Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1912, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 'Jo, VJW .1 ( V a OFFERED FOR RENT. i ll tarnished Uauuii, THREE unfurnished rooms, private Ibath. email store room ami outside pprcli, modern exept heat; no children. SSS17 X. iSOi. OFFERED FOR RENT Honaea find Cottages. 3-ROOM house on J lots and a barn for four horses. All fenced. X. 37th St. Web. M)1. pood 3SH TWO unfurnished rooms; modern. 5U S. 2,-,th. : . FOUR blocks from court house, four large rooms, modern except furnace. 625 8. iOth. Douglas 7158. Hott-la auu Apartments. DODGE HOTEL, all requirement of a ; first-class hotel, at reasonable prlcea 30-ROOM BRICK building, formerly oc cupied by hospital; can be rented for hos pital or hotel: bath room on each floor; new steam heating plant. X. P. DODGE & CO.. liith and Harney Sts. A part meats and Flat. Large moving vans. $1.8 tier hour. D. 3M. LAPAYETTB CORNER 17TH AVK JACKSON STS.. 2, 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS, LARGE AND CHEER FUL EVERYTHING MODERN. NEWLY, DECORATED. RENTS RE DUCED, WHY NOT LIVE CLOSE IN AND SAVE CAR FARE. SEE JANITOR OR PHONE DOUGLAS 7030. COSY 3-room brick apartments; good lo cation; $S.60 per month.' Phone Douglas SfiOCk W. S. Frank. 1(12o Citv National. TSuTcTPakTOEJTF 219 So. 30th, 5-r., strictly modern; hot water heat Bargain, only $30. , PAYNE & SLATER CO., 'Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. ELEGANT o-room St. Louis flat; oppo i site Bomis park, 3315 Cuming St. $X!.60. COZY four-room, one-tory brick Oat. with bath, hall and vestibule; modern ex cept heat; car In rear. 2714 S. ilth St, Tel. D. 4342 or Tyler 1073. $20. SIX-ROOM apartment in the Sherman. Webster 6766. GOOD 6-room cottage, partly modern, fine condition, $1. Adults only. 2S0 Caldwell. , STRICTLY high class 5-room apart ment on West Farnam St.. with steam heat and janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNAM ST. 2121 Leavehwodrth, 6 rooms, close In, $20. PARTLY modern 5-room cottage, $12 per month. Inquire 2419 S. 24th. 31i5 PACIFIC. A beautiful 5-r.. strictly modern "SL Louis'" apurtmetit. Field Club District: finished throughout in Quarter sawed oak, laige living room. 20 feet long, 18 feet wide, with built-in book oases and large brick fireplace. Arrangement ideal. Bargain at f PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat 1 bank. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. f Weau, Wead Bidg., ISth and Farnam. GAR V IN BHOS. Sir&E LOANS on farms and Improved city property, C pet. to S pet. ; no delay. J. li bumont & Sou. 1803 Farnam St.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. Berals-Carlberg Ca.. 310-312 Hramiela Tneater Stag. LVB NORTH 30TH. 5-room strictly modern, newly deco rated, only $25. i'Ai.sR SLATER COMPANY. v Omaha's Rental Men 616 Omaha, Natl Hank Bids. 8-ROOM frame house, modern except heat; arranged for t families. .3,5 S. Soth Ave. Key 1st door north. Sam Mort, South 6U6. Stare anii Offices. FOR RENT Offices In Pullman Bids, next to Burlington station. Doug. lCli Swell laundry location and pwr,.&cO N.Hid. MCAGUE BLDQ., 15TH AND DODUK. Attractive offices; moderate price. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND 3UILD1.NQ ASSOCIATION. $20-4231 Hamilton. Doug. 1598.' FOR RENT In Dundee, .nmdern S-room house; good location. Tel. H. o7. E. H. Hume. ' - FOR RENT. EnUre 2d floor, 513 S. 16th St.. suitable for tailoring, millinery, dressmaking, offices or light manufacturing. WRIGHT & LASBCRY, 508 a 16th St. 'Phone D. 152. DESIRABLE OFFICES IN CONTINENTAL BLOCK. Half suite on second floor, $22.50. Full suite on third floor, $30. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Bldg! Phone Doi'glas 722. CLOSE IN FLAT STRICTLY MODERN Practically .new, 6 rooms and batb; walking distance: good furnace. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. 4 ROOMS CLOSE IN Look at 2047 Howard, a strictly modern, up-to-date "St. Louis" flat, within very easy walking distance, $30. PAYNE. & SLATER CO., Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. - THREE and four-room apartments, water paid; at Park Ave. and Douglas t. $10 per month. Call Douglas 30OT. , Hoaam and Cettagca. HOUSEHOLD goous packed and fir warded; cheap, freight rates; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Doug 894; office 216 S. 17th St SEVEN-room strictly modern. 22d. Webster 3441. 2049 N. 7-room, $17. 2708 Seward St. Doug. 1938. A LARGE list of homes, 65 in number, situated in all Parts of the city, on which we are anxious to close contracts "for winter. F.D Wead, 1801 Farnam St. NICK 8-room house, modern throughout, Jn fine condition pa paved street and one block from car Jlne. $40 per month. 2774 .Webster St. VINCENT D. DERMODY, Tel, fyyuglas,7fi. 1514 City Nat. Hank BUlg. r$ai ig-ROOM , modern brick -house, cak flnish. 1301 8. zxtn. SI-ROOM all modern house for boarding owner. 1516 Martha street. GOOD 7-room house, all modern, east of Hanscom park, on car line, $25 per month. 2913 Hickory St. VINCENT D. DERMODY, Tel. Dougla786. .1514 City Nat. Bank Bldg. MAGGARD VAN AND 8TORAGE CO, pack, move,. store and hlp H. H. goods and pianos; no' charge for return drive t office. - Doug. MM or B-24B- -v. A real home, pretty-lawn, electric light, all modern. -r. $40. 725 S. 37th. W. 2590. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business, Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fiieprool storage. 806 8. 