Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1912, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 11)12. BRIEF CITY NEWS Stack-raiooner Co., Undertakers. lighting; rixtttres-Burrees-Oranden Co. Hve koot Print It Now Beacon' Press. Bailey, the Bentlst, City Nat. D. 2566. Omaha Plating Co. Eatab. 18D8. D. 25J5. Bailey the Dentist City Nat. D. 2566. W. C. Flatau, Jeweler. 1514 Dodge street, wishes to Inform his friends and patrons that he has no connection with an$ branch store. Sari Rouin Want! Divorce Marie Rous has started suit for divorce against Paul C. Roush. alleging cruelty. Wew Waste Paper Boxes A Kugol, commissioner of street cleaning and maln tar.ance, liaa placed ornamental waste , paper boxes on the corner of every street In .(he business district of the city. These boxes are painted gray with black bordoia and Wow the 'nvaate basket" sign Is ttie advice "Keep Omaha Clean." fines for Tataer' Death Suit for HO.WO damages for the death of Joseph Chetoud, ar., was started against the Missouri Pacific railroad by Joseph Cheloud Jr.. administrator of his father's estate, in district eourt. The father was run down and killed by an engine in the railroad's yards in South Omaha. Hoff X.oses rteffersamuei a Hoff republican candidate for the legislature, met with an accident at the carnival grounds, losing the end of the third finger of his right hand- Vr. Hoff has an in terest in the human roulette wheel and while he was at work at the chainery his finger was caught to a cable, The finger was amputated by Dr. John K. Simpson. Dennisou Starts Suit to Break Will of Aunt Suit has been started in district court at Peoria, 111., by Tom Dennlson to break a will left by his aunt, bequeathing a 30.000 estate to Father J. J. Smith of a Catholic church at Ivesdals, 111., pn the grounds that the priest induced her to leave tho money to bim personally and not the church while she was delirious on her deathbed, Tho heirs named in her first will wens her brothers. Michael and Patrick Dennl son of Chicago and Tom pennison'a father. He is bringing tha suit for the whole family. ; Dominican Minister Reetgraa. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27,-Senor Don Francisco J. Peynado, minister from the Dominican republic, has resigned, to tatco effect as soon as he Is relieved, The minister disclaims that the present trouble in the republic has Influenced his resignation, which was torwarded to the government at San Domingo a month ago. B? MELLIFICIA. Friday, Sept. 27, 1912. : ' Iv-SAIl-BEN guests are arriving each day, and by the first of next Aee nearly all pi the fair risltore win have entered the King d. o( Quiver, Sir, and Mrs. E. A. Warner and Miss Hattie Wurster of Mil wilJ arrive Sunday and will be at tn Hotel Loyal. Ak-Sar.Bea w. Wm Warner Is tha fiancee of Charles D. Beaton, of tho board gomors of A-gar-Ben. Miss Marie Rider of DubuQue arrived Friday worning to visit Miss Jiargwet ureer Baum, oos of tho princesses of the court Mrs. G. K Ooadra arrival Wednesday from Lincoln to visit Mr. Roy W. Moore during tlw AkSar-BeB festivities. She will fcs pno of the utr w-wwn Uflieo-in-waiUng at tlx? hali. Mrs. Condra is wife f Prof. Cm dra, fit tho geology department of the sUta university. Miss, .Marie Ferneding will arrive next Tuesday or Wednesday frow uajicn, y.. to attend the ball as an putof-town maid of honor and will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kinaler. Mrs, Hoy Byrne will have as hor guest next week her sister, Miss Nell SfcerJJac, of St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. W S. Colling will entertain their niece, Miss Margaret Dederjeh, of Chicago. Ak-Sar-BcB week. Keasington Club, Mrs. Q. C punn gave a kenslngton at her home, 4fil Macon street, Thursday afternoon to tho women pf Henderson