Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1912, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, WKUKSlAi', StPTEAJliEit ia, 1912.- ebe& tJjlll 'lJo -It inere must Always jpe.a lioat , 'I iTopytigMj, National New Awn. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus AND BILL BID) DENVER PUNISHES PITCHERS Wichita Defeated by Score, of Nine to Four. IOSERS MAKE RALLY IK NINTH 53. Ferry aad Ttoatt Pounded by Crls ilira, While Lrourd la Effective Till Last Inning, Whfji Lo. i, ) Make Fpir Hnn WICHITA, Sept. 24,-benver' hit both Perry and Routt- hard, while Leonard was effective until this' fast Inning; when 'three hit and three errors cct' four runs. 8core: '''' ' WICHITA. Jllddleton. cf... L&vla, rf. ........ Koerner, lb..... Callahan, is.... Hughes 211 Pettigrew, lf.. Mee. 3b (demons, c. Perry, p : Ivtmtt, p.... Wacob .... Total!....1 AE TL H. 0. 4 .4 .....J 4 4 ..... 4 3 0 ..... 3 1 0 0 0 0 . 0 A. B. 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 v.- a V4), a? - 1 f 3- 34 4 n U , 4 DENVER.- . - . ' .. . AB' It. II.. Oi A, E. Channell, If 4 ' 2 l 2 o 0 0 Xassldy. if 4,12 0 0,1 lleall.vcf 6,.v t J' . ' 0 0 , Oultltli, 3b. ,, ......... 6 0 0 2 0 0 roffoy, .....4 0 I 1 4 1 French, Jib 6 ,2 2 0 2 0 Lindsay, lb 2 1,08 oC 0 Work, c f 8 1 0 11 0 ; 0 Leonard, p ..4 1 3,j o 2 1 Total ..S6 9 14 27 "". 1 Batted for poult In ninth,'; ;: Wichita 0 00000004-4 Denver 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1-0 Left on bases: Denver. '; Wichita, S. fwo-bsjie hits:' Beall, French, Channell. ' llirve-base h4t: Chthions. Stolen biuws: , Doffey, Beall, Kocroer, Mee. Double . Olays: Callahan 'to Hug-hps, Ooffev to , IJndsay (3). Struck out: By Leonard, 8; by ltoutt, 4. liases on balls: Off Perry,- 't YOU HAVE NOT THE KINO i 1 WAtIT! XI. I ff 1 SZ'szl I' teJkidl . !ll l(TnTh f let 1 Mf aa, ..... CLOTH ' I V L '"',l- I Dt ANY r HINT ( I '"' I V r. " Rll I I - r . . i J v - s i glove I t X' i x v - x . i i i rj. I v ' i .i y v-"" i si r i I: off Leonard, 2: off Routt, 1 Tlnle: 1:4a. L'mpires: 0 Toole and Johnson. DE8 MOKS OUTBATS ST. JOB 8. Reilly Makes Three Triples, a ' Doable and Single. . ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Sept. 24.-Des Moines batted St.-Joseph pitchers at will today and won, to 7. Ii. Beilly's hitting was a feature. Score: , . .. , , DES MOINES. ' 1 AB. It, II. O. A. Ev Leonard, If. .., 6 1 2 0 0 0 Collins, cf. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Korea, us. . . 2 2 1 4 0 Jones, lb. .......... 4 2 2 16 2 1 T. Rellly, 2b. . ...... 3 3 . 3 2 7 0 Clatre. 3b. ......... .'6- 1 2 0 I t Morris, rf. ........... 4 0,8 0 0 tl Sleight, tv 5 0,2 6 0 ,0 Rogge, p. S( 0 2 t 6 ,, 0 Total 42 9 18 27 W 1 ST. JOSEPH. 7 AB. R, H. O. A. E. ,4 1 1 I Kelly, cf., 2b. .. Powell. If B Watson, rf. ..' S Zwllllng, lb., cf. .. 4 B. Rellly,' 2b., is. .. 5 Westerxll, 3b. ...... 4 Ootuiett, O. .......... 4 Melnke. is.. .3 Khns, lb i 1 Jackson, . p. 0 Bell, p Woldrinir,' p. Walllscr, ... .... 2 .... 1 .... 1 I I 10 5 .0. t 1 0 0 0 0 0 TotaI 39 T 11 27 17 J 1 Batted for Woldring In ninth. " ' Dos Mollies 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 09 St. Joseph ........ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 2-7 Three-base hltsi T. lleilly. B. Rtfllyi (2). Two-base hits: B. Rellly, Gossett, Ionnrd. ' ' Sacrifice hits: " Collins, Jones,' T.Rilly, (2). Morris. Stolun baHes: Korea, Morris, Kelly. Ieft on bases: Des Moines, VI; St. Joseph, 7. Struck out: i , By Bell, 1; by'Woldrftig, 5: by Ilogge. 8. liasei oir bftlli: Oft Woldring. 