Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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I Men's Fall and Winter Weight
A I d II B tin MIR Mil lliTfll HHB If ' & I M W 1 ! - F if lit 1 I ' r i J1MI I
i ii ii i. .iij 1 1 mil. iiiikv mill ii ni "" i.Hii'MHiiiiii witjtwn ' f
X . i ii. Iw
Men's extra fine lamb's Hvool Undershirts and Draw
ers, at a garment . ..V. .:... .JjJ1.25 to $2.50
Men's Eztra Heavy "Ribbed 'Union' Suits regular or
closed crotch style-t-vaiues up to $1.50, at suit.. .$1
We are Omaha agents for Munsing Union Suits
at ;."....:.. -.r. ;:r;;-.v. r..$i to $4.50
J Men's Extra Heavy Flee Lined Undershirts and
X , Drawers values up to 75o at . . , . . .30J and 50
Men's hand made bweater Coats Made of
- pure hand combed yarnsRpecially priced
-at vv;--.--.-r-:.;;S1.50 'to $10
I Hand roadfl pura Silk Sweater Coats -:-v.-f
i at... -:;:...,.$17.50.:
Men's and Boytf, "Worsted Jersey Sweater.
4 Coats values up to. $1.50, at ....... .75c
t Manhattan and E. & W. Shirts' In new fall patterns, -
at ........... ...- 81.50 to 8J
T Manufacturers' samples of Men's Fall Negligee and
"5 Golf Shirts, values up to $1.25, at . 50g
J Men's Dress and Street Gloves in gray and taas, at,'
per pair ............,...., .$1.25 to 82.50
Practical Suits and Overcoats for Business Men
We show sceres of, smrtt attractive styles in Suite and Overcoats for busints wear moderately conservative
models for men smart, snappy styles for youn men made up in beautiful Scetch and English 7 weed, Irish
Homespuns and American Woolens. Ihsir clean cut appearance, the refinement of their patterns and their
ability to look welt under constant every day service makes
them unusually good values at- -
IIBoys'r School Suits J
t Boys' ;&H -wool imw oerge duiis omarix
t snappv-filtyles for dress or schoof wear; will ft
f v give splendid service & 06
t v$60 valueat .
t; Boys' Corduroy, v Suits NeWdarkf bVowpfi
shades; will give cellentsatisfactionreg-!5
;nlar,$5Val: $Q
New English Model Suits
New English models hand tailored from the season's
richest weaves swagger shoulders and semi-form : fitting models
Handsome Norfolk Suits ta Iate English Models The cleverest
...styles of the season tor young ,men a wonderfully attractive
Men's 50c Silk Neckwear at
Men's rteavy Derby Ribbed Undershirts and Drawers
values up to $1 at a garment. -30 and '50
Men's $1.00 Negligee 8hirts at ....TKO
Men's Extri Heavy Fleeced and 'Ribbed Undershirts4'"
And Drawers values up to 1 at, per ;
surwciu. . . . .auc SW
T -;v 1 f ? T ... n . P v.
Dranaeisdtore ior.
group at
Men's Winter Overcoats
Mpdium and winter weights in pjain col
ors and fancy mixtures. Here are ex
ceptional values in $J50 $fr $OA
late fall models at . I V H Y" -J only at Brandeis Stores
mi i Hen's Auto Ceats, Slip-Ons and Rain Coats Jor Chilly and Rainy Weather
Sample' Coats from a well known maker well made from medium weight waterproof materials. that will give the
best of service extraordinary values at .. . . ;. . .... . ..... . . . . ; .... . . . .$1.50 up to $20
We Are Exclusive Omaha
' ' Agents for. ?
