- &!(.-',t.-.- THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912. T A Let Bill Do It This Was a Different Cigar Copyright, 1311. National Newt Aasn, Drawn for The Bee by George McManu: J ; : : ! -. frn fT y V- , a bill, 14. Yo) -,. : ''' " HELP WANTEP MAXE WANT ADS Want ad reed veil at aay time, bnt .to fapure proper da.ifiction biuI I 'be praeated before 12 o'clock tu. fot tfee evening editloa and beare 7:80 p. ai. for DtoratDg and Sunday edu tloe. Want a 4s received after tacb boon wlU bate their Nrtt Intertlon wader (he sending "loo Late to CluaUr." CASH &.TES TOR WANT ADS. REftULAH CIAASIFICATION One laserUoa 1 M ceate per word and 1 eant per word for each gubeeqaeui eonaecaUre iatettlon. tech Uur Itoa made oa odd dare 1 H cent pet ward S1JIO ear 1im per moaiu ttbaa ad t rati witWoui tuane u MAMIUAGR LICEKSBS. J Th following permits to wed have been fbsued: Kama and residence. Age. Barton D. Alexander. Tabor, la........ ii lt6rta B. Hamraoni. Malvern, la 19 Frank O. Maloskl, South Omaha i Eutanna Maloskl, South Omaha... W urihn Howard Anderson, Omaha... 25 Gumma Barrett, Omaha....... 1 IRfchard L. Beeson. Salt Laka City S3 (Rath Carrlngton, St.' Louis.'...... (Ferdinand O. Retinoid,' Concord, Neb.. K p'tre Carey, Vandalla, 111. Mk. L,Brownr Council Bluff. rill fC'ejcIl B. Lank ton, Council Bluff.,,,... 19 jPajvitcW Scarpello, Omaha.. 28 MMry Bertone, Omaha.;..:.'.......; ' II -Hr- - ' : ' ' HELP WANTED KEMALK Miscellaneous. CASH girls, ; years of age or over. Ap ply Superintendent. Brandels stores. YOUNG women oomlng to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian asuoclatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th fit., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HEW WANTED MALE Aittnu, k..'aiuw miii suilcilors. AGENTS, bULlClTOKS 1( Ju are a i.ve wire and limning for suiHtrtning tioou, Henry Uroi. Mg. Co., tW7 Brnniels Tiitater illdg. 'Nut csd ' WANTED i'wb "young men not over 26 years, to travel In me Uakoias and Nebraska. For rurtner mfoimunuu iu Mr. rilshop, ltome hotl, betwoen 11 a. m, and 3 p. in. BIRTHS AKO DEATH. I': I Blrths-H. and Anna Howe. 2802 North Twenty-fifth, e'.rl; W. H. and Mary WMtergard, llvi' Soutn 'twenty-second, Vlil; W, J. and Annelll K-pne, hospital girl. Deaths Maud Mahuney, 3W years, hospi tal; Roger T. Sallandtr. i years. 43 North Xhirtyseventh: Anl:a (,'. 8la(!ghter, He i.iai.-.. t. Paul. Minn. ji-ars, hospital; Jamea Watklns, it years. r - ! . Hut SALESMAN V.'ANiKU-A coavlactnf talker, comin.sfilon busls. Can aner i p. ni , 1'iuza notfl WANTKD-Oomptent salesman for -N'e braske, to can tii co,.sjin..is. one wmi estabilnhed trauu preieutd. fniue ex perience, jeterence ana salary wanted o. li. oppenhemer, tvuoiesaie Luivtors, bt. josepn, Mo i To 1j A DAY tor lelaois suDscrlp tion agents; ainipit aim fompicie vuuit use; triuu kivh; ,y a. i. .....! i.a- mlullIS 1O1 sauUl'iOS. b, OaS.k., huk'I, Dest ktieis er oliettd; a a, ior ev ery ran." Ana it Mv.tnv. in,, 4t,.agu near 1 art hour; v... ih ot t. u.i, Alton., working only pari time, aveiaea jlta month ioi six iiihhis; ttii ot L.r eao. lex., maus i-.u in e-ilii lu.Ura says "anyone wii.uig to worn can muk 16 to iu cay. ' w l.er i.eiu"i.iuiU. iur you; run uo.ans it. auo i'ie mlum 0a.es Co., ol LayiH-r tiOg., lupeaa. Kau. . , tXPKKlfcJM'KD raiear.ieii in shoe de partment; l'lrst-cla.ia potsitions tor riant mvn. .vi'I'lj rti i,int, i. i, i.ndrnonu. ni"irie.s Biorts. AOENTS-Henii loi tree" sample. New article. Vhiriwlnu seller, vvr.te tooay ioi this attrai'ttva fan proposition. Tvv.n Cay salts agency, Am. .Nat. iank MtsceJlaaeoas. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral rauroaa i( you cam your naming in our school. Practice on R. R- wires. Ad- ! dress for partlculais. Jl. B. Boyles. Pre i Koy'.es College. Omsha. Neb. 1 -EXCLUSIVE SHOPS- MAIL carriers, Postofflce ' clerks wanted. SSO.Ou per month. Omaha exam inations Kovumh.r A Vrrr nnnliliiB. Krsnk in institute. Dep't tli-. Kociie-'t ler, a. x. WANTKU A young man who has had experience in handling boots anil shoes to work In stock In a wholesale shoe store; one with some knowledge of a steam boiler preferred; state age, whether married or single and give references; steady work for right man with chance to advance. N. 572, Bee. 11EI P WANTED M A IK AMI FEMALE. N MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions. (SO per month. Write for list oi positions ouen. Frankiin Institute, Dep't U1V Rochester, M. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKD Young man wants to learn the barber trade. Will work for board, room and washing. Address Lock ttox ft!, Albion, Neb iuuL.fi' uil nit umana Kmpioymen; Bureau. Duugias 1112. Will can lor bundles and family wsmi TTrg, worii guaranieeo. Pnone Harney Wi4. W AN l r.D iiooKktcping or stenographic work desired riatuidays or evenings by young lady. Auuress O 783, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS OM.VliA TKNT CO. Tel. Douglas 8K2. tiuarantet Laundry. Fine work. D. Wi. XO LUAlN LOW rute. in sums to bull. 3rU bet: feldg. plione Duug. zto. L'A.vA LOAN CO. MONEY JltlLDI.NG I'EnMITi. c'swedlsh Building association, irm-n Chicago street, brkk viub house, Wr,OiO. HELP WANTSI FESL4LE , Airirnta ana 9n:srwme.. ; WANTED Lady solicitors to make $-! to to per flay, i.78 riranduls Hldg- COMPKTBNT alwomali, experienced la selling children's shoes; permanent position for rlgnt party, Apply iuprin tendent, Brandela stores. Clerical ami Off lee. TIlNOQRAPHKRW Sienographer. ,tl- Assistant booxkeeper and ttenog rapher. 2J-$. Bookkeeper" and stenog rapher, $S0. Office clerk, $. Compto neter operator, M5-t-"A 1 CO-OPEKAT1VK RBFMRENCK CO., 1015-16 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Factory Cn Traucs. WAKTBlDi-W girls. Iten Biscuit Co. B.APH.ttlK.NUli.l) linen room wdutan. pply housekeeper, Hotel Rome." CASH boys, It years ut age or over. Ap ply Superintendent, llranuele stores, ply Superintendent Brauoeis st rres, " WAN TKDVivs I good reFlable". boys Qood wages. Wj;. Tel. Co.. 1!U r). Ill Wt. VANTED-Nlce, neaTappearlnr boy for delivery department. Must over U years of age. Apply superintendent tiiamlels stores. ' "iiKIlliiT, energetle boy to leaili the candy business. Apply fcweet'.and Candy Factory, 1617 Burt Alfred C. Kennedy, Vnsut. ance. aa First Nat'l bank aiug. l. lit. Twanfy per cent less than Omaha prices' HOME FURNI'lUKK CO., Twenty-fourth andj fits., tiouth Omaha. i'Tumes nnovated. Vii Pax ton Blk. V. li&l. i. H. Oule Sign Co. D. 27118. 1316 Farnam. EL CONTENTO HABANA C1QAR. Box 60, postpaid, I2.7G; try half doaen; it not aatlsiaotory money refunded. b&A lON DltL Cl CO., lu(K) Furnam, Omaha. U(1 Hollar Have your plumbing .ij.uaiiei BIul netlng plants re paired ft overhauled belore cold weather rush comes. ViU Leavenworth. Tyler 109. t x. UaelrviHfrs sat, omesite. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM POLVED The Bee will run a Servant titrl Wanted Ad FREE until you gj the desired results. This applies to restuents nt Omaha, South Omsha - and Council fluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler UOOD elrl for general housework l small family, good wages. Am 8o. S6th Ave, ii. ill(K. . , G1HL for general housework In small aranuiy, plain eooxing. Phone Harney Wli. m Harney at. K : : - uiaj i or geoersi nousswora, - small tfamlly. Will pay & per month, lw y. Ud St. GOOD girl for general housework, J7 fr week, rtferences. 1014 N. 20th, Stiuth fcimaha. Tel. South MM. , r-.T HOOD Elrl for cennral hnunwark! i In Jumllyj good wages. Red ?aos. EXPERIENCED glri for general house rlt. Small family; no washtnr. Mi. R. H. Welsh, 414 8. 88th St. Tel. Har. TtO. : WANTEDA girl fftr general house faxjrk. Two In family; good wages, txa jtwdge. : GIRL or woman wanted for general Ibousework. 4 N. 19th. . 'WANTED At once, young girl or (m'tldle aged lady to do light housework. Clerical unit UHice, REAL KSTATE MAN to look after rentals, salary and commission. Stenog rapher, 170. Htenographer, M- Book keeper and stenographer, fcii. Elllott Flsner operator, ' fio. Collector, married, who speaks Bohemian, fM) and commis sion. tO-OPEHATIVK REFERENCE CO., Uiir.