Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1912, Page 16, Image 16
16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912. ' ECffllCE SCHOOL FAYORED', ' , - I Igitatioa it Started in Omaha for , ; Such an Institution. IPPUED COUSSE IS NEEDED laperiateadeat GrM Believes that ,7 Some Day Trad SckooU Will . Be Establish t Tats . . i . Agitation for the establishment of a technical high school here has been started and rumors are afloat that as sistance wilt be offered by certain rail roads now short of help 'and by the labor organizations. ' One of the plans which, the labor or eanlsattons may consider Is to establish a technical school where students could ! work half a day and -study the other half.' This would give many an oppor tunity to secure an ' education - that is now , beyond their reach. -. Superintendent E.TJ. Graff believes that ultimately Omaha, will follow the exam pie of other cities and establish, trad, schools, but he says be is willing to wait until' some other cities establish a prece dent tbat can be safely followed. . $ ,- rmt Stew ts Take. The etabUrtiment this, .year of ,an (tmnhi Kich Sohoal 'of Commerce to 're garded as the flrsttitep-toward ,a com- j piete system ot scuoois mi-.wu uu "practical educations'. ; s ".Superintendent Graff and Principal, I C, Busmlsel f the Omaha 'High .School of Commerce - declare that 'he 'attacks against the business college mad .la .sot eral monthly periodicals "' under ' recent data have 'no application to thes acJwot which Is Omahas first venture In the flaiS of technical ,eucatlon. V ' Parents need feel no fear' that gral uates of the Omaha High School of Com merce will "fall down" on their first Jols, says the principal. " 't ' Teachers Are Competeat. A corps of twenty competent teachers, all of whom have had practical buslnesa experience, are employed, and the stu dents are not only given a "book educa tion," but the business offices of local men are Invaded for material to be used in Instruction. , ' Students are shown how business la actually carried on and, being equipped with a common school education before they begin the four years' course at this school, are capable of filling positions into which they art placed upon gradua tfcn. ' ""The plan we are working tinder In this school." said Mr. Graff.-"U to make tracUcal application In each course. ' English, geography. history and other academic courses are given, but Instead of being studSed ai they are In the public schools, the work is applied.' It jderoial English, commercial history and commercial geography that Is taught v FEDERAL BUILDING IS TO j HAVE AN OFFICE DIRECTORY The federal building Is at last to have a directory board t each elevator so that tKoee who enter may see on which floor bey may find any office they may wish tof locate. Hitherto the names of the offices have been painted on the walls. The method has never been satisfactory. Another improvement that the custodian la working on Is the matter of getting lights put over the three mala entrances the building.1 The superintendent of construction of federal buildings for this territory Is to be here neat week when h and Mr. Taylor will go over final plan and npcKicauon w WRIGHT SUPERINTENDENT OF COUNTY ELEVATORS George W. Wright, Jr., has been ap pointed superintendent of elevators In the . new county building, and when the Octo ber term of court opens October T, all the elevators will be in operation. There are three passenger elevators, one freight elevator and one Jail elevator. Operators who will work? under ; Mr. Wright have not yet' been named. Mr. Wrlgh has had ten years4.' experience In elevator construction and management. DATE SETFORHEARNG V OF DUNDEE INJUNCTION " Hearing of the application of, the Dun Bee school district for a temporary In junction restraining the' Omaha Board of Education from