Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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Sains 30 Lbs.
In 30 Days
Wc Package of Eemarkable Flesh
Builder, Protone, Sent Free to
rov What It Will Do.
Reception Will Be Held in New
Court House on October 10.
', . SM 01
Architect, County CowmtMtoaera
mmi Jads, Tovfthrr with
Other Officials, Will De
liver Addresses.
Votoae Will Hake Yoa Me and Flnma,
It is : astonishing to see the effects
produced by , the new flesh-increaser,
Protone. To put on real, solid, healthy
xiesn, at we raw or a pounu uii
not at all remarkable with the new
wonder. . ' : . , -;
Protone Induces . nutrition, increases
cell-growth, makes perfect the assimil
ation of - food,, strengthens nerves, i, In
creases blood corpuscles, builds up safe
(ly and quickly, muscles and solid,
healthy flesh, and rounds out the figure.
For women who never appear stylish
In anything because of thinness, Pro
tone Is a revelation.
The regular $1.00 size of Protone is for
sale by all druggists, or will be mailed
direct, upon receipt of price, by The Pro
tone Co., 4954 Protone Bldg., Detroit,
It costs you nothing to prove the re
. rnarkable effects of Protone. It is non
Injurious to the most delicate system.
The Protone Company will send you on
receipt of your name and address, a
free 60o package of Protone, with full
Instructions, to prove that it does the
.work; also their book on "Why You Are
Thin," free of charge, giving facta which
will probably astonish you. Send coupon
below with your name, and address.
Addresses will be given by John Laten-
ser, county building architect, members
of the Board ot County Commissioners,
Judges ot the district- court, and county
officials at the reception In celebration
of the opening of the new county build
ing, which mll be held October 10." The
county commissioners will begin work on
the program for the reception early In
the week. ,
According to present plans, the recep
tion will begin In the afternoon and will
extend through the evening. An orches
tra ' will furnish the music. Members of
the county board and others familar with
the building will show the guests through.
Flowers or souvenirs of some sort will
be given to all who visit the building.
Souvenir post sards may be passed out
In order that Douglas county people may
let their friends in other counties, state
and countries know what a handsome
home the county has.
Light refreshments will be served. In
the evening there will be the program of
short Addresses, after which the orches
tra will strike up popular airs and those
who wish to indulge will be permitted
to dance. , . ;
Free Protone Coupon
It will cost you nothing to prove
the remarkable effects of this treat
ment. The Protone Company will
send to anyone a free 50c package
of Protone, if they will fill out this
coupon and enclose 10c In stamps or
silver to help cover postage. They
will also send with It full instruc
tions and their book on 'Why You Are
4854 Proton Bldg. Detroit, iOoh.
City State
The regular $1.00 size of Protone is for
sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co., 102 S. 16th St.; 24th and Far
nam St- Owl Drug Co., 824 S. lth 8t;
-Beaton Drug Co., 1501 Faraam St; Loyal
Pharmacy, 207.' N. llth St; Bell Drug
Co., 1218 i'arnam 8t
66 Ep Ep 99
-' FOE V
.r , In the early stages, It Is easy to
Jtop.a Cold with Dr. Humphrey's
.Seventy-seven." ;
By the early stages, we mean,
when you first have that feeling of
lassitude and weakness, as if some
treat Illness -was pending the
spirits droop, the energies flag, this
Is caused by the checked circulation
of the blood, the very first stage of
a Cold "Seventy-seven" . restores
the checked circulation, starts the
blood coursing through the veins and
, breaks up the Cold.
' Dont wait till you begin to cough
and sneeze or it may take longer-
It pays to keep "Seventy-seven'
.Sandy, All Druggists 25c. Book free,
Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Co;
William and Ann Streets, New York.-
207-209-211 So. 14th St.
Women Are
Doing in the World
Couple is Married
at Mother's Bedside
With her mother within a few feet of
her on a sick bed in Immanuel hospital,
Elsa Anderson carried out the parents'
wUhes when she married John OUen, an
employe of the Union Pacific shops.
Miss Anderson is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Swan Anderson or Florence,
Neb. The mother has been seriously ill
for some time and will soon undergo an
operation. The mother, on account of
her illness, did not wish her daughter to
postpone the wedding, so plans were laid
for the ceremony, and It was performed
Friday In the hospital.
The couple was attended hy briaes-
malds, ushers and best man. all ot whom
marched up to the bed, which served as
an altar.
The room was profusely decorated with
flowers. Rev. W. M. Dahi omc men. me
bride was attended by her Bister, Miss
Florence, and Anna Burkhnr.1 of this
city, and the bridegroom by Mr. Burk-
hard, also of Omaha.
