place at Trinity cathedral Tuesday evening. The maid of , honor win be Mlae Welcome Ayer of 1 Topeka and the bridesmaids will be Mlae . Dorothy Morgan and Mis Pauline Bourke. The beet man will ba Lieutenant Whit ing's brother, Brian Whiting of Mirshall, i Va., and the ushers will be Lewi Sweet, who arrived yesterday from Chicago for - Us sister's wedding, and Lieutenants Sel bie. Griffith and Wilson of Fort Crook, Mr,, Brian Whiting arrived yesterday. Mr Sweet's slater, Mrs. Joel Witmer of Kansas City, came Friday for the wed ding. Monday evening Mr, and Mrs. Sweet wll entertain at dinner for the wedding party. Saturday evening Lieutenant and Mrs. Fulton gave a dinner preceding the bop at Fort Crook la honor of Miss Sweet and Lieutenant Whiting. "; Bride Chooses Sister Bebataatea. Miss Ruth Hammer baa chosen as bridesmaids for her wedding four young women, who, with berself, were debut- antes last season. One of them. Hies Elisabeth Davis, was queen of Ak-Sar. . Ben last year, and Miss Hammer and the other three bridesmaids were special maids on that occasion. The three brides maids are Mildred Butler, Elisabeth - Bruce and Katherlne Beeson, Miss Ham. ; mer, who Is the daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. George L Hammer, will be married, ', to Harold Prltchett November T at the ' First Presbyterian church. Miss Has to Stady Abroad. ' Miss Frances Nash, society belle, musician, horsewoman and former queen of Ak-Sar-Ben, will be absent from this winter's social festivities. She baa de cided to spend the winter studying In strumental muslo in which she baa already made some success locally, 6he will leave with her mother, Mrs. E. W, Nash, October 17, for Berlin, I hl-Mllroy Weddlna. One of the first large autumn weddings was that of Ml Katherlne Mtlroy, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W, F. Mllroy, to Mr, Mel t'hl, Jr., which was celebrated 'at evening at the First Presbyterian , church. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, offlclat Jng, The church was decorated with palms, ferns and pink roses. The bride was charming In her wedding , gown of white satin charmeiise, with bodice and sleeves of duchess lace and embroidered with rhlnestones and pearla The skirt was bonSered with a wide band of duchess lace and draped with cblffon She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and brldea rosea. The groom's gift to the bride waa a diamond pendant Misa Marlon Macrae was the first of the tilde's attendants to enter. She wore pink eatln oharmeuse. The bodice, was trimmed with garnitures of gold and rhlnestones. The gold lace felt from the moulders and was draped to the skirt with a rhlaeatone buckle. Mrs. Herbert Hays of 8tella. Neb., sister of the bride, was matron of honor, ana was gowned In pink crepe meteor, trimmed with crystal lac and brilliants mjss susebia Dudley preceded the bride and was gowned In pink char meuse. crystal lace formed the bodice and was draped on the skirt and fas tened with buckles of rhlnestones and pearla. Each of the bride's attendants carried a garden hat filled with pint rosea, . The bride gave Mra Hayes an ex quisite gold bar Pin, band chased; Miss jvueoia jjMaier. mja i nonor, waa riven a gold bracelet, and Mlas Marlon Macrae a lavalUer ot gold set with peart and ruby. Mr. uhl gave hi ushers, Mr. John Mtl roy of BeCefontalne, O.; Mr, Louis Harte, Mr.