doubling the high school tuition rates to Dundee students Is set for October 1 before Judge A, C. Troup of the equity division of the district court Xf the temporary order Is granted a data some time in the future will be set for hearing on application for a perpetual In junction. The proposed Increase Is from $47.80 to f9S a year. " ' ' Low One Kay Colonist Hales . X TO California Old Hexioo i and tie Southwest Tioiets oa sale Btpt Kh to Oct. 10th, Van taformatioa oa request THOS. P. GODFREY, . l 1 rasa, aad nun agsas, I 1433 ranuua at, or ITnloa Station, Omaha. ( 1 j Tnloa Station, Omaha. I Uw" r r" "-WMVSev BSSS&sSRi SSbsSSSSSSsI Fan dele Cordially invite the visitors to the Ak-Sar-Beh Carnival in Qmaha to Male Their Headquarters Here in the LargestStore Westof Chi cago ! arid Ask You to Avail Yourselves of Our Many Free Conveniences. ERANDEI3 MAIN STORE J 5 Great Buildings Connect ed by Three Huge Subway Arcades and One Double-' Decker Bridge Form the United Brandeis Stores in the Heart of Omahas Per manent Retail District. You can always Depend Upon Correct Style and High Quality in Everything to Wear for Women, Men and Children ; and Every thingfor the Home. Our; Greatjerj Stocks 4 ' Give Vastly" Select From.; i v v ; Our" Larger Purchases in tlielMarkets ,of the World Enable Us to Buy Goods More Cheaply Than Any Other Western Store. You Can Always Buy ESetter Goods Here for the Same Money or the Same Goods for Less Money Than Any where Else in Omaha. FREE CONVENIENCES AT BRANDEISSTORES ( ' ' f. 1 - t .-3- - rree Nursery and Play Room for Children": ' Baggage and Parcels Checked Free of Chaxga . Bank Checks Cashed Free Free Rest Rooms and Waiting Room Free Writing Desks and Stationery j I Cabaret Singers and Musical Concerts in , ! ' Pompeian Room, - ? 15RANDEIS STORES OMAHA . ERR At Omaha's Patent Medicines tl.OO Cray's "Glycerine" Tonic : Eskay's Food a5o-4Ae-d tl.OO Wine of Cardul for Wo Dr. Cooper's Medicine. . .40-890 $1.00 Hostettefs Bitters.... 8o $1.00 Squlbb's Sarsaparllla. .7M Osomulslon ...4a-sa Rezall Orderlies ;10-so-Oo Scott's Emulsion , . . ..6o-0o VlnoL al ways fl-00 Hays' Hair Health. .... .5-r Usterlnei ....... 16c-a5o-48-9 Recall Kidney Cur. 45o-8o Borden' Malted MiU.. .46o-Tao $1.00 Lydia Pinkbam's Com pound at .89a Glycothymollne S6o-4a-a Rezall J Hair Tonic. 80e-l0 Fellows' Syrup for. .'. -io-414 Spruce Pepsin TabletasMotl.OO $1.00 Guertln's Nerre Syrup. s 4 Dosi Drug Stores Toilet Articles J5c , Packer'B-.tar ;9oap, cut to;. v.. ........... .lc 25c jFroBUUa,;cut'to". . .! 25c SaaUci TqoPBt. eut to I . ! . Vv !' 60c MaMna Creanu " cut to-;". s'r.V. . i -i rrivWe Harmony. :tm rVlolet Toilet Watefi .TSc, 0Qc,-5c 2 5c Babcock' CorylopsU, cut : tof i . . t ' r- i . ..' t5c 5 0 e Pompeian .'M I a g e Cream .... i..;.. -..29c Ivory Soap, three cakes . .11c Rezall Cold Cream 60c, 85c 50c Violet Cream, cut to 18c H Stationery "Cascade Linln Wrltln Paper. 48 sheets of paper and 41 en velopes, all for............ Wo Rezall "Cabinet" Writing Paper. 48 sheets of paper and 4 en velopes, all for .aSo Sitonlijf Cindy Bex of Barr's IOoi8ATUfl- DaT CANDT. or, . .-r.vkK.SM COc , Benedetto' . . AllesretU's-- -Itallato Chocolates for. t. ..Wo Ambrosia "Sweetola";.Choco- , lates, lb. boxes and-v "Joy. ' wagon" free, for. . . . . .T8 One-lb., box of clean and de licious Salted Peanuts for,.M Tlic "Rexall ;StoreB- aXS&MAST ft KeCOsTXZXA SBVCs CO'lBth aad Boar. Owl Braf Co lfltb and Xavaey. Xoyal ftarswy, lri Xotsl. ZAXTAJtS rKABXAOT, 44tk as artsasa, . f You tike ta Dance You'll Lilie Our Rimp We want you to see ; our showing of exquisite dancing and' evening slip pers hvkid,vsatjn anrj suede. ' i - ? ? ' Please note tie individnalitjrc of style ; which has been worked out; in principles to , make the foot more graceful' than ever., If you seeV the best thats . made, we . Have -them." Priced fjom-V j--i'--i:iv.;"''!"