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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1912)
f HE. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 19Y. 13-A Bail iBMBgjwy During This Coining Week Only We are going to make a Gigantic Demonstration ...OFFER... On Leading and Standard Makes of Watches Here is the one great opportunity during this Fall to become acquainted with our exceptional and thorough ly organized buying and selling power.. $12.60 kford or Illinois movement. 7 7C ; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale price ,P 1 D Ladles' O-size watch, Elgin nickel movement, fitted in a 14-carat 25-year solid gold-filled plain or band-engraved case. Regular price $20; Ak-Sar-Ben sale price.. Ladies' Elgin or Waltham O-size movement, fitted in a twenty-year solid gold-filled, plain or hand-engraved case. (1 A AA Regular price $18.00; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale price. .... 1 U.UU An Exceptional Offer in 21-jewel Watches A $40 Watch for $21.75 Gentleman's 16-size watch hunting case, plain or hand-engraved designs, fitted with a Rockford or Illinois 21-jewel movement. These movements are all solid nickel; ruby, sapphire jewels, pat ent regulator and double sunk dial. We guarantee the movements to keep time within 30 seconds per month. Remem- Ani HE ber the regular price, $40; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale price, Vwlil O Gentleman's 12-size watch Elgin i7-Jewe!, nickel, patent regulator movement fitted in a 25-year solid gold-filled 14-carat hunting case. Regular price $30.00; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale pj QZL price jj 1 I O0 Gentleman's 16-size hunting case watch 20-year, solid gold-fllledA plain or hand-engraved case, fitted with a high grade 17-jewel ' Elgin, waltham, Rockford or Illinois movement. Regular price $28.50 Gentleman's 18-size watch, Elgin or Waltham 15-jewel, nickel pat ent regulator movement, fitted in a 80-year hand-engraved or plain case. Regular price, $16.50; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale JQ yr Price p7D Gent's Watch A fine timekeeper, Hampden movement, 17-jewel nickel patent regulator movement, fitted in a nickel sil- pjp ver case. Regular price $13.50; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale price P I O All the movements we guarantee for five years, and keep them, in repair free. COMPARE THESE OFFERS. LET US EXPLAIN THE VARIOUS POINTS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR REAL GUARANTEE. When in Omaha Be Sure and Take Advantage of This Offer. ArmsiwoF m CROWH Cofi i&P t Douglas SrsT 201-208-205-207 South 16th St. Opposite Brandeis Stores. Reliable Furs at Reasonable Prices Largest selection and best values in fur. sets and coats to be found in Omaha. It. wjlj cost, you nothing to look Wd will surely save you moheyjr Come and see us -we will prove it to you. ' H. E. HUBElRMANN f . FURRIER ' - ' i No. 9 Continental Block. Take Elevator to Second Floor.' N. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas Ste. Omaha, Nebraska. - - - J t The Doctor's Answers on Health and Beauty Questions y SB. XJEWIB BAXSB The questions answered below are general In character; the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply to any case of similar nature. . Those wishing' further advice, free, mav address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg!, College-Ellwood 8ts., Dayton, Ohio, enclos ing self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be giv en but only initials or fictitious nan.e will be used in my answers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well stocked drug store. Any drug-gist can order of wholesaler. --.