16th, 'by tin.' viaduct Branch office, tot 8. I7th St TeL D. 418; A-155. WEST FARNAM New brick, 6 bed room and hatha. 315 N. 38th Ave. 574 S. 28th ST. 8 rooms completely mod em. Hall. 43S Ramge. D. 7406: A-4408. JlOUSeS Crelgh got,, & Co.. Baa Blag. 6-ROOM modern bouse; $25.40 p month. 3527 Charles St Also 3-room cot tage, 3532 Hamilton St.. $W per month. Tel. D. 776 or D. 1917. ' FOR RENT-rTwo apartments, one five rooms and bath, one nine rooms and bath; walking distance? on car line. 402 No. 24th. .Douglas 5729. CENTRAL, steam heat, all mod,, hall, bath and basement. 220 N. 23d. COTTAGE Modern except beat, 5 rooms, bath, east front, on high, full lot, $18. Web. 6447. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, beautiful 7-room house. 5104 Dodge St Phone Har. 1782. 281S N. 19th avenue, S rooms, modern, water paid, newly painted and decorated. Rent $25. McEachron R. E. Co., 20th and Jjftke Sts. Webster 1651. - 6-ROOM modern home except hnat, 718 Hickory at. inquire at soiu fierce ai EYYR RENT 5-room cottage, bath and furnace, all modem, $25. If you want a warm, comfortable house for the winter . and cool in summer, call, and see lull N. 83d St., or telephone Frank Stirling, Web ster 1583. No. 1122 South 82d St., nine-room modern house, $50. . No. 2210 South 32d St., eight-room mod ern house, $35. No. 1102 South 32d St., eight-room mod ern house, $30. .. No. 1621 South 29th St., six-room house, partly modern, $20. No. 967 North 27th St., six-room cottage, partly modern, $18. No. 1843 North 21st St., four-toom cot tage, $13. -' - - - No. 115 North 24th St., three rooms, $10. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 Firt;t Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 72$. OFFICES. TWO large office rooms on the 2d floor in Wlthnell Block. See us about these. X. P. Dodge & Co., 15th and Har- ncy sts. Warebonnra. WAREHOUSE or store, 1307-9 Howard St., 3 stores. Steam heat, freight ele vator. X. P. Dodge & Co., 15th and Harney Sts. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnraiturc. . AT A BARGAIN, Majestic steel ran?, first-class oomtition. Price $22. Call & 3418 Franklin St. . tsiKAiiiNunAJvi steer range, weeds no stove polish. Good condition. Bargain WB N. 4th st. Phone H. V. THREE - PIECE mahogany parlor suue, up-io-aaie siyie, aiso two nne n lerge size; am leaving the cltv, m sell at once. Call at 510 5. 19th St. HIGH GRADE furniture lor sale cheap; parlor suite, parlor table, Morris chair, dining table, sideboard, sewing machine, combination bookcase, small cafe, gas stove, good range,, ice box, one bed child's bed, chiffonier, two rugs. Call 3206 Charles St. BASEBURNERS, , steel ranges, soft heaters, sewing machine, table, "hairs, rugs and other furniture, 9u9 N. 24th. AUCTION SALE Of high grade furniture, rugs and stoves. Come all to the great auction store Wednesday,- September 25, 10 a. m. at Security Auction & Commission Co., 1318 N. 24th St Bargains At Auction Snaps 'Household goods will be sold Id the highest bidder Thursday. 9:30- a. m. Omaha Van Warehouse, 804 So. 16th St. Baseburner, hotel range, fum. 939 N. 24th. 'I'ruewritera. TYPEWRITER for rent 3 months $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE RJENT from the manufacturer direct, N a Oliver tvoewrlter. 1 montha. $4.W. JPbon Douglas m Tha Oliver Type writer company.; ,, Maalcal Instruments. Electric pianos. Continental Not. lit N. 15. UUnellaneoB. . , $5.00 COAL It's good; try a ton. Best for money. Web. 848. Harmon St. Weelh. SAFES Overstockeu -ntut secowa-haud cafes: all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1102-04 Farnam. WE WILL deliver during month of Sep tember only, large, load kindling ' wood. $3.00. National BoxvCo. Harney 1476. DESKS, safea. scales, ahow cases, shelv ing, etc. ; see ns first. Omaha Fixture and SutmlvCo.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. LARiiK ioaos .nil specialty. Still I Bros. OMAHA bonies. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL (ESTAIK CO. 1016 Omaha Natl , Doug 215X WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. -1320, Ftrmnn at HEAL ESTATE CITT IMVIPKHTY FUR SAI.K. BUY a home, $140 down. Shopen & Co. WANTED City loan. .Peteia Trust Co FOR SALE OR KXOHAXJE FOR SALE A No. 1 drutt store In east ern Nebraska -doing good business. Will invoice about $4,000. Only d'ug, store in town. Will sell on easy terms or will trade for good lanfl and hay cash dif ference. Reason, other business,, Address Y-lff7, Bee. r ' FOR '"EXCHANGE tyiOO , stock dry goods, notions and variety. Brick build ing. Optional lease, ' good town, rich country. Want real estate. Box o, West Liberty, Ia ARARfiAIN for tome young law- books of 13 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. Law Dictionary, Hale on Torts. Cooley on Torts. Clark's Criminal Law Books; good as new.. Will., sell or- trade for chickens or- anythlngyou have. A. J. Knott, 4616 N. 36th St. Web. 6536. HARD' -coal stove, largest size Acorn, practically "hew; price $30. Phone Webster 1541. 4712 N". 21st St. FOR SALE OR .EXCHANGE Rooming house, West Farnam Street. Priee $000. ?40 acres in Bro n Co. Improved ranch, only $ miles from depot. $10 per acre. 4 -room house and acres ground In Benson, $2,000. New, heavy single harness. Two apartment houses rented $50 pet month. Price $7,500. SOUTHERN LAND CO., 4'.'4 Branrtcls Building. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT A good farm of $0 to 100 acres In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa, by a good farmer, with best of references.; will pay good rent tor good place. Chas. A. McOee, Emer son, la. WAXTED-i-TO BORROW Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lots at 41st Ave. near Ames, two blocks from street car line, $125 each. One lot. and Cuss St.. adjoining Dundee, $500. Inquire at 130S Jones St. ...JBUMPER CROPS FOR. WORLD raatf of Five Cereals, CORN PRODUCTION INCREASES Trade in Your Vacant Lot. We are building contractors and can always use good buidmg lots ift our busi ness. If you have a good, well located lot that Is not bringing you any Income and want to apply H towards the purchase of one of our well built, modern, or partly modern. homes, submit the particulars of your lot to us. We liav a new 3-room bungalow, also a new 4-room bungalow, three new -room bungslows, and' two good modern houses, not new, but in ex cellent condition, which we would con sider selling by taking a lot In excliung as part payment. SCOTT & HILL, Phone IouglHS le. 307 McCague Bid. BARGAINS FOR CASH. 6-ROOM. modern bungalow; hot water heat: east front; large lot; all improve ments In; near choui. Owner, II 748. Bee. For Bargains in lands and city property call on Swingley & Gipe Phone Red 3528. 617 Bee Bldg. URAL ESTATE vmi a ltwt'H i.ns foii s Iowa. J THE easiest wa to find u buyer for ! Figures Compiled in Rome Give Esti your rami is to insert a smaii ani , ad In the les Moim-s Cupltul. l-irsM i circulation In the xtute of Iowa, I.V,I, dally. The Capital Is read by and bw lleved 111 by tno standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to penult any other paper in their himies. Rat, 1 eeiu a woid a day; $l.2." per line per month; count ordinary words l. the linu. Address IH'S Moines Capital, Des ilolnes, la. : Mtnaenota. MINNESOTA. Write, for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special I ales. DAY A NIGHT REALTY CO., luu Bankers Life Utdtf.. Lincoln. Neb. Bert Davis is Killed By John Swindell as They Meet on Street Total 1'roduolioii f W'it Tbr Hundred and Twenty Million HaxhrW With t.aln uf Kta Pr cent. Bert Davis wa niiled Instanly thl morning at l-':30 o'clock by John Swindell following a quarrel that took place In front of the Midway saloon at Twelfth street and Capitol avenue. Both men are colored. Swindell wu talking to a w.oman when Davis- came up and, ac- , cording to witnesses, Swindell opened YVAstHl.NV.TUN. Sept. il.-Ciipa genef- j f!re upnn 0ftvl(1 Rnootln$ ,hrM times, ally throughout the world aiv ..f ti Swindell shot twice, one bullet hitting Immp-r kind. This- Is shown by figures j Davls , thp ,.eht t(,mple and wn,ng in a eablegnian received by th Depart- I nim intanth j inent of Aurtcnltiire today frum the liuer- I nuriftM,.! ltitit-jiA .f Virrir-tiltnn. at Uiimn CUAY t'Ul.'iNTS. MINNhSOTA. The rush Is on tor ( Uy county; jtsrj, giving- the prellmhiKiy estimates acre tI iirsi-cmsra 'arm nun; id utieci j tmm. liiaeK sou, ciay suosoii. uumpwr cmps. . to per aero, aeuu tor tt and run ps. FKLLAND RK.VI.TY CO., .Vli) Palace bldg. Minneapolis. M'ltnt. Mlanraitta.. ' STKVKN S COi'NTV, MINNESOTA. 2S0 acres hlgniy Improved, good build lius. two miles from iiood twit; hetvy MaeK soil, nay subHuii, no stone, nice and level. A first-class taruv. .Frlce $-17 per acre, Must be sold. . FKI.UAND RE ALT f CO.. iSa Tnlace Bldg. ' AlliuieapvUij, Minn. Free WANTED To borrow $3,000 on new brick house at S per cent net. Tel H. 2359. WAJVTED TO KLT Household gds, clohes shoes. Doug. 397 WANTED To buy a 7 or 8-room house, to be moved on a lot; one Within 15 blks. of 24th and Franklin Sts. preferred. Ad dress O 773, care of The Bee. DOLGOFF zd-hd. store pays blygost prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. W. 1607 HEAL ESTATE WANTED TO sell your property list It with the O'NEIL R. E. & INS. AGENCT. Tyler 1024. 1505 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR SAMS. COOK and heating stove, cheap. S23 N S7th St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleye and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Th BruDSwick-Balke-Collender Co.. 7-fc 9. ISth street FOR SALE Good high school cadet suit andcap, cheap. S323 Harney St. PERSONAL ltaasage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse 208 Boston Bid. f A A ni?. Swedish movement Ap't uKKjKjyA, 2 i8u2 Farnam. D. 6240. ANNA JI. MAKKS "4- nam. Davtdge Block. Apt. 3. Doug. 632L VITAL massage, vital bath. Anna D. Flaher.Wl Ware btock. 309 S. 15th. D. 2785. FOR RENT 6-room house, strictly modern; one-half block from car line. flood furnace. Reasonable. 'Piione H. 5324. FINE, modern eight room house. Splcn- did location. 4001 Charles. $30. oirvFV.nivm tinuse. 3SSS Seward, two blocks from car, nice yard, paved street. Bargain. Phone Dougluaa 6460. . 626 S. 30TH 6-room. heat; $20 month. .modern except k-ROOM brick flat, in Hanscom park district; $30.00. . . 7-room, modern, centrally located; ask ' for particulars. ' Good 7-room cottage, close, in; only $20.00. WP1P.HT A T.ASBITRT. 506 S. 16th St 'Phone D. 162. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, 721 S. 18th St., $25. Tel Harney 2359. -. STORfc; ROOM or hop; 1M Farnam; team heated; fronting alley; merchan dise entrance- full glass front Hall, 4M Kamge. ' w. .4Wn. inc a w WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8-r., hall hot water heat; laundry In basement; corner lot O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., . 