--''H-:,i . Ak-Sar-Cca Visitors llelecoeio Oosaha aad tC Onaha Style apd Bargain, Center " 3: s hum Price. ' 11 P Equal Price. . , IWf.LI i ii.1itWi.,iiJ , , ., S... Ml ....I.-! ! ! " ' ' " - - - - ' ' ' - ' ' , w m ) m wl Ladies' Gloves and Hosiery Assoitmeots tJlit are complete la every ftetall of new colorings and style. Qualities tie best that the factories of the vorld produce. 13 and 18 Batton Lengths French Rid Glorea Cnlnrlns- that matnh serfectlv the new gown: best " maea at ....-31.98 to S3.50 TwoBatton Kid Gkrrea Pari point or embroidered i back, all color, a........... -SI. 00 t $2.0D Cape Clores, lined or urJlned. best assortment in Omahn, at, .'. . . . . ... ....... .$1.00 a 81.50 Ladles' Cape Gloiree, val-i j Children's Gauntlet uea to tl.wO; on ealt ! Ciiore na wiwens, Satiirday tC-r'49 I y t0 $1.. special. 49 INDIES - AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. ''. UNDERPRICED. u , , Ladles' Silk Hose, made to sell at l Ladies Silk Boot Hose, black and ?50. 'come Jn black, white or colors, worth to $1 pair; on sale tan. all perfect! special at.69H n tw0 lot1 at) -;25 nd 49 Ask for the Wye Knit Hose They have double -soles and . high spliced heels, worth more than the price. ........ ......... 3o Women's and Children's Fleeced or Woolen Ho8e--A splendid atock of dependable quality goods. ' . Shoe For Boyo That solves the shoe problem as' far as the boy is concerned wear ; like firon;andv have fa' neat, dressy "appear ance. Ask for and!" the boy. will have shoes he cannot wear out a shoe, we guaran tee to outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes.: 10 to 13V2. :$2.O0 1; to 55... . $2.50 t : Ttc Classified Bages of The Bee are scanned dally by - thou sands of people, . v ' Try a Bee Want At it THERE'S A REASON for everything. Many people have been ' heard to ' comment . on the .. wonderful business qf ' TH BELMOHT SESAXAXT, ' which .' has been- established in Omaha such a short while ago, and are of the opinion that the .reason must ' be quality food at reasonable prices. Give us a trial ., ' 11 Obe' et-Suf 'Class X.v"V . 161 Sodr Ht v : Opaa All might 0. T. IIU, Proprietor. . B,d Spread Specials Imitation Mexican Drawn Bed Spreads, full also, worth JS. 09 each ........ $3.98 In.portsd Marselles Bed Spreads, heavy knotted fringe, worthy 8.50 each .v'C fM Scalloped Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads," full" siae,' wortn 15.50 each ........ ax7 Frtnsed and Scalloped Bed Sptead full size, . assorted -worth M.vO each- ....v.. .. .9X50 Scalloped fringed and,, hemmed " Bed Spreads, worth $3.00 . .$1.98 'Esn-.insd CrocAet Bd Spreads i Marseilles patterns, worth tl.SO ,i?ea,ph ' , -m .-v ; s-v'1"00 Saturdays Specials in the Wash Goeds Imported Poplins, silk finish. aJl new fall colors; at. yard..... Wo English Poplins, pennanent sua finish, all colors and shades, for. fall waistlngs and one-pie? h dresses; aW yard ...........600 New Fall -Voiles, -in - plain silk ' stripes, all neW fall atyles and colors; at, yard v,,;.ft5o Silk aad Mixed. Goods, all colors and styles, 60c gTade,'t'....38 'Complete. line of Flanneletes; at, yard.', .-...Ha-aaa la Complete Une of JUnoskeag Outing. BMannels at.....!.10O and 180 ilo Garaert So Oaeiy s a ;Gooil Sweater Coat Here's Three Big Specials 1 t mawamI- nfirlo. Ktif rtrioma that 3 i J wilt &e keenest interest to the economically ft f inclined. '" " .. v--! ' n& Children's, Misses' and Boys Sweaters, fine j ftf wool garments, witn or witnout couars, r eome in cardinals, oxfords and ; maroons, . 13.00 and $2.60 values; choice at .......08c and $1.45. LadiesT $2.00 and $2.50 Worsted 'Sweaters,' most desirable weaves, styles and colors; you'll find them matchless: , - at , ....... $1.45 d $1.98 Handsome Norfolk; Sweaters, mannish weaves in the rough or open neck styles; greatest snap ot season. . . . . ... . .