Hirsh-Wickwire, Rogers-Peet
and Stratford Clothes for Men
at $22.50 to $40
$12.50, $15 and $17.50
Correct Suits for Business Wear
Smart, practical suits hand tailored from imported Eng-'
;'li?h fabrics new, rich mixtures, in browns, blues and
gfays No clothing house in the west can show such'
values at ;. .$20, $22.50 and $25
Men's Winter Overcoats
Good practical styled exceptionally well
made from imported materials in ex
clusive patterns shown )C f A & (T
Wilson's English Derbies
Correct dressers!, naturally consider style
first but quality is really the basis of hat
merit, g Wilson's English. Hats excel both
in style and quality they are the best
- hats' ev4 r shown at v . . i . '. . . V :v; . $2.50
stetson Hats-We show a wider range of
- the latest styles'ln soft and siff hats than
any other western store, at ... . . . .$3.50
Jvaxd's EngUsaaat-J-Made i5i St'pckport,
England spescial at ; ?. . . . . . .$2
Brandeis Special Hats
. Soft and stiff hats in all the newest fall
shades and shapes, at .,.... . $2
Genuine Imported French .Velour Hats
New shapes and shades
: :atv-$2,,$2.50, $3,;$3.50-andv$5
Men's Sample Soft and Stiff Hats All sew. fall
,, . styles values up to $2, at. . . .g and S154S
Boys School CapeNew fall shapes and colors
k values up to, $2 at .40 Bd 08
vBoys' 8chol aps a'aOL a4 winter wear;'
.,.. soaie uye tar uauecpanas. at . , ana '
u tit
Boys Norfolk Salts Gnar-v
anteed all -: wool some i z
have two pairs of pants
"special at ' -f i
r-Kiiiwii' Overt.
"coats- in new jj
.' mixture cloths 4.
at each $1.08 5 1
to ... 853.50
Boys' Flannel
Blouses, special-
at 40
All wool serge 4.
at 05
.11.50 Corduroy,
: Knickerbockers' J
at'..... 951
$1 Flannel , pa- J
jamas, special-
at 75?'4
I Men's Fall Shoes
200 nftirs nf Mpti's
" , , "",
I Shoes imported f rpm Eng-
land made at Northamp
J ton from good, tough Eng
1 lish leathers, in comfort
X able, conservative blucher -I
lace styles box calf, pat
lent and kidskin leathers.
;AU sizes and widths,
worth $5, on .-. C O CA
sale, at pair
Men's High Grade Shoes I at $2.85
In tan Russia calfskin, 'guri' : metal calf and;
. patent leathers button' andi blupjierj lace';;
f and widthsiat per pair ...-. , .,
'rV V
Brandeis Store for Men
Will Deliver Several Speeches in
ThiaCity Next Saturday. ',
DUflaaaUlira Visitor Will Talk Be
,or Worafn, Stadrna and Late
Urn to ib Taeklaar 1Iom
, la Sonlh ontaha.
A bujr day Is mappod out for Woodrow
Wilson when he comes to Omaha Bt
Saturday. ,
Ho wiU arrive at t: o'olook In ths
morning oer the Northwestern and will
be met at the depot by the reception com.
mlttM, which bus already boon an
'Immediately upon arrival he -win be
taken to the city hall in an automobile
and there will be weloomsd by Mayor
Dahlman. who will, apeak from a plat
form In front ot the iulldln(f. '
Governor Wllaon will later addreaa the
Ladles' Democratic league and then will
go to Crelghton university, where he
will addreit the students.
Later he will go to South Omaha te ad
dress tbe worklngmen at the packing
Tbe principal speech of the day will
be at the Auditorium at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon. "
For one day onlvwe
offer made to order
your choice of a special
line of Cheviot and
Worsted Suitings for
$S2.50. They are reg
ular $30 value. This of
fer includes 30 new pat
ternstand is for Satur
day only. See our show
window. ; ',
Tailoring Company
3C4-306 South 16th St
ix Steps South of
... , , . ........ ..,.. .... . .. ,
From .Our .Near Neighbors
Waterloo. ,
Jack Thane was at Omaha Saturday on
buelneoa. '
Miss Lowell wh at Benson Bunday
visiting relatives for the day. ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. U Llndqutst were in
Omaha Saturday for the day. (-.:, '
Mm, C. . P. Coy and Miss Coy were
among the passenger for Omaha Tues
day noon. ,1
Miss Minnie Beefus was home over Hun
day visiting her parent!, Mr, and Mrs.
0. P. Seelus. . , .
Mrs.' Charles Todd went to Omaha
Wednesday morning to visit ner daugh
ter, Mrs. Flor.
