Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1912, Page 14, Image 14
21 'GRAIN AND PRODOCE MARKET Bearish Feature .DevclQpsJroiri Btts aian Wheat Beports. ; COIN CROP IS NOT . AFFEClED Derplte the Cold Weather and Frosts Little or So Damage la Reported , from' the Com Belt ot - v ,t ' the Counter ' - OMAHA; Sept, 27, 12 Liverpool wheat opened V4c lower, tms morning. The trade there -arid here-regard the latest Russian crop figures M 670,000,000 bushels, or 4,000,000 bushels larger than the popular estimates. This is a very bearmh- feature.. Clear, cold weather In UK- ,i-. i'"it is tiuf to threshers to rush things again. If tne roads can move the northwest wheat, re ceipts will be very heavy. So far this season there has been little In the way ol hedging -This hind of senlng'. about due with a letup of the flour sales In the noitbwest and Increasing stocks In all ' quart!rs. Temporary rait lies must be expected, but the tone, or the news and the feeling In the trade is very Ix-anen. , Cash , wheat .lc lower. . It Is a singular feature for the corn trade that there .Is so ' much freexlhg weather and so little claim, of damage- to the crop In any quarter.' It would seem j that the low temperatures hurt night and earlier In the week would do some damage to the late corn, but the crop-i so larKji and so great a rciintage IsoUUpt.lwi, way of frost that the trade well knou there can be r.o calamity arrd for this season there was selling out of long colli yesterday Instead - ot.addUloo&l -buying. Offerings went Into strong hands On the break and the market showed a Httlo nap at the close, especially for Dum ber. It will take a few days to know what the real result of the very low tem peratures is in big western corn stMes. Cash oorn was unchanged.- -; .v A sharp drop In prices of eonttACt 0t permitted a llttlo' more .natural MlHn pressure In the later month, yrsterdftV. Grain men think the situation Suggests conservative selling in the December and May options. -Cash-' oats' unchanged. ) Clearances were wheat and flour equal to 167.00 bushed, corn,, io.fl bushels and oats, 157,000 bushels., :- , Liverpool closed wit wheat H to d lower and corn to id lower, . Primary wheat receipts were rt.OOS.WJ bushels and shipments' 1. 194,00, bushels, sigalnst receipts of 1,471,000 buthels and hlpments of 465,000 bushels last , yetr.' Primary corn receipts were SM.OOO bush els and shipments 613.0QO- bushels, against receipts of Mfi,W bushels and shipments last-year of 800,000 -buehela - Primary oats receipts were 87,000 bush la .and shipments 1,086,000 bushel axainst receipts of 27,000. blishsls an4 shipments of 885,000 bushels last year, The following cash sales were reported1. "Wheat-No. t hard winter: t ears, Mvtjc. No, 8 hard winter: 4 cars, saCt No.jH mixed: 1 car. 62tO. Barley-No. 4: 1 car. 3e? Oats-Standard: l'car, 32o. No. ,3 white; 3 cars (choice). SI1: 2 ears (local). 31 Wc; 1 cars, SlHe; T cars, la No. A white: 1 car, SOc. Corn-No. 2 whit! t ears, 70Hc. .'Nor 8 Whlte:- 2 cftrsf 70oi No,e4 white: H car, 68c, No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 66c. No. 3 yellow: 1 oar. Bfi. fit. I mixed: 1 car, 64c. No, 3 mixed: 1 ear, Wo-, No. I mixed; 2 cars, 040; 2i cart, 64c. .,. . .:,. , y y Omaha Cash ,Prt"s. WHEAT-Nd. 2 hard, , aafjiWe; ' NO.V8 hard. o2k; No. 4 hard, 7WjSo. CORN-No. 2 white,. 700 No; J, white. , mnn. ki a tin. 2 vellow. tak 36V; No. 3 yellow,. We; No. 4 yellow, W jHc; No. 2, i No. 3. 0c; No. 4, WS0 QATS-SU4f32c; stanaord, S132c; -No.' J white, Ji&siHe; No. 4 wnite, mnwn BARLKV Malting, tiQiic; No. I feed, 40u,0c. . ... KYE NO. 2, 645Sc; X6. 3, eJfflSic: ' Carlot He'oelpta. '! :', - - - t, (irm. v'i,i. vni"- Chicago 173 M l nneapoil s .............. 404 Duluth ,i...:..;:Bl Omaha ,.... 44 Kahsas City Ht XkjuIs .............. ,'..-.10 ' Winnipeg KM CHICAGO GRAIX AXD PROVISIONS Pea to res of the Trading and Cloalns Prlcee on j Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept 27. Wheat today touched the .lowest twice so far this season. Predictions of the high world shipments were 'chiefly! responsible. The market finished steady but half down all around compared with the night before. It was estimated world ahipments wouio be nearly 4,000,000 bushels greater than for the corresponding week a year ago. Favorable weatucr northwest increased the weakness. - ; iar.Kus City promised heavy, receipts of win at rvxt week. In this connection. a l!itr.K f:rm here said .to be largely ntviVi-rfd !n holdings at Kansas City was iiiv'fl Layer1 of the September 'option In Ourui-to andat the same, time a seller of slay at S'4c difference. On the other hand, mills t STJnneapoii were reponea delivering on Seierober contract, a pro cedure almost unknown In that market. December clesed c net lower at wc r.nvin ' Atrrr.infl for corn receivea a check through the weakness of iwheat'and because of i a -break !ln cash priced December closed ituiy. W on ai wva1 527o.' Cash grades were heavy. , No. 2 oats oecame .easy m ajruim",- '" other grain.' December closea ho unoer last nighf at ,12c. '"'-J- " Scattered liutOdatKm iook tn .eeage on Hm nPAtdil inn market. , in the end - no decline exceeded 6c. 5 f The leading tutures Iciosefl as touows. 1 Article Open. Wheati ' : ' eo..i0'o't Corn 8epf.IlHTi May.,62V4 Outs I I Sept. . n Hlgh.HIw. I Close. lies'. ,t- r. 1 ? 1 J! 71 72V. -681 82V. Dnc..32Ha,S2H'!','i 88 ,71! ' "wit NEW YORK JIOCK MARKET Strong' Undertone . Shown, Despite Monetary Situation. BANKS CALLING U0S MANS Farther RUe ' In" Steel "and Allied lessee Atrrllrated to Trade . Con ditions, . Which ' Show In cr eased Activity. THE BEE: OMAHA, ' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912. OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET 96 f M'aV.:3Huti Pork NT25 18 36 18 27Vij Sfpt. Oct.. ,iah.. SePtv 10 (7H! tec. Jan.. Ribs' Stpt 10 M 31 16 30 18 S7V4 .' 62 ' 32 10 ;22i i 107V4;10!92Hj 10 6?Hi 10 62l W57l 0 tO 1 1 10 57 Out.. 102l 10 tt, 7&' ' 10,92 10 62' 10,'W 10:60 f 10 474 82- mm lJSO:. 1 37H 18 20 1 92V, .10,95,, io tm 10 87 10 82Ha 34 -18 82Vi IS 87i 18 26 10 97H 10 W, 10S7H 19 fib . ID lA 10 U '77 Vulflv-riiarty; WlrtteV ) patent, -14. ttd 8.03; intr straignts,. f4.ww.iw;i PfVi patents,! $4.156.W spring fstratghts, Mw yflB; I)ekets,-M.70t,.fi0.. ' KtK-NO; 2, bdUfMo -, ' if- -" .WAiii-fci;r.i..ot..mi Lus, JJifute ; . f air to choice mailing, (SOSc . , . , SKBDB-i-Timothy, r P-wtiw;. jCioyen, lard (in , tierces), - $10.97H; ! shott, ', rlbfc tloese), 10.UM10.2H.'. ',' 'i'.;. v. . Total c clearanoes of Wheatah'd .' floi wre. equal to 1.107,000. bu.r, Eaporu foj ths i',Wk, 'as. snown Dy ; traa street wre, eauJ ,to 8.851.000 bu,. . frrmary r celbta were: 1008.000 bu.r comtared Wit 1,471,000 toil.