1; off RogRe. I. Wild pitch: Rokkb, Hits: Oft Jackson, 4 in one Inning; off Bt-ll, 9 In three and one-third innings. Time: 2:00, Umpire: Knapp. ' Key to th Situaiion Bee Advertising. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returhs, . BOSTON DIVIDES TWIN BILL New American League Champions Split Double-Header. ) FIVE TO TWO IS FINAL SCORE Captain aad Wagner and Bedleat Are Gtren Preaeaia by Kam aad , Celebrate Occasion by Strlk. ins ,Onl. i GotiTCEiesice You Can Do It All JnTh ree Minutes "OOR you as a busy man the thing to do is to get a Gillette Safety Razor and these fine 1912 Blades. You will shave comfortably in three minutes, instead of fifteen. Just lather and shave. No bother of stropping no danger ot cuts , and scratches. , . Work. up a good stiff lather. Rub it well into the roots of the 'beard with your fingers. Soften your beard, as you did with your old-fashioned .Adjust .your Gillette, to your beard and skin. - Shave cr- with hot angle .strokes. . . . v T" V-And don't neglect the lather. , It's, the cleanest, smoothest shave in the world more luxurious than ever since these 1912 Blades came out The dillette is the only razor in the world that, can be in stantly adjusted for any type of beard, for a sensitive skin, for the kind of shave you like or must have. . , It will do more for your shav ing than all the strops and hones, all the shaving devices ever in -vented. ' Don't Put It Off Bay a Gillette Today i"Ak jroor dealer. Thi very next time you Me a Gfflett in a store window go In and talk to tho man about it Standard set, $3.00 everywhere. -Pocket editions, $3 00 to $5.00. Travellert' and Tourists" sets, $6.00 . to $50.00. Gillette Blades, packets of six (13 sharing edges), SO cents; nkkel-platad bo of twalva (24 shaving dges),$1.0a For sals in ,40,000 retail stores to every part of the habitable glob. ThfCilletii h theFint Real ,f .'91 J" t - vnuimg improvement It is the most wonderful ad vance ever made because it is practical- . t. r It goes to the root of the diffi. ' vculty-rtte 'shaving quality of the blade. ' ; .- In fiVe thousand years of shav frig before the Gillette came out, ,v men had never known an effi cient razor. Always the soft blade too - soft to hold its edge against the rough wiry texture of the beard. Always the stropping and hon A ing the bother and fuss.- ' The hard tempered wafer-like . blade of the Gillette, with its ;i sharp lasting edge, makes it practicable for , every man to have himself. BOSTON, Sept. 24.-Th locals won and lost In a, double-header today with the New Yorks. New Torli won the first game, 8 to 2; Boston the second3 to 1, scoring two runs in the eighth Inning; after which the game was called on ac count of darkneii. Captain Wagner was presented with a loving cup two feet high and BedJent was given a gold horseshoe during the first game. Eeach J struck out immediately after. Score, first ' game: . i 1 . ' : BOSTON'. NKW TORK. aa.H.o.A.r. ab.hoae. llooptr, rf.. 1 0 1 0 OMidhlff, b 4 t 0 0 1 Henr'kMS rf I 0 0 Odiaw. lb.. 1 1 12 1 Yerk, 3b.. 4 111, If., (lit! 8pMlMr, c(.. t 110 Olxllvdlt cf.. I 1 I I I Uwla, If..., 4 1 1 0 Simmon., Ib 4 1 I t t Knila, 3b... 4 1 S t CII.rtz.ll rf.. 4 1 11 0 Jdr. lb.... 1 014 1 OMrMlll.n M 4 1 4 0 Waanw, m. t 1 4 OWIIIIiim, e 4 1 I 0 1 r,rrfin c. 4 0 I 1 pi t 0 t 0 Itsdleutj D.ftOOtO - u Thomu .t. 1 0 0 0 0 Totals it 14 27 10 1 , Totals..... M I 27 14 1 Batted for Bedlent in ninth. Boston '. 