Mrs. Braesfleld. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Campbell, departed Tuesday
tor Callforalsv. ... . . . :;...,. i ,
Mrs. 8. .A. Teal and Mrs. Chapman
went-e Fremont Monday morning, .re
turning on the afternoon Vain.
IT. B. Waldron returned Sunday morn
ing (rem Ms .vacation- trip and Is again
on duty at the, bank and seed house. ,
Miss McKennen, sflter of Mre.'f C. B.
Augustus, who was .'Visiting' the latter
and family, returned; home Monday.
The Mtssea Ussle ; and ' tfattle Mc-
Wborter. were at Hooper last wek visit-.
Ing their brother, Herbert, end family.
W and MrsT A: Hr eampbeir.:' the
Misses Mabel and Rule Campbell and
Stewart went V Qma. 8 tuMay ' morn-
lns- e r ' . ': jro -V
Mr. and Mrs. -Qharles Bamhaii of
Grinnell, la., have been here this week,
vkMUng the Utters slater, Mrs.). M. it
Itlllehay, and fanilly. ;, "
W. H. Stocktoti and mother, Mrel Ahge'
line Stockton- of j Uiilonvllltv M, have
been In Waterloo this week, vuJtlng Mr,
and Mrs. A. a. Slbert
MraF. A. Carmony. Mr, ilt B. Wal
dron and daughter, Helen, and Mrs.
Ernest - Hart and Hle daughter - were
Omaha passengers Thursday morning.
Thomas Larson. Han's P.1 Larson and
daughter, lalso Mrs. M.. Jensen, Miss
Traber, Miss Jordan and Mrs. Thomas
Hlce were among the Omaha passengers
Tuesday morning. - . ,? .-,.' j . ;
Several' of the young women teacher
and Misa Jepks are keeping house In the
jotin Mohatt cottage. The number in
clude tha Misses . F' Martin. . Mar.
guerlte Icnton, Marlon, King and Leola
Burt. ' A- -
Mrs. A. E. Arnold, mother of the Arn
old brothers of Waterloo, died Saturday
morning, September 21, 't the 'Jiora of
ner daughter, Mrs. Thomas J. 'Vlneent,
about twt-lve miles southeast of Waterloo,
In the Millard district, but Just across the
une in arpy count?. The funeral was
oeld at the house Monday at 1US0 o'clock,
ttev. H. Aston officiating. ;
Miss Marie Harder.. Miss Mildred Brun
ner Ernest Kaft and 0. G. jOramllcli
PaptlliOB. !--;. xr
Mr. and Mrs. Chris tabea . have re-,
turned te PapUlion to make their home.
Rev.' MK Roberts or iMmrose preached
at the Presbyterian church Sunday morn
ing. '..
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dooh?y -were guest
ot Mr. and Mrs. Prea Thompson at
tteUevue Bunday. .'
The' fall terra of district court convened
Monday morning and remained In session
the entire week. Monday certUli-ates tor
citizenship were fcMiied to James Calvert,
Ji'rank Kopecky and WUUam SchwacU.
Miss 8uele riagen ot Richfield and Wlll
lara H. Luehr ot Kouth Bend were niar
rifd Tuesday at noon at the borne of the
bride's parents tn Richfield.' They Will
moke their home at Ashland, where Mr.
Luehr Is farming. ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson enter
tained tor dinner at tbe Seymour,. Lake
Country club Thursday evening, later
going, to Omaha to see Chiuncey Oicott
at the Brandeis. Those present were.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ter, Mr. and Mrs.
lorn JUooley, Mr. and Mm. Jatrica liegie'.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weekly spent last
week with Mrs. Ed Bark. ,
Miss Marlon Whltmore went to Lincoln
last week for a visit with friends.
Mrs Dr. Reed and Donald went to
Madison Friday to visit relatives.
Rev. E. B. Zimmerman of Walthill
was In Valley between trains Saturday.
Mrs. C. Collen and Miss Gertrude
Ingram were shopping In Omaha Satur
day. Miss Mabel Griffith was the guest of
Miss Edna Weekly several days last
week. ..... .. , ... 4. :. .r ., .