-, the corresponding, day n yeui W hea t, v 1W car s ; corn, , 823 cars ; - oats, . isl cars -a hogs, ' 7,0w0 head. ' . (Jhicago Uashprices Whent:' No.'2 red, 81.0i5M.u8: : No. 8. red, 7r4c; No.' 2 'hard1, WCi.'Not 8,hard, (fffio; No, -t north ern, Wifefilc';f No.. 2 nortnrn.89fti(2e; No', 3 northern,! WfSci No. 'I spring. )Hllo Nd,-3epHtig,,i813g$c;'No.. 4 upniiR.WiyMo; velvet oliaff, c; durum; NOj87u,v Corn: Nd. I.'HWVw No.: white, 71!A72Hci No. 2 yeilow; Wfflaw, No. 3..'70w7l4i .No, 3 white, jO&tntfc; No.. 8 yellow, 70A tnVtd; No. , 4, t'i'7Wo; No. 4-whlte,,4 O70vc; ,No.,4i yiliow, 6(87Hc. Oatai No. 3. fc4c Nn.i.2 white, .i)-34c: No, 8, 3lH!JfiN0..'-l. White, mMB-. 'No. it white, J2ci ftflmlHid, Si's Wid . t tl.,. In 9 .' rifMalUn ' Tturlav imlttn. B.i ' tlmn'thv i.U&iA 00 , ftluvnr tllVM l.fntsrnitlenal Jui -NEW TORK. Sipt 27.-Regardles of the monetary situation, which was suffi ciently tense- to cause local banks to call more loaui, today's stock market mani fested a strong undertone. The move ment at time wa narrow and Irregular and the total output was smaller tl&n tor several days. . Money on call opened at a fraction under- yesterday's ' 'uiitial rate, but soon rose ' to 6 per cent,' at -which figure the' bulk' of the. day's loans was negotiated., . - The rate eased In ,the afternoon ' when the stock market, recorded its top prices under the lead of United states Steel. Which scored its highest price of the year on ' exceptionally , large offerings. Other standard shares also were lp demand, ,but most of them failed by. a alight I margin to- eciual rece-nt high levels j 1 - ! . - The further risa In i United States -Steel and allied iwrues was generally attributed to.traae oonaiuona, wnicn-snow increaaea activity at tall leading centers of that Industry. . " . T ' ' Among (thai strong (and , active railway stocks were Canadian Pacific and Its ally, Minneapolis, '8t. Paul A Sault 8te. Msfrie; NeW York. (Central Heeding and-IUlhoU Central, with such minor lssuea as Mis ouri Pacific, Toledo. . 8t. touts A West ern and .Wee tern Maryland. . In the final ho.ur Jlck..t)and .and the oGald.gTqup also became active at smart advance. 'An unexpected Inflow , of money from the interior .promises- to .reduce the cash losa of the ' local l banks, to an unusual figure.-i H - V''- Bond were ateady, " with- special strength in AVabash Pittsburgh terminal le: -Total- saei. (par; value, I2,00,0u0. unitea states government oonas were unchanged onJ call, j ' Number ,o.8a,re8(and leading quotations on stocks were ass follows: ! I Mts. ttislt. Urn Oess. AmslgtmsteA Copper ....5a,tM H14 WV4 1 Arterteul ArleuUuMl-. A 8W 1114 S ' Aatrtcan Ht Busar....! 3.400 'V-k 74 .71 AmerlMn Cln jE.209 4 44 44 American Cn pfd KOO 124 19it 124H, Amerlcui C. n V- ; m a tt 03 Amoiican-- Cotton 4)11 100 Am. lc vBeeurUle. ...... f 100 Amorfctn UnMsd American- Loootnirtl J.,. ...... Americas s. A R...... Am. B. R. .fiM...... Am. Surti Refining.... An-arlcan T. T....'., Amorlcan Tbtxoo -:.,. Anarnnds ' Mining Co.'. AtehlMA Atchlton prd , Atlsntlc Ctssst Line..; Biltlmore Ohio...... net!Hhin 8twl Brooklyn R4id Tr..., Canadian Ptclflo Csntral iMthtr .'. rtieupMko, Ohio.... Chicago O. W. (Iilcaso. M. -BU P., Ohlraxo N. W Colorado F, A I. ...... Oontolldatod Cai (Yrn Produoti Drlawaro ft Hudaon... Uenvcr A Rio Urands Ttentar A R O. pfd... Dlatlllanr gacuHtlos . Rrle . Kris 1ft pfd BMe M ffd. ........... Oonorol Klnotrlo OrMt Northern pfd OMat Northern Oro etf. Illltrtli Central Interboraush Mt. Inter. Mot. pfd International Harvester . Inter.Mnrlna pfd Imernttnial Prr a 400 M4 113' 41 M4 K 28 14 45 7a l.-'tl.tOO .A J00'io in io lit 1374 14 ..' tea lit ' Ut, 14.1 .. j 1,000 tit ro t7tv .. i 4.30ft 47 4 4 .. - i.ioo i( ioa4 io ..I 100 103 Wi 103 ..I, . .. ..... lit ..j 1,700" 10 108 1011 .. ,10 48 47 484 .. 70- m 0 0 ,.'11,700 J81H 278 281 .. t 4,800 B84 ' 83' 34 ..' 1,800 81 81 81 ..I M tt 17 17 .. 4.300 108 108 8 ., 1 1.400 14 147. 1434 .. 8,800 43 41 400 147 147 .. tod It 16 . . 300 , 171 171 .. ' loo tt n .. j 1.400 40 88 van u 8fi0.973 at this time last year, urea exclude Panama canal debt transactions. These flg- and public REPORT OP CLUABISa HOtiSB TraasaetloB of Aasoetated Bask for tfce Week. NEW ' YORK. Bept 27.-Bradstreefi bank clearings report for the week ending September- "A shows - an -aggregate --of f3.24S.moO0 as against 83,lA4&4,uOO . last week and $3.001,X4,000 iii the correspond ing week last year. Following la a lilt of the cities: ' ' - - CITIES.- Amdutifc 4jc;I Dec. ,.r. 43 147i lt 170Vi 28 88 84 New York...... Chicago. Boston Philadelphia .. 1st. .Lous. ...... Kansas City... Pittsburgh .... San FTanclsco Baltimore ...... Cincinnati ..... Minneapolis'' ..' New Orleans., Cleveland ....... Detroit - Los Angelea OMAHA Milwaukee' .' Louisville Allanta ...... Portland, Ore Seattle 8t. Paul.;.... Buffalo ..... Denver Ina anapolis -Providence .. rttehmortd Washington, D. C. Memphis St. Joseph Salt Lake City Fort, Worth.... Albany Columbus f-avannah ......... Toledo ..i..'..., Nashville Hartford Ppokane, Wash... Taouma DeS Moines...;.'..., Kpchester ......... Duluth ............ Macon Oakland, Cal...... Norfolk. Wichita - Peoria ............. New Haven Jacksonville,., Fla. Scranton J Grand. Rapids Birmingham Soux City......... j Augusta, Oa......... Syracuse Evansvllle Worcester Spi-lngfleld, Mass... I'aytori Oklahoma City...... Portland, Me;.......' Chattanooga Little Rock Charleston, 8. C... Wheeling. W. Va... Krroxvllle Han Diago, Cal..... Lincoln .......... Reading, Pa. i. i..... Topeka ... Wilmington. - Del... Davenport Sacramento, Cal.... :31,91,lt3,0CO j.6!..... 2Sfl,354,UUU l.ft...-. 15620,000 14.81...' 16ti6(3,000 ,17.W.... ,75,UJ,C0 i;4, E2,4o6.0J0 : 68,729,000 12.M. 53.072,0001 18,5!. ' 36.8aj6.0fl0 ' 12.71, 48,817,000 vi.lU.. ,. 25,649,000i ii.mooo 22.478.000 '' 20,508,0001 ao,i,oo ld.049.0MM .. 18,89X000 13,494,000 11.1H00O 12,404,Wi 11,908,000 . 10,247,000 ltS5700 8,407,000' 7.K3,0i 6,968.000 -7.lS8.fl00 . 6,368,000 ' 6.196,K 6,447.000 -6.-428T00W 9,833,0301 5,S9&,000 5,924,0001 ' 8,8S9,O0O v 4,698,000 6.W5.0QIH 3.SSCC00 4,r.2,000 - - tni.oooi 4.JHO0OI 7,7.12.1)001 ;. 3,691,01)0 ...... .20.0 6,WJ4,O0O 3.8H4.000I - 3,837,0001... ... , 7.0 '3.668.0001 " 3,4l!i000. .;... .'1.7 . 2,697.CO0 2,541,0001 2,946,000 ;.5 22' 24.3 18.8 6.9 15.8 'io.'oi 2.9 ia.7 .2.6 "i'.il -6. 8.1 4!2 'lL4 "u.i 30.2 ' '4.B : 3.2 1.1 17.0I 14.3 &I.7 ii'.i 1.6 . . i inn i in lata 8744 Mobile ' 1 . ..:t ' . . : i, . 