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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1912)
THE BKE: OMAHA, FEIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912. i1 . ;1ndeed; Jeff is Some Artist Himself; Yes, Indeed Some Artist Drawnfpr';.iBeft. "Bud" Fisher i i --..-. I . I 1 MsaMwwwav hum U5.t)oijM.LTH6uoRK- i fl " ,1 r, r "V 86 sure AND f NtMtLy ,A ..'.' tvti J - T&Vte' : .hold YovR- 1 I 66t- . ' : r .1 . ; .SNiS-'fOR CHIN-UP f ' I SMllG ,N WMOR UK 6 V SHORT a,V, TM6t6 . O '" wiawios.soX'm, time mcHeR. f VL.'; vouhyo 1 Posv&te Yoo aR 1 I - 4TV v " " CbMMVniUWlAWV6 rSu AND KE! THAT !I ' T I VOOttt-La- J ' , ' TSe-WE!' r" ' J ' s' ' : - .lit i- . . . - i HEW YORK LOSES AND TIES a tit- : ... 1 , o II '? iV til n , ity I tkm LAND OH FIVE HORLERS JPa Eourke'i Pennant Chasen Lost :f Last Game by 10 to 2 Score. CL0SJ1A5 PITCHES GOOD BAIL crait Boasht from Prfnoit Work i'- Lat Tbrr' Inolnff Bad Hold .. , . .. .v . .' f. 'I- t: Kna to Two Scratch Hlta. ' Dale Gear! Topeka, Kawn had very l!lttlo opposition from the ftourkei yes "trday and got - air, even break on the Wrlea by taking tha last game bra 10 to I gcor---iW'-.''"' , jV ; Manager Afbogaet.'aont flv- pitchers to; tha mound, bu'i' th first 'two, JJIUbi arid' I pbtnaon wer t,hlt hard. , Beebo waa Jnext sent In to hurl, but In the' sixth j fining' ha- was -taken' dut, not because he J as not enective, out because Omaha , had iti riee to tieat Reynolds''" and the Omaha manager wanted to try out his new material. Klngdon, a recruit; twlrler whom . Pa selected from Seward waa worked In' th sixth; and wait, found for four hits and three runs. Cloaman, a southpaw was sent in In the seventh and pitched great blt,fo-'th remainder of the battle and held the Kaws to two hits. . The llttl fellow had all kinds 'of steam and used his head to good avantage . In dishing iup his wrinkles, which proved effeetlva i' kiwi 1b Good Porni. i The Kaw played in fairly good' form j yesterday and at that ' had a slight ad. ' Vantag., over the Rourkea. Reynolds Jhurted beautiful ball and through ' tht !garfl 'and after the second inning was never in danger of being caught Tht Ka'nuaris'toolt a one-run lead 1n the first fnnlng. 'but 'Omaha' tied' It up - In " th's IgecVud. Ift tha third the Topeka1 landed 'n "BUlsand Roblnaon for six hits and fivVruni putting the game qn' jca. J ' Bashang led off for the Kaws with ' to ,t.htr4 on. (King's,, single, and scored, on lOardner's out to Kane. ? -j ThaRourkea deadlocked, the score-in the . second,t Scaalon landed, safe ,. on Henallngsi error and scored on a single to left garden fenca. ; . j j, In tha third Reynolds led off with a single for Topeka and went to third on .lis shame's double. Le singled, scoring '.Reynolda .. King singled, scoring Bashang: ,lm -going to third. Hensllng singled to 'center; sending- Lee and King over the pan. Hensllng Scored on French's slngla 'In the sixth Bashang walked. Lee sin Jgled, . .King jent one to deep center and liashang scored, while Lea was caught off third. Gardner singled, scoring King and Gardner tumbled across the plate on 'jlensltng's triple. , Omaha got its secondhand last run' in !the eighth. Kane singled to right, went jto third on Hensllng's' error and scored 'on a sacrifice' fly hammered out by jScanjon. ' Score:,. . . " OMAHA. A&R. H. IJustic v-",' t .Coyla. rf:. .,......., .6 " 0 IThomaeon, not.......,it ( 1 iJohnson, o,.. ....... . 4 0 0 Kahe,- U;...i..w.:..l 1 1 Schlpke, 2b.. ....... ...I , 0 4 o jNlehoff, Jb..,..'.;.....i ' ; 0 (Scanlon, If... iBllis, p.,.., i a Robinson. fr........,..0 0 ' : 0 'Beb; p:..A."..,.;..l' 0 " jKingdon, :pi..v. 0 a a: jNeff,,.iiJl Closman, p. .,...,. I . 0 0 Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. W.UPct. Denver 91 1 .599 Omaha 88 66 .866! St. Joseph.. 84 8 .fl NAT, LlEAGUK. 4 New Totk. .5 43 ,9S Chicago S6 52 .623 Pittsburgh 64 .612 D. Moines. .78 73 -BIO) Cincinnati ..71 9 .807 Bioux City .71 7 .4S3Phlla. , .......63 73 . 