----iririruxrLj' "Amino Wife" OI t to It tmrpa of the j following In water en hour before each meal and ' your child -will toon be cured of bed-wetting: , Comp. fluid balmwort, 1 01. ; tincture eubebs, 1 I dram; tincture rout-aromatic, 2 drama. t I "La Ro" write: "For many yean t bar j eufferad with stomach and bowel trouble which !naa been caused by a severe ease of catarrh. My blood Is alio In poor condition. What can be done for met" , Answer: If you follow the directions' glrtn below you wtll aoon be well and strong again. I Obtain tb following from any well-stocked drug i ttore and mix by shaking well, then take a tea poonful four time dally: Syrup sareaparllla I comp. 4 ore,, comp. fluid balmwort, 1 oi., fluid 1 ext. Buchtt, f ox. I7e In connection with this the following local treatment : Oat a I-oc. pack age of antiseptic rilane powder and make a ca tarrh balm by mixing one ounce of lard or Yaws line with a lerol Uaepoonful of the powder and net la the nostril daily. Alao make a wash of. on pint of warm water and one-halt teaapoonfnl of Vilane powder and ua two or three timet a day until (be nostrils are thoroughly cleansed and your trouble will ooa be gone, -. "El ale II." wrltee: "I hare coch abort, stringy., atraggllng hair and my scalp la foil of dandruff. Please advise what to do." Answer: The best adrto I can offer il sim ple: Got at a well stocked drug store a 4 oi. jar of plain yellow minyot, direction accompany ing, and use It regularly. It promotes a healthy, "rigorous growth of hair and cures dandruff, Itch ing scalp, lusterleas hair and stops falling hair. If the hair Is harsh and straggling It restores a soft, fluffy appearance, and bring back the in tense natural color.. '..:.. "HaieU" says: "I would certainly appreciate something that would Increase tuy weight, and take away that lagguld feeling which I am sub ject to most of the time. My blood I weak and watery and my appetite Is poor." Answer: Tow condition I Terr easily orer eome If yon . will follow tb directions siren be low. Ask your druggist for three-grain hyps auclan tablets and take according to the dlrst tlons and your weight wtll Increase. These tab let promote assimilation, absorption and std di gestion,' transform the complexion and figure. They are prescribed by physician and are per fectly harmless. They should be taken regularly for several months and you eaa depend upon gaining flevh and that languid feeling will ru tin completely. , - "D. B. O." writes: "My rheumatism Is get ting worse all ths time. I am getting as stiff that It makes It very hard for m to get around." Answer: Do not worry about your rbeamstlsa as that can be easily cured by using the follow ing: Get at the drug store the Ingredients named and mix thoroughly and teke a teessoooful at meal time and again at bed. time and you will soon be entirely cured of that disagreeable dl. ease, rheumatism. Purchase I drams of Iodide of potassium, one-half ounce of wine of colchlcum; drama of sodium salicylate; 1 os. comp. fluid Nimwori; i os. comp. eesence cardlol: and t ess. of syrup sarsapartlla. This has cured thousands ana I am sure It will cure you. see "Musician" asks: "Can you tell me how to orercoms a bronchial trouble which manifests Itself after singing, by a tickling in the throat, hoarseness and a slight cough f Answer: Obtain a bottle of essence tnsntho laxene and use it pure, or make Into a cough syrup by moxlng with ordinary granulated sugar syrup of honey. Directions for use and how te make accompany the package. It makes a full pint of effective pleasant cough syrup and cures au tnroat ana Bronchial trouble a ' "Mr. Q. B." write: "I suffer a great deal with stomach disorders. Heavy feeling after eat- ms, uearc paipiiauon. wind and gaa on stomach, etc. Am rsstiea and Irritable. Afraid to sat i Beany meal, sometime great sain. I fear ap- yvuuiuHls. Amnrer: The neglect of constipation and Indi gestion Is the most freouent cause of aBoendlcltls It 1 better to prevent than te cure by an oper- uu. i aovisa mat you ODtain tablets trloptip tlne and take according to directions accompany ing sealed carton. They are pink, white and blue to be taken morning, noon and night re spectively, i think many ease of appendicitis coma o prevent w by using trlopeptlne Intelli gently. e e e "Sirs. C. C" write: "Can yo prescribe a .ionic tor on who 1 sleepless, nervous, hysteri cal, una ana getting thinner. Have little appe tite and am reetleas day and night". Answer: The following If used for several weeks will gradually' restore and strengthen your nervous system: Compound syrup of hypophos phlUe, S oss.; tincture cadomene, 1 os. (not wuwiwai. mil, sua weit na take . a tea spoonful before each meal. e ; "Ml C. K." writes: "I am burdened with too much fat and would like a sat