Fnllowin the ceremony the nnaai
couple, attendants and friends went to
the home of the bride's parents, where
all made merry at a weddirg supper.
After October 1 Mr. and Mrs. Olsen will
be at home in Florence.'
Colonists' Rates
Make Travel Heavy
Officials of railroads operating to the
west are pleased' with the business that
is being 4one by the colonists' trams.
While the rates have been in effect less
than a week, officials feel sure that the
number taking advantage ot tnem win
be largely In excess of former years.
Last year 'when the colonists' rates
w.nt into effect business was heavy the
flret day or so and then there was noth
ing doing until & few dayB before the
close. This year it is different. The
first day the rates were on travel was
heavy and it has been growing neavior
each day since. .. , .
This year it Is noted that the majority
of travelers on the colonists' trains are
farmers from Nebraska, Iowa, South
Dakota and other states of the middle
west who are going to California, Wash
ington and Oregon to spend the winter.
School Kids Are
Enjoying Highway
Forlorn indeed are the school kids of
Omaha today. Samson had set it aside
as their time to take possession of the
King's Highway, but Pluvius interferred.
Not to be disappointed by the weather,
however, several hundred children took
advantage of the half price admission
charge and entered the carnival grounds
where the show managers conducted their
entertainments especially to their liking.
Rain does not affect the child as it does
the grownups, bo it would seem after see
ing them frolicking about the grounds
In fact, it appears to have the opposite
effect for the, little water pools were a
source of almost as much amusement as
the snake chamber and the merry-go-round.
The oratory department of the Omaha
Woman's -club, under the direction of
Miss Lillian Fitch, will study modern
drama this season, specializing on one
act plays. 'Alternate meetings will be
devoted to repertoire, patoraime aesthet
ics, calisthenics, breathing and voice de
velopment, with interperatlve readings.
Special' leaders will give the following
one-act plays: "The Intruder," Maeter
linck; "Riders to the Sea," Synge; "Ana
tol," Sohnltsler; "The Father," Strind
berg; "The Sidhe of Ben-Mor," Sawyer;
and "Yankee Fantasies," Mackaye.
Other dramas studied will include "The
Three Daughters ot Monsieur Dupont,"
Brieux; "The Dawn of a . Tomorrow,"
Burnette; "A Gauntlett," BJornson; "The
Pigeon," Gallsworthy; "The City," Fitch,
and "The Fires of St, John," Sudermann.
Several recitals of miscellaneous read
ings will be given during the year and
meetings will be held each Tuesday at 10
o'clock. The officers are; Miss Lillian
Fitch, leader; Mrs. Grant William, as
sistant leader; Mrs. Franklin Shotwell,
secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Samuel
Rees, representative.
iThe first meeting will be held Tuesday,
October 8, at Miss Fitch's studio.
The advanced French class of the
Omaha Woman's club will begin actlv
ifles Friday, October 1L at 10 a. m. in
the study rooms in Metropolitan build
lng. This class will continue the study
or f rencn grammar and will take up
work In a new reader. A beginning class
will be organized shortly after the open
ing of the club. October 7. Miss May Ma
honey, who had the class last year, will
continue as Instructor.
Omaha Story Tellers' league will have
a session of Bible stories next Friday
afternoon in the pub!ic library under the
leadership of Mrs. O. S. Chittenden. The
stories of David, Daniel and Moses will
be told.
The "Period of the Revolution In Ameri
can Literature" will be the supbject ot
study of the South Omaha Century Liter
ary club next Tuesday under the leader
ship of Mrs. C. M. Scuindel. Mrs. Schlndel
will read a paper on "The Early Revolu
tionary Period." Mrs. Brown will give
a sketch of Phillip Freneau. Mrs. Claud
Talbot will have a paper on the "History
of the Declaration of Independence; Its
btgners." Mrs. 13 A. Boyer will read
"Paul Revere's Ride." The class will re
view "Richard Carvel."
The French class of the Dundee
Woman's club will assemble for work
next Thursday at 10 a, m. at Mrs. E. W,
Gunther's home.
Imogene club of Florence met last Tues-
aay with the president. Mrs. A. C. Grlf-
fen, to plan for the year's work. Mrs. R,
A. Golding was chosen to lead hA hmuh
hold economies department, and Mrs. F.
R. Wedge was elected head of the liter'
ature department. The first regular meet
ing will be Thursday, November 7.
Women's Relief corps of Grant post
win not meet on the regular day, October
1, on account of the automobile flower
parade being then. It will meet October
at Baright hall, instead.
un account of Ak-Sar-Ben festivities
Dundee .Woman's club has postponed its
meeting from October 2 to October 9.
