Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1912, Page 14, Image 14
THE t OMAHA SUNDAY EEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1912. , ... - - -IT.. i-.ii. i-ii. . ,mttmmmmntm-rmmmjmmtnm tmtmi r riyialai - i . 1 ' ' V Lamest i sea Extends a Genuine Welcome to AH Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors You can buy everything you need for fall and winter at Brandeis Stores with' more real satisfaction than in any other western store ect these great stocks of Fall and Winter merchandise of high character Inspi GREATER . VARIETIES ,T0. ' SELECT FROM XlWSm . oTxLEo THAT ' ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, arViff -iifmri V- i-J'- QUALITIES : THAT ARE ALWAYS DEPENDABLE MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME HERE. MEET YOUR FRIENDS IN OUR STORE. SEE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY EVER PREPAR ED BY ANY STORE IN THE WEST FOR ITS GUESTS. : .' : Omaha's Greatest -r Attraction Our Three Subway Arcades are the Ar chitectural Wonders of trie West. They are brilliantly lighted underground Salesrooms, v connecting' buildings on opposite sides' of i tne street main uoor wun mam iiuur. . r. Brandeis Pompeian Room is the ' Most " 'ewoaPmUiqi Unique and Deautituuy lyecoratea Koom oi . pompeian room its kind in America. v; . ' ,',. 4 A Great Fresh Water Fountain at .the; West End of the Pompeian Room is an'Ar- uiuc masterpiece, i j ,: First Postal Savings 15ank located -by Uie u. fc. Government in any; department store in , America, operates on our Main Hook;; I U. S. Post Office, Branch Station 'No. 17, located (JL here. Have your mail addressed to you-in umana,. Care Station 17. ... . . . ; mKiM" 111 "siS-f - FORJMHEUNITED . Take, Adv&tage of Our Many FREEGQNVENIENCES , , : Your Baggage . and Parcels Checked Free ; of Charge. .' ' r . Free . Waiting Rooms and Rest Rooms for Women and Children Uniformed Maids in attendance. , ! ' Free Nursery and Children's Play Room in Charge' of an Experienced Matron and L00RSo0tDSJ?M0RSC' , , v . , stom on m sr and . . .'4 : Unecks on all 5anks uasnea wiinout cnarge. On fapnam ST -.1 -i'J..' n ;tAi:- j Ti nv TovAf i Omaha. : , ' : V v ' . ' Genuine Carbariet Entertainment Free in our Green Tea Kiiom.' ! '...,! , ' 'Ffeiglit or Express' Prepaid' on "all purchases of $5.00 or more; :. ' ; .; . : : ,!rof.,r? " ' "'Free Daily Concerts in Music Department. Free .! ; nr.. , , , i . ...... - - . i V Women s New r Winter Coats, ran ouiis, i-ic&5ca, Waists, Etc. Brandeis Stores always offer you greater varie ties in women's apparel to select, from. The styles are always absolutely correct. LONG COATS at $10 and $15 Up-to-date winter cloaks In rough nov elty mixtures or plain effects; style; both practical and dressy; C1C all sizes; 2 lots at $10 and . . . . .P ID WOMEN'S LONG WINTER COATS A score-of popular, styles, Including the smart, new, "Johnny coats", (see Illus tration). Every cloak is a clever new winter style; splendid . variety at $1? and. ......... $LtO FALL SUITS at $10 and $12.50 Good, practical suits in new , styles, 'cloths and colors for fall and winter; md ,.,.16.i;v 1 HUni'v'Kl', Wm l Jl 1 TO ' ill few ' i iftfir -iTT Vfj There, are 4 Moderate Priced , Restaurants and srv: (Uaies- wimm iuese uiuieu iomiueiuiai ouuciuitsis. In the HEART of OMAHA'S PERMANENT RETAIL DISTRICT Connected By 3 Huge Subway Arcades and Double Decked Bridge 10 ACRES FLOOR SPACE 1,200 CLERKS READY TO SERVE YOU at $10.00 and. STUNNING FALL SUITS Pretty new cutaways; new graceful models with new collar features; all the favorite shades, s C1 Q at $15.00 and.,.. 4.... . . . . . p 1 7 Women's New Fall Tail- (PC flft ored Skirts, special at.... pO.UU Women's Wool Tailored P " QO Dresies, clever styles. . . . . .pU.Z0 Women's Silk Dresses, all C 1 A (f ' very smart styles, at. .. .Plv.UU Women's Wash Waists-Fall 1912 styles, a wonderfully . good value at . . . ; . . 1.00 Women's Silk Waists-All new style features, every popular shade, at ... $3.50 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Girls' Wool Serge Dresses, in pretty new styles for school and dress; worth Q HQ to $7.50, at...PJ.U up GIRLS' WINTER COATS Clever, new models that cannot he , found in any other western Btore. Coats that are practical Q r and smart as they can be. . . pO l -it. I ! - if t Winter Underwear ' FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Women's Mnnsing Union Suits The most popular underwear : made: ! In fine medium and heavy fleeced cotton bleached and Jream color, at (11 asuit....... Pl '-V: '. ; SMSBMMMSMI Women's Medium Weight Fle.ecy Lined Cotton Union SuitsRearular and e3;tra sizes, i- values up to 7$i, QQr ' at a suit .,s.