463 Uncoln ....73 SO .477 Wichita ....73, SO .477 Topeka ..T.S0M0 .3331 AMER. LEAGUE. WL-Pct. Boston .....97 43 .6:H Wash. Phlla. 8t.. Louis... .67 88 . 407 Brooklyn ,,..62 87 .374 Boston .4 94 .33 r AMER. - Af8'N. vW.UPct Mtn'apolis. 103 68 .643 86 57 . 5!i9iCotirmbus... 98 64 .604 68 .689 Toledo...... M 65 .590 O. A. E. ij t o 1 1 It 0 0,0 0 ' ; 0 1 0 0, 11 , 1 . 2 I 0 . 0 o ft ,27 ;U"i 1 totals;:;; J... .'35' 1 . 'v . aus f. TOPEKA. , ... ; AB. Ri It 0.A. naahwtg, ; cf...,.,..4 r 2 vt IMSjiSi.i(rtjitA.tM. 1 King, C(.,,,.vwf u l Oardnr, lb.... 5. .. 1 IHens'llnt. ss.. .6 1 French,'2b..,..t... ?. .4 1 ' jMcBonal 6B. ..4 0 'Smith, tiv...u.A......e 0-. iReynoldafc,....v....4 1 Chicano ....69 70 .4971 Kansas City 82 80 .606 Detroit 67 75 .4721 Milwaukee. 76 84 .476 Cleveland .'.66 76 .4616t Paul..,.. 87 .463 ivew KOrK..4S to .848 Louisville., 83 100,881 tit Louis.,. 47 92 . 838 Ind'napolis 66 108 .; WESTERN. LEAGUE.; . . Topeka, 10; Omaha. 2. . ,V, t r Lincoln, 2; 8lou City, 4.. - s NATIONAL LEAGUE. , Pittsburgh, 6-8; Boston, 7-7. V. .Chicago, 6-12; Brooklyn, 9-4. ClnclnnaOJ-New York, 1-1 t. Liuuii-riiiituiripHi. lain. , - ,: ,r, ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 0; Chicago, 1. Washington, 4; Bt Jouls, 2. t New York, 6; Detroit. 6. a Boston, 8-0; Cleveland, 9-6. . - AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus-Toledo; rain. Indianapolis, 8; Louisville, 6, Ht. Paul, 1-1; Milwaukee. 0-5. , Minneapolis, 2; Kansas City, t. ' Oanaes 'Today, ' Western League Des Moines at Omaha, St JoeeWi at Bloux CUV, Wich ita at Denver, Topeka at Lincoln. National Leajrue Pittsburgh at Bos ton, Chicago at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New York, Ht. Louis at Philadelphia. American League Washington at Chi cago, Philadelphia at Bt. Louis, Boston at Detroit,, New Lorfc at Cleveland, A merkvin Association Columbus at To ledo. -Indianapolis at Louisville. . St. . Paul at Kansas City, Minneapolis at Milwaukee. Giants and Reds Contend in Two (V Pitcher,''. Battles. PE0MHE WEAZEK3 JS SECOND sSiggs Bests Tesreaa ' lo Opening Contest by Score of Three to . One Beacher put Oat of Game.' Hits ....I..........8 0V0 0 ,0 4 0 1 1-14 Two-base hit: Baahahg. Threes-base hit: HenBllng. Hit by pitched balls: Johnson, McDonald. Wild pitches: Reynolds, Rob inson, lilts: Off Kills.. 6 in two. and one-third Innings; off Robinson, 3 In one-third- Inning; off . Klngdon, 4 In . one In ning; off Closman, 3 In threa Innmirs. Flmt" base on ;balla? Off ; Beebe, -2; toff Klngdon, 1: ?Wf Reynolds, 2. -Struck out: By Beebe. 1; by Klngdon, 1; by Clos- man. 4; by Reynolds. 6. Stolen baaea: Cpyle. .King. 'Sacrifice., hits; .Ntehoff, Boanion, Lee, Reynolds. Left on baaoa: Omaha, 11 r Topeka, i 8. . Time: 2:06. Urn- pire: Knapp. DESSAU'S WILDXESS COSTS GAME Sloax City Gets Winning Marat n from Lincoln, SIOUX CITY. la.. Sect. 1.-Deiau' wildness In the sixth inning, with Myers' timely hit, gave Bloux Cltv the winnlna margin in today's game. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. H.' O. A. , 2. 10 0 0 S 1 0 2 1 .4 0 1 1 ,1 ......1 -tO Clarke, cf...... Pmlth. es Myers, Sb.,.,.; Breeni rf.....,, Tennant, lb..,. Marshall, If..., Andreas, 2b... Chapman, c... Young, p...... Totals '.','. 4, 0 1 10. 1 ' 8 8 1. ...... 29 4 LINCOLN. AB. R, H, O. T 27 14 ,;S Berghammer, ss.... S 0 1 Lloyd. 2b.... 4 1 1. Cole, cf., 4 0 2 Barbour, 8b....,.,.., 4 1,1 McLarry. If., ....,, 4 0 1 Miller, rf.. ........... 4 0 1' Mullen, lb.. S 0 1 Carney, c S 0 0 Deseau, p............. S O 0 Dowllng 10 0 Dwyer I 0' 0 ' A." 8. 11 t 8 24 13 E. I -2 3 8 3 2 51 -0 , 2 2 2 1 5,v0 Totals...... . Omaha-' TopeJi-p Rons .... .V.4DW 14 27 12 "J 0- 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 ...... 0 1 0.2 0 0 0 1 1-4 . ..