1016 Omaha Nat'l. " Doug. 2718 Evening H. 2842 or H. 6134. I ABOUT October 1. house at 2426 Cald well street; six rooms, modern; within one block of street cars. House has win dow shades througnout. Kent . u cnAU a Am.rVA hnm in ha rfr nt West Farnam district; have held for sale only and refused to lease, but will con sider renting now, $50 per mo. i rooms, new, comfortable brick house, on California St., about 4 blocks west of Creigbton college; $40, to good tenant. HARRISON & MORTON. 816 Omaha Nat l. Bank. 8-r. house, all mod 4223 Douglas, $28. 4-r. flat, 2S15 Dewey Ave., $13.50. 3-r. flat 1629 N. 24th St., $10. Storeroom, 711 g. 27th 8t-, $12.50. 3-r. flat., 709 S. 27th St., $10. K P. Dodge A Co.. 15th and Harney Su. Drink Hflhlt 1 was heavy drinker. of whisky daily. . Tried many ways to reform, but without success until I found a certain easy method and was cured in three days. Have since saved thousands of other victims of llqupr habit. It can be overcome with or without drinker's knowledge. Interesting book (tells how) mailed, plain wrapper, free,- if you cut tMs out and write to Edward Wood 534 Sixth Ave., 153, A, New York. . THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cut off clothing; in fact, anything yon do no; need. We collect repair an sell at 131 N. 11th Et for cost ot collection, to Uia worthy poor. 'Phone Lougla l and wagon will call. MASSAGE Expert treatment Mrs. ' Steele, 208 S. 13th St. R. 325 BATHS, Swedish massage, Mrs. Snyder. No. 8. The Dunaany, 10th & Pierce. D.4380. MASSAGE ktnients. Fifteen years aixi.uo-a.vjjjj experience. Twelve years in ilmflhu il All hntali on1 $1.00 at the office. Call D. 863. Res. D.3427! WANTED Th aridreiu. nr rv,.rl. !. Coy and Wheeler McClure, who were em ployed by J. J. Hurt. 24 and L Sts, South' Omaha. Neb.. In October, 1307. O 707. Beo. EMBROIDERY lessons given Webster St . . at 3925 YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stlangera are Invited to .visit the Young Womenk Christian aseoclaUon building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where 'the; will l)e directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look tot oar travelers' aid at the Union station. 63-DAY BLOOV REMEDY. Bexten. Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MASSEOTHEEPY ll .GJ" Ailen of Chicago, m S. 17th. 1st fl. D. 7ti6i Elegant North Side Bungalow of 6 Rooms This is one of the best built and best planned bungalows In the city. H con sists of the following arrangemonts of rooms: VESTIBULE.' with good sized coat closet; oak finish. " PARLOR, nice sized, having beamed celling, bookcase in pedestal, oak finish. DINING ROOM, large, light, airy room; paneled walls, plate rail, beam ceiling, fine built in buffet, china closet in pedestal, oak finish. KITCHEN, good slsed, light and airy; one piece enamel gink, -fine pantry and refrigerator entry; yellow pine finish. DEN. nice sired could be used either as bedroom, den or library; has large closet, finished In oak. BEDROOMS, two good siied bedrooms upstairs; with' plenty of closet space; yel low pine finish. ' ' BATH ROOM, good Sized and very complete; best grade of plumbing, enam eled wood work, side walls In imitation tile. BASEMENT, fully cemented, first-class, guaranteed furnace, hot water tank con nected with furnace; laundry lnk with hot and cold water, coal bin. ' Doors in this bungalow are two-panel oak. and birch; fine Interior finish; pres-. ents attractive outside appearance, very thoroughly built by skilled mechanics and of first clas materials. We are selling out houses on their merits. This particu lar bungalow is being finished by us at 18th and Laird, and 22d artd Fowler Ave. Either property can be bought on a rea sonable payment down, balance practi cally the same as rent. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. Names of Winners Aksarben Hill Lot Sale Contest Estimating nearest the correct number of beans in the jar we had at the addi tion last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The correct rumber of beans in the Jar was 7,582. 7,567-C. E. Falk, 2814 Webster street guessing nearest the correct number, gets the fMi Aksarben Hill lot. 7,645 Lucia Cook, 3704 Grand Ave., puesslng nearest the correct number, gets the $X iVctor Talking Machine. : 7,777 E. W. RykeR, 4136 Vernon Ave., guessing Second nearest the correct num ber, gets the $L'S Victor Talking Machine. 7,314-G. R. Wajfonseller, Sfill N. 30th, guessing the fourth nearest correct num ber, gets the $5 allk umbrella. Over Js.000 worth of lots were sold In this new addition the first three days of the sale, which shows the demand for well located lots close to school and car line. We still have a numtor of cnoice lots In Aksarben Hill that we will sell on terms of $5 clown and $5 a month. Prices from $175 to $300. Call at our of fice and get pint or telephone and we will mail you one. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. . BARGAIN Owner going to California, offer to sell her 17-room, all modern home, at 217 No. )th St. Price, $3,900. O'Neil's E. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnam Street. Tyler 1021. P. S. To sell property list with us. ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 1ST, WIS, THE RATE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS CLASSIFICATION WILL BE 1 CENTS A LINE EACH INSERTION. FOR SALE BY OWNER My home has reception hall, tuu-lor. dining room, kitchen, four bedrooms and bath; first floor finished in oak. Built-in book case, fire place; second floor In birch, full cemented basement, floored attic, rooms all decorated, screens and atorm windows, cemented walks. 