Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1912, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1912. eis sic o re PLACE ON SALE WEDNESDAY FOR THE FIRST TIME FROM THE n QMverware HANDEtSERG STOCK 1622 FARNAH STREET, OMAHA SOLD BY THE TRUSTEE 1 IPtwtI fS i 2 11 Ji 11 W or Less Than All Mandelberg's Sterling Silver Knives, Forks; Teaspoons Hollow Ware, Saver Tea Seta Fruit Bowl, Cups, - Chocolate Sets, Not Bowls, Dishes, Creamers and Sugars, Almond Dishes, , Bon Bon Dishes, . Servers, . Serving Forks and Spoons in all sizes, Novelty Silverware.' Ml the different Standard patterns ' made by the most famous Silversmiths, such as Gorham, Whiting, B. Wallace & Sons, Rogers, Lunt and Bowlen, etc.. . Also many Silver Plated Novelties. Sterling Sliver Picture Frames, Clocks, Etc. The Mandelberg stock 'contained only silverware, jewelry and leather goods of highest grade. You can absolutely" depend upon thefine quality of everything in this sale. ' All at One-Half or Less Than One Half Mandelberg's Former Prices EDNE! Greater Bargaios in Diamond Rings, Diamond Set Jewelry, Solid Gold Jewelry, Ladies' and Men's Watches from the Mandelberg Stock Wednesday Everything at! or Less Than j Price TUTTUQFfc A V e Pace 011 sae a fno her Goods, Men's and Women's 1 11 UilJlfll Purses, Traveling .Toilet Rolls, Leather Novelties, Men's and : Women's Umbrellas, Silver Toilet Sets, Brass Novelties, etc, at extraordinary bargains. Wonderful Values in Laces, Dress Trimmings and Embroideries from the Arnold-Constable New York Stock This sale is the talk of Omaha. Thousands of yards of the most exquisite laces and trimmings are being sold at about one-half the prices asked by , the famous importers, Arnold-Constable, in New York. 7 ; T ; x. 50$' Imported Silk Chiffon and Net Tonics $ Elegantly beaded, spangled and embroidered In gold, puYor, yuaiei coionngs ana jet; at,each ILtsf i05Q SIC and .J JL v up : Fich Wide Silk; Embroidered Bands Qold and. silver embroidered bands, 1 8-inch Silk and Metallic Embroidered Allovers, fancy , all overs, elegant Venlse appliques wide lace bands In Venlse, crochet, Bohemian and macrame effects also many other novelties in very -r unusual erfects worth up to $1.60 1 Ml a yard: at. yard. .. . . . . V V r 1,000 Yards of 4 3 -Inch Crystal Dew Drop Ch Ifon AU Overs White, black and evening shades. A re . markable bargain from the ArnoldCon ' stable Stock-1-worth 75c a yd., Q Q at vd. ucfi; lit WiJnesday Hai( Goods Dept. Wavy Gray Switches at $2.75 Beautifully made switches, 24 'inches long. Readily converted into the newest arrangements of the coiffure. Fine, soft, fluffy switches on short stems. Experts in attendance ' to insure perfect matching. , ; . t Saturday A Big Sale of Sample.... DOLLS .See our 16th. street show window that Is filled with the best, bargains in fine kid body and tbe best Jointed body Sample Polls that will be sold Saturday at lower prices than have ever, before been known. Buy your Christmas dolls at this sale' and save money. BKAMDE1S STORES j MORE CARRIERS-ARE ADDED - " ' v Postal Authorities Also Put on More ' Clerks in Omaha. BEQUEST IS MADE FOB AUTOS Canpatg Literature Makes the ' Moil Heary and Big Fall aad VTlater Bastaeas ta Alao ... Expected. . The swelling of the malls in and out of Omaha, due to the progress el the presi dential campaign, has Just begun to be noticed at the local postottlce. Postmaster Wharton says the movement of campaign literature through the mails is Just be ginning. - Ootober:L six new substitute clerks will be employed In the postofflce, and three new substitute carrier.. Th.. vrllt be badly needed at times during the . iwreldentia! campaign. When the campaign Is closed and the eietion Is wall over, the regular annual nir.U preceding the holidays will begin. tfore this is well over the parcels post system will have to c-e inaugurated here, as elsewhere, January L. For this rea eor it it expected that tbe substitute clerks that are tak& on at present stand a tetter chance of getting steady places In a shorter period of service than do suMltutes ordinarily when they begin in the postal service. A a toe for Parcels. Postmaster Whartor. has made appli cation to the Postofftce department at Washington for permission to purchase two automobiles to be used in the city In the delivering of parcels when the par cel poot shall have been put Into effect A system of deliveries something similar to that of the