-hl City NaH Bank Blrig. ""i)U NO men, siuCy law. Omaha tiAi'.otil of. Law. Law Dept.. University of un, alia. Evening tensions. For further tiuuiiimUuu iidoress secretary, 010 Mc watiUe dg. "let. oUg. !.7 . Fucmrr anil Tree. Drug slots (snap) Jobs. Knlss. e Bldg- , LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENOINKERINO. Oet Into the automobile business, learn it complete In the largest and beet equlppeo training school in this territory. Repairmen, Oemonstraiors and salesmen art in demand. Writs or call for our latest catalogue.- 1 NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE , SCHOOL. . H1S-17 Dodge St., Omaha. , Neb. Gene: at conti acting, painting and paper I hanging. Baker, iloi Clark. vVeh. wtm. PAPER hangeie, use Snowtlake Paste. Omaha PMste Co., fig 8, 18th at. ' ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper thao wood; last llfotlmt. liOT N- 17th. Phone Red U. " ALL will be forgiven, Mary, tf you will meet ms at the Hign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Ms. That is where BRODEOAARD sells those lucky ,v adding rings. Wedding announcements. Doug. PtgCo. - N. P. Swanson, Undertaker We are now in our new building and have one of the most up-to-date under taking eitabllshiiieuts In city. 1U20 Cum ing. D. Mil. Large -hapel in connection. WAN'tKO'linners, i;app Cornice ana Roofing Company, 219 H. Main St., Coun fit ,u.fs. , U A.'i km i'or - peimaiient pomiiuns, men benteen ages ot and jo; ruu.n carpentttis to uo car repair wora In cu: tago; rate & cents per nour; tools to be tu.iiMieu by apncaiit; can on ilnnos central Freight Agent, Uui and Cnicagv oVr., umana, loriiee transpurtatlon. "VNTKb Two experienced stove men, A. Olilnsky, 807 W. Bdway., Co. E'utts. la. w'aNTKI. Driver tor 3-ton truck, run i.lnir octneen Louucti rilutr and umatia. i mtiht live In Council Bluff ana nave goou references; man w.tn iam..y tue terred. Uertscny tarage, AiliMS nnrney, umaha. WANTED Ten welding operators, Omaha shop ami road woik; must un derstand regulation ot heat ana ldinx cast iron; Mill teach you how to weld other metals. He:'tschy Garage, 0.ti-is PLATE dinners, sandwiches, Stars and Btrlpes beer. Jetes Saloon, 13 & Douglas. D, 8, Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Krenser Blk. ""Why don't YOU buyVoUR PAIN i where the Best Painters buy. They buy from US. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. lMSb Farnam. Douglas 4750. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKIN8. 31(1 8, 16TH. UPSTAIRS. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE! FLOCR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. AK-SAR-BEX SPECIALTIES " The Mandarin Cafe. 1409 Douelas. !d floor. Steak, chops, chop suey, Chinese dishes. Also quick lunches. Best service. Rubber Goods All kmda; faoa creams and powders; hair, tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO., 121S Farnam Piano Values While visiting the AK-SAR-BEN b sure to visit our piano store. We are the largest and oldest piano house west of Chicago. You have our 38 years of piano experience at your disposal. We guarantee every piano to be Just aa represented. We refer you to thousands of satisfied customers. We carry such pianos as the Mason & Hamlin. Kranlch & Bach, Krakauer and other well known makes. Our prices are the lowest In the city, because we purchase In carload lots only. We can give you more for your money than any other piano house In the city. Pay a visit to our store, look jt our pianos and let us explain our terms. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. BLUE LABEL Guggenheimer rye, eight years old, per full quart, 11.00. Weldon Springs Bourbon, 8 years old, per quart. Si .00. Maryland rye, per quart. 75 cents. Home made grape vvjio, gal., $1.00. 2 quart bottles of beer, 25 cents. Malt Tonic, extra fine, 10 cents a bottle. CACKLEY BROS., 121-23 N. 16th St. Opposite Postofflce. The Tekna Shop An assortment of bric-a-brac, carefully aelected and moderately priced. Station ery; party favors; dolls; doll hospital. OMAHA'S EXCLUSIVE GIFT STORE. 