-. .'il . . .s . . OuL Women's Medium Weight Fleecy Lined Cotton Vests and Pants -.Regular and extra OC gibes' worth up to'35d; at a garment. .... MfaiMf Will'. ClUldren's and Boys' "M" Waist Union Suits Fleecy lined cotton, taped seams and patent taped buttons 9Qr all steea 50c, quality, at, a suit., Misses' and ClUldren's Bleached Cotton Union Suite ; Heavy fleecy lined all sizes - - QCr at a suit OUt "Coronet" Hats Women. Stunning late fall and early winter dress hats and street hats in the most fashionable new ideas; theonly hats that contain authentic style and high class ma terials that sell regularly at 10. Untrimmed Velvet and Plush Hats Genuine erect pile silk velvet dress shapes; black " only, made of 24-inch velvet also Zibellne plush shapes in all colors worth CO CO ; up to $5, at ............. s. p.oy Misses' and Children's Hats There are many samples In these groups. . Scores of pretty Z$$ZS?.Z7:.98c. &-$1.50 GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF BLANKETS 4 All this coming week we offer the most extraordinary bargains in blankets An opportunity to buy your winter Deeming ai greui money saving prices. $4 Strictly All Wool 11-4 Size Blankets Fine, soft wool blankets for large beds, heavy weight' in Women's Long and Short Kid Gloves Women's Long Fr&nch Kid Gloves in white only-full : 16 button length 3 Radium clasps worth $3.75, fitted to the haud SO J C at, pair J Perrin'i Real Grenoble Kid Gloves in the newest shades for street and evening wear 2-clasp effects Paris point or y -heavy embroidered backs at, pair. ...$1,50 nd Short Kid Qlovea. in wnue. EnslUh . Walking Gloves Per- rln s ana rxortwup manes in tan, gray and black l-claap fasUnerm, at, $175 tiiooir tn. hrown and cray single row enbrotdery orth $10. at, per gQjj Women's and Men's Hosiery wnm.n' 7E Pnp Thread silk Hosiery, wide lisle garter tops, double soles, high spliced heels and toes regular CHp and out sizes nlaln and fancy colors at. pair aJUL. - . - . Tl.l. . Women s and Men's mercerized uio uu Cotton Hosiery, plain and fancy embrold KnrtT rmttma. also Dure thread s lk boot, full fashioned hosiery, ; OCf worth to 50c a pair, at. tUV Women's and Misses' Cotton and Mercer ized lisle ThreaJ Hosiery double soles, high spliced heels and toes, regular and out sizes worta z&c a pair, Great- Display and Sale of Genuine , aajo Rugs. Blaln F!oor, All Week. at...... ...15c tan, gray and plaids sold every- fl0 Cf where at $4, at per pair , . . . ; . ... 1 .... . .POU $3.50, 12-4 Size, Woolnap Cotton Blankets at $1.98. The finest cotton blankets made r- extra (M 4 QO large and soft nap, like fine wool, pair. . P wO $7.50 and $8 Strictly AU Iamb's Wool Manketa at $5 WeU known St. Mary's and Wallace & Smith Blsnkets absolutely the finest blankets made. Full 11-1 and 12-4 sites, Cr welgh to 7 lbs. a pair plaids, checks, etc., pair ...... PJ $6 All Wool, 11-4 and 12r4 Size Blankets at $3.50. Strictly all wool blankets plaids and -CO Cfj ', checks, also white, gray and tan, pair. . . . aPO.OU 12-4 Size Cotton Blankets at $1.25 German felted finish do not shed the nap largest cotton blanket made fast colored borders, Q1 OC at a pair W J- $4 JSO and f 5 All Wool and Wool Filled Blankets at $2.08 Ex tra fine all wool blankets, full 11-4 siie in white 9 QO with 3-lnch Bilk ribbon bound edge, at pair ........ p.-0 Genuine p-To-Date Sty les in , OVERCOATS and: SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN v Most men want good, well. tailored, up to date fall clothes that have genuine style and give good serv ice at a moderate price. That's just what we offer . you in these special lots. Overcoats and suits that will Took well 'and serve well all season long, at? $12.5Q.$1S$20 MEN'S OVERCOATS and SUITS of HIGHEST CLASS Th Finest Hand Tailored Clothes Made' by tne High est Paid Tailors in America;- Bogers-Peet, Eirsh Wickwire . and Stratford System famous makes &i $25 to. $45 Men's Auto Coats; Slip-Ohs and Rain Coats at.". $1.98 to $20- CHINCHILLA OVER COATS for BOYS Boys' Russians, ages 2 to 8 years; new shades, - at $3.50 to ..........