0 0 1 1, 0 0 0 0 0-2 New York 4'0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 0-5 Two-base hits: Eriffle, Lewis, MeCon nell, Speaker. Three-base hits: Daniels. Jiartsell. Sacrifice hits: ,-Chase VI) Sacrifice fly:. Speaker. Stolen bases: Chase. Simmons, Wagner, Speaker. Double playa: Bedlent to Cady to wagner; Yerkes to Cady. Left" on bases: Boston, 7: New York. 8. Bases m balls Off Bedient 2; off McConnell. I First base on error: Boston, 1. - Struck out: ,? .Boant. ; by McConnell,' . Wild pitch: McConnell. Time: 2:07. Umpires: Dineen and Hart. . , . Score, second game. ' ' B08T.'N- rt , . NEW YORK. ' llwrtk- hi ...V AB.H.0.A.B. ? lkH J ! '1110 .erka, lb,. I t I 3 0Oe lb... I 1 4 0 o uSSr'u"- 1 1 "-! i.M'.k ! i J ' Oflmmona. 2b 4 1 2 0 Tho,n, e.. 1 1 t owililam., "J 1 J I ' OBrlen, P-.JJOJ 1 0CHdwell. pl t i l l Total.....l own 1 I..... ' ZT.1 New York ?.o 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 nii2T. v-.t J Hendrlksetf (2), - L49W1S. LKittC DlftVa- ,2 "-" v unnen, z: off LH,a .L2?- .By O Br.en.06f! Dineen and Hart. ,7 Lmp,rea: Double-Header with y ' Sioux City Today Rain and wet grounds necessitated the postponing of the second game of the series with "Ducky- Holmes' Indians yesterday afternoon. The grounds were In fine shape in the morning, but the drlMilng rain wMeh ..... , hortiy after noon soon had the lhfield In "p. uouoie-neaders will be otaged today and tomorrow. The first gam today will be called at 1 o'clock. HURON COLLEGE MAKES FOOT BALL SCHEDULE HCRON. S. D Sept. I4.-(Speclal.)-The Huron "college foot ball team haa completed lt schedule of game for the present season. All college In th state re on the. scheme and, there promises to be some very spirited contests. The School of Mines at Rapid City, and the Aberdeen Normal have been added to the list. Martin, Sherwood." .Andrews and Meigs of last year's team are to play with this year's squad. Vance. Roberts and Baker of the high school team are with the college squad, and others will be added within the next few days. Pol lowing Is th schedule of games as com pleted; . . . October 4-SHoux Falls at Huron. Octofcrr ll-Mltchell at Huron. Octo&er 21 Redfield at Huron. October 26-Rapld City at Rapid City. November 4 Aberdeen at Huron. November 9-South Dakota State college at Brooking. . November l-Tankton at Huron. November 33-tate university at Ver million. . , . .f. : Gillette , . - . KwontTMC ovt ; ':; GliLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON Standing of Teams WE8TERN Denver Omaha St. Joseph Des Moines ......... Sioux City ..... Wichita Lincoln Topeka NAT. LEAGUE. W.I,. Pet. New York. .97 44 ,m Chicago ....87 54 .617 Pittsburgh .8 55 .610' Cincinnati .72 '2 ,W Phila. 66 74 .471 .St. LOUts . ,:, M ,4t.t Brooklyn ..54 S8 .Mil Boston .... 48 & .m LEAGUE. Won. Lost. or. 9( 88 78 73 75 77 51 63 67 71 77 80 84 81 104 Pet. .601 .574 .551 .504 .477 .427 .4X8 .330 AMER LEAGUE. W.LPct. Boston ..... 9 45 ,68S Washington 87 58 .3!W Phila 85 Sit ,580 Chicago ....71 72.497 Detroit 68 77 .460 u-.cvc.and ..67 7f .465 New York.. 60 32 .352 St. Louis.... 48 95 .336 Yesterday's Remits, t WESTERN LEAGUE. , fiioux City-Omaha, rain. Des Moines, $; St. Joseph, 7. Lineoln-Topeka, wet grounds. Denver, 9; Wichita, 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh-New York, rain. Chicago-Philadelphia, rain. St. Louis-Brooklyn, rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York, 6-1; Boston, 2-3. Cleveland, 7; Detroit. 8. Chicago, 6-2; St. Louis, 2-2. Gaines Today. Western League Sioux City at Omaha, Dea Molnea at St Joseph, Lincoln at Topeka, Denver at Wichita.- National League Philadelphia at Brooklyn. American League New York at Boa ton, Washington at Philadelphia, Chicago to Bt. Loots. Wayne llla-a Wlai from Stanton. f STANTON.' Neb., Sept J4.