1823 Farnam St. Douglas 8210. LANDERYOU "Maker of Good Clothes." FALL WOOLENS ON DISPLAY. 305' South. Ninteenth Street. 1 ' Farnam Hotel Bldg. YOOFhAVE TRIED THE BEST. NOW TRY THE BEST. Until Oct. 1. 1912, we furnish good grad of lining, clean, press and reline over coats for . , . $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCKSS CHEMICAL DKY CLEANING COMPANY, 14TH AND DODGE. TEL, DOUG. 2986. MR. VISITOR, BE SURE to visit the SODOA8IS at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., southwest corner of 16th and Dodge Sts., ' AND V the OWL'S NEST at the OWL DRUG CO., northwest corner of 16th and Harney Sts. We serve the daintiest kinds of Lunches, Hot Drinks of all kinds at ALL hours. John A. Rylcn . THE TAILOR . t- o . t. TIT.-. nrTrOTS! VISIT THIS SHOP and we will fit you out with one of our lino tauor-maue iuie -Bu-ts at very reasonable prices. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED TEL. RED 2784. 205 PAXTON BLOCK. SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Our celebrated Chinese Herb Medicine cuies rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart trouble, female trouble and dropsy, regu lates deformities caused from sickness or Inflammation. In fact it Is an Immediate relief and an eventual cure for all chronic diacases of the system. If you are a suf ferer, call 0r write today. 202 N..' 19th. AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS We serve first-class chop suey, chill con-came and yet-gour-mein. STEAK. AND CHOP RESTAURANT. Served In American and Chinese styles. LOUIE AHKO, 14U Douglas. . . , Tei. D. 4591. AUTOMOBILES MOVED AN DOING THE BEST Automobile repairing in the city. "Sec" DRUM WON D MOTOR 00. New Location. 3Bth and Farnam. REPAIRING, TRIMMING. PAINTING. Murphy Did It ! Ii W TIXTTT Auto Tinners, general . 1' . T ii.Mx repairinK. 1S07 Far., rear, M jtoecyeles. Yale, Harley-Davldson and used motor cycles. Victor Itoos. , Leavenworth. SECOX D-H A N l - r rOMOBI LES. i-'O-i SALt-Forty-horsepower roauster, 122-Inch wheel ban, thirty-five by tour ilres, eoulpped with Hartrord shock ab sorbers, trunk, mohair top. wind shield, speedometer, spark plug pump, extra tire and tubes, etc Inquire O. . rlipweii. care foweii supply company. mouslne. Rebuilt and repainted. All In tin condition. J.; J. DERIGHT AUTO CO. BUSINESS CHANCES Charles Loftman, wines, liquors and ci gars, merchants lunch. 14th Howard. Isrme nights. 'Phone Doug. io4. .-.Trr-i i- 1 r ' ...,.., . WANTED At once, a good horse- ..OUNG girl to work In plain family; nhoer. Apply at C. Gregory & Son. 41 ood home and plaao: If.M per week; Fourth St., Council Bluffs, la- 39 minutes from Omaha. Web.. 3304. ANTEdToT I automobile repair me'n. WANTED A girl tor general hoii,ne- Don t apply unless you are capable of work; two In family; good wages. it making good; we do not employ appren- Portgs St. ticea and do not want any execept the Com PITS' T id ri h ' mo iftT bet "a'aV accordingly. Bertscny Oar- U'v ' sge, a10-16 Harney, Omaha. fbUNO girl for general housework, no V?J i-..),!.. Hr,,, ii ii. Vn a, " be sober nwi and first-cass is'.lor unoti washing. Harney .41. 1M So. 3,th St. v.agM Address Herman Peterson, Frt- GIRL for general housework; no wash- mont. Neb. frg. 4648 Dodge. ; "xXfEbR ' WANTED - For r.pIirlnT , NEAT, competent girl for general pants and vest making; steady work and keuaework; small, good wages, no wash- 0od wages. Herman Petersen, Fremont, ;ipg. Call H. iile. ' Neb. i COMPETENT girl for general house- "wlNTED-lmmediattly, first ' class 'Wt. tu Wl barber. Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. i"tt8L for general housework. 3617 Far- ', :wm. H. 4044; ' Wlacollaaf a a. !EXllERrENCED gifllor general houi. j . YOU CAN EARN MORE- MONET ! '.work, family of three; no laundry. Mrs. In the automobile business; ohautfeura, j y alto Bguler. U4 No. 38th A. repairmen, demonstratora, axa la big dt fntfPTTrT -i-i . '..."r maod and command ltrgt talartts; pro- UMFETE.NT girl for fweral house- ,ot,Me!f in our largo training shops, yortc. Mra. Arter, 4H N. Ith. Har, Kg. ,her; you ,tara now 0StT rpJ,; j GIEI. for plain cooking, small family. "" ' " maket of oers, Irw1? 