60 ft. lot. This is worth $4,&w. but will take $4,000 on easy term If sold before October 1. Located two blocks from Dundee car. Owner, Harney 4740. NEW 5-room modern cottage, oak fin ish, with built-in bookcases, large attic, full cemented basement near car line, school and church. Prico $3,000; $600 cash, balance monthly. 3SW Fowler Ave. A DECIDED BARGAIN. Six-room house, 6 beautiful lots, on paved street; shade and fruit trees, chicken houseR and other Improvements, $2,400. Address C 770, Bee. Have You $200? as first payment on a brand new 4-room bungalow. This bungalow has double floors with paper between the floors, tur felt paper between the boxing and aiding, and is well built in every way; interior wood work Is nicely varnished. There are two nice bedrooms with good slr.ed closet; and good aized parlor and a good combination kitchen and dining room; haa city water and electric lights; dandy floored attic and first-class cemented basement' also cement walks. This prop erty has a good sletf chicken house with shingle roof jid enclosed chicken yard. Just the place to raise chickens In the early spring. Only a half block from the Grand Ave. car line, close to the new $30,000 school building and handy to stores, etc The price Is $1,760 $200 down, balance reasonable. monthly payments. We also have a fine 8-room bungalow on thes adjoining lot for $1,500 finished just as complete and as well built This property also has a good chicken house rikI enclosed chicken yard. . Both prop erties located on 41st just south of Grand SOOTT & HILL, Phone Douglas 1009. 307 MrCague Bldg. A SNAP, 7-room, all modern house. In tip-top condition, $3,000 on eaBy terms; $500.00 cash and $30 per month. This id a flni home, -located at 8520 North 28th St. ROWE REALTY COMPANY. 1623 Farnam St., Room 3. FIELD CLUB SNAP Ten rooms, all modern, laundry In cellar; beautiful lot; good neighborhood; close to school. Price only $3.50(1. Can be sold on payments. Located at 911 8. 36th St.. In Field club district. BEMIS-CARLBERG CX)., 310-312 Brandels Theater. SOUTH OMAHA BARGAIN. Five-room cottage In South Omaha; electric lighted, water In kitchen; $1,450. $100.00 sash and $15.00 per month buys this nice little home.. Located m south 17th St., South Omaha. ROWE REALTY COMPANY,! 1628 Farnam St.. Room I. I CLOSE PRICE SEVEN-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE M loot lot '. well located Larj;e shade trees. Splendid neighbor hood. Easy -walking distance. Near High school and Crelgliten college. Will take 4,'ood ,arru mortgage as part or all pay ment. Addrec owner, post office box 1044. 7 CENTS PER LINE WILL BE THE RATE CHARGED ON AND AFTER OC TOBER 1 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS HUN UNDETt THE CLASSIFICATION, "FOR 'SALE REAL ESTATE." . HILLCREST ADDITION. Best and cheapest suburban acre prop erty near city. Fine country home sites and garden tracts convenient to car. Sur veyed, platted ' and staked in lots of V4 ucre to 3 acres and priced from $135 per acre up. Come early and get your choice of a Jot in this beautiful addi tion. Call for plat and descriptive literature. . C. R. Combs, 0 to 815 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Phones Doug. 8916, A-3711. - FARNAM STREET VACANT f feet by 132, south side of Farnam west of 28th street. Will lease or build to suit tenant. 8. S. Curtis. 1808 Harney St. MAGNETIC healing, over HO S. let. rOCXTK AXU PET STOCK SMALL squab plunt. fully equipped with 41 pairs of Plymouth Homers, houso and all, easy loaded on wheels, for sale or trade. Tel. Web. 1148. 1 Screenings, $1.50 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. fa BOSTON terrier pups, screw tail; sire my champion Tom Crtbb. Call Douglas S858. aoao Farnam, , REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY to loan on real estate. At tractive terms. B.- L. Baldwin & Co., 5i0 First National Bank Bldg. FARM LOANS near. Omaha; no com mission i optional payments; cheap money. Orin S. Merrill Co., 1213 City Nat. Bk. Bid. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $o0,0W W. H. THOMAS., 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN BENSON New. Just completed. One block from Omaha Country club grounds. South front, shade trees, corner lot, five cozy rooms and drying room, rough walls, decorated, and bath In white enamel, beveled mirror In medicine cast Elec tric fixtures, double flooring, oak finish, basement under whole house. There Is not a better built house offered on the market. We will show you this property at any time. S.BEAVERSSW 7tf Omaha National Bank. Douglas 245o. CREIGHTON'S 2ND ADDITION- TWO-STORY square 7-roomi a-ll modern house, lot 50x150, close to car line. Price $3,000, which Is $500 less than It Is actually BEM IS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater. VERY nice home on Laird and ISth Sts. All modern, oak finished. $3,250. GRANT. I). 8308.. 211 l;r.indls Theater Bldg. Good 7-Room Homo for onJy $2,700. An extra well built house, with 4 rooms down and 3 rooms upstairs; open plumb ing; nicely located on east front loti x 120, at 1820 N. 26th St., near Parker Bt, on paved street, with paving paid. Non resident owner. W. II. Gates, 644 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 'Phone D. 1294. Webster 2688. MHimuri, ' "Facti Worth knowing." . The Story of the OMrks. An Interesting history of America Switzerland, he richest dairy country known, where from $j.