-V 0 M 0 8 0 0 1-J.O Totals 24 Batted for Carney in . ninth. ,, Batted for Dessau in ninth. sioux city , ...... :..o 1 0 0 0 SO' O Lincoln- ......... :...0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Two-baae hit: Tennant Threo-base hit;. Cola - Sacrifice hits. Marshall, Chaptqan. Stolen baaea: Breen, Mar shall. Spilth, Myers. ... Double plays: Myers to Chapman; Chapman to Myers Left on bases: SlouX- City, 9; Lincoln, I Baapa on balls: Off Young, 1; off DeBsaU 7. Struck out: By Young, 6;. by Dessau, 4. Paased balls: Carney, 4. Hit by pitched ball:. Beighaniraer. Tlm: 1:60. Umpires: Meyers and McGlnnis. Persistent Advertising Is the Voad to Big Returns I I! 'li You W oiildri't Pay For a 2 Bill 53 Sol ' But perhaps you are doing what .. f,.. ... .amounts to the same. thing paying $35.00 to ,j40.00.for a uit that you ought to get for -,.i.oo. ; . . We eli clothes,. not tailors' names, and ' r . k t that'a,why.wecan.giTt( you at $26.00 a uit for ' ' ' . which you would ordinarily pay $35 or $40. . 1;; r.i'.": Eifiasive Jsigh superior finish best im 1- ii.s; ported. and 4ometIe fabrics. Prompt, efficient : - r gervice that makes buying a pleasure. ruit atJlSiOOo $30.00. ." ' . . v rf ' 1 t . I TV FT I ., '. vxsu-U,-- CLOTHES GHOP Ki- Wl SoTih i6tH Bt. . v - accessor to' Vollmer NEW YORK, Sept. 19,-New York lost the first game to Cincinnati, 3 to 1. today and the second game of the : double header waa called at the end of the ninth with the score 2 to 2. Both games were pitchers' battles, Suggs beating Tesreau In the first game, while Mathewson and Fromme held each 'other to' an even break Fromme had victory within his grasp, but weakened with two out In the ninth when Merkle singled, stole second and scored the tying run on Heriog"s single. The fielding of Htrsog andt the batting ' of Kinsley were the features . Bescher was put out of the first game for arguing with Umpire Johnstone Score, first game: '.. CINCTNNATl. ' .' NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A B. . AB.H.O.A B- Bwchr, lt... I 0 1 CDior( !(.,. 0 1 ,11 t I tIDoyi. JD.rt.4 1-14 1 0 t I t T' tn-XMrr ....1 0 HoblltMl, III 1 I I ISnodsr'M, tf4 t MltcMI, rf . S 4 0 tMvrnr, rf.. 4 t 1 0 rncita, i l iMcrkl. lb.. 4 111 I 1 OrM, St.... 4 11 I ewilioo, e...4 1 Esau, to. .7. 4 l'l 1 lFIMchtf, al l I 4 t Rmroia, Oi. 4 1-41 6McCornlck. 1 at otiu', tel. sutar .....0 4 t : Tra, p,,. 9.4. s Total tl I 17 11 Beckw .... l' 0 t 4 Tptali It I 17 14 I Batted for Devore In ninth. Batted for Fletcher In ninth. : ',', Ran for McCormick in ninth. Batted for Tesreau in ninth. Cincinnati.. 1 0 0O0O ft A l New York.... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Threerbase .hit: iKlnsely. . Left on bases: New York. 10; Cincinnati, 1 Bases on balls: Off Tesreau. 8; off Suggs,- 1 Struck out;: 'By Tesreau; 61 by BuggsVl Stoleni bases: . Phelan, Merkle.- Mnraoir Time: 2:06.. . Umpires; " Johnstona ,and Score, second gain: "Z- ',.s'-.x ,',' j ' , .CINCINNATI. ,... .. ," liiBW .TORK, . AJ8.H.O.A.B AB.H.O.A. I. Kria u i o 0Dfora-u... t t t KnlMljr, -t..4 I I . ( HMyn, ...l. 1 1 t HOhllual. 1 111 I ffUojIt, In... .4.1 14 9 Mitchell, rf, 4 1 I 0 Oa'dcr's. ct-lft 0 A AlmlO, b. J 0 11 OMurray, rf.i4 0 I 4 Ornt, M....4 114 tMarkl. Is.. 4 111 I I Bfa, -lb.,.. 4 114 lllenof, lb,. 4 I t I t Clark,' ,vt -i 4 I ewilxm. I nil Frprnm p.. 4 1 Shatr ( 0 Bwkr, ef... 1 1 1 t 0 TdU1s....M ItTU lF1tebr, u. I l'l 1 : ; . . . . .MeOonslck. t 0 t , JtUtht'Km, ,11111 Total... ..II 1 17 11 J nan ror wjison in eighth. , u l.'l, .... Cincinnati" .....:!... 0 O'O 0 0 Hi 8-2 New York ......0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-2 Called on account of darkness. Two-base hit: Heraoo'. Left on hasas New Y'ork, 6; Cincinnati, 9. Bases on oaiis: oir Matbewson. 