1 1 u 44 , Cedar Rapids. Ia. too 188 in JMii! Akron t.too 141 141 Hi I Youngstown ...... ',800 12 H 82 Waterloo. Ift , fw inn iwvt in ' 700 20 to 80 , 80 40 TOO 198 400 21 .1. ... REAL KStAtK ' 4 FARM HA!Cil f.Atlft POU C A Si ID rs Cttr Southern I -BUTTElWfteady:- oreaitlorles. I. m& ! lt'l SJ tm . - tit ten- .dniriM t44ta4it. . ' . i " . ... ' ..: j iQOS Steady; receipts, 3, U2 cases; at mirk, oasea- included, ih'io; ordi nary firsts, 204oj .firsts, 224o. K ,. CllfelESli-Bteady; daisies, lilWHc', twins. lbtrWHe: young AmerlcM,,ietiSja7o long hotrw, MXWo, . t . POTATOES Steady , rocalpts, 60 cars j Michigan. , 60Jj"i3c;. Mlnntieota, - 6'iMc; WUconsIrT, Buyixic; chickens, 18c; 1 springs, 18Hc. '- ' -. " ' . POULTRY .Alive asy; turkeys,! 14c; 18 1' i 46- i t . I ? v .-. i. :; , Nehraslt,--- ,.' - A-RAH 1 HUNaERFOnD,. the' Craw ford, Neb., land man. , Iws, opened branch off ce, tor-the shbwlnf of saihplf grain, alfalfa .and , garden pioductl raised on his $10.. lit and t-0 lnd ih fa mous Dawea county., his "Land of ino pendence'' in the McCagtie building at th cotner . otDoage - and airwtjJi Omaha. In the collectfon theri 18 corn; wheat, oats, tye, .millet, cane, kaftir ooriv alfalfa, airatfa eeeirtiax. t mothy,' biut grass and potatoes. Any- man can, rntiiu a .specialty ofariy' ot hes crops In Diivies county or cdn: r-s' thetn -collectively and become absolutely 'lnoa pendent in a couple of year. He own his own homo there and then ,wnn he. Improves his olaue he H improving his own. Is that not far better , tnari paying high rent? ! Call at the orflQ..' cor ner of 15m and Dodge, and let me .man ager there, M. O, Hey bold, expla rt toJlvl ait about Crawford ,and Dawes couhty, all about our, crops, our railroad facili ties, our home and-our western murkou and all about;why,lt,ia better to ffcrhi a home of your; own. -in Jawes coUntv thau In any Other seotlon In the ntlte west today. Arah U Hungerford. Craw ford. Dawes County,' Nebraska,-Otnani Office, lith and Dodge Streets. -ft 219 acres In Douglas Co... 14 niltei from Omaha. 8 miles from lrvlngtoh. QetitR' rolling and bottom land, well Improtea. 8 acres near RaUton and lnterUroan, xeellent land and Improvement. , 1 i f, - - W. H.. THOMAS. 4" A 104 First Nat -Bk. Bldg. r P- m ache farm ror an to kam Keb. Owner t. Mid farm operallnij -M himself, but living In loav itonM cssires to sell - smu iiu vv w v- a" one or can be divided in two gobd larnws. one consisting of 32 acres, ltw acres In culUvatlou, balance In pasture, ill well, fenced aud an abundance of .water th year round; balance of 8u acres, good net of improvements, spieuuid feed lou, 140 acres in cultivation, 30 acres of tain grass, balance in. pasture and hay land, will aU grow Hiai.a- all well ten.ed an abundance of, runmnc water ti af joOnd. Purchaser can. buy. t0 hd of high grade catUe, the. stuns amount fit hogs, complete set of horses and linpte tnehu if tney so tkslre, or cau buy the Lace without Will carry 82u.owi on land at the rate of t, per cent tor five or tea years, 'luls pla:e Is considered to ,b the best farm ot Its alee in that country. Pot .further Information apply to owner, to(tn Olesen, 'Route 1 valnut. Ia. chickens, - 18o; springs, MHc . VKAL-fctcady, 94J-140. - ' NEW VOKK UkNlOttAX. MAIIKET qa'atatloas of the Dar osi Varloos - Commodities. NEW f YORK, tjepLf 27.-FLOUK-r Dull; ' spring pitents, 84.90tiXi.ilO; winter straights. 34.40ts-4.i50; winter patents, 34.79 d'S.U; apt lng clears. l4.2t4.lB; extra No. 1 winter, 44.Ku4.;'0; extra No. 2 wintur, 34.04 f4. 10; Kansas atraights.. $t.liU4.ii.. Rye tiour, quiet; jair to goou, uiioive to lane. . HdhbilO. , . . . i COR.tMIiJAL-Btedi-: fine white and yellow,. tl.U'.i-il.'O; cituse, .l.Wftl.; kiln dried,' 4,3Ut' ' ' ; , ut is;-euftOy; No. 3 western, 870 asKeu, C. i. t. "Bunaio. . . - .J ' BArtLtK-vulet; inaltliiK, OXf7ic, c. I. f. slUlt'S,lo. , ' .' Wltti;ATSpdt marltetreoisy; No,: 2 red, t03 elevator and 4t.u ft.' o. - b. Afloat; No. 1 northern Duiutn, 93'4o, t. "o. b. afloat. Cloeed-Ho-net rowerr iitenU)er, 1.(W; December, 98 8-ltic; May, tl.oiH- , CORN-lSpot market, easyfexpott, 69Vc t. o. b. afloat December to March.. ' OATS-Spot, market, eayi No. 2 and 3, 38c; No. 4. Jic; natural wliiti S55fc-38o;. white Clipped, iilMio, , all on track.. - . PKKDSteady; 'western-atirlng bran 111 lOU-ie. saosst 82.W43.d6; stanuard niidtlilna, KStaS.Wf; city, ,)2.40.f n HAY New, dull; No. , 1,, 1.101,20; No. 2, ll.05fl.10; No. 8, 8KiS6c,; t, ;-i . : " ; HiDE-4-rPitm; Bojota, 2a23c; Cen tritL Aiiirican. 26HX -- i,; " - . lJ5ATHKR-8teadt; hendock flrstk, 26H eiic; ijecobds, third. 22Mi23Vic; rejects. 16c. ,. '.' v, ; u PROVIiilONS-Pork aulet: mss. 19.7l tjiu.; tainily. ffl.00w.:3.w0; -sflort ' clear, 331.25sr28.6tt.-. Beet, strong;-mess, $17.00 18.UH: (amity. a.00uz2.00: .beef hams. l3.0OigUl.SO. Cut meats, .' dull; ' pickled bellies, 10 to 13 ibe., 1214c; pink lid hams, Ut-Jlllo. , i Lard; easier; . middle west, 311.26$ 11.&; reflnod. firm; continent. 811.80; houth American, 12.46;. compound. -38.00 (f8.2S. ' '-3 i . - i 4 i i BUTTER-Steady; receipts. : 7.718 tubs: creamery, .extras,,, 314(31 state, , dairy, finest, 2sv4uMio; process, extras. Wsit- CHEESE Strong; receipts, 2.88 boxes; state, wfeole , milk, colored, . ayerage, fancy, I6t7l6fsc; skims,. 4T13e. . EGGs-rlrm; teeeipti, cases; resh gathered, ektras. Ivfl33c; wfrigera SlUsoart. Free r-i ft 'f ! ' J "Facts W6ith Knowing.", rft ThA.Ktorr ,f the OiaNU. ..... An interetting history of America gwltserland, the Hehet dairy eountty known, where from 8S.O0 psr acre can, secure land on vt .:'' h you can be )ft- dependent We oito.-haVe the greateat State Poultry ltwtitut.un in tho world. J.-A. WhSEler, Mommln Grove. Mn.- ih-iprk Dini-lt cottage.' barn; price, 3340; monthly payments. Edmund tjtJjckel. Richland. Mo. Turkey Ridgo Farm. -. ... . z. . ken. a Ualiii. , f6r SALE 160 acres good farm land: 4-acres broke, balance all tillable; T miles from Dallas and &. milts troht Cuiome. Price. 140 per acre, payable mat cash, 32,u00 March 1, 13U; 33.400 March 1,-MD. Address Box W, Dallas, Bo.i Dak. iFall River.. . f otn Ian ' ft W i5 SPringfleld 21 Fort -Wayne..., ..." J Now- Bedford........ :..... ' 28 Helena , . 400 29 28 t8 Lexington i-- IJSH-Yort. Pa. .... 'W,oo 178 iti 18 co'uinbla, S. C , 4H 148 14 142 Er!e pa.....'..;'...... ; 1,500 150 H34 149 vjmukton Cal ' '8.100 UK 30 81 nae Tdaho ! uoo e':ii ' a Muskogee, Okl N. R. R. of M. 24 pfd,.' 2W -1 !oh tt Kalamazoo, Mich.. New York CntnU..,...:u,8O0 118 116 U8 Quincy, 111.. tw 88 tivi v Bioomlngton, 111.... 1.800 iish ng m Tulsn,,Okl 100 8(14 lt 8!4 rir.l.n lr,h ., 4.808 138 128 139 rjiumll l-oulvlll . NuhTilU. M.. St. P. & R, fl. M. Mliwurl, K. A T Mlaxmrl Parlflc WitlonaJ Blaeult ..... Ntlonl LMd tea 224 51 23 77.7.71.:' 18441 -..-v., ........... N. T O. W.... Norfolk Weitero. Nortk Amrln . h'rthrn Piolflo ... PwlfloiMtir tXAk.tfAwH(. . . .It,.' ,n,U .IIU poi.