(W to $35.00 per acre can secure land on which you eau lie In dependent. We also kave the greatest State Poultry Institution In the world. J. A. Wheeler, Mountain Grove. Mo. $FDOWNAa!D $2 PER MO N 1 Vi Will buy 10-acre fruit ami poultry farm near town. Reynolds Co., Mo.; title per fect; prlie $100. Harry McGuire, Cen tiaua, III. Nebraska. ARAH L. IIUNGEHFORD. the Craw ford. Neb., land man. has opened a branch office for the allowing of sample, grain, allaim. ana gat-Hen prouueis, raised on his $10, $la alAi $.V land In famous laves county, his (.and of independ ence, in tne MctaRue nuuaing at tne comer of Dodge and 15tli streets in Omaha. In the eollcitloii there Is corn, wheat, oats, rye. millet, cane, kafflr Corn, alfalfa, alfalfa seed, flax, timothy, blue grass and potatoes. Any man can maku a sDeciaitv ot any or inese crops in Dawes county or can raise them collec tively and become absolutely Independent In a couple of yean. He can own his own home there, and then when he im proves his place he is improving his own. Is that not far better than paying high rent? Call at the office, corner of 15th and Dodge, and let the manager thore, M. O. Sevboid. explain to you an about Crawford and Dawes county; all about our crop. our railroad facilities, our home and our western markets, and all about whv It Is better to larm a home ol your own in Dawes county than In any other section In the entire went today. Arab L Hungerford, Crawford, Dawee county. Neb. Omaha office, 15th and Dodge Sts. 8K ACRE farm for fiaiu in Knox Co., Neb. Owner ot said farm operating It himself, but ' living In Iowa, therefore desires to sell said farm. Can bo sold as one or can bo divided In two good fsrmn, one consisting of 82B acres, 100 acres In uViltlvatlon, balance in pascire, ail well fenced and an abundance of water the year round; balance of UUU acres, good set of Improvements, spienuid feed lots, 140 acres in cultivation, 30 acres of tamo grass, balance In pasture and hay land, will all grow alialia; ail well fenced an abundance of running water the year round. Purchaser can buy ,150 bead of high grade cattle, the same amount of hogs, complete set ot horses and Imple ments if they so desire, or can buy the place without Will carry $20,iM on land at tlio rate of ( per cent for five or ten years. This place is considered to be the best farm of Its size In that country. For further information apply to owner, Soren Olesen, Route 3, Walnut, la. 40-BUSUEL WHEAT LAND, $2i TO $S PER ACRE). We have tor sale over 20,000 acre at Cheyenne county, Nebraska' choicest larm land, where the crop yields for U years, Including law and, 1111 average with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also a leaning crop. Bettor soil, water and climate cannot be found, Write for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDlNU&LAiND IN VUHVMJUN-r CO.. SIDNEY, NKB. 146 acres In Burt county, Nebraska; wall Improved; posse,saUm March 1; price 1116 an acre. 80 acres In Burt county, Nebraska, im proved; price fJO per acre; possession March 1. 1U. 80 aures Improved, In Thurston county, Nebraska, $u an acre; renU-d for 1913; rent goes with deal. Box 445. Lyons, Neb. Norm iiukwia. - CONSIDER THIS FOR A BARGAIN 320 acres In eastern Ransom county, N, D 3 miles west oi Bhi'ho. in old settled community, five miles from Sheldon,. wo miles iroiri L u mi r a. one-hali! mlie from school. LhihI all ViroKen, no buildings, Lay and quality of land firt-class In all respects. Adjoining lands held at from W to $40 per acre. $18 per aero takes the above laud If bought by October 7, l'Jl2. investors get busy, no trade considered. Box 741, Aberdeen, S. Dv f the acreiig? production of wheat, r.vt, barhv. oats and corn. It is estimated thttt theprodtictlon will lit- as follows. A hcat- r-raiw e. ,. :S25,9T4,il bushels, Itoiimaiila . . . S6,4t7.iiM bushels. Canada 308,iKt.00 bushels. Total pivduiHioii In Uie following mmretl cimntrirs, -3,2n0UO,ffl bushels, or K.7 pv cent more rluin last year's production: Prussia, BeteJum. Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain. Great - Britain, Hungary, Italy. Luxemburg. Swltaermrirt, ' I-Vaim'b, Nor way. Nctlio?imls. IU)iuw(iftiM Russia, India, J nim n, Egypt, Tunis, Canada and t utted States.. Rye - France 5132.080 bushels. Netherlamlw Hi,;C2,tWV bushels. Total production In the, following named countries, l,5i,0u0,00i! hmhels, or 17.7 per cent more than lant ywar'a production; Prussia, Belgium. Bulgaria, Denmaik, Spain, Krance, Hiingwy, Italy, Luxem burg, Norway. Netlaeiftands. Roumanis, Russia, Switzerland, Ouuada and United Stat.-s. Oats Roumanla ,.... ''l,f.25,000 bushels. Canada, r ,v , . . ,4M,r,O2.00O bushels. Total production in the following named countries, 3,5O4.0tV0Xli bushels, or 17.8 per cent more than lan year: Prussia, Bel gium, Bulgaria f.enmsrk, Spain, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Switzerland; Norway, Netherlands, Rou manla, Russia, Japan. Algeria, Tunis, Canada and Unllwl States. Corn Roitniania 113,76,000 bushels. Total proiluctlim In the following named countries, 3,610.01 ,000 bushels, or 17 per cent more than Hiat year: Hungary (not Including Croatia and fllavonia), Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, RoJnnanla,. Russia, Switzer land, United Stales, Japan and Egypt. Barley Roumanla 22,248,0 bushels, Canada r 4H.4U8.000 hushels, Toiui production in tno following named countries, l,174jOOO.OBO' bushels, or 6.7 per cent more than last year; Prussia Bel glum, Bulgaria. Deumark, Spain,. Great Britain, Hun nary, Italy, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands., Rou manla, Rnsslii, Japan,, Egypt Ttinls, Can ada and United