The fourth National Conservation con
gress which will be held in Indianapolis,
ina., uctober 1, 2, 3 and 4, will be rep
resented by the following delegates from
the Nebraska Daughters of the American
revolution, an organization . vitally in
terested In many phases of conservation.
Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton, state regent.
Kearney; Mrs. Warren Perry, state vice
regent, Fairbury; Mrs. Norria Brown,; aura. w. tl. xanders1, Columbus
Mrs. Kva Lee Miller, Fremont.
Among the speakers at the congress
win oe Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, resident
general of the national society ot the
The Sixth annual session of the Fifth
Congressional district of the Nebraska
eaerauon of Women's clubs will meet
in Hastings in Fraternity building, Oc
tober 3 and 4.
The meeting of the Women's Mlssionm-v
society of the First Baptist church, which
was to be held Friday, has been post
poned to October 6. The meeting- will be
held at the Social Settlement. Mrs. Ed
ward Johnson and Mrs. 8. B. Fulloway
have charge. The subject will be 'China's
Break with the Past." Miss Corrie Les
Norrls will furnish music
I 1
Fer-MilLac is
in great de
mand at
clubs and
Try a glass
today,. 5c
BmsVi'Lu..,.,.,,: ,::1-...'ri;inr.
Baby's chief diet is
milk; be sure it's Alamito milk
Alamito is the pure, clean, rich kind
that comes from germ-free cows,
living amid sanitary environments
T? VEEY precaution possible is taken to make Alamito the purest
milk obtainable. Our inspectors know the exact condition
of every herd, so the milk is pure in the beginning. Then the milk
is pasteurized and the bottles perfectly sterilized, tanking the pro
duct thoroughly clean and healthful. There's no chance to get
disease from Alamito milk.
Keep baby in perfect health
by ordering Alamito milk
Alamito Sanitary Dairy . Co.
Vk ,1 Alt
isougias tit :.t
"The Safe Mlk"
Delivered fresh dalrf b?art ferssk&si
Meade and Fort Robinson. For conven
ience the detachments were brought to
gether at Hot Springs that the general
might make a field inspection of the en
tire regiment at once.
Mohler Takes Flight
to Ducking Grounds
Ducks I great numbers are reported In
northwestern Nebraska, it being said that
In many localities in the sandhills the
lakes are .black with them. The same
reports are to the effect that when they
take flight from these lakes, they are
so numerous that the sound of their
flapping wings resembles the onward
rush ot a cyclone.
A. L. Mohler has heard of the report
of the enormous flight ot ducks. He has
gone, in his private car, accompanied
by Mark Wood of Lincoln, NT B., Upllke,
Ward Burgess and W. T. Ferguson, for
a hunt of several days' duration. '
Mr. Mohler's car will be parked at
Wood lake and from there, in two auto
mobiles, he and the ' members of his
party will go to a hunting lodge on a
small lake forty miles to the southwest.
This lake Is one of a chain of about a
dozen, all of which are filled with wild
rice, constituting fine feeding grounds
for ducks and geese in season.
The members ot the Mohler party take
cooks and servants, tents and bedding,
Intending to spend a number ot nights
away from the lodge in the event the
shooting should be some distance from
the lake, on thij banks of which the shoot
ing lodge is situated.
Reopened ' under new
management, ' completely
remodeled. The finest
equipped. Unexcelled Cui
sine, best service, at pop
ular prices. Special 35c
dinner from 12 to 2; 6 to 8.
, ... t
" j i Music in attendance.
Joe Lenora, living at 21S North Nine
teenth street, was arrested Friday night
by Detective Joe Hell at Ninth and Dodge
streets for robbing A. J. McCail In the
Revere hotel in Council Bluffs last night
of 117 and a watch.
Lenora Induced McCail, who lives in
Hamburg, la., to go up to the hotel and
touched him for the money and watch.
He immediately left Council Bluffs and
came to Omaha in an automobile.
When searched at the police station the
watch was found In Lenora's possession.
but the money was gone. He denied his
guilt. He 'Is a switchman for the Illinois
Central Railroad company in Council
Bluffs, he says. The Bluffs authorities
took him In charge this morning.
A Beautiful Complexion
Also Called Tetter, Bait Shenm, Prnritns,
, Mllk-Crnst, Weepins Skin, atcl
nil whra I mt cuttA. t mui Jtt what I mr
V tfTilln-Tl n H nnt Mml. ... - kit- '
v. ' - i-vun My ..mi.
t return to- worn tbtn baton, Remombar, 1 maka
bit broad Utemant after ptittlnf tan jraan ot
tj tlma oa tbla one dlaeaea and handling in the
DeentliM' a quarter ot a million oaaea of tbla
treadful dUeaM. Now. I don't care what all yoa
hiTt wad, nor how many doc tori have told joa
that yoa could not be eared ell I uk la Jutt a
chance to enow yoa that I know wh.t I am talk
ing about. If rw will wrtte me TODAY. I will
trod you a FBEB TRIAL of my mild, aoothlnc
guaranteed rare that will eonrtnoe yoa more in a
aay than I or anyone else could In a mbntb'a
tint. If yon" are disgusted and dticouraged, I
dare yoa to (Ire me a chance to prore my cl&lmt.