Mrs. John Nightingale " or Omaha. Is
vlalUng "Mr. and Mrs. .William Night
ingale. a , i . , , ,
Mrs. L. SSwlebel l enjoying a visit from
her brother, Jacob Helots ot Montr. O.
this week. :
Mies Bulah Byars, who came home from
Peru 111 last week, was able to return
Vr It. E. Byars win leave the last
of the week for Wyoming where he will
remain for some time.
Mies Edna Weekly entertained J the
teachers of the Valley school at her
home Saturday evening.
The contract for the Presbyterian
manse wa let to Alex Gardiner and
work will be begun at once.
The missionary society of the Pres
byterian church met Thursday afternoon
at the home ot Mrs. Ingram.
Mr. Condren, who Is running from
Beatrice te Lincoln, eame in Wednesday
tor a short visit with hi family. ,
The Women's Christian Temperance
union held its regular monthly meeting
Friday afternoon at tbe home of Mr.
Susan Lewis.
The Valley Woman's club will meet at
the home of Mis H. Wallstroem Friday
afternoon. Mrs. . Sullivan will lead the
study of the lesson and Mrs. John Foster
will nave charge of the music...
Rev. and Mrs.stt. A. Taylor returned
from- conference at Grand Island Mon
day. Rev. Mr. Taylor -was returned te
the Valley church which ta very satis
factory of the entire community.
Mr. W. G. Whltmore, county president
of the Women' Christian Temperance
union ot Douglas county, left Tuesday for
Central City to attend tbe tate conven
tion. Mrs. Kicliols was elected delegate
but wa unable te attend. ,
Valley has ust finished orgartlstng two
foot ball team. The first team with R.
M. Erway. manager, tin the following
members: Chester Hall, captain, Guy
Milton. Carl Hall, Ray Montgomery. Fred
Howard. Archie Brown, . Royc Fllkins,
Laurnee Cor, Harold Enfield, James
Claybaugh, ' Karl Garner and Arthur
Byetrem. - The second team is called
the Valley Tigers, with N. E.: Johnson,
manager; ' Jack Merryweather, Ray
Gardiner. Percy Smith, Ned Burke, Hal
King, Wllber Conerty, Wade Caldwell
Claire FlUgerald, Cloyt Byars, Harry
Johnson. John Weekly, Roy Hall and
IrvJn .Caldwell, captain.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist
Episcopal chnrch held Its quarterly ooen
meeting tn th Weekly ball Wednesday
afternoon. Mesdames Sllcott. I P.
Byars, Sarah Iwi, William Harrier. T.
Reeum, H. A. Taylor. N. W. Gaines and
0. K. De Land served a delicious "Dutch
supper" to a large number of members
and guest. t. . 4.v;,r
. . . 1 ',.. ..
'. nii.B'A "1'" f v.i .
Mr.s Belle C Cla4eft Thuradar tox V
St. fa;'1 01Kl other ponts in the wcelerciU
part o: tho etute. jfj
Uunllvg. reed on the Wiley . ialan-l j ".
Joses brought homo1 a nice bag pf twenty
ducks fiunday. .' ' r . ..
Mrs. Sarah Denett of South Omaha was
visiting Mrs. Sarah Patrick Monday.,
Thei Ledles" Aid of; the . Flrnt Pjresby
terlan church held their weekly meeting
Wednesday afternoon, at the home ot
Mrs. E. Cushing. 'i : ,
Jttrs. W. JR. Leonard and, soh.f Willie,
left Friday" for Austin, Tex., Where they
Join Prof. Leonard In his new location
at the University of Texas.
The Ladies' Missionary society gave a
recention last Thursday evening; at Ran
kin hall in honor of Mis Edna Finley,,
who lett Friday tor Seattle, en route tor
tiltko, Alaska, where she takes a three
years' position In the government schools
as an Indian teacher. , Miss Finley sails
from Seattle September 24 and wlil com
mence her work, at Sitka October 1.
The Wiley farm, opposite Child's Point,
has been leased for hunting purposes by
a band of Bellevue sportsmen, who have
organised the Bellevue Hunting club. The
land controlled by the club comprises ap
proximately 2,000 acres and a permanent
hunting lodge is to be erected and a
competent man put in charge, during the
open season. W. 'S. Shaffer has been
elected treasurer and the membership ot
the club limited to ten. The following
charter members are enrolled: W. 8.