1; off Fromme, 2. BtrucK out: By Mathewson, 4; by rTomme, i. Time: 1:40. umpires: Eason and Johnstone. ' iv Chleagro Splits Eren. BROOKLYN,' Bi-vl 19. -Chicago split even With ..Brooklva In header today, the locals winning the first I to 6, and Chicago taking the second, 12 i t, in six innings. Ham rell throughout the afternoon and the wet ball was re sponsible tor much loose play in which each team figured. . Six runs oft Madden in" the first Inning of toe first game gave Brooklyn a win ning lead. . Chicago drove Stack from the mound In four innings of the Second game. After Reulbaoh had been pounded hard in the first inning, and retired Smith held Brooklyn safe. Score, first game: . CHICAGO. , BROOKLYN. .u ? o i 1 ' ab.h.o;a.. Sbkar U. l osuas.1. tt.. 4 110 1 Mlllw. tl.., 1 S 1 0 Olubaw, 11,1 I I Tlnkw. u. . 4 14 1 OHumrml, rf. 4 II I I Clrn'man, lb 4 I I l likukM ik i i m . i Baler, lb..,, I 4 lWhM, It.... 4 I 10 4 Sy.m I ' 1 l'kT, lb I 114 9 William, c 1 4 M DFiiMr, ... 14 0 Arehr, ...,! 0 4 1 0O. MUltr . 0. I 4 1 ( Maddto, ... HM lCurtl. '.... 11110 tt.:-, l lKa"" 1 Batted tor Madden. In second. ' 1 , Chicago ..N.......0.4 0 11 0 0 0 0-6 Brooklyn ; ...6 0 2 0. 1 Q 0 0 9 Left on bases: Chicago, lb; Brooklyn. 6, ThrtL111 O. Miller. 'Zlmmemar: 1?I v? MV Klrkpatrlckv Sacrifice RiVh.f is!Leacrlflc " O, Miller. Kicme. First on errors: Chicago. 8: Thklyn '.J'ouW' Pay. Flaher to F.u.w Daubert Cutshaw to Fisher cirt , n:"icsJL M"18 on ba.Ha; 1. Z t. ui . neiser, .; orr Madden. 1. off Richie, 2. Struck out: By Curtis 1-,M.dd,,- '1: r mchle! I'k.S lu.: .n Cup'. in two and two thirds innlnga; off Knetser, 6 in six and ftf,,"1 V1 v innings. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Owen and Brennan. . Score, second game: CHICAGO. . BROOKLTN. ''""'' ... . : '.?? AB.H.O:A.B. LONE RUN BEATS ATHLETICS I ROURKES STE IN THE RACE Double, Passed Ball and Egan's j Omaha Team Has Fine Chanc to f Throw Win for Sox. - , 1 Catch Denver by Playing Safe, r PITCKER, WALSH DT PINE F0EM i DPS MOINES HERE TOMORROW Strikes Oat Eleven Men and Does Jfot Allow a Hit Until the ' Eighth and Ninth Innings " ' ' of Game. . CHICAGO, Sept 19 Borton's double, a passed ball and Egan's throw to third gave Chicago the final game of the sea son with Philadelphia here, 1 to 0. Walsh Frank IabeM's lama Boosters to Flay Series of Four Games with the Rourkea Doable BUI for Sunday Afternoon. Frank Isbell's Des Moines Boosters are spectators at the game between Omaha and Topeka this afternoon, having in off day. The lads will begin a four-game and Houck performed in a pitcher's duel, e"le with the Rourkes tomorrow after the latter retiring to allow Al Coomb ! noon. The four games will be played In to bat for him. Two hits were made off thr day. double bill being- scheduled Houck. Walsh struck out eleven men, 'for Sunday, the first battle' being 'cailad three o fthem in a row, and he did not t 2 o'clock, . , . 4v allow a hit until the eighth and ninth j By winning this afternoon's game-Jlhe innings, when the visitors made , three j Rourkes will crawl half .a game ; closer scratch singles Score:. , .- . 3 . .CHICAGO. " ,PHHADISLPHIA - ' " AB.H.O.A:B. . AS.H.O.A.B. Hath, lb;.,. I 0 l IHLMurp'r, rf 4 ft Matties, -ct.. I 0 1 OMaggert, ef. 4 9 I 0 Lord lr.....l 0 1 OR.rhlllna 5h I i i a I J.Collld, rf! 0 9 0 OBarry, .... 4 0 4 0 Bortoa. , lb.. I 1 9 1 OMclnn, lb. 1 1 11 0 9 Zatdar. lb... I 9 1 OJ. Walsh. If I 0 I 0 9 Wmtot, a. I 0 1 1 OHtthti, lb . 1 1 4 0 Bulllran; e..l 110 I OBsaii, .1 0 10 1 E. Walb. p. I 0 1 0 OUpp. e 1 0 0 1 S Houck. p.... 1 0 0 0 0 JOHN M'GRAW, New York Giants. JAKE STAHL, Boston Red Sox. two Innings. Time:' :2L ' Umpires: Brennan and Owens. FlratM Share Even. BOSTON. :St l.-Boaton and Pitts burgh ahared 'tjoday's double-header, tha locals wjpnfnk 'the firat garaa and Pitts burgh being ahead when the second game was, called lafter. severt Innings . rjn ao counr of darknessi;,' Score, firat game: ' AB.H.O.A.S. AB.H.O.A.E. Campball. et( I 1. 0 (B;rn, Sb..,. I 1 0 19 iMTiin. b... i VI 4 ocass;. If. ... I 110 0 atay, tffc. 4"! I 4 - ndoiiaor.v cfc . 4 1 ' 4 0 1 Jickion,. lf..4 O'l 1 OWasnar, ; .. 4 0. ,4 X ,0 Tltua. rf.,.,1 110 OMlller. lb... 4 1 1.1, 0 Homer, lb.. 4 . 