treatment prescribed." Answer: I would not recommend the ordinary tablet and pills for obesity, but hero Is a quick acting formula that accomplishes big fat reduc tions and never censes 111 feeing. Arsraatlo elixir t ois., glycol arbolene 1 ex. Shake well in a bottle and take a taaapoonful after each meal for three daya Double the dose thereafter. Con tinue several week or month a the case may require. e e , ' "Poor H." write: "My health 1 very poor, on acount of a long standing constipation. I hav nsed pills or something all the time. Can yon prescribe something to take that will cure chronlo constipation T" Answer: Qmetlpatlon I probably the cause of more Illness than any other thing. Most rem edies only relieve the tron6le snd never cur I slwsvs prescribe three -grain sulpherb tablets (not sulphur tablets, and hav found them most reliable and gradually curative. They act pleas antly and tone up tn bowel and liver while purifying the blood. FLASH OF WARAT BANQUET Webster and Brown Take Issue with Hitchcoock. GEN. WOOD'S PLAN FOR ARMY Wnli Train More Men to Be Sol- ell ere, Do Awiy with Small Posts and CeetralUe the Forces. Handsome Maiden Swindles Dealers Gilbert M. Hitchcock. Nebraska's Junior senator, opponent of the arbitra tion treaty that was killed In the United States senate, cast International peace prophecies at a banquet at thb Omaha club Friday, at which Major General Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the United States army, was honors truest, and was sharply, though not directly, criticised by his colleague. Senator Nor ris Brown, and General John I Wte fa ster, the toastmaster, for preaching peace and voting- for war. Philosophers have dreamed of peace, but wars are the history of man. How ever, I am one who believes war is going to be eliminated." said Senator Hitch cock. "The people of England are rul ing almost as absolutely as do the peo ple of America. Russia has Duma. A reform party has arisen In Turkey. Portugal's king has been expelled. The Reichstag of Germany has taken more and more power from the kaiser. There Is a tendency all over the world toward self-government, and with the coming of self -government in ail nations war will disappear." Senator Hitchcock's speech followed an address by General Wood, In which he advocated tae military training of a larger force of men and denounced the policy of retaining men In the regular army for thirty years or more. . The senator sought to refute the general's argument ' Peace Not Yet at Hani. General Webster's criticism came promptly and Senator Brown's followed, none the less effective because delivered In polite and polished language. "In 3,500 years we have had but 250 year of universal peace," said the toast- master. "And It may be but a question of time before the colored races of men may make war on the whites. I believe In a strong government and a strong army to support It" ( Senator Brown said that while such men as General Wood had been "work ing," saying nothing about war or peace, had built railroads and indus trialized the possessions of the United States, the legislative branch of the gov ernment had, like Senator Hitchcock, Just talked. Referring to the arbitration treaty, which the Junior senator opposed, Sen ator Brown-said that while these- men who fought and defeated the measure were not "objectors to peace, they ob jected to this plan of securing It." These objectors to the plan, pretending to favor peace, defeated the measure by two votes. Senator Brown then at tributed to Senators I.orlmer and Dixon the credit of casting the two votes that defeated the bill. r A policy approximating universal mili tary service for American men was advocated by Major General Wood in an address in which he maintained that our regular army could be utilized as an In struction corps, its o'fficers as permanent teachers with the male population of arm- bearing age as pupils, much In the manner employed by the republic-of Switzerland. An army of 600,000 trained men Is neces sary, the general believes, to protect our frontiers In case of a war which may come at any time "like a bolt out of the blue, with an act - of war the only declaration of war." "We want to use to the best advantage the highly trained