Schaffer, W. R. Patrick. Oscar Kayser,
Carl Langheine, .Charles E. Patrick, Ned
Reading, William Trent, A. W. Jones,
Roy Wilson, Dr. P. JL. Dlmond. Each
member has . received an appointment
from the state game, warden a a dep.
uty warden to enable them to protect
the game Of this district from poacher.
' Weeping Water.
Miss Leolne Switxer departed this week
for Oberlin, O.. to attend college.
George Daly and family moved this
week to Sheridan, Wyo., to reside
Many of the farmer ha va their silos
filled and. a large number are busy at
the work now.
The first frost visited this, section
Thursday morning, but did no damage
and nipped only tender vines.
, Frank Day is visiting his son, MUo,
at Delta, Colo., and Mrs. Day Is visiting
relative at Clay Center, Neb. .
Rev. L. F. Townsend has moved Into
the E. E.' Clixbe house and B. 8. John
son moves Into the Methodist Episcopal
parsonage. . . , . . .
Lee Stoner and wife left this week for
southern Illinois, where he take a Job
as engineer for the' Wabash road, doing
construction work.
Mr. and Mrs.-J. L. Breckenrldge have
Issued Invitation to a reception at their
home Sunday. September 2, in honor of
their son'j, marriage. . 4.
A. A. Laseh of Sutton's Bay, Mich.,
Is here tills week looking after the apple
crop in nis orchard... He report me
dium crop and think the harvest will Iw
6. wo bushel.
Mrs. 'John FHzpatnck, sr., died last
Tuesday night after a lingering illness
and' covering several years of poor
health. The funeral wa held at the
Menonite church Thursday at 2:30 P- m.
The burial of Mrs.' Robert Ciarlyle of
Omaha took place her Wednesday morn
ing. The three brothers, Robert, Edward
and Dr. William Carlyle, were in attend
ance and a number of cU'iens, old friends
of the family.
William Iske has moved hie family from
South Omaha to Springfield. ;
Mrs. Rose Davis of VUlisca, la., is
visiting Springfield relations.
Mrs. Jietsel and daughter, Ella, and
Tillie Haak have moved to Millard.
A birthday party was given C. G. Laing
Friday night in honor of his 77th birth-
day.., . ;': '--.;
Mr .and Mrs. F. O. BeaJU of Murdock
were calling on old friends here Sunday.
Word from 8. L. Heacock says he has
gone from San Diego, Cal., to Phoenix,
Ariz.. '.. -. ' - :
Miss Susie Hagan and Henry Luher
of Cass county were united In marriage
here Tuesday. .- f ' .:
Ross Bates left Monday for Chicago
to resume his studies In the law school
of the University of Chicago.
A fire Broke out In D. C. Martin's resi
dence Monday morning, but was put out
before much damage was done.
William Fase was ealted to Seabrtght
Cat, last Saturday by the announcement
ot the serious illness of his father.
- Rev. A." j. ' Warn was appointed to
Springfield charge tor another year by
the Methodist Episcopal conference.
W. E. Bate and family are moving
this week from their form to the new
home lately purchased of S. L. Heacock.
W. E. Miller went to Omaha to take
charge., of the Annls drug store while
Mr. Annls looks after his legislative cam
paign. . i
. The Senior class of the high school or
ganized by electing .Norman bovl, presi
dent; Katheryn Gruenwaldt,-, vice presi
dent; Mary Btratman, treasurer, and
Ernest Hlnkle, secretary.
. Elkkorn."
Mrs. Charles Deersoa visited Thursday
With Mrs. David Tmessen.
Mr. and Mrs. WH'lam Kelser celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary Wedses
Oay. Cheriea Witte and P. G. Hofeldt are
rerving on the 3ord of Agriculture at
the Douglas county fair. ,.; jvi
i Mr? and Mrs. "Albert - Hatfeley t visited
You are cordially invited
I -' T:.'A
ffl "
J..:i J 1
El V" . ?
"iu t0 see ' '
i our beautiful display of
Fall an! Winter Hats
aHke Reaiiitiable Prices
cxciiv7iOeViffniiN;o tTwol
! hmw .test r- it, - -tV ui Itt '
cia!ander & Sraltn, 317 South 16th St.