- Special. ) Saturday - afternoon the Wavn TDitrh school, and Stanton High school foot ball teams battled on the gridiron, in a good game of foot ball, -the Wayne boys win ning by the score of 35 to.S. Stanton's only touch down came in th first Quar ter when ''Cub" Baer carried the ball under the goat.' Wayne made five touch down and also made their flv fnu. kicks. Th Stanton boys will play the West Point High school on the 8tanton grounds next Saturday.' Roekvtlle Wins Feaaaat. FARWELL, Neb., Sept 24.-(SpeciaL) Rockwell won the pennant In the Sherman-Howard league. Following Is th standing of the teams at the end of the season: :''.' r , -' . P. W. L. Pet Rockwell ... .81 15 ' .714 Ashton IS , .1 Boelus .81 11 10 .623 Farwell. ............21 , 10 It .476 Dannebrog .,...21 18 .JKI Elba 21 4 , 17 .190 Key to the Situation-Be Adverting. Double A Leagues Announce Drafts AUBURN, N. Y.,"8ept. 24.-ecretary John H. Farrell of the National Assoc!-! ation of Professional Base Ball leagues today gave out ajlst of the men selected by draft In the opening day of the five days allowed teams In class AA .to draft play era .Th list Includes:;; .; By San Francisco Cadreaw from .Spa-, kane, CJiulvida from Vancouver, Stan ridge from ' Calgary, Hughes from Ot tumwa - Bv Oakland Newman from Hnimton. disallowed; Brantlgam from Appleton, disallowed; Becker froni Portsmouth, Va. By Portland, Ore. Ellis from Wichita, Evans from Dallas, disallowed; Arm strong from Dayton, Hynes from Lon don, OntJ Cortney from Brantford, Ont.; Drohan from Kewanee, disallowed; Wil son from KnoxvIUe, Grubb from Morris- town, Korea from Des Moines, Young from Harrlsburg. By Los Angeles ZwilUng from St. Jos eph, Noyes from Spokane, disallowed; Ed mondson from Houston, Miller from Har rlsburg, disallowed. By Providence McCuliough from Has tings, Neb.; Orth from Peoria. . By Buffalo Mann from Seattle. k , By MIlwaukee-rLaudenslager from El mlrai disallowed. -By 'Minneapolis Melkle from Seattle, disallowed; Wetzel from Springfield, 111.; Mann from ' Seattle, disallowed; Brautl- gam from Appleton. By Columbus Fullerton from Seattle disallowed. KEARNEY PREACHER TAKES , CHURCH BELL WITH HIM KEARNEY,, Neb.,' Sept 21-(Spectal.)-When the ' members of the Trinity Methodist church waited for the sound of their bell Sunday morning to summon them to thela meeting place, they were disappointed In that there was no bell. The bell was purchased by Rev. A. J. Clifton two .years ago and installed n the church tower at his 'expense. Last 'week he was assigned to th charge at Ogal lala, and it occurred to him that the bell might sound good on the praries of the western part of the state and help to fill hts congregation, , Mr. Clifton called hts parishioners in Kearney together and announced his In tention of either taking the bell or suffi cient gold and silver in lieu thereof to Install a similar one on the church in his new location. The congregation, remembering the days when -they found their way to church unaccompanied by the chimes, re jected the offer, and he took the bell along with his household goods. WILBER MAN INJURED SEARCHING FOR WORK BEATRICE. ,Nb.. Sept. S4.-(Speolal Telegram. Ed McElray of Wllber, who left that place last night In company with Monroe Savage in search of work, was brought here today' from Tecum sen, where he had his foot crushed while at tempting to board . a freight train. He was placed in the United Brethren hos pital and the injured foot will be am putated tomorrow. He has a wife and five children living at Wllber, and Is in destitute circumstances. Pat Meloy Declared EllsrlMe. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Sept. 24. (Special. V "Pat" Meloy, the clsver little quarter back ' who handled the Iowa team In some of the more important games last season,, .was- declared eligible by the faculty today" and appeared for regular practice. Meloy was called home last spring by the death of his father and did npt return to school until this fall, when he was compelled to take his law exam - v A. To of Gold . oould buy nothing- better' for female weakness, lame back and kidney trouble than Electric Bitters. Only 50c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' University of Omaha Lines Up Team for. Foot Ball Season Joy and gloom took alternate, possession of foot ballrclrcles at the University ' of Omaha Monday. Joy first held sway when It was learned that George Parish; quarterback on last year's eleven and captain of the basket ball team, had reg istered for work and announced his in tention of donning the moleskins again this year, 'Parish Is a senior and talked some of. staying out this year and com pleting his course next year. Almet Solomon, who also won a letter last year, put in his appearance for the first time this semester and will increase the number of veterans to ten. Another new man who has lots of beef is Van Avery. Yesterday ;was his first appear ance on the foot ball field, and though a trifle short on experience, he is a husky lad and handles himself well. There was a great deal of disappoint ment when it was definitely learned that Larson, captain-elect of the team, will not return to school this year. Larson was one of the best men on the squad In 1911 and his Iocs will be keenly felt. Morganthaler for the first time this season picked a tentative lineup, which he used in scrimmage yesterday. This arrangement will be shifted from time to time until after the first game of the season, which will bo played with Ne braska Wcsleyan university, October 5, at University riace. The lineup used by the coach was: Ends, Jenkins, and Westerfield; tackles, Solomon and Hair sey; guards, John Selby and Salisbury; center, Paul Selby; quarter, ' Dow; half backs, Parsons and Jorgenson; fullback, Haaker. ' - Bellevue Foot Ball Warriors Cut Out Pastry and Society ; ! Bellevue foot baB practice has started in earnest Over twp teams are report ing nightly for practice, and under the careful coaching of Coach Holste are rapid lyj mastering the rudiments of the game. ., ., Training tables have been started and strict training rules laid down by Coach Holste. His slogan,, to cut out society and pastry,' is being strictly observed. Practice Is "to commence at 3 o'clock for the next two weeks and will continue for three'hours. 1 Holste will put forth every effort to make a creditable showing against Ne- .braska Ooctobcr 6. So "far practice has I been' rudimentary, the time being de voted to' mastering the forward pass, tackling and charging. ' Although the personnel of the team is not yet determined, it is certain that Captain JJonderson will hold down one tackle position; and" Lichten waller, the giant Omaha freshman, the other. P. Ohman and R. Jones are in line for the ! guard positions, ' while the ends and halves will be chosen from a number of light,' fast men, who are working out for these positions. ' Johnson and Foot seem to have acinch on the quarter and center positions at .present. ., ,, One thing is conceded, the strength of the team will not lie. in one or, two In dividual sja'rs,. but' in . a , perfected foot ball machine. The coach Is working to this, and team work will be a' feature of the purple and gold