States. Rice Italy 24.493,000 hushnlsi Japun ..386,027,000 bushels. Flaxseed Canada 28, 144,000 bimhelsi Wlm- , Italy 9M,S!,0flS imperial gallons, Wine (musty) Spain 307,9i),009 Imperial gallons. Silk Cocoons Japan 3Tu71S,0M) pounds. Everybody Working ' For Father's Hoard If father thinks he can save a llttlo money now that mother and daughter are beginning to wear their own hair to the exclusion of numer ous little frizzles they have been buying of the hairdresser, father, who foots the bill, ha awrther giiess coming;. For just when father thinks he has a chance to keep a. Utile small change, along comes the hair ornament man hlffhty pleased because fashions have changed and his harvest Is ripe for the gleaning. - W. B. Earl of t-ecmJnatpr, Mass., waa In Omaha yesterday doing the gloating, because the west, and in tact the whole country, has bumper crops, Is buying a fair amount of luxuries per capita and women's combs in particular. , N It's going- to be great year for hair ornaments," said he. Mr. Earl waa a member of the class of '92 at! Dartmouth and while- in Omaha renewed his acquaintance with Nathan Bernstein, of the same class, whom he had not seen for twenty years. Captain Dempit-y happened to be but three blockd away and hurried to the scene, where he found Swindell, who gave himself up. declaring he had shot in self defense.- Davis was married to a white woman and lived at 112 South Ninth street Swindell Is single-and lives at 213 North Ninth street. MORE CIVIL SERVICE JOBS Fourth-Class Postmasters to Be Pat on Classified list. DELEGATION MAKES REQUEST Kxerntlve Order Affectlua Thirty Six Tbonsand Officer. Will' Be lMned by Prraldrat Taft In Short Time. - somk Dakota. HOMESTEADS. In southern South Dakota In the rain and corn belt. Laud open Oct. Jut Let us tell you bow to secure one. Shulei & Carey, liia-23 City Nat. tJank Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE -Good unlmprifved quarter, Jerauld county, S. D. irfl.tlo tor quick sale. Want cash fur my equity. L. o. Wlnfleld, Gresham, Neb. THE South Dakota low priced lands that have produced buntei- crops this year are attracting great attention from homeseekers and speculators. They have produced ;I60 per capita and averaged per farm. In m-w wealth, This Is not equallad by any other state. Gov ernment homesteads may still be bad. Fur further information address Com missioner of Immigration, Piorre, S. D. FOR SAIJOItio acres god "farm lurid; 10 acres broke, balance alt tillable; 7 miles from Dallas and 0 miles from Colonic Price, $40 per act, payable $1,500 cash, $V00 March J. 1913; $2,400 March 1, W17. Address Uot ISO, Dallas, Bo. Dak. MisceUanevae. FOUR hqmestead rellniftiWhrnents: 2,B0 acres in oha body;, 3-set improvements; Just right for cattle or hate ranch; lg miles from railroad. Price $2,500. Other relinquishments, deeded load and school lands. Loup Lucid Co,, Seneca, Neb. ABSTRACTS OF TITI.K, need Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ai de tn Nebraska, tot Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM & HANOI LANDS FOR SAI.K Arkanftas. ARKANSAS LANDS-Bargains In fruit and stock farms: no trades consid ered. F. E. Jones, Mammoth Springs, Ark. TO BUT, SELL OR.-RENT. FIRST SEE J JOHN W. ROBBINS, liOJ FARNAM ST. 1,000,000 ACRES in Arkansas for home steading. Where located and how secured shown in our 1911 booklet, sent postpaid ! 23c. H. D. Glass, Dept. 4, Harrison, Ark. Idaho. FOR KALE 20-acres ot sppies and prunes at New Plymouth, Idaho. This year's apple crop estimated at $.000 bpxea goes with land. Small payment down, long time on balance. W. & Bell, Em cuott Idaho. LIVE STOCK MAKKiZT OF WEST (hip live took to South Omaha. Save nllearf and shrinkage, aoui- consign aieou recolva prompt aart oni sfui utua- ion. Lit tuck Couiuiuiuu 3Zerokaat . BTERB BKOS. A CO. Stroiic. reliable. CLfKTON Com. :t., f Kxcnarn; KliW. fcny'1er-.M;ilone-'oftmn 'o.. if K. Kllr. LAjERTT BROS.. i 11c.mif- HuIk. Martin Bros. & Co.. Exchaotie Bldii! Key to the Situation Viee Advertising, IvVarft AS j V J Laborer is Burned to Death in Home While lying on a bed, Jamea Watklna, a laborer, waa burned to death. In hia home at 1224 Izard street when tlia house burned last night at t o'clock. Hla honsekeeper, Myrtle Howard, narrowly escaped death. Watklns had been drinking. About S o'clock he laid down on the bed and set a lighted candle on a chair beside him. The candle set fire to the bed clothes and In tarn to the tar paper shack. Special Officers Page and Pat Lahey of the Northwestern, who were passing, tried to get Into the house, but found the doors locked. Fire company No. broke down the door and succeeded In saving the life of the woman. Before they could get Watklns out of the house he was dead. Mike Haley, a fireman with company No. 4, was badly burnid about the right hand and arm. Foreign Notes Disturbances marked the meeting of the Hungarian delegates In Vienna. The Chinese foreign minister has set tled With President Yuan Shal Kal, on an energetic policy In Mongolia says a Peking dispatch to the London Dally Telegraph. A division of the Turkish army In Janlna in the southern part of Albania has declared against the government it is reported In a dispatch to the London Times from Salonlkl. The eighteen bullovms which started at Paris In competition for the Aero club's grand prlx, have all landed. , The Esrapade Is the probable winner of the prize. The Escapade descended In Fln sterre. Brlmny, making a safe landing near the sea, . ., WASHINGTON, Sept. S4.