$2.98 Other splendid Sweater values at $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, np to $7.50. ' Boys' Blouse Waists, 50c and 76c j 23c Skeins Knitting Tarn,- black values, alt -attest 6 to 16 yean,, j .only, -pound size; ' on -sale at . . ' '.'. i ..4 33 it-. .' '.' V 12H" Bear Brand Yarns All kinds and colors, at less price than you'll find equal Quality . elsewhere. . , j ' ? -x pi j ' Ft w n V $1 At 11 -y : ay den's First it Piyi AMLISSUCNTS. Dally atat 10c; Sts- B-10-800. Drexerc 1419 Farrtam r Xfiiwdtcinc vi noKrias street, a. ibtb. HTT0K8 UAWBITIia.B. Includes The jduslcal Avollos; Grace Armocd; weraen & uearin; Mile.. Dar nley; Hill man j Roberts; Hlppoacope Picturea I A TITO PAJtTHS! PmXTB TSSj 9:00 P. K.BKOVH CoaUnnoas $ to 5; 7 to II p. Daily. 'OXAsa.'B Ttnr cxrtsb." -. Dally Kat. lS-S5-SOe ETfl.1 15-8-60-78e sooek (koosx) imir't'rBRnr.KFBt EXTKATAOAnaA AST) VAUDETriLS. Classy Marcelle Coreene; Imhof.'Conn A Coreene;. WeWng Doris Thayer; Cple A Warner' ,Open-Faced, Full-Jewelled Beauty Chorus. "Moose Night," Friday. September VI. '''', tadies' Dins Hattaee Every Wee Pay, absolutely; FREE ; LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! In Riverside Park, Ft. Stock- . .'j.. ton, Teias., ... t EachTlot 2 5x132.- Here is a chance to get a lot free. Come down and read our literature. ' Orient Railroad and its pow erful allied interests have sda terained Fort Stockton to be the largest commercial center in southwest Texas. - .? ;j , . J"ort Stockton . is the ' next division . point for the Orient Railway. Fort Stockton -4s. the County Seat ot Peeps county, largest county In Texas. Come down and let us tell you about it and get a lot tree. . FrJownsiteJIfl.; 1519 Howard- Street' ' 5:t)0 p.m 'daily from dmaha- Oklalioma imlTexas via Rock Island Lines : BRANDEIS THEATER Shis Afteraooa Tenijht . CKAUWCET OLOOTT XX TKE - - f ; xsxjb csauBAJca - What the Omaha aewspape critios say reg-arAlor Caaaneey Oloott, aow playlns; at the Braadels Thsateri Colonsl KeCoaUoofhi Oloott donhly welooma to a play that la really wortn walls. . ; World-Herald Xeeae Ahbott! Xsle VDreanis most satlsfaetory per formance Mr. Oloott aad oompaay have ever offered la Omaha. Sunday Matinee, 4 Pays -TBS BACXSnOB'B SOSETXOOIT ;....( .Phone Dear. 494." t AOVAJCCED -TAtyDBWXX.XJB, - joktuee Today. aslS-. Wote Early eartain ' Saturday, Bight, ' Vj . 8U3 aarp. C, : VATXirSB TODAY TOmGHT The : Oreat Komaatlo Americas Drama, VTHE .wmTffSQTJAW" Prlcal. lOa, tOo, 30c, Me VO XXOXES, T7V9AT "ROBE OP P ASTASIA .'BEATS BOW- IKRUG THEATRE atattne Today, S(30; Blghti 80 . - -. BEST 8ZATS SOo r SAM RICE ' v '' -. ., - APrnjni.f ', . ladW DaQy lm ati i $2 A " v You hstve a chance right now, this year, to locate in this 'wonderful successful country. Take advantage of , low rates now via The Canadian Pacific Railway Tickets on sale dally,. September 25 th to October 10th inclusive. AQ flr to principal points in Saskatchewan and 0U9 Alberta, . Mf . to Portland, Spokane, victoria, Vancouver 9 Qk' and other points in Oregon, Washington' tflottf British Columbia.' ; , fm Tkonga Tourist Sleepers liberal Stopovers Permitted u There is plrnty of room in Western Canada for those who want to succeed. Here are the last Dig tracts oj xicn virgin ana open io the home seeker. The soil is wonderfully fertile; the crops increase enormously each year and the land is" abundant. Homestead or Purchase Railroad Land settlers are rushing in the golden opportunity will soon be gone-v4ct To-day. f ., The Canadian Pacific Railway rives the best service to the Pacific Coast and affords you the mag-. "' -3 nificent scenery of the Canadian : Rocky and Selkirk Mountains, For information and littraturm apply toj -GEO. WALTON, General Agent, 224 So. Clark St, , Chicago, Ilk r : .rim - i. Yofcmay jiiisslsomething ii ypu :loh't ; r the want ad TODAY. 1 ! 7 J,