and intelligent officers we have," said General Wood, referring to his plan of training soldiers, "ad 1 think I can put the matter up to you on a business basis. "It costs about $1,000 a year to maintain a soldier. Instead of keeping a man in the service for thirty years and retiring him on a pension of $67.50, wouldn't 11 be better to train seven or eight men At little additional cost and then turn them back to civil pursuits? We would en'.ist men for seven years, four years to be spent fi active service and three as a reserve." ' By proper supervision of the tralnir.s of the militia General Wood believes thit after a while the number of men fit trr active service In case of war could be in creased from about 90,000, the strength of our standing army, trf at least 600,000 with 35,000 or 40,000 officers. Explaining the plans or the staff the general faid It was the Intention to spend the $7,000,000 or $8,000,000 appropriated for th maintenance of the militia In a man ner that would make the mllltlamnn "thoroughly efficient." To do this he would extend the Instruction in rifle shooting and military practice and com. mission graduates of good military schools. General Wood said that many military posts will have to be abandoned, and that while most of the posts in the middle west will be given up the read justment will leave a few. Three Strang garrisons on the Atlantic border, two or three on the Pacific and about as many In the middle west Is what will result from the readjustment, believes the gen eral. . i . The chief-of-staff believes we "are likely to find ourselves in a war that is a real war" and since we ."have never met a first class power prepared for war'1 the outcome would be In doubt In case war broke out now there would be a 'perfectly ridiculous panic,' ind while we would "probably win," to make the outcome sure the nation needs jiore trained meil and a scheme of centraliza tion that would permit of quickly mobiliz ing the army on the threatened frontier. General Wood will spend today Inspect. Ing Forts Omaha and Crook. He will simply Investigate the forts, spending no time in reviewing the garrisons. At 4:1(1 o'clock this afternoon he will leave for Fort Robinson and from there will go to Fort McKemle. NEW TORK, Sept K.-Poslng as a daughter of Governor Foss of Massachu setts, wife of various wealthy men and doing other bold acts, a girl in her early twenties swindled Boston and New York firms of several thousand dollars' worth of finery, according to a confession, the I police declare she made today. She had represented that her name was Frances Hollander, child of wealthy parents and a pupil In a Baltimore convent Her "baby stare" bespoke this role, but according to the alleged confession she was better acquainted with the reform school at Lancaster, Mass., than with the Baltimore convent and had a string of a half a dozen aliases. Detectives found fifty expensive gowns at a well known hotel where the girl had been staying. Upon this dlscoverey the Is alleged to have made her confession. ULSTERITES SHOW FERVOR Three Thousand Sing National Anthem Following Speeches. DETERMINATION IS APPARENT Report Made that Third of Officers in British Army Ready to Re alm and Lead l later In Arms. JOKERS CHANGE CHECK ON TRUNK OF BRIDAL COUPLE IDA GROVE, la., Sept 28.-(Speclal.)-When D. Wi Middlesworth of Mt. Ayr left here with his bride, nee Mable Reed, the Village Jokers changed the checks on their trunk, and put them on an empty trunk going to Denison. The result was that when the bride and groom reached Des Moines they had an empty trunk In stead of their own and had to give up a two weeks' wedding trip. The railroad will be asked for heavy damages, and the railroad In turn will prosecute to the limit the guilty ones if they can be found Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising BELFAST, Sept. 28.