express companies will have to be Instituted in order to handle the business when parcels weighing up to eleven pounds begin to go through the mail Instead of by express or freight . When the committee at Washington now working on plans for Inaugurating the parcels post finally reports Its recom mendations, a set of regulations for Insti tuting tho system will be sent to ail the postmasters, from which they will In augurate the system In their respective cities and towns In spite of these regu lations, the postmasters wltl have to us their own judgment largely In the amount of equipment required at their particular station. Just as the number of clerks and carriers, must now depend on the amount of wail handled. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. -,,'7 . , , ' Police to Stop Jain " atiAk-Sar-BenBall Society traveling v In autos will be chaperoned by policemen at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball this year. Chief of Police Dunn and Que Rense nave taken up with the board of governors the advisability of agreeing on some scheme to supervise the unloading of automobiles at the den that night ; ..:, , . . i .Ordlnarly guests have been comnelled to sit In their machines from half an hour to an hour and wait for an oppor tunity, to drive u? to the main entrance and alight This year pollcemee will have charge of all machines. Then will be tour sta tions and four cars will unload at once. There will be four entrances and a ticket taken at each entrance. "We think there will be no trouble In carrying put this plan." said Chief Dunn. 'There may be somebody who will ob ject, but-these police officers will over rule their objections." ' It's a, Bora last Shame not to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure burns, ecsema, bolls, sores, piles, cuts, bruises, wounds and ulcer. Sc. .For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Get Ready for Colder Days We Refine Jackets. Coats and Overcoats, Put on Collars, Cuffs and Buttons and Make All Kinds Alterations A ' Hie first snappy, days of fall are here. You will sdon need heavier garments. Let us make , your last year's suit or jacket as good as. new. 7 We employ expert men's and ladies' tailors to' do your altering,-repairing and relining.. In stead of buying a new suit, let us make the -old one do for another season forone-tenth the cost. -Our prices are much lower than the tailors,1 and ' the quality of our work is just as high. ..' ' - . .. -. ..- ' ' Do not delay with your fall cleaning colder days are going to pile us up with rush orders. Our methods of cleaning give a garment a fresh ness and lustre found elsewhere only in new gar . ments. Call up or come in, we will be glad to ' give you an estimate of any work you want done. - ' Our reputation, built by fifteen years of " "' ' satisfactory work, makes good our guar antee that our work will be satisfactory. : The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St- GUY LIGGETT, Pres.- Phone D. 963. Better Service 7 to California Via Rock Island , Lines ' ', ' . ' ' ' , Through,; up-to-date Tourist Ca, Service Omaha . ; to Los Angeles via the true Southern 'Route . lowest altitude will be operated daily, Sep tember 25th to October 10th, on the following 7 j schedule: . ' 7. 1 Example 1 - 4 V Lesve OMAHA . i 5:Q0 P. M. Today " LINCOLN 7:00 P. M. " 7 7 , Arrive EL PASO- . 6:30 A. M. 2d Day " LOS ANGELES 7:15 A.. M. 3d Dsy . J . DINING CAE SERVICE ALL THE WAY. Through" Dailyj Tourist service is also operated via Colo rado and Salt Lake City the $cenic Route. ' . . . ' v VERY LOW ONE WAY FARES IN EFFECT ON ABOVE DATES For further particulars and literature inquire of J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A., J322 Farnam St. DRS. IIAGQ & MACB aoo wrs to Bailey ft Kaon The larrest and beat equipped dental 'office In Omaha. Expert la charge of all work, - moderate prloea. Porcelain fllllncs Just like the tooth. All (natru meats startllsed alter using, y ' M Sloor raztoa Slook, Omsaa, VeD. AN OLD TIME REMEDY THAT DARK-. ENS THE HAIR For generations Sage and Sulphur have been used for balr and scalp' troubles. Almost everyone knows the value of such a combination for keeping the hair a good even color, ' for curing dandruff, Itching scalp and falling balr, and for promoting the growth of the hair. Tears ago the only way to get a Hair Tonic of this kind was to make it In the home, which was troublesome and not