-a ion nu imti nu Springfield, O..: P., c c. i it L....... i 200 no no no t C'outh Bend.. Ind.... Pittsburgh Coal , ,8u i'!t ts4 B aghamton , Proms Steal CSr... I . 1D0 4 40 4fl toux FttllB, S. D.... Puilmtn Paltoe Ckr 100 it . 1(8 188 Jackson; Mis,...... Finding U not VW 1TIH HK Decatur 111 ... . LV Mansaeid.- O..:...... (Hi 8214 Farvo N D 8 27 . 2 fv-i,:,.r tt S4V4 5it 'Temont,. Neb,...,.. 8?1 Vicksburg ..111 .... 13 .22 ' 22 Jacksonville, 111..,.. 5H 61 Houston ....... ..... 88 '4 - m . M cOalveuton.',..'. ' KepuMlo I. A .. '11,700 Repuhllo I. St 8. 1.800 Rock )lnd Co 1 17.400 link IMmd Co. pfd... ..13, W9 st. u s, r. td pu... BMhoird Air Lint BMboard A. U pM 8lo-Shfflld B. .A' I... Southern Ptelfto fioutharn Hallway an. Railway pfd Ttnnae fHippar ....... Texai tt Paclllo... ....... llnlaa- Paclflo imien ' Paeltlo pf4..'. llnHad Mataa Reajtr..,. United - States , Rubber. United Stataa Btaal... U: (. Steal pfd. ....... I'tah Copper ........... Va. -Carolina Chemical .. 200 47 Wabaah l....'rf... 1.800 4 Wauaah pfd 8.40 .' U Wxum Maryland ...... ,4.800 40 Wiaura Union ........... ) tot? Sit. WaMlnsbouaa Elactrto ... I.TW KVt WbMlIng Jb U B. 1.244 ' '( 100 (00 .. 1M 700 11414 1 114 - 8.(00 31 81 . Sl ' 1.000 88 88 85 1 1.00 44 48 ' ., 44 4.000 24 4 24 24 . U.704 17( 174 , 175 704 20 80 , 88 ' 800 85 84 W ' 1.800 (4 ( (4 125,400 78 77 71 28.3 2.637,0001 32.8 15.4 . .... 18.6 2.882,0001 2,412,000! 3,099,000 2,000,0001 '2,342,000 2.500.030 1,912.000 1,351,000 l,fj3S.0t 2,llft,000 1,621,000 2,163,0OW 2.OK8.0OO 1.9a ,000 2,443,000 1,656,000 1,579.000 1,241,000 1,588,0001 1.582.O0O 1,800,000 .1,150,009 1,643. 000 1,238,000 l,65O,CO0 -.1,471,0)9 1,680,000 1.005.000 l,i94.)0 971,000 1,028,000 - 96S.O0O 1.061.000 84.1,000 a mm i;.n ooo 937.CO0, iTI.a'O; . i 776,ftX) 854,000 1 6i,000 614,900 664,000 607,000 701,000 671,000 609.800 651,000 2.2 1.1 .....1 .15.9 4.4 2.7 ,8.6 12.3 8o!o 14.8! 24.91 : 8.S 6.8 10.0 .16.3 "io'is 16.7 34.8 8.2 1.81 1.1 2.7 ...-..! 8S.1 : ii'.i 24.0 23.0 .69.8 60.8 6.4, 12.4 -16.8 2.4 "2!6 24.9 13.3 7.3 21.4 13.7 "8" 12.5 68! i 32.01 ..., 81.8 8.3 18.2 2.4 697,000. 83.6 l,!!eo,(MU 183.4 56.1 00u 25.9 ft?;uOO 85.4 887,000: 20.6 62i,0Qfi; 460,00 . 87i,000 , 254,0:J : i7o,ix: 259,00Oj 26.288,010 28,215,0001 57.1) 13.9 1.8 2.0 "i'.i 30.2 6.91. 8.1 8.7 8612. Csttle . Ecceiptg . Zi;ht, .lut Trade is Slow.and Weak. . - - Very HOGS ABE FlTt TO TEN HIGHEB Skeep tat. Moderate Receipt, with , Prices Abnt Steadr with Yes- terdap- but..Thirtr-f tve to Fifty Lower for Week. i 6.047 4,421 4.41 3,700 19!sS 21,178 44,888 4.000 16slo3 Ul,8bl 90ITTII OMAHA. 8eDL 27. . Receipts, were: ttattie. Haas. Sheep, OJficlal ..Monday .14,140 2,214 47,444 utnciai Tuiv . .... .. s,;,r. Official Wednesday. .. 8.331 uiiiciai anurnaay -. 2,qc0 Mtimate lday...... 1.20U Five days 'this week.38,018. 6ame days lat-iwalt.2Hba' Same dava 2 wka am ii iim 27.1i " D6.WI BamedaA-s 3-w'kS. ago.26,246 28.68U 8o,3&4 Same days 4 w'ks. ago.21,(W4 2,260 87,4w Mme days last year...7,771 28,649 145,146 -The following table suows the receipts of.oattle, nogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to -date as compared with last year. . M2. , mi. Inc. Dec. Cattle .;...-. 674.408 826,188 .150.780 Hogs ...j.... 2,389,507. 1.9ul,i48 437,769 Sheep .,.... l,7l,187 . 1,819,007 30,820 '- The following ta'.ila mows me range of prices lor hog at South Omaha for the last few; days with-comparisons:. Eats. ,ilKlJ. ill.lwu.J. .,.-- Sept 19.1 8 16,i 6 711 8 92; I iwi 6 72L tii Sept. 20. g'62vj 6 64 8-731 8 171 5 73 6 06 Sept 21. 8 41 Vk iA- 8 471 .8 12 6 87 6 841 6 12 Sept. 22. . 68j g s'it 8 10 6 8l J 8 14 i-l- t-rr f'." i, -ii.: i 1., o il6 891 Sept. 24.1 8 0i . I g 441 8 161 6 761 5 90 16 17 Sept. 2G. 8 491 C 4tl , 8 10 6 77 5 85 6 18 Oieii h: S to jf.i 8 4ii I 6 Oil 5 Ubi 19 bent. 27........f 6 26 8'46 8 IS,- 6 9. 6 2i .v'Sunday. ;'-..-'";", f, : Receipts aiid'dispoeltioh Of live stock at the ( Union Stock yards for' twenty four hours ending yesterday, at ? o'clock: f ' RECfilPTS-CARS. L," '"'."" .Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C; M. & St. P. ky.. .. 6 ...... Nllssourl Paoiflo Ry 4 - - 2 .. union Pacltic Ry..,.' 2 11 19 C. &N.-W'., east. ,4 .. .. cr.-A n.'-w:, west:. 22 7 ..' 1 C", fit P., M. &0... 1 '2 .. CX.-BA Q., east.... .. , 2 , ti,;B. & Q., - west..".. IS 11 ,1 Ct, PL I. A P., east.. ..' 4 .. .. C.i'Rv I. & P., west .. 1 .. Illinois Ceneral Ry.. .. 3 U .. . ... Ci-O. W. Ry..... .v.. .., t r .. ... 'Total receipts..".:.. 47, ' 54 . ,20 '.' .1 ' DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 18 1 17 . 176 270 36 18 65 f ' ' 114 : ,70... 13 . 1 124 4' 22 422 7w2 1.088 " m 1,006 l,2oo 7Ut 1,436 1,335 9,237 ance was made of everything in the feed .ng line. ... , There was a marked falling off In toe receipts this morning in contrast to the previous days of the week as only about-fifteen ears or 4.90J head west yarded. Receipts a week ago were .7.441 head and 7.640 were received on the cor responding day last year. Contrary to what might be expected with such, a small supply on -the market, buyers seemed in no hurry to fill their orders. Conditions surrounding the trade was ap parently no better than yesterday, thus making business rather slow and uncer tain early in the morning. Little later on buyers and sellers agreed on steady prices and a clearance of the holdings was made in that way early in -the fore noon. '. . j . ' . ' - ' At the close tf the week, fat lambs are moving at prices fully Jialf a dollar lower than at the end of the previous week. Bulk of the killing ewes show the same decline while wethers nd 'yearlings hae suffered not quite -so: badly: Feeding lambs for the week ate all f .50c, lower and feeding sheep have taken, a drqp.of about 2543EC. " '. - ' Quotations on 31 eep and Lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $.66i75; lambs, fair" to good, $6.35.55; lambs,: feeders; 35.'0.25: yearlings. lights, K.m.'&:- yearllnsrs. heavy, $4.9036.00; yearlings, feeders. $4.80 5.26; withers, good to choice, 4.00B4.2S; wethers, fair to good, 3.76tl4.00;- wethers, feeders, JlftOga.ZO; ewes. Srood to choice. 8S.65'a3.90; ewes, feeder. J3.0OS8.5O; ewes, yearling breeders, $4.505.00: ewes, aged. $3 6004.60; cull sheep and lambs, $2.003.00. Representative sales: No. 6S3 Idaho lambs,- feeders....... 301 Wyoming lambs. ... 134 Wyoming- ewes.j feeders... 5S0 Wyoming ewes .....'... 83 Wyo. yearlings, wethers.': . 241 Wyoming ewes, feedersv.. 48 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 47 Wyoming ewes,' feeders:... 434 Wyoming ewes, feeders.. 8 Wyoming wethers,.... 228 Wyoming ewes............. 27 Wyoming ewes.;.'...'...:... 418 Wyoming ewe.'... ... 174 Wyoming ewes...-."...:...'. 23 Wyoming yearlings.......'. 63'Wyoming yearlings:...'..'.'. 600 Wyoming lambs....'..' 