-The singing of the national anthem by a crowd of 3,000 persons, comprising every organization of Belfast's great Industrial, mercantile, civil and religious community last nls'ht, brought to a close a great antt-home rule meeting In Ulster hall amid a fervor which was not equalled even by the anti home rule convention of 1892. The meet ing renewed the adoption of the resolu tion passed at that convention protest ing against a home rule parliament fur Ireland. . The supreme dramatic moment of the memorable gathering tonight was the un furling and presentation to Sir Edward Carson, the chief propagandist against home rule, of the flag carried by King William at the battle of Boyne. The flag was greeted with frenzied cheering, contrary to expectations. No new pronouncement of unionist pol icy was made at the -meeting. The Ul ster watchword Is "We will not have home rule," but none of the various speakers nor letters of the Influential unionist leaders attempted to reveal the plan of resistance if such a plan exists, should King George sign tho home rule measure. Leasj Talk of War. In comparison with the demonstrations held elsewhere during the last week the absence of talk of armed resistance was noticeable. Also there was less display of the military spirit today In Belfast. The day, however, gave a remarkable Illustration of Ulster's determination not to accept home rule, expressed In an or derly and enthusiastic manner which can hardly fail to provide the government with food for serious reflection. The Weekly Outlook tonight makes the startling announcement that one-third of the officers in the British army are Irishmen, that over 90 per cent of these are Union Protestants and that they are now considering how to resign their com missions in order to lead Ulster in arms against home rulo. Hours before the time set for the meet ing a vast crowd had congregated about Ulster ha'll. In the absence of the duke of Abercorn, who was unable to attend, Lord Londonderry presided. Among those on the platform were Sir Edward Carson, the marquis of Salisbury, Baron Willoughby Debroke, Lord Charles Bere- ford, the earls of Kllmorey, Clanwilllam, Erne and Leitrlm and Frederick E. Smith and many other unionist members of Parliament "Premier Asqutth and John Redmond (loud hooting) will learn," said Lord Londonderry, "that Ulster Is not bluf fing. The covenant will be something that they cannot ignore." Many letters from, prominent unionist leaders were read expressing sympathy with the objects of the meeting.- Andrew Bonar Law, the unionist leader In tho House of Commons, wrote: "Victory, In my opinion, Is certain As the leader of the largest party In the House of Commons I am In, a position to assure the people of Ulster that In this struggle they do not stand alone, but can rely upon the support of the whole unionist party." There was a dramatio scene when Sir Edward Carson arose to speak. The en tire audience stood and cheered him for several seconds and then burst into the refrain, "For He's a Jolly Good . Fel low." President Receives Some Unusual Gifts BEVERLY, Mass., Sept 28.-Presldent Taf t motored to Maiden today to' become the guest of the city and to. help it cel ebrate home-coming week. He returned to Beverly tonight a richer and happier man. He brought bac with him one sweater, one pair of rubber boots, one pair of golf shoes, one pair of suspenders, one sliver loving cup, several Jars of honey, many bunches of roses and a big box of candy for Mrs. Taft. He brought back also the conviction that not in many months has he appeared before crowds that were more demonstrative. He made three short speeches. The president left Beverly Just after luncheon and at Lynn picked up Sen ator Lodge. It was at the Maiden In' dustrial exposition that the city played Santa Claus to a president The presi dent spoke on Ferry Way green to a crowd that cheered his words with vigor Later he made a short talk In the Audi- lorium ana wouna up tne aay with a visit and a third talk to members at the Kenwood club. PROMINENT MAN HELD .. PENDING ROBBERY PROBE CEDAR FALLS, la., Sept 28.