6!r5 " kePt m " S6lh' Ttionl -Auto Training Assn., WiL tor general hou.ework, UTi - Jh:Mk'' fTW). 0. t. call S N, J0tb. WANTED For U. . army. Ablebodled. H;.. j.,,-...:.- , , - 1 ir married men bttw-to agos of 11 and 3$; I COJ4FXTENT second girl, Mrs. M, Q. -ottlzens of United Slates, of good eherac tColpetaer, 403 8. 3Sth Bt, Harney -94. ter and temperatt habits, who can apeak. n.fA'TFiwi enmt wk r. rad and writ the . Bngllsh language. jjHstl..- .f00- .if .V": ... For information apply to Recruiting Of- -TOUNG girl to assist with houoework. ficer, 13th and Douglas ata.. Omaha So. tth. ' - Ntb.;. e Fourth Bt, Sioux City, la.,- U:n 1 !30 K. Tenth St.. Lincoln. yb. "I- Wlawllsssssi.;; DEPUTIES for secret order. vE. F. : 2ARX tl w.kly addressing poat cards WMnf. t4 8. Uth. Tyler M, ; at fcwn: bur-ch of cards and particulars, WANTED DoBter nd dcr.tlni; r I !r.. d. W, Keena, t4 Monroe Ava.. .Grand Nebraska hwl T. P- Wh : ps. .1 . lapida, .Mlcfc, , leid. yb, ''.'' VFTT We Offer , " TO THE PUBLIC The wvery best whisky on "; tli market for the amail ' .- 'sohi of $3.00 per gal. v 1: sTh; very host port win j Vox. offer for . ll.Ou per gal. ! C. SCHLANK & CO., "1307 Douglas jSt " HOMEPLATE cafe "Th Right Plact to Eat." i0 S. WtU. A CHANCE FOR A CONSERVATIVE 4N VESTMENT. A manufacturing company owning a new plant ana real estate in umaha, costing over iwi.0nu In actual cost, wants a 3 or 5-year oan of 330.OW, secured by a first-mortgage upon its entire property. This money is wanted to increase tne working capital, 'ihe board of ulrectois prefer a temporary liability which can oe paid oft t'i Issuing new stoca wh.ch will always remain a charge against the business. Address A7t, Bee AK-8AR-BEN guests, v'-slt the New Home Restsurant. 1614 Capitol Av. Best meals, 15c. Tiie best for your money.- ATTRACTIOXS OMAHA FILM EX. outh,... Md Motion pictures machine and film bargains A I TO MOBILES ALBERT H. BIHLER, Auto repairer. KM Farnam. Douglas IZ. BARGAINS BTODDARD-Dayton 7-passenger Urn- euslne, ' Stoddard-Payton T-paaaenger touring car. e'toddard-Dayton b-passengor touring car. Locomooile l-passcnger amouam w:tu touring body, Looomoblle 8-tsener limousine. Locomebilt l-pasenger touring car. Locomobile t-pasaengtr roadstar. Overland 4-passenger roadster. J. J. DERIGHT, 1818 Farnam St. TIRE REPAIRING Urea. We malt them almost as rood as now, Kotblnt bot Stighoat prloed ead new 1 materials ud. All work furaoteed. uhs Store Aete Supply Co., 8030 Far 4W. - - . . " - ..'- TO get 111 o.' oi.t 01 oui.ucMi, can on GANUESTAD, 404 ric Hlog., Tel, P. 84... FOR SALE on cash basis one ot the best transfer businesses in the northwest Reason for selling, ill heaitn. can oe handled with Hm ted amount ot mohiy Aiiartss Y 173,Bee. - ' . ' "INVESTMENT If youwant an Invest ment seciirea by real estate that pays 10 per cent a year, is perfectly sate, where you can get your money back at'ihe end of each year it you want it or can leave It Invented as you wish, any amount from 81(10 up; has paid 6 per cent casu dlvktenus tor tu last six years; bank references; write to Realty securities Company, 'People s Gas Blag., - cnicago, ill. JIR BUSINESS M A.N lour presence 111 ca.e ot tue 011 your propery m impera tiv. We notliy y ou at once iu case oi tire. vaIAIIA Fiitl BKl'OR'UNG AGENCY. 1812 Harney el. OOUtflas n. . DRCG STORE, good pay ing for right party", must sell; Investigate; good reas ons li selling.' L 782 Bee. KDiSON Moving Picture outfit for sale cheap; 2tl( M M., Soutn Omana. Phone So. 6.17. . GENERAL merchandise stock for sale, consisting ot dry goods, lades' and genu' furnishings and shoes. Terms, cash; 80 centa on the .dollar of -the wholesale price. Stock In splendid condition. County seat town. lOW population. Mala line of C P. R. R. Fireproof building. 