1 11 1 OButler, !b... 4 I 1 Ma'Tlll. m. I 9 1-4 JOIbaou, o...Vl 11 W.Mlllar, III I I I OCuUhaw, lb. I 4 1 0 0 Tnk. n. l l 1 10 Moras, rt..,l 1 AliBBun, lb 4 I I 0 eiaubH, lb. I I 4 4 Baler. lb..v4 I 4 ,4.4Whtt. K....9 114 4 ""I. I 1 4 I OKI'kpTk. Ibl 4 4 1 1 Willi.., cf 4 .4 4 1 eruhar.,,.;" 4 Arclwr. e.... 4 111 OPh.lp.. .. , , , I ! Bwlnach, . 4 9 1 I 90. Mlllw. . 1 1 ? J C 8Uh,p. 1 4 I 4BU0k. ...'4 4 1 v 4444 4aii . TLUUuV " r 11111 -. 'Batted for Reulbaehseco'nd ' 11 Batted. for Stack, in fourth.-,. v ..........4 0 1 I I 4H12 Brooklyn..... 0 0 0-4 Called on account of darkneaa. on bases: Chicago, I; Brooklyn, t Two-base hits: W. MlUer, Tinker, Zlm merman. Evena, Baler. Threo-baaa hita. Daubert Wheat W. Mllle, . Sacrtflca hit: Zimmerman. Sacrifice fly: Evers Stolen bojfes: Good, Tinker. Bases on balls: Off Renlbach. ' 1; off Stack, 5, off Allen. 1; oft -Smith. 1 Struck out By Allen. I; by Smith, 1 Wild pitch Stack. ;HIt: Off Reolbacb, 1 In one Innmg; off Smith, S la five innings; off Suck, S In four Innings; off Allen, 4 In ivun(, 0...., 1. 1 1 -esimon, ... Hbm, p 1 9 0 1 OOooptr. P. " Adama, p. . Total tl 19 17 II ISmltta, p... M .4 0 4 1 0 . 1 4 4 1 9 ,00 ft 9 0 ,4 0 0 0 0 . . Hendm ." 1 9 4 0 0 ... ',' , Vlox ,. 1 0 0 0 4 . Mcholaoa' . 0 4 0 4 0 '-. , . Total HUM 4 1 Batted for Cooper In sixth. Batted for Adams' in 'eighth. Ran for Gibson In eighth. - Pittsburgh ...i 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0-6 Boston. ,...,..., ..0 0 0 0 4 0.3 0 7 .Two-base hits: Byrne, Gibson . (2), Campbell (2. Three-base hits: Mensor, Carey (2). Hits: Off CoorW. 5 In six in nings; off Adams, 6 In two innings; off omiin, u t in one-- lnninxv sacrifie hit: Gibson, Sacrifice flies: Hess, Wagner, - Titus. Stolen base: Mil lr.' Double" plays: - Maranvllle to Houser; Houser to Devlin. Left on bases: Bostont 6; Pittsburgh, a. Bases on balls: Off Hess, 2; off Cooper, 3; off Adams, 1. First base on errors: Pittsburgh, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Hess. Miller.". Struck outr By Hea,,2; by Cooper. 6; by Adams, 1. wua piton: Hess. Time: 2:35. Umpires Flnneran and Rlgler.- .;-.: Score, second game: t t 'BOSTON. PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.E. ' AB.H.O.A.S. Campbell, eli I 4 1 OByroe, lb,.. 4 I 0 S O Darllo, 3b... 4 14 1 OCarer cJ-lf . 4 19 11 Swmwt, lb. 4 I I 4 OMcbolwa. If 4. I 0 4 0 Kirk. If... .,4.1 1 9 4Menor, cf...O 4 1 0 9 maa tt....; s 1 1 0 0 Wagner, .. 4 I 4 10 HMr, 4b..'4 l it 0-0IIfller, lb::, 4 1 M l Ma'vllla, . 4 111 OWIIaon, rf... 4 Oil J Rtrtdra, c.4 1 14 OButl.r. lb... 4 111 0 nickaoa. p.. X 4 41 OSlmon. '.... 4 l 'l 9 9 Tylar, p 1 4 4 1 OHendrl. p.. 1 1 0 -1 Oow4r ...1 10 0 lignilth, ,p..... 0 .0 0 4 0 btwwji ..s o a 0 orrr,- p 1 0 0 0 ' -'Vlo 1 4' 01 0 0 ToUl II Sill turay ...... 4 9 4,4 9 Total S4 17 U 11 I Batted Tor Dickson in fourth. ,; ', Batted for Tyler in seventh. Batted for Smith In sixth. Batted for Nicholson in sixth. ' . Boston 0 0,1 v0.,3 2.77 Pittsburgh .1 0 1 3 0 3 0-8 Two-baae hits. Hendrix. Byrne, Titus, Carey, Wagner, Miller Three-base hit: Butler. Hits: Off Hendrix, 6 in three in nings; off Smith, 6 in two Innings; off Ferry, 3 in two innings; off Dickson, 12 in -four 4nriings; off Tyler, 5 in three 1n nigs. Bases o balls: Off Ferry, 4. Struck out: By Smith. 1; by Tyler,, L Time: 1:50. Umpires: Rfgler ad Flnneran. , BREWERS AND SAINTS EVEN "'- ,St. Panl Wins First Contest by One to 'KothiHgore1-;".- '" RECRUIT -A PUZZLE Ef . SECOND to Denver, as the latter team has an "off day; "Thla was made possible when the Grlizllea and .the Boosters played. five games on the last series at Denver and hut. three were scheduled for the, series just completed there. However, a double header was played in two days on account of postponed games. ..'. ; f,!; The' Omaha fans are not yet ready.' to iieuovo iiiri iiib nouriH are oui pi tna Chicago .0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l Philadelphia .