161 Wyoming lambs.'....'...;.!. 350 Idaho lambs,, feeders........ 335 Idaho lambs, feeders.:.:.... 175 Wyoming lambs, feeder..'. 350 Wyoming lambs,' feeders.'..' 335 Wyoming lambs, feeder..;; 16WyomIng lambs, feeders..: ICS Wyoming lambs, feeders... 624 Wyoming lambs, .feeders.,, 441 Wyoming lambs, feeders.-. 397 Wryo. Iambs, feeders, culls 118 Wyo. lambs, feeders, cylls 410 Idaho ewes, feeders.....'.... 66 Idaho ewes 17 Idaho' wethers ............... 75 Idaho lambs, feeder Av. . 62 . 73 101 111 "TO". 90 . 94 93 89 . 116 . 121' . 107 .102 . 98 , :89 . '92 , .:4 , R8 ' , 60 I 64 . '60 ,' 60 ; so : . 59 , 69 , ;55 .55 46 45 103 108 125 61 pr- 5 90 6 80 -3 35 375 -4 '40". 3 30 3 50 " 3 50 3 30. 4 15 8 75 " 215. . 3 70 3 65 4 '75i ,4 75; .6 35 6 35 5 65 615; 5 65 ,' 6 05 ' 6 10 , '6 10' 810; .5 80: ' 6 90. 6 40 .525; 3 15 -3 40 4 00 ' 6 00 c 4 75:: ,.i .v., -9.2 2.8 ,13.8 Not Included In totals becsiuseoontalo lng other items than clearings. ,, li,rv;:l' iVr- i ' ' Boston Stock Market. BOSTON,. Sept. Jr.-Closlhg Vquotatlohs 1 Total salea tor toe day, ' 4U8.0M inaraa. on stocks were: Altouaa ttilebawk ....... Amaj. uopsar wl , Navada Can. ... 4.200 . 47 4a - A!iK Oon1.. 44NrtB Bmte ., 47 w. w. .-.grin Uftl ..... r.i . & ... .. .... 44 444 -'.'i nnn..., uu Dominion i4h;i4 anu ....luniM (.... , w Cop. . Rants C, C. fig Kft' Butt. C. If. rmiHil ... ....., Olroux Con.,......, Oranbr Con. Oraane Cantnea 88 I 410 Oacaola It Qulucy ..- 68 Sbanonn .' 144 Btipartor . 7Bupartor .B. M. 8. Tamarack 11 MttU. S. S. R; M. 844 da nfd u. Isle' Kojral Copper. 85 rth Csn." , Karr Lata 8HtItah Copper Co,. Lake - Cppu - tt , Wliiena i n . La Bollo Copper.... Miami Copper ..... 4 WoWwIae 'JO .-v i. .. 8H ...28 .. it' ..lit 14 M, 1H 0: 42A u 12 T -4 7H4 New York Money Market. ' NE3W TORK, Sept , Jt.-MONKY-Oa Mil -64iVi ner . cent: .ruling. rate.. per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent; ottered at j 54 per cent, 'iime -aoans, ' stroogi-suuy and ninety ; dajrs, 'Htl 4 psri cent; . six months, 6fe&. , per ,on . rtuaibi i.u.ii-ANxlu PAPER 6 per cent. Sterling exchange,-steady al ter decline,1 with actual business In bank ers' bills at 84.8226 tor sixty day bills and at $4.tSo&0 for. demand. Commercial bum, 84.81ft. 'V. '. - ; 81LVER Bar. 634o; Mexican -dollars, mux - . . .-. - BONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. 1 . - .-' - ' ' .- Closing quotations on bonds today were as tohowa:. t T " :. ' ' V. 8. rat. 2s (.... .101 K. C. So. raf.. U... 17 m u MAiiahn. lul - I. a rfk ..I 16 aia: U g. 8a, r.......ii-. r. uni, ni t'"'."Y.;iu '"iB titwi.ti; casting, I! g. a.,cottpo..l.WS,Jt. K. a T. lt 4s.. 8". 1'-2e,&,1H7,j Tln etuy; spot and Sep u' -', rs..... -.I'" sen. 4a.... . .' SS1 i tember, $o0.7&Sif51.00; Octobers $60.5OigrJ0.75, U s. 4. cauoa..U4ltAtd. Pwlde 4a 71- I Lead, tjuiet; 26.10 bid. Spelter, steady; :n.m a. ooupoi...iOi'i do cobt. is......... 7 i$7.6H417.7.- Antimony, steady,: Cookson's. wa.-c. 1st I ot.. to N.K RUM 4Ms. j w87. Iron, firm. Copper- arrivals at Am". 8s:....-...liHNfT.-C. 1. 214a.... ti 'New York today, 296 tons. Exports this j London Stock Market. ! LONDON, Sept. 27.-Amerl6an securities opened Steady, snd about unchanged fo tlay. Prices advanced on fail' buying dur ing the first hour and at noon the mar ket wa steady, with values ranging- from Ve1 higher than yesterday's New York closing.' . . - , , - 1 '- s ;' 1 'V . . . Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept 27.-METALS-Cop-per, firm;, standard, spot atfd September, $16.25 bid; October, llf.W17.62H; Novetri- uer - ana 'iwcemoer, n,atwiH.tfi; i.q Morris' & Co.: '...: Swift at.t'b::........... Cudahy Picking Co.. Armouf & Co. Morrell' M6rr,S & Co., from K, W. B. Vansant Co..., H1H & Son......... V. B. Lewis. J. B. Root.&.Co..'.,..., J. H. ..Bulla., ....... UK.HusW.,... Kosenstock Bros , Mo. & Kati-CaL Co..; Clihe &- Christie Other buyers........... Totals,.. .1,368 .3,635 14,027 ' CATTtE-Cattle ' receipts were small today, but It was fortunate that such was the-case, as Friday Is never a day when very many, oattle are wanted and the demand was even smaller today than usual, -for -the reason that , buyers had already taken on a good many cattle ear lier in the week. The receipts for the five days f60t up 36.016 head, being over 6,000 head, larger than for tne same days last week and the largest of the -season to dato.- mm, as compared , with a year a-o, there la a, falling off Of ' about 1,700 head. .thus. while- receipt this wek have been very, large as compared,, wlfa recent weeks, they1 have by no means been excessive as 00m pared with a year, ago. All kinds ot cattle this morning moved very slowly, both killers and feeders, and sellers .who were so. unfortunate . as to have cattle . found it almost as much a niiAtttlnn ft trultln a hlivftr an it WOS a question of price. The trade as a .whole could hardly be described otherwwe than extremely slow and dull, with the feeling very: weak on all kinds. : As noted yes terday, prices for the week range any where from 2Sd' to 60clower than the closo of last , week, i The decline, as a matter of course, has been' the most severe on the common to medium kinds, but even the best have slumped sharply.- This is especially true ot feeders, the bulk of cattle of that description being around SOJHOo lower, with plenty--of cases- show ing 50o decUne Or, even more. Qdotalions on taiUve tattle: Good U Choice- beef steers. $8.25010.25; fair to gpod beef steers. $7.2S8.26; -common to fair beef' steers. $0:00fi7.25; good - to choice heifers,-$6. 7tm.60"j .good' to- choice cows. 6.26S8.25: fair to good cows. M-wo.; common to fair .-ows, 33.0pu4.2S ; -good to choice stockers and feeders, $o.76(8i7.60, fair to good. Stookera and feeders, $5.00 5 '35; common to fair stockers and feeders, t4.26JM.00; stock .cows and heifers, $4.60 reoTveal calves, $5.0O8.75; bulls, stags, etc., -$4.26318.60. . f - - . . Quotations on ranie cattle: -Good to choice beef steers. $6.758.60; fair to good beef - steers, $S.00.7B; common to fair beef, steers. J5.005.00. , Representative sales: . ' r ' CALVES. Ke. A. Pr- f Na. 1 220 IM ' .. 4............ Ifit W 1 - ... ' NEBRASKA. , ' . 9 feeders.. 750 " 6 00 rl feeders'.. 453 I cows 858 4 70 - 79 steers.. ..1040 18 steers.. ..1212 60 : 124 steers...ll99 calves... M 100 7 cs. Atis., 918 irTwa 982 4 60 41 heifers... 4S . HOO-Hogs were In very' good dS mand. as packers, shippers and specu lators -all took a hand at early , buying. Prices generally-ruled fully -610c higher and the bulk -of tne ho.dlnga was uu-posed- of on that basis. , Comparatively few hogs passed into shippers' hands, the shipping demand being light Speculators were quite-active on th-iearly market and-were-heavier, buyers than on yester day. The packing interest ware repi-e-.nnteit aiithe marnins; and continued fill ing their orders until the pens Were ,.rA it waa a a-ood. -active market 251 Colorado Vearlings. feeders 61 CHICAGO LIVE ' STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle- fjiiH--Hoiri Close Lower She'ep Slow..' : CHICAGO," Sept . 