26x80. Kent. $38 per month. Best of reasons for telling. J. L. M tchell. Lexington, Neb.' FOR SALE Rexall drug store, south em Nebraska. Sales about $11,000 a year Clean stock. Splendid prescription busi ness. Good reasons for selling. Special price tor ten days; Particulars, Lock Box 478, Lincoln. Neb. - - BUSINESS CHANCES Rooming" Houaea for Sale.. FOR SALE Paying boarding house, 2206 Lake. Web. 476S. Mrs. William Peterson. BUSINESS PERSONALS. .... Architects.' .. Plans & Bldg. estimates. Cottrell. W. 881. Chiropodist. Dr. Monheit, 403 S. 16th St. Doug. 2333. DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Creameries, Dairies aad Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always gooa. Civil Engineer.. " K. E. Moore, 623 Paxton Blk. Doug. S058, Coins. ' '1 Cld fViins -tamps bought, sold, ex Uiu vuius ciianKed. Omana Coin ana Sump Co.; 519 N. 16th: - Dancing Academies, BARIGHT HALL, Uth and Farnam, assembly Wednesdays. For terms 'phone So. 2654. Genevieve Hauflarre. instructor Drcssnaaktasr. Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 815-6 City Nat. Bk. 1. 696S. BRYAN & O'BRIEN, dressmaking and tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg. Red 4293. Fltzpatr.ck, taiittr, aress'g. 2604 Davenport Miss .saplnsky, gowns, m Paxton. D. ten. Dressmaking. L07 Dodge. Douglas '). Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. DRESSMAKING, ladles tailoring, alter ing; first class work; reasonable. Web. 4189. - ' Detectives. . . JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler, 1136. Omaha Secret Serv., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319 L. W. LONUNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. Everything Electrical. LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrators. . SEND FOR SO-PAGB BOOKLET. . HARTH UN ELECTRIC CO.. 8S0 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 521)i WOT FF ELECTRIC CO. " V-l-l i- Maxda ampg Wiring. Fixtures,, washing machines, electric Irons, heating devlqes, vibrators. , 1819 Farnan) St. ' ' Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Qranden Co.. 1511 Howard. D. DSi. ALL kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d-hand, and electrical repairs. Le Broil Electrical Works, 318 a 13th. Omaha. KVerythtns; for Womea Mrs. Olsen, 1st class carpet weaving. Vt 6018 Western Millinery School 415 Paxton' Block. Doug. 6S2I. ' Bring material. Make your hats. One lesson, $1. lessons 15. A UOOD paying pool hall, In heart of city with excellent tablet and fix tures; owner mutt tell. Addrest, 1608 Farnam Bt- GOOD opportunity for a live man. For tale a moving picture theater In the heart of the city. No , agents. Strictly business proposition only. For further Information apply to, Philip Goloberg, Cameraphone Theater, 1408 Douglas 8t. "RESTAURANT for safe. Inquire of wner, t 81 19th, WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 S. 12th St Doug. 5566, Flatiron Hat Shop. - Corolyn E. Byers; price very reasonable. 1738 St. Mary 'a. , DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all tiset and qtyles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 209 Douglas Block. Both phone. WE rent, repair, sell needles, part of alt tewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1082. T lWTff AV reliable ladies' tailor, it lAJIiXiUZVi, located 433-S Paxton blk. Latest styles, materials. Popular prices. Flaaaclal laTcstsneata. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. . For Sale 1.000 shares King Solomon T. A D. stock for $250. Also 5.000 Uncle Sam Oil, cheap. Box 75, Little Rock. Ark. , Florists. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-15C1. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1Q Farnam. D. 1351 BATH'S. Florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Fonndrlea. McDonald brass and bronze foundry. aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Fnraaces aad Repairs. REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; nfew furnaces, wrought iron and cast. Le us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Slasic, Art ana Lang-nages. HENRY COX, violinist. H. 3904. Charles L. Cocke, Jr., piano, 518 McCague. FRANK MACH, violinist. Red 4627. Helen Sadilek, teacher of piano. W. 1346. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, teachers of singing. 09 S. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 2027. Cora Schwartz, voice. 401 Boyd theater. Francis Potter, teacher, guitar, mandolin and banjo. 1920 Farnam. Doug. 3853. Moving", Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels Osteopathy. , Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg, K- Printing;. Lew W. RaberTPrinter, ittm BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. . SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 3197. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524. I PrlattniE. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 622-24 So. 13th. Patents. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS, registered attorney. United States find foreign patents. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Plombers. W. Thatcher, plumbing & heating, 813 N. 40th St. Office: H. 3107; Res.. H. 1638. f. TP Voti V0llrvnKflfY. All kinds MJ.X . cii ioiih;uu6, 0f plurnb Ing repairt. W. 867 or W. 6118. 1709 N. 24th. Stenographers sad Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Ktlley, 816 Bran. The. D. 6682. Store and Office Fixtures. ELECTRIC sausage grinder, 2 cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds of fixtures bought and sold. Levy's, 2510 N St., South Omaha. - WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. "See us first POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N. South Omaha. Tents and Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas S22. Trunks aad Salt Cases. Freltng & Stelnle, IS03 Farnam St Wines and Liquors.' WILLOW Springs been liquor," cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 502-3 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wtno 6uc a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL- BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business. Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service or - Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, wiite or 'phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boylea College, Omaha, Neb. Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lampman,. 1S15 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Morses and Vehicles. FOX STABLES New location, first-class livery and boarding; 1814 Cum'-ig. D. 1557. -WILL. sell at wholesale, sample stock ot farm wagons and teaming gears. Cen tral Implement Co., 1117 Farnam St. Phone Doui'las 2066. .... WE are hanaiina ill hls of live stock, stockers, feeders and range cattle; horses, sheep and lambs. If you nev anything in this lne, advise us. Bowen Polk, Room 18, 6U ,17th St, Denver, Colo. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wather they left it in the etreet cars. Many articles each day are tuitoed in and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. BETWEEN 18th and 24th. on Farnam, I..Anl. ba. with tittl? rMI AlnmAtiH 810 reward. A. H. Myer. Hamilton Apt's, 24tn ana rarnun, iwugiu 10-0. LOST In or near Brandela store, a small black leather purse, with gilt olaap, containing $10 bill and $3 bill. Liberal reward it owner will notify C 784 Bee Office. - LOST Glasses in case Monday. Reward for return. 'Phone. D. 3520. LOST door to 1912 Marlon automobile. Finder please 'phone Douglas 1320.. STRAYED Fox terrier dog, white, black ears, bob-tall. 2."19 Charles St. MEDICAL ' SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk. Ladles' guaranteed remedies. tOl Ware blk. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg, Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN: Salary and Chattels. on furniture, pianos real estate at a very rate of interest. and, low Money Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Eldg. A-1358. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here Is your chance to ob tain it In An Easy Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts In fact anything of value or on your plain note, if steadily employed. Terms to suit. Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor,' 308 Paxton block. 217 S. 10th. Phone Douglas 1411 and A-1416. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SALARi LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent FLATAU, 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red aU'J HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable rates in the city. Write or phone Douglas 1235. 1623 Farnam, Room 8, Patterson Blk. MONEY loaned salaried people and others on their own name; cneap rates; easy paymenU; confidential. D. H. Tol man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg.. OfFEREI? gQK 11KNI liuard and Huuius. O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Douglas 611. REEDHUR3T for meals. DOUG. 8350. Furnished Knows. ,. , FARNAM, 2042 Furnished rooms; mod ern. Douglas 6577. . , ' 2011 WEBSTER, modern furnished rooms, reasonable; location good. 608 N. 17TH, modern furnished room, walking distance. Price reasonable. ONE large and one medium well fur nished room in modern private home; walking distance. Douglas 6850. 2124 HOWARD Nice room; very quiet place. . j 2013 WEBSTER, modern room, with ex- ceUent board. ' "128 S. 25th; nicely furnished rooms, priv ate family. SOUTH CENTRAL BOULEVARD, 107 Large, very dcfctrable, modern, front room, -suitable for two; Instantaneous gas water heater in bath room; hot water neat, private home; walking uis tance. l-iarney 3U12. . . Wl'.&T KARNAM Furnished room un man and wiie; would give board. Phone Harney 884. ELEGANT large room, private bath; hot water heat; references. 2121 Douglas. 1 or 2 gentlemen. SPLENDIu room. 1611 Castellar. Doug las 2828. TWO beautiful front rooms, one large, one small; elegant apartment; reference required. 1909 Capitol Ave. Douglas 2088. Famished Housekeeping Room. 1807 Leav worth; mod.; wmi fur, hfcpg. rm. sis a KTH-Twn nicelv furnished rooms. with gas range and sink. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, facing Hanscom park; no chiloren. 2868 Wool worth. H. 2697. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 2018 Davenport. v Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Furnished beautiful 7-room house. 5104 Dodge St Phone Harney 1782. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, private bath, small store room and outside porch, modern except heat; no children. 2617 N, 18th. FOUR blocks from court house, four large rooms, modern except furnace. 625 S. aOth. Douglas 7158. llutr-lr unit Apartments. DODGE hotel, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable price. rxxr unTVT. fiwlv ftimiahffri. plectrio light, hot water; 25c up. 110 N. 13th. Apartments and Flat. Large moving van. 31.25 per hour. D. 394. STRICTLY high grade 6-room modern apartment, steam heated, janitor ervlce, fine location. J. H. Johnson, 578 Bran deis Bldg. Phone Douglas 4261. LA FA YETTE CORNER 17TH AVE & JACKSON STS., 2. 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS, LARGE AND CHEER FUL. EVERYTHING MODERN. NEWLY DECORATED. RENTS RE DUCED. WHY NOT LIVE CLOSE IN AND SAVE CAR FARE. SEE JANITOR OR PHONE DOUGLAS 7020. COSY 3-room brick apartments; good lo cation; $8.50 per month. Phone Douglas 8600. W. 8. Frank, lis City National. THE LAFAYETTE, CORNER 17TH ' AVE. AND JACKSON, 2, 3 AND 4-ROoM APARTMENTS. LARGE AND CHEER FUL. EVERYTHING MODERN. NEWLY DECORATED. RENTS REDUCED. WHY NOT LIVE CLOSE IN AND SAVE CAR FARE? SEE THE JANITOR OR PHONE DOUGLAS 7020. ft-RrwiM nnaj-tment. camDletelv mod ern; Scargo Bldg., South Omaha, above 516 N. 24th. Han, 43S riamge mag. troug las 7406. COZY four-room, one-tory brick flat, with bath, hall and vestibule; -modern ex eeDt heat: car. in rear. 2744 S. 9th St Tel. D. 4342 or Tyler 1073. Ii0 CLOSE IN FLAT . 1 STRICTLY MODERN Practically new. 5 rooms and bath; walking distance; eood furnace. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 216 S.v 17th St it - 4 f A. I- I' 1. 1 - X ii