Memorial society. Sewing of dust cap and fancy work for the annual Christmas' bas&r was completed. The hostess was assisted by Mesdames Fred Paulson -and Clay Peterson. The next moetjng of the society will bo with" Mrs. Frank Davie October W. .Those present were Mesdames Clay Peterson, O. C. Dunn, M. Mead, Fred Pauleoa, John Long, Roy Fraselle, M. Maxwell, Howard Miller, L. Goodnough. For Two Autumn Brides. Mrs. Myles Standish entertained at an enjoyable afternoon bridge party Friday at her home in honor of Miss Agnes Burkley and Miss Ruth Hammer, both of whom will be autumn brides. The guests were: Misses Misses Agnes Burkley, Helen Davis, Ruth Hammer Menle Davis, Hilda Hammer, Mildred Butler, Kose Coffman, - (Catherine Beaton, , Antoinette Burkley, Margaret Bruce, Kunierine Moorneaa.iuizabetn Bruce. Gladys Peters, Elizabeth Pickens, Katherine McClan : ahan, Mesdames -O. L, Hammer, Harry Kelly, Wilson Austin, I'rederio Thomas, Marie Hoi linger. Lucy Updike, Mary Burkley, Mesdames George Patterson, Earl Kipllnger, George Pougall of Pittsburgh. Wedding Bells. The wedding of Miss Jennie Klein and Mr. Simon Berger was celebrated Thurs day evening at o'clock at the fcoyai hotel. Rabbi Frederick Conn read the marriage lines. Tha bride wore white charmeuse satin and carried bride's roses and ewansonla. Master Jay Klein, nephew of the bride, carried the ring In a rose and Anton Ber ger of Chicago, brother of the groom ssrved a best man. The couple will take a western wedding trjp and wilJ reside In Omaha, At the Field Clu , Saturday evening will" be the formal closing of the Field club for the summer and it to expected that the largest crowd Misses Katherine Torrance Los Angeles; Ophelia Hayden. Bertha Utan, Marjorle Hmland, Nannie Bturett, Margharetta Burke, Marjorle Foot. Annie Welch, Marguerite Prentiss, Shirley Freeman, Isabel Williams, Frances Paradise, Qlga tftorz. Mesdames George Atkins, H. M. Anderson, Edward Hatfield, Kenosha. Wis,: Harvey Jackson, THEYRE CLASSY These New Fall Suitings at tee ovur rrPTEEir jmxjuam TAZZ.OBB 2U.KXSO qiKTSS9 V nr omaha. , Every Coat Tried on in the Basting THE AXUUXITTTM FBOITF, XH OBPSEiriC TBEATEB BLDO. MID-WEST TAILORS 1505 HARNEY ST, , ARTHUR L LEMON, Manager South Omaha Store 428 Vorth Tweaty-fOMth Street, of the season will fce present. There war w at tho opening of the club, and about M will be present Saturday v nlng. Everett Pucklngliam will antertaln at one of the larger parties and wtlj have covers placed (or thirty-five guests. W. H. Murray will have fourteen J. F. An son, fourteen; J. B. Porter, aljt; G, A. Young, twelve; j, W. Hughes, four; R D. Knapp, four; Dr. 3, A. McDennott, six; E. M. Eitchle, twelve; lister Drls haus, nine; M. Dpwhng six; Fred Ham ilton, six; W. K. Cundlff, four; C. W, Mikesell, ten; Miss Frances Graves, four; Jutfu, Kessler, four; W, A, Wallace, eleven; Mlag Catherine Krug, ten; fieorga I. Wright, Ave; H. j, McCarthy. flv; J. F. Coad, dght; R. h. Maniey. tan; A. F. Tvwunore. wurj . Weller. alx; C B, Burmelster, slxj.W. H. Busch, eight; E. McVana seven-, H. A. Wahl, fourteen; W. o. wichotaon, our B. w, Capen, riv. v. v. siancnar, Hx, ohij Javelle, fouri J. A. Abbott, ten; A Jf Viering. ; I. D. Stephens, eighteen; W. R. Adlr, si3K w. a Clarka, six; R. d. Neeley, four; W. A. Stone, four; W, sj. bhepherd ia; w. purm R w thrlsUe six. Mlgs Floranco jjver entertalned bridge Friday aftarnocn at t club iD bride. Those presont wen.: Misses Louise Stors, Hekn Epeneter, Heln Matters, Harriet Copley, Claira Vterilng, Lilian Riley, . Marie Riley, Mae Engler, Helen Nelson, Margaret Nelson, Lulu Houck, .. Alice Duval. Edna Rosensweig, Katherine Km, Lilian Rosensweig, Mfisdam Richard Kitchen, B. A. Higgins, T. F. Parker. Edgar Armstrong. Wilson Atkins. of thelarger dinner parties at the Field cluh Thursday