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head; market, dull, .weak; beeves,. 85.65(9.11.00; ..Texas steers, $160 6.26; western steers,. $o.!)09.20; stockers and feeders, $4.2&7.50; cows and heifers, $2.907.85; calves, $8.00tU.50. ; : .-. .V HOGS Receipts, . 11,000, head; . market opened strong, closed 5310c lower; llffht, $8.30(38.85; mixed. $S.258.90; heavy, $8.06 8.86;- rough, IKflfS-io; pigs, ,5.268.20; bulk of sales. $8.35(5:8.75. ... . ... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 40,K) head, - market, slow, generally steady; native. 1"?.6M'50:- western. 83.6040: yearlings, $4.755.C0; lambs, native, - $4.75 7.00; western, $5.007.85. . .. . ' St.i Loots Lite Stock Market. ' ST. LOUIS. Sept. 27.-CATTLEl-Re- ceipts, .7,600 head, including 1.600 Texans; market, steady; native shipping and ex porting steers, $8.0010.75;. dressed and butcher steers, J5.60P.00; : stockers and feeders, $3.76-jJ6.76; cows and heifers,1 $6.00 8.76; canners, $2.764.00; bulls, $4.00 6.50; calves, $6.O0ll.OO ;Texas-and Okla homa steers, $4.507.OO; cows and . heif ers, $3.256.00. , , ; --, .. HOGS-Receipts, 4,700 head; market, steady; pigs and lights, $6.50g 85; -mixed and butchers, $8.7638.96; good heavy, fW SHEEP AND " LAMBS Receipts, 1,300 head; market, steady; muttons, " $3.503 3.60; lambs, $5.oO??'ti.T; culls and bucks, 31.50&3.26; stockers, , $2.76(33.50. . ., Indignant Answer ; Made by Chance to;, h Murphy's Charges' NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-Frank Chanc. manager of the Chicago Cubs, lying "In a-, private ' hospital still weak frorn the ., effects of a recent operation, made In dignant reply today to recent charges by President Charles W. Mprphy that loose living and training- methods had lost th ' Chicago Nationals the 1912 pennant. In vigorous language . Chance ' declared It was untrue that the Cubs had lost the pennant either this ,or any other year for . the reasons states. :. "I believe I have the best behaved base ball team in either league," he sad. 'Most .of these players take a glass of beer after the game and .1 consider that beneficial. " None of my men ever takes a drink In the morning or between games. I made a rule this year that none of my pitchers should smoke cigarettes and I think they have lived up td this rule. .Murphy; only thinks o the team when it ' is winning. The team , for my sake plays harder when I am away than when I am them. They -want to finish in second place and so do I and I want to; meet the White Sox In the post season series.' Thesd unjust charges of Murphy's wIM -naturally -make it hard to accomplish either - of these .. things. Of course his gtiteetitv;ra(t4jots. upon' me personally. f ahd.I have, been in the business too long tt allow Murphy or anyone else to insult me. ,lt is for this reason I make this statement at this tlmt." Chance will be back In- Chicago In time to direct his club during the playing of the series with' the Sox if such a series is arranged. It was learned tonight. His physician, Dr. W. G. Frallck. said the Cubs' manager would leave the hospital Saturday,', having made' a complete re covery. .- CHICAGO, Sept.27. "If any member of. the Cubs doesn't like the prohibition clause in out contracts and expresses this opinion, either privately or to the news papers -1 . will make It a point to trade him off." With these words Charles W. Murphy, owner of the Chicago ; National league base ball, team, today reiterated his command that his athletes must abstain' from Intoxicants and cigarettes and go to b-Jd early.- .' . Dakota Taft Men Will War to Knife PIERRE,1 S. D., Sept. 27. The executive committee of Taft republicans of South Dakota chosen , at the recent . Mitchell conference has decided against placing Taft candidates for presidential electors on the! November ballot by petition. No further effort td have the presidential electoral candidates, nominated at the Jurte primary as , republicans and who now have declared themselves for Theo dore' Roosevelt, replaced by candidates who would be loyal to Taft, will be made. The committee has decided - on war to .the knife.". The work of organiz ing republicans of the state to this end already has been started. The program Is to vote for Wilson electors and against all progressive -candidates -for State of fice. and for the legislature. . A. rr. .114 I Ot 6 34 6 25 660 6 69 1 4 76 Kansas City Llve-stoek Market. .KANSAS CITY, Sept 27CATTLE Receipts, 2,700 head, Including-600 south erns; -market, steady to weak; -dressed beef and export- steers, $8.5010.90; fair to good, $6.00tS8.10;' western stsers, $6.60 10.10; stockers. and feeders, $4.3037.60; southern steers, I4.25.25; - southern cows. $3.6OS5.00; native cows, $3.26&75; native heifers, $4.7."tpW30;' , bulls, 33.75 kit'i calves, $6.00r9:76. .- '-. HOGS-Reoelpts, , 2,700 head j -market. Strong to 6c higher; bulk of sales,-$8.45 8.70; heavy, 28.60-P8.65; ' packers and butchers, .. $8.408.77V4;' light, $8.458.76; pigs, $6.606.75. , SHEEP AND ' LAMBS Receipts,' '' 600 head; market, weak; lambs, $6.00g7.00; yearlings, $4.6O5.50; ; wethers, $4.00-4.40; ewes, $3.50t00;. , stackers ; and . feeders, $2.604,25. ' " - - .. . St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 27.-CATTLE-Re-celpts. 700 head; market slow; steers, $5.86 910.50;- cows and heifers, $3.25(6)9.00; calves, $600950 - - , HOGS-Receipts, -2.C09 head; , market steady; top, $8.75;. bulk of sales, $8.46 . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000 head; market weak; lambs, ' $6.0O(g'7.0O. ' ' ' ;v 1 ; - Stock in' Blskt. - .Receipts of live stock at the-flv prin cipal western markets yesterday: o ,J '' u ' ,CMt'e- How- Sheep. South Omaha...... , 1,300 , 3.W 4.000 St. Joseph 700 , 2,000 " 3,000 Kansas City 2,700 , 2,700 500 St. Louis 7,000 4,700 , 1,800 Chicago 2.500 ; U.000 ' 40,900 Totals .14,700 .4,10M 48,800 . Omaha General Market ' BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 1 In 60-lb. tubs. 30c; No. 2, 26c; packing. 27c. - , CHEESE-Imported Swiss, 82c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 22c; -twina 19c; daisies, 19c; triplets. 19c; young Amer ica, .20c; blue, label brick,-19c; llmberger. Mb.. 21c; 1-lb. 21o. - POULTRT-Brollers, $5 per dos.; hens, 15c; cocks, 10c; ducks. , 18o;' geese. 16c; tuixeys, iac; pigeons, per dox.. L20 Aave: Hens, llml2c; old roosters. 