always satisfactory. Nowadays, almost any up-to-date druggist can supply his patrons with a ready-to-use product, skillfully prepared In perfectly equipped laborator ies. An ideal' preparation of this sort Is Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. In which Sage and Sulphur are combined with other vegetable remedies for scalp troubles and thin, weak hair that Is los ing Its color or coming out After using, this remedy for a few days, you will notice the color gradually coming back, your scalp will feel better, the dandruff will soon be gone, and In less than a month's time there will be a wonderful difference in your hair. ; - . Don't neglect your hair if it Is full of dandruff, losing its color or coming out. Get a fifty cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from your druggist and see what a few days' treatment will do for you. AU druggists sell It, under guaran tee that the money wltl be refunded If the remedy is not exactly as represented. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. ws bo. 16th, 824 So. 16th, 207 No. 16th and 24th and Farnam Sis. v AMUSEHEJfTS, Dally axt lOo; 5-io-aoo. On Boisrlsa Strut at 18th. XTTOira VAUXSYXXLX Includes The 4 Musical Avollos: Grace Armond; werden ft Gear In; Mlla 'Darnley; Hill man ft Roberts: Hlpposcope Pictures. AUTO PABTXSS. FBETSB THB I 9:00 r. M. SHOW Continuous 4 to S; 7 to 11 p. Daily. Dlly Kt 15-J5-60O T!rro . lS.SH.SO.7Be S.OOXK (MOOSI!) VHIMTCDBririrCDC msor Aim thb lv,,,wn:""T,ir EXTRATAOASKA AHD TAUDEVILLE. Classy MarcellB Coreene; Imhof. Conn ft Coreene; Lisping Doris Thayer: Cole A Warner; Open-Faced. Full-Jewelled Beauty Chorus; ; VMoose Night," Friday. September 7. . ladies' Buna Katinea Every Week Bay. BRANDEIS THEATER XATDTEB TOBAT TOinOXT ; The Big Kasloal Bern Miss Nobody From Staxland With CUT TAZXi and Oompany of M 300 Btghts at the rrlaoeas Theater Thnrwlay, rrllay and Betnrday CHAUNOY OLCOTT , ' la his aew and beat play, TXB ZSXiB O BBBAKS" Good Beats Still Available. AMTJSEMKNTS. OMAHA vs. SIOUX CITY Rourke Park WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY , V 8 Games' Each Day. ' First Game at 3 P. M. .jll&aJ TOBIOHT HAT. TOKOBBOW K. X. TBASXB Offers ' READY MONEY A Kit In Id ndon; la Vew Tork, la Omaha rrloea, S5o,' fla Thursday Tin WBXTB SQUAW Vrteesi lOo, 80c, 30e aad 60c KRUG THEATRE Xatlaee Today, ti30i Bight, SAO .' BEST SXAT SOe : SAM RICE- ( ' aad Bis '- 7 BAfTTBIUUI XAdles Bally Dims Uatinee That Values Will You Elsewhere. arhara W' rt t -a . Scores of Ex- elusive and De- for Selection. Better Assortments I n In vi alJ ir Better Ualues 3 C H 13 L W D E R A E T N E ' R S S A Choice Assortment of the Hew Fall Sweater Styles. Three Big Special Lots Wednesday Children's Fine ' Wool Sweaters Regular $1.50 values in ox ford and cardinal, plain or fancy weaves at 98 Misses' and Boys' Sweaters Latest styles with Byrone col lars, good colore, all wool, spe cial - at '. 81.45 Ladies' Norfolk Sweater Coats Bought to sell at $5.00, all wool, in most wanted colors and weaves, at . . . .$2.98 Other Ladies' Sweaters in White and Colors Moet complete line In" Omaha, at from ' v. S1.42J to S7.50 v - ' - EXTRA SPECIALS IN WASH GOODS Imported Popllns7silk finish, all shades and colors for fall, at, per yard 60e Fancy Jacquard Poplins in fall shades, at, per yard ........ "850 Silk Stripe Opera Veils, a full line of shades, at, per yard SSe Double Fold Flannelettes, in pret- . ty Persian designs, special, at, per yard ISc nowland Fleece, all colors and designs, 27 Inches wide, at 130 Amoskeag Outing Flannels, strict ly fast colors,-yard ISHo andlOo WEDNESDAY'S WHITE GOODS SPECIALS Natural color 1 Automobile 'Linen, strictly pure flax, worth 75c, yard 3f Round Thread White Linen Waistings, plain, 36 inchas , wide, worth 89c, yard, 50 Handkerchiefs, Lawns and Irian Batiste, , pare flax, worth $1.00 a yard -59? Wide Welt White Piques, heavy, this season's new skirting goods, worth 39r yard,- at . . . 18c Matchless Special Und erwear Bargain i Wednesday Two big Special Mill Purchases enable us to offer right at the beginning of the season, bargains seldom equaled in spring clearance sales. Buy now and save. v ' 7 Women's Fleeced . Union Suits, values up to 42.00, heavy or 7 medium weight. ai .... 