evening Included: Misses- Mlssea- Martha Dale, Alice Kannard, jjffie Haight, Fan Murphy. Messrs. Me3ir, Alea Rutherford, Edward Baird, Jack Sharp. unanes Mr. and Mrs. uoorge a. Mr. and Mrs. William Rlghter Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Wood. Surprise Party. A surprise party was given In honor of Miss Mary K. Forman at her home on Wednesday evening. The time was spent in games and dancing. Those present were: Misses Kmma Francl, Barbara Francl, Anna Kovatny, Clara Kamestek, Sophie Namestek, Anna Petska, Anna Mlratsky, Mary Mlratsky. Barbara Plskac, Messrs. Frank Roucek, Jerry PlesKac, William Novotny, James Forman, John Forman, Frank Kadllk, James HIadek, Joseph Novotny. Martin Bitera. Mr. and Mrs. Hrsia. Mr. and Mrs. Wiclna, Mr. and Mrs. Kucera. Mr. and Mrs. Vaclav Forman. to Good Boada ConTentiim. Mr. John, C. Lynch and Mr. and Mrs; George McBrldo have gone to Atlantic City to attend tha National Good Road convention. While in the east they . ptct to stop In Washington and the prln clpal cities, returning noma through Canada. Informal Tea Mrs. D. A. Baum and Miss Margarat Baum entertained a few friends Infor mally at 4 o'clock tea Friday afternoon la honor of Miss Marie Rider of Dubuque, who will be their" guest during Ak-Sar-Ben, Twelve guests were present. Weidin? Invitations Issued. Invitations were Issued Friday for the wedding of Miss Agnes Miriam Burkley, daughter of Mr. Frank Burkley, to Mr. Ak-Sar-Ben Visit orsWelcome You are cordially invited to make this store your headquarters.and take advantage of our rest rooms, telephone and parcel checking service free at all times. You are invited to come here and see how splen didly we're equipped to serve you this fall. We are ready to show you the largest stocks and best values in Omaha. Never before have we been able to offer such valuei in Suits and Overcoats as now. .Men's Fine Business Suits In Blue Serges, Light and Dark Colored Grays, Tans and Brown Cessimeres and Cheviots also Silk Mixed Worsteds, plain and fancy weaves, handsomely made. Two and three button English or Conservative models at ... . Fall and Winter Overcoats In fancy Cheviots and Cassimcres cut 52 inches long with convertible oollars. Blue, Black and Oxford Kersey Overcoats, handsomely made and trimmed, velvet collars, 46 inches long, also Cravenettes and Fall Overcoats at Special for Saturday, Men's Suits and Overcoats That formerly sold for $12.50 and $15.00, all small los and sample garments in Suits and Over coats, marked at a price to clean up in one day Men's sizes 34 to 44; Stout sizes 38 to 48 breast measure, Young Men's sizes 14 to 21 years. Including all the medium weight Blue Serge Suits that sold at $15.00, on sale Saturday at Slip-On Rain Coats We have a new and complete assortment of Slip-On Bain Coats and a few days ago we were out of many sizes, which was a great in convenience to our customers. We now have a new and complete :r:k:a".r.6. $5, $7.50, $10 and $15 Cravenette Rain Coats $10,00, $15,00 and 20,00 Our Celebrated Boysf "Skule Suits" Ages 7 to 17 Tears Is th teat valua ever offered and Is fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, tooth for wear and durability. Th r af valueB are greater thJfe. Vl season than vr, Prlc,v',v Boys4 Xew Fall Norfolk Suits Rus sians and Doubla-Brcaated Tvo Piece Suits In a variety of styles. Including blue serges, I f I? 2 M to 17 year. Q UJj The only Hat Store in Oma ha offering a genuine Ve- $050 lour Hat at.. O Real value $5.00 all colors. Omaha's strongest Hat value, at $2.00 This style is only one of the many new ones we are showing for young men's wear. We have this style in all the new leath er, eithers Button or Blucher $3.50 "Cmaha's Largest and Best Equipped Clothing Store.' -v n 4 i t Misses Barbara Svaclna. Mary J. Mlratsky, Mary