66: from start 'to finish, trade at the close stogs, 6c; old ducks, full feathered, 11c; being- Strong wnen compareu. . -wiu. -mo .n iuu irauun., .w, turaeysV'Uc; i rresn gatnereu, extras, bvbjsc rerrigera -. 4l..,M 4 u , ss I month, 21,798 tone. U-widom copper, aulet: tor. seasoii is 8 vmm, mwt "tebsee.-Ss.;..ttt,...T. It. If. 8. - siot, 179; futures, 79 18s 9d. Local 4x- -,1 , I - Miaeellnneosie. . ,-,.-.., ' FOUR homestead relinquishments: &KCt acres In one body; Vset ImpiovdmenUi; iut right for cattle or hori.e ranch; 41 miles Irom railroad..; Price $2,600. Other relinquishments, deeded land and school lands. Loup Co., Seneca. Neb. grades, ' WHf&SHc.; western gathered, white, wme. . LOL'LTRY-DrekSed Irregular; fresh kilted wtM-nchlkens.-1422e; (owls. lu 17a; tulknV. 16at7o. -.. t, -' ' . ; f . Alive unsettled;-! westorh .chickens,, 16c; fowls'. 134lac;. ttltkeyav IB f. . . '..' , w t' .,'!. . , at. Loots Qetttral Market. : . 1 , ST. LO Via, Sept a7-W H R AT-Cssh strong; track. No. 2 redff l.MJH: ' No. a Kad.'w!ir9.i(o:-. rrz j " CO IlN Lower; track, NO.' 27 6', sNo. 2 white, H7!V4.v. "'f J l' ' ' OATS Lower, track. No. 2. 32S(33Vicj No. S white. S4S5Ho- i- , ' t - s t -Closing price of futures: 4. 1 - WHEAT LoWer; DcOelTiber, 9OS90tci May. 95i396'io. . . :-, 1 ., . 1 CORN-Lower; Decemoer, tsc; iay, OATS--Lower; oecemoer, si5ac; .aiay, mo-' 1- -Vv-. ,j.?'.'.V'm'...;.' rvk-i ncnanged at tHe- 4 ' FLQl!K-Flrnjired .winter ; patents, $4.6.4:4..; extra .fancy and strdlkht, $4.15 64.Si; nara tinier Qiears, sa-i-aj CORNS4EAU-JS.60. . : , ' BRAN-Steajj-; sacked east ttack, $1.00 LIV E STOCK MAKKKT OV . WEsI I. " tip 'Uvo-tock to bouth Omaha.- Sve ellt4 ! hrinkage. 1 our oonaign. ueats rewlve nvnip. aad caialul ittuu ttoa. ' -' ' t.tre Stock ConmlMtlos rehsita ETERS EROS. & CO. atronit.' tellabtfc 4:1.1 vtns roi. ta i:phnnt H-tn. I, A VI HTV HHtLS,. : ii',inn-f- Hld. Annattr a -s-. wt. ia v 1 iiwip, - ow-n nu, w , jjunaon tin, Atchlstm is '" -N.- W. lit .",. J4 dull spot, 280 10s; future,' 228 16a. Loh , do 4j 184 . ...06 ,Me a. 4a........liiH don lead. 23 6s. London, spelter, 277:6$. trwn, vievciitna warrants, -na in Lonaon. ST. lOVIS. Sept 27. METALS Lead, tjuiet at $4.975.00. Spelter; quiet at $145. - Tnruentlne ani Roatii. change sales tin. 66 tens. . London j tin, j ; la.. .-...I.. .. PaolMe 4a....... 884. A.. C-U..HU4a,. 844, do Sa Bal. . Ohio 4a..... 84 0.' 8. L. iM. 4,.. 81H -csa. 4,. 141 lHSld'.n fao, 4a..... 84. MH8. U R-r. tgsTT4i iH Jt sB.'. la 844 Hsai l. a w. 0. 4a. to ft 8. A, L ad). Sa.... 774 MHflo; Pac est. 4a 84 HVa da e. .4i... ....... 81H . 8 .18 . U ; 88-4 104 Brook, Tr.V. -4a. Cao.,otl,Oa. ss.,... Can. Ldather sense. Ohio 4V do coot. 44)0... Chicago A. ltf C. B. Q. J-' 4a. do gen. 4a opening. The best nogs on saie were secured, at .$8.75, top, for the day and. a nickel higher, than yesterday a highest price. Receipts were very . lair ior Friday, as about m cars, or ;, ". were reported in, , as -against 2,267 head a week -ago- and. 3.363 head. on. the same day a year ago. Kepretientative sales: timothy. V llS.0OTfl8.01; "ilartln Wroe. tt iixcba.ige Bid;.- C 1 M , mat oironie . nralrln SlSCOIUtll PKOVlsUONaV-Pork, - . lard. dry salt meats and bacott, unchanged.. , ' POULTRY Firm: ehlckens, ,12Hc; springs; 14 He; turkeys, (,i8c ; ducks, 13c; jMf, 5llc. ,, .''.- - - BtiTTEH nrm; crmry, soajiw. EGaS-Higrrer' at imo. ;. -' , RecelDtiShlpments. Flour.- bbis. n.oco 11.000 Wheat, . bu.. ....... ., v ...... il09,WO ... ; 70,000 Corn. bu...i... 4,(G6 , 23.COO Oats, bu......'..- ,, f5,0J0 . 31,000 . . J ' . : '-r 1 ; . , i ' rir ,tarkt- v . v'1. NEW YORK, BM. .-tIOAlt-Raw, quiet: mui-oovadd. 88- tet,: t7c; chtrlfu rnl. 96 test. 4.17c; molh.ssos. 89-test, 14te. .Refined, stead CM 4 If 4Vi..10t do IK rat. 4a... C. R. I. P. 4a. 88H8e. Railway Is..'. 00 rtg. 4a... Jl t- 4 C 8. r. 4c 4t 44 Vslon Pari tic 4s:. n a- H. av. 4a.,... 841 do or. .4. D. a Q. rat as.. MH do-tst a rat 4s... K. Dtrtlllera is ........ "4tJ. 8. Robber .:..134 Srla p.. I. 4s, --- S. .Stao M ia... 1034 4, S-aiC 4s..J...... "Iii Va.-C8J.( Cham. Is.. K a. 4s. SM-.-ttTI. Vabaali 1st 4V ax. 4a 49V4 0111, on. 1st raf. 4a ttH at-l Mr. 4a m Intar.Met. 4V8 ..... 8Waat. ilc. tt. .Is.. 84 H lnlar M. U. 440.. St1 Via. Castral 4a..... l Ja-MB. 4Via ...t t , , M . Bid. --3flartd. ;-"" ' Sew ?l otk Mlalaf Stopke. NEW YORK. Sept 27.-Closlng quota tions on mlnme; stocKs were:. cm. Tuonal kock.. 8 Vaxloas . .... SAVANNAH. Sept. 27. TURPENTINE -Irm,.38-4ff39t4c. Bales, -513 bbls. ; re ceipts, oois.; snipments; J.816 bb s.; Stock, 374 bbls. , fZ ROSIN-Flnn. Sales. 8,125 bbls;. ra celpu, S.844 bbls.; shipments. 9 4945 ijhls,' ; strwk. W8.308 bbls. Quote:'- B, $8.27X4; D. $6.37V,: B. 86.42H; - V, $6.50g.5: O. M.45 t ', --v Phll-drlib.ln Prodaie: Market; ", PHILADELPHIA.. Sent. , alTTTtfilt Firm.. He higher; 'western creavmefji extra,' 810 ; nearby prints, etttra, SAgStfli fancy. J5c. -,,- 'N . .,- r.uus firm and unchanged. ; CHEESE Firm. 494C" tiltrher: -NjW York full creams, choice. 17o: fair to srood ISt-.J'i-lfiMr- TULrt ililmi listtr. . do bonis Co. Cel. a.v.. Ina Sll-ar ....... Iedrtllo Coo.'.. Uttlo Chlot .... Otto-ad. - . II Ontario .. H Ophir ..1M Standard .. I Tallow Jack '.. It . ' ' .....IMS) iee tt isa .., - 1 -r- - rnaottttoB of 'Treaotary. WASHINGTON, 8ept. 27.-At the be ginning of business today the condition of ths Cnhed SUtea - treasury , was: Working balance in treasury offices, $87, 836.878. In banks and . Philippine treas ury. 83t6a9.32. The total of the general fund was S148.483.1SA Receipts yeaterdsy were $2.7,894. Disbursements were 81. 783.SO0. The deficit today this fiscal year Is $7,973, 8-2. as agalns( a $e(lcii ol -tis, K. T4.. 84.. it.. M.. 80.'. ti.;;. 44..'.. Ii.... s..v. 18 at. Sh. Pr. ....180 140 8 8 ,...t4S ... IN ....100 30 8 M ... I 80 ....ii... ih .118 ... 8 84 .110 SO ISO .880 '124 t 40 .Ml ... 140 ,iT4 ... ' I SO , M. M a CA - ........... 4 '.Z.V..MS 140 I S8 M...,....t-... ...'.. ...Ml 144 IN IJ. 138 I,, ..SH ... t 40 ...'..... I4 T ..t84-Wl 4 I $!........ 4i..'....:.r440'8e 7..V...n. 140 1 44 , 1...U...T. B4 I 40 4.......Ji, 40- 4 44 : 47 ........ ,W'.:. 4 40 14, .144-' 44 I 4114 Cotfee Market. v' t' ." NEW TORK.- Bent 7.-COPPKE-j tures market closed steady, net 8 point tower in one point nignen - saiett, . lt ssj bags. Spot coffee, steady Rio 7s. 1446! Santos 4s, 16VkC. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 18 tilic. . - - '..- , , Mlnaeapolla 6rtti Market.' " MINNEAPOLIS, Sept , j7.-WHEAT-September, 85Ho; December. 87Hc;, Mar, fic; . cash, No, 1 hard. ; 88c: No. 1 northern. 86i84 ; No. 1 northern; SJH tjsmic: No. 8. 8lS44c , -: ... CORN-No. 3 yellow. 6970c. - i s. OATS-No. 3 white. 8t)3WtJc. - ' - V ' RYE No. 1 Bi64c.