aggregation this year, r '- ''; ; . ' : Following the Nebraska game the. In dians will meet Cotner on the home grounds October 12. The Christians are being coached by H. Curtiss, a former Bellevue star, who graduated last year. Sox Wla and Tie, !BT. LOUIS, Sept. 24. Chicago woiiHhe first game of a double-neader rrom St. Louis here this afternoon, score, 6 to 2 and tied with St. Louis in the second contest, which was called at the end of the tepth inning, because of darkness, with the score, 2 to 2. ' In the first game Chicago mixed hits with errors, while , Walsh was effective in all but two innings. The second game was a pitchers' bat tle between Hamilton and Benz. Chicago started the scoring, getting a run in the first on a hit, an error am an out., Callahan s nit Austin s error ana tioanYB single gave the visitors their second run. Two passes and a single netted the home team its first run. St. Louis tied It in the eighth on two hits and an error. Score, first game: CHICAGO. ST. LOUI3. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.U.O.A..B. Rrth 2b.... 4 3 0 1 Oshotten, cf..i 12 0 0 Mattick, tl. U I 0 0 William, rt.i 1 i 1 0 Call'h'n. If., i 1 1 OBriaf, X 0 0 1 Bodi, rf.... 4 2 10 flPratt., 8b.... 4 0 2 2 0 Bortoo, lb.. 4 0 14 1 OMIller, lb.. 2 0 10 0 . Zelder, 3b... 4 10 5 OAustin 3b.. 4 1 1 4 2 Weaver, aa.. 4 0 2 6 lWallace, ia. 2 0 5 1 0 Kuhn, o.....i I 4 1 0 Alexander, o ! 0 I .4 0 Bent, p..... 4 0 0 S OHimlltou. pi 0 0 K 0 Croaaen, e... 1 110 0 Totals 37 11 30 1 lOompton ..1 1 0 0 0 Shanley ... 0 0 0 0 0 , 'Stephens .. 1 0 0 0 0 Total's ' 30 17 1 Batted for Alexander in the ninth. Ran for Compton in the ninth. Batted for Hamilton In the tenth. (Called account of darkness.). Chicago 10100000 02 St. Louis 001000010 0-J Two-base hit: Zelder. Sacrifice hits: Mattick, Hamilton. Stolen base: Cros ses. Hit by pitched ball: By Bens, Pratt. Bases on balls. Off Bens, 2; off Hamilton, 1. Struck outs By Hamilton, 6 by Bens, 3. Left on bases: St. Louis, 5 Chlcagq. 7. Time: 1:50. Umpires: O'Brien and Connolly. Score, Beeond game: ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A-E. AB.H.O.A.K. Shotten cf..4 12 0 OBoth. 2b.... 4 2 1 2 N Wllllania. ,rf 4 2 1 0 0 Mattick, cf.. S 1 3 1 0 BrtefiUlf rt2il, S. 0 ILonl, , If.... 4 t. 1 0 0 Pratt, 3b... 2 1 S 5 OColllna, rf. . 4 3 1 0 0 Stovall, lb.. 2 0 11 0 Borton. lb., i t 11 0 0 AuatlB, 3b.. 4 1 0 2 0 Wearer, aa.. 4 0 0 1 0 Miller, w-lb4 1 3 3 -0 Sullivan, c. J 1 S 2 Croaaen, ... 4 0 3 1 0 Walsh, p.... 3 0 0 4 0 Powell, p.... 2 0 0 2 0 J Allison p.. 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 12 27 13 0 Wallace, aa. 0 0 1, 1 0 . Compton ..1 0 0 0 0 ' Tolale..!..38 27 15 3 flatted for Stovall in ninth. Chicago ..0 0 0 1 0 2 I 0-8 St. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 Two-base hit: Lord. Three-base hit: Pratt. Sacrifice hits: Brief. ColBna, Walsh, Pratt. Stolen bases: Brief, Zel der. Balk: Walsh. Wild pitches: Pow ell, Allison. Bases on balls: Off owell, 1; off Walsh. 1; off Allison, 2. Struck out: By Walsh. 8; by Powell, 2. Hits: Off Powell, 11 in six and one-third in nings; off Allison, 1 in two and two thirds innings. Left on bases: ' St. Louis, : Chicago, 8. Time. 1:60. Um pires: O'Brien and Connolly. . . Napa Defeat Tlarera. DETROIT, Sept. 24. Cleveland Went Into fifth place, today and. Detroit, into sixth as a result of the visitors' victory. Five singles in a row and two errors by Detroit gave Cleveland four runs in the first Inning, enough to win. Score: CUEVEUAKD. ' DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.K.' . A.B.H.O.A.B. Johnston, lb 0 10 1 OBueh. as..,'.. 