'above 'here. W, R, Patrick and A. 'W. j ccSoca2Tc52ScScS
Saturday night In Omaha with the lattes
eousin, Mrs. WStter Hanger, ajid family.
Henry Elcke and EmJl Meyers retained
Saturday from Denver, where they have
been visiting - the p. C, .Hollingr family 1.
sgveral weekay. - " ' ' . Hi ii-,
Dr. B. P. Baldwin and wife ef Wefjbn,
la., were Bunday visitors at the.B. ;i.
Baldwin home. The doctor's mother went
over Thursday to help him celebrate his
birthday. ;
Mrs. C. W. Baldwin entertained the C
C. club Thursday. The first prize wa
Won by Mrs. C Al' Nownes, second by
Mrs. .J, W. Housley and consolation , by
Mrs. 1. Greggerson. i
D. Pollock was called to his parents'
home this week by the serious illness of
his father, who is not expected to re
cover. They live in southeastern Iowa.
. Irrlnpfon. '
Mrs. Williams and daughter, Jessie, vis-,
fted n Omaha Sunday. , io
Mr. and Mrs. Larson of Benson visited
Bunday at the Pamp home. .
Mra Hanson of Rawllas,: Wyo.,.s,vls
itlng her brother, Gus Sundall. "'-'
Mr. and Mrs. Si R. Brewster Are In
Lincoln for week's- visit with friends
and relatives. f .
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulsen ' And 'son,
Pete Lund and Frank Meachem of Coun
cil Bluffs visited at the pein home Sun
day. . " ' ;
Mrs. , Joe Treman was' -taken to the
hospital last .Week. tor-have an-' (Operation.,
She is doing nicely and expects, to 1be
home in, a week or so. . ,-. : r - . ' ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dein visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jenson hi Florence Sunday.
. 'Edward Pamp and Mrs, 'Nancy Cftt
were married Wednesday afternoon at-4
'clock at the bride's home. They wUl
live on a farm west -st' JrvtogtOB.5: c.
Orders Are Issued
to Protect Horses
' ...
Humane orncer wieisen nas . issued
orders that all barns in which horsw
are , kept - are to he repaired in- ease oi
need and that blanket be furnished fori
all animals. Nielsen Is maklrig tiha
rounds ot all; the barns to see that hi
orders are enforced.' He says he Kas
found, several places where the animals
are left in cold stalls without hay roc
covering. He has given offenders In such
case ten day la which to comply wtth
requirements 'or ' complaint will be .flled.1
. A Fierce Attack ,- , , " vV !
of malaria, liver derangement and kid
ney trouble is easily cured by Elected
Bitters,; the. guaraateed remedy,. BOc. Foej
fale by Beaton Dreg Co. .
Constijpat Headachy,
' I; '-jTiver Tprpi(iJ?"-Gascaretr Sjirj
. Turn the rascals out the headache,, biliousness, constipation, the sick, sewfj
stomach and fouijpases turn them out tonight with Cascarets. ' ,t ;
Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascarets sweeten and regulatj
your stomach; remote the sour, undigested and fermenting food and thai, wiseejr-t
making gas, take the excess bile from' your liver' and carry' off the decomposed j
waste matter and constipation poison from the bowels. Then you wljl feel great'
A Cascaret tonight will straighten you' out by morning a 19-ceht'box frotMi
any drug store will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, Hver and bowel regular!
end make yeu feel bully and cheerful for months. Don't forget the children.;: ;'
10 CCIltS. ; New gnpo or akico.
;'pVl Infantry; 'V; $.. A., $tti6nid it'
Pit Prnnlf: -hnv? 'Giiarfl lVTmint r ipach farm nnn At'
10:30 m. (yeather permittiag), ; Dress parade'
Tuesday and Friday afternoons at 4?30 p. m.' -; ;
F!er$bn$ desiring to view these mterestmidrilUt
can reieh the hort on cars -leaving 24th & 'iN'?tts.,
South Omaha, at 10 a. rrt and 4 p. m.
Omaha & Soothern lnterQrl,aa Railway Conpi)y