Svehla, Barbara Yansa, Marie K. Forman, Barbara Forman, Betty forman. Mayme Wiclna, B, 8palek. - Messrs. Thomas McQtiade, Frank graraek, Him OBctronlc, Henry Petrleek, v Anton Mailko, James Kbss, M-chaet Sutey, Frank Mlratsky. J. Forman. Jesse MWinan Harding. The emmony and wedding reception will Da at ui home of Mr. Burkley n North Thirty- eighth avenue Wednesday evening, Oc- j Jaflner' Helping Out GUlitt AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mm. Phelaa Wl Entertain Mrs. Edward Phelan win nterwn at bridge next Thursday afternoon for her gueet. Mrs. Connor of panlson, I. At the Country Club. , Mr. and Mrs. s, raieron nw their guests at dinner Thursday evening; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tower, Mr. and Mrs. Jam BeSkK. Miss Harder, Miss Brunner, Mr. Ernest Ruff. Mrs. Otto CJramlleh. E. C. gels has as his guest A. M, Hayes of Marafc<tawn. Fa. Although the Country elun wni M ppen all winter too tost tn' d'hote dlnnar of the season will be given Saturday eveo- Ing. Entertaining at oinner win ps: nn Madden, who will hays eight guests; g, J. Snyth, twalvaj F. W. Judson, eight; Mrs. Eva Wallace, sjx; Miss Bala Mae Brown, six; M, C. Paters, sixteen; Wil son Low, six; p. A. Baum, thlrty.two. For the Future. Miss Butb Slabaugh will entertain at bridge Monday afternoon at Happy Hollow. Mies pernios Whitney will entertain next week for Miss Annette Lady, who will be an autumn bride. Wedding BekeamL Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mllroy win give a dinner Friday evening at their borne for tbe Utd-MUroy wedding party. Alter dinner thr will be wedding rehearsal. Those present wllj be: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Uhl. Mr. and Mrs. Hayee of Stella. Neb. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Slsson. Mr. and Ura. Mel Uhl, sr. Ttr. and Mrs. W. F. MUroy. Miss KaUierine Maerae, Miss Marion Macrae. Miss EHioebla Dudley. . Louis Hart. Mel Uhl, Jr. John MUroy of BeJleContaine, N. T. Orpheum Party. Mrs. Edward Slatet gave an Orpheum party Thursday for Miss Elizabeth Ham ling, who will be a bride of next week, Present were: Mesdames ;. ' Mesdames Herbert Hayes Edward Slater, of Stella, Nab. ;. .Buckingham, Jesse Rogers. Lester Prlahaus. Miss Elisabeth Jlsmllng. In and (ht of the Bee Hire. Mrs, Charles Oliver Morton of Kaarney wilt some to Omaha to attend tha Ak-Sar-Bea bail. Mrs. C. W. ' Hayes has given up her house at 9014 LakC street and will board near downtown. , Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ellis have returned from a three weeks' visit In Detroit. Mil waukee d Chicago. Miss Essie Aarone. 4819 Pudge street, will have as her guest next week Mrs C. & Peaison of Chicago. Hay Be. Boomerang. immS ABE ON (IW VIVE MlcJtale Pop. Formerly Tailor of Maaic City. -Retams la Four Years wltk Nice Load of Cattle far ale, That John M. Tan&er, oemocratic can didate for the state senate, has lost much of his political prestlgo, appears from the alignment with John Gillln. the local democratic bosslet. The closeness of the two politicians was made public in what Is reckoned as an affront to the city council, which recently instructed City Clerk Wheeler to cut the report of the pity treasurer from an extended manu script to such proportions as would af ford their body a proper conception of the present stats of tha city's finances. The order of the council cut out of tb treasurer's report long pages of explana tion and political self laudation. It also took a large sized wallop at Chris Mel cher, former city treasurer and a demo, crat of note la the city. Notwithstanding tbo orders of the coun. cli the report as compiled and composed by the Gillln cabinet will be run In Ten ner's paper, It is said. Gillln, it is also said, will have to pay nothing for the privilege and