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0-0 Total 14 1IT 14 1 Coomb, p... 1 0 9- 9 9 . . t . . race for the pennant Omaha has frf. Total.. ...30 1 14 11, 1 teen games to paly and by winning twelve, or even ..ten of' these, would be Two-gas. hit: Borton. Hits: OfrHofack, " " V. - .h. x 2 In seven inningri; off Coombs,-0, In one ! Providing that team loses three or four inning: Sacrifice hit: Borton.' Stolen 1 games of the twelve they stilt have to fjS; TSh'Hra,'DuW,yi lpIay' Th Bears'have four games ', with Zelder to Rath to Borton.. Left on bases: 1 . . . , . . 1A " Chicago. 6; Philadelphia, 4. Bases on ! tn9 Topekas and eight with Wichita. No balls: Off Houck, 3; off Coombs, 2; off one will discredit the ability of the Topeka Walsh, 1. Hit . by pitched ball. Houck by , team and should their pitchers work fas Weaver, Struck out: By Walsh. 11; by r , . .M. ,t ... . .ri" noucK. 1.. r-assea nan: tigan. Time: 1:43. 1 " -"" " . umpires: Evans and Egan. ' - Boston Loses Twice. CLEVELAND, Sept. 19.-The Omaha, the Rourkes will ba right up In the swim. . ,. Wichita is a tall-end team and tha Brain Allow But One -Hit ' in tha Five lnnloa Played Before '' Game is Called Two ' .'f Doable. Plays. ,' EIGHTEEN BELLEVUE MEN ANSWER PRACTICE CALL Eighteen men answered the call of Coach Hoists of-.Bellevue college Wed nesday evening for the first real prac tice of, the seaon. r Several, of Jaat year's veterans have not. yet appeased, and , a large number of husky,frBhmen .haySi announced thelr intentions.of jajnlng the squad.,., ... ,, , . Among .the. new men who are, showing up good are Rice, Graham.and Haawell. Uchtenwaller, a ISO pound freshman, and White, last year's second team star, will be In tha later part of the week. A squad of fully thirty men are expected by the last of the week: Practice consisted of two hours of hard work: falling on, the, ball, charging and tackling, together with simple forma tions. - ' v ' . The heavy Nebraska game which' comes October S, la causing the coach' a great deal of anxiety, and the men will be worked to the limit for. the succeeding two weeks m order to whip the team in shape to meet the Cornhaskera. ' It win be neeeasary to build op an en tire back field and portions of the hot and one end. .av, FaratsteBt AdvwUalEg a tha Road ta Big Returns, MILWAUKEE, Sept. 1?.-Mllwaukee and St. Paul split even in -a double header today, the visitors winning the first after a pitchers' battle between Watson and Karger, 1; to 0. Braun, a semi-professional recruit, was tried out In the second game and the home club won, 5 to 1, Braun allowing but one hit in five innlnga The game was called to allow St Paul to catch a train. Score, first game :' ' " :; ; . " '. 1 ' Score, second game: ., ' MIL.WA.UKEK. ST. PAUU " ' " AB.H.O.A E. AB.H.O.A.E), Lcibold. ef.. I 1 9 0 OMcK'h'le, Ml 0 t' i 4 Raaiiall, rf.. 1 9 0 ,0 OHfchia'a, Ibl, 0, 4 9 0 Chap'll, III 1 0 (Flyna, rf.... 1 9 19 4 Joimi,. 1H....I 1 4 0 GKegh, 8b.... 1.1 111 Clark, Sb.... 1 9 I OAutrey, lb... I 0 10 9 Blackb'n. a 1 9 19 0Rlton, If . 9 9 9 9 9 tawla, lb.... 14 14 PRIggert cf.. 1 9 19 9 Hught, c... I 1 6 l.OCany. e S 9 1 9 .9 Braua. p.... 1 . 1 1 1 OQardaar p.. 1 0 9 1.6 ToUl tl 19 15 4 9 total. ;.,.U 1 U 11 4 Milwaukee .1 0 2 0 !-S 8t Paul 0 1 0 0 0-1 Two-base hits: HugheSi Lewis. Sacri fice hits: Ralston," Jones. Stolen bases: Rehg, Rlggert, Ralston. (2),; Lewis. Double plays: McecUnie to Jlinchman to Autrey, Braun to Jones. Left on bases: Milwaukee, .8; St. Paul, 1. Bases ori balls. Off Braun, 3; off Gardner, 4. Hit by pitched ball: .Randall. Struck out: By Braun, 5; by Gardner, 1. Passed ball: Hughes: Wild pitch: Gardner. Balk: Gardner. Time: 1:00. Umpire:- Chill. Hoo'aiers Beat' Colonels. IJOIIISVILLEj. Sept. 19.-Indlanaplia defeated Louisville. The locals played poorly In the field, which accounted for most of the visitors' runs. Score: LOUISVILLE. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E. - AB.H.O.A.E. Burch, cf,..i 10 0 lWoodruff, If 1 9 4 0 4 Meloan, rt... S 4 1 9 OO'Leary, .. 6 ,1 14 Itanab'ry. If 4 1 1 1 1 McCarthy. ,c( I 10 0 9 Hulawltt. tb 4 I 1 t 0E Wirin. rf I I 1 9 9 Burka, tb... 4 9 1 I llngertoc, Sb. 4 1 0 4 0 Bo'mlller. as S 1 1 1 S Hun tar, lb.. 1 111 I I nher, lb... 4 111 1 OOail'ma, lb 4 4 I I 1 Fearoe, 0.... I 4 4 I IKme, 1 4 14 11 Pool, p 1 9 9 0 tUlxan, p.... I 9 1 4 9 Rich tar, p... 0 0 -0 0 0 ' : Scblel ..,.N1..0,4 9,9 Total.. ...Ill I 17 17 1 Badger .... 1 1 9 0 9 , ' Totil S2 I 17 IT I ... Batted for Poole in seventh. Batted for Richter in ninth. LoulBrtlle . 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0-6 Indianapolis " 1 210 2-0 I S 0- Two-base T --urch, Hulswitt, Inger. ton, B. Willlii,. Three-base hits. E. Williams, McCarthy, Stansbury, Hits: Off Poole, 6 In seven Innings; off Richter, 2 In two innings, etrock out: By Poole. 1; by Hixoft. 4: bv RicMnr X Sua.. n balls: Off Poole. 2; off Hlxon, 8: off turner Time: 1:46. Umpires: Hayes and Anierson. ( Bines Banvh'HIt. : KANSAS CITY bn ,nv.i,... ru bunched hits and won .another game from Minneapolis this afternoon. Five hits and a" efror erave the locals five runs in the aix-h. Score: . MINNEAPOLIS. - KANSAS CITY. ' t '. '''.' A? H A AB.H.O.A.E. Frrl. Sb... 4 I I I iDowney. lb. I I I I 1 t'Bflaub. h. I 1 0 CCoulaon. If.. 4 19 9 4 Olmttead. lb 4 4 11 0 nn. ,.,, k 1 . Itoasman .rf. 1 0 I 0 OFtan. lb.-..! 4 1 11 1 4 n.iuur, a 1 1 iDrak. ef..,. 11 I pa'hanty, lb 4 1 4 OWilkor, rt.. 110, ef.. 4 1 II jam . 1 1 a 1 m Sraltb, fc.... 41 I 1 4Batr ....-4 4 4 4 4 Ubbrdt, M 1,1 X OtrOraaw a. 1 4 4 4 4 . . Tan'abtll. a. I 1 T 4 Totals 11 9 14 9 tzabal, ,.L.. 9 9 1 1 a 'Ban for iame, In irt2S" " 9 J Minneapolis Kansas City 0 0 9 ft 0 3 0 0 0-3 ......0 0110610 - The Cool rail ma-hta Are Here. . Enjoy your evening auto rides by raroD- erly protecting yenrawlf. See oar new fall motor ceata. They'ra finer rnt Robber Co., JiMB Harney. Kay tx tha Sitnalien Bee Adrertlatag. Omaha will walk into the Jead. The lineup In tomorrow's game will be: . r- . Omaha. . , Position. . Pes Moines . Kane .'..'..i.. First... ...'..,...,;: J6nes Schipke .. Second Reilly i.-.Third... .........:.' Claire, ..Short .Korea ...Left Leonard ..Center Collins ... Right......;.... Weitsel ...Catch......... Ulatowskl .. Pitch...., Rogge Niehoff... Justice...... Scanlon Thomason.. Coyle Johnson.,... Fugats...... ' Ravenna Beata Inajrleatde. ' RAVENNA, Neb., Sept. 19.-(SpecIar Telegram.) Ravenna defeated Ingleside in the second game here today, by a score of T to 2. Batteries: Ravenna: Frank and Greenstreet; Ingleside, McCul loch and Bashaw. Hits: Ravenna, S; Ingleside, 4. Errors: Ravenna, 0; Ingle side, 2. Umpire: O'Neill. ' . ' Dynamite Wreeka Ballding-s as completely as coughs and colds wrack lungs. Cure them qulcH with Dr. King's New. Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.' l8!!0." ilff?,aChA'!!?,?nB- 'I8' -.two i Bears wilt be over.oonfidant In .thelf abll- 8 and 6 to t). Both gaffea'. ware ghtwt: i- lF ,. .to.v trounee; fee. flchles:-. aaQiiae fatra. The first was called at the- en' querrtly get aairieft, v and by4-,)oing I i mo iiiu oecBuse or ram. Arier an hour's wait, the second game. was started.', only to be called at the end of six In nings ; because o darkness. The first game was enlivened by the ejection of Manager Stahl and Outfielder Speaker of Boaton ror disputing a decision by Um pire vonnony. score, nrst game: CLEVELAND. ' BOSTON. " AB.H.O.A.E. Hooper, -rf.., I 6 10 Johnston, lb I 4 1 1 0Trka lb... 1 1 1 I Cbapman, oil 119 I Speaker, cf.rl 0 1 0 Turner, lb.. I 1 9 1 ftllaorlkCn, ct 1 :l 0 0 Jackaon, rt. I a 1 9 0Lewi. If.... S 11 1 4 Lajola, tb... I I I 1 OOardner. lb. 1 1 1 1 0 Kendrt. rt. 1 1 I I Ogiahl, lb..v. 1 114 Oranay, If... 1 4 14 OEngle, lb.... 1 4 14 Carlsch, o... 1 111 OKru. .... 