98c Women's Union Suits worth to , to $3, Silk and Wool, heavy, medium or light weight, at $1.98 Children's Sateen Bloomers, in all sizes, great snap 25C Women's Lisle Union' Suits All styles, to $1.00 values, on Jfln sale, at choice . '. .. W (teen's Wool Testa or Pants . Regular values to 2.00, QQq f at , Children's Union Baits, values to 75c, heavy fleeced, 49 C Children's Huslin Pants, all sizes', neatly trimmed, J glQ tsv d Specials ir o Flannettes, good p i terns, 12c value for 10, 12 c Outing Flaa nels plaids and stripes, light and dark cplors 10c Cretonnes for comforters ..7 15c Art Ticking, 32 inches wide . .20J 10c Lonsdale Muslin, 3G inches wide for Table Damask, good patterns, 39c values for . .250 76c Bed Spreads, size for . . . . 59 cent Snow Flake K.tZ tC aiocn quality muslin, at, each 43 1 8c Serpentine Crepe good patterns, at, per yard ..120 15c White Curtala Scrim, 30 inch wide 71 5c values 100 18c , . Cotton Dress Goods, in plaids and stripes, 1240 Sheets, 81x90, good We caryy the most complete line of Comforts and Blankets in the city. Prices the lowest. WE ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO PUT UP PEACHES THIS WEEK. There la a tendency for higher prices. We will sell the balance of .our 3 carloads of Extra Fancy Utah and Colorado Freestone Peaches C!U Wednesday, FEB CBATB .v..." Green Tomatoes for Pickles, targe Karket Baskets, Wednesday .15 Large market baskets Fancy Kipe Tomatoes for ,. 20c Large market baskets Green Peppers . for 20c Large market baskets Sweet. Pota- ". toes for 30c BFECIXI, FLOUB BALE WEDHX3 SAT The balance of our Big Contract on Old Wheat Flour made from the finest No. 1 selected wheat, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, 48 Pound Sack for .. $1-35 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox Soap for ...25c Haskin Bros. On.aha Family Soap, it : beats 'em all for laundry purposes, per bar 5c 8 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmela for ....i 17V4c 14 oz. pkg. Best Domestic Macaroni or Sphagettl for . 7Vnc 1 oz. cans Condensed Milk for 6c 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Rice .... 25c 1 lb. cans assorted Soups 7c B. C. or Oriole Corn Flakes, pkg. 6 He The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound IVto 8 cans oil or Mustard Sardines, 25c The best crisp Ginger Snaps or Pret zels, pound ...fa 1 lb. package Corn Starch 4o McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. ..12 Ho Yeast Foam, package 3c 8 Calces Silver Scouring Soap . . . .25c Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pick les and assorted Catsup, Horserad ish or Mustard, bottle 84o J) lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch, 2 5o .The Best Tea Siftlngs, lb. .. ..K.lOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ....... '.26c BUTTZB BUTTXB BUTTEB The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, car ton or bulk, lb .32c The best No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per pound .. .28c Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. .. ,;26o , THE G3EATEST VEGETABLE AND FRUIT MABSET 7 ' . IS THE WEST. 15 lbs. New Potatoes to the peck 2"0c 2 heads Cabbage 5c Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen 12V4p 4 Summer Squash 5c 4 bunches fresh Parsley ..Bo . 6 bunches fresh' Radishes or Onions, for 5c 3 large Egg Plants for 10c Wax or Green Beans, lb .2 He Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips o,r,. Sweet Potatoes, lb. .2Hc ' Cape Cod Cranberries, quart .,..8Hc Lima Beans, quart Bo 2 stalks fresh Celery 5o' It Pys Try H ay d e n 's F i r s t ftys W VVI VVW 1 VDoag. 494. Mat Every Day 2:15; Every Night 8:18 ASYAXCS9 TAU9STXUB Thla ww Will X. CrcT u' BUacb Darn. 14 war BlD4ll A Osnpaar. Blu Utitj, Llrt Ml SlaUf. Becwt u4 Mdaoa. Mir ud Cut rtar, MalUd and BlTin. 4 PrleM, MsUbm. Oal irj 10.- Bwt (Mi M, tswpt SatiK4y aad Suodkjr. Nifht Ht,M,ih, , Something New! This eye glass mounting guar anteed to stay on, or Your Money Refunded. , 7 Gold Filled . . $2.50 Solid Gold ............ $5.00 - If you need new lenses let us examine your eyes. We guarantee satisfaction. We are pleasing some of the most particular peo-' pie of Omaha and we are sure we can please you. We grind our own lenses, make our own frames, in tact we do it all at a very low price, gllitgnEptjsslEg, 213 S. 16th St. P. S. Do you use an Eye Glass reel? We have them from . 500 to 823.00. M Young Men in search of opportunity will do well to read the . "Help Wanted columns In The ,Be every flay. Many a man has found, tla chance through the want' ad col umns of this paper. 7- Read Bee -Want Ads.