- BRAN In 100-tb. sacks, 19,6"?0.0. FLOL'R First patenW "K864.3; seO ond patents, $4 SHj-4.55; frt clears, $3. 3Cfl $.80; second clears, $2.4tkfl78. , , FLAX-8t7. . .V BARIJEr-414j67e, - ' v' 41.. 43.. ..171. ..VA ..IT I 4tH I 41H 144 141 44 I 41 'PIOS. -N. 48.. '48.. .44.. 11.. 14.. 46.. II.. 44.. 71.. 84.. 41.. M.. T.. 41.. 44.. 44.. 74.. ' 47.. ,74.. , . . II.. 7T.. 61., 78.. TT.. II.. .111 v.; " - A.- Sh. Pr. , :..S8 184, 1 41 - ...tti.'ue 4 ...7 'is m ...let , 44 144 ...145 ... 4 44, ...1S5 ... I 41 ...7.... 141 ...Hi 149 I 46 . ... 4 a 404 1 45 188 110 t tki .. i . IK 140 I 41 tt 40 I ... 144 . 8 448 ... 8 874 44 474 144 4 74 . 154 174 ... 4 74 .,.-170 .t 4 714 ... 4 t ' ...' 4TI 4 71 , IM 44 415 114 ..v.4 :.... ..J.MS ', .....isi , ..:..! -'. ...J.tfi . ... 94 44. 4 It ...:.N ! 44 171 ..19 ... 1 6 04 . 47 '74 ... 54 X SHEEP-While sheep and lambs wers In large supply, yesterday and trade rath 4 r slow and dull most of ths day, prices; on fat' lambs declined no more tbau 10lsc below Wednesday's market. Most ot the fat sheep Oitsale sold at prices very little it any different, from those oa the pre vious diy.j Aiaioagh rj small youme or trade took place Ik the tore noon prao tioally' everything Was disposed of by night Owing to tho draggy market on killers' and ths- absence- ot many buyers from the cdui-itry, business: was also, stow in the feeder division,, milk of the feeder oTforlhge selling - possibly a little easl4r tfisa pn Wednesdays A tt f air , lear- pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers. $2.60: squabs. No. L $t60; No. 2. 76c FISH (fresh)-Plckerel, lOe;-white, 20c; pike, 16c; trout, 18c ; - large crapples, 18c; Span ish mackerel, -16c; ti 16c;. haddock 17c L-flounders, . 13c; green catfish. 14c; rose shad. $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair 40c; salmon, 16c; halibut lie; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, 14c. .. . , . " Imports at, !fw York. .' ' NEW ' YORK, Sept 27.-Importa "v of merchandise and dry goods at the ports of New -York--for- the week-ending Sep. tember 21 .were valued at $19,196,337. Im ports of specie at this port for the. week ending today were $90,664 silver and $573, 348 gold. Exports: $1.356,123 ' silver and $50,760 gold. : ., ,i,n .;.'- . - 44 Cottosi Market. NEW YORK, Sept 27.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling - uplands, 11.66c; middling gulf, 11.80c; no sales. . Futures closed barely steady. Closing bids: September, 10.94c; October, 10.93c; November, lL0c; December, 11.27c; Jj uary, lL23c; February, H.Sc; . March, 11.35c; May, 11.46c; July, 11.48c -t ' ' Dry Goods Market. . ' NEW YORK. tJept 27.-DRT' GOODS-The- cotton goods markets were firm today with trading better... All wool markets were very firm, foreign cross breds par ticularly so. There was a better inquiry reported for silks' for spring delivery.' ... j . .. ...'.,-.'. .. ' Woool - Market. -. . -ST. -LOUIS, Sept 27.-WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums.' 2125c; tin mediums, 18t20c;.lne, 1317c, .. Liverpool Grata. Market.. tf LIVERPOOL. Bept 27,-WHEAT-Snot steady; No. 3 Manitoba, 8s 3d; futures easy; October, 7s 7d; December, 7s tftd; Marcn 7S so. .. '. - .t. - CORN Spot steady: ew American kiln dried, 7s 3d;- futures, easy; Septem ber, 6s December, is lHid. - i Persistent Advertising ts the Road, to Big Returns. ' ! - For Fire- Prevention. PIERRE, S. D.. Sept 26. (Special re!" Train. Governor. Vessey has issued a fire - prevention , proclamation, fixing' Oc tober a as the date on which residents are asked to examine premises and -nake them safe on starting winter fires. 87 ' .00 Cloudy 85 -..00' Cloudy 32 . .00 Cloudy 34 .00 Cloudy 43 ' .00 Cloudy 44 " . .00 Cloudy 38 .. .00 . Cloudy . 40 .00 Cloudy 30 .06 Pt. cloud j 59 , .00 Cloudy 37 .00 Cloudy 89' ,'.00 Cloudy 42 ' .04 Raining 33 : - .00 Cloudy 38 t.ot Clear 32 ' .00 Cloudy 34 .00 Cloudy 30 .00 Clear . 29 .00 Clear 30 .03 Clear 32 .00 Clear Low. fall. 38 .10 40 .20 38 .60 36 .00 40 .00 84 .00 28 : .10 40 .09 36 .00 Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. TTi,A SiKttti - .n.MFtniAnt. nf - Ae-Heul' ture, weather bureau, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m -75th meridian time, Friday, i September 27, 112:, OMAJIA DISTRICT. Temp. R&in StAtlonS. High. Low. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.. 58 Auburn, Neb.;. 66 Broken Bow ... 62 Columbus, Nb. 68 Culbertson, Nb. Si Fair bury, Neb. 67 Fairmont, Neb. 63 Or. Island, Kb. 60 Hartlngton, Nb 68 Hastings, Neb.. 63 Holdrece. Neb. 62 Lincoln, . Nob... 61 No. Platte, Nb 63 Oakdale, Neb.. 69 Omaha, Neb.... 58 TokajTi&h. Neb. 67 Valentine, .Nb. 66 Alta, la oi Carroll, Ia...... 62 Clarlnda. Ia.... 60 Slnur nttv. la. 60 .Minimum temperature Irtwa.veTnSu5 period ending at 8 a. m. "Not Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No, T Central. - - Stations. Hlgl Columbus, 0 18 ; 62 Louisville, Ky... 22 4 Indla'poUs.- Ind. 13 60 Chicago. - 111. 24 - ' W St- Louis, ;Mo... 19 62 Des Moines, Ia. 22 66 Minneapolis .... 51 ' 48 Kan. City. Mo.. 25 r S , fW.k. ic.h 17.... 60' . '. ...tll nMvatls In the irreenng wea-um. - upper Mississippi and upper leys ana temperaiuies - ing, with' frosts, were recorded this morn ing in localities as far south as Kinsas imd east In Ohio. Showers occurred tn K? MncinpoU. and extreme eastern dis tricts. , VwIlSL: Locar Forecaster. "-"" ";.-- Kansas City Grain and Pro-visions. KANSAS CITY. Sept 27. WHEAT n" a. ;; No. 2 fevC littgLCW; No: 3- "sasf-'H1;... s n.ied. 720: no. s. UJXVsVi, Oictw t 'vi - - 2 mixed.- 33Vb84-4c . - RYI! uncnanaw. . HAY-Uncnanged. " 4 Closing prices of futures. . nr-j t? a fs.nmber. 87c: December, 8414c; May. 88389 fiv; w rwuKftentember.- 72c:, December, 48c;May.. 4894c. . ; OXTS Uecemoer, ttoo7v, , " 2410. -' . . aeti-. .BUTTJBtv reatuHjrjr, miv, '- -"'- seconds, 23c; psfklng stock, 22Hc EQOS Extras, 25c; firsts, 23c; seconds. tio. .-' :J t ov-i ... jrTJJ;ipiO.SJ41l44IllltO. Wheats lu. 2WP0ft 108,000 Corn, bu ".000 7,000 Com, ,n'nnn 11 Ann OatS !, DU.. ........... av,vw . iu,wv s Mllwaakre Grain Market. 1 MILWAUKEE. Sept 27. WHEAT No. L.SOtraSc; No. 2 .northern.. 87c; No. 2 hard winter. 9193c; December, 87'.SS74c; May, -8Pjc. CORN No. 3 yellow, 71Hc: No 3 white, 7278c; No. 8, 71c December, 62c; Maj-, MOATS-Stahdard,- 32fi33c. - -BARLEY Malting. a876c. . Peoria Market. PEORIA, Sept 27.-CORN-30 lower; and No. 3 yellow and No. a mixed, 69c; No. 4 yellow, 67 Vic; No. a mixed, C9c. OATS H o lower; No. 2 white, 33Vic; standard. 2s: No. 4 white. 30c. Anericaa Telephono & Telegraph Co. 'a dividend of' Two Dollars per snare will be - paid on Tuesday, October 15. 1912, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Monday, Septenvbar 30, 1412. ,'- , WILLIAM R. DRIVER. Trersurar. M y