Ity writing me today yoa will enjoy more real
comfort than you had er thought tola world
hold, for yoa Just try It and you will eee I am
telling .yo t truth. - .
Di. J. t. Ciomoj, 1777 f uk Static Stiiiia, JU
J-.etf rec-e" : Third National Bank, Sedalla, Mo.
Could ru td a bitter act than to end this no
tice to eome poor tufferer of Icicma?
May Be Yourt
In Ten Days
The Complexion
Used and Endorsed
By Thousands
NADINOLA banishes tan, sallowness,
freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Extreme
cases twenty days. Kids pores and tissues
of impurities, leaves the (kin clear, toft,
healthy. Directions and guarantee in
package. By toilet counters or mail. Two
sizes, 50 cents and $1.00.
Sold by urut Co.. Owl l.-ug
Co.. Le?ei Fharmacj, Harvard Pharmacy, othtra.
Personal Gossip
About Omaha People
A. M. Fleming of Logan, Utah, has
been the guest of his sister. Miss V. H.
Bartlett, 1328 South Twenty-ninth street,
for the last week.
Mr. Robert Cowell has been spending &
few days with his daughter, Miss Mona
Cowell, who is a sophomore at Vassar, at
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. They are now spend
ing the week end in New Tork.
Bishop and Mrs. A. L. Williams And
Miss Leonore Williams arrived home
Thursday, from Richard's Landing.
Canada, having closed their summer home
there for the winter. Bishop Williams
nas Deen there since his return from
Europe about three weeks ago, but Mrs,
Williams spent the entire season there.
Mrs. J. Brandels and daughters, Misses
btena and Alma, are in London.
A daughter was born Wednesday to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. George of
LVmdee. ' ;
Word has been received that a daugh
ter was born last week to Captain. and
Mrs. Marr O'Connor. Mrs. O'Connor was
formerly Miss Marion Tyler of this city
mummer was Dorn last week to
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Throop Vaughn of
Chicago. Mrs. Vaughn was Miss Louise
Lord, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. X p.
Mrs. Charlotte Bradway of Chicago ar
rived Saturday to spend the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Tukey.
mr. tu. u. vveaa nas returned trom a
four months' visit with friends in Chi
Big, Wheel Sticks,
Holds Many m Air
Several people at the carnival grounds
were hung in mid-air; for over an hour
early yesterday afternoon when one of
the foot braces of the 'Ferris wheel broke.
An iron rod on one , of the carriages
caught , the ; foot brace while swinging
around and twisted it so that the wheel
refused to move. Every carriage of the
large wheel was occupied and the couples
in the upper carriages were compelled
to stay in their seats several feet, above
the ground until they were extricated by
firemen who were called and hoisted lad
ders to ths top. i
General Frederick A. Smith and Major
Evans have returned from Hot Springs,
S. D., where they spent a week Inspecting
the troops of the Twelfth cavalry asuem
bled at that place for the maneuvers. and
inspection. The , Twelfth , -cavalry la
divided between the two posts of 'Fort
Vlattlna; Merchants. '
One of the most attractive displays of
holiday goods ever shown In Omaha is
on exhibition now at the Carpenter Paper
Co. Ninth and Harney streets.; . .
JLr-illi: ILf
"Strong as the Strongest"
jX si.
No young woman, in the Joy of
coming motherhood, should neglect
to prepare her syatem for the physi
cal ordeal the Is to undergo. The
health of both herself and the coming
child depends largely upon the care
she bestows upon herself daring the
waiting months. Mother's Friend
prepares the expectant mother's sys
tem for the coming event, and Its use
makes her comfortable during all the
term. It works with and for nature,
and by gradually expanding all tis
sues, muscles and tendons, involved,
and keeping the breasts In good con
dition, brings the woman to the crisis
In splendid physical condition. The
baby, too, is more apt to be perfect and
strong where the mother has thus
prepared herself for nature's supreme
function. No better advice could be
given a young expectant mother than
that she use Mother's Friend; it is a
medicine that has proten its value
in thousands of
cases. Mother's
Friend is sold at
drug stores.
Write for free
book for expect
ant mothers which contains much
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
TVf n
Up-to-Date Life Insurance
Writes All Modern Policies
Reliable Representatives
Liberal Commissions