1- 1 14 Chapman, all 1 t OOorrtdon, Sb I I I 1 Turner, Sb. . 4 I I , i erwroro. rc a i Jacaeon, rf.. 1 1 1 OCobb, of.... 4 1! 10 Lajole, 2b... 4 1 11 OVeach, It.... 4 Sill Mandril, cf. 4 t 4 OLeuden. 2b.. 1 ( 1 Graner. If... I 1 I MJ Onalow. li t 4 2 0 O'Neill e... S 1 4 J Onalow, o 4 2 I Blandln'c P I 0 1. 0 Keener, ... 0 1 I Jenaon, p ., t 4 0 Tntala 14 13 27 11 Lake. P 100 1'Joaee 1 ktorlarty ,. 1 0 4 0 0 Totale..... I 27 14 4 Patted for J. Onslow in the seventh. Patted for Jenson in the eighth. Cleveland s... 400000J0 1-7 Detroit 100000020-4 Two-base hit: Lajoie. Three-base hit: Cobb. Double plays: Lajoie to Chap man to Johnston. Johnston to Lajoie to Johnston. Cobb to Kocher. Bases on balls: Off Blanding, 3; off Jenson, 5. Struck out: By Blanding. 3; by Jenson, 3. Time: 1:51. Umpires: O'Loughlin and McGreevy.. ". . Key to the Situation Bee advertising. Two Weddings at Mndlnon. v.-MAOJSftN,7 Sept. 23.Special.)-udge iM..r tV McDuffee '.prondunced the 'words this afternoon ' which made Garrie V. Waters of Schuyler and Miss Nellie M: Adams of Johnstown, 'husband and wife. A, marriage license was also Issued to Peter O. Anderson of Boone county, and Mips Alice Hannah Broberg of Newman Grove. An article that has real merit should In time become popular. .That such Is the case with ; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by" many dealers.' Here is one of them." ' H. W. ' Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and croup and is my best seller.'.' For sale bv' all dealers. '' Key to. th Situation Bee Advertising. WISCONSIN PLAYER OUT OF GAME FOR SEASON MADISON, Wis., Sept 24.-"General' Van Gent, who was Injured during lagt Saturday's gridiron practice, is 'out, of the foot ball game for the season." A physician who examined Van Gent's in jured shoulder declared today that there is a dean fracture of the collar bone. Just ask yourself if you aren't ready for that new fall suit. ' O u r KENSINGTONS and KEN MORS offer correct styles, best work manship and permanent fit in both suits and over- $14.50 to $40.00. How about your full dress outfit for the Ak-Sar-Ben doings? ; ' Newest models in full " dress' and Tuxfido suits . graceful,1; distinctive v a ii d splenrlidly? tailored ,$35, $40, $45. IDress',0yejrcoats, silk lined and plain or sjlk faced lapels in Oxfofds and ' blacks $ 1 7 to $3 5 , ; - Complete lines of even ing d r e s s accessories silk and opera hats, shirts, gloves, waistcoats, suspen ders, ties, studs, etc., ab solutely new and correct. MAGEE & DEEMER, 413 South 18th St. it neleaiet-tM-niCCats ff1' at tka lenlrcr Halck. ' Revolver and Pistol Cartridges The red ball brand is chosen by the majority of revolver and pistol experts because they know that- . i the ignition is prompt,;uniforni'fv v ' and sure, . , ' ' ; , Q , the accuracy is guaranteed by - experts. v,v-''v ':.' ';;v-;:(-f World's Indoor Fifty-Shot Jfiitol. Record vhId by '; Geore Armstrong score 482 ex 500.'' : ' , r ' ' ' World' Indoor Twenty-Five Shot Pistol Record held by George Armstron-icor 244 ex 250. - . ' World' Seventt Five Shot Rapid Fire Record held by A P.' Lane score 605 ex 150. World's Outdoor Pocket Revolver Record held by A. P. Lan , score 211 ex 250. 4 "' ' World's Grand Aregate Individual Record held by A. P. Laa core 1236.. 'World's Military Record, held by Samuel Peterson score 215 '' ex 250.. .."'.'.'' , Jt made with f&fnlngtQfcUMC ammunition. '. ' ' PrrJnPton-UMC the perfect shooting combination. :' ' -:' ';:;,. f ' .''l",l,-'-' . ' Remington - Anns-Union A Mdanic CartridCo. 299 Broadway New York City. . V. mm X