-U waa prac tically decided today that President Taft In the near future will Issue an executive order plaoing fourth class postmasters In the classified service. This order-, re lieving 36,038 postmasters from the un certainty of political appointment, wiU bo one of the most comprehen8tvrand far-, reaching as affecting; the civil service ever Issued by a president of the Unltul States, That the president would take this step, his first set toward puttinir Into practloe hia ofl'in expressed belief that all gpvern ment officers below the grade ot cabinet members should be removed from th in- ', fluence ot polities' and placed under the civil service, became practically certain late today after a delegation ot postmas ters, returning from, the annual' conven tion of the national association at Rioh mond, Va., had,' been received at the White Ijouse and by Postmaster General Hitchcock. Ksbralt Una- Petltltta. The visitors submitted, a monster peti tion, signed by about 20,000 postmasters, asking that they be placed in the-class!-: fled list. After discussing; tha matter briefly with the delegation, President Taft referred the eecutfv committee, ot the association to Mr. Hitchcock for fur ther consideration of the matter. Later the committee called upon the postmaster general to discuss the subject with him. In a few dnys Mr. Hitchcock will sub mit to President Taft a formal recom mendation that the petition be granted ami the president is expected to act promptly and favorably upon the recom mendation. , In the entire country there were 49,672 fourth class postmasters at the end of the last fiscal year. By executive order Issued in. July,, 1908, President Roose velt placed the fourth class postmasters of all of the New England states and ot New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin In the civil 'servlw-a total of 13,634. Those still without th service number 30.038. While the detail of the proposition have not been worked out, it is expected ' the changing Into classified service of this great number ot officials wilt be accomplished by the designation of the postmasters of groups of states succes sively. It will require an Immense amount of labor on the- part of the civil service commission particularly, as well as on the part of the Postotflce de partment 1 NANCE COUNTY COMMITTEE RAPS ISCARI0T ELECTORS' Chairman J. 11. Umstead of the Nance county republican central committee haa sent a letter to Bull Moose Chairman Epperson, leaving no doubt aa to th attitude of the . committee in Nanca ceunty. The letter U as follows: F17Xil.KKTUN. Neb.. SDt 2X-A. c Epperson, Lincoln, Neb.: Dear firIn closed you will find a list of the re publican county central committee of Nanee county as requested. I want to- say that we are republican, not bull moosers, and do not believe in assisting any man that is doing alt he can against the national republican ticket, and aiso we do not feel like helping a committee that was appointed from a convention claiming to- be republicans that Is too cowardly to Indorse its national candid ates, and. platform. We, the republican central committee of Nance county, do v not and will not support those six Judaa Iscarlot electors who are nominated an the republican ticket and who now say they will vote In the electoral college for Theodore Roosevelt Instead of the republican candidate, William Howard Taft. , There are some of the boye on the state ticket that we will do all In our power to elect, but those who are going through the stste assisting; Theodore Roosevelt to destroy the republican party, we have no use for. Respectfully yours. J. H. UMSTBAD, Chairman Nance county republican cen tral committee. RUPTURE of all varieties cured In In a few days without pain or 1 oss of time. No pay will be accepted un til the patient is cared. Write or call. "Fidelit," Rupture Cure Rt . U. S. i"t. OBm Prank H. Wray, K. O. Bee Building-, Omaha v . pa 4 "Died of PnrimuU" is never written of those who cure coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. Guaranteed. 50c and $l.fl& For rale by Beaton Drug Co. Culls -from the Wire Mitchell's corn palace season opened yesterday with a big attendance. A Judge to try Dr. George A. Frltsch for Wie second time for manslaughter In ; connection with - the death of Maybelle Mlllman In Detroit was secured in circuit court - Joseph Marohlc, editor of the Croatian Heruld of Pittsburgh. Pa., waa elected president of the National Croatian so ciety, which is holding Its annual con vention In Kansas City. A fund of $21,375.95 to aid the cause of home rule for Ireland was raised in Philadelphia at an enthusiastic mass meeting under the auspices ot the United. Irish League of America, That America Is fast coming to the landlord and tenantry stage of England with Its attendant woes, waa the state ment made by Francis Nelleen. former member of the British Parliament, at St Joseph, Mo. Attorney General U. S. Webb of Cali fornia began Investigation of charges preferred against Louis R. Olavia, who figured prominently in the Balllnger Plnchot controversy and ts now secretary ot the California Conservation commis sion. ' . Acting Chief Justice Wallaoe Mount of the Washington supreme court, Issued an Injunction restraining the superior court of King county from proceeding with the trial of the $1,000,000 damage suit ot James A. Moore against the Metropolitan Trust company of New York, until the entire supreme court can pass upon Moore's application for a permanent re straining order.