1 910 eteoo, p 1 9 4 4 ICady, e 1 1 1 1 1 Kablar, p... 0 0 1 (Hall, p...... 1 19 19 Vaadyk, p., 1 J 10 9 TOUK.....I0 10 li T 1 . ToUl 13 HIS I I Called account of rain. ' - Oleveland . ....3 0 4 0 3-4) Boston ...........I.... 0 0 111-3 Two-base hlta: Jackson (2). Three-base nits: Jackson, Hendrix. Home run: Hall Hits: Off Hall. 8 In two and ,-one third innings; off Vandyke, two in two and two-thirds innings (none out In fifth); off 'Steen, " 8 in six and one-third in nings. Bases on balls: Off Steen, 1; off Hall, 1. Time: 1:15. Umpires: Connolly- ana Hart. .. . . . , .. Score, second game: CLEVELAND. BOSTON. - , AB.H.Q.tA JB. - - AB.H.O.A.E. Johnetoo, ibl 1 1 0 OHoopar, rf... I 1 14 9 Chapman, ill 0 1 1 OYerkea, lb... 1 1 4-9 Turner, lb . 4 4 1 4 OHeorlka'n, cf 1 0 14 9 Jackson, rf..I I 4 0 0 Law la, If.,.. I 9 19 1 Lajola. lb... 4 I 1 9 tEngla, lb..,. 1 9 111 Hendrix. cf.. 114 4 OCady lb I 1 1 4 Granay. If... 11 I 9 (Krug. I I 119 O'Neill, ... I 119 tNn'maker. il I I ) I Baakatt. p.. t 9 0 1 OBedlent, p... I 9 9 9 9 Total Ti 19 11 1 0 Total 11 111 f t vjieveianq i v v u z 2 jnoston o o o m oo Two-base hits: Jackson. Nunamaker. Struck out: By Baskette. 2: bv Bedlent, 3. Bases on balls: Off Baskette, 7; off Beaten t, z. Time: 1:43. Umpires: Connolly ana wart Tig-era Defeat Yankee. DETROIT. Sept 1.-Keatlng's wild- nesa and errors by hta teammates al- lowed Detroit to defeat New York, Score: NEW YORK. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Mldklff. lb.. 4 4 1.1 IBuab. 9 9 19 Chaae, lb... 9-111 9 9Corrldon, lb. 1 1 9 I Daniala, If.. 4 1 0 0 OCrawtord. rtl 1 0 0 0 Leltrelt, cf.. 119 OCobb. cl I I 14 0 Blmmon. ,1b I 1 4 lVMck. It... 4 9 19 9 Hartiell. rf. I 9 1 0 OLoudeo. lb.. 4 9 I I 1 McMlH'n. a4 0 0 I OOnelow. lb.. I 111 9 1 William. I.I I I I 11 Osatow. el 9 4 4 4 Keating, p., 4 I I I ODoehler, p. . 1 9 9 I 9 L, p...... 0 04 Total.. ...M I 34 11 4Jon ...... I 4 1 4 Total... ..14 I IT 14 4 Batted for Boehler In seventh. New York M,:....0 1 0 0 0 0 8 1 6-8 Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 - Two-base - hits: Daniels,4 ' Williams, Three-baae hits: E. - Onslow. Crawford, Hits: Off Boehler, 8 in seven Innings; off Lake, none in two innings. ' Bases on balls: Off Keating, 4; off Boehler, 1. Left on bases:. New York, 9; Detroit, a Struck out:. By Keating, 3; by Lake. 1; by Boehler, 4. Time: 1:47. Umpires. 0Loughlln and iloGreevy. Errors Assist Senators. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 19.-AIthough Hamil ton fanned fourteen batsmen. Washing ton, by taking advantage 'of the locals' miscues,. won the final game of the series. Score: ,. .., , WASHINGTON. .STrOflS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A B. Kenwthy. rtl 9 1 0 Oshottea. ef . 4 19 9 4 Forter, 9b... 4 19 1 OWIlllama, rf I I 1, 9 Milan, cf ... 4 114 OOoiopton. If. 9 9 1 1 9 Oandll. lb... 4 III 1 Pratt, 16.... 9 til 9 La porta, la. I 1 1 9 OMlller. lb... 4 16 11 Shanka, It... 4 9 1 4 lAuatln, b... I I I I I MoBrld. al H I IWallaea .. I 1 I 4 1 A.Wil'araa (4119 IAIzajMlr, I lit 1 9 Boss, B...I 1 9 I IHaratltoB. pi 9 4 4 9 , - -Hosn, If... I 9 19 9 ; Total 9 97 19 lEtpbB ... 1 I I ..'.:.'---' -''-ToUl.:.. .91 9 If 11 8 Ratted for Alexander in ninth. Washington ........0 200110-4 St Louis ..3 0 0 901099-2 ' Taro-baae hits. Shorten, Laporte. Three baae hit: Hughea Gases on balls: Off Hughes, 4; off Hawntlton, L Struck out: By Hamilton, 14. Tbne: 15. Umpires: Kmaen aaA O'Brien. .- - t The G i a n t s . anrj the Cubs have the center of.' the stage in the National "'Leagu?-.'7" we have it in local clothingdom. ' art, ; stylish KENS INGTON and KENMOP' Q - clothes "fort gentlemert'4 v the neWest and test thatv? the market .affords Tr' r$H.5Q to $40 Everything in the store . suits, overcoats, hats, . furnishings was carefully t selected frbm the choices! - showings of fall linesj ; You'll see nothing here I that isn't absolutely up-to- the-minute - high grade'; " but not high priced .7 MAGEE k DEEMER - 413 So. 16th. b 1, 1 ,