publicity, although the city w!l pay many dollars for a smaller copy of the report. Friends of Tanner said yesterday that they did not consider Tanner's race for the state senate has been materially as sisted by the apparent alliance with one who only a few months ago tricked Tom Hoctor, the most popular democrat in the city, out of a place on the state committee. Tailor Deals la Stock. From the modest occupation of a tailor g j"nes in couxn umana jxucnaio trvvv. lurjiieny of this city, returned yesterday after four years' absence as a cattle baron on a small scale. Four years ago Popp was head coat maker for Theodore Vols, one ' of the local tailors. Today Popp Is the owner of a large cattle ranch near lias sett and was on the market yesterday . with a carload of cattle. ' He homesteaded his ranch at Bassett and began farming operations there at the time and has con tinued them with success until now when be expects to deal heavily In the purchase and sale of cattle. His first shipment consisted of a carload of young cows of good quality and condition. They broughl a good price. "Hole" la Pavement. Officer Quinn is one of those comfort able round souls who believe that some thing ought to he doing right along and if something Is lacking why-make it- In pursuit of this theory Officer Qulnn yes terday reported with much gravity that there was a bad hole at Thirtieth and Q strests. The hurry-up services of Street Commissioner John Fennel were called for,. but when the i'ttle street "com" got on tha Job he wanted to know how many holes Qulnn saw at Thirtieth and Q streets. As a matter of fact, owing to the state of the paving improvements, Q street on the north side Is one hula from Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth street and what Is more the street commissioner can do little or nothing to remedy the matter. Kagc CUT Goaalp. James Kane of Philadelphia, Pa., Is the guest of Policeman Tony Smith. For Rent Eight-room house, tit N. Twenty-second street Phone South 2915. Mrs. James Murphy and son. Charles, left yesterday for Los Angeles, Cel., where she will make her home In the future. Her daughter, Mrs, James Byrne, who was to have accompanied her, win remain In the city with her husband, James Byrne. . Mrs. Eliza Blneliaman of Algona, Fa is the guest of her niece Mrs. Frank A. P. Do bosh of Ansley, Neb., was the guest of some South Omasa friends last Wednesday. James Brennan of O'Neill, Nb., Is vlHiting In the city with his brother, Michael Brennan. Cabbage For Gale In carlcid lots, 13) per ton. Alfred Buck, R, K. P. Ho. X eouun umana, jncd. Lincoln Fardln, aged SS rears, died yes terday evening at his home, 818 North Twenty-third street. His body will be shipped from here to Bustls, Neb., for burial, which was las former home. The Lndependant Order of Odd Fellows will have harge. Qlvea away, at the ' -.agio" Picture Theater, 40 lots in &axt ten days four lots every evening. Call National Wine and Liquor Co., 104 10 N. 24th St. for Eton Triumph beer; also wines and liquors, delivered. Phone 6o, tTL i' - Tbe Eastern Star society will hold a meeting Saturday nlgnt at the Masonic ball. A class initiation will be held. for Rent 4 rooms, comer 22d and K; I rooms and bath, 19th and Missouri Ave.: good and cheap. iee Martin Wig, 240$ K. St The Frost and Carbon Proof Oil. "It is the best automobile oil we know how to make." For Sal EtTywhr. Standard Oil Company Xebraska SaiMIM!tWiWAM.MMUiIMiW ''1 v MAKE STANDING EASY J Iff You'll find all the old Cros- I rVV sett comfort in the brand ; i lyx, new Crossett styles. Snappy i l x models for men. Get your I! j SsJ Crossetts quick. vv'L II lZZ&imMi?'&fa " ' "jBPfs '(ntimat'.. ,-taJ HAYDEifs "I I a trade; mark $ o $6 everywhere lEVVISACROSSEnKC Maker - KcniiiAbinstoaJIaBa.. Ora ha Exclusive Agents for Omaha