$8.50 Boys' All Wool medium long coats with belt and shawl collar, ages 8 to 12 years, at ..$7.50" Boys' convertible ? collar . coats; long black chinchil las; ages 12 to 17, at $8.50 to ..............$12.50 Boys all wool blue " serge suits worth (TO HO $6.50, tU.... ,$6.70 Boys' brown and gray cor- sults at. $3.75 &$5 OPTICAL DEPT. Entrance Pompeian Room. Work Guaranteed. , THE NEW FALL SILKS Daily arrivals of the correct styles in Satin faced silks Special $2.50 Satin Charmeuse,- 40 in. wide in the latest colorings, white, cream and black special, at yard A. . . .;v . . . ........ .... . ... A .$1.95 40-in. Crepe De Auteil-perf ect weave, high luster 30 different shades-actually worth $2.00,special, at yard . . . ................ . . v .... . . . . . $1.50 Pheonix Mills, yard wide, Dress Chiffon Taffetas in glace and plain effects yard wide Messaline Char meuse in soft clinging effects, at yard ......98c Messalines, P e a u de 8 o I e, Crepe- de Chine and. Silk, and Wool Poplins worth 1 : $1.00 and $1.50; on bargain square, yd., 49 and 69 Special The celebrated R. & a. 40-incn uress biu ana Wool Poplins In erery fash-; lonable shade. per yard.' at....... ...... ..S1.00 NEW IMPORTED DRESS GOODS: Stunning Imported Tailoring Suitings many exclu sive patterns in illuminated whipcords and diagon als, wide wale velours, new Zaza suiting and rever sible coatings, at yard ...... .... 1 to 2.95 Mill Ends of 40. to 54 in. Dress Goods in 2y2 to 5 yd. lengths, enough to make a suit, coat , or separate ; Bkirt on Bargain Squares and worth double these special prices for an entire piece . .$1 and 1.95 Dress Patterns In 64-lnch AU Wool Suitings diagonals, whip cords, costume serges, novelty sult'ngs, Bedford cords, Pol ling, etc. 5 and 6 yards of material worth up to $1.60; oi . Bargain Square at, per pattern....... 2.95. and $3,93 Special Showing and Sale of High Class Lace Novelties and Dress Accessories. 18-inch Floss Silk Embroidered Allover Laces, fancy lace allovers, Venise Appliques, medium and wide lace bands in Venise, crochet, Bohemian and macrame effects and many other unusual , CQ novelties, worth up to $1.50, special, yd.V.. .OiC Net Top, Shadow and Oriental Laoes, medium and wide lace bands in Venise, crochet and Bohemian ef f ects-hundreds of pretty patterns . OCp worth to 50c -big bargains, at yard. . . . . ..JL WOMEN'S NEW FALL NEClvWEAB at 50c Silk, Satin and Velvet Robespierre Collars, shadow and Ori ental Lace Jabots, collar and cuff sets In hundreds ' Cfln of new designs worth fcp to $1.5&; at, each. . . ..... JJ . WOMEN'S and MEN'S HANDIiERCHIEFS at 15c . Sheer Irish Linen Handkerchiefs with imitation Armenian and Val. lace borders also Men's Pure Linen band embroidered initial handkerchiefs; worth 2 Be each. at. . .:..:....;..:;15c ART NEEDLEWORK DEPT. On Main Floor. Mercerized Huck Towels, stamped in eyelet, French and Punch Work designs with floss to "1 complete embroidery special, at, each . . , . . lUC Pillow Cases stamped on good quality casing for eye let, French and Punch "Work embroidery with floss to complete work size 42x36 inches, "1 Q at pair . i . . . . t. . . . .... a . UX. .. . j. liC Underwear' For Men ' Men's Ejctra Fine Lamb's Wool Undershirts and Drawers, per garment, at..... $1.25 to $2.59 Men's Extra Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, regular or closed crotch styles val ues up to $1.50; per suit, t ., ..$1.00 Men's Extra Heavy Fleece Lined 'Shirts and Drawers; " Worth to 76c a garment at........ ....... 39o ana 50a $1.00 Wra's rail Shirts at. .SOo Men's Hats The leading styles, the lead ing, colorsr-at each price the fullest amount of hat worth at the price. John B . Stetson Soft and' Stiff Hats at'$3.50 Joseph Wilson & Son's, Denton, E n gl md. Stiff Hats at $2.50 Ward's English Soft Hats at .,...... ...,....$2.00 500 Fine Leather and Kerotal ' Suit Cases at. . . . . . .$1.50 $2.50 $3.50 m4 $4.93 Women's $4 Shoes at $2.85 High top button suedes, also tan calfskin and patent leather shoes in button or lace styles broad high toes, short vamp or new cus tom lasts will give splendid serv ice made,; to retail ( fN D C at. $4.00, all, sizes : ' ' . P V PU at pair J.... wr-r ' Cut Fhwers 7 6 e Bostoit 'Ferns freh - stock, at. .SSo Larger Boaton Ferns at spe cial prices. South Slda, STow Btore, I IV J It '4 V Green Room Gafe Open - Evenings ' . - a '. Daring i . Ak-SaSBen.