-Reputed to be worth $30,000 and one of the best known citizens of Cedar Falls, C. J. H. Murphy was arrested today after a spectacular pursuit and Is being held, pending an investigation of his actions early this morning when he was found in the offices of an Implement dealer who asserts that the Bafe was robbed. Employes returning unexpectedly to the office found the door barred, but through the widows saw Murphy run toward ihe stairs leading to the second story. The frightened man reached the roof and jumped to an adjoining building and descended to the ground where he was caught Murphy's Integrity has heretofore never been questioned. OQB St:. SIT IS ana Are Cordially Invited to Make Our Piano Department Their Headquarters While in Omaha Meet Your Friends Here Being located in the very center of Omaha's re tail district and within a very few blocks from ev ery place of amusement, our Piano warerooms is an ideal spot to start from on your round of pleasure. WHILE IN OMAHA BUY The Hano that you have been promising to place in your home. AVe are prepared to offer you the highest Bona Fide Piano Bargain to bo found in the west. We do the largest Piano business in Nebraska because we sell Pianos of the HIGHEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES Our stock which was ordered especially to supply the wants of the most particular and critical buyers is complete. Any desired wood, casing, any design, either plain or carved and everything that is the very best in Piano making is shown on our floors at this time. The difference in the prices asked on Pianos of equal quality between HAYDEN BROS, and that of other dealers, would most likely pay your entire expenses during AK-SAR-BEN visit. H Guild Church & Co. 810.00 McPlwll 820.00 Weber 840.00 Bailey 8109.00 Rally 81OO.00 Rice & Hlnzer 8120.00 Lexington 8125.00 Behnlntf 8135.00 Chlckerlng & Son .8135.00 Glard 8140.00 Weiler 850.00 Urn. Knabe SI GO. OO Stegcr 8160.00 Chlckering & Son -8190.00 8190.00 Kranlch & Much 8239.00 Wm. Knabe 8250.00 See us before you buy." In the way of terms we are disposed to allow in most cases the BUYER TO SUGGEST HIS OWN TERMS. The reason why every visitor who purchases a Piano while in Omaha should make that purchase of HAYDEN BROS, is that we are offering the winning combination, which consist of the' HIGHEST low in most cases the BUYER TO SUGGEST In the way of terms we are disposed to al QUAUTIES, LOWEST PRICES and EASIEST TERMS. To give an idea of the great savings opportunities we are offering we quote above only a few of the great number of real Piano bargains we are offering. These prices are on Pianos that are new and some, while they have been used, are in first class condition and will be of as great service to you as many of the new Pianos that you may buy at other stores. Come and investigate, you will be repaid whether you purchase or not. B3 I:; Omaha Quality Laundry King Akirn, XVIII : jK ' and wishes his subltcls' -'JIT V L'XVMl pnsptrilt lor Ihe temhg rear 1 jZZ'Stf ?V4X lf fl Meet EV3e at il K i A. HOSPE COMPANY 1513-15 Douglas. ...MONDAY... Art -:- and -:- Music I TALK Plain talk goea hon.w and aeta one to thinking. Why have people been paying full price for half teeth? Dcmtlata do not llk to be told that they are using half teeth In brldtrework. Plain talks on the truth of dentistry has brought hundreds to Dr. Todd's office to Investigate his porcelain dental work. These people are satisfied with the price and doubly pleased with the durability and comfort of the sanitary porcelain work. The new porcelain teeth have stood the test and the price is reasonable. Investigate, bring your dentist If he Is skeptical. The world Is changing and we cannot afford to use the old methods. D. TOSS, 403 Brandeis Bids;. DIABETES - A SIMPLB HERB QUICKLY CURES THI DHEAD DISEASE TO STAT CX'RBD . Dlsbstss has tsrstofor ben oonallsnd In cursbls, aa4 the sniy bops hsld out to til af flicM ha bssn to prolong tasir ysar t atrlol " dinting. A slant rsosntly flUoorsrsd tn Males, oll4 Dlahttol Ksrb. ha bnn fount to b a msalflc" In ths trsstmsat of t!abta. quickly rtduoina -tho apeoirlo grsTltjr aud augar, rssterlac vigor and building us ths srstam. ' ' This harmlsss vgtabl rsmsdjr will rtller the" pstlent of his worst srmptoros la ths moat a ' gradvated casss. within a wsek. and te prov w will nail ths first (Oo paokag for a&g. with ' (res booklet of special Talus to tho dlabaUo. ton-' talnlng latest dlst list and xolualro tabu of food values, glrlug perosntags of euros, and euau . (oerbolijpdrstas) In different foods. - Tll your sffllcted friends of this offer anr; send Mo tsdsr for a full-sized tvo package: AMea . CHBMICAL CO., Box 10S-J, Whitney Point. NJ WM. J. BOEXH OFF KaU Sealer. ' Phones?0' ns-