- Paul Stsson and Mr, Herbert Hays. farf pins the new friendship circle '' s'(-n, sad to bis brother, Mr. Milton 11, who was best man, a similar pin, t wtih stones Instead of plain gold Following the ceremony a wedding up ( per was served at the home of Dr. and Mrs, waroy to the members of the wed. CHAIRMAN OF WOUAK'S COMMIT- 1 1! ? ': .irj I f'i jass.:' : f J i! I SWEET' A . n, t j 'J.X .... .:" -x 4i:C1f ?'S ' '"' 25 Discount on All Our ft Wo nens Exclusive Costui les We have about 25 of the handsom est and most exclusive costumes ever shown in Omaha and we are not going to wait until the season is overbut will sacrifice them right now in the heart of the season. Beginning Monday morning you can buy any costume in our store that sold from $45.00 to $150.00 at a bonafide reduction of 25 per cent from our regular prices. These gowns embody the latest ideas of the most celebrated designers. 4 'Remember, " in this store every garment is marked in plain figures so you can figure the discount yourself. 1 fT. . esVn si aJV" u W-ei Vjf- as Va msVWw s''Wj .-ff a-V n H swffri Hj.nifyw THE FOR FLORA! PARADE. own home on Twenty-ninth street Is ready for occupation. Mrs. W. F. Allen and Mra. Bishop have returned from Colorado and a stay of some days In Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clark, Jr. Heyn Photo.' MRS. W. D. IIASFORD. ding party and the relatives. Covers were placed for fifty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Uhl left far a wedding trip after which they will reside in Omaha. Brown-Hoffluns, Wedding. a pretty nome wedding was that at Miss Fannie Hoffhlne and Dr. Andrew Double Brown, which was celebrated las! evening at 1:30 o'clock, at the apartments of the bride's brother, John Hoffhlne, at tne Hamilton. Rev. T. H. McConneirf the Westminister church fflrltl Pink roBes, ferns and palms were used In decorating. - . Tbe bride was gowned In white satin charmeusse. drapod with ChantUly lace and she carried a shower bouquet of swansonla and brides' roses. Miss Marie Tracy was maid of honor and wore pink charmeusea draped with sen-tone chlffun. she carried pink roses. Dr. A. A, Smith of Lincoln served as best man. Dr. and Mrs. Brown will take a short wedding trip and will be at home after November 1 at tha Hamilton.' Dr. Brown is one of the younger hv- elclans of the city and is Interne at Wise Memorial hospital. The bride Is an at tractive young woman and although she bas resided in Omaha but two years, sht nas many mends here. Travelers Return for Ak-Sar-Ben. pir. and airs. A. J. Love are home fram New York. Miss Sadie Klrschbraun has returned from a short visit in Chicago, Mra fiwartslander and Miss Hamilton will be home Monday from Washington. Mr George Redick and her mother, Mr Hughes, and Mr. Win Hughes re turned from New York and a brief star ta Pittsburgh. , Mrs. Charles T. KounUe and children and Mrs. John T. Stewart, :nd, and chil dren, return today from Mackinac, where they have been spending the summer. Mr. and Mra Truman Buck and Mra Edgar Morsman, Jr., and children, re turned Thursday from Westport-on-Lake Champlaln, where they have been since June. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge have re turned from Rockland. Me., and are In the Howard (Baldrtge house" until their At the Field Club. The closing of the Field club last evoa. Ing brought out one ef the largest crowds In the history of the club. Over 600 reser. vatlon were t. made for the dinner and many more nierobers came later in the evening1 for the dance. Mr.'' and 'Urt!1 Robtrrt' H. Manley had as their guests; . r Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. George Laler, Miss Effle Haight. , . Mr, Jack Sharp. (' Dining together were: , Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Richards, Mr, and Mrs. Reed Tulmage. Mr. and Mrs. William Bavlnger, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Unsicker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bothwell, Mrs. Maud A. Wallace had as her guests; Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. CarmUihael, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Cully, Miss Ada Charlton, ' ' Dr. V. a Whltoomb, Mr. Wendell W. Moore. Mrs. M. A. Wallace gave a bowling party Friday morning at too Field olub, followed by luncheon, and then an after noon of bridge. Those present were: Mesdames ' Mesdames Roy Moore, M.A.Wallace. . Charles Hubbard, Mlses Misses Ada Charlton, IrsneLucas. Dr. J. F. Anson and Dr. H. M. Fits gibbon gave a dinner last evening, Their guests were: , . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pick. Mr. and Mrs. I J. Millard. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rogers. , Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Arnold. Mm H. K. Wilcox of Minneapolis. Mrs. McKenny of Minneapolis. Robert Martin, Miss Katherlne Krug gave a dinner last evening for her guest, Miss Kftther lne Torrance, of tos Angeles. Covers were laid for: Ml usee Misses Katherlne Torrance, Marguerite Busch, Helen Matters, Harriet Coplsy. 1 BACK FROM TWO TEARS' STUDY IN EUROPE, 1 .j t ' v - -; MISS EMMA. MUELLER. Miss Anna W. Mueller has returned from a year's study In vocei music with Frau Freda Roush and Fraullne See hoffer, royal opera singers of Berlin and Vienna, Mla Mueller is the daughter of Mrs, C. 0. Uwtt of Florence, Neb, SOCIETY GIRL GOES ABROAD TO STUDY MUSIC " 5 ' i t :'---:'!-' I; v :' iiiiiiiiiillll MISS FRANCES NASH. Katherlne Krug, ' Messrs Messrs' Leon Callahsn, Fred Wallace, T. H. Matters, Jr., Earl Burket. Charles Mets, Other dinner parties were given ' by Everett Buckingham who entertained at one of the larger parties and had covers placed for thirty-five guests, H, Murray had fourteen; J. B. Porter, six; Q. A. Young, twelve; J. W. Hughes, four; E. D. Knapp, four; Dr. B. A. MeDermott, six; K M. Ritchie, twelve; Lester Dris haus, nine; M. Dowllng, six; Fred Ham ilton, six; W. K. Cundlff, four; C. W. Mlkeaell, ten; Miss Frances Graves, four; Oeorge I. Wright, five; H. J. McCarthy, five; J. F. Coad, elgUt; A. P, Whltmore, four; II. Weller, six.; C. E. Burmelster, six; W. H. Busch, eight; E. J. McVann, seven; II. A. Wahl. fourteen; W. G. Nicholson, four; B. W. Capen, eight; J. B. Blanchard, six; John Lavelle, four; J. A. Abbott, ten; A. J. Vierling, six,;, J. D. Stephens, eighteen; W, R. Adair, six; W. H. Clarke, six; R- D, Neeley, four; W. A. Stone, four; W. E. Shepherd, six; O. W. Dunn, four; B. W. Chrtette, fix. Visitors Come for Ak-Sar-Ben. i Mrs. F. S. Parmelee has as her gueet Mrs. L. K. Payne of New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, Jr., will (Continued on Page Three.) '' ' If ISs.a ' ' - 'Wjl Autumn Millinery ; ilm AT VERY REAS0NABLE prices mSl Py( inspect them at your leisure. y mmmm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Fans MasTaalne, TO THE WOMEN Opportunity knocks at every one's door once in a lifetime.; "We therefore say it's a duty you owe yourself to take advantage of the, way we have of saving you from 20ft to 40' on your Fur niture and Rug purchases. There is no middle man's profit. .''Let us demonstrate this fact to you. D. F. Corte Furniture Co. 24th and 17arnam'Sts. SPECIAL DIAMOND SALE DURING AK-SAR-BEN a WEEK as ' We wish to extend an invitation to all out-of-town visitors to visit our handsome store and examine our stock. In7 our show windows are exhibited this week a special showing of diamonds, ; ' Half Carat Genuine Blue White, in ring, brooch or scarf pin, for $75.00 Quarter Carat, same guarantee $30.00 These are qualities and prices that are special and will haidly be duplicated again. Also splendid stock